Requirement Formalisation Using Natural Language Processing and
Machine Learning: A Systematic Review
Shekoufeh Kolahdouz-Rahimi
1 a
, Kevin Lano
2 b
and Chenghua Lin
3 c
School of Arts, University of Roehampton, London, U.K.
Department of Informatics, King’s College London, London, U.K.
Department of Computer Science, University of Sheffield, U.K.
Requirements Engineering, Requirement Formalisation, Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning,
Deep Learning, Systematic Mapping Study.
Improvement of software development methodologies attracts developers to automatic Requirement Formal-
isation (RF) in the Requirement Engineering (RE) field. The potential advantages of applying Natural Lan-
guage Processing (NLP) and Machine Learning (ML) in reducing the ambiguity and incompleteness of re-
quirements written in natural languages are reported in different studies. The goal of this paper is to survey
and classify existing works on NLP and ML for RF, identifying the challenges in this domain and providing
promising future research directions. To achieve this, we conducted a systematic literature review to outline
the current state-of-the-art of NLP and ML techniques in RF by selecting 257 papers from commonly used
libraries. The search result is filtered by defining inclusion and exclusion criteria and 47 relevant studies
between 2012 and 2022 are selected. We found that heuristic NLP approaches are the most common NLP
techniques used for automatic RF, primarily operating on structured and semi-structured data. This study also
revealed that Deep Learning (DL) techniques are not widely used, instead, classical ML techniques are pre-
dominant in the surveyed studies. More importantly, we identified the difficulty of comparing the performance
of different approaches due to the lack of standard benchmark cases for RF.
Productive management of Requirement Engineering
(RE) accelerates the process of software development.
Requirement Formalisation (RF) relates to the pro-
cess of transforming requirements in natural language
to specific formal notations by removing ambiguities.
Formal specification of requirements is applicable in
different stages of software development especially in
the validation phase. Manual formalisation of natu-
ral language requirements is an error-prone and time-
consuming task and infeasible for complex systems
(Zaki-Ismail et al., 2021). To this end many auto-
matic and semi-automatic approaches have been in-
troduced to formalise requirements by applying Nat-
ural Language Processing (NLP) techniques (Rolland
and Proix, 1992; Ryan, 1993). Additionally, leverag-
ing Machine Learning (ML) and Deep Learning (DL)
techniques in this domain pushes the research field
In the last decade, there has been a noticeable in-
crease in the number of papers using NLP and ML
techniques for RF. Each research applied a partic-
ular technique and mostly there are no comprehen-
sive guidelines for the reason of applying those tech-
niques. A large number of research reviews have been
carried out to survey this domain (Alzayed and Al-
Hunaiyyan, 2021). To overcome the limitations of
existing studies, in this paper we conducted a system-
atic mapping study of NLP and ML approaches for
RF considering the guidelines presented by Kitchen-
ham and Charters (Brereton et al., 2007), (Keele et al.,
2007), and Petersen et al. (Petersen et al., 2015).
We investigated 47 studies from an initial set of 257.
The papers are selected from commonly used libraries
including ACM Digital Library, IEEE Xplore, Sci-
enceDirect, Springer Link, and Scopus. The search
results are filtered by defining inclusion and exclu-
sion criteria to decide whether a publication found
in the search should be included in the study or ex-
cluded. Three research questions were formulated for
our Systematic Literature Review (SLR). By answer-
ing these research questions, the state of the art of RF
Kolahdouz-Rahimi, S., Lano, K. and Lin, C.
Requirement Formalisation Using Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning: A Systematic Review.
DOI: 10.5220/0011789700003402
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Model-Based Software and Systems Engineering (MODELSWARD 2023), pages 237-244
ISBN: 978-989-758-633-0; ISSN: 2184-4348
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
is evaluated. We identify current challenges in the
community and provide guidelines to address those
challenges. The actions that were taken by the author
of this paper as part of MDENet project
are also dis-
cussed. Finally, for further maturity of the research
field, future research directions in this area are pro-
The remainder of this paper is organised as fol-
lows: In Section 2, related review papers in RF using
NLP and ML are summarised. Section 3, presents
background information related to this domain. The
applied research method in this study is described in
Section 4. Section 5 outlines the key findings of our
study. A discussion of action taken by the authors to
address the challenges is provided in Section 6. Fi-
nally, the conclusion and future direction of research
are provided in Sections 7 and 8.
A comprehensive survey in the application of NLP to
RE is provided in (Zhao et al., 2020), by considering
404 works. This paper emphasise is on the insuffi-
cient application of NLP techniques for RE studies in
industrial cases. Importantly, the lack of expertise in
selecting appropriate NLP techniques in RE domain
is discussed. Although challenges are introduced in
this work, practical solutions are not provided. Addi-
tionally, investigating ML techniques in this domain
is not the main focus of research.
A survey in the application of NLP techniques to
requirements in the form of user stories is provided
in (Raharjana et al., 2021) and the potential advan-
tages of those techniques in RF domain are discussed.
A comprehensive classification based on the uses of
NLP techniques for user stories is provided and a
model is recognised as a common target for RF in the
form of user stories. However, ML techniques for RF
are not considered in this research, and in general, the
main challenges of the domain are not sufficiently dis-
cussed. Additionally, input datasets for user stories in
investigated papers are not provided.
Yalla and Sharma (Yalla and Sharma, 2015) sur-
vey the current literature that leverages RE and NLP
for different phases of software development. How-
ever, only limited future research directions and
guidelines are provided in this work. Selected arti-
cles that generate UML diagrams by applying NLP
techniques are investigated in (Dawood et al., 2017;
Abdelnabi et al., 2021). These works emphasize the
immaturity of the research area as most of the cur-
rent processes are not automated. The advantages and
disadvantages of different studies that generate UML
diagrams by applying heuristic rules are identified in
(Ahmed et al., 2022). This work highlighted the no-
ticeable application of ML in this domain.
The are many related literature studies in the RF
domain. However, the challenges of the domain are
not deeply recognized and guidelines for addressing
those challenges and clear research direction are lim-
ited in most studies. This proves the immaturity of
the research area and its potential for further improve-
ment. Therefore, the main aim of this research is
to identify current challenges in the community by
classifying applied techniques and providing practi-
cal guidelines for addressing those issues.
In this section, the related concepts to this research
including RE, NLP and DL are explained.
3.0.1 Requirement Formalisation
RE is an important process in software development
for discovering stakeholder’s needs and classifying
them for other phases of software development (Pohl,
2010). Formalising requirement is one of the key
tasks in RE that is automated by applying different
NLP and ML techniques and tools. It enables the
translation of the requirement in natural language into
a structured formal form (e.g., UML modeling dia-
grams). This transformation reduces the ambiguities
of natural language and provides a convenient way for
validation and verification (Sch
on et al., 2017; Tukur
et al., 2021).
3.1 Natural Language Processing
NLP is an area of research in Artificial Intelligence
(AI) that enables a computer to process a large
amount of structured/unstructured data in natural lan-
guage that exist in today’s world. Different NLP
methods, approaches, processes, and procedures are
introduced to process data in different phases of RE.
Tokenization, POS tagging, and dependency parsing
are the commonly used techniques in this domain
(Kulkarni and Shivananda, 2019).
3.2 Machine Learning
ML is one of the core technical terms in Artificial In-
telligence (AI), which refers to the learning and iden-
tification of patterns from examples and existing data
MODELSWARD 2023 - 11th International Conference on Model-Based Software and Systems Engineering
Table 1: Terms for Selecting Relevant Research Studies.
Group Term
A Natural Language Processing
Natural Language, NLP
B Machine Learning
Deep Learning
C Requirement Formalisation
Model Generation
UML Generation
OCL Generation
Usecase or Use case Diagram Generation
Class Diagram Generation
Sequence Diagram Generation
ER Diagram Generation
Activity Diagram Generation
(Samuel, 1967). Different algorithms and process-
ing techniques are introduced in this domain. DL is
an ML technique, which is based on Artificial Neu-
ral Network (ANN) (Goodfellow et al., 2016) and is
applicable in a variety of domains including RF.
The provided guidelines by Kitchenham and Charters
(Brereton et al., 2007), (Keele et al., 2007), and Pe-
tersen et al. (Petersen et al., 2015) are applied for
systematic mapping study in this research. The fol-
lowing research questions are the main target of this
Q1: What are the most commonly used NLP/ML
approaches for automatic/semi-automatic RF?
Q2: What are the input and output of RF ap-
Q3: What are the gaps and deficiencies in existing
RF work?
The three phases of the study protocol including
planning, conducting, and reporting are explained in
the following sections.
4.1 Review Planning
The review process and search strategy are explained
in this part. To provide comprehensive coverage of
existing publications most major publishers in Soft-
ware Engineering are investigated.
According to the objectives of this study and re-
search questions, three terms were selected in this pa-
per. Each term includes different keywords and at
least one of the keywords has to be presented in a pa-
per. Table 1 presents the list of selected terms in this
To identify the largest number of studies in the do-
main of RF, the following search string is followed:
Search String= (A B (A B)) C
Additionally, inclusion and exclusion criteria to
decide which of the selected articles should be con-
sidered as primary studies and which ones should be
excluded are defined as follows:
4.1.1 Inclusion Criteria
Published between January 2012 and March 2022
Publications that generate model or any formali-
sation from requirement
Publications in peer-reviewed journals, confer-
ences, and workshops
Publication in English
4.1.2 Exclusion Criteria
Publications not written in English
Publications before 2012
Summary, survey, or review publications
Non peer-reviewed publications
Publications not focusing on RF
Books, web sites, technical reports, pamphlets, tu-
torials, duplicate papers, and white papers.
In this research abstracts, titles, and keywords of
papers are evaluated according to the inclusion and
exclusion criteria. Furthermore, in some cases the
whole text of the paper is also investigated.
4.2 Review Conducting
The review conduction stage presents the selection
process for LR in this research.
4.2.1 Article Selection
This phase is divided into three sub tasks including,
pilot study, article selection and quality assessment of
selected primary studies.
Pilot Study. A pilot study is carried out to investigate
the reliability of provided selection criteria as sug-
gested by Kitchenham and Charters (Brereton et al.,
2007), (Keele et al., 2007), and Petersen et al. (Pe-
tersen et al., 2015) before the selection of primary ar-
ticles. In this stage, ve papers are selected by the
first and second authors. These articles are investi-
gated by a third author, who is an expert in the NLP
domain and was not involved in the search process
by considering the inclusion and exclusion criteria. A
satisfactory result is presented from the pilot study,
which proves the suitability of the defined criteria in
this research.
Requirement Formalisation Using Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning: A Systematic Review
Initial Search
First Filtering
(Abstract, Title,
keywords, Intro,
Detailed Filtering
257 studies fund
115 studies removed
142 studies remained
71 studies removed
71 studies remained
24 studies removed
47 studies remained
Figure 1: Primary studies selection process.
Primary Study Selection. In this part, the relevant
articles are searched using the provided search string.
The result of this selection is presented in Figure 1.
For the initial search process, 257 results are recog-
nised. To refine the selected papers in the next it-
eration, titles, abstracts, keywords, introduction, and
conclusion sections are reviewed. As a result, 115
papers are removed from the list of selections, and
then the rest are kept for the next iteration. Following
that by applying inclusion and exclusion criteria 71
papers are rejected. Next for this iteration, the con-
tent of the paper is investigated deeply and 24 papers
are rejected. Finally, 47 studies are remaining. Figure
3 presents the distribution of the resulting papers in
each year. As can be seen in this figure, in 2021 the
domain gained more interest and the highest number
of publications were published. Additionally, Figure
2 indicates the publication type of result papers. Con-
ferences are the target of publication in most studies.
Quality Assessment. The quality of the selected
study is also assessed in this research. Therefore, a
checklist with four quality assessment questions is
presented in Table 2. The questions are answered
by the first author by selecting from ’yes’, ’no’, and
’partly’ options.
Figure 2: Primary studies per publication type.
Figure 3: Distribution of NLP papers in each year.
4.2.2 Data Extraction and Synthesis
To answer each research question, the data extraction
process is performed by developing a predefined data
extraction form in Table 3. The form enables us to
record essential information about primary studies to
answer each research question. The form is filled out
by the first author manually and then the second and
third authors reviewed the results and finally, the is-
sues are fixed.
4.2.3 Reporting the Review
Based on the results of data extraction phase, the re-
view result is presented and each research question is
answered and discussed.
Table 2: Quality assessment Questions.
QID Topic Question
A1 Objective Did the study clearly define
the research objectives?
A2 Related Did the study provide a review
work of previous work?
A3 Research Are the research methodology
methodology clearly established?
A4 Validity Did the study include a
discussion on the validity and
reliability of the procedure used?
A5 Future work Did the study point out potential
further research?
MODELSWARD 2023 - 11th International Conference on Model-Based Software and Systems Engineering
Table 3: Data Extraction Form.
Study data Description Relevant RQ
Title Study
Author Study
Year Study
Article Study
Source Overview
Type of Journal,
Article Conference
Research What is the main RQ1
goal goal of study?
Research Model extraction/generation, RQ1
goal Requirement formalisation,
category UML, Usecase, Class
Activity, ER diagram
Research What research methods RQ1
method did the study employ?
Data What are the datasets RQ2
for evaluation of the study
Evaluation what are the evaluation RQ1
criteria in the study?
NLP What are the applied RQ1
techniques NLP techniques?
ML What are the applied RQ1
techniques ML techniques?
NLP What NLP tools RQ1
tools did the study use?
Challenges What are the challenges RQ3
of the study?
Future Work What are the suggested RQ3
future work?
This section presents the result of the review of this
research. We selected 47 primary studies for SLR.
5.1 Summary of Studies
Investigated studies for classifying NLP and ML tech-
niques to formalise requirements are available in
(RFr, 2022). The studies are summarised according to
the applied NLP/ML techniques, input and output ar-
tifacts, datasets, approach, applied tools and libraries,
input structure, and evaluation criteria.
This section discusses the classification results
of the investigated approaches according to each re-
search question.
Figure 4: Frequency of NLP Technologies in Different
5.2 Q1: What Are the Most Commonly
Used NLP/ML Approaches for
Automatic/Semi-Automatic RF?
To answer this question, NLP and ML approaches ap-
plied in selected studies are deeply investigated.
5.2.1 NLP Techniques
Figure 4 presents the applied NLP techniques and fre-
quency of using those techniques through out investi-
gated papers.
Applied Techniques. Tokenization, POS tag-
ging and Type dependencies are the most common
used NLP techniques in those research.
Heuristic Rules. Majority of research applied
heuristic rules for formalising requirements.
Frequent Tools and Libraries. Stanford core
NLP is the most common-used NLP tools in in-
vestigated studies.
Evaluation Criteria. Accuracy in terms of preci-
sion, recall and F-measure are the most common
criteria for evaluation in selected studies.
5.2.2 ML Techniques
There are not many studies that apply ML techniques
for RF and mostly classical ML techniques such as
decision trees and Support Vector Machine (SVM) are
used in those studies. The applied ML techniques and
frequency of application of these techniques are pre-
sented in Figure 5. Around 20% of selected studies in
this research applied both NLP and DL techniques.
5.3 Q2: What Are the Input and
Output of RF Approaches?
This question is answered according to the applied
type and structure of input elements and generated
output elements.
Requirement Formalisation Using Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning: A Systematic Review
Figure 5: Frequency of DL Technologies in Different Stud-
Figure 6: Frequency of Input for RF.
Input Types. The frequency of input types in se-
lected studies is presented in Figure 6. English
text and user story are the most common-used
type in most studies.
Input Structure. The unstructured English text is
the most frequent input structure for most of the
studies as presented in Figure 7. The inputs in the
format of user story are semi-structured.
Output Types. In most studies, the formalisation
is in the form of UML diagrams. Figure 8 indi-
cates that class and use case diagrams are the most
common input types in these studies.
Figure 7: Structure of Input Elements.
Figure 8: Frequency of Generated Output for RF.
5.4 Q3: What Are the Gaps and
Deficiencies in Existing RF Work?
The RF field remains at an experimental stage, in par-
ticular evaluation of approaches is not performed sys-
tematically and it is difficult to compare different ap-
proaches. The published results of studies were often
not reproducible due to the unavailability of tools or
Investigating different works, we identified three
main deficiencies for formalising requirements. A list
of deficiencies is provided below:
5.4.1 Lack of Completeness in Heuristic Rules
The performance and completeness of heuristic ap-
proaches are typically not evaluated on a broad range
of input cases, thus it is not possible to determine
which are the best to use in different situations. A
lot of papers applied heuristic approaches and defined
rules manually. It is not possible to come up with any
specific number of rules for formalising requirements
and generating relevant artifacts. This issue is not
deeply investigated in the community as there is not
an adequate comparative evaluation in this domain.
5.4.2 Lack of Application of DL
There is under-use of DL techniques, which seem to
be relevant and applicable to RF tasks and could help
to avoid the limitations of heuristic approaches, espe-
cially for unstructured source data. It is assumed that
the limited number of training data in the community
is the main reason that developers do not use DL mod-
els in different tasks. Most of the learning methods
used in the community are standard methods such as
decision tree or regression model. It can be concluded
that most of the studies use learning in the wrong way
and do not exploit the full potential of deep learning
techniques in this domain. Therefore, in theory, ap-
plication of ML provides a potential solution for the
MODELSWARD 2023 - 11th International Conference on Model-Based Software and Systems Engineering
different task of RF. Community can benefit from the
DL models and tools by applying some modern learn-
ing architecture such as OpenAI Codex (Chen et al.,
2021) as in these models it is not essential to have lots
of labels data for performing particular task.
5.4.3 Lack of Evaluation Benchmark
To systematically compare different RF cases, stan-
dard benchmarks and evaluation criteria need to be
established e.g., there are well-established bench-
marks in Natural Language Generation (GEM, ) and
Speech Processing (SUP, ). Many of the evaluation
datasets cited in selected papers are no longer avail-
able. Therefore, a repository of standard cases, pro-
posed approaches, and evaluation procedures are nec-
essary. This is an important issue in the community
and it is essential to fill this gap.
Our systematic review results show open issues and
research challenges for formalising requirements.
This research is part of MDENet project and some
actions are taken by the authors of this paper to solve
part of the issues. These actions are summerised be-
In order to strengthen the area of RF research,
we developed a DSL for NLP pipelines, based on
the SQLite grammar of GitHub - antlr/grammars-
v4/SQLite. This enables the high-level definition
of NLP pipelines for RF, independent of any par-
ticular NLP platform such as NLTK or Apache
OpenNLP. Common RF processing such as POS-
tagging, segmentation, chunking, and parsing can
be specified. A transformation from the DSL to
Python was defined to support implementation in
To provide a central point of reference for RF re-
search, we established a GitHub repository (RFr,
2022), which will hold links to state-of-the-art re-
search in the area, evaluation cases, evaluation
tools, and the results of evaluations. The repos-
itory will be a resource for the RF community and
aims to improve the practical application of RF
research to real-world software problems.
To compare the effectiveness of RF approaches,
there needs to be an established set of require-
ments statements that can be applied. We selected
25 cases of real-world requirements statements in
Figure 9: Three Kinds of Evaluation Strategy for RF Ap-
the format of user stories, which reflect a diversity
of linguistic styles and scales, and added these to
the RF repository.
To evaluate the results of applying RF approaches
to the evaluation cases, we provide tools to (i)
compare the formalized models produced by an
approach to manually constructed reference mod-
els for the cases, to identify a measure of similar-
ity of these models; (ii) compare the formalized
models to the source document, to check the com-
pleteness of the formalization; (iii) to evaluate the
internal quality of the formalized model. Three
kinds of evaluation strategy are presented in Fig-
ure 9. Example evaluations have been provided
for three RF approaches, evaluated on two user
story case studies.
In the following we discuss directions to complete the
current actions and further future work on RF.
Generate a platform to guide the user in selecting
appropriate NLP techniques occurring to their re-
quirements. This will occur by considering more
case studies and evaluating them by applying the
evaluating tools specified in (RFg, 2022).
We will develop the RF repository with more
example case studies, including examples of
unstructured requirements statements/background
documentation, evaluation tools and evaluations,
and publicise this in MDE forums and invite con-
tributions from RF researchers.
Requirement Formalisation Using Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning: A Systematic Review
This research carried out a systematic survey of exist-
ing approaches for RF, including NLP and ML ap-
proaches across a wide range of applications. 250
publications were examined, and 47 specific publica-
tions were selected for deeper analysis. We identified
Heuristic NLP approaches are the most common
RF technique in the research, primarily operating
on structured and semi-structured data.
Deep learning techniques are not widely-used, in-
stead classical ML techniques such as decision
trees and Support Vector Machine (SVM) are used
in the surveyed studies.
There is a lack of standard benchmark cases for
RF and therefore it is difficult to compare the per-
formance of different approaches.
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MODELSWARD 2023 - 11th International Conference on Model-Based Software and Systems Engineering