You Can Dance! Generating Music-Conditioned Dances on Real 3D
Elona Dupont
, Inder Pal Singh
, Laura Lopez Fuentes
, Sk Aziz Ali
, Anis Kacem
Enjie Ghorbel
and Djamila Aouada
SnT, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Dance Generation, 3D Human Scan, 3D Animation, 3D Human Body Modeling.
The generation of realistic body dances that are coherent with music has recently caught the attention of the
Computer Vision community, due to its various real-world applications. In this work, we are the first to present
a fully automated framework ‘You Can Dance’ that generates a personalized music-conditioned 3D dance
sequence, given a piece of music and a real 3D human scan. ‘You Can Dance’ is composed of two modules:
(1) The first module fits a parametric body model to an input 3D scan; (2) the second generates realistic dance
poses that are coherent with music. These dance poses are injected into the body model to generate animated
3D dancing scans. Furthermore, the proposed framework is used to generate a synthetic dataset consisting of
music-conditioned dancing 3D body scans. A human-based evaluation study is conducted to assess the quality
and realism of the generated 3D dances. This study along with the qualitative results shows that the proposed
framework can generate plausible music-conditioned 3D dances.
With the recent advances in Artificial Intelligence
(AI), the creation of artistic content has impressively
progressed (Hernandez-Olivan and Beltran, 2021;
Ramesh et al., 2022; Pu and Shan, 2022). In particu-
lar, the task of music-conditioned body dance genera-
tion has attracted a lot of interest (Tang et al., 2018b;
Sun et al., 2020; Li et al., 2021; Siyao et al., 2022;
Pu and Shan, 2022). Given a music piece, the aim of
this task is to generate realistic human body dances
that are coherent with music. Developing automatic
systems for generating such dances plays an impor-
tant role in numerous real-world applications, e.g., as-
sisting in the design of choreography and driving vir-
tual characters performance (Siyao et al., 2022; K
2021). Previous works have focused on the generation
of realistic music-conditioned dance motions in the
form of 2D or 3D skeletons, and 3D template char-
acters (Lee et al., 2019; Huang et al., 2020; Li et al.,
2021; Siyao et al., 2022). However, the problem of
dance generation without the prior knowledge of the
3D character to animate remains underexplored.
Earlier attempts have generated 2D dancing skele-
tons by exploiting internet videos (Lee et al., 2019;
Huang et al., 2020). In particular, real video clips
with music and professional dances have been col-
lected and processed to extract 2D skeletons. This
data along with the corresponding music pieces have
been used for training different types of neural net-
works. In addition, Huang et al. (Huang et al., 2020)
have demonstrated the practical interest of produc-
ing music-conditioned 2D dancing skeletons. The
latter have been used for generating realistic RGB
videos of dances. This was achieved by transfer-
ring motion patterns of the 2D dancing skeletons to a
person in an input video/image using video-to-video
translation techniques (Wang et al., 2018). Another
branch of methods have focused on generating 3D
dancing skeletons (Tang et al., 2018b; Sun et al.,
2020; Li et al., 2021; Siyao et al., 2022; Pu and
Shan, 2022) using dedicated datasets. To lift the
ground-truth from 2D internet video clips to 3D, the
authors in (Sun et al., 2020) have used a 3D pose
estimation method and have employed the resulting
3D skeletons to train a Generative Adversarial Net-
Dupont, E., Singh, I., Fuentes, L., Ali, S., Kacem, A., Ghorbel, E. and Aouada, D.
You Can Dance! Generating Music-Conditioned Dances on Real 3D Scans.
DOI: 10.5220/0011790900003417
In Proceedings of the 18th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2023) - Volume 4: VISAPP, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-634-7; ISSN: 2184-4321
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
Figure 1: The ‘You Can Dance’ framework is composed of two main modules. The music to pose module generates a sequence
of pose parameters. This sequence represents a choreography obtained using the FACT model (Li et al., 2021) given an input
music. The model fitting module fits the pose, shape, and texture to a template SMPL model (Loper et al., 2015). Combining
these outputs, a music-conditioned animated 3D scan is obtained.
work (GAN). In (Tang et al., 2018a), an accurate
motion capture sensor has been utilized to acquire
3D skeletal dances performed by professional actors.
The collected data has been in turn employed to train
a Long-Short Term Memory (LSTM) autoencoder.
More recently, Li et al. (Li et al., 2021) have intro-
duced the AIST++ dataset which extends the AIST
dance benchmark (Tsuchida et al., 2019) by supply-
ing it with richer motion annotations such as 2D and
3D skeletons, rigid body transformations, and SMPL
motion parameters (Loper et al., 2015). These anno-
tations were particularly useful for bridging the gap
between the generation of dance motions and the ac-
tual animation of 3D characters dances. Multiple
works have proposed transformer-based architectures
for generating dances (Li et al., 2021; Huang et al.,
2022; Pu and Shan, 2022; Siyao et al., 2022), lever-
aging the prediction of SMPL motion parameters to
animate a 3D character template. However, to the best
of our knowledge, none of them have considered the
animation of personalized 3D characters, such as real
3D human scans acquired by dedicated sensors.
With the recent advances in 3D sensing and
vision-based human body modelling, it became pos-
sible to obtain human body models with high accu-
racy that can represent real humans in virtual environ-
ments (Pavlakos et al., 2019; Loper et al., 2015; Saint
et al., 2018; Saint et al., 2019). In this work, we pro-
pose to couple these 3D human modeling techniques
with dance generation approaches to produce music-
conditioned real 3D scans dancing in virtual environ-
ments. Given a textured 3D scan and a piece of mu-
sic, the proposed system, ‘You Can Dance’ , can auto-
matically animate 3D scans with synthetically gener-
ated dance motions. This is achieved by first fitting an
SMPL body model on a 3D scan to model its shape,
texture, and initial pose. Then, the dance motions are
generated using a recent method (Li et al., 2021) in
the form of SMPL pose parameters. Finally, the danc-
ing scan is obtained by replacing the initial SMPL
pose with the predicted SMPL poses of the dance
over time. Hence, the ‘You Can Dance’ framework
generates an animated 3D scan that realistically fol-
lows a uniquely generated choreography that is con-
sistent with an input piece of music. Alternatively,
the ground-truth dances from the AIST++ dataset (Li
et al., 2021) can also be used to animate 3D scans as
part of the ‘You Can Dance’ framework. As a result,
a novel dataset is synthetically generated by animat-
ing 3D real scans with different types of professional
choreography. The main contributions of this paper
can be summarized as follows:
To the best of our knowledge, we propose the
‘You Can Dance’ framework as the first automatic
system for music-conditioned dance animation of
real 3D scans.
we introduce a synthetic dataset consisting of ani-
mated 3D scans with dances performed by experts
following music. The ‘You Can Dance’ system
has been used to animate 3D scans from the
3DBodyTex.v2 dataset (Saint et al., 2020b) based
on dance motions from the AIST++ dataset (Li
et al., 2021).
we present a human-based study assessing the
quality of the automatically generated 3D dances
against the ground truth dances.
The rest of the paper is organized as fol-
lows. Section 2 formulates the problem of pro-
ducing music-conditioned dances on real 3D human
VISAPP 2023 - 18th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
scans. In Section 1, the proposed framework called
‘You Can Dance’ is described. The experiments and
discussions are sketched in Section 4. Finally, Sec-
tion 5 concludes the paper and draws some perspec-
Let m = {m
M be a given digital signal repre-
sentation of a music piece, with t referring to the time-
stamp, K to the set of sampled time-stamps, n to the
cardinality of K, and M to the space of digital signal
representation of all music pieces. Let us denote by
X X (S , P , U) a textured human body parametrized
by a shape s S , a pose p P , and a texture u U,
with S being the space of human shapes, P the space
of human poses, U the space of human body tex-
tures, and X (S, P , U) the human body space. Let
X (s, P , u) X (S , P , U) be the human body space
with fixed shape and texture. Let
K = {
an under-sampling of K at a given rate and n
the car-
dinality of
K. In this paper, our goal is to estimate a
function f : X (s, P , u) × M ×
K 7→ X (s, P , u) at each
time-stamp t
K that computes the animated textured
body shape X
coherently with the music m as fol-
= f (X, m, t) . (1)
3.1 Overview of the Framework
The ‘You Can Dance’ framework aims at automati-
cally animating a real 3D scan X
with a generated
dance that is coherent with a given piece of music
m. As depicted in Figure 1, the framework is com-
posed of two main components, namely, a model fit-
ting module followed by a music to pose module.
The function f defined in Equation (1) implies up-
dating the pose parameters of the input body while
fixing the shape and texture. However, a 3D scan
= (V
, F
, u
) is often represented by a set of n
vertices V
, a set of n
faces F
a texture parametrization u
, and a texture-
atlas A
in the form of an RGB image. Consequently,
does not encode any pose or shape parametriza-
tion. The proposed model fitting module parametrizes
the input scan X
with shape and pose parameters
through a function h
that is defined in Section 3.2.
The music to pose module takes as input a piece of
music m and generates a pose at each time-stamp t
through a function h
which is defined in Section 3.3.
Finally, the output poses generated by the music to
pose module are used to update the pose parameters
of the parametrized scan through a function g that is
described in Section 3.4. Overall, the function f de-
fined in Equation (1) is decomposed as follows,
= f (X
, m, t)
= g(h
), h
(m, t)) .
3.2 Model Fitting Module
We employ an integrated rigid alignment and non-
rigid surface fitting method (Saint et al., 2019) for au-
tomatic body model to body scan fitting task. More
formally, the role of this module is to fit a paramet-
ric body model X
, with pose and shape parame-
ters, to the input body scan X
through a function
: R
× N
× R
7→ X (S , P , u) such that,
= h
) . (3)
Figure 2: Body model to 3D scan fitting and texture transfer
In practice, this function h
is defined using an
SMPL body model fitting (Loper et al., 2015). As
performed in (Saint et al., 2019), this is achieved by
quantifying the SMPL pose parameters, which allows
the estimation of the shape parameters. Note that
SMPL has a fixed texture parametrization u, which
is different from that of the input scan. A texture
transfer from the scan to the fitted SMPL body model
is therefore necessary. Figure 2 shows the different
stages of our fitting and texture transfer process. In
order to estimate the pose parameters p, 3D keypoints
are predicted on the input 3D scan X
. These are ob-
tained by firstly predicting 2D body keypoints from
different 2D views of the scan using OpenPose
You Can Dance! Generating Music-Conditioned Dances on Real 3D Scans
tom part of Figure 2). The 2D keypoints are then
projected back to the 3D scan. Furthermore, a rigid
alignment is used to align the pose of the body model
with that of the input scan X
. Next, an As-
Rigid-As-Possible (ARAP) deformation is applied on
the segments of the SMPL body that correspond to
the keypoints detected on scan. The ARAP defor-
mation smoothly deforms the vertices around joints.
The shape parameters s are estimated such that the
shape of the model matches the scan. This shape fit-
ting is further refined using a non-rigid registration
technique (Saint et al., 2019). The final step consists
of transferring the texture of the scan X
to the fit-
ted SMPL model X
using a ray-casting algorithm
that propagates the texture information along the sur-
face normal directions as described in (Saint et al.,
2020a). Note that this step will preserve the texture
parametrization u of the SMPL body model.
3.3 Music to Pose Module
The role of the music to pose module is to gener-
ate a temporal sequence of SMPL pose parameters
, with p
P , given an input piece of music
m. This can be modelled as a function h
: M ×
K 7→
P that computes,
= h
(m, t) . (4)
Note that since the audio sampling rate is different
from the video frame rate, the number of audio sam-
ples card(K) = n in m differs from the number of cor-
responding poses card(
K) = ˆn. The output pose pa-
rameter sequence, {p
, represents a succession of
realistic human movements making a coherent chore-
ography with respect to the style and tempo of the in-
put music. As a proof of concept, the Full-Attention
Cross-modal Transformer (FACT) (Li et al., 2021)
model is chosen, and in practice any model that pre-
dicts 3D body keypoints or SMPL parameters could
be used. Moreover, a motion sequence captured from
a dancer could also be directly used to animate the 3D
body scan.
In the FACT model (Li et al., 2021), audio fea-
tures, such as envelope, MFCC, chroma, one-hot
peaks, and one-hot beats, are first extracted from the
input audio signal using a predefined temporal win-
dow size. These features are passed through an audio
transformer to obtain embeddings for each window.
Similarly, a motion transformer is used to compute the
corresponding per-frame motion embeddings from
the rotation matrices of 24 joints and a global transla-
tion matrix. The resulting audio and motion embed-
dings are then concatenated before being passed into
a cross-modal transformer that outputs the predicted
pose parameters for the following 20 frames. Given a
two-second seed motion, the FACT model can output
a realistic 3D dance motion for over 1200 frames with
a resolution of 60 frames per second.
3.4 Dancing 3D Scans
In the last step of the ‘You Can Dance’ framework,
the pose parameter sequence {p
from the
music to pose module are applied to the fit-
ted model X
from the model fitting module.
This process can be modelled by the function
g : P ×X (s, p, u) 7→ X (s, P , u) , which computes,
= g(p
, X
, t) , (5)
at each time-stamp t. This function replaces the pose
parameters of the fitted SMPL body model X
the ones generated by the music to pose module. As a
result, a realistic animation of a 3D scan representing
a coherent choreography is obtained.
In this section, we describe the used datasets, the im-
plementation details as well as the obtained results.
4.1 Datasets
Two datasets have been used in our experiments. The
first one called AIST++ is used to train the music to
pose module. The second dataset termed 3DBodytex
is formed by real 3D human scans and has been em-
ployed to generate the proposed synthetic 3D scan-
based dance dataset.
AIST++ Dance Motion: It is a large-scale 3D
dance motion dataset (Li et al., 2021) that contains
a wide variety of 3D dances paired with music pieces.
More specifically, it is formed by a total of 1408 se-
quences containing 30 subjects and 10 dance genres
with 85% of basic and 15% of advanced choreogra-
phy. The 10 dance genres are Old School (Break,
Pop, Lock and Waack) and New School (Middle Hip-
hop, LA-style Hip-hop, House, Krump, Street Jazz
and Ballet Jazz).
3DBodyTex: To generate the proposed synthetic
3D dance motion dataset, the 3D scans proposed in
3DBodyTex.v2 dataset (Saint et al., 2020b) are used.
This dataset contains nearly 3000 static 3D scans of
VISAPP 2023 - 18th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Figure 3: Samples of generated dances. Each row represents 15 frames corresponding to 1.5 s of the generated dance. The
dances are generated with a frame rate of 60 fps.
around 500 different human subjects with a high-
resolution texture. Each participant has been cap-
tured in at least 3 poses. The scans are captured in
both close-fitting clothing and arbitrary casual cloth-
ing. Additionally, the texture is evenly illuminated
and reflects the natural appearance of the body.
4.2 Implementation Details
The ‘You Can Dance’ system is designed in a modu-
lar and ease-of-use fashion.
A pre-trained version of the FACT model (Li et al.,
2021) on the AIST++ dataset has been used for pre-
dicting pose parameters from a given piece of music.
The implementation of the model fitting and
texture transfer method is based on several cross-
platform functional components e.g., (i) OpenPose
docker NVIDIA container
, (ii) a Python SMPL
model-to-scan fitting module, and lastly, (iii) a C++
ray-casting based proprietary algorithm for texture-
transfer. As a result, the ‘You Can Dance’ framework
supports future updates as each component can easily
be upgraded.
4.3 Qualitative Results
In this section, a qualitative analysis of the generated
3D scan dances is presented. Figure 3 shows three ex-
amples of generated dances using different input mu-
sic pieces applied to different input 3D scans.
The top row of Figure 3 depicts an example of a
realistic sequence of dance moves. In this example,
the body fitting appears to retain the characteristic of
the original 3D body scan. However, the edges of the
clothes (bottom of the white T-shirt) do not appear
as smooth and sharp as expected from real clothing.
This flaw is a consequence of the texture transfer tech-
nique, which fails to capture fine details.
The example in the middle row shows ballet-like
dance moves. Indeed, the input music consists of a
slow piano melody, and the dance moves are synchro-
nized with the tempo of the music. As a result, it can
be concluded that the music-to-pose module is able
to generate dance moves that are coherent with the
music style. This example, however, highlights one
of the main limitations of the model fitting module.
The original model wears a dress and shoes with heels
as seen in Figure 1. Since the model fitting module
aims at fitting a 3D scan on one of the male, female,
or on a neutral SMPL template, any details such as
large clothing or long floating hair are lost at the fit-
ting stage. This limitation also reveals the inability
of the framework to adapt to gender non-conforming
individuals. Hence, we acknowledge the limitation of
our work in representing gender non-conforming per-
sons, which can cause real-world harm (Dodik et al.,
While the example on the bottom row of Figure 3
appears to be realistic, it can be observed that the dif-
ferent body-parts barely move over time. This near-
static body motion cannot be considered to be a dance
choreography. This freezing motion is a common
problem in predictive models (Aksan et al., 2021).
Nevertheless, it was found that this phenomenon only
occurs in few instances.
From the different examples of Figure 3, it can
be concluded that the combination of the music to
pose and the model fitting modules create 3D body
dances that are realistic. However, it was observed
that on very rare occasions the model fitting module
led to body poses that are unnatural. Figure 4 shows
two failure cases of fitted bodys obtained from a real
You Can Dance! Generating Music-Conditioned Dances on Real 3D Scans
(a) (b)
Figure 4: Failure cases of the SMPL based animation using
dances from experts.
dance choreography. In particular, the chest is po-
sitioned unrealistically forward in Figure 4a and the
rotation of the left elbow appears to be unnatural in
Figure 4b.
In summary, it can be concluded that the gener-
ated dance choreographies appear to be mostly realis-
tic and coherent with respect to the input music.
4.4 Human Perception Study
Evaluating the quality of the generated dances objec-
tively is not straightforward. In fact, dance being an
art form, its appreciation may depend widely on the
audience. Therefore, we propose to conduct a human
perception study involving 25 participants between 22
and 50 years old. In this context, the participants are
asked to give their feedback on the generated 3D body
models. More specifically, the participants are ex-
posed to:
AI-generated Videos: they correspond to two
videos that have been generated by animating 3D
scans with synthetically generated dances (Video
1 and Video 2),
Real Dances: they represent two videos (that can
be seen as the ground-truth of Video 1 and Video
2), where the 3D scans are animated with real
Note that we do not disclose the video labels (real or
AI-generated) to the participants. Hence, we record
the opinion of the participants with respect to four
main criteria:
The Overall Smoothness (Smoothness): the
participants are asked to rate the smoothness of
each video on a scale from 1 to 5 (with 5 being
the highest score);
The Synchronization Between Dance Steps and
Audio Beats (Synchronization): the participants
are asked to rate the synchronization between
dance steps and audio beats for each video on a
scale from 1 to 5 (with 5 being the highest score).
Table 1: Results from the human study survey.
Name Type
Average Scores
Smoothness Synchronization Realism Reality confidence
Video 1
AI-based 2.7 2.7 2.3 34.6%
Real 3.0 2.5 2.3 50%
Video 2
AI-based 2.9 2.9 2.7 46.2%
Real 3.0 2.3 2.5 42.3%
The Overall Realism within the Video (Real-
ism): the participants are asked to rate the overall
realism within each video on a scale from 1 to 5
(with 5 being the highest score).
The Reality Confidence: the participants are
asked whether they find the video real or not. The
percentage of positive answers is then computed.
Table 1 summarizes the obtained results. It re-
ports the average scores of smoothness synchroniza-
tion and realism across all the participants, as well
as the percentage of reality confidence. In general,
the participants find that the AI-generated videos are
slightly more synchronized than the real ones. In ad-
dition, it can be noted that real videos do not seem
more realistic than AI-generated ones. This is also
confirmed by the nuanced results obtained for reality
confidence that differs for Video 1 and Video 2. Nev-
ertheless, the results also suggest that the real videos
show smoother dances as compared to AI-generated
4.5 Limitations and Future Directions
As mentioned in Section 4.3 and pointed out by the
human perception study in Section 4.4, the proposed
framework have some limitations. First, the proposed
fitting of static 3D scans using SMPL was not able to
fit 3D scans with large clothing or long hair, as illus-
trated in the second row of Figure 3. This is due to
the fact that SMPL body model is supposed to only
model body shapes (i.e., without clothing or hair). A
separate modeling of the clothing and the hair could
improve the quality of the generated dances. Second,
the animation using SMPL has some limitations even
with dances performed by experts. As shown in Fig-
ure 4, the fitting of SMPL was unable to realistically
fit some poses. A solution for this problem could con-
sist of predicting blend weights for a specific 3D scan
given a pose, as done in (Tiwari et al., 2021). Fi-
nally, we argue that the FACT model (Li et al., 2021)
that was used to generate music-conditioned dance
motions has its own limitations, such as unrealistic
frozen motions. This module can be improved by
including more recent models such as (Siyao et al.,
2022) that have shown a better motion quality than (Li
et al., 2021).
VISAPP 2023 - 18th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
In this paper, ‘You Can Dance’ , an automatic frame-
work for generating music-conditioned dances on real
3D scans, is proposed. The system is composed of
two main modules. The first one generates dance
motions that are coherent with a given music. The
second translates the generated motion dances to real
3D scans using SMPL body model fitting. The fit-
ting module has also been used to generate dancing
3D scans by translating the dance motions of AIST++
dataset to the real 3D scans of the 3DBodyTex.v2
dataset. A human-based evaluation study was con-
ducted to assess the quality of the animated 3D scans
when using dance motions performed by experts and
generated by the music-conditioned dance module.
The proposed framework achieved plausible qualita-
tive results, but had some limitations that are mainly
due to inaccurate 3D scan fitting and unrealistic gen-
erated dance motions. Nevertheless, the authors be-
lieve that this first attempt towards music-conditioned
dance animation of 3D scans might open the doors for
the community to investigate it further.
This work was funded by the National Research
Fund (FNR), Luxembourg in the context of the PSP-
F2018/12856451/Smart Schoul 2025 project and by
the Esch22 project entitled Sound of data. The au-
thors are grateful to the contributors of the open
source libraries used in this work.
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