Compression of GPS Trajectories Using Autoencoders
Michael K
olle, Steffen Illium, Carsten Hahn, Lorenz Schauer, Johannes Hutter
and Claudia Linnhoff-Popien
Institute of Informatics, LMU Munich, Oettingenstraße 67, Munich, Germany
Trajectory Compression, Autoencoder Model, LSTM Networks, Location Data.
The ubiquitous availability of mobile devices capable of location tracking led to a significant rise in the col-
lection of GPS data. Several compression methods have been developed in order to reduce the amount of
storage needed while keeping the important information. In this paper, we present an lstm-autoencoder based
approach in order to compress and reconstruct GPS trajectories, which is evaluated on both a gaming and
real-world dataset. We consider various compression ratios and trajectory lengths. The performance is com-
pared to other trajectory compression algorithms, i.e., Douglas-Peucker. Overall, the results indicate that our
approach outperforms Douglas-Peucker significantly in terms of the discrete Fr
echet distance and dynamic
time warping. Furthermore, by reconstructing every point lossy, the proposed methodology offers multiple
advantages over traditional methods.
The rising popularity of modern mobile devices such
as smartphones, tablets or wearables and their now
ubiquitous availability led to a vast amount of col-
lected data. Additionally, such devices can determine
the user’s current location and may offer position-
tailored information and services. However, resource
(energy) limitations apply. In contrast to energy sav-
ing, embedded systems, smartphones are typically at
the upper hardware limit. When dealing with GPS
information, the data analysis is being outsourced to
data centers, often. A common way to transmit the
data from the mobile devices to central servers is via
cellular or satellite networks. According to Meratnia
and de By (Meratnia and de By, 2004), around 100Mb
of storage size are needed, if just 400 objects col-
lect GPS information every ten seconds for a single
day. Considering large vehicle fleets or mobile ap-
plications with millions of users tracking objects for
long time spans, it is obvious that there is a need to
optimize the transmission and storage of trajectories
through compression.
In this paper, we investigate and evaluate the ap-
proach of autoencoders for compression and recon-
struction of GPS trajectories. For evaluation, we iden-
tify adequate distance metrics that measure the sim-
ilarities between trajectories to evaluate the method
and compare it to existing handcrafted compression
algorithms, such as Douglas-Peucker. As main con-
tribution, we will answer the following research ques-
1) How well does an autoencoder model perform in
trajectory compression and reconstruction compared
to traditional line simplification methods?
2) How well does an autoencoder model perform for
different compression ratios and different trajectory
The paper is structured as follows: Section 2 holds
related work. Section 3 presents our methodology.
Evaluation is done in Section 4, and finally, Section 5
concludes the paper.
A common method to compress (2-dimensional) tra-
jectories are line simplification algorithms, such as
the Douglas-Peucker (Douglas and Peucker, 1973). In
contrast, GPS trajectories include time as an impor-
tant third dimension. To overcome this misconcep-
tion, Meratnia and de By (Meratnia and de By, 2004)
state that the propose a variant called Top-Down Time-
Ratio (TD-TR) using the synchronized Euclidean dis-
tance (SED) as error metric. Beside line simplifica-
tion, road network compression is applied in litera-
ture. Kellaris et al. (Kellaris et al., 2009) combine
GPS trajectory compression with map-matching us-
Kölle, M., Illium, S., Hahn, C., Schauer, L., Hutter, J. and Linnhoff-Popien, C.
Compression of GPS Trajectories Using Autoencoders.
DOI: 10.5220/0011782100003393
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2023) - Volume 3, pages 829-836
ISBN: 978-989-758-623-1; ISSN: 2184-433X
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
ing TD-TR. Richter et al. (Richter et al., 2012) ex-
ploit the knowledge about possible movements with
the use of semantic trajectory compression (STC).
The COMPRESS framework, introduced by Han et
al. (Han et al., 2017), relies on knowledge about the
restricted paths an object can move on. Chen et al.
(Chen et al., 2013) exploit the existence of repeated
patterns and regularity in trajectories of human move-
ment by extracting so-called pathlets from a given
The main focus of autoencoder research in recent
years has been on the compression of image data,
such as (Gregor et al., 2016). Oord et al. (van den
Oord et al., 2016) introduced PixelRNN, a genera-
tive model allowing the lossless compression of im-
ages with state-of-the-art performance. The approach
is based on (Theis and Bethge, 2015) where two-
dimensional LSTM networks are proposed to model
the distributions of images. Toderici et al. (Toderici
et al., 2015) use a combination of LSTM and CNN
elements to compress thumbnail images. It is suitable
for small images but falls behind manually composed
algorithms for larger resolutions. This downside is
partially overcome in the subsequent work (Toderici
et al., 2016) where an average performance better than
JPEG can be achieved. Masci et al. (Masci et al.,
2011) propose a deep autoencoder based on CNN.
The introduced convolutional autoencoder (CAE) is
trained layer-wise and the resulting weights are used
as a pre-training for a classification network. Rippel
and Bourdev (2007) improve on the aforementioned
methods and suggest a generative adversarial network
(Rippel and Bourdev, 2017). The authors claim to
double the compression ratio compared to JPEG and
WebP while reaching the same quality. Beside im-
age compression, autoencoders are applied for differ-
ent purposes. E.g. Testa and Rossi (2015) use an au-
toencoder to compress biomedical signals (Testa and
Rossi, 2015).
Overall, there is only few research dealing with
the compression of time series data using autoen-
coders.There is a combination of LSTM and autoen-
coder to compress a seismic signal (Hsu, 2017). Sim-
ilarly, Hejrati et al. compress electroencephalogram
data with a multi-layer perceptron (Hejrati et al.,
In this section, we introduce our methodology for tra-
jectory compression. Since the trajectory of a moving
object is usually represented as a time series of dis-
crete positions annotated with a timestamp, an RNN is
used to build the autoencoder’ model. More precisely,
an LSTM network architecture is applied, due to its
remarkable performance in classification and predic-
tion tasks with time series data.
3.1 Encoder
Figure 1: Schematic of the LSTM encoder.
As already stated, the encoder part transforms the in-
put trajectory into a lower-dimensional latent repre-
sentation. At each time step a data point of the trajec-
tory is fed to and processed by the LSTM. Depending
on the used dataset, the three dimensions represent
the position of an object inside a three-dimensional
space or a two-dimensional position and a timestamp,
respectively. To reduce complexity, the length of the
trajectory |T | is fixed beforehand. The output at ev-
ery time step, but the last, is discarded as the final
output contains the encoded information of the whole
trajectory including the temporal dependencies. This
latent representation forms together with the scaling
and offset value from the normalization step the com-
pressed version of the original trajectory. Per trajec-
tory and feature two rescaling values for absolute po-
sition and scaling factor are needed so that six val-
ues are already set for the compressed trajectory. The
number of values in the original trajectory are |T | · 3,
since there are three values for each point in the tra-
jectory. All the points of the trajectories as well as the
rescaling values and the latent variable of the autoen-
coder are stored in 32 bit each, so that the number of
values in the original and compressed representation
can be directly used to calculate the compression ra-
tio. Since the size of an input trajectory and the size
of the rescaling values are set, the compression ratio
can be adjusted by modifying the dimensionality of
the encoder’s output and therefore the latent variable
of the autoencoder. The compressed size is the sum
of the numbers of latent and rescale values. Figure 1
depicts our LSTM encoder mapping a trajectory into
the latent space.
3.2 Decoder
Our decoder consists of a LSTM cell. At each time
step the latent variable is fed again to the network as
its input and the corresponding output represents the
reconstructed three-dimensional data point. During
the training process the weights are optimized in or-
ICAART 2023 - 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
der to produce the expected output and learn gener-
alizable features of the given data. Hence, the perfor-
mance depends on the amount of weights which is de-
pendent on the dimensionality of the input and output
data. Since the weights are reused at each time step,
the sequence length does not influence the amount.
Compared to other tasks, such as image compression
or natural language generation, the spatio-temporal
data we use is low-dimensional, e.g., with a sequence
length of 20 and a compression ratio of 4 we deal with
= 15 dimensions. Due to 2 × 3 variables for off-
set and scaling factor from the normalization step, the
latent variable is of 15 - 6 = 9 dimensions. Hence,
the input size of the decoder at each time step is 9,
while the output size is 3. The number of weights n
available in the cell depends on the amount of neu-
ral layers. In a LSTM cell, gates are implemented as
neural layers and the block input as well as the output
is activated by a layer. The number of weights can
therefore be calculated by:
= 4 · ((n
+ 1) · n
+ n
where n
is the input, and n
the output dimension-
ality. The additional 1 is due to the bias term. The
factor 4 represents the three gates of a LSTM and the
input activation. In the example, the decoder would
have 156 weights available to fit to the data. This is
insufficient for a complex task, such as trajectory re-
construction. Hence, we set the output dimensionality
of the decoder to 100 in order to deal with enough pa-
rameters that can be adjusted to fit the temporal de-
pendencies between points. In order to reduce the
output back to a three dimensional space, a fully con-
nected layer with three output neurons is added at the
LSTM output. Figure 2 depicts our architecture of the
Figure 2: Schematic of the LSTM decoder.
Sutskever et al. (Sutskever et al., 2014) stated that
the performance of Sequence to Sequence Autoen-
coders can be improved significantly, if the input se-
quence is reversed before it is fed to the network. The
target sequence stays in the original order nonethe-
less. While no final explanation for this phenomenon
could be provided, the assumption is, that the intro-
duction of more short-term dependencies enables the
network to learn significant features. Hence, we apply
this method to our proposed model.
3.3 Training Loss
Autoencoders are usually trained with the mean
squared error (MSE) as loss function. The values
of input and output can therefore be compared in a
value-by-value fashion. Nonetheless MSE is a gen-
eral metric that doesn’t incorporate domain knowl-
edge in its error computation. If the temporal dimen-
sion is only implicitly available through a fixed sam-
pling rate, solely the reconstruction of the spatial in-
formation is important. In this case, the Euclidean
distance between a point and its reconstruction suf-
fices as loss metric.
Trajectories fed to and reconstructed by a neural
network are however normalized. If the Euclidean
loss is computed on normalized trajectories, the ac-
tual distances are hidden. Hence, the training step can
be further improved by rescaling the original and re-
construction before loss calculation.
When working with GPS data, trajectories are rep-
resented in geo-coordinates annotated with a times-
tamp. The temporal information is therefore explic-
itly available. Hence, an error calculation based on
the Euclidean distance would be inaccurate. In this
case, the haversine distance would be more general,
more accurate and more expressive. However, the
computation is way more expensive than the Eu-
clidean distance, while the equirectangular approxi-
mation offers a trade-off between both. Therefore, we
consider this approximation to calculate the distance
between expected and predicted points. To incorpo-
rate the time in the loss function, the squared error of
this dimension is added to the loss.
4.1 Datasets and Preprocessing
For evaluation, we consider two datasets consisting of
multiple recorded trajectories but varying in structure
and origin as follows:
Quake III Dataset: consists of trajectories recorded
in Quake III Arena, a popular first-person shooter
video game (Breining et al., 2011). The player is able
to move inside a fixed three dimensional area produc-
ing a series of three-dimensional positions. This lo-
cation data is recorded at each position update which
takes place every 33 ms - based on an frame rate of
30 fps. The sampling rate here is therefore far higher
Compression of GPS Trajectories Using Autoencoders
than in real life scenarios. Furthermore, and in con-
trast to real positioning systems, there is no position-
ing error in the recorded location data. Temporal in-
formation is represented only implicitly through the
fixed sampling rate and accessible relatively to the
start of the trajectory. The data was recorded in dif-
ferent scenarios and settings. Each run represents a
trajectory from spawn to death. Since this dataset is
recorded directly from the game, the level of accuracy
is high and there is no need for further preprocessing
T-Drive: The original T-Drive dataset (Yuan et al.,
2010) contains recorded trajectories of about 33,000
taxis in Beijing over the course of three months. We
use the public part containing more than 10,000 taxi
trajectories over the course of one week resulting in
15 million sample points. Each point contains a taxi
ID, a timestamp and the position of the car in lati-
tude/longitude representation. The duration between
two samples lasts from few seconds to multiple hours.
Due to inaccurate or faulty GPS-samples, there are in-
consistencies in this dataset which should be removed
in a preprocessing step. Hence, we only consider tra-
jectories which are located in the metropolitan area
of Beijing and show continuously increasing times-
tamps. Idle times should also be removed from the
data since they add no informational value. Based on
speed information, we also remove outliers that are
probably introduced by technical errors. Hence, obvi-
ous inconsistencies are removed by these preprocess-
ing steps, while the level of inaccuracy due to techni-
cal limitations stays realistic.
4.2 Training and Normalization
Both datasets are split into two independent parts:
90% of the recorded points are used for training and
the remaining 10% are used to test and validate the
trained model to avoid overfitting effects. Our tra-
jectories consist of varying numbers of time steps.
Hence, we consider different sequence lengths of tra-
jectories, such as |T | = 20 and |T| = 40.
In order to increase the amount of training data,
a sliding window approach is applied. If a trajectory
consists of more time steps than the required sequence
length |T |, the first |T | points (P
, ..., P
|T |
) are added
to the training data as input sequence. Afterwards,
the sliding window is shifted by one so that the steps
, ..., P
|T |+1
) build the next input sequence. This
procedure is subsequently repeated until the end of
the trajectory is reached. Through this approach, the
number of sequences to train the model can be en-
larged. The trajectories used for testing are not fur-
ther manipulated but also split into chunks of 20 and
40 steps.
Similarities between trajectories are often based
on the form of the route they describe, rather than
their absolute position in space. Rescaling each tra-
jectory to values between 0 and 1 takes complexity
out of the network leading to better performance and
shorter learning time. For each dimension, the min-
imum value (offset) and the scaling factor of a tra-
jectory are saved. The compressed trajectory there-
fore consists of the output of the encoder network and
the information to rescale the trajectory to its origi-
nal domain. After decoding the latent representation,
the trajectory can be put to its absolute position with
those rescaling and offset values. Thus, the autoen-
coder has to learn the relative distances between the
points of the trajectory, rather than absolute values.
4.3 Implementation and Setup
The encoder was implemented as a plain LSTM cell,
taking as input a mini-batch with a fixed number of
time steps. This decoding LSTM cell has an output
dimensionality of 100 in order to increase the ability
to learn hidden features. As optimizer, we use Adam
(Kingma and Ba, 2014) at default parameters.
Since the sequence length of the input trajecto-
ries is fixed for the autoencoder, it should be eval-
uated, how well the model performs with different
given lengths |T |. Therefore, each experiment is per-
formed once with trajectories containing 20 & 40 data
points. Another important property that has to be
tested is the performance given different compression
ratios (c.p. Table 1). For the autoencoder the number
of compressed values is the sum of the dimensional-
ity of the latent variable and the variables needed for
offset and rescaling. For Douglas-Peucker it is the
product of the number of points of the compression
and their dimensionality.
Comparable compression ratios are limited by two
factors. First, Douglas-Peucker selects a subset of
the original trajectory. Hence, the amount of values
in the compressed trajectory has to be divisible by
3. Second, the proposed autoencoder model transfers
the rescale variables together with the latent variable.
Hence, the number of values in the compressed tra-
jectory has to be greater than 6.
Table 1: Scenarios evaluated for sequence length 40.
Comp. Ratio Autoencoder Douglas-Peucker Comp. Values
2 54 + 6 20 · 3 60
4 24 + 6 10 · 3 30
8 9 + 6 5 · 3 15
10 6 + 6 3 · 3 12
The errors between the original and the com-
pressed/reconstructed trajectories are subsequently
ICAART 2023 - 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
calculated for the three considered metrics, i.e., mean
Euclidean/Haversine distance, Fr
echet distance, and
DTW. In the following sections, we present the ob-
tained results for both datasets, separately.
4.4 Performance on Quake III Dataset
First, we take the Quake III dataset.
Trajectories of Sequence Length 20. The autoen-
coder reconstructs the intermediate compression back
to the original sequence length of 20 points, while
Douglas-Peucker yields 10, 5 and 3 points, respec-
tively. For the autoencoder reconstruction the mean
Euclidean distance between points can be calculated
intuitively, while the trajectories that are compressed
with Douglas-Peucker have to be interpolated first in
order to equalize the sequence lengths. Therefore, re-
moved points are approximated on the line segments
of the compressed trajectory by linear interpolation.
We notice, that the autoencoder performs worse
than Douglas-Peucker for low compression ratio,
which is the opossite for higher compression ra-
tios. We assume, this is due to the way Douglas-
Peuker selects a subset of the original trajectory: For
a compression ratio of 2, half of the points in the
compressed trajectory stay exactly the same. For
higher compression ratios, less points are identical
and the distance becomes higher. The difference be-
tween Douglas-Peucker and the autoencoder is all-in-
all small and the tendency over different compres-
sion ratios is similar. It has to be noted however,
that the approximated locations can’t be interpolated
in this way in a real-life scenario, since the number
of deleted points between the compressed locations
can only be calculated if the original trajectory is still
available. The autoencoder model on the other hand
reconstructs each point of th trajectory. Therefore, the
comparison method favors Douglas-Peucker, but the
autoencoder model still performs better, at least for
higher compression ratios within our settings.
When analyzing the mean discrete Fr
echet dis-
tances, the autoencoder performs significantly better
than Douglas-Peucker across all compression ratios.
However, sincethis metric is an approximation of the
actual Fr
echet distance, it is sensitive regarding dif-
ferences in the number of vertices of the compared
polylines. This can also be verified by interpolating
the deleted points.
We did also compare the interpolated autoen-
coder reconstructions to trajecetories, compressed
with Douglas-Peucker. While the autoencoder per-
forms slightly better in terms of Fr
echet distance for
a compression ratio of 2, it performs worse for the
other two ratios. However, the compressed trajecto-
Table 2: Mean Euclidean distance for sequence length 40
with Quake III dataset.
Comp. Ratio Douglas-Peucker Autoencoder
2 1.45 1.76
4 3.82 3.75
8 14.85 13.88
10 24.87 24.39
Table 3: Mean Fr
echet and DTW distances for sequence
length 40 with Quake III dataset.
CR Normal Interpolated Autoencoder
echet 30.23 7.89 7.29
DTW 278.40 46.33 70.09
echet 52.45 14.92 16.86
DTW 616.59 117.36 144.79
echet 93.36 41.03 64.98
DTW 1304.55 423.59 509.51
echet 114.63 58.32 87.33
DTW 1701.29 701.62 882.43
ries yielded by Douglas-Peucker had to be enriched
with information from the original trajectory, whereas
the reconstructions from the autoencoder were not
The trajectories considered here consist of three-
dimensional spatial positions. Hence, the consider
, since the dimensions are dependent of each
other. As explained previously, DTW has similari-
ties to the Fr
echet distance and therefore it is sensitive
to different sequence lengths. We notice similar ten-
dencies in comparison to the discrete Fr
echet errors
from above. The distances regarding the autoencoder
reconstructions are smaller than in case of Douglas-
Peucker compressions without interpolated points.
Trajectories of Sequence Length 40. We evaluate
trajectories with a sequence length of 40 positions.
The higher length also allows higher compression ra-
tios, e.g., 8 and 10. The corresponding results are
shown in Table 2 considering the mean Euclidean dis-
tances as error.
It can be seen, that our previous observations can
be replicated for longer trajectories. The autoencoder
model performs worse for a compression to half of
the original size, while higher compression ratios pro-
duce similar results with a tendency in favor of the
autoencoder. That implies that the temporal depen-
dencies between the points can be captured for both
sequence lengths equally well.
In case of Fr
echet and DTW, the results are also
comparable to the lower sequence lengths, as shown
in Table 3. For a better comparison, the trajectories
Compression of GPS Trajectories Using Autoencoders
(a) Mean Fr
echet distance. (b) Mean DTW distance.
Figure 3: Mean distances for sequence length 40 and com-
pression ratios 2, 4, 8, 10.
compressed by Douglas-Peucker were again interpo-
lated to the same number of points as the original tra-
jectories. The distances between the originals and the
reconstructions from the autoencoder are far smaller
than the ones between original and Douglas-Peucker
compressions. However, the distances between origi-
nal and interpolated compressions are lower than the
autoencoder errors. Hence, we state that the main ad-
vantage of the autoencoder is the reconstruction of ev-
ery point of the original trajectory in contrast to the
selection of a subset.
Figure 3 shows the mean Fr
echet and DTW dis-
tances for a sequence length of 40 over the four tested
compression ratios. The distances between original
trajectories and their subsets produced by Douglas-
Peucker increase linearly over the compression ratio
for both distance metrics. The Fr
echet distance to the
autoencoder reconstruction is less than the distance
between original and interpolated Douglas-Peucker
compression for a ratio of 2, but for higher ratios the
autoencoder error grows faster. As explained before,
the Fr
echet distance is sensitive to outliers, since it
represents the maximum of the minimal distances be-
tween points. As the distance grows faster for the au-
toencoder, more outliers are produced. This obser-
vation is supported by Figure 3 where the mean DTW
distances are shown. The autoencoder distance here is
always higher than the interpolated Douglas-Peucker
distance, but the difference between both methods
grows slower for higher compression ratios compared
to the Fr
echet distance in Figure 3. Since DTW mea-
sures the sum of minimal distances between points,
this metric is not as sensitive to outliers as the Fr
distance. An explanation for the increased errors in
case of higher compression ratios is the dimensional-
ity of the latent space. With a trajectory of 40 three-
dimensional points and a compression ratio of 10, the
compression contains only 12 values. Six values are
already reserved for rescaling and offset, so that the
latent space has a low dimensionality of 6. Hence, it’s
hard to capture all temporal dependencies.
4.5 Performance on T-Drive Dataset
In contrast to the Quake trajectories, the T-Drive data
points consist of two-dimensional GPS locations and
a temporal annotation. Since the spatial positions are
now represented as latitude/longitude pairs, the haver-
sine distance is used instead of the Euclidean distance
and the error is expressed in meters rather than us-
ing abstract distances like before. In the following,
we evaluate a spatial and a time-synchronized com-
parison separately. During the first, we omit temporal
dimension, while for the second, we incorporate tem-
poral information by synchronizing the spatial points
in time before performing distance computations.
4.5.1 Spatial Comparison
In order to see whether the results observed in the
compression of the Quake III dataset can be repro-
duced for real-life data, the temporal component of
the T-Drive dataset is not considered. However, the
compression is done on the whole three-dimensional
trajectories. As in the previous evaluation, the tra-
jectories compressed with Douglas-Peucker are once
considered directly as a subset of the original data
and once with the interpolated approximations of the
deleted points.
We notice, a slighty higher mean haversine error
of the autoencoder than the mean distance to the in-
terpolated compressions of Douglas-Peucker. This is
contrary to the results obtained with 20-point trajec-
tories from the Quake III dataset. However, the differ-
ence between both compression methods stays stable
for all three tested compression ratios. Like in the pre-
vious experiments, the discrete Fr
echet and DTW
error of the autoencoder is significantly lower than
the error between original trajectories and the subsets
produced by TD-TR. The DTW
error of the autoen-
coder is however higher than the error of interpolated
TD-TR compressions. The tendency that the autoen-
coder performs better than the interpolated TD-TR
compressions for lower compression ratios in terms
of Fr
echet distance can be replicated for the T-Drive
dataset. Overall, the results are similar and the per-
formance of our model is not dependent on the com-
pressed datasets.
Figure 4 shows the obtained errors for the com-
pression with sequence length 40. The results are
similar to the observations with 20 points per trajec-
tory. This gives again reason for the assertion that the
model performs equally for both sequence lengths.
Furthermore, the results show that the difference be-
tween autoencoder and TD-TR are smaller for higher
compression ratios. This is especially visible for the
mean haversine distance, where the autoencoder per-
ICAART 2023 - 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
forms better with compression ratios of 8 and 10.
4.5.2 Time-Synchronized Comparison
Since the trajectories compressed with TD-TR are
a subset of the original trajectories, the remaining
points are already synchronized in time. The interpo-
lated compressions and the autoencoder reconstruc-
tions however contain positions that are not synchro-
nized and therefore do not consider the temporal in-
formation. In order to include this additional dimen-
sion in the evaluation, both interpolated TD-TR com-
pressions and autoencoder reconstructions are now
synchronized before error calculation.
We notice, that the performance of both compres-
sion methods differ to our previous observations. For
TD-TR, the errors are lower if the interpolated tra-
jectory is synchronized in time. This is due to the
usage of SED as metric to decide which points are
stored in the compressed version. Considering the
autoencoder, the distances to time-synchronized re-
constructions are higher, especially for low compres-
sion ratios. This indicates, that the accuracy of the re-
constructed temporal dimension is low and hence, the
positions of the synchronized points are further away
from the original positions. An adapted loss function
may improve the accuracy, e.g., by additional weight-
ing the reconstruction error of the timestamp, or cal-
culating a time-synchronized distance.
The results for the time-synchronized error with
a sequence length of 40 are shown in the right col-
umn of Figure 4. Obviously, the results from the 20-
point trajectories and the spatial distances can be re-
produced. The autoencoder performs generally worse
than the synchronized TD-TR compression, but the
difference is smaller for higher compression ratios.
In this paper, we have investigated the feasibility of
an autoencoder approach for GPS trajectory compres-
sion. For this purpose, an LSTM network architec-
ture was developed and evaluated using two diverse
The obtained results lead to the conclusion that
reconstructions of the proposed model outperform
Douglas-Peucker compressions significantly in terms
of discrete Fr
echet distance and DTW distance. With
equalized sequence lengths through interpolation of
the Douglas-Peucker compressions, our autoencoder
still produces a lower Fr
echet error for low compres-
sion ratios. For high compression ratios, the pro-
(a) Mean haversine distance.
(b) Mean Fr
echet distance.
(c) Mean DTW distance.
Figure 4: Mean distances for sequence length 40 and com-
pression ratios 2, 4, 8 and 10 on the T-Drive dataset. Tra-
jectories have been time synchronized on the right side.
posed method achieves better results in terms of mean
point-to-point distances depending on the representa-
tion space of the trajectories. While Douglas-Peucker
selects a subset of the original trajectory, the autoen-
coder approach reconstructs every point lossy. This
conceptual difference between the two methods is an
advantage for the autoencoder if temporal information
of the trajectory is only available implicitly through a
fixed sampling rate. Furthermore, the reconstruction
approach allows a better retention of form and shape
of the trajectory. The performance of the autoencoder
is reproducible for different trajectory lengths as well
as for different datasets. In contrast to most line sim-
plification algorithms, the user may fix the compres-
sion ratio before compression, which is advantageous
for use cases where fixed storage or transmission sizes
are expected. However, in terms of DTW distance, the
Compression of GPS Trajectories Using Autoencoders
autoencoder approach always performed worse than
Douglas-Peucker if equalized sequence lengths are
considered. Furthermore, the performance was worse
for time-synchronized trajectories.
We summarize, that compressing GPS trajectories
using an autoencoder model is feasible and promis-
ing. The performance of our proposed model could
still be improved by various approaches. First, per-
forming map-matching methods after decoding may
decrease the reconstruction error, if an underlying
road network is present on the decoder side. Sec-
ond, the usage of a stacked autoencoder which feeds
the LSTM outputs at each time step to another LSTM
layer, so that temporal and spatial dependencies are
captured more effectively. Generally, the perfor-
mance can also be increased by using optimized hy-
perparameters and more efforts in training. Lately
variational and adversarial autoencoder have proven
to be successful advancements of normal autoen-
coders. Furthermore, the usage of a more efficient
and differentiable loss function focusing on time se-
ries, such as Soft-DTW (Cuturi and Blondel, 2017),
seems promising to improve our model significantly.
In future work, we will enhance our investigations
regarding these approaches. Overall, further research
in this domain is highly promising and the incorpo-
ration of neural networks for trajectory compression
could create a new category next to line simplification
and road network-based solutions.
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