Vulnerabilities in IoT Devices, Backends, Applications, and Components
Rauli Kaksonen
, Kimmo Halunen
and Juha R
University of Oulu, Oulu, Finland
IoT, Vulnerabilities, Cyber Security, Information Security, NVD, CVE, CWE, CVSS.
The Internet of Things (IoT) is the ecosystem of networked devices encountered in both work and home. IoT
security is a great concern and vulnerabilities are reported daily. IoT is mixed into other digital infrastructure
both in terms of sharing the same networks and using the same software components. In this paper, we analyze
Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) entries, including known exploited vulnerabilities, to describe
the vulnerabilities in the IoT context. The results indicate that 88% of reported vulnerabilities are relevant
to IoT systems. Half of the vulnerabilities are in the backend or frontend systems while 10-20% concern the
IoT devices. HTTP servers are the vulnerability hotspots wherever they are located. Software components are
used in all IoT subsystems and tracking and updating them is essential for system security. The results can be
used to understand where and what kind of vulnerabilities are in IoT systems.
The Internet of Things (IoT) is the heterogeneous
ecosystem of networked devices. IoT is deeply mixed
with networked infrastructure, such as home net-
works, intranets, control systems, or hospital net-
works. The IoT backend systems are connected with
the other business functions. The IoT mobile appli-
cations share the same smartphones as other applica-
tions. The security of IoT is a great concern, partly
because of this connection with critical infrastructure.
It is not only the IoT system and its data at stake but
the whole system of systems. Further, an IoT system
is largely assembled from open source and other soft-
ware components. Some of them are specific to IoT,
but most are truly general-purpose.
It is not practical to separate IoT security concerns
from the big picture of cyber security. In this paper,
we analyze reported vulnerabilities and their connec-
tion to IoT. The goal is to understand how vulnerabil-
ities are distributed and which are the most important
flaw categories. This should be useful for security re-
searchers, administrators, authorities, and others who
want to understand IoT security better.
The common vulnerabilities and exposures (CVE)
program maintains public vulnerability informa-
tion (MITRE, 2022a). The National Vulnerability
Database (NVD) is US government repository that
further tracks and augments CVE data (NIST, 2022a).
NVD includes also IoT vulnerabilities, but they are
not explicitly identified. Some CVEs represent vul-
nerabilities which are used in cyber-attacks while
many are never exploited. US Cybersecurity & Infras-
tructure Security Agency (CISA) maintains a known
exploited vulnerabilities catalog which lists actively
exploited CVEs (CISA, 2022).
A CVE entry usually has Common Weakness Enu-
meration (CWE) value(s), which describes the type of
underlying weaknesses (MITRE, 2022b). The view
CWE-1003 “Weaknesses for Simplified Mapping of
Published Vulnerabilities“ is a hierarchy of CWEs in-
tended to be used in NVD (MITRE, 2022b; NIST,
2022a). The view has 35 root CWEs, which may
have child CWEs. We use this as compression and
only show the roots with child CWE counts summed
in. Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS)
describes the characteristics of a vulnerability and cal-
culate its technical severity (FIRST, 2022). The Com-
mon Platform Enumeration (CPE) is intended to un-
ambiguously identify the vulnerable product or soft-
ware (NIST, 2022b).
Information about vulnerabilities in IoT is abun-
dant. Open Web Application Security Project
(OWASP) is perhaps best known for its Top 10 Web
Application Security Risks, but it has also published
Top 10 Internet of Things Vulnerabilities (OWASP,
2022). Khoury et al. inspected 27 IoT malware sam-
Kaksonen, R., Halunen, K. and Röning, J.
Vulnerabilities in IoT Devices, Backends, Applications, and Components.
DOI: 10.5220/0011784400003405
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2023), pages 659-668
ISBN: 978-989-758-624-8; ISSN: 2184-4356
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
ples and identified the CVEs used by them to pre-
dict which are going to be used by future malware
(Khoury et al., 2021). Several technical reports list
CVEs used in IoT malware or botnets (Caspi, 2022;
Caspi, 2021; Luptak and Palotay, 2021). Chatzoglou
et. al. performed a thorough study of Android IoT ap-
plication security (Chatzoglou et al., 2022). Mathas et
al. analyzed vulnerabilities in open-source software
applicable to 5G IoT devices (Mathas et al., 2021).
Mirani et al. tested 13 IoT devices and discovered
vulnerabilities in all of them (Mirani et al., 2019). We
look closer at these studies in Section 3.4 and com-
pare them to our results.
To the best of our knowledge, there are no studies
which holistically analyze reported vulnerabilities in
the IoT context. Our research questions in this study
are: 1) In the IoT context, where would one ex-
pect the vulnerabilities to appear? 2) What are the
most frequent types of vulnerabilities in the IoT
We use the real vulnerability information from the
NVD (NIST, 2022a). A careful analysis of the CVEs
are required to understand what is vulnerable and
how. The amount of detail and presentation varies
greatly, so we chose to manually analyse the CVEs
for accuracy. With around 20 000 CVEs added in a
year, we can only analyze subsets. Table 1 summa-
rizes the analyzed CVE data sets.
Firstly, we analyzed a random set of CVEs from
2021. Later, we created additional “NVD++” data set
to get more insight to the IoT device vulnerabilities.
The set is made up from randomly selected CVEs,
which were analyzed in-depth only if they appeared
to be relevant for IoT devices.
At the time of our research, the CISA set con-
tains 143 known exploited vulnerabilities for the year
2021 (CISA, 2022). Vulnerabilities used in IoT mal-
ware, mainly device vulnerabilities, are listed by
many sources (Caspi, 2022; Caspi, 2021; Khoury
et al., 2021; Luptak and Palotay, 2021). We analyzed
all these CVEs.
The frequency of mobile applications in the afore-
mentioned CVE sets is low. To understand mo-
bile application vulnerabilities better, we searched
for CVE descriptions with the words mobile”, an-
droid”, ios or phone followed by app from
years 2020-2021. The returned CVE set allows us to
analyze applications in general, but unfortunately not
specific to IoT. This search also discovered CVEs for
other subsystems when the search words were men-
Table 1: Sets of analyzed CVEs.
Set Years CVE selection criteria
NVD 2021 Random
NVD++ 2021 NVD with additional IoT device vulns.
CISA 2021 CISA known exploited vulnerabilities
IoT malware 2018-21 Vulnerabilities used in IoT malware
Mobile apps 2020-21 CVEs for mobile applications
Search hits 2021 CVEs with > 5000 Google search hits
tioned in the CVE.
Finally, we performed a Google search using
Google API Client python library using all CVE iden-
tifiers for the year 2021 (form “CVE-2021-dddd[d]”)
(Google, 2022). This gives us a view into CVEs by
their web presence. The set “Search hits” is the list of
CVEs with more than 5000 search hits.
As the data sets are selected with different crite-
ria, we cannot derive conclusions about vulnerability
proportions between the data sets. Thus, we focus on
variations within each data set.
2.1 Inferring Subsystems
To place the vulnerabilities in the IoT context, we use
a simple model with the following subsystems.
Devices located on user premises, e.g. homes, fac-
tories, or hospitals. A network device provides
general-purpose network connectivity and an IoT
device delivers a special function or service.
Backend system providing the business logic, data
store, and other services required by the IoT sys-
tem. A backend is typically located inside cloud
service provider data centers.
Frontend is the interface of the backend towards
Internet. A frontend is connected by IoT devices,
applications, or web browsers.
Mobile applications acting as the user interface for
the system.
Operating system (OS) controls hardware and
provides the basic functionality to build devices,
services, applications, etc.
Finally, all subsystems are built from a large num-
ber of general-purpose software components.
Devices are located outside of dedicated server rooms
and connected by a network. They can be often
reached by outsiders, either from the Internet, over
a wireless network, or physically. We separate the In-
ternet protocol (IP) network devices such as routers,
switches, and firewalls from the “true” IoT devices,
such as IP cameras, remote-controlled valves, and
smart sockets. An IoT hub or gateway acting as an
intermediary between IoT devices and/or IP-network
is considered an IoT device.
ICISSP 2023 - 9th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
The distinction between frontend and backend al-
lows differentiating the vulnerabilities exposed over
the Internet and the ones exploitable internally. IoT
devices typically connect to frontend by a web Appli-
cation Programming Interface (API) over HyperText
Transfer Protocol (HTTP). As the frontend is open to
the Internet, it is experiencing constant scanning and
intrusion attempts. To be categorized to the frontend,
a component must be intended to be Internet-facing,
otherwise it is backend. In practice, the division is
hard to make and the differences between the two sub-
system results are indicative rather than conclusive.
Many CVEs are for the major operating systems:
Android, iOS, MacOS, Windows, and Linux variants.
Android is well-known as a mobile phone OS, but it
is also used in IoT. Linux is used everywhere, in de-
vices, desktops, and servers. Windows is used in the
desktop, servers, but also in IoT devices. Apple’s iOS
is used in mobile phones, pads, and other personal de-
vices. MacOS is to the best of our knowledge not used
outside desktops. Apple has also tvOS.
When a vulnerability is reported in the interaction
between a frontend and a device or mobile applica-
tion, it is categorized as the CVE describes the situa-
tion. A CVE for a software component is categorized
by the primary function of the component with the ex-
plicit software component category as a fallback. For
example, a web API component goes to the frontend
and a mobile application framework goes to the mo-
bile. An image rendering component would be cat-
egorized as a component. Many vulnerabilities in a
subsystem are actually in software components.
2.2 Inferring Attack Vectors
For our study, we identify the attack vector(s) which
enable the exploitation of a vulnerability. CVSS al-
ready contain an Attack Vector metric, but it does not
give details like the network protocol (FIRST, 2022).
We infer a more detailed attack vector.
Browsing the CVE data quickly reveals that the
most common attack vector is Hypertext Transfer
Protocol (HTTP). HTTP is so prevalent that it is often
not explicitly mentioned, but it must be deduced from
the description. Vulnerabilities are also reported on
Domain Name System (DNS), Server Message Block
(SMB), Transport Layer Security (TLS), X.509 cer-
tificate handling, Internet Protocol (IP), Wireless Lo-
cal Area Network (WLAN), Bluetooth, etc.
Some vulnerabilities are in the parsing of differ-
ent file formats, with the vector of delivering the file
into the system often unknown. This includes failing
to properly sanitate stored files. Many vulnerabilities
are local, they cannot be exploited unless the attacker
Table 2: CVSS version 3 metrics and values, with an aster-
isk marking the worst value for the defender.
Metric Values
AV Attack Vector Physical, Local, Adjacent, Network*
AC Attack Complexity Low*, High
PR Privileges Required None*, Low, High
UI User Interaction None*, Required
S Scope Unchanged, Changed*
I, A
Confidentiality, In-
tegrity, Availability
High*, Low, None
has access to the system, e.g. as a regular user. Vul-
nerabilities requiring physical access to the vulnera-
ble systems are included to the local attack vector. For
some CVEs, it is not possible to infer the attack vector
from the available information.
2.3 CVSS Metrics
CVSS is used to estimate the technical severity of
vulnerabilities (FIRST, 2022). The CVSS version
3 Base metric group contains the context and time-
independent information, see Table 2.
The metric Attack Vector defines the context
where exploitation is possible. (As said, we infer a
more detailed attack vector for analyzed CVEs.) At-
tack Complexity is high if exploitation requires con-
ditions beyond attacker control and low if it does not.
Privileges Required describes the level of privileges
the attack requires. A vulnerability may require User
Interaction to succeed. Scope indicates if the security
impact crosses security domains. Finally, the impact
metrics Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability es-
timate the effect of successful exploitation on the sys-
tem security goals. The value we consider the worst
value from the defender’s point of view is marked by
an asterisk in Table 2.
In the results, we highlight how the CVSS met-
rics vary between different CVE data sets and sub-
systems. To avoid the problem of converting CVSS
metrics into numeric values, we use the proportion of
the worst value. In NVD data the worst value is the
most common value for all but the Scope metric, as
the value Unchanged is more common than Changed.
The proportions are compared to the averages from
CVEs in 2020 and 2021.
2.4 Margin of Error
We calculate the margin of error (MOE) for some
resulting proportions M
= z
p(1 p)/n, where p
is the proportion, n is the number of samples, and
z = 2.57 for 99% confidence level or z = 1.96 for 95%
confidence (Sheldon M., 2004, p. 260-262).
Vulnerabilities in IoT Devices, Backends, Applications, and Components
Table 3: Division of the vulnerabilities in subsystems by
analyzed CVE data sets.
Total 156 143 135
Device 10% 14%
Mobile app 1%
Frontend 18% 16% 25%
Backend 31*% 24% 13%
OS 13% 24*% 31*%
Other 12% 17% 13%
Component 15% 13% 23%
95% margin ±7% ±7% ±8%
Table 4: Vulnerabilities reported in identified OSes in 2021
based on CPE information. MacOS and non-kernel Linux
vulnerabilities are not added to the total.
NVD all CISA Search hits
OS total 11% 25% 30%
Android 4.1%
Linux kernel 0.8% 1.5%
(Linux all) (4.5%) (9.1%) (23%)
Windows 2.7% 15% 22%
Apple iOS 1.6% 9.8% 6.7%
Apple tvOS 1.0% 2.8% 3.0%
(Apple MacOS) (2.0%) (8.4%) (8.1%)
Other OS 1.9%
The CVEs were selected for different data sets and a
total of 577 CVEs were analyzed. 484 were from the
year 2021, but some were older up to 2018. Table
3 gives the proportions of CVEs in different subsys-
tems in NVD data, CISA known exploited data, and
top search hit data. Some CVEs are in multiple data
sets and/or subsystems, thus there is overlap. The OS
row includes Android, Linux kernel, Windows, Apple
iOS and tvOS, and other OSes considered relevant in
the IoT context. Table 4 shows the breakdown of all
CVEs 2021 by OS.
In the generic NVD data, the vulnerabilities are
distributed 31% to backend, 18% to frontend, 15% in
components, 13% in OSes, 10% in devices, and 1%
in mobile. Thus, half of the CVEs are for the frontend
or backend. Most of the 12% of CVEs not considered
relevant are for desktop software or MacOS.
In CISA exploited vulnerabilities, the OS cate-
gory is increased to 24% share and in search hits to
31%. The frontend vulnerabilities overtake the back-
end 25% to 13%. Component vulnerabilities are in-
creased to 23% share.
The high search data share of OSes and compo-
nents is likely due to the high visibility of Windows
and Linux-related vulnerabilities. This can be ob-
served in the large share of “Linux all” row in Table
4 for the search result. Many exploited vulnerabilities
are in Windows, which remains the most exploited OS
in this study, as well. The results indicate that while
there are more vulnerabilities in backend components,
the vulnerabilities in the frontend may be considered
more serious. Many frontend components are closely
followed and their vulnerabilities are widely reported,
e.g. HTTP servers and security gateway products.
The last row of Table 3 gives the largest margin of
error with a 95% confidence interval for each set.
In table 4 the OS breakdown is based on the CPE
information in all CVEs from 2021, not on analyzed
CVEs only. The row “Linux all” contain CVEs for
major Linux variants including various utilities which
are not really part of the OS. For this reason, we
only include kernel vulnerabilities in the OS count.
MacOS is not included in the OS count. The “Other
OS” row in the table does not capture those smaller
OSes, which we did not encounter in our analysed
CVEs, as we do not know their CPEs. Thus, the real
proportion is likely higher. This also explains why the
total proportion is 11% while in Table 3 it is 13%.
3.1 Common Attack Vectors
Table 5 shows the distribution of vulnerabilities by
subsystems and attack vectors. The table presents
CVE data set per row with the row percentages sum-
ming up to 100%.
The number of CVEs per row is in the column
“Data size”. The attack vectors summed in the
“Other” column are listed in the column “Other vec-
tors”. Devices are split into IoT devices and network
devices with the former containing the networking de-
vices and the latter the “true” IoT devices. As the
share of IoT devices in NVD data is low, an additional
“NVD++” data set was created to analyze them better.
In the NVD data, the attack vectors for IoT de-
vices were quite scattered as 41% are in “Other” at-
tack vector. The HTTP server is the most frequent
vector with 27% share in NVD data.
In the IoT malware data set all but one exploited
vulnerability is in HTTP servers. The attack vectors
for network devices are similar.
The CVEs for mobile applications were searched
using keywords, as explained earlier. The largest
group is the locally exploitable vulnerabilities. These
are weaknesses which allow e.g. a rogue applica-
tion to access sensitive data or functionality within the
phone. Many of the issues with unknown attack vec-
tor are likely to be either local or HTTP connection
issues, but the CVEs fail to pronounce this.
ICISSP 2023 - 9th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Table 5: Vulnerability distribution in subsystems and attack vectors.
Subsystem Data set Data HTTP HTTP File Local Other Unknown Other vectors
size server client
IoT device NVD++ 22 27% 14% 41% 18% bluetooth dns ieee-1905 ip
mqtt ntp wifi
IoT malw. 12 92% 8% upnp
Network device NVD 10 40% 30% 30% ip layer-2 tftp
IoT malw. 21 95% 5% smb
Mobile app Mobile app 61 3% 3% 5% 34% 20% 34% tls wifi
Frontend NVD 28 82% 4% 14%
CISA 23 74% 26%
Mobile app 10 90% 10%
Backend NVD 48 52% 2% 8% 12% 10% 15% ip tls udp
CISA 34 74% 3% 12% 3% 9% ssh
OS NVD 21 5% 71% 14% 10% bluetooth sftp smb
CISA 35 23% 9% 57% 3% 9% smb
Component NVD 24 12% 25% 8% 4% 50% tls
CISA 19 95% 5%
Most of the frontend vulnerabilities are in HTTP
servers, which is expected for the wide use of HTTP
in connections. For the exploited frontend vulnerabil-
ities, the share of HTTP servers is lower, but many
of the unknown attack vectors are likely also HTTP.
Nine HTTP server frontend vulnerabilities were also
found by the mobile application CVE search. HTTP
is the most important attack vector also for the back-
end, but there are several locally exploitable vulnera-
bilities, too. In operating systems, most vulnerabili-
ties are locally exploitable, both in generic NVD data
and CISA exploited vulnerability data.
Many of the generic software components are in-
tended to handle input data in various unspecified sit-
uations and the attack vector is set to file or unknown.
The large number of HTTP client vulnerabilities in
CISA data are for Chromium web browser component
(The Chromium Projects, 2022).
3.2 Common Weaknesses
Table 6 gives CWE distribution per subsystem and
selected data sets. Only root CWEs from the view
CWE-1003 are shown, with possible child CWEs in-
cluded in the count. Proportions are given for sub-
system and data set, i.e. per row. When there are no
CWEs for specific subsystem and data set, the value
is omitted. The table includes the CWEs with at least
11% share in at least one row. This includes all root
CWEs with at least 2% share among all CVEs in 2020
and 2021. Asterisk marks cells, where the proportion
differs from the baseline with 99% confidence.
Table 7 lists the names of the shown CWEs.
For IoT devices the most common weakness type
in NVD data is CWE-119 “Improper Restriction of
Operations within the Bounds of a Memory Buffer”.
For the IoT malware data set, the dominating weak-
ness is CWE-74 “Improper Neutralization of Special
Elements in Output Used by a Downstream Compo-
nent (’Injection’)”. For network devices the size of
NVD data does not allow much interpretation, but the
most common CWE in malware is also CWE-74.
For mobile applications there are many authenti-
cation and access control issues by CWE-287 “Im-
proper Authentication” and CWE-200 “Exposure of
Sensitive Information to an Unauthorized Actor” and
to some extent in CWE-863 “Incorrect Authoriza-
tion”. There are no CWE-119 issues, likely due to
the use of managed languages, like Java.
Frontend NVD data set top weakness is CWE-74
for command injection. The exploited vulnerabili-
ties are distributed to several CWEs. In the backend
the top weakness in both NVD and in CISA data is
CWE-74. Operating system top weakness is CWE-
119, there are no CWE-74 vulnerabilities. In the ex-
ploited OS vulnerabilities, the top weakness is CWE-
269 “Improper Privilege Management”. Component
weaknesses roughly follow the baseline distribution.
The peak weakness CWE-672 is due to Chromium
browser issues (The Chromium Projects, 2022).
3.3 CVSS Scores
Table 8 shows the CVSS version 3 scores and base
metrics for IoT vulnerabilities in selected CVE sets
and subsystems. Only the CVEs with CVSS scores
are included. The metrics are compared to the worst
value proportions in baseline CVEs 2020-2021. The
table shows the significant (99% confidence level)
base metric changes with the minimal difference of
0.2. Base metrics are identified by abbreviation (see
Table 5) followed by the delta to the baseline value.
For example, in the CISA data set the proportion of
CVEs with the worst value High in Confidentiality,
Vulnerabilities in IoT Devices, Backends, Applications, and Components
Table 6: CWE distribution per subsystem and selected data sets. CWE proportions are given for subsystem and data set.
Asterisk marks cells, where the proportion significantly differs from the baseline.
Subsystem Data set Data CWE
size 74 119 287 20 672 706 200 269 863
IoT device NVD++ 26 8% 38%* 12% 12% 8% 4% 8%
IoT malw. 11 82%* 18% 9%
Network device NVD 10 40% 20% 10%
IoT malw. 20 80%* 5% 5% 10%
Mobile app Mobile app 51 8% * 39%* 2% 4% 16%* 8%*
Frontend NVD 27 48%* 4% 4% 7% 11%*
CISA 16 19% 12% 19% 19%* 19%*
Backend NVD 40 42%* 10% 5% 2% 5% 2% 5% 5%
CISA 31 35% 3% 13% 13%* 3% 10%
OS NVD 16 38%* 6% 6% 6% 19%* 12%*
CISA 33 * 12% 9% 12%* 3% 52%*
Component NVD 22 18% 27% 9% 5% 9%
CISA 16 6% 31% 12% 38%*
All 2020-2021 38902 20% 14% 5% 4% 3% 3% 3% 3% 2%
Table 7: Names of the shown root CWEs.
CWE-74 Improper Neutralization of Special Elements in Output Used
by a Downstream Component (’Injection’)
CWE-119 Improper Restriction of Operations within the Bounds of a
Memory Buffer
CWE-287 Improper Authentication
CWE-20 Improper Input Validation
CWE-672 Operation on a Resource after Expiration or Release
CWE-706 Use of Incorrectly-Resolved Name or Reference
CWE-200 Exposure of Sensitive Information to an Unauthorized Actor
CWE-269 Improper Privilege Management
CWE-863 Incorrect Authorization
Integrity, and Availability is risen by 0.3, 0.4 and 0.3,
respectively. In the NVD data set, there are no signif-
icant changes, which is expected as NVD is a random
sample over the year 2021. This applies also in full
data over the years 2018 and 2021, the yearly vari-
ation in all metrics is less than 0.2, thus the shown
differences are not caused by trends.
The CVSS scores are elevated for the IoT mal-
ware, CISA, and top search hit CVEs. This is by the
bigger CIA impact but for IoT malware also due to
an increase in the Attack Vector (AV), User Privileges
(PR), and User Interaction (UI) proportions, i.e. vul-
nerabilities exploitable through the network without
user priorities or interaction. The exploitation of vul-
nerabilities in mobile applications also requires only
a few user privileges.
For subsystems, device vulnerability CVSS scores
did not significantly differ from the baseline, thus they
are omitted. Subsystem CVEs are from the NVD data
set, except the mobile apps which have their dedi-
cated data set. AV is larger for frontends, as expected
since those are publicly exposed. The backend and
OS vulnerabilities often require initial user privileges
to be exploited. OS vulnerabilities also have reduced
AV. However, component vulnerabilities on average
Table 8: CVSS base metric changes in different CVE sets
and subsystems, proportion of worst value.
CVEs Score Metrics, worst value proportion
37131 7.1 AV=0.7 AC=1.0 PR=0.6 UI=0.7
S=0.2 C=0.6 I=0.5 A=0.6
By CVE sets
NVD 156 6.9
CISA 143 8.5 C+0.3 I+0.4 A+0.3
IoT malw. 48 9.4 AV+0.3 PR+0.2 UI+0.3 C+0.4
I+0.5 A+0.4
Mobile app 82 6.7 PR+0.3 A-0.4
Search hits 134 8.2 C+0.3 I+0.3 A+0.3
By subsystems (Mobile app or NVD sets)
Mobile app 61 6.5 PR+0.2 A-0.4
Frontend 28 6.5 AV+0.3 A-0.3
Backend 48 6.8 PR-0.2
OS 21 7.0 AV-0.5 PR-0.3 UI+0.2 C+0.4
Component 24 7.4 PR+0.3 UI-0.3 A+0.3
require few privileges.
3.4 Comparison to Related Work
Table 9 presents vulnerability or risk categories from
selected other sources. The rank or frequency of each
category is shown, as given in the source. The re-
sults are mapped to our study by giving the number of
CVEs for each category per relevant CVE data sets, if
any. Also, a total count over the data sets is given. The
mapping is performed using subsystems and/or CWE
numbering. The entry “Not in CVE data” is used
when the category cannot be expected to be found
from CVEs.
OWASP Top 10 Internet of Things vulnerabili-
ties is intended to describe the whole IoT system,
thus we map it into CVEs in data sets NVD, CISA
and Search hits. The highest vulnerability category
is Weak, Guessable, or Hardcoded Passwords which
covers all credentials, not just passwords. Just 9% of
ICISSP 2023 - 9th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Table 9: IoT vulnerability or risk categories from selected sources mapped into analyzed CVE sets, if possible.
OWASP Top 10 IoT Rank NVD (156) CISA (143) Search hits (135) Total (381)
Weak, Guessable, or Hardcoded Passwords 1 11% 9% 7% 9%
Insecure Network Services 2 19% 23% 5% 17%
Insecure Ecosystem Interfaces 3 24% 31% 51% 33%
Lack of Secure Update Mechanism 4 Not in CVE data
Use of Insecure or Outdated Components 5 0%
Insufficient Privacy Protection 6 Not in CVE data
Insecure Data Transfer and Storage 7 26% 34% 27% 27%
Lack of Device Management 8 Not in CVE data
Insecure Default Settings 9 Not in CVE data
Lack of Physical Hardening 10 Not in CVE data
Not mapped 46% 42% 40% 43%
OWASP Top 10 Web / Frontend Rank NVD (27) CISA (16) Search hits (20) Total (56)
Broken Access Control 1 44% 56% 45% 43%
Cryptographic Failures 2 0%
Injection 3 52% 25% 15% 36%
Insecure Design 4 25% 10% 7%
Security Misconfiguration 5 0%
Vulnerable and Outdated Components 6 0%
Identification and Authentication Failure 7 19% 10% 7%
Software and Data Integrity Failures 8 7% 5% 5%
Security Logging and Monitoring Failures 9 0%
Server-Side Request Forgery 10 6% 5% 2%
Not mapped 4% 12% 40% 20%
Mirani et. al / Device Frequency NVD (16) IoT malw. (31) Total (47)
Buffer Overflow 8% 31% 10% 17%
Cross-Site Scripting 92% 12% 4%
Command/SQL Injection 92% 25% 81% 62%
Authentication Bypass 38% 6% 6% 6%
Authorization Bypass 38% 12% 6% 9%
Cross-Site Request Forgery 38% 0%
File Upload Path Traversal 54% 12% 6% 9%
Not mapped 19% 0% 6%
Mathas et. al / IoT Devices # of vuln. NVD++ (36) IoT malw. (31) Total (67)
Improper Certificate Validation 2 8% 6% 7%
Buffer Overflow 104 33% 10% 22%
Weak cryptography 1 0%
Sensitive data exposure 22 3% 1%
Race condition 12 0%
Broken access control 0 3% 1%
Not mapped 53% 84% 67%
Chatzoglou et. al / Mobile app Frequency Mobile app (51) Total (51)
Permissions very common 20% 20%
APK signing and Janus 95% 0%
Network security and certificates 49% 16% 16%
CWE-311 100% 6% 6%
CWE-327 98% 2% 2%
CWE-330 100% 2% 2%
CWE-345 76% 2% 2%
CWE-732 98% 2% 2%
CWE-74 95% 8% 8%
CWE-287 46% 39% 39%
CWE-200 100% 16% 16%
CWE-749 55% 0%
CWE-919 39% 0%
Tracker analysis 95% Not in CVE data
Shared library analysis 95% Not in CVE data
Outdated software components 57% Not in CVE data
Not mapped 18% 18%
Vulnerabilities in IoT Devices, Backends, Applications, and Components
the CVEs are mapped to it.
Category Insecure Network Services maps to all
device vulnerabilities and Insecure Ecosystem Inter-
faces to frontend, and mobile. Lacking a category for
OSes, Windows and Linux is placed into the latter and
other OSes into the former category. With this, the
categories cover 17% and 33% of the analyzed CVEs,
respectively. The category Insecure Data Transfer
and Storage covers 27% of the CVEs. The other cat-
egories cannot be easily mapped into CVEs. In the
end, we are left with 43% of unmapped CVEs. These
are backend and general-purpose component vulnera-
It may appear that the component and OS subsys-
tem vulnerabilities could be mapped into Use of In-
secure or Outdated Components category. However,
the category is for components which are not timely
updated or are insecure in another way. This informa-
tion is not available in the data.
OWASP Top 10 Web Application Security Risks
is a popular information source relevant for the fron-
tend subsystem (OWASP, 2022). The source lists the
CWEs for each category and we map the CVEs to
categories solely based on this. The resulting cov-
erage is fairly good, with just 20% of the CVEs left
unmapped. For general NVD data, this is only 4%.
Categories Broken Access Control and Injection
are the most prevalent in CVEs with frequencies of
43% and 36%. The category Cryptographic Failures
was not observed. Three other categories do not have
any CVEs, again the reason is likely that even when
these weaknesses are present no CVE is created.
Mirani et al. performed security testing on 13
home or small-office network devices (Mirani et al.,
2019). We map the results to the device subsystem.
The vulnerabilities are all in HTTP servers, but we
did not limit the CVEs by HTTP attack vector, as we
wanted to get the frequencies over all vectors. The
mapping was very good with only 6% of CVEs left
unmapped. The result is so high as all CVEs used by
IoT malware were covered by vulnerabilities by the
Mirani et al. Still, even with generic NVD data only
19% of CVEs were unmapped.
Mathas et al. searched for vulnerabilities from 11
software modules in the context of 5G IoT devices by
source code analysis (Mathas et al., 2021). For each
category, we show the number of found vulnerabili-
ties. The relevant CWEs for categories are given and
used by us to find the CVEs for the categories. Before
this, view CWE-1003 child CWEs are replaced by
their respective root CWEs for more loose matching.
As these are true IoT devices we use the larger IoT
device CVE data set NVD++. It appears that there
is consensus only for the buffer overflows, which are
found en masse by Mathas et al. and responsible for
22% of IoT device CVEs. Overall 67% of CVEs do
not fall into the categories presented by Mathas et al.
Chatzoglou et al. performed a comprehensive
study of various Android IoT applications (Chat-
zoglou et al., 2022). The analysis includes appli-
cation permissions, packaging, trackers, shared li-
braries, outdated components, taint analysis, and dy-
namic analysis. Static analysis was performed for 41
devices, but dynamic analysis only for 13. We only
include the former due to its larger coverage. This
material maps to our mobile app subsystem. The first
category Permissions is an aggregate category indi-
cating that the studied applications tended to request
many permissions and/or failed to set proper permis-
sions. Suspicious permissions were discovered from
all applications, but some of them are indeed neces-
sary while some are not. For this, we did not put
“100%” as the frequency.
A total of 20% of CVEs was identified to be
caused by excessive permissions. APK signing and
Janus are about the flaws in application packaging,
which were not present in the CVEs. Network secu-
rity and certificates are about the lack of encryption
or bad certificate handling. This mapped into 16% of
the app CVEs.
Chatzoglou et al. also listed the CWEs discov-
ered from the applications by static analysis. We
use them to pick relevant CVEs, but we again re-
place CWEs with the respective roots from the view
CWE-1003. The table lists the discovered CWEs ex-
cept for CWE-250 and CWE-913 as they were only
found from one app and are not present in CVEs.
Only two of the CWEs were frequently found from
the analyzed CVEs, CWE-287 “Improper Authentica-
tion” and CWE-200 “Exposure of Sensitive Informa-
tion to an Unauthorized Actor”. Many CWEs were
very common in the static analysis but much rarer
in CVEs. It may be that static analysis finds weak-
nesses which are not real vulnerabilities or at least not
exposed in the wild. Tracker analysis revealed that
IoT applications are littered with different tracking
modules which raise significant concerns over user
privacy. This is not at all visible looking at CVEs.
Shared library analysis examined mostly if included
libraries were hardened against exploitation. Again,
these issues are not present in the CVE data. The
same goes for Outdated software components. Over-
all only 18% of CVEs were not mapped into any cat-
ICISSP 2023 - 9th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
3.5 Threats to Validity
As we use manual analysis for accuracy, the number
of analyzed CVEs is limited and we may have missed
some considered influential in some respect. How-
ever, as our focus was on the distribution of vulnera-
bilities, the role of individual CVE is small.
Some CVEs are somewhat vague and it is not pos-
sible to infer the subsystem or the attack vector. We
believe the only systematic error by this is that HTTP
appears less dominant as many CVEs fail to indicate
HTTP even when it is the vector.
The quality of CPE data looks low and different
values for the same product can be easily found. As
we only used CPEs for OS detection the impact in
our study is limited. A bigger worry is possible in-
consistencies in CWE assignments. We did not have
a chance to inspect this, but it is something which
should be kept in mind interpreting the results.
Mostly we used data from the year 2021, but some
data sets contain older material to get enough CVEs
to analyze. As old vulnerabilities can be used to com-
promise unpatched systems today, we do not think
this distorts the results. Further, when we looked at
CVSS data, we did not observe significant changes in
CVE metrics since 2018.
In this study, we looked at the distribution and type of
vulnerabilities in IoT systems. IoT is fundamentally
mixed into other digital infrastructure both in terms of
sharing the same networks and using the same soft-
ware components. Thus, IoT vulnerabilities cannot
be easily isolated. We selected several sets of CVEs,
mainly from the year 2021. As the quality and quan-
tity of CVEs vary, we used careful manual analysis to
understand what is vulnerable and the type of the vul-
nerability in IoT context. In the end, only 12% of the
vulnerabilities we studied were not relevant to IoT.
In the first research question, we ask how reported
vulnerabilities map into the IoT subsystems. The ex-
act distribution varies in data sets as their selection
criteria are different. Within generic NVD data, 31%
of the issues can be assigned to the backend, 18%
to the frontend, 15% to generic components, 13% to
OSes, 10% to devices, and 1% to mobile applications.
Looking at the exploited vulnerabilities, then the
proportion of backend vulnerabilities is reduced to
24%, frontend is risen to 16%, and OS to 24%.
In top search CVEs, these percentages are 13%,
25%, and 31%. There are no device issues in the top
search CVEs. It appears that frontend and OS security
problems are getting attention while IoT device secu-
rity is not. If we look at the results for the OWASP
IoT Top 10 then 17% of the CVEs are in devices and
33% in ecosystem interfaces. The numbers are differ-
ent as OS vulnerabilities are not separately counted.
Many, if not the majority, of the reported vulner-
abilities are in software components used in the sub-
systems. The 15% share of vulnerabilities in com-
ponents cover only the truly general-purpose compo-
nents. All subsystem categories include vulnerabili-
ties in domain-specific components or whose under-
lying cause is a flaw in a component even when the
report is about a device or application. Further, three
out of five referred studies emphasize the use of bad
or outdated components as a major source of vulner-
abilities. Thus, monitoring and mitigating the vulner-
abilities in the component supply chain is essential.
This is not possible unless there is an up-to-date bill
of materials (BOM) identifying the used components.
The second research question was about the type
of vulnerabilities in IoT. The results indicate that
HTTP servers are the hotspot of vulnerabilities in de-
vices, frontends, and backends. This is not surpris-
ing as HTTP is such as common protocol. The most
significant weakness category is CWE-74 “Improper
Neutralization of Special Elements in Output Used by
a Downstream Component (’Injection’)” and its child
CWEs. IoT malware mostly uses injection problems
in HTTP servers to propagate.
CWE-119 “Improper Restriction of Operations
within the Bounds of a Memory Buffer” is still fre-
quent in IoT devices and OSes. This is a bit frustrat-
ing as buffer overflow has been a problem for a long
time, one could have expected them to be eliminated
Backend systems and OSes have many issues with
the local attack vectors. These can be exploited by
insiders, e.g. by a legitimate user or attacker who al-
ready has a beachhead in the system. Patching local
issues is important to maintain the defence in depth.
Mobile applications vulnerabilities were infre-
quent compared to other subsystems. In them, many
CVEs are related to different authentication and au-
thorization weaknesses. These are exposed when con-
necting to frontend or IoT devices, which seems to be
challenging to get right. Applications have also lo-
cally exploitable issues allowing a malicious applica-
tion to compromise other applications in the smart-
phone. Chatzoglou et al. back this finding as most
IoT-related applications seem to request far more per-
missions than required and/or fail to limit access to
their resources by other apps.
Comparing our results to the other related stud-
ies give mixed signals. There is some consensus on
Vulnerabilities in IoT Devices, Backends, Applications, and Components
the big role of HTTP servers, authentication, autho-
rization, and injection issues in IoT vulnerabilities.
The danger of using outdated or bad software com-
ponents is mentioned by several referred studies. Be-
yond these, there are significant differences in the re-
sults. This may be due to different assessment strate-
gies. Especially many weaknesses found by static
analysis do not seem to correspond to CVEs. It is
difficult to say whether this is because static analy-
sis finds weaknesses which are not vulnerabilities or
because these vulnerabilities are hard to find. Com-
parison is also complicated by the fact that results are
presented differently.
Finally, a reader should understand that there are
categories of vulnerabilities which are not visible in
CVE data. Many security fixes are done by the vendor
silently without creating a CVE. Excessive data col-
lection and other privacy issues and all too frequent
private data disclosures are not tracked by CVEs.
Missing security functionality, such as lack of soft-
ware update mechanism or lack of audit log, is not
covered by CVEs, either.
We analyzed 577 CVEs to learn the distribution of
vulnerabilities in the IoT. IoT is fundamentally mixed
with networks and infrastructure and a total of 88%
of analyzed CVEs were potentially relevant for IoT
An estimated half of the vulnerabilities are in the
backend and frontend systems while only 10-20%
concern the IoT devices.
Protecting HTTP servers, wherever they are, is
a priority as they are vulnerability hotspots. Espe-
cially beneficial would be the elimination of the com-
mand injection vulnerabilities. Many vulnerabilities
are in software components used in all IoT subsys-
tems. Tracking these vulnerabilities and timely mit-
igating new vulnerabilities in them is essential for
IoT security. Comparison to other IoT vulnerability
studies found common trends, but also notable differ-
ences. Categories vary between studies, making com-
parison difficult. The use of consistent vulnerability
categories would be highly desirable.
This work is supported by Finnish Scientific Advisory
Board for Defence (MATINE/2500M-0152).
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ICISSP 2023 - 9th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy