A Novel Sampling Technique for Detecting Cyber Denial of Service
Attacks on the Internet of Things
Bassam Kasasbeh
1 a
and Hadeel Ahmad
2 b
Department of Data Science & Artificial Intelligence, Al Hussein Technical University, Amman, Jordan
Department of Computer Science, Applied Science Private University, Amman, Jordan
Internet of Things (IoT), Denial of Service (DoS) Attacks, Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS), Multi-Class
Imbalanced Data, Machine Learning.
Internet of Things (IoT) devices are vulnerable to a wide range of unique security risks during the data col-
lection and transmission processes. Due to a lack of resources, these devices increased the attack surface and
made it easier for an attacker to find a target. The Denial of Service (DoS) attack is one of the most common
attacks that can target all layers of the IoT protocol. Therefore, Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) based on
machine learning (ML) are the best ways to confront these risks. However, an imbalanced dataset for cyber
attacks makes it difficult to detect them with ML models. We propose an undersampling technique that clus-
ters the data set using Fuzzy C-means (FCM) and picks similar instances with the same features to ensure the
integrity of the dataset. We used accuracy, precision, sensitivity, specificity, F-measure, AUC, and G-means to
determine how good the results were. The proposed technique had 97.6% overall accuracy. Furthermore, it got
96.94%, 96.39%, 99.59%, 98.08%, and 97.16% True Positive Rates (TPR) in the Blackhole, Grayhole, Flood-
ing, Scheduling, and Normal (no attacks) classes, respectively. The results show that the proposed method for
detecting DoS attacks in the IoT has succeeded.
Nowadays, the rapid growth of emerging and
Internet-based decentralized technologies like the In-
ternet of Things (IoT) and cloud computing has led to
an explosion of information in virtually every tech-
nical and commercial field that exists today (Stoy-
anova et al., 2020). IoT refers to the interconnected
networks of devices that enable the seamless ex-
change of information between various physical de-
vices. These devices could be industrial robots, med-
ical and healthcare devices, wearables, smart TVs,
smart city infrastructures, or driverless cars (Mbarek
et al., 2020). In addition, many objects and intelligent
sensors are linked to exchange data through the IoT
without human intervention(Jan et al., 2019).
Additionally, a Wireless Sensor Network (WSN)
enables access to many IoT objects via a wide range
of sensors and actuators accessed over the internet.
However, IoT sensors typically have limited memory,
power, and a tiny battery, making it difficult to com-
pute, store, access, and analyze IoT data. Addition-
ally, a growing volume of diverse data and objects ne-
cessitates a platform to accommodate it all (Masengo
Wa Umba et al., 2022)(Jiang et al., 2020).
IoT devices will be more common than mobile de-
vices and will have access to sensitive personal infor-
mation (Meneghello et al., 2019). Unfortunately, this
means that it will be easier to attack and that there
will be more vulnerabilities in the IoT in general (Is-
lam et al., 2022). Therefore, Intrusion Detection Sys-
tems (IDS) are needed to protect IoT communications
because security is essential to most IoT applications.
IDS is software or hardware that monitors data traf-
fic to detect malicious activities and protect end users
from intrusions threatening an information system’s
real-time availability, integrity, and privacy (Abiodun
et al., 2021)(Islam et al., 2022).
Therefore, it is essential to figure out what affects
how well the IDS works in IoT apps and come up
with a plan to make the detection process better and
more efficient. Class imbalance in datasets is one of
the most critical challenges requiring more research
in IDS (Tabbaa et al., 2022). The dataset is deemed
imbalanced when the classes are represented in differ-
Kasasbeh, B. and Ahmad, H.
A Novel Sampling Technique for Detecting Cyber Denial of Service Attacks on the Internet of Things.
DOI: 10.5220/0011786300003393
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2023) - Volume 3, pages 861-868
ISBN: 978-989-758-623-1; ISSN: 2184-433X
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
ent proportions (Ahmad et al., 2022). For example,
when looking at datasets to study the effects of cy-
ber attacks on network traffic flow, most of the data is
normal (no attack behaviour), and only a tiny amount
is attack data (Churcher et al., 2021).
Thus, it is essential to combat Denial of Service
(DoS) attacks. Even though work on detecting DoS
attacks has become more popular in the past few
years, it is still a big problem for IoT apps today (Adat
and Gupta, 2018). DoS attacks on IoT apps usually
have significant effects, mainly because limited sen-
sor devices make them (Adat and Gupta, 2018). IDS
is regarded as one of the most effective methods for
detecting DoS attacks. IDSs monitor system activity
in order to identify and block malicious traffic. At-
tacks can be easily detected by figuring out network
traffic’s normal pattern and size (Almomani et al.,
This paper uses an undersampling technique for
multiclass data balancing to build a classification IDS
for IoT apps called Multiclass Similarity-Based Se-
lection (MSBS). We used the WSN-DS dataset, a
multiclass imbalanced dataset with five cyber-DoS at-
tacks labeled blackhole attack, grayhole attack, flood-
ing attack, scheduling attack, and normal (no attacks).
The proposed technique balances the dataset by re-
ducing the sample size of the majority classes.
We compared the proposed method to Random
Undersampling (RUS) (Leevy et al., 2021) and the
multi-label approach for Tomek Link undersampling
(MLTL) (Pereira et al., 2020) to test it. In order
to evaluate the three undersampling techniques, we
used the widely used machine learning algorithms
named K-Nearest neighbours (kNN), Logical Regres-
sion, and Naive Bayes. In addition, the evaluation pa-
rameters accuracy, precision, sensitivity, specificity,
F-measure, area under the curve (AUC), and G-means
were used to compare the classification performance
between the proposed technique and the other two un-
dersampling techniques.
The following is a summary of the main contribu-
tions of this study:
1. In the paper, an undersampling technique was de-
veloped for IDS to find cyber-DoS attacks, and its
effectiveness in a big data environment was con-
2. It has been shown that the MSBS undersampling
technique is better at finding cyber-DoS attacks in
IoT apps than the other undersampling techniques
in the literature.
3. The proposed method is evaluated with three dis-
tinct machine learning classification algorithms to
assess its effectiveness. The results showed that
the proposed method performed significantly bet-
ter than the methods described in the literature.
The rest of the paper is organized: Section 2 pro-
vides review-related work. Section 3 provides an
overview of the WSN-DS dataset used to classify
cyber-DoS attacks and the proposed MSBS under-
sampling technique. Section 4 presents the results and
discussion. Finally, conclusions and suggestions for
future research are presented in Section 5.
In recent years, numerous IDSs have been proposed
in the literature and are used to monitor IoT devices
against various cyber-DoS attacks.
(Almomani et al., 2016) created a specialized
dataset for WSN networks that he called WSN-DS.
This dataset was based on the network traffic in wire-
less sensor nodes and included four types of cyber-
DoS attacks: blackhole, grayhole, flooding, and
scheduling. Using this dataset, the authors trained an
artificial neural network (ANN) to detect and classify
DoS attacks without considering the dataset’s balanc-
ing. Experiments show that DoS attacks were more
accurately detected when one hidden layer was used.
(Kumari and Mehta, 2020) developed an
ensemble-based intrusion detection model using vari-
ous ML classification algorithms, including Decision
Tree, J48, and Support Vector Machine (SVM) The
nine most relevant and significant intrusion detection
features from the KDD99 dataset were determined
using particle swarm optimization. The proposed
model produced results that were 90% more accurate.
(Pokharel et al., 2020) present a hybrid IDS
model of Naive Bayes and SVM. A real-time histor-
ical log dataset was normalized and preprocessed for
this study. After enhancement, the proposed model
achieved 95% accuracy and precision. In addition, it
has been demonstrated that classifier performance im-
proved when session-based features were added.
(Kumari and Mehta, 2020) evaluate Bayesian net-
works and RandomTree classifiers with ensemble
learning. On the KDDcup99 dataset, the ensemble
IDS model was compared to base classifiers for accu-
racy, precision, and recall. This study concludes that
the proposed model has a better effect on precision
and recall than the accuracy rate and claims that IDS
presents a sound effect for the whole dataset, no mat-
ter the sample size. Furthermore, the Bayesian net-
work performs better on small datasets, while Ran-
domTree does better on large ones.
(Vinayakumar et al., 2019) proposed a scal-
able, hybrid DNN framework called Scale-Hybrid-
ICAART 2023 - 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
IDS-AlertNet to monitor network traffic and host-
level events to alert for possible network attacks.
DNN models that did well on KDD Cup 99 were
benchmarked on the NSL-KDD, UNSW-NB15, Ky-
oto, WSN-DS, and CICIDS 2017 datasets. Experi-
mental tests show that the DNN outperforms tradi-
tional machine-learning classifiers. However, com-
plex DNN models require much computation.
In this paper, we proposed a novel undersampling
technique for multiclass datasets to detect cyber-DoS
attacks in IoT apps. The proposed technique works
based on the similarity between the minority and ma-
jority instances to balance the dataset. This technique
was applied to a high imbalance dataset of cyber-
DoS attacks called WSN-DS (Almomani et al., 2016).
In order to verify the success of the proposed tech-
nique in classifying cyber-DoS attacks, the WSN-DS
dataset was balanced using RUS (Leevy et al., 2021)
and MLTL (Pereira et al., 2020). RUS is an under-
sampling method that achieves balance by randomly
removing instances from the majority classes. The
MLTL technique, on the other hand, identifies and
eliminates so-called Tomek links from the multiclass
dataset. A pair of instances is a Tomek Link if they
are neighbors but belong to different classes.
This paper proposes a technique for the multi-class
imbalance dataset problem. The key to this technique
is to identify and then prioritize instances that are sim-
ilar to one another. The proposed technique solves the
class imbalance issue by employing a Fuzzy C-means
(FCM) clustering strategy, which yields a robust set
for the sampling phase (Aydilek and Arslan, 2013).
The clustering step ensures that the instances will be
grouped according to the degree to which their char-
acteristics are relatively similar to ensure that the data
will be analyzed in the most efficient manner possi-
ble (Ahmad et al., 2022). Then, we find the minority
class in each cluster and find the euclidean distance
between each instance in the minority class and every
other instance to find instances with similar features.
We do this for each cluster, and then we put the in-
stances from each cluster together to produce a bal-
anced dataset. This process ultimately aids in reduc-
ing the removal of relevant and essential instances that
occur when employing the random undersampling
technique. As a result, the efficiency of the IDS is
improved, and at the same time, the dataset becomes
balanced. Machine learning algorithms, including lo-
gistic regression, Naive Bayes, and K-nearest neigh-
bour (kNN), are used during the classification stage to
classify cyber-DoS attacks. Figure 2 shows the MSBS
3.1 Dataset
(Almomani et al., 2016) collected a dataset represent-
ing WSN features under a variety of different attack
scenarios by using the LEACH protocol (Almomani
and Al-Kasasbeh, 2015). This dataset is well known
as WSN-DS. Since the LEACH protocol is widely
used in WSNs and IoT, it was selected as the study’s
protocol (Behera et al., 2018). Twenty-three fea-
tures were culled from the WSN-DS dataset using the
LEACH routing protocol. Each sensor node’s state in
a wireless sensor network can be described with these
characteristics. The total number of records in the
WSN-DS dataset is 374661. This dataset simulates
four different types of cyber-attacks: Grayhole attack
(14596 records), Blackhole attack (10049 records),
Scheduling attack (6638 records), and Flooding at-
tack (3312 records). The other 340066 records show
no attack behavior. Figure 1 shows the distribution of
the WSN-DS dataset instances.
Figure 1: Distribution of the Dataset instances.
3.2 Fuzzy C-Means Clustering
Clustering refers to organizing data into groups ac-
cording to predetermined standards or parameters.
One of the popular clustering techniques is the FCM
clustering algorithm. FCM is a machine learning
(ML) clustering approach that splits the dataset into
two or more groups. Using FCM, each record in the
dataset is clustered based on how similar it is to the
others, representing the distance between the instance
and the cluster center. To determine the optimal num-
ber of clusters, we tested the dataset using FCM with
two clusters, three clusters, . . . . up to ten clusters.
This procedure aims to get as many clusters as pos-
sible while ensuring that each cluster has all types of
attacks. After that, we found that the optimal number
A Novel Sampling Technique for Detecting Cyber Denial of Service Attacks on the Internet of Things
of clusters is 4. Table 1 shows the distribution of each
3.3 Dataset Resampling
In order to deal with imbalanced datasets, it is nec-
essary to modify classification algorithms to achieve
improvements or equalization of classes within the
training information. This procedure is known as data
preprocessing (Ahmad et al., 2022). The primary goal
of knowledge preprocessing is to either increase the
number of instances that fall into the minority class
or reduce the frequency of those that belong to the
majority classes to get the same number of instances
in each class (Patel et al., 2020).
After grouping the data into separate clusters
based on their similarities, the next step in the sam-
pling process is determining the minority class in each
cluster. In the first cluster (c1), for example, Table
1 shows that the scheduling attack constitutes a mi-
nority class with 1885 instances. Then, it compares
the distance between each minority instance (schedul-
ing attack in this cluster) and the other samples in the
same cluster to determine which instance from each
class is closest to each minority instance. Thus, af-
ter applying this procedure, cluster C1 has 1885 in-
stances. Next, we apply this procedure to all other
clusters. Table 2 shows the number of samples after
completing the selection process according to similar-
ity. Lastly, this method combines the instances cho-
sen from each cluster into a balanced dataset based on
their similarities. Algorithm 1 shows the details of the
proposed technique steps.
3.4 Performance Evaluation
We compared the classification efficacy of the pro-
posed technique (MSBS) by using accuracy, preci-
sion, sensitivity (True positive rate), specificity (True
negative rate), F-measure, AUC, and the geometric
mean (G-Mean). These performance metrics directly
result from the confusion matrix data used as the ba-
sis for their calculation. The confusion matrix com-
prises four primary elements: the True Positive, the
True Negative, the False Negative, and the False Pos-
itive. To examine the model’s efficacy regarding the
influence of a highly imbalanced dataset, we opted to
undertake an exhaustive study that includes all per-
tinent performance characteristics for a typical clas-
sification process. Equations 1 through 8 reflect all
performance measures:
Accuracy =
True Positive + True Negative
# o f all samples
Algorithm 1: Pseudo-code for the MSBS.
Input: Imbalanced multiclass Dataset D,
Number of classes N
, Number of
clusters N
, Classes label CL
Output: Balanced multiclass Dataset D’
1 for i 1 to N
2 N
= size(D[i])
3 for j 1 to N
4 for k 1 to N
5 SC[j]=count(CL[j])
6 end
7 end
8 MinorityClass[i]=min(SC)
9 for r 1 to N
10 Calculate the distance for every
sample in minority class and the
other samples.
11 end
12 Sort samples by distance in descending
13 Select observations near minority class
14 end
Sensitivity =
True Positive
True Positive + False Negative
Speci f icity =
True Negative
True Negative + False Positive
Precision =
True Positive
True Positive + False Positive
F measure =
2 × Sensitivity × Precision
Sensitivity + Precision
( Sensitivity + Speci f icity) (6)
G Mean =
Sensitivity × Speci f icity (7)
ErrorRate =
False Positive + False Negative
# o f all samples
This section uses the proposed method on the im-
balanced WSD-DS dataset (Almomani et al., 2016).
The study was carried out using the Google Colab
platform. Several machine learning libraries were
ICAART 2023 - 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Figure 2: MSBS Framework.
Table 1: The FCM distribution of each cluster.
Cluster Total number of instances Grayhole Blackhole Scheduling Flooding No attacks
C1 54201 11458 7331 1885 2482 30946
C2 292956 104 238 1154 100 291459
C3 24564 2991 2377 924 700 17572
C4 2940 43 103 2675 30 89
used, including scikit-learn, sklearn, pandas, and mat-
plotlib. The proposed method was tested with three
different ML algorithms, and the results were inter-
preted. We analyzed and compared the proposed
method with RUS and MLTL undersampling tech-
niques in this section. We used three popular ML clas-
sifiers: kNN, logistic regression, and Naive Bayes. In
this analysis, we use 70% of the total dataset for train-
ing and 30% for testing.
4.1 Comparison and Analysis Results
with Different Machine Learning
In Tables 3, 4, and 5, given below, the results of the
three undersampling techniques are compared using
kNN, logistic regression, and Naive Bayes, respec-
tively are shown. The results of an evaluation per-
formed with the kNN algorithm are presented in Table
3. This evaluation shows how our proposed method
differs from the other techniques by showing that ac-
curacy is improved by 13.3% when using RUS and
6.84% when using MLTL. It was established that the
proposed method was superior in terms of the out-
comes of precision, sensitivity, and F-measure, with
very similar percentages of superiority in accuracy.
The problem with our proposed approach is that it
only marginally improves specificity by 2.82% com-
pared to RUS and 1.86% compared to MLTL, which
means that the proposed method has few false posi-
tive results. However, the proposed method gave the
highest G-mean and AUC compared to other under-
sampling techniques.
The outcomes of the comparison using logistic
regression are displayed in Table 4. Our proposed
method is superior to the other undersampling tech-
niques. On the other hand, the difference in sensitiv-
ity between the RUS technique and the MLTL tech-
nique, which is 16.01% and 6.92%, respectively, is
considered to be a slight difference when compared
to our proposed method. However, it is important
to note that the MLTL technique has more specificity
than other technologies, which means that the logistic
regression makes our proposed method less likely to
give false positives.
In Table 5, we see a comparison of the results
using Naive Bayes, which shows that all undersam-
pling techniques are vastly superior to the other ma-
chine learning algorithms employed. The accuracy of
our proposed method reached 97.2%, demonstrating
its obvious and substantial superiority. Compared to
other undersampling methods, the proposed method
is 6.7% more accurate than the RUS method and 4.4%
more accurate than the MLTL method. Furthermore,
the results show that the proposed method is much
better regarding sensitivity, F-measure, AUC, and G-
means. In contrast, the results from Naive Bayes show
much convergence in terms of accuracy and speci-
A Novel Sampling Technique for Detecting Cyber Denial of Service Attacks on the Internet of Things
Table 2: Number of instances after the selection process.
Cluster Total number of instances Grayhole Blackhole Scheduling Flooding No attacks
C1 9425 1885 1885 1885 1885 1885
C2 500 100 100 100 100 100
C3 3500 700 700 700 700 700
C4 150 30 30 30 30 30
Table 3: kNN results.
Techniques Accuracy Precision Sensitivity Specificity F-Measure AUC G-MEAN
RUS 0.827 0.829 0.613 0.957 0.828 0.892 0.890
MLTL 0.877 0.878 0.693 0.966 0.878 0.922 0.920
MSBS 0.937 0.937 0.791 0.984 0.937 0.961 0.960
Table 4: Logistic Regression results.
Techniques Accuracy Precision Sensitivity Specificity F-Measure AUC G-MEAN
RUS 0.897 0.926 0.706 0.983 0.911 0.94 0.939
MLTL 0.941 0.956 0.766 0.998 0.948 0.97 0.969
MSBS 0.965 0.966 0.819 0.992 0.965 0.979 0.978
Table 5: Naive Bayes results.
Techniques Accuracy Precision Sensitivity Specificity F-Measure AUC G-MEAN
RUS 0.909 0.921 0.912 0.977 0.916 0.945 0.944
MLTL 0.943 0.947 0.945 0.986 0.946 0.966 0.965
MSBS 0.976 0.981 0.977 0.994 0.979 0.986 0.985
4.2 Analysis of Cyber-DoS Through a
Naive Bayes Model
Figure 3 shows the True Positive Rate (TPR) for each
type of cyber-DoS attack as classified by the Naive
Bayes classifier, which is the best classifier for classi-
fying the various cyber-DoS attacks described in the
previous section. This figure shows that the proposed
technique is significantly superior to the MITI tech-
nique in classifying flood attacks. The TPR for this at-
tack reached 99.6% compared to 4.56% for the MITI
technique. Also, the scheduling attack showed that
the proposed technique was better because its TPR
reached 98.1%, which was 4.72% higher than the
MITI technique. Figure 3 also shows that the normal
mode (no attack behaviour) ranked third among all at-
tack types in the TPR. Unfortunately, the MITI tech-
nique gained the upper hand at this time, as the gap
between the proposed method and the MITI method
reached 0.8%.
Moreover, at the level of a blackhole attack, the
proposed method stood out because its TPR reached
96.9%, whereas the MITI method only reached
93.33%. Finally, even though it is the weakest type of
TPR cyber-DoS attack, the grayhole attack in the pro-
posed technique was distinguishable from the other
attacks. It reached 96.4%, which is 5.49% higher than
the MITI technique.
Figure 4 shows the False Positive Rate (FPR).
We note the distinction of the proposed technique in
achieving a distinct relative in this aspect compared
to other techniques in classifying four distinct types
of cyber-DoS attacks, namely blackhole, grayhole,
scheduling, and no attack behaviour. However, the
MITI technique appears superior in classifying flood-
ing attacks, with a 65.4% difference from the pro-
posed technique.
Figure 4 also shows that the scheduling attack
has a remarkably high FPR, reaching 4.81% with the
RUS technique, 3.43% with the MITI technique, and
1.43% with the proposed technique. On the other
hand, the flooding attack shows the highest likelihood
of obtaining an FPR percentage, reaching 1.29% us-
ing the RUS technique, 0.23% using the proposed
technique, and 0.08% using the MITI technique.
Figure 5 shows the error rate (EER) in classifying
all cyber-DoS attacks in this dataset, with EERs of
0.27%, 0.83%, 0.99%, 1.12%, and 1.52% for flooding
attacks and no attack behaviour, Grayhole, and Black-
hole, respectively. We also note from this figure that
the proposed technique had the lowest EER in clas-
sifying the normal state (no attack behaviour), which
achieved an EER that was 36.35% less than the MITI
method and 59.39% less than the RUS technique. Fi-
nally, It shows that the scheduling attack had the high-
est EER among all cyber-DoS attacks.
ICAART 2023 - 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Figure 3: The True Positive Rate of all cyber-DoS attacks.
Figure 4: The False Positive Rate of all cyber-DoS attacks.
Figure 5: The Error Rate of all cyber-DoS attacks.
This paper suggests a new undersampling technique
for dealing with IDSs to detect different cyber-DoS
attacks specific to the IoT. In this study, we con-
structed the proposed technique using the WSN-DS
dataset. The proposed technique solves the problem
of imbalanced multiclass distribution for cyber-DoS
attacks in the IoT by using the FCM clustering al-
gorithm to group the entire dataset to find instances
with the same pattern and balance the dataset based
on similarity. Experiments showed that the proposed
method was more accurate (97.6
The proposed technique stood out from other
proposed techniques because it was able to classify
blackhole, grayhole, and scheduling attacks by get-
ting the best TPR and FPR and the lowest EER from
other techniques in the literature. Also, it classified
the flooding attack more accurately than the other
techniques but demonstrated a high FPR. Moreover, it
was effective at identifying patterns of non-attacking
behaviour. However, it was not the most effective
technique among those described in the literature, de-
spite having the lowest FPR and EER.
In the future, it is planned to investigate the low
correlation between the WSN-DS features and de-
velop the optimal method for selecting the most per-
tinent features to enhance the detection performance
of DoS in IoTs. In addition, the proposed method will
be tried on several Imbalanced multiclass datasets to
see how well it works. Finally, it is planned to find
the best machine learning algorithm to make an intel-
ligent IDS, test it with a network simulator, and mea-
sure its reliability and transparency to detect cyber-
DoS attacks in an IoT environment.
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