A Scenario-Driven Cyber Security Awareness Exercise Utilizing Dynamic
Polling: Methodology and Lessons Learned
Maria Leitner
1,2 a
AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, Center for Digital Safety & Security, Vienna, Austria
University of Vienna, Faculty of Computer Science, Vienna, Austria
Cyber Security, Awareness, Cyber Security Exercises, Cyber Security Education, Methodology.
As cyber security capabilities are becoming more relevant for society, the need for cyber security skills and
teaching methods have increased. For example, cyber security exercises have emerged to train and test skills
and abilities of people in emergency situations (e.g., under cyber attacks). While cyber security knowledge
has become essential for everyone, we propose a cyber security awareness exercise that targets people with or
without cyber security knowledge. Our novel approach uses dynamic surveys to visualize decisions during the
exercise. In this paper, we describe the idea behind the exercise and specify the design, implementation and
evaluation of this method. We validate our methodology with a cloud-based implementation that enables a
low-barrier entry and a responsive design for the participants. We apply our methodology to four case studies.
Our findings show that this methodology is an easy tool for organizers and helps participants to learn about
cyber security. For future work, we aim to develop the methodology further and increase the scenarios to
conduct more experiments with a diverse audience.
With the ongoing digitization and the increased inter-
connectedness, the surface of information systems for
cyber security attacks has increased significantly. Fur-
thermore, new business models (such as cyber crime
as a service) allow to launch large-scale attacks by just
one mouse click. Hence, with the constantly increas-
ing threat and attack landscape, it is only imminent
that skills and capabilities to prevent, identify, stop
and mitigate security incidents and cyber attacks have
become highly relevant. Security incidents are, for
example, events that may indicate a breach in confi-
dentiality, integrity or availability of data (e.g., a data
leak, a data manipulation or a interruption of a ser-
For organizations and individuals of the digital so-
ciety, it has become essential to know how to handle
security incidents and attacks. This has evoked the
development of a variety of methods and tools for cy-
ber security education (e.g. (Daimi and Francia III,
2020)). For example, table-top-exercises, cyber secu-
rity exercises or simulation games that focus on con-
veying knowledge and skills to a variety of people
have been designed (Kucek and Leitner, 2020). Cyber
security exercises can be utilized to test, train and val-
idate the organizational and technical competencies
of organizations and individuals. Cyber security ex-
ercises can be set up in various ways (cmp. (ENISA,
2015)) such as Capture-The-Flag (CTF) competitions
(e.g., (Werther et al., 2011; Vigna et al., 2014)) or
as cyber defense exercises (Vykopal et al., 2017). In
recent years, cyber security exercises have increased
significantly (ENISA, 2015). Many cyber security ex-
ercises aim to increase capabilities, skills and compe-
tences of individuals and strengthen the resilience and
preparedness of organizations against threats and at-
tacks. Cyber security exercises utilize forms of expe-
riential learning (Gentry, 1990) but also other learn-
ing theories such as challenge-based learning (Che-
ung et al., 2011). They are suitable for cyber security
training (Hendrix et al., 2016).
The target audience of cyber security exercises
(such as CTFs or technical exercises) are often IT ex-
perts or security experts (Vykopal et al., 2017; Leit-
ner et al., 2020; Andreolini et al., 2020). However,
table-top-exercises (Angafor et al., 2020), board or
card games (e.g., (Denning et al., 2013)) often raise
awareness and target a wider audience.
In this paper, we outline a methodology for a cyber
Leitner, M.
A Scenario-Driven Cyber Secur ity Awareness Exercise Utilizing Dynamic Polling: Methodology and Lessons Learned.
DOI: 10.5220/0011780400003405
In Proceedings of the 9th Inter national Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2023), pages 634-642
ISBN: 978-989-758-624-8; ISSN: 2184-4356
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
security awareness exercise utilizing dynamic polling.
In literature, this exercise might be also referred to as
strategic exercise”, awareness game or simula-
tion game”. We present the idea, design, setup and
implementation of the method of this cyber security
awareness exercise. The novel idea of our approach is
that we are using dynamic surveys that allow that par-
ticipants make an active decision. Then, the decision
of the whole set of participants is visualized. These
visible results aim to engage fruitful discussions of
the participants. We describe our implementation us-
ing a cloud-based application that uses dynamic polls
that allow the responses to be shown directly through-
out the exercise. This opinion-sharing stipulates the
discussion among the participants. Furthermore, we
demonstrate our findings with an elaborate evaluation
in four case studies. We show that our methodology
is easy-to-use, has a low barrier entry and can support
raising the participants’ awareness. For organizers of
exercises, we have received feedback that it has a very
short learning period at the beginning.
The content of the paper can be of high interest to
organizers of exercises, participants and cyber secu-
rity educators. Organizers of training courses may be
introduced to the simulation game for the first time.
This may shift their view on how lectures and ex-
ercises can be designed for local or remote training
courses. Organizers of cyber exercises may be in-
terested in learning on the variety of scenarios and
the complex scenario building. The example can also
help people who would like to start hosting their own
cyber security exercises. Cyber security educators
may be interested in incorporating the methodology
into their security lectures to activate their audience.
The rest of the paper is structured as follows. Sec-
tion 2 outlines background for cyber security aware-
ness exercises and cyber security education. Section 3
describes the methodology of the cyber security exer-
cise, in particular, the idea, design, implementation
and evaluation. Section 4 demonstrates the cyber ex-
ercise using four case studies. Lastly, Section 5 con-
cludes the paper.
2.1 Cyber Security Awareness Exercises
In the past years, cyber security exercises have be-
come a typical method to enable cyber security aware-
ness or develop cyber security competencies (e.g.,
(ENISA, 2015; Peker et al., 2016; Pham et al., 2016;
e et al., 2020)).
Many serious games have been developed to con-
vey cyber security competencies (Hendrix et al.,
2016; Tioh et al., 2017). For example, table-top exer-
cises for incident response have been systematically
reviewed in (Angafor et al., 2020) and serious games
in cyber security in (Tioh et al., 2017). Both reviews
show that there is a big variety in table-top exercises
and gamification in cyber security education. Further-
more, many board games or card games exist for cy-
ber security. For example, a card game in (Denning
et al., 2013) was developed to raise security aware-
ness. Another example in (Frey et al., 2019) assesses
security decisions in a cyber-physical systems game
and many other examples can be found (e.g., (Sedjel-
maci et al., 2019)).
Cyber security exercises can be utilized to test,
train and validate the organizational and techni-
cal competencies of organizations and individuals.
Hence, it is self-evident that exercises should not be
limited only to experts participants but also to all
diverse participants of organizations. Cyber secu-
rity exercises enable here a good method for training
and testing of skills and competencies (ENISA, 2015;
Werther et al., 2011). However, most solutions in the
area of cyber security exercises focuses on testing ad-
vanced technical knowledge (e.g., in CTFs (e.g., (Vi-
gna et al., 2014; Kucek and Leitner, 2020)) or in cyber
defense exercises (e.g., (Vykopal et al., 2017; Beuran
et al., 2017))).
In summary, while there are many approaches for
cyber security exercises, to the best of our knowledge,
we did not identify a method that allows all partici-
pants to play the same scenario, make decisions and
visualize their and the other participant’s decisions.
We could not identify a method where the participants
could either work together in groups or individually
but had overall the same story line. Furthermore, we
did not find any tool that supported an active decision-
making in groups or individually. Therefore, we will
propose in the next section our methodology for a
cyber security awareness exercise that allows active
decision-making, using the same scenario as well as
enables and supports group discussions.
2.2 Cyber Security Education
In the past years, research has focused on new meth-
ods such as cyber security exercises to develop cy-
ber security education further (see for example a va-
riety of topics is described in (Daimi and Francia III,
2020)). Several learning theories have been applied
to cyber security exercises such as challenge-based
learning (Cheung et al., 2011), cognitive learning
(Wellington et al., 1996), behavioral learning (Byrne
and Wolfe, 1974) and active learning (Sanders et al.,
A Scenario-Driven Cyber Security Awareness Exercise Utilizing Dynamic Polling: Methodology and Lessons Learned
Furthermore, the authors in (Katsantonis et al.,
2019) describe a conceptual framework how to de-
velop serious games for cyber security. Our proposed
methodology in Section 3 follows these aspects and
includes scenarios, missions and goals related to the
target audience and therefore introduces the actions
(injects as text, image or poll). The challenge tuning
can be mainly conducted with the scenario complex-
In summary, new teaching methods such as cy-
ber security exercises support the active and dynamic
learning in cyber security education (see e.g., (Beu-
ran et al., 2017; Frank et al., 2017)). Our proposed
methodology provides a method that could be utilized
in educational settings. However, it is not limited and
may be used in other domains as well for educational
3.1 Idea
Background. Originally, the idea for this exercise
was developed for a security conference. The chal-
lenge was to allow more than 100 people to play a
fun “game” together and talk and learn about cyber
security. The basic concept was that decisions in the
game should be actively made and the opinion of each
participant is valued. The first idea came up in 2017
and was continuously developed and tested until to-
day. Initially, many people should be able to play
together in the game and learn about cyber security.
The people’s knowledge level on information secu-
rity was unknown. The game should be interactive,
i.e. participants can actively make decisions. These
initial thoughts were specified in the next step.
Aims. The aim of the cyber security exercise is to
raise awareness and can be used for educational set-
tings. We designed an exercise methodology based on
the following requirements:
Participants should be able to participate with or
without knowledge on information security or cy-
ber security.
Participants should be able to make individual de-
cisions in the exercise.
Participants should be able to see the results of
their and the other participants decisions instantly.
Participants should be able to experience the chal-
lenges after a cyber security attack.
Participants may be able to discuss the results.
Similar to other cyber security exercises, this exercise
can be structured into three phases preparation, im-
plementation and evaluation (ENISA, 2015).
3.2 Exercise Design
This section describes the preparation and require-
ments scenario design, participant setup and infras-
tructure setup.
3.2.1 Preparation and Requirements
In this phase, one has to identify the aims and learn-
ing goals of the exercise. For example: Should they
play themselves or a persona? Should they face easy
or difficult situations? Should they experience diffi-
cult decisions? Once the objectives, learning goals
and overall settings (e.g., target audience, duration)
are specified, the scenario design may start.
3.2.2 Scenario Design
In general, a cyber exercise consists of a scenario (of-
ten in literature also referred to as playbook). A sce-
nario can consist of one or more stories. For exam-
ple, a scenario of a critical infrastructure consists of
a first story about a ransomware attack and a second
story about a phishing campaign against employees.
The number of stories, however, need to be carefully
considered (see the discussion below on a good sce-
nario). Each story can be further divided into injects.
An inject is a piece of information or question that
the participants receive and progresses the scenario of
the exercise. An inject is later represented as a single
slide (see implementation in Section 3.3). The injects
can be arranged in any arbitrary sequence. Figure 1
depicts an example scenario that includes two story
lines and several injects. It shows that there are in-
jects that consist of text, images or polls. This list of
injects does not have to be exhaustive. In future exer-
cises, new injects might be added (e.g., video injects).
What Contributes to a Great Scenario? Saying
let’s start crafting a scenario is in general easy to
say but the actual steps to develop a scenario are in
the beginning often challenging for inexperienced ex-
ercise organizers. Unfortunately, it takes some expe-
rience to learn and know where the pitfalls are. As
part of the lessons learned, we would like to share our
experience. A great scenario is one that is...:
ICISSP 2023 - 9th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Text inject
inject 1
Poll inject A Poll inject B
inject 2
inject 3
Poll inject C Poll inject D
Story line 1
Story line 2
Awareness Exercise Scenario
Figure 1: Scenario Design Schema.
captivating: The participants should be thrilled
and focus on the exercise.
interactive: The participants have the ability to
be part of the exercise by making decisions and
participating actively.
informative: The participants will receive in-
stantly feedback to their decisions. In particu-
lar, they will see instantly (or if the moderator re-
leases) the results of all participants.
anonymous: If the responses are visible, one can-
not easily recognize the answer of another per-
son. Hence, participants remain anonymous (un-
less their name or another personally identifiable
piece of information is written into an open text
security-aware: The story should include one or
more security incidents.
relatable: The stories need to be relatable and
should not be far away from the reality of the par-
We achieved the best results by following this ap-
proach. However, the aforementioned aspects of a
good scenario are part of several aspects to make the
exercise interesting. For example, while the scenario
is important to have interesting content, it is also im-
portant to formulate the questions in an understand-
able manner. The text should be adapted to the knowl-
edge of the target audience. For instance, if the partic-
ipants have not heard about certain terms such as mal-
ware or ransomware, then other descriptions might be
used or the moderator explains the terms during the
event. Other examples that are out of the scope of
this paper are the moderator’s style and qualities to
guide the participants through the exercise (see e.g.,
(Brownell et al., 2006)).
3.2.3 Exercise Participant Roles
In our exercise, we suggest five roles. The modera-
tor guides the participants through the scenario. They
read the scenario, wait for enough responses and con-
tinue. The support helps the moderator by managing
the slide deck or by helping the participants to join the
online system. The participants take part in the exer-
cise and answer questions. Observers may oversee
the exercise but do not interact with the participants.
There may be a technical staff that supports the setup
of the local infrastructure.
These five suggested roles are flexible. Moderator
and participants are the mandatory roles for this cyber
security exercises. However, additional roles might
come in handy if the there is a large target audience.
Then, support, for example, is highly recommended.
Or if the position of the moderator is not close to the
device where the exercise application is controlled.
3.2.4 Infrastructure Requirements and Setup
The setup of the exercise is rather straightforward. A
speaker setting at a conference or at a university is ex-
pected. Therefore, the main requirements for this ex-
ercise are: First, all participants have Internet-enabled
devices (e.g., mobile phones or tablets). Secondly, the
location should be able to provide Internet access to
the number of participants. Third, there is a video
wall that displays one screen at least. Fourth, speakers
and a microphone are available in the location. Lastly,
the software application for the exercise is accessible
from the location (e.g., via Internet browser).
3.3 Proof-of-Concept Implementation
3.3.1 Implementation Choice and Selection
When the scenario is specified, the implementation
of the exercise is the next phase. In the following,
we summarize how we selected an implementation or
proof-of-concept for our methodology.
There are several options to develop a software ap-
plication that can support our proposed methodology.
First of all, it is possible to develop it’s own software
application. This option would allow maximum sup-
port of many features. However, for some organizers
the development of its own application would require
a lot of resources. As there was a time constraint, in
A Scenario-Driven Cyber Security Awareness Exercise Utilizing Dynamic Polling: Methodology and Lessons Learned
our case, a faster solution was preferable. Second, we
investigated software applications that support digi-
tal surveys or polls (e.g., LimeSurvey
, SurveyMon-
). We found that LimeSurvey and SurveyMon-
key are very helpful for preparing and processing sur-
veys. However, in a setting where we aim to display
text and images to tell a story, survey tools provide
only limited support. Third, in the past years, several
cloud-based applications have been developed that fo-
cus on supporting interactive meetings with presenta-
tions such as Mentimeter
or Slido
. These tools al-
low the support of text or image-based presentation
slides and provide also features for dynamic polls.
For example, participants take part in a poll that is
outlined on a slide and the voting results are shown
instantly (or when the moderator releases them to the
audience). These applications support the sequence
of injects but do not support decision points where
different injects would be selected afterwards. Also
these meeting applications often provide means that
(external) participants can join the presentation such
as by using a PIN or a QR code. Forth, other online
video call software such as BigBlueButton
surveys in their respective applications. For example
in BigBlueButton, the survey can be conducted but
have limitations such as no support to integrate or up-
load pre-designed polls. In our methodology where
we plan to have 20 or more polls, this automated sup-
port would be needed to facilitate the creation of polls.
Furthermore, the use of BigBlueButton would entail
that the scenario and the polls are not visible in the
same screen. In summary, there are various ways to
develop an implementation for our proposed method-
ology. Many of them provide advantages and draw-
backs to support the cyber security awareness exer-
cise. However, the meeting and presentation applica-
tions seem to support the most features (e.g., dynamic
polling, visibilty of results, fast response) for our pur-
In this paper, we have selected Mentimeter, a
cloud-based meeting and presentation application that
allows for dynamic polling, as an easy-to-use tool for
implementing the scenario. Many other meeting and
presentation applications might be also easily adapt-
able for our approach. Another reason why we have
selected this application is that it is affordable and
does provide a human-centered user interface not only
https://www.limesurvey.org/ (last access: 29/08/2022)
https://www.surveymonkey.com/ (last access:
https://www.mentimeter.com/ (last access:
https://www.slido.com/ (last access: 29/08/2022)
https://bigbluebutton.org/ (last access: 29/08/2022)
for designing the injects but also for the participants
when they join. The application also provides a re-
sponsive design that changes depending on the screen
sizes or resolutions of the devices. Furthermore, it
offers a wide variety of formats for the presentation
slides (including figures, text, etc.) and allows multi-
ple different visualizations for the results of the polls
(e.g., bar chart, pie chart, point chart).
For the implementation of the scenario, we created
one presentation deck and then added several slides.
Each slide is then filled with text, images or polls de-
pending on the scenario design. For example in Fig-
ure 2, we outline a text and image inject that intro-
duces the exercise.
Figure 2: Text and Image Inject (Screenshot).
Participants can join the presentation by going to
a website in the browser and entering a PIN code or
by using a QR code that directly opens a URL in a
browser. Once they have joined the presentation, they
can see the same slide that the moderator shows. As
participants might join with different devices, how-
ever, the slide and the polls might be displayed in a
slightly different design. The application supports re-
sponsive design that handles the various screen sizes
and resolutions.
3.3.2 Hosting the Exercise: Course of Action
The following sequence of actions is recommended to
host this cyber security awareness exercise.
1. Welcome: The first inject consists of the title
2. Exercise mechanics introduction: This action
introduces the exercise / game mechanics of the
current exercise.
3. Start and access the tool: This action introduces
the participants to the cloud-based implementa-
tion and how they can access it. They typically
can join via PIN or QR code.
4. Warm-up phase: The warm up phase allows the
ICISSP 2023 - 9th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
user to get familiar with the implementation and
its user interface. Two to three questions are pre-
pared that allow the user to play with the tool and
get familiar. Many examples can be found on the
5. Start the scenario: Then, the moderator starts the
game and the first inject of the scenario is shown.
The moderator narrates this inject and continues
in case of text or image to the next one. For poll
injects, however, the moderator should explain the
question and poll and then wait for a few minutes
until the majority has voted. For example, Fig-
ure 3 depicts a poll inject that shows the question
and the responses. During this voting phase, the
participants are free to discuss any matters with
their neighbors. Once the voting has been done,
the moderator can display the voting results. The
moderator may take a few questions or opinions
from the audience.
6. End of scenario: The scenario ends. The moder-
ator provides an ending of the story lines and the
7. Evaluation: If the exercise is evaluated, ques-
tions could be still answered within the cloud-
based implementation or utilizing another digital
8. Conclusion: The exercise is concluded and all the
participants are thanked for their participation.
Figure 3: Scenario: Poll inject with Results (Screenshot).
As can be seen from the list, only after a thor-
ough introduction and warm-up phase, the scenario
is started. The reason behind this is that the partici-
pants should feel taken care of and not overwhelmed
when starting the exercise. They will work on com-
plex situations in the scenario, so they should be able
presentations/85-poll-questions-for-every-occasion (last
access: 09/08/2022)
to not stress (a lot) about the application and how to
participate in the exercise.
Another highly relevant aspect is the ending of the
scenario and the story lines. It is frustrating if the end
of a scenario is short and not well-explained. Often,
participants feel left alone or that something is still
missing. However, it is important to close the story
lines. In reality the story lines also end somewhere
and not just vanish.
After the end of the scenario, there is always the
possibility to assess its impact or learning in the eval-
uation phase in the next section.
3.4 Evaluation
In the evaluation phase, the participants may receive
an online survey or answer several questions at the
end of the actual exercise in the cloud-based applica-
There are several advantages to use the same ap-
plication at the end of the exercise. First of all, the
participants are still at the exercise and are highly
likely to answer few more questions. As the partic-
ipants see only the same slide as the moderator, the
challenge is here for the moderator to give enough
time to let the participants answer and not bore the
others. In a professional survey tool, this is different
as the participants may respond in their own speed.
The second aspect is that given these aforementioned
limitations, it is crucial to not ask too many ques-
tions as people might leave or close the browser ear-
lier. Lastly, our experience show that less participants
respond to a survey sent out right after the exercise.
However, they are motivated to answer more ques-
tions than in the location of the exercise using the
cloud-based application.
This section aims to validate our proposed methodol-
ogy with four cases. It outlines the use cases, the ex-
ample scenario, the main findings and lessons learned.
4.1 Overview of Cases
Our cyber security awareness exercise has been con-
ducted since 2017. Over 400 participants have par-
ticipated in the exercise. To exemplify our findings,
we will outline four cases. They are very similar in
the utilized design but have slightly different arrange-
ments in the group discussions in the voting phase. In
this paper, we outline four cases:
A Scenario-Driven Cyber Security Awareness Exercise Utilizing Dynamic Polling: Methodology and Lessons Learned
1. EU Conference: A European conference for
stakeholders from academia, industry and govern-
ment was targeted. However, as the conference
had 120 and more participants, we changed the
discussion-setting. Section 3.3.2 describes that
there can be an open discussion between the mod-
erator and the audience once the voting has ended.
This is a challenging task for large crowds and
could depend also on the moderators experience.
Therefore, we changed the open discussion into a
group discussion of two or three seat neighbors.
2. National Conference: A very similar scenario
was verified at the national conference for infor-
mation security for stakeholders from academia,
industry and government of a European Member
State. Compared to case 1, the number of par-
ticipants was smaller and an open discussion was
3. Operator of Essential Services: This exercise
was conducted for an organization that aimed to
raise awareness within the management. In total,
10 managers from different departments partici-
pated in order to discuss security incidents and re-
sponse measures. As the participant number was
10, we switched to a very open and motivated dis-
cussion on security challenges within the whole
group of participants.
4. Academic Conference: This exercise was held
at an academic European conference with focus
on e-government. The participants of this exer-
cise were students and academics from various
backgrounds (e.g., political science and social sci-
ences). An open discussion was conducted.
4.2 Example Scenario
The scenario of the four cases consisted of a fictive
story about a fictive energy provider in a fictive EU
Member State that faces a cyber attack. In each case
study, the content of the scenario changed gradually
as we incorporated the feedback and tried to improve
the scenario.
The scenario consists of five stories. In this ex-
ample, stories are not fully independent of each other
but more corresponding and dependent on each other,
similar to chapters in a book. Each story consisted
of about two to four slides. The first story introduced
the EU Member State and the energy provider such as
infrastructure and personnel of the organization. Sec-
ond, investing into capabilities and how the partici-
pants, as responsible person for information security,
would allocate the investments (e.g., training, consult-
ing, outsourcing) was investigated. Third, indications
of a cyber attack could be found. The participants in-
vestigate the situation and further report the incident
within the organization. Forth, information sharing is
discussed, for example if information is shared for-
mally or informally. Fifth, in light of the incident, it
is investigated if there are capabilities that are imme-
diately needed and which.
4.3 Findings and Lessons Learned
Throughout our conducted cyber security awareness
exercises, we have have received an overwhelmingly
positive and constructive feedback. In the following,
we will investigate the findings from the participant
and the organizer perspective.
Participants Perspective. Different stakeholders
such as students, professionals (from IT and secu-
rity), civil servants and scientists have participated
and tested this cyber security awareness exercise. Due
to confidentiality reasons, it is not possible to disclose
more details to the evaluations. To present the re-
sponses in some way in this paper, we will summa-
rize the main points. In general, the participants liked
the novel idea by actively making decisions with dy-
namic polls throughout the cyber security awareness
exercise. Furthermore, the fast response during the in-
teractions was highly accepted. The participants often
liked the scenario but had suggestions on the duration
and the content in order to improve it. Many liked the
discussion-based style that allows the participants to
discuss their choices with everyone or a neighbor.
Responses from participants varied between their
personal need to invest in cyber security preventive
measures such as I need to do a backup to com-
ments about the methodology and the setup of the ex-
ercise e.g., I like what I have seen and I have un-
derstood now why you have chosen to do a neighbor-
based feedback instead of an open discussion”. In
summary, in each cycle we have tried to improve
the exercise more based on these feedbacks. This
feedback also was reflected in the number of partic-
ipants. Many stayed until the end of the session. Of-
ten, the scenario stipulated many more questions (e.g.,
Whom do I contact if I have a data breach?”) which
found us many times going over time.
Organizer Perspective. The idea and implementa-
tion was introduced to at least four people by the au-
thor who are now actively working on these aware-
ness exercises. First of all, the cloud-based imple-
mentation was introduced and an example exercise
slide deck shown. This introduction did often not last
ICISSP 2023 - 9th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
more than 10 minutes. This short amount of time in-
dicates that the hand-over is straightforward. The au-
thor received often the feedback that this setup was
very easy to use and highly reusable for new scenar-
ios. This reflects partly the user interface and the re-
sponsive design of the cloud-based application. Since
the introduction, our methodology has been picked up
as a method for cyber security education in several re-
search projects.
4.3.1 Discussion
With the use cases, the methodology has been demon-
strated to be feasible and valuable. The methodology
has several advantages such as the ease of use, the
fast implementation of scenarios, the facile interac-
tion with various target groups and the others afore-
mentioned in the perspective of participants and orga-
The limitations of this methodology strongly de-
pends at the moment on the functionality that the
proof-of-concept implementation provides. For ex-
ample, with the presented proof-of-concept only se-
quential stories are supported and only the provided
interaction types and visualizations can be used. With
cloud-based implementations, the authors are limited
to the functionality these are providing. Furthermore,
even with the best proof-of-concept implementation,
the success of the exercise depends also strongly on
the quality of the scenario, i.e. how captivating and
interesting it is to the audience (see Section 3.2.2).
Even the best implementation cannot make an aware-
ness exercise interesting, if it is not adequate for the
target audience. The success of an exercise also in-
cludes trial runs. Hence, how to deal and provide
great scenarios for diverse target groups could be of
interest in future work.
A methodology for a strategic cyber security aware-
ness exercise was presented that is based on dynamic
surveys. This allows participants to make active deci-
sions. The results of their and the other participant’s
decisions are shown anonymously in an instant. This
exercise provides a low-barrier entry for participants
and is easy to set up for organizers. We have de-
scribed the exercise design including the requirements
and hints for captivating scenarios. We demonstrated
the methodology with a cloud-based implementation
and validated it with four case studies. In general,
highly positive feedback was received. Particularly,
the inter-activeness of the responses is highly valued
by the participants. For future work, we aim to ex-
tend the methodology and validate it with diverse tar-
get groups.
The project INDUCE is funded by the National Foun-
dation for Research, Technology and Development
and the
Osterreich-Fonds”. Laura Bassi 4.0 is a
research, technology and innovation funding pro-
gramme processed by the Austrian Research Promo-
tion Agency, with kind support of the Federal Min-
istry of Labour and Economy (BMAW).
The author thanks T. Pahi and K. Bointner for mo-
tivating discussions during the development of the ini-
tial methodology. Also, the author would like to thank
all participants of the exercises and exercise organiz-
ers who have tried this methodology.
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ICISSP 2023 - 9th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy