A Survey on Algorithmic Problems in Wireless Systems
Simon Thelen, Klaus Volbert and Danilo Weber Nunes
Faculty of Computer Science and Mathematics, Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule Regensburg, Germany
Algorithms, WSNs, Survey, Network Construction, Routing, Interference, Localization, Charging, Latency.
Considering the ongoing growth of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) and the challenges they pose due
to their hardware limitations as well as the intrinsic complexity of their interactions, specialized algorithms
have the potential to help solving these challenges. We present a survey on recent developments regarding
algorithmic problems which have applications in wireless systems and WSNs in particular. Focusing on the
intersection between WSNs and algorithms, we give an overview of recent results inside this intersection,
concerning topics such as routing, interference minimization, latency reduction, localization among others.
Progress on solving these problems could be potentially beneficial for the industry as a whole by increasing
network throughput, reducing latency or making systems more energy-efficient. We summarize and structure
these recent developments and list interesting open problems to be investigated in future works.
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) have been steadily
growing in significance over the past two decades and,
in light of the ongoing shifts in the energy and indus-
try sector, appear to continue to do so in the future. By
2025, the number of online Internet-of-Things (IoT)
devices is expected to reach nearly 75 billion (Ikpe-
hai et al., 2019). Nodes in a WSN commonly have
many restrictions regarding their processing power,
range of communication and their limited energy sup-
ply, often being battery-powered (Singh and Kumar,
2012). These limitations impose additional compli-
cations when designing solutions to known problems
such as package routing, electromagnetic interference
(EMI), latency, among others.
Meanwhile, there have been many interesting ad-
vances in the field of algorithms in recent years con-
cerning problems such as maximum flow (Bl
et al., 2021; Abboud et al., 2022), dominating set
(Abu-Khzam et al., 2022), or graph coloring (Ghaf-
fari and Kuhn, 2022; Ansari et al., 2022). It becomes
evident that these algorithmic problems have applica-
tions in problems faced in the WSN field. Advances
in the field of algorithms could lead to higher over-
all network efficiency due to better routing strategies.
They could increase the network’s throughput with
improved network architectures or reduce its energy
consumption by using more efficient algorithms, to
name a few possible improvements. This overlap of
WSNs and algorithms holds promising new advance-
ments and is an area to be explored. To the best of our
knowledge, there has not been a survey work combin-
ing both areas of research.
In this survey, we present algorithmic problems
in wireless systems that researchers from both fields
are currently working on. We examine where signif-
icant progress has been made and explore open ques-
tions and possible further developments. We have se-
lected twenty papers published in the last five years
which address interesting problems that in our opin-
ion best represent the intersection between algorithms
and WSNs (refer to Table 1).
This work is structured as follows: In Sections 1
to 9 we detail the findings of our survey grouped by
topic. In Section 10 we summarize the work’s conclu-
sions and outline possible further research directions.
For problems like routing or interference reduction,
the network is often viewed as a pre-existing entity.
In practice, though, the construction/deployment of
the network can be equally important. Multiple recent
results deal with the process of building up a network
graph or extending an existing one.
Mertzios et al. analyzed a specific version of a
growth process with possible applications for WSNs
Thelen, S., Volbert, K. and Nunes, D.
A Survey on Algorithmic Problems in Wireless Systems.
DOI: 10.5220/0011791200003399
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Sensor Networks (SENSORNETS 2023), pages 101-111
ISBN: 978-989-758-635-4; ISSN: 2184-4380
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
Table 1: A list of the papers which are part of this survey, grouped by topic and categorized by which algorithmic aspects they
are predominately concerned with: creating theoretical models describing real-life problems in WSNs; presenting algorithms
that solve these problems fully, approximately or heuristically; performing mostly theoretical analyses, for example regarding
the hardness of specific problems.
Modeling Algorithms Analysis
Network construction
and initialization
(Mertzios et al., 2021) X X X
o et al., 2019) X X X
(Miller, 2019) X X
(Jung et al., 2019) X X
(Kuo, 2019) X X X
otte et al., 2021) X X
(Galesi et al., 2019) X
(Abu-Affash et al., 2020) X X X
(Tsai et al., 2019) X X
(Esperet et al., 2021) X X
(Schindelhauer et al., 2019) X X
(Bose et al., 2020) X X
(Lv et al., 2019) X X
Charging and
energy harvesting
(Madhja et al., 2018) X X
(Hanschke and Renner, 2019) X
Reducing latency
(Karakostas and Kolliopoulos, 2022) X X X
(de Berg et al., 2019) X X
Population protocols (Raskin, 2021) X X
(Betti Sorbelli et al., 2022) X X
(Danilchenko et al., 2020) X X
where a graph grows from a starting vertex in a crys-
talline fashion and edges are allowed to be removed
later (Mertzios et al., 2021) (excess edges). In each
time slot, vertices and edges can be added accord-
ing to specific rules and the process terminates if all
vertices of the target graph and a super-set of the
edges have been added. The authors recognize a
trade-off between the number of time slots needed
and the number of excess edges. They show that
using poly-logarithmically many time slots, any tree
can be grown needing O(n) excess edges and any
planar graph can be grown using O(n logn) excess
edges. For the case of not allowing any excess edges,
the authors prove that, assuming P 6= NP, there is
no polynomial-time algorithm that finds the shortest
growth schedule and no polynomial-time approxima-
tion algorithm for finding the shortest growth sched-
ule with an approximation ratio of n
(for every
ε > 1). There remain many open questions concern-
ing the problem presented in the paper: It is unclear
if the problem of growing a (general) graph using the
fewest number of (excess) edges is NP-hard. The pa-
per mainly focuses on the two extremes in terms of
the number of excess edges, namely there being zero
excess edges and there being lots (log(n)), leaving the
space between the two extremes largely unexplored.
A different kind of growth is known as graph aug-
mentation. Here, given a graph, one should add the
minimum number of edges to achieve a certain condi-
tion, like making the graph connected. This problem
is not new and has already been studied in the 70s
(Eswaran and Tarjan, 1976). Cor‘o et al. analyzed
a different variant of this problem where you are al-
lowed to add a fixed number of edges to maximize the
total gained connectivity, i.e. the number of reachable
nodes, summed over all nodes (Cor
o et al., 2019). The
authors present algorithms that solve a generalization
of this problem optimally for trees and approximately
for DAGs with one source (node with in-degree zero)
and one sink (node with out-degree zero). They show
that for general graphs with only one source and one
sink the problem is NP-complete. They also show that
in general this version of the problem is NP-hard to
approximate within a factor of 1
. The authors are
also interested in solving the problem for DAGs for
multiple sources and sinks. It would also be inter-
esting to solve a version of the problem where each
added edge costs a specified amount and there is a
limited budget.
For many problems in WSNs, such as routing,
it is essential for nodes to know the nodes in their
neighborhood beforehand. This problem is known
as neighbor discovery. In a recent paper, Miller in-
vestigated multiple dynamic variants of neighbor dis-
covery, being able to show that all of these can be
reduced to a single problem, further named δ-local
gossip (Miller, 2019). For δ-local gossip, every node
in the network has a piece of information it wants to
send to nearby nodes. After a certain time interval,
each node v should have transmitted its information to
the nodes which were inside a δ-multiple of vs trans-
mission range at some point during the execution of
the algorithm. After all nodes have managed to do so,
every node should terminate. Miller presents an algo-
SENSORNETS 2023 - 12th International Conference on Sensor Networks
rithm that solves δ-local gossip for moving nodes on
a line with bounded velocity. The author is interested
in how a solution to this problem might be improved
if the movement of nodes is partially known, which is
common for practical applications like public trans-
portation or self-driving vehicles. As the work shows
the general applicability of δ-local gossip for neigh-
bor discovery problems, investigating to which other
kinds of problems δ-local gossip can be applied to
might be an interesting topic for future research.
One of the most important problems in WSNs is how
to route messages from one node to another.
3.1 Radio Holes and Ad Hoc Networks
Routing is especially challenging for dynamically
changing ad hoc networks where the overhead of
many classical routing approaches, which were de-
signed for relatively static networks, is simply too
high. Consequently, there has been a lot of algo-
rithmic research concerning ”on-demand” or ”online”
routing protocols. One issue of a greedy strategy like
sending each message to the closest neighbor is that
moving nodes can create radio holes, which might re-
quire some messages to take long detours to reach
their destination (Jung et al., 2019). There have been
multiple approaches to address this problem. Kuhn et
al. presented a routing algorithm which is both fast in
practice and proven to be asymptotically optimal in
the worst-case in the sense that it achieves an asymp-
totically optimal competitive ratio compared to the
best-possible offline algorithm under certain assump-
tions like reliance on local information only (Kuhn
et al., 2003). Another result (R
uhrup and Schindel-
hauer, 2006) proves asymptotic optimality in a grid-
like setting with possibly failed nodes.
A recent paper (Jung et al., 2019) approaches the
problem of radio holes by, in addition to the regu-
lar short-range communication, giving nodes limited
access to long-distance communication (e.g. satellite,
cellular). They present an O(log
n) communication-
round algorithm to compute an abstract version of the
network (called an overlay network) which includes
both the short- and long-distance connections and re-
sults in c-competitive routing paths for some constant
c. Their algorithm heavily relies on the convex hulls
of the radio holes in the network and assumes that the
convex hulls do not overlap. It would be interesting to
know how the problem can be solved if this restriction
is lifted. The authors also mainly focus on the case of
a static network, although they present a dynamic so-
lution based on recomputing the overlay network pe-
riodically. It seems likely that this relatively simple
method can be improved.
There is a strong algorithmic connection between
routing and many classical graph-theoretic problems.
Much attention in recent research has been on the
DOMINATINGSET problem, which in its simplest
form can be formulated as follows Given an undi-
rected graph G = (V,E), find the smallest vertex sub-
set S V , such that for every vertex v V \S, there
exists an adjacent vertex v
S. This NP-complete
problem has useful applications for routing: As every
node is adjacent to at least one node in the dominating
set, routing can be simplified by only having nodes in
the dominating set function as routers (Kuhn and Wat-
tenhofer, 2003). A common variant of this problem is
induced by the dominating set must be connected.
A connected dominating set in a network is espe-
cially useful for routing as it can be used as a virtual
backbone: For any two nodes s,t, there exists a path
from s to t such that each node on that path (except for
possibly s and t) is part of the virtual backbone. Moti-
vated by this idea, a natural problem to study is: What
is the smallest virtual backbone (connected dominat-
ing set) such that the number of internal nodes neces-
sary to get from any node s to any node t increases at
most by a factor of α?. This is known as the Con-
nected Dominating Set Problem with Routing Cost
Constraint (CDR-α). As discovered by (Ding et al.,
2011), you do not actually need to consider all pairs
(s,t), but only those with a shortest distance of 2,
resulting in the 1-DR-α problem: Any approxima-
tion algorithm for 1-DR-α applies CDR-α as well,
retaining its approximation ratio. The difficulty of
CDR-α largely depends on the choice of α: For
α = 1, there exists an O(log n)-approximation algo-
rithm, by reducing the problem to SETCOVER (Ding
et al., 2011). For sufficiently large α, the problem
can be reduced to regular CONNECTEDDOMINAT-
INGSET, again yielding an O(log n)-approximation
algorithm (Guha and Khuller, 1998). So the question
arises: Does there exist a polynomial-time O(log n)-
approximation algorithm for every α 2 (Du and
Wan, 2013)? In a recent paper, Kuo was able to
show that the answer to this questions is no by prov-
ing that no polynomial-time 2
algorithm exists for any constant ε > 0, assuming
that NP * DTIME(n
poly logn
) (Kuo, 2019). How-
ever, the authors do present an O
approximation algorithm for any constant α > 1 as
well as an O(
nlog n)-approximation algorithm for
α 5. They also show that 1-DR-α (and therefore
A Survey on Algorithmic Problems in Wireless Systems
CDR-α) can be viewed as a special case of the SUB-
IMUMRAINBOWSUBGRAPH problem. If better ap-
proximation algorithms for those problems are found
in the future, this might lead to better approximation
algorithms for CDR-α.
An NP-complete problem which is closely related
to DOMINATINGSET is SETCOVER. Here, a universe
of elements U and a set of subsets S of U is given
(s S : s U) and the objective is to find the small-
est number of sets in S whose union equals U, i.e.
these subsets cover U completely. In terms of approx-
imability, DOMINATINGSET and SETCOVER are in
some sense almost the same problem as they can be
converted into each other using L-reductions (Kann,
1992). Approximating these problems in a distributed
setting has been studied extensively: e.g. DOMINAT-
INGSET in (Kuhn and Wattenhofer, 2003; Jia et al.,
2002) and SETCOVER in (Kuhn et al., 2006).
A recent paper (G
otte et al., 2021) tackles SET-
COVER in a distributed model where each node rep-
resents either an element of U or of S and edges rep-
resent -relations. Previous results focused on the
LOCAL the CONGEST model where in each time step
nodes can send distinct messages to all their neigh-
bors. This new result considers two different models:
In the KT
-CONGEST model, each of the n nodes can
send one O(logn) size message per time step to some
or all of its neighbors. In the BEEPING model, at ev-
ery time step a node can either beep or receive. Re-
ceiving nodes only learn whether or not at least one
neighboring node has beeped in the current time step.
The KT
-CONGEST algorithm presented achieves an
expected approximation ratio of O(log ), requiring
) time and
· n) messages with high
probability where is the maximum node degree in
the communication graph (
O hides poly-logarithmic
factors). The BEEPING algorithm takes O(k
) for
any chosen k > 3, achieving an approximation ratio
of O
() ·
. The parameter k allows fine-
tuning the trade-off between approximation ratio and
runtime. The known lower bound for reaching an
approximation ratio of O(
) is O(k) (Kuhn et al.,
2006). If the problem can be solved in o(k
) with the
same approximation ratio is still an open question.
3.2 Tomography
In order to route messages from one node to another,
it is integral to know if all nodes along the way are
up and running correctly. An interesting approach
for doing this is network tomography, specifically
Boolean network tomography where one only con-
siders the paths that past messages were sent along.
If one message does not reach its destination, one
can deduce that at least one of the nodes along the
path does not work correctly. Using multiple of these
kinds of deductions, failed nodes can be identified.
There has been lots of research concerning tomogra-
phy (Kakkavas et al., 2020; Gray et al., 2020). Galesi
et al. studied the influence of vertex connectivity on
Boolean network tomography (Galesi et al., 2019).
Vertex connectivity of a graph is defined as the min-
imum number of vertices which need to be removed
until the graph is not connected anymore. The au-
thors use the measure of maximal identifiability to de-
scribe how well Boolean tomography identifies non-
working nodes in a network. They prove tight bounds
on the relationship between vertex connectivity and
maximal identifiability for so-called Line of Sight net-
works and weaker bounds for general networks. They
also extend these results to random graphs.
Minimizing interference is clearly one of the most
fundamental and most relevant problems in WSNs.
4.1 Optimizing Transmission Ranges
In theoretic works regarding interference minimiza-
tion, researchers distinguish the asymmetric model
(Agrawal and Das, 2013), where a node u can send
messages to some other node v if and only if v is in-
side us transmission range, and the symmetric model
orsson and Tokuyama, 2008), where u addi-
tionally has to be inside vs transmission range.
In a widely studied interference-related problem,
nodes are located at fixed positions in the 2D plane,
and the task is to select the transmission range of each
node to achieve minimum interference while retain-
ing the connectedness of the network. In the sender-
centric model (Moaveninejad and Li, 2005), the in-
terference of each node is defined as the number of
nodes in its transmission range and the network’s in-
terference is defined as the maximum node interfer-
ence. The receiver-centric model (Von Rickenbach
et al., 2009) defines the network’s interference anal-
ogously in terms of receiving nodes. This receiver-
centric notion seems to be the most widely accepted
in the literature. While sender-centric interference
can be minimized in polynomial time (Moaveninejad
and Li, 2005) in both the symmetric and asymmet-
ric model, minimizing receiver-centric interference is
NP-hard (Buchin, 2008; Brise et al., 2014). Interfer-
ence can also be modelled in terms of graph edges
instead of vertices. In (Meyer auf der Heide et al.,
SENSORNETS 2023 - 12th International Conference on Sensor Networks
2004), the interference of an edge (u,v) is defined as
the number of other edges whose endpoints lie within
the transmission range of u or of v.
Instead of minimizing the maximum node inter-
ference, some researchers focus on minimizing the
sum of of all node interferences: total interference.
Since the sum of all in-degrees in a graph is equal
to the sum of all out-degrees, sender-centric and
receiver-centric total interference is identical. Sig-
nificant progress has been made in analyzing the to-
tal interference in the symmetric network model for
both the 2D and the 1D case, where all nodes lie on
a straight line. While the 1D case can be solved opti-
mally in O(n
) time (Tan et al., 2011), the 2D case is
NP-hard (Lam et al., 2010). However, for the 2D case,
an O(log n)-approximation algorithm exists (Mosci-
broda and Wattenhofer, 2005) as well as an algorithm
that guarantees O(log n) total interference for all in-
puts (Fussen et al., 2005).
Abu-Affash et al. consider the problem of mini-
mizing total interference in the asymmetric network
model (Abu-Affash et al., 2020). Analogously to the
previous results on the symmetric variant, this new
paper shows that solving the 1D case optimally is
feasible in polynomial time by presenting an O(n
algorithm. The authors prove that the 2D case is
NP-hard, but they do present a 2-approximation algo-
rithm. They conjecture that techniques of their 1D al-
gorithm could be used to improve the running time of
the corresponding algorithm for the symmetric model.
In general, many questions regarding interference
minimization still seem to not have satisfying an-
swers. The problem of minimizing maximum node
interference in the receiver-centric model seems to be
particularly challenging. Apart from its NP-hardness,
not much seems to be known about this problem.
4.2 Graph Coloring
Interference in WSNs can be reduced by using mul-
tiple frequencies/channels. This motivates the prob-
lem of selecting the right channel for any given mes-
sage. In practice, nodes in a WSN often have multiple
network interfaces and can consequently send/receive
on multiple channels at the same time. To reduce in-
terference, neighboring nodes can send/receive mes-
sages using different frequencies. The connection be-
tween problems regarding channel selection in WSNs
and the graph theoretic problems EDGECOLORING
and STRONGEDGECOLORING has long been known
(Barrett et al., 2006). EDGECOLORING is the prob-
lem of coloring the edges of a graph, using as few
colors as possible, such that no two adjacent edges
have the same color. STRONGEDGECOLORING ad-
ditionally requires that the endpoints for no pair of
same-color edges are connected via a single edge.
In the context of WSNs, these two graph problems
are strongly related to problems of avoiding primary
and secondary interference respectively. Although
the NP-hardness of both EDGECOLORING (Holyer,
1981) and STRONGEDGECOLORING (Stockmeyer
and Vazirani, 1982) has been proven, there is still ac-
tive research concerning the two problems (Saberi and
Wajc, 2021; Balliu et al., 2022). There are also many
open questions regarding the strong variant. It has
been conjectured that the optimal strong edge color-
ing of any graph uses at most 5
/4 colors where
is the maximum node degree (Hal
asz and S
os, 1989).
Despite some significant progress, this conjecture re-
mains unproven (Deng et al., 2019).
Tsai et al. studied the multi-channel assignment
problem. Here, each node in the network has r radio
interfaces which for each time slot can send/receive
on one of k possible channels (Tsai et al., 2019). The
goal is to find a channel schedule for all nodes that op-
timizes a certain objective function. In contrast to pre-
vious results, which focused on maximizing the total
number of connections per time slot or on minimizing
the time needed for sending a given list of messages
(Chaporkar et al., 2008; Kumar et al., 2004), Tsai et
al. focus on minimizing latency. More specifically,
they try to find a periodic schedule which minimizes
, where E is the set of edges, T
is the max-
imum message delay of any message sent along edge
i for that schedule, and w
is edge is weight. The
authors show that for unit weights and r = 1, their
channel assignment problem reduces to EDGECOL-
ORING for k bn/2c and to STRONGEDGECOLOR-
ING for k = 1. In addition, they present an approxi-
mation algorithm for general weights which is based
on the idea of duplicating edges depending on their
weight. Simulations confirm that the proposed algo-
rithms work well even if they are generalized to r > 1.
In the future, this result might be extended to a more
realistic interference model, such as SINR (Signal-to-
Interference-plus-Noise Ratio), or even to other kinds
of scheduling problems.
As seen above, channel selection has clear algo-
rithmic connections to edge coloring problems. If
we consider the one-channel-case, avoiding simulta-
neously sending, neighboring nodes has a surprising
link to coloring a graph’s vertices: If all nodes with
color A send first, then all nodes with color B and so
on, no two nodes within transmission distance of each
other will send simultaneously. Esperet et al. tack-
led the problem of coloring a unit disk graph with as
few colors as possible in a distributed setting with lo-
cal communication, specifically in the LOCAL model
A Survey on Algorithmic Problems in Wireless Systems
where only the communication rounds count towards
the running time (Esperet et al., 2021). In the case that
nodes know their location, the authors present an al-
gorithm which produces a (3 + ε)ω(G) + 6-coloring
in O(1) rounds of communication for any constant
ε > 0 where ω(G) is the size of the largest clique.
For certain kinds of graphs (McDiarmid and Reed,
1999; McDiarmid, 2003), this is an improvement over
a previously-known 3-approximation algorithm. In
the case that nodes do not know their location, Es-
peret et al. demonstrate how to achieve a 5.68ω(G)-
coloring in O(log
logn) rounds with high probability
and, assuming that ω(G) = O(1), how to achieve such
a coloring in O(log
n) rounds deterministically. Adi-
tionally, the authors show that the average degree of
any unit disk graph G is at most 5.68ω(G). They con-
jecture that this can be improved to 4ω(G). The au-
thors are interested in whether algorithms might exist
that achieve cω(G)-colorings for a lower c under dif-
ferent round constraints. Additionally, it might be in-
teresting to know if similar techniques can be applied
to general disk graphs where nodes can have different
transmission ranges.
In general, there are many open questions in the
field of graph coloring. For unit graphs in particular,
we know that the minimum number of colors needed
for coloring a graph is at most 3ω(G) 2, but little
progress has been made in improving the constant 3
in this result (Esperet et al., 2021).
4.3 Constructive Interference
Although interference in wireless systems should usu-
ally try to be avoided, there exists the concept of con-
structive interference where multiple signals overlap
in such a way that they amplify each other. Schin-
delhauer et al. study a problem where one node needs
to broadcast a signal to every other node as quickly
as possible using constructive interference (Schindel-
hauer et al., 2019). In particular, they are interested
in the multiple input/multiple output model (MIMO)
where multiple nodes can cooperate to produce a
stronger signal. Instead of trying to broadcast a real
message, the main focus lies on the collaboration as-
pect to achieve the signal strength needed so the sig-
nal can be detected in a noisy environment. The algo-
rithm presented needs O(log logn log log ρ) rounds
to broadcast a message where n is the number of
nodes and ρ is the node density. The authors ignore
interference effects which would arise when sending
an actual message. Message encodings that would
prevent these effects might be an interesting area of
research. The authors also assume a path loss expo-
nent of α = 2 in their work. Despite some conjectures,
the situation for larger values of α is left unexplored.
Another interesting topic in wireless networks is lo-
calizing nodes. Global protocols like GPS guarantee
accurate localization in many cases. However, they
have relatively high power-consumption and do not
work in indoor situations. Alternatively, the known
location of some nodes (often called anchors) is used
to determine the positions of all nodes. Multiple
methods have been proposed, including triangulation
(Savarese et al., 2001), multi-dimensional scaling (Ji
and Zha, 2004) and trilateration (Moore et al., 2004)
where, given the positions of two points of a triangle
and the lengths of all three sides, the position of the
third point can be deduced.
Bose et al. study the problem of localizing nodes
in a unit-disk graph by starting at only three anchors
and localizing other nodes using trilateration (Bose
et al., 2020). Assuming RP 6= NP where RP is the
complexity class commonly known as ”Randomized
Polynomial-time”, this localization problem is NP-
hard even if it is known that there exists a unique solu-
tion (Aspnes et al., 2004). The authors therefore focus
on localizing only some of the nodes. They define a
node to be interior if every point on the boundary of
its unit disk is covered by at least one other unit disk.
A node is strongly interior if it and all its neighbors
are interior. The authors propose a distributed algo-
rithm that localizes at least all strongly interior nodes
given three strongly interior anchor nodes, assuming
all strongly interior nodes are connected. There are
multiple ways to generalize their approach: What if
the graph of all strongly interior nodes consists of
multiple connected components? What if the trans-
mission range of different nodes is different? etc.
Approaches like (Bose et al., 2020) rely on the
assumption that distances between nodes can be de-
termined accurately. In practice, these distances can
only be approximated. But in some scenarios even
that is not possible. The authors of (Lv et al., 2019)
design a localization model, which they call BSLoc,
based on telecommunication localization. It uses base
stations of a telecommunication network (e.g. cellu-
lar), which the device is connected to. Typically, the
radio signal strength indications (RSSI) of the base
stations are used as a distance estimator to localize de-
vices (Vaghefi et al., 2011; Zhu et al., 2016; Margolies
et al., 2017). Lv et al. are interested in how to locate
devices if these signal strengths are not known. They
propose a two-level solution where a Hidden Markov
Model in the first level produces a rough location esti-
SENSORNETS 2023 - 12th International Conference on Sensor Networks
mate which is improved by a machine learning model
in the second level. Their method uses both historical
data as well as speed information of the devices and
achieves comparable results to state-of-the-art RSSI-
based methods in their experiments.
Nodes in WSNs are usually battery-powered. To re-
duce maintenance, they are often capable of recharg-
ing their batteries. The authors of (Hanschke and
Renner, 2019) study the scheduling of tasks which
are performed on WSN nodes under time and energy
constraints, with the additional complication that sen-
sors are powered using energy harvesting, specifically
using solar power. Sensors perform tasks like mea-
suring humidity or fine dust with (time) dependencies
between tasks, such as ”to measure fine dust, a re-
cent humidity measurement must exist”. Sensors can
charge their internal capacitor if the current energy
is insufficient to complete the next task. Given an
energy prediction for a future time period, the goal
is to maximize the number of (periodically executed)
tasks that are performed. Using a concept called task
graphs, the authors solve the problem with an integer
linear program solver. Using a simple performance
comparison, the authors conjecture that their algo-
rithm works even on low-end hardware under reason-
able time constraints. They do not, however, provide
an actual implementation to verify this claim.
Another concept in WSNs is Wireless Power
Transfer. Madhja et al. investigated the situation
of an ad hoc network consisting of multiple mobile
agents, moving on a random-walk-like path, and a
single static charging device with a specified finite
energy supply, capable of charging the batteries of
nearby agents (Madhja et al., 2018). The objective
is to have the network up and running for as long as
possible using the given energy supply. Unlike other
publications, they allow for changing the charging
power (and therefore charging range) dynamically.
The energy received by each device is determined by
a simplified version of the Friis transmission equation
(Friis, 1946). The authors demonstrate the theoret-
ical benefit of using an adaptive charging range by
showing that any fixed charging range is sub-optimal
for at least one possible agent scenario. They also
show that, under slightly simplified conditions, find-
ing the optimal charging range schedule offline is NP-
hard. Then, they present several heuristic approaches
to solving the problem online, showing the practical-
ity of these approaches using experiments. It might
be interesting to investigate if better results can be
achieved by considering the predictable behavior of
real-life agents (e.g. using machine learning).
The paper (Tsai et al., 2019) mentioned in Section 4
deals with the problem of selecting radio channels to
reduce latency. Interestingly, multiple other recent
works have latency reduction as a common theme.
Karakostas and Kolliopoulos study a problem
with applications in 2-way synchronization for Digi-
tal Twins (Karakostas and Kolliopoulos, 2022). For
Digital Twins, data typically should be kept fresh,
meaning as up-to-date as possible. One challenge
when trying to achieve this is that critical resources
like CPUs or are often shared by multiple Twins. If
a Twin task takes c clock cycles and the allowed time
constraint equals T cycles, then the total number of
simultaneous tasks on that CPU cannot exceed
The authors formulate a generalized version of this
problem where n tasks are distributed onto m ma-
chines. For each task i and machine j, a so-called
tolerance constraint u
i j
is defined as follows: If task
i is assigned to machine j, then machine j can have
at most u
i j
tasks in total, including task i. The au-
thors analyze two optimization variants of this prob-
lem: In the first variant, each job has a weight and the
goal is to maximize the total weight of the assigned
jobs assigned under the given constraints. The au-
thors present a (1
)-approximation algorithm for
this variant. For the second variant, tolerance con-
straints can be loosened by a global scaling factor
ρ 1. The goal is to minimize ρ so all tasks can be
assigned. The authors prove that, assuming P 6= NP,
there is no polynomial-time (n
for this variant, even if all machines share tolerance
constraints. They prove even stronger hardness re-
sults for specific approaches, namely the configura-
tion linear program (LP) and quadratic programming.
The gap between the general hardness result and these
specific hardness results is mentioned by the authors
as an open problem.
Another latency-focused result deals with broad-
casting messages. Broadcasting algorithms are often
evaluated using metrics like throughput. De Berg et
al. instead focus on displacement: How much do the
packets of the message arrive out of order (de Berg
et al., 2019)? For any node and any time step, the au-
thors define displacement as the difference between
the number of the latest packet received and the num-
ber of the earliest packet which has not been received
yet. Low displacement can reduce buffer sizes as well
A Survey on Algorithmic Problems in Wireless Systems
as latency. The authors analyze different broadcasting
algorithms that try to minimize displacement, show-
ing that these algorithms tend to maximize through-
put as well. However, which kinds of applications
are most positively affected by displacement-focused
broadcast algorithms still needs to be investigated.
Many methods and frameworks can be used to de-
fine how the elements in a network are connected and
communicate. One of them is population protocols.
Population protocols were first proposed by (An-
gluin et al., 2004) and are a powerful and flexible
communication and computing model, especially for
mobile ad hoc networks (Aspnes and Ruppert, 2009).
A population protocol consists of a collection of sim-
ple and mobile agents, which can assume a finite set
of states. Like in a WSN, these agents are allowed
to communicate if they are close. This communica-
tion is somewhat limited, as a scheduler determines
which agents will interact. These interactions cause
a state update for the two agents involved and are
based on a defined transition table. Agents have a
constant amount of memory to hold their state. An
agent’s movement is unpredictable but is subject to
constraints to keep the system fair, in other words, all
agents must have a chance to be selected for interac-
tion. As all agents have the same set of states and
are updated using the same set of rules, they can be
considered to be virtually anonymous.
The interactions between the nodes carry the com-
putation along. As shown by (Angluin et al., 2007b),
in a setup where there are no restrictions on which
agents can interact (i.e. fair scheduling), if the given
predicates are semilinear, meaning that they are defin-
able in first-order Presburger arithmetic (Presburger,
1929), these predicates are always computable by
population protocols. This allows population proto-
cols to perform quite powerful computations.
A population protocol is formally defined by the
tuple (Q, Σ, Y , ι, ω, δ), where Q is the set of states,
Σ the set of input and Y the set of output symbols,
ι : Σ Q the function that maps the input to an inter-
nal state, ω : Q Y the function that maps the agent’s
internal state to an output and δ : Q ×Q Q ×Q the
function that defines the state transitions of two in-
teracting agents. Eventually the output of all agents
will converge to the same value. This structure de-
fines a very generic and flexible framework. Different
tasks, network topologies, communication protocols,
and other aspects of a WSN can be modelled and even
integrated in the network itself. Due to their simplic-
ity, population protocols can be implemented using
essentially just three lookup tables. This allows them
to run on even extremely low-powered hardware.
Consider the following IO population proto-
col: Σ=Y =Q={0,?,1}, ι and ω are the iden-
tity function, δ = {(0, 0) (0, 0), (?,0) (0,0),
(1,0) (?,0),(0,?) (0,?), (?,?) (?,?), (1, ?)
(1,?),(0, 1) (?,1), (?,1) (1, 1),(1,1) (1,0)}.
In O(n logn) interactions, this simple population pro-
tocol is able to determine with high probability which
state (1 or 0) the majority of the agents were in at the
beginning of the execution (Angluin et al., 2007a).
Populations protocols can also be applied to more
complex tasks, such as counting. By defining δ =
{(a,b) (b
e)}, the population protocol
can not only determine the majority state, but also by
what margin it was the majority in O(n logn) interac-
tions (Mocquard et al., 2015).
Michail and Spirakis studied another important,
real-world application of population protocols. By al-
lowing each agent to store not only its current state,
but also its connection state, it enables populations
protocols to eventually generate a stable spanning star
network topology (Michail and Spirakis, 2014). The
method works under dynamic conditions, enabling a
network to adapt over time in response to an increased
network load and thus improving its total capacity.
Message loss can also be added to the agent’s
communication dynamic by simply adding the pos-
sibility of only one agent updating its local state and
the state of the other agent involved in the communi-
cation remaining unchanged, as if the communication
did not happen (Raskin, 2021).
The combination of the last two works could lead
to interesting further developments not only for the
field of population protocols but also to the broader
WSN field, improving dynamic topology generation
and the network’s resiliency to network instabilities.
Multiple recent works deal with algorithmic problems
motivated by applications for aerial drones.
Sorbelli et al. considered a smart agriculture
scenario where sensors are deployed in an area
(Betti Sorbelli et al., 2022). Instead of using a multi-
hop approach to transmit the data to a depot, a drone
is used. This drone starts at the depot, flies across
the area, collecting data from the sensors, and returns
to the depot. The drone’s storage and energy sup-
ply is limited. Some data like images might have
a higher priority or weight. The authors define the
Single-drone Data-collection Maximization Problem
SENSORNETS 2023 - 12th International Conference on Sensor Networks
as finding the drone ”mission” (consisting of a path
and the data to collect) which maximizes the mis-
sion’s reward, i.e. the sum of the collected data’s
weights. The authors show that the problem is NP-
hard. They also present an approximation algorithm,
based on known approximation algorithms for KNAP-
two simple heuristic solutions. All three algorithms
perform well on synthetically generated data. In-
teresting extensions to this problem include multiple
drones or a more realistic model for the drone’s en-
ergy. It might be interesting to know in which scenar-
ios this unusual drone setup is advantageous.
Danilchenko et al. studied the (NP-hard) problem
of covering points in the 2D plane with a fixed number
circular disks or squares of identical size, maximizing
the weighted sum of all covered points (Danilchenko
et al., 2020). As motivation, the authors name is a
surveillance application where a small and fixed num-
ber of aerial drones with a certain view radius cover
a large number of ground users. The authors study
both the static case and the dynamic case under user
additions and deletions. Two models are considered:
In the case that all drones can communicate, the au-
thors use a known PTAS for the static version (Jin
et al., 2018; Khuller et al., 2014) to solve the dy-
namic version with approximition ratio 4 for disks and
7 for squares, needing O(n log n) initiliaztion time and
O(logn) update time. For the second model, drones
can only communicate if they are within a distance of
, a constant parameter, under the `
norm. As-
suming the number of drones is increased from m to
m), the authors present an O(1)-approximation
algorithm dynamic case with the same running times.
The fields of WSNs and algorithms are constantly
evolving. Many advances have been made in recent
years, not only by solving old problems but also by
creating entire new fields of research. In this survey,
we presented some important challenges and current
developments in algorithmic problems with potential
applications in WSN systems. We also detailed pos-
sible further research paths that have the potential to
significantly advance and improve current WSNs.
Particularly interesting are in our opinion the de-
velopments concerning interference reduction (Sec-
tion 4) and population protocols (Section 8). There
are many open interference-related problems which
are worth exploring, including minimizing receiver-
centric maximum interference as well as some open
questions concerning vertex and edge coloring in a
graph. Population protocols present an interesting ap-
proach to model a wireless system. We believe them
to have many practical applications left to explore.
In conclusion, there is a clear connection between
advances in algorithmic research and WSNs improve-
ments and we believe it should be further explored.
This work was supported by the Regensburg Center of
Energy and Resources (RCER). Further information
under www.rcer.de.
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A Survey on Algorithmic Problems in Wireless Systems