Systematic Literature Review of Threat Modeling Concepts
Pedro Alfradique Lohmann
, Carlos Albuquerque
and Raphael Machado
Computer Science Institute, Fluminense Federal University (UFF), Niterói, Brazil
Keywords: Threat Modeling, Risk Management, Cyber Security, Information Security, Software Design, Secure
Development Life-Cycle (SDLC), Secure Software Development Lifecycle (S-SDLC), Privacy Engineering,
Privacy by Design, Data Protection, Systematic Literature Review.
Abstract: Threat Modeling (TM) has increased its relevance in cybersecurity risk management applied to software
development, allowing developers to proactively identify and mitigate threats from various sources. In the
present work, we execute a systematic literature research (SLR) on TM applied to cybersecurity. Population,
Intervention, Comparison, Outcomes, Context (PICOC) criteria were used to define a research formula that
was executed in three relevant digital libraries and was submitted to inclusion and exclusion criteria and a
rigorous quality assessment, resulting in 16 papers that answered four research questions, which deeply
defined key elements of TM, process steps, TM relation with risk management process existing in ISO 27005
and future perspectives for TM. This contribution supports the understanding of TM and its practical
application when considering different existing models into real application development.
Nowadays, as technology maturity increases, threats
follow this evolution, not considering just phishing
and massive storage attacks, but also companies
infrastructure, applications, databases, and servers.
Also, considering cloud computing expansion, the
attack surface has expanded, challenging information
security professionals to protect asset information.
Threat Modeling (TM) allows security professionals
to identify security vulnerabilities, determine risk,
and identify mitigations
, and have been supporting
companies’ security journey in the evolved
contemporary tech world.
The relevance of TM has been increasing. A
systematic literature review (SLR) was performed
(Xiong and Lagerström, 2019), assessing 54 papers
and dividing them in three separated clusters: (1)
articles making a contribution to TM, (2) articles
using an existing TM approach, (3) introductory
articles presenting work related to TM process. As
results, TM was defined, different TM methods were
listed, kinds of systems applicable for TM, types of
threats and attacks and future research directions,
considering their SLR results.
The previous SLR study considered four
databases of high relevance, three of which the
present work also considered: IEEE, Scopus, and
Web of Science. Exclusion criteria were similar,
aiming to found article papers related to TM, in
English language. However, the results of previous
study were divided into three clusters: Application of
TM, TM methods and TM process. The paper
concluded that TM: Lacks common ground; Have
numerous definitions; Is used in different ways; Its
commonly applied manually, but with flexible form
(graphical, formal, qualitative, quantitative); It can
have a general or specific application domain; Have
multiple validation methods.
Considering the abovementioned diversity of the
TM subject, this study conducted a fully segregated
SLR research. The contribution of the present paper
aims to understand definitions regarding the key
elements of TM, presenting the detailed steps of each
procedural TM paper contributions, providing the TM
Lohmann, P., Albuquerque, C. and Machado, R.
Systematic Literature Review of Threat Modeling Concepts.
DOI: 10.5220/0011783000003405
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2023), pages 163-173
ISBN: 978-989-758-624-8; ISSN: 2184-4356
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
relationship with risk management, and driving future
research directions for TM. Also, it is relevant to
mention that, according to our mapping, 72% of the
result papers analysed in this work were not present
in the first SLR due to the growth of research interest
in TM in the last years.
A systematic literature review (SLR) is a research
methodology that intends to identify, evaluate, and
interpret available research that are relevant to a
particular research question, topic area or
phenomenon of interest. The scope of the analysis is
based on primary studies, which are empirical studies
that investigates specific research question
(Kitchenham and Charters, 2007). The goal of this
study is to provide a SLR about the proposed subject,
using the guidelines presented by (Kitchenham and
Charters, 2007), which includes performing the three
phases and its specific steps.
As the first step, the PICOC criteria (Population,
Intervention, Comparison Outcomes, Context) was
considered for defining the research questions.
PICOC stands for Population, specifying population
subject group of interest for the research,
Intervention, defining the scope of interest in
reviewing, Comparison, for comparison between
different methodologies, procedures or studies,
Outcomes, related to factors of importance for the
research, Context, defining the context of the research
(Kitchenham and Charters, 2007). PICOC elements
were defined according to the following:
Population: Threat Modeling
Intervention: Risk Management
Comparison: This paper intends to analyse the
paper results, not to compare them
Outcomes: Process
Context: Cyber Security
A. Research Questions
Considering the abovementioned PICOC criteria, this
research will consider the following questions:
RQ01: What are the key elements of threat
RQ02: Which steps are considered for threat
RQ03: Which phases of the risk ISO27005 Risk
Management process are addressed?
RQ04: What are the future perspectives for
threat modeling?
B. Search Method
The objective of this study is to search for primary
studies related to the research questions. Therefore, to
carry out a rigorous and auditable process, it is
essential to systematically expose the steps of the
search method, presenting the definitions for search
terms, search string, search strategy and data sources.
1) Search Terms: Based on the research
questions and the PICOC criteria, the next
step was to define the search terms, as well
as to identify its related synonyms.
Table 1: Search terms and Synonyms.
Criteria Terms S
Threat Model - Threat
Intelligence - Threat
Trees - Threat Analysis
- Attack Simulations
Security Risk
Assessment - Secure
Configuration –
Requirements -
Engineering - Security
Elicitation - Anti-
Requirements - Secure
Software Engineering -
Secure Software -
Security Testing -
Security Risk –
Measurement - Security
and Privac
arison - -
Outcomes Process Framework - Metho
Security - Computer
Security - Information
Security – Vulnerability
– Data Security –
Cloud-Security –
Security Architecture –
Cyber-Attacks – Attack
– Adversary – Data
Protection by Design –
Privacy by Design –
Privacy Engineering –
System Analysis –
Design – Software
Design – Solution
Design – System Model
– Software
Development – Secure
Development Life-
ICISSP 2023 - 9th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
2) Search String: The search terms were used
to generate generic search string (presented
in Table 2), which was applied to the Title,
Abstract and Keywords in each data source
to gather primary studies.
Table 2: Generic Search String.
(("Threat Modeling" OR "Threat Model" OR
"Threat Intelligence" OR "Threat Trees" OR
"Threat Analysis" OR "Attack Simulations")
AND ("Risk Management" OR "Security Risk
Assessment" OR "Secure Configuration" OR
"Requirements" OR "Requirements
Engineering" OR "Security Requirements
Elicitation" OR "Anti-Requirements" OR
"Secure Software Engineering" OR "Secure
Software" OR "Security Testing" OR
"Security Risk" OR "Measurement" OR
"Security And Privacy Controls") AND
("Process" OR "Framework" OR "Method")
AND ("Cyber Security" OR "Security" OR
"Computer Security" OR "Information
Security" OR "Vulnerability" OR "Data
Security" OR "Cloud-Security" OR "Security
Architecture" OR "Cyber-Attacks" OR
"Attack" OR "Adversary" OR "Data
Protection By Design" OR "Privacy By
Design" OR "Privacy Engineering" OR
"System Analysis" And "Design" OR
"Software Design" OR "Solution Design" OR
"System Model" OR "Software Development"
OR "Secure Development Life-Cycle
3) Search Strategy: The search strategy is the
way that the studies are retrieved, aiming to
cover as much as possible the current
literature. For this work, the adopted search
strategy was database search in digital
libraries and search engines, pointed out in
the next section.
4) Data Sources: The chosen data sources were
Web of Science
, Scopus
and IEEE
considering certain quality-related criteria
such as relevance in the computer field,
publishing regularity, ease of use, filter
variety and full text of papers available for
members of the academia.
C. Selection Criteria
Regarding identified result studies into the digital
databases deriving from the search string, it was
defined that a criteria should be considered, to find
the most relevant papers. The results from the three
databases were consolidated and filtered, removing
duplicates and them, being classified as “Accepted”
or “Rejected”, meaning that the studies are relevant to
respond the research questions and the opposite,
respectively. The acronyms in Table 3 stands for
Inclusive Criteria (IC) and Exclusion Criteria (EC).
Table 3: Inclusion/Exclusion criteria.
IC01 The study is about TM applied to cyber
IC02 The study was published in a Journal
IC03 The study is in the field of computer science
IC04 The type of the document is article
IC05 The abstract of the paper contains the term
“Threat Modeling”
IC06 The study was published in English
IC07 The journal has at least 2 articles published
regarding this paper scope
EC01 The study is secondary or tertiary
EC02 The study is of the grey literature
EC03 The study is an index, preface, tutorial or
editorial, lecture or summary of a
conference workshop
EC04 The study is not related to computer science
EC05 The study is not related to TM applied to
cyber security
After analysing the results, the paper “Assessing IoT
enabled cyber-physical attack paths against critical
systems” was removed due to EC05 criteria.
D. Quality Assessment
Having selection criteria defined and sufficient
PICOC keywords groups covering all relevant
studies, the quality of the result has to be assessed
(Kitchenham and Charters, 2007). To achieve this,
our study considered journals with good impact rate,
having an average of 3.38, according to Table 4:
Systematic Literature Review of Threat Modeling Concepts
Table 4: Quality Assessment.
Paper Journal
(Bedi and others,
Software: Practice
(Pereira-Vale and
others, 2021)
Computers and
(Sabbagh and
Kowalski, 2015; Shi
and others, 2022
IEEE Security and
(Nyambo, et. al,
Journal of
Computing and
Digital Systems
(Alwaheidi and
Islam, 2022; Mauri
and Damiani, 2022
Sensors 3.84
(Elahi and others,
2021; Uzunov and
Fernandez, 2014
Computer Standards
and Interfaces
(Hacks and others,
2022; Xiong and
others, 2022
Software and
Systems Modeling
(AlFedaghi and
Alkandari, 2011)
Journal of Digital
Content Technology
and its A
(Wijesiriwardana and
others, 2020; Yeng
and others, 2020)
Journal of
Computer Science
and A
(Girdhar and others,
IEEE Access 3.47
(Zeng and others,
IEEE Transactions
on Network and
E. Data Extraction
Some data were defined to be extracted from the
studies, which were (1) Title, (2) Author, (3)
Publication Year, (4) Publication Type, (5) Publisher,
(6) Source.
F. Pilot
After defining the elements for the planning phase, a
pilot was performed, executing the search string in
each digital library. The results were consolidated,
and all appeared keywords were analysed, being
included in the search string for results improvement.
A. Selection of Studies
Initially, the search string conducted in the data
sources returned 29 results which, after removing
duplicates, left 17 unique papers for analysis. Then,
the including and exclusion criteria were applied in
two reading stages: (1) Title, abstract and keywords;
and (2) Introduction and conclusion. In this step, the
number of the papers was the same, as the search
string had already specified deeply directed the
results into the most relevant ones.
B. Data Extraction
This section presents the extracted data in a
summarized way, through graphs and descriptive
texts. Data Extraction has shown that the digital
library with most results was Scopus, which returned
62% of the studies, while IEEE returned 17% and
Web of Science 20%.
Figure 1: Overview of the results based on digital libraries.
Also, analysing the years of the results, it is
possible to check that the threat modelling subject
increased its research in the last two years.
Figure 2: Overview of the publications per year.
C. Addressing the Research Questions
RQ01 - What are the key elements of threat modeling?
(Bedi and others, 2013) brings honeytokens to
identify real unidentified threats during TM exercise,
in a three-phased process. It is defined that TM
provides a structured way to secure software design
by allowing security designers to accurately estimate
the attacker’s capabilities in respect of known threats
(Swiderski and Synder, 2005).
ICISSP 2023 - 9th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
(Shi and others, 2022) defines TM as a structured
process for identifying and understanding potential
threats as well as developing and prioritizing
mitigations, so that valuable assets in the system can
be protected, also guiding the investment on system
(Nyambo, et. al, 2014) uses the Microsoft Threat
Model STRIDE to identify security threats on
Livestock Data Center (LDC), as a case study
application of the methodology for security threat
analysis and requirements specification in
web/mobile applications development. STRIDE
stands for Spoofing, Tampering, Repudiation,
Information disclosure, Denial of Service and
Elevation of Privilege, which are considered the
attacker goals and the ones that guide the TM exercise
(Abi-Antoun, 2010).
(Sabbagh and Kowalski, 2015) analyses TM
applied to software supply chain (SSC). The paper
defines TM as an ontological analysis of threats that
aims to study the existence and nature of the threats,
expressing and capturing as many threats as necessary
to manage exiting risks and take appropriate
countermeasures. Moreover, the paper brings ISO
27005 definition of threat, which is defined as a
potential cause of an incident that might result in
harm to systems and organizations. Also, they
classify the threats in SSC as Social Threats, related
to human errors or behaviours such a supplier
denying having sent a software product, and
Technical Threats, related to hardware, operating
systems and application, for instance, individuals
being able to insert malicious code over the network
due to suppliers’ security flaws, resulting in defects in
the delivered software product. The countermeasures
proposed for each threat are also classified as Social
and Technical.
(Mauri and Damiani, 2022) defines TM as a
process for reviewing the security of a system,
identifying critical areas, and assessing the risk
associated with them, allowing for profiling and
prioritizing problems as well as potential mitigation.
The paper proposes a methodology for assessing
security in Artificial intelligence (AI) and Machine
Learning (ML) based systems. Microsoft STRIDE
threat model is adapted to support this specific field.
The paper shares an overview of other relevant TM
methods, such as PASTA (Morana and Uceda Vélez,
2015) and OCTAVE (Oladimeji and others, 2006),
but affirms that STRIDE is the most mature one.
(Uzunov and Fernandez, 2014) presents a
combination of values of threat libraries and
taxonomies and propose a two-level pattern-based
taxonomy for development of distributed systems,
encompassing both threats to a system and the ones
corresponding to countermeasures realizations, called
meta-security threats. The article says that TM is a
systematic approach to introduce several security
measures resulted of analysing the potential attacks or
threats to a system in each context, during the
requirements analysis stage, design stage, or both,
determining the risks and likelihoods and how they
could be potentially mitigated. Also, conducting TM
requires sound knowledge of system technical
domain and sufficient security expertise to consider
both generic and specific attacks. Finally, threat
libraries, if used, enhances the efficacy of TM
process, as the common threats are considered.
(Hacks and others, 2022) considers (Shostack,
2014) definition of TM, which is a process that
supports the secure design of systems by easing the
understanding of the system complexity, as well as
identifying and modelling potential threats,
weaknesses and vulnerabilities to the system or
individual components. As TM exercise generally
results in many threats modelled, keep tracking which
parts of each one was tested became complex.
Considering this, the paper presents an automated
way of developers to check the quality of the results
of the TM exercise, improving them. It is augmented
that combining threat models can help defining the
countermeasures for identified threats, but also
reinforces that each existing threat model addresses
specific threats. Moreover, it is shared that several
threat models do not provide the necessary coverage
of potential attacks but focus on attacker’s
capabilities through different metrics.
(AlFedaghi and Alkandari, 2011) analyses key
aspects of Microsoft Software Development
Lifecycle (SDL)
. It is presented that TM examines a
system from the attacker’s perspective and based in
the assumption that an attack comes during
interaction with the system (Abi-Antoun and others,
2007) e (Abi-Antoun, 2010). Also, it shares the
Microsoft definition of TM, consisting in a systematic
process used to identify threats and vulnerabilities in
software, being considered a form of risk analysis,
having 5 components, existence, capability, history,
intentions and targeting. It is highlighted that TM is
different from attack modelling, which concentrates
on nature of an attack, not threats conducting them.
Systematic Literature Review of Threat Modeling Concepts
An example presented of it is the attack tree, that is
done separate from TM, meaning that the threat could
execute the mapped attack tree. Finally, it says that
DFDs are used for performing TM, and that they are
composed by potential threat targets, such as data
sources, data flows and interactions, and symbols,
such as External entity (rectangles), process (circle),
multiple process (double circumference circle), Data
store (upper and lower edge box), Data flow (arrows)
and Privilege Boundary (dotted line).
(Xiong and others, 2022) proposes a TM language
named enterpriseLang, for enterprise security based
on MITRE Enterprise ATT&CK Matrix, which
describes adversary behaviours to measure the
resilience of an enterprise against various cyber-
attacks. The paper defines TM as an approach for
identifying main assets within a system and threats to
these assets (Xiong and Lagerström, 2019), being
coupled with attack simulations to evaluate its
security and discovery of strengths and weakness in
software applications. Also, TM methods can be
categorized into manual modelling, automatic
modelling, formal modelling (mathematical models)
and graphical modelling (attack trees, attack and
defence graphs, or tables) (Xiong and Lagerström,
2019). From the system evaluation perspective, the
system architecture is represented and analysed,
potential security threats are identified and
appropriate mitigation techniques are selected
(Dhillon, 2011; Frydman and others, 2014).
Regarding application development, TM is used to
assist engineers to identify potential security threats
associated with a software product (Kiesling and
others, 2016).
(Alwaheidi and Islam, 2022) delivers a data-
driven threat-analysis (d-TM), specifically for cloud-
based systems, across all cloud service provider threat
layers. STRIDE threat model was considered an
effective technique for effective measure for
safeguarding cloud systems (Morana and Uceda
Vélez, 2015), helping identifying attack vectors
impact, before its occurrence, and its vulnerabilities.
PASTA was also mentioned as relevant, with its
seven stages covering a complete cyber security
posture in the cloud (Sequeiros and others, 2020).
Attack trees are mentioned as relevant, providing
schematic representation of how assets in a cloud
system might be attacked in the form of a tree
(Sequeiros and others, 2020). DFDs were used to
represent the relationships between systems and
endpoint assets. As knowledge bases for cloud TM,
and NIST SP-800-
are considered.
(Wijesiriwardana and others, 2020) proposes a
knowledge-modelling based approach to
semantically infer the associations between
architectural level of security flaws and code-level
bugs, combining TM, static code analysis and
exploiting knowledge bases to infer relationships
between flaws and bugs. In the TM related work,
some approaches that considers architectural risk
analysis are mentioned, with identification and
mitigation trees forming a knowledge base called
attack patterns (Frydman and others, 2014); Other
tool was developed a CAPEC attack patterns,
allowing developers to think like attackers, mapping
threats in all SDLC phases and checking it against
each STRIDE category (Yuan and others, 2014); A
practical approach was used STRIDE to detect
vulnerabilities and mitigations in software. Those tree
approaches work only in the design phase, not linking
threats with source code level bugs (Berger and
others, 2016).
(Yeng and others, 2020) compared TM methods
to determine their suitability for identifying cloud
related threats, in the healthcare context. The paper
defines TM as the use of methods to help in thinking,
identifying and enumerating possible risks and
threats, helping in the identification of the lack of
security controls for mitigating risks (Alhebaishi and
others, 2019; Amini and others, 2015; Cheng and
others, 2012, p. 202; Hong and others, 2019; Yahya
and others, 2015; Zimba and others, 2016). Also,
threat models mentioned, such as Attack Tree
(structured way of describing threats and
vulnerabilities of a system, presenting possible attack
paths from attackers) (Shostack, 2014; Zimba and
others, 2016), Attack Graph (graphical view of attack
paths, considering attack point to attack target and
network information dependency interactions)
(Cheng and others, 2012), Attack Surface (software
features that may have vulnerabilities) (Amini and
others, 2015), Practical Threat Analysis
(identification of assets and their related values,
mapping the potential damage to be caused by
adversaries, identifying vulnerabilities, assessing the
risks of threats and defining risk mitigations strategies
to the system), Threat Model Framework for Personal
Network (description of all devices in network from
user perspective; gathering of network requirements
from use case diagram, network architecture,
environments and technologies; definition of data
ICISSP 2023 - 9th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
flows using UML sequence diagrams, actors and
devices; identification of assets and its related threats;
identifying vulnerabilities and related risks; rating of
the vulnerabilities and threats), STRIDE (threats
related to STRIDE acronym), TM in pervasive
computing (identification of cloud computer user
roles; identification of security domains and
interaction dynamic; mapping of trust levels;
vulnerability identification and risk evaluation),
LINDDUN (identification of privacy threats)
(Gholami and Laure, 2016).
(Pereira-Vale and others, 2021) says that TM
means defining a threat model and being able to
enumerate threats for a given system.
(Girdhar and others, 2022) presents existing TM
techniques for the automotive sector, specifically in
cyber-physical system (CPS) of a connected and
automated vehicle (CAV) ecosystem, with an
extensive application of STRIDE threat model, which
have been widely applied in IT industry. The paper
defines DFD as a graphical representation of the data
flow, composed of various entities.
(Zeng and others, 2022) proposes a vulnerability
risk prioritization system named LICALITY, aiming
to capture attacker preference on exploiting
vulnerabilities through a TM method, which
identifies threat attributes of the given historical
threat and exploits record of the network and neuro-
symbolic model that learns such threat attributes. It
also says that TM aims to provide a systematic
analysis of potential threats and vulnerabilities in a
system, being a process for capturing, organizing, and
analysing all the information that affects the security
of a system, identifying vulnerabilities and
suggesting defences against them (Drake, 2022).
Also, it defines threat model as a structure
representation of an attack graph enumerating known
vulnerability that attackers may exploit in a system
(Drake, 2022).
When applied for risk assessment context, risk
metrics are created based on attackers’ motivation,
capability, and corresponding vulnerabilities
(Bromander and others, 2016). Also, TM is a step of
the LICALITY system, which considers 3 arguments
for TM: (1) attackers experiences of software services
have attributes on assessing the likelihood of
exploitation; (2) Vulnerabilities access complexity
and impact features have attributes on assessing the
criticality of exploitation; (3) exploit records in the
wild have attributes on assessing the likelihood of
exploitation (Zeng and others, 2022).
(Elahi and others, 2021) proposes a semi-
quantitative approach for TM and risk analysis of
intelligent mobile cloud computing applications
(IMCCAs), which defines quantitative risk scores for
each threat. The paper says that TM is a
recommended method for modeling attack/defense
scenarios in software applications to assess their risks
(Souppaya and Scarfone, 2016).
RQ02 - Which steps are considered for threat
Table 5 shows all papers that presented a
methodology that contributes to TM application were
classified as “Procedural”, and others as
“Conceptual”. The conceptual ones contain papers
that presented methodologies, but for different
purposes other than TM. For RQ02, only procedural
papers were analysed.
Table 5: Paper contributions classification.
Paper Contribution
(Alwaheidi and Islam, 2022; Bedi and
others, 2013; Elahi and others, 2021;
Girdhar and others, 2022; Mauri and
Damiani, 2022; Nyambo, et. al, 2014;
Shi and others, 2022; Wijesiriwardana
and others, 2020; Xiong and
Lagerström, 2019; Yeng and others,
(AlFedaghi and Alkandari, 2011; Hacks
and others, 2022; Pereira-Vale and
others, 2021; Sabbagh and Kowalski,
2015; Uzunov and Fernandez, 2014;
Zeng and others, 2022)
(Bedi and others, 2013) defines a threat-oriented
security model which consists of 3 phases: (1)
Identification of known and unknown threats, (2)
analyse the identified threats attack paths, trough
threat trees, (3) use meta-agents combined with fuzzy
inference systems to monitor identified threats using
security baseline and applying actions according to
risk level, saving the system from being
(Shi and others, 2022) presents six steps for TM,
mentioning that they are defined to be iteratively
applied during the SDLC: (1) Define security
requirements, including relevant standards and
functionalities; (2) Model the system, consisting in the
creation of a graph representing the artifacts as nodes,
grouped in trust zones, and data flows between the
nodes. The model can be written using specific syntax
or can be a diagram form, such as data flow diagram
(DFD), which should contain system entities, events,
and system boundaries, having 4 types of elements,
Systematic Literature Review of Threat Modeling Concepts
processes, data flows, data stores and external
entities; (3) Identify threats based on the system
model, using threat knowledge data bases, such as
, Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures
(CVE), Common Weakness Enumeration (CWE) and
Common Attack Pattern Enumeration and
Classification (CAPEC); (4) Evaluate the identified
threats based on multiple aspects, such as
accessibility to attackers, attack complexity,
privileges required and so on, quantifying the
severity of the threats trough scoring systems, such as
Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) and
Common Weakness Scoring System (SWSS); (5)
Mitigate potential threats according to the security
requirements, considering in which specific system
the threat resides and considering general suggestions
provided by knowledge bases, such as CWE and
CAPEC; (6) Validate that the threats are mitigated
after applying mitigation techniques, testing the
applied security controls. OWASP Application
Security Validation Standard is recommended.
(Nyambo, et. al, 2014) defines that the
identification of security threats paused by an
application consists in three steps: (1) Application
decomposition, defined by a presentation of how
application works, interacts with users and which
assets attackers might be interested in. Approaches
like Unified Modelling Language class, Entity
relationship and Data Flow Diagrams (DFD) can be
used in the decomposition; (2) Determination and
ranking of threats, defining a specific that model,
describing identified threats e associated threat
categories and calculating their impact over the
application; (3) Determination of countermeasure and
mitigation, step which were not explored by the
(Mauri and Damiani, 2022) uses (Myagmar and
others, 2005) definition, which considers that a
typical TM process consists in five steps: (1)
Objectives Identification Status the security
properties the system should have; (2) Survey
Determines the system’s assets, their
interconnections and connections to outside systems;
(3) Decomposition Selects the assets that are
relevant to the security analysis; (4) Threat
Identification Enumerates threats to the system’s
components and assets; (5) Vulnerabilities
Identifications Examines identified threats and
determines if known attacks show that overall system
is vulnerable to them.
(Xiong and others, 2022) defines some steps for
the implementation of the proposed meta-model: (1)
Load enterpriseLang in a simulation tool called
securiCAD; (2) Create system model by specifying its
assets, associations, and adversaries’ entry point; (3)
Execute attack simulations over the system model,
automatically receiving the vulnerabilities and
possible mitigation strategies, due to ATT&CK
knowledge base incorporated into enterpriseLang, on
its original implementation.
(Alwaheidi and Islam, 2022) considers four
phases for TM exercise, in cloud context: (1) Data
collection, aiming to understand business processes,
services and infrastructure assets; (2) Data analysis,
identifying and extracting data levels and
constructing data-flow diagrams; (3) Threat analysis,
identifying weaknesses and related threats,
composing the threat profile and threat priority list;
(4) Threat mitigation, defining controls and
identifying security assurance level for each control.
(Wijesiriwardana and others, 2020) defines three
steps for TM: (1) Decomposition, consisting in
understanding the application and how it interacts
with external entities, producing DFDs; (2)
Determine and Rank Threats, stablishing a threat
categorization methodology, covering both attackers
and defensive perspectives; (3) Countermeasures and
mitigation, for ranked threats.
(Yeng and others, 2020) defines that TM for cloud
computing in healthcare should have the following
characteristics (Amini and others, 2015; Malik and
others, 2008; Shostack, 2014): (1) Identifying and
classifying assets; (2) Identifying users and Threat
agents; (3) Establishing Trust level and Users role; (4)
Identifying Security Domain; (5) Identifying
vulnerabilities; (6) Identifying Threats, (7) Ranking
and Measuring vulnerabilities; (8) Ranking and
measuring threats; (9) Identifying countermeasures,
(10) defining new assets threats or vulnerabilities.
Also, it is reinforced that this whole process should
ongoing. The paper also identifies each step over the
presented TM methods, in a consolidated table view.
(Girdhar and others, 2022) defines a framework
for investigation of cyberattacks-related accidents, in
connected and automated vehicles (CAV), containing
3 phases, (1) analysis of cyberattack-induced CAV
accident; (2) STRIDE threat modeling; (3) Potential
cybersecurity measures.
(Elahi and others, 2021) defines 8 steps for semi
quantitative TM and risk analysis: (1) Characterize
the system; (2) Identify the attack vectors/threat
ICISSP 2023 - 9th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
conditions; (3) Classify attack vectors/threat
conditions; (4) Assess the impact of the threats; (5)
Determine the likelihood of threats; (6) Compute
gross risks; (7) Identify security controls and their
effectiveness; (8) calculate net risk.
RQ03 - Which phases of the ISO27005 Risk
Management process are addressed?
ISO27005:2022 defines 7 phases, which were
originated from ISO31000 and adapted into
information security context: (1) Internal and
External context establishment, criteria and scope; (2)
Risk Identification, covering assets, threats,
vulnerabilities, consequences; (3) Risk Analysis,
delimiting the consequences and likelihood of each
risk, having its risk level; (4) Risk Evaluation,
comparing with defined context criteria; (5) Risk
Treatment, with the options of modify, retain, avoid
or share the risks, defining a risk treatment plan; (6)
Communication and Consultation, involving
stakeholders for decision making (7); Monitoring and
Review, in ongoing basis over related assets, impacts,
threats, vulnerabilities, likelihoods of occurrence.
According to the above definitions, TM steps of
the papers classified as “Procedural” in RQ02 were
compared against each phase of the risk management
process. As a result, it was understood that all
procedural papers covers ISO27005 phases 1,2,4,5,
but phase 3 were considered only in (Elahi and others,
2021). It is interesting to highlight that severity and
threat ranking is addressed in the papers, but
likelihood of the threat is present in just one paper,
despite others mentions about creation of attack trees
and DFD during context validation.
RQ04 - What are the future perspectives for threat
Future perspectives presented by selected papers
were classified and seven groups: (1) Integration with
cybersecurity standards or knowledge bases, to
amplify the scope of analysed threats and
vulnerabilities, (2) Integration with other threat
models, (3) Incorporation of legal and regulatory
requirements into the threat model methodology, (4)
Application of the presented methodology, tool or
framework, for validation, improvement and
extension, (5) Automation of the presented method or
some phases of the assessment, (6) Creation of
benchmarks for quantitative evaluation of threat
model tools and (7) Definition of relevant research
areas on development of secure application, as
presented by Table 6:
Table 6: Future Perspectives.
(Girdhar and others, 2022; Hacks and others,
2022; Mauri and Damiani, 2022; Shi and others,
2022; Uzunov and Fernandez, 2014; Xiong and
others, 2022; Yeng and others, 2020)
(Uzunov and Fernandez, 2014; Yeng and others,
3 (Yeng and othe
s, 2020)
(AlFedaghi and Alkandari, 2011; Alwaheidi and
Islam, 2022; Bedi and others, 2013; Elahi and
others, 2021; Girdhar and others, 2022; Hacks and
others, 2022; Nyambo, et. al, 2014; Sabbagh and
Kowalski, 2015; Wijesiriwardana and others,
2020; Zen
and others, 2022
5 (Alwaheidi and Islam, 2022)
6 (Shi and others, 2022)
7 (Pereira-Vale and others, 2021)
Regarding key elements of TM, it is understood that
TM is a systematic approach for securing software
and applications, performed during designing phase.
Also, environment scope (on-premises or cloud)
doesn’t drive the analysis, being adapted for each
scenario, provided that the data flow diagrams (DFD),
as a tool for architecture description, represents the
flows of information, entities, processes, data stores
and privileged boundaries adequately. Threat models
can be used to construct the DFDs, such as Attack
Tree, Attack Graph, Attack Surface, Practical Threat
Analysis, Threat Model Framework for Personal
Network, STRIDE, Pervasive Computing and
LINDDUN. To do so, sound knowledge of system
technical domain and security expertise are
In DFDs, attacker’s capabilities can be analysed
and mapped, along with their possible interactions
within the system and existing elements. These
interactions will be considered as potential threats,
and they can enhance the TM process if
complemented by threat libraries, which maps known
threats for different scenarios that can affect the
analysed system. After identifying threats and
documenting, TM considers the definition of
adequate safeguards and security controls for
mitigation of the identified threats. This controls and
action plans can be prioritized according to threat
severity, which can be ranked based on their
This paper identified the key elements listed
above in TM steps, as RQ02 was intended to
consolidate. Generally, TM methodologies follows
Systematic Literature Review of Threat Modeling Concepts
(1) Understanding of the applications or asset’s
structure and how elements interact with each other,
(2) Threat identification in this context, (3) Threat
analysis, regarding its severity and impact in the
established context, (4) Definition of
countermeasures. Some authors consider risk
calculation based on likelihood, others include
technological elements to support threat
identification, such as honeytokens, for unknown
threats mapping based in real attack situations.
RQ03 allowed the study to confirm that TM is
directly relate to risk management, as the integration
between TM steps and ISO 27005 phases, although
few of the papers includes likelihood factor in TM
exercise. As R04 pointed for future research should
consider having full integration between TM and risk
management, enabling appropriate risk mapping and
mitigation control of the identified threats and their
related risks.
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