Dynamically Modular and Sparse General Continual Learning
Arnav Varma
, Elahe Arani
and Bahram Zonooz
Advanced Research Lab, NavInfo Europe, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands
Dynamic Neural Networks, Policy Gradients, Lifelong Learning.
Real-world applications often require learning continuously from a stream of data under ever-changing con-
ditions. When trying to learn from such non-stationary data, deep neural networks (DNNs) undergo catas-
trophic forgetting of previously learned information. Among the common approaches to avoid catastrophic
forgetting, rehearsal-based methods have proven effective. However, they are still prone to forgetting due to
task-interference as all parameters respond to all tasks. To counter this, we take inspiration from sparse coding
in the brain and introduce dynamic modularity and sparsity (Dynamos) for rehearsal-based general continual
learning. In this setup, the DNN learns to respond to stimuli by activating relevant subsets of neurons. We
demonstrate the effectiveness of Dynamos on multiple datasets under challenging continual learning evalu-
ation protocols. Finally, we show that our method learns representations that are modular and specialized,
while maintaining reusability by activating subsets of neurons with overlaps corresponding to the similarity of
stimuli. The code is available at https://github.com/NeurAI-Lab/DynamicContinualLearning.
Deep neural networks (DNNs) have achieved human-
level performance in several applications (Greenwald
et al., 2021; Taigman et al., 2014). These networks
are trained on the multiple tasks within an appli-
cation with the data being received under an inde-
pendent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) assump-
tion. This assumption is satisfied by shuffling the
data from all tasks and balancing and normalizing
the samples from each task in the application (Had-
sell et al., 2020). Consequently, DNNs can achieve
human-level performance on all tasks in these appli-
cations by modeling the joint distribution of the data
as a stationary process. Humans, on the other hand,
can model the world from inherently non-stationary
and sequential observations (French, 1999). Learn-
ing continually from the more realistic sequential and
non-stationary data is crucial for many applications
such as lifelong learning robots (Thrun and Mitchell,
1995) and self-driving cars (Nose et al., 2019). How-
ever, vanilla gradient-based training for such contin-
ual learning setups with a continuous stream of tasks
and data leads to task interference in the DNN’s pa-
rameters, and consequently, catastrophic forgetting on
old tasks (McCloskey and Cohen, 1989; Kirkpatrick
et al., 2017). Therefore, there is a need for methods to
Contributed equally
alleviate catastrophic forgetting in continual learning.
Previous works have aimed to address these chal-
lenges in continual learning. These can be broadly
classified into three categories. First, regularization-
based methods (Kirkpatrick et al., 2017; Schwarz
et al., 2018; Zenke et al., 2017) that penalize changes
to the parameters of DNNs to reduce task interfer-
ence. Second, parameter isolation methods (Adel
et al., 2020) that assign distinct subsets of parame-
ters to different tasks. Finally, rehearsal-based meth-
ods (Chaudhry et al., 2019) that co-train on cur-
rent and stored previous samples. Among these,
regularization-based and parameter isolation-based
methods often require additional information (such as
task-identity at test time and task-boundaries during
training), or unconstrained growth of networks. These
requirements fail to meet general continual learning
(GCL) desiderata (Delange et al., 2021; Farquhar
and Gal, 2018), making these methods unsuitable for
Although rehearsal-based methods improve over
other categories and meet GCL desiderata, they still
suffer from catastrophic forgetting through task in-
terference in the DNN parameters, as all parameters
respond to all examples and tasks. This could be re-
solved by inculcating task or example specific param-
eter isolation in the rehearsal-based methods. How-
ever, it is worth noting that unlike parameter isolation
Varma, A., Arani, E. and Zonooz, B.
Dynamically Modular and Sparse General Continual Learning.
DOI: 10.5220/0011790200003417
In Proceedings of the 18th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2023) - Volume 5: VISAPP, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-634-7; ISSN: 2184-4321
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
methods, modularity and sparsity in the brain is not
static. There is evidence that the brain responds to
stimuli in a dynamic and sparse manner, with differ-
ent modules or subsets of neurons responding ”dy-
namically” to different stimuli (Graham and Field,
2006). The advantages of a dynamic and sparse re-
sponse to stimuli have been explored in deep learn-
ing in stationary settings through mechanisms such as
gating of modules (Veit and Belongie, 2018), early-
exiting (Li et al., 2017; Hu et al., 2020), and dy-
namic routing (Wang et al., 2018), along with train-
ing losses that incentivize sparsity of neural activa-
tions (Wu et al., 2018). These studies observed that
DNNs trained to predict dynamically also learn to
respond differently to different inputs. Furthermore,
the learned DNNs demonstrate clustering of parame-
ters in terms of tasks such as similarity, difficulty, and
resolution of inputs (Wang et al., 2018; Veit and Be-
longie, 2018), indicating dynamic modularity. Hence,
we hypothesize that combining rehearsal-based meth-
ods with dynamic sparsity and modularity could help
further mitigate catastrophic forgetting in a more bi-
ologically plausible fashion while adhering to GCL
To this end, we propose Dynamic Modularity and
Sparsity (Dynamos), a general continual learning al-
gorithm that combines rehearsal-based methods with
dynamic modularity and sparsity. Concretely, we seek
to achieve three objectives: dynamic and sparse re-
sponse to inputs with specialized modules, compe-
tent performance, and reducing catastrophic forget-
ting. To achieve dynamic and sparse responses to
inputs, we define multiple agents in our DNN, each
responsible for dynamically zeroing out filter acti-
vations of a convolutional layer based on the input
to that layer. The agents are rewarded for choosing
actions that remove activations (sparse responses) if
the network predictions are accurate, but are penal-
ized heavily for choosing actions that lead to inaccu-
rate predictions. Agents also rely on prototype losses
to learn specialized features. To reduce forgetting
and achieve competent performance, we maintain a
constant-size memory buffer in which we store pre-
viously seen examples. The network is retrained on
previous examples alongside current examples to both
maintain performance on current and previous tasks,
as well as to enforce consistency between current
and previous responses to stimuli. Dynamos demon-
strates competent performance on multiple continual
learning datasets under multiple evaluation protocols,
including general continual learning. Additionally,
our method demonstrates similar and overlapping re-
sponses for similar inputs and disparate responses for
dissimilar inputs. Finally, we demonstrate that our
method can simulate the trial-to-trial variability ob-
served in humans (Faisal et al., 2008; Werner and
Mountcastle, 1963).
Research in deep learning has approached the dy-
namic compositionality and sparsity observed in
the human brain through dynamic neural networks,
where different subsets of neurons or different sub-
networks are activated for different stimuli (Bengio
et al., 2015; Bolukbasi et al., 2017). This can be
achieved through early exiting (Hu et al., 2020), dy-
namic routing through mixtures of experts or multi-
ple branches (Collier et al., 2020; Wang et al., 2022),
and through gating of modules (Wang et al., 2018).
Early-exiting might force the DNN to learn specific
features in its earlier layers and consequently hurt
performance (Wu et al., 2018) as the earlier layers
of DNNs are known to learn general purpose fea-
tures (Yosinski et al., 2014). Dynamic routing, on
the other hand, would require the growth of new ex-
perts in response to new tasks that risk unconstrained
growth, or the initialization of a larger DNN with
branches corresponding to the expected number of
tasks (Chen et al., 2020). Dynamic networks with
gating mechanisms, meanwhile, have been shown
to achieve competent performance in i.i.d. training
with standard DNNs embedded with small gating net-
works (Veit and Belongie, 2018; Wu et al., 2018;
Wang et al., 2018). These gating networks emit a dis-
crete keep/drop decision for each module, depending
on the input to the module or the DNN. As this opera-
tion is non-differentiable, a Gumbel Softmax approx-
imation (Veit and Belongie, 2018; Wang et al., 2018),
or an agent trained with policy gradients (Wu et al.,
2018; Sutton and Barto, 2018) is commonly used in
each module to enable backpropagation. However,
unlike the latter, the Gumbel-Softmax approximation
induces an asymmetry between the forward pass acti-
vations at inference and training (Wang et al., 2018).
Furthermore, these methods are not applicable to con-
tinual learning.
Recent works have attempted to build dynamic
networks for continual learning setups (Chen et al.,
2020; Abati et al., 2020), where data arrive in a more
realistic sequential manner. InstAParam (Chen et al.,
2020), Random Path Selection (RPS) (Rajasegaran
et al., 2019), and MoE (Collier et al., 2020) start
with multiple parallel blocks at each layer, finding
input-specific or task-specific paths within this large
network. Nevertheless, this requires knowledge of
the number of tasks to be learned ahead of training.
Dynamically Modular and Sparse General Continual Learning
More importantly, initializing a large network might
be unnecessary as indicated by the competent perfor-
mance of dynamic networks with gating mechanisms
in i.i.d training. In contrast to this, MNTDP (Ve-
niat et al., 2021), LMC (Ostapenko et al., 2021), and
CCGN (Abati et al., 2020) start with a standard archi-
tecture and grow units to respond to new data or tasks.
Of these, MNTDP and LMC develop task-specific
networks where all inputs from the same task elicit
the same response and therefore do not show a truly
dynamic response to stimuli. CCGN, however, com-
poses convolutional filters dynamically to respond to
stimuli, using a task-specific vector for every convo-
lutional filter, and task boundaries to freeze frequently
active filters. However, this leads to unrestrained
growth and fails in the absence of task-boundaries,
which makes it unsuitable for general continual learn-
Therefore, we propose a general continual learn-
ing method with dynamic modularity and sparsity
(Dynamos) induced through reinforcement learning
agents trained with policy gradients.
Humans learn continually from inherently non-
stationary and sequential observations of the world
without catastrophic forgetting, even without super-
vision about tasks to be performed or the arrival of
new tasks, maintaining a bounded memory through-
out. This involves, among other things, making multi-
scale associations between current and previous ob-
servations (Goyal and Bengio, 2020) and respond-
ing sparsely and dynamically to stimuli (Graham and
Field, 2006). The former concerns consolidation of
previous experiences and ensuring that learned ex-
periences evoke a similar response. The latter con-
cern dynamically composing a subset of the special-
ized neural modules available to respond to stimuli,
reusing only the relevant previously learned informa-
tion. This also avoids erasure of information irrele-
vant to current stimuli but relevant to previous experi-
ences. We now formulate an approach for dynamic
sparse and modular general continual learning that
mimics these procedures with DNNs.
3.1 Dynamic, Modular, and Sparse
Response to Stimuli
To achieve a dynamic, modular, and sparse response
to inputs, we use a DNN F with a policy to compose
a subset of the available modules in each layer to re-
spond to the input to that layer. More specifically, we
use a CNN which is incentivized to drop some chan-
nels in its activations adaptively using policy gradi-
ents (Sutton and Barto, 2018; Williams, 1992).
Let us consider the l
convolutional layer with
output channels l {1,2, ...L}, where L is the
total number of convolutional layers in the network.
The input to the convolutional layer is processed us-
ing an agent module with actions a
{0, 1}
as out-
put, where each action represents the decision to drop
(action = 0) or keep (action = 1) the corresponding
channel of the output of the convolutional layer. The
agent module uses a self-attention network to obtain
a channel-wise attention vector v
of dimension c
which is converted into ”action probabilities” using
a probability layer. The policy for choosing actions is
then sampled from a c
-dimensional Bernoulli distri-
= σ(v
) =
(1 p
where p
is the output of the probability
layer σ, and π
is the policy function. The final output
of the convolutional layer is the channel-wise product
of the actions with the output of the convolution. This
policy formulation is used at each convolutional layer
in the CNN, leading to L agents in total. The over-
all structure of an agent for a convolutional layer is
shown in Figure 1.
These agents are rewarded for dropping channels
while making accurate predictions through a reward
function. For an input to the DNN X applied to clas-
sification with label Y :
Z,V = F(X), V = [v
Y = argmax Z,
where Z refers to the logits. Now, the ratio of activa-
tions or channels that were retained in the layer l is
determined by
. So, for a target activation
retention rate per layer or ”keep ratio” kr, the reward
function is as follows:
(X,Y ) =
, if
Y = Y
, otherwise.
Therefore, when the DNN’s predictions are correct,
each agent is rewarded for dropping enough activa-
tions to match the ”keep ratio” from its correspond-
ing convolutional layer. However, when the predic-
tion is incorrect, each agent is penalized for the same,
scaled by a constant penalty factor λ. The global na-
ture of the reward function, achieved through depen-
dence on the correctness of the prediction, also en-
forces coordination between agents. Following RE-
INFORCE (Williams, 1992), the loss from all agents
VISAPP 2023 - 18th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Convolutional Layer with c
Attention Vector
Self-Attention Network
01 1101
Output with channels removed
Figure 1: An overview of Dynamos dynamic and sparse response mechanism at the l
convolutional layer. Blacked activa-
tions are removed. The agent (bottom path) self-attention network uses a pointwise convolution to match output channels and
global average pooling to get a channel-length flattened vector. This is sent through an MLP with one hidden layer and Sig-
moid activation, and multiplied with the original channel-length representation to get the channel-wise self-attention vector.
t = 1,2,...L is:
(X,Y ) = E
(X,Y )log π
= E
(X,Y )log
+ (1 p
)(1 a
= E
(X,Y )
+ (1 p
)(1 a
Although the agents along with this loss ensure
sparse and dynamic responses from the DNN, they
do not explicitly impose any specialization of com-
positional neural modules seen in humans. As the
channel-wise ”modules” activated in the DNN are di-
rectly dependent on the channel-wise attention vec-
tors, we finally apply a specialization loss that we call
prototype loss to them. Concretely, for classification,
in any batch of inputs, we pull the vectors belonging
to the same class together while pushing those from
different classes away. This would cause different
subsets of channel-wise modules to be used for in-
puts of different classes. When combined with a suf-
ficiently high ”keep ratio”, this will encourage overlap
and therefore, reuse of relevant previously learned in-
formation (for example, reusing channels correspond-
ing to a learned class for a newly observed class) and,
consequently, learning of general-purpose features by
the modules. For an input batch X with correspond-
ing labels Y , and the corresponding batch of concate-
nated channel-wise attention vectors V (Equation 2),
the prototype loss is given by:
(X,Y ) =
1 + Σ
1 + Σ
, (5)
where MSE refers to the Mean Squared Error estima-
tor. Note that we only apply this loss to samples for
which the predictions were correct.
3.2 Multi-Scale Associations
As discussed earlier, one of the mechanisms em-
ployed by humans to mitigate forgetting is multi-
scale associations between current and previous ex-
With this goal in mind, we follow recent rehearsal-
based approaches (Buzzega et al., 2020; Riemer et al.,
2019) that comply with GCL and use a memory buffer
during training to store previously seen examples and
responses. The buffer is updated using reservoir sam-
pling (Vitter, 1985), which helps to approximate the
distribution of the samples seen so far (Isele and Cos-
gun, 2018). However, we only consider the subset
of batch samples on which the prediction was made
correctly for addition to the memory buffer. These
buffer samples are replayed through the DNN along-
side new samples with losses that associate the current
response with the stored previous response, resulting
in consistent responses over time.
Let M denote the memory buffer and D
note the current task stream, from which we sample
batches (X
) and (X
), respectively.
Here, Z
and V
are the saved logits and channel-
wise attention vectors corresponding to X
when it
was initially observed. The consistency losses associ-
ated with current and previous responses are obtained
Dynamically Modular and Sparse General Continual Learning
during the task T as follows:
= F(X
) = E
) = E
In addition to consistency losses, we also enforce
accuracy, and dynamic sparsity and modularity on the
memory samples. Therefore, we have four sets of
Task performance loss on current and memory
samples to ensure correctness on current and pre-
vious tasks. For classification, we use cross-
entropy loss (L
Reward losses (Equation 4) on current and mem-
ory samples to ensure dynamic modularity and
sparsity on current and previous tasks.
Prototype losses (Equation 5) on current and
memory samples to ensure the specialization of
modules on current and previous tasks.
Consistency losses (Equation 6) for multi-scale
associations between current and previous sam-
Putting everything together, the total loss becomes:
= L
) + γL
+ β[L
) + γL
+ αL
) + α
+ w
) + L
The weights given to the losses - α, α
, β, w
and γ, and the penalty for misclassification (λ) and
keep ratio (kr) in Equation 3, are hyperparameters.
Note that we employ a warm-up stage at the begin-
ning of training, where neither the memory buffer nor
the agents are employed. This is equivalent to train-
ing using only the cross-entropy loss for this period,
while the agents are kept frozen. This gives agents
a better search space when they start searching for a
solution. We call our method as described above Dy-
namic modularity and sparsity - Dynamos.
Datasets. We show results on sequential variants of
MNIST (LeCun et al., 1998) and SVHN: Seq-MNIST
and Seq-SVHN (Netzer et al., 2011), respectively.
Seq-MNIST and Seq-SVHN divide their respective
datasets into 5 tasks, with 2 classes per task. Fur-
thermore, to test the applicability of Dynamos under
general continual learning, we also use the MNIST-
360 dataset (Buzzega et al., 2020).
Architecture. We use a network based on the
ResNet-18 (He et al., 2016) structure by removing the
later two of its four blocks and reducing the number
of filters per convolutional layer from 64 to 32. The
initial convolution is reduced to 3 × 3 to work with
smaller image sizes. For the baseline experiments,
we did not use any agents. For our method, while
agents can be used for all convolutional layers, we
only use agents in the second block. We make this
choice based on recent studies that observe that ear-
lier layers undergo minimal forgetting (Davari et al.,
2022), are highly transferrable (Yosinski et al., 2014),
and are used for most examples even when learned
with dynamic modularity (Abati et al., 2020). We use
a sigmoid with a temperature layer as the probabil-
ity layer in the agents and a probability of 0.5 as a
threshold for picking actions, i.e., channels during in-
ference. The temperature serves the purpose of tuning
the range of outputs of the self-attention layers, en-
suring that the probabilities being sampled to choose
the actions are not too small and that enough activa-
tions are chosen to enable learning. The exact net-
work structure used for each experiment, including
the self-attention networks of the agents, can be found
in Appendix, in Table 3 and Table 4.
Settings. All methods are implemented in the Mam-
moth repository
in PyTorch 1.6 and were trained
on Nvidia V100 GPUs. The hyperparameters cor-
responding to each experiment can be found in Ap-
pendix, Table 5. We always maintain a keep ra-
tio higher than 1/Num tasks to allow the learning
of overlapping, reusable, and general-purpose mod-
ules. The temperature of the Sigmoid activation of
the probability layers is kept at 0.15 unless mentioned
We will evaluate Dynamos under two standard eval-
uation protocols that adhere to the core desiderata of
5.1 Class-Incremental Learning (CIL)
Class-incremental learning (CIL) refers to the eval-
uation protocol in which mutually exclusive sets of
classes are presented sequentially to the network, and
the identity of the task is not provided at the test
time, which meets the core desiderata of GCL (Far-
quhar and Gal, 2018). We compare against Condi-
VISAPP 2023 - 18th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Figure 2: Quantitative results under Class-Incremental
Learning protocol. Results are averaged across three seeds.
CCGN values taken from the original paper. The precise
accuracies can be found in Table 2.
tional Convolutional Gated Network (CCGN) (Abati
et al., 2020), which also dynamically composes con-
volutional filters for continual learning. We observe
in Figure 2 that Dynamos shows higher accuracies
on both the Seq-MNIST and Seq-SVHN datasets un-
der all buffer sizes. However, CCGN requires a
separate task vector for every task per convolutional
layer, resulting in unrestricted growth during train-
ing, whereas we maintain a bounded memory through
training. Furthermore, unlike CCGN, we do not lever-
age the task boundaries or the validation set during
training. Therefore, Dynamos outperforms the previ-
ous state-of-the-art for dynamic compositional con-
tinual learning in class-incremental learning, while
showing bounded memory consumption during train-
5.2 General Continual Learning (GCL)
So far, we have observed Dynamos under the CIL
protocol. Unlike CIL, real-world data streams with-
out clear task boundaries, where the same data may
reappear under different distributions (e.g. different
poses). Following (Buzzega et al., 2020), we approxi-
mate this setting using MNIST-360, where tasks over-
lap in digits (i.e. classes), reappear under different ro-
tations (i.e. distributions), and each example is seen
exactly once during training. This serves as a verifica-
tion of the adherence to the GCL desiderata (Farquhar
and Gal, 2018; Delange et al., 2021). We study the
impact of both dynamic modularity as well as multi-
scale associations by removing them incrementally
from Dynamos. When neither is used, the learning
is done using vanilla gradient-based training, with no
strategy to counter forgetting. When dynamic mod-
ularity is removed, the learning strategy forms our
baseline, where no agents are used, simplifying the
total training loss from Equation 7 to:
= L
) + βL
Table 1 shows that Dynamos outperforms the baseline
in all buffer sizes, proving that dynamic modularity is
advantageous in GCL. Furthermore, when multi-scale
associations are also removed, no buffer is used, and
the DNN undergoes catastrophic forgetting. Thus,
Dynamos is applicable to general continual learning,
with dynamic modularity improving over the base-
line. We hypothesize that dynamic modularity makes
dealing with the blurred task boundaries of GCL eas-
ier by adaptively reusing relevant previously learned
information, which in this case corresponds to learned
We now analyze some of the characteristics and ad-
vantages of Dynamos. For all experiments in this sec-
tion, we use our model trained on Sequential-MNIST
with buffer size 500.
6.1 Dynamic Modularity and
Humans show modular and specialized responses to
stimuli(Meunier et al., 2010) with dynamic and sparse
response to inputs (Graham and Field, 2006) - a capa-
bility that we instilled in our DNN while learning a
sequence of tasks by dynamically removing channel
activations of convolutional layers. Therefore, we ex-
amine the task- and class-wise tendencies of the firing
rates of each neuron (filter) in Figure 3.
It can be seen that Dynamos learns a soft separa-
tion of both tasks and classes, as evidenced by the per-
task and per-class firing rates, respectively, of each
filter. This is in contrast to static methods, where
all filters react to all examples. Figure 3a further
shows that this allows learning of similar activation
patterns for similar examples. For example, MNIST
Dynamically Modular and Sparse General Continual Learning
Table 1: General continual learning results for multiple buffer sizes. All results are averaged across five seeds.
Buffer Size
100 200 500
64.418 ± 4.095 79.638 ± 2.853 90.519 ± 0.737
61.192 ± 3.072 75.364 ± 1.259 88.150 ± 0.888
18.712 ± 0.690
(a) Classwise. (b) Taskwise.
Figure 3: Filter activation rates on the test set for each filter with respect to tasks and classes. For ease of visualization, we
only look at the last 40 filters. Full visualizations can be found in Appendix (Figure 7).
Figure 4: Jensen-Shanon Divergences (×100) of the activa-
tion rates of class pairs on the test set.
digit pairs 1 and 7, and 6 and 8, which share some
shape similarities, also share similarities in their acti-
vation patterns/rates. This could be attributed to be-
ing able to reuse and drop learned filters dynamically,
which causes the DNN to react similarly to similar
inputs, partitioning its responses based on example
similarities. Additionally, the ability to dynamically
reuse filters allows DNNs to learn overlapping acti-
vation patterns for dissimilar examples and classes,
instead of using completely disparate activation pat-
terns. This also facilitates the learning of sequences
of tasks without having to grow the DNN capacity or
having a larger capacity at initialization, as opposed
to the static parameter isolation methods for contin-
ual learning.
Following (Abbasi et al., 2022), we quantify the
overlap between the activation rates for each class pair
in the final layer using the Jensen-Shanon divergence
(JSD) between them in Figure 4. Lower JSDs sig-
nify higher overlap. The JSD is lowest for the class
pair (1, 7) (both digits look like vertical lines), and is
the average JSD across class pairs, and
that of the least overlapping class pair (1,8) (1 is a
line, 8 is formed of loops). Now, as per Equation 1,
filters in the layer are activated based on the channel-
wise attention vector v
(see Equation 2), which are
pushed together for examples of the same classes, and
pushed away from each other for examples of differ-
ent classes using prototype loss (Equation 5). We vi-
sualize the t-SNEs of these v
s on the test set in Fig-
ure 5 and observe that the samples belonging to the
same classes are clustered, confirming the effective-
ness of our prototype loss. Moreover, the clusters of
visually similar classes are close together, which is
concomitant with the JSDs and class-wise activation
rates seen earlier. Class similarities are also reflected
through multiple clusters for the digit 9, indicating its
similarity with the digits 6 (loop) and 1 (line) in one
cluster, but also with 7 (line) and 4 (line + loop) in
another cluster. Finally, we observe that there are ex-
amples that are scattered away from their class clus-
ters and overlap with other clusters, probably indicat-
ing that these particular examples are visually closer
VISAPP 2023 - 18th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Figure 5: t-SNEs on the test set of class prototypes learned
from channel-wise self-attention vectors for all classes.
to other digits. Note, however, that these similar ex-
amples and classes are distributed across tasks, which
explains the lower similarities in activation patterns
between task pairs in Figure 3b compared to the class
pairs in Figure 3a.
Therefore, Dynamos is capable of learning modu-
lar and specialized units that result in input-adaptive
dynamic separation and overlap of activations, based
on the extent of similarities with previously learned
examples. We also contend that the overlapping acti-
vations for digits of similar shape suggest the learning
of general-purpose features.
6.2 Trial-to-Trial Variability
The brain is known to show variability in response
across trials (Faisal et al., 2008; Werner and Mount-
castle, 1963). For the same stimulus, the precise
neuronal response could differ between trials, a be-
havior absent in most conventional DNNs. In our
method, this aspect of brains can be mimicked by us-
ing Bernoulli sampling instead of thresholding to pick
keep/drop decisions at each convolutional layer. In
Figure 6, we plot the response variability in the last
convolutional layer of our DNN with the same exam-
ple in four trials. We only pick responses for which
the predictions were correct. It can be seen that each
trial evoked a different response from the DNN. Fur-
thermore, despite the differences, there are also some
similarities in the response. There are some filters that
are repeatedly left unused, as well as some filters that
are used in every trial. This demonstrates that Dy-
namos can additionally simulate the trial-to-trial vari-
ability observed in brains.
Figure 6: Trial-to-trial variability of responses to same input
in Dynamos.
We propose Dynamos, a method for general contin-
ual learning, that simulates the dynamically modu-
lar and sparse response to stimuli observed in the
brain. Dynamos rewards the input-adaptive removal
of channel activations of convolutional layers using
policy gradients for dynamic and sparse responses. To
further induce modularity, channel-wise self-attention
vectors corresponding to each convolutional layer
are pulled together for examples from same classes,
and are pushed apart for examples from different
classes; these vectors are then used to sample the
keep/drop decision for the corresponding channel.
Using a memory buffer, we enforce multi-scale con-
sistency between previous and current responses to
prevent forgetting. Dynamos outperforms previous
baselines on multiple datasets when evaluated us-
ing class-incremental learning (CIL) and general con-
tinual learning (GCL) protocols. Dynamos exhibits
similar and overlapping responses for similar inputs,
yet distinct responses to dissimilar inputs by utiliz-
ing subsets of learned filters in an adaptive manner.
We quantified the extent of class-wise overlaps and
showed that the semantic similarity of classes (dig-
its in MNIST, e.g. 1 and 7) are reflected in higher
representation overlaps. We additionally visualized
the channel-wise attention vectors and observed that
they are clustered by the classes and the clusters of se-
mantically similar classes lie together or overlap. Fi-
nally, we also demonstrated the ability of our method
to mimic the trial-to-trial variability seen in the brain,
where same inputs achieve same outputs through dif-
ferent “responses”, i.e. activations. Thus, we con-
sider our work as a step toward achieving dynamically
modular and general-purpose continual learning.
Dynamically Modular and Sparse General Continual Learning
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Table 2: Class-Incremental learning accuracies for CCGN
and Dynamos corresponding to Figure 2.
Model Seq-SVHN Seq-MNIST
CCGN 67.45 94.01
Dynamos 84.815 97.19
CCGN 73.99 95.94
Dynamos 87.38 97.51
CCGN 81.02 95.94
Dynamos 88.54 97.57
Table 3: Agent architecture with input features of shape
B ×C
× H ×W, output features of shape B ×C
× 1 × 1,
where B is the batch size, C
is the number of channels in
the input, and C
is the number of channels expected in
the output, which is same as the number of keep/drop ac-
tions required for the corresponding convolutional layer.
Operations Input size Output size
Pointwise Conv B ×C
× h × w B ×C
× h × w
Average Pooling B ×C
× h × w B ×C
× 1 × 1
Reshape B ×C
× 1 × 1 B ×C
Linear B ×C
B ×C
/16 B ×C
Linear B ×C
/16 B ×C
Reshape B ×C
B ×C
× 1 × 1
B ×C
× 1 × 1 B ×C
× 1 × 1
Dynamically Modular and Sparse General Continual Learning
Table 4: Architectures used in our experiments. For baseline experiments without dynamic compositionality, we do not use
the ”Agent” branch. Conv(k, n, s, p) refers to convolutional layer with kernel size k, number of filters n, stride s, and padding
p. BN refers to Batch Normalization. Linear(M, N) refers to a linear layer with M-dimensional input and N-dimensional
output. Agent(C
, C
, τ) refers to the Agent subnetwork with C
input channels, C
output channels, and τ temperature of
the sigmoid in the probability layer (See Figure 1, Section 4). The elementwise multiplication of the actions from the agents
with the output of a convolutional layer is done after the application of batch normalization, if present, but before the ReLU
activation function, if present. For complete description of Agent architecture, refer to Table 3. num classes refers to the
number of classes to be predicted.
Component Main Branch Residual branch Agent branch
Conv1 Conv(3,32, 1,1),BN,ReLU
Conv(3,32, 1,1),BN,ReLU
Conv(3,32, 1,1),BN,ReLU
Conv(3,32, 1,1),BN,ReLU
Conv(3,32, 1,1),BN,ReLU
Conv(1,64, 2,0),BN
Conv(1,64, 2,0),BN
Classifier Linear(64,num classes)
Table 5: Hyperparameters for all the datasets for Dynamos.
lr #Epochs
α β α
λ γ w
500 0.07 1 10 it 10 10 0.2 2.0 0.2 500 0.5 0.3 0.7
1000 0.07 1 10 it 10 10 0.1 2.5 0.2 200 0.7 0.5 0.7
2000 0.07 1 10 it 10 10 0.5 3.0 0.2 200 0.5 0.5 0.7
500 0.07 70 10 ep 16 16 2.0 3.0 1.0 500 1.0 0.5 0.7
1000 0.07 70 10 ep 16 16 2.5 2.0 0.2 500 1.0 0.5 0.7
2000 0.07 70 10 ep 16 16 2.5 2.0 0.2 500 1.0 0.5 0.7
100 0.07 1 10 it 16 16 0.2 1.0 0.1 200 0.5 0.5 0.7
200 0.07 1 10 it 16 16 0.2 1.5 0.1 200 1.0 0.5 0.7
500 0.07 1 10 it 16 16 0.1 1.5 0.1 200 0.3 0.3 0.7
VISAPP 2023 - 18th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
(a) Classwise activations for Layer 1 (b) Taskwise activations for Layer 1
(c) Classwise activations for Layer 2 (d) Taskwise activations for Layer 2
(e) Classwise activations for Layer 3 (f) Taskwise activations for Layer 3
(g) Classwise activations for Layer 4 (h) Taskwise activations for Layer 4
Figure 7: Filter activation rates for each filter in each convolutional layer of Block 2 with respect to MNIST tasks and classes.
Overlapping activations of tasks and classes indicative of similarities between them can still be observed. For e.g. 1 and 7
still show very similar responses.
Dynamically Modular and Sparse General Continual Learning