A Profile Recognition System Based on Emotions for Children with ASD
in an Interactive Museum Visit
as Araya
, Javier Gomez
and Germ
an Montoro
Escuela Polit
ecnica Superior, Universidad Aut
onoma de Madrid, Madrid, Spain
Autism, Leisure, Interaction, User Model, Mobile Application.
Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) may experience difficulties in doing some activities on their
own as they are likely to be more sensitive to visual or auditory stimuli. This may limit their selection of
activities, and these must be adapted for them and their companions. One of the most important issues for
this group is to be able to manage and recognise their emotions, which leads to a better understanding of
themselves and their surroundings.
In recent years, information technology has helped to develop assistance tools for education and daily habits.
However, research in emotional management in children with ASD has not been fully explored for leisure and
cultural activities.
In this paper we present a proposal for a user model and a mobile application intended to assist children
with ASD when visiting a leisure space and assess the emotional impact as they go through the different
attractions. Users will respond to a questionnaire based on the basic emotions in an itinerary suitable for their
general behaviour.
The methodology is validated by a non-profit organisation, who helped to create a case study, intended to
provide guidance for recommendations on leisure activities for these children and their caregivers.
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a neurodevel-
opmental disorder, characterised by deficits of social
communication and social interaction, along with re-
stricted and repetitive patterns in behaviours, activi-
ties and interests (First, 2013). It is an umbrella term
that refers to multiple manifestations ranging from
very mild to severe, though certain symptomatology
is shared along these individuals (Lord et al., 2018).
The DSM-5 (First, 2013) describes some common
signs and symptoms of ASD, which may come more
mild or severe depending on the diagnosis and treat-
ment depends on this, though most people require a
lifelong support (Lord et al., 2018).
Some of them include deficits in social emo-
tional reciprocity and non-verbal communicative be-
haviours, low comprehension of general social stimuli
es et al., 2021), hyperreactivity or hyporeactiv-
ity to sensory input and unusual interests in sensory
aspects of the environment (First, 2013; Grzadzinski
et al., 2013; Lord et al., 2018).
For instance, a child diagnosed with ASD may
feel overwhelmed by lights or loud noises, which
may affect how they feel in certain situations. Be-
cause of this, children need the company of a tutor for
their daily activities, and this could affect their par-
ticipation and choice for cultural or playful activities
(Huang and Kang, 2021).
Given the quick and simple access to technology,
a wide range of mobile applications has been devel-
oped to improve accessibility of people with special
sociability needs and their families (Gallardo-Montes
et al., 2021). Generally, they provide assistance in
the fields of education, communication skills, and
therapy(Cibrian et al., 2022; Krause and Neto, 2021;
Fletcher-Watson, 2014).
Information and Communication Technologies
(ICTs) have therefore become a useful tool for chil-
dren with ASD in their education process meant for
lifetime use (Dratsiou et al., 2021). These users are
keen to visual and sensory stimuli, therefore, new
technologies of digital transformation such as Aug-
mented Reality, Computer Vision and gamification
Araya, N., Gomez, J. and Montoro, G.
A Profile Recognition System Based on Emotions for Children with ASD in an Interactive Museum Visit.
DOI: 10.5220/0011780000003414
In Proceedings of the 16th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2023) - Volume 5: HEALTHINF, pages 507-513
ISBN: 978-989-758-631-6; ISSN: 2184-4305
2023 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
across different contexts have made a trend in recent
years (Krause and Neto, 2021; Lian and Sunar, 2021;
Mubin et al., 2020; Torrado et al., 2019; Grossard
et al., 2017).
Some of the main problems covered by these ap-
plications include ASD diagnosis, adaptive learning
and emotional recognition (Krause and Neto, 2021).
This study will focus on the latter.
According to psychologist Robert Plutchik, there
are 8 basic emotions defined by joy, trust, fear, sur-
prise, sadness, anticipation, anger, and disgust. The
rest are defined as a combination of these primary
emotions and, similarly to the colour palette, a wheel
of emotions is proposed, referred as Plutchik’s Emo-
tion Wheel (Plutchik, 2001).
Children and adolescents with ASD have more
difficulties than typically developing group pairs for
emotion recognition and management (Papoutsi et al.,
2018). Hence, therapy for people with ASD involves
a process of emotion identification and recognition,
and in recent years this has been mediated with the
use of technology (Rashidan et al., 2021).
On the other hand, interactive museums may offer
an interesting option for participation in leisure yet
ordered activities, as they can be ordered in different
itineraries or attractive points depending on the visi-
tors’ interests (Yates et al., 2022). If a child with ASD
gets affected by any stimuli, it is relevant to commu-
nicate their emotions well to their caregiver.
All in all, there is room for investigation within
the context of emotional perception by children with
ASD as an interactive experience. We propose an
adaptation of a user model for profile assignment
based on the user perception when visiting interactive
attractions, the idea is to compare this information to
a pre-evaluation made from experts, to see if they fit.
Some notable applications involving the use of smart-
phones as assistance tools in museum visits or emo-
tional recognition for children with ASD are sum-
marised as follows.
ARtis (Vita et al., 2021) is a mobile application
that facilitates the accessibility and visit of muse-
ums for children with ASD and their tutors by over-
lapping virtual content with the surrounding reality.
Through the smartphone camera, it creates a path in-
side a museum to help the user orientate and “experi-
ence” an appealing and interactive visit. It is guided
by a friendly 3D avatar that follows a path guided with
GPS tracking, it allows users to interact with different
points of interest of the museum.
The main goal of ARTis is to provide an experi-
ence centred on the end-user for a tailored cultural
experience that can help to increase and improve so-
cial skills, through a greater sense of self–efficacy
and autonomy(Lorenzo et al., 2019). With the use
of Augmented Reality (AR) and Internet of Things
(IoT) applied in the use of games, pop-up videos and
visual content, it makes the cultural tour more enjoy-
able and motivating, although certain research proto-
cols for usability testing have to be worked on as well
as extension to other contexts (Vita et al., 2021).
Tobias in the Zoo (Carvalho et al., 2015) presents
an AR application in the form of a GameBook to as-
sist children with ASD to recognise and acquire emo-
tions by engaging their attention and motivation. It
shows the story of Tobias, a virtual character who
has adventures during a zoo park visit along 5 sce-
narios. Each stage interacts with virtual animals and
real-world situations which will conduct the children
to become involved on fictional contents associated
with emotions.
In each GameBook chapter, Tobias identifies five
emotions (happiness, anger, sadness, fear and disgust)
and narrates examples of it as a part of the story. At
the end of each chapter, a mini game for emotion as-
sociation is prompted to the user in the form of a ques-
tionnaire based on a situation description and an im-
age of Tobias expressing the emotion. At the end of
the book it has an evaluation of all presented emotions
in a memory game (Carvalho et al., 2015).
Guess What? (Kalantarian et al., 2019) is a mo-
bile charade-style game available in iOS and Android
platforms, made for emotion association training to
children with ASD.
With the use of image pattern recognition, it has
been designed to be a shared experience between the
child, who attempts to enact the prompt shown on the
screen through gestures and facial expressions, and
the parent, who is tasked with guessing the word as-
sociated with the prompt during a 90s game session
(Kalantarian et al., 2020).
All in all, these projects show how the use of
games intended for assistance and emotional learning
can be suited for children with ASD, presenting good
results in terms of their behaviour. However, these
tools work with a learning mechanism where emo-
tions are taught by repetition or common face patterns
but are not necessarily experienced by the users them-
We propose a tool where users associate their feel-
ings to a given emotion as they go through an interac-
tive experience, so that recognition comes first hand
rather than given by a storybook or character.
HEALTHINF 2023 - 16th International Conference on Health Informatics
As for visual learners such as them, it is key to
maintain innovative and yet simple interfaces in order
to draw their attention. Also, applications should pro-
vide an enhanced experience for the child and their
family. To this matter, these tools should not only be
thought of as playful activities, it is also important to
understand the outcomes of their opinions in order to
improve future recommendations and decisions based
on their motivations.
The value of deciding which activity is appropri-
ate is key for therapists and caregivers when they have
to propose them for children with restricted interests,
so our proposal aims to establish common patterns
that may improve that decision.
In this section, we describe the proposed user model
and evaluation strategy for a leisure visit tailored for
children with ASD. The main goal is to monitor their
perceptions and recommend future activities based on
previous patterns defined by experts from a local or-
ganisation that plans leisure visits for families with
children diagnosed with ASD.
3.1 User Profiles
In order to prepare for the visit, therapists have de-
scribed common behaviour patterns that children fol-
low as they participate in leisure activities. These
have been reduced to four major profile characteriza-
Adventurous. Children with this profile prefer activ-
ities that dare them to be stimulated and hyped.
They show interest in dynamic attractions that re-
quire active participation, involving movement,
lights or sound. Usually, they tend to have an au-
tonomous yet impulsive behaviour and don’t pay
attention to instructions carefully, so may need re-
inforcement of them.
Viewer. Children with this profile tend to more
calmed activities that do not require major move-
ment or active participation, they prefer to watch
or have a demonstration of an action. They
are also keener to learn and ask questions about
the context, as they keep their concentration for
longer periods, as well as comment on what they
perceive with their companions.
Participative. Children with this profile represent an
intermediate point as they enjoy dynamic and
more calm activities equally. In principle, it is
hard to determine what plans they could enjoy
most, depending on what entertains them at any
given moment. They like to be accompanied by
their tutors as they feel supported if they feel in-
Little Interested. Children with this profile don’t
feel highly motivated and rather scared by the ac-
tivities, as it triggers them to have a higher reactiv-
ity to sensory stimuli, insecurities or don’t show
interest at all. Perhaps their time or concentration
span may be lower and generally depend on their
tutor for most of their communication. Familiar
activities may be repeated rather than exploring
something new.
Even though, as we defined, ASD covers a wide
range of manifestations, these profiles serve as an ap-
proach for organising future activities. Some other
things should be considered.
For instance, proper and clear itineraries should be
defined and presented in advance, as they need to feel
secure in their space. Also, the environment should be
nice and comfortable, lights and noises must be con-
trolled and any other possible distractions. Finally, a
help system should be provided as well as a protocol
if they don’t feel comfortable enough to keep up with
the activity.
3.2 AVI Model for Emotion Recognition
As for the division of the previous profiles, a selected
criteria is defined according to an adaptation of the
motivational dimension model by Zhang in (Zhang
et al., 2020) and the emotional mapping proposed by
Park in (Park et al., 2019). These models were cho-
sen as they allow to quantify some common emotions
so it can be parameterized according to valence and
arousal levels.
According to experts, four major emotions tend
to be the most frequent: fear, happiness, sadness and
tiredness. These emotions were ordered according
to both mentioned models, representing one in each
quadrant in the Cartesian plane, with axis of arousal
and valence, as it shows in figure 1. Therefore, we
propose the AVI (acronym for Arousal, Valence and
Interest) model that connects these three parameters
with the four emotions raised by the opinion of ex-
perts. As for the arousal and valence factors, possible
values are given by -1 and 1, in order to maintain the
bidimensional plane.
Additionally, a third parameter that represents the
interest of the activity is added to have a model de-
pendent of three parameters as that should broaden
the scope of action. This parameter represents how an
activity can be appealing in three levels, low, medium
A Profile Recognition System Based on Emotions for Children with ASD in an Interactive Museum Visit
and high, respectively represented by the values -1, 0
and 1.
The idea is that therapists give a punctuation for
each profile, which is stored in a number vector. This
vector will be used to determine the shortest distance
between the points represented by the vectors, using
the Euclidean distance.
Figure 1: AVI Model of Emotions.
3.3 Before the Visit
Due to their behaviour, as a general rule, people with
ASD and their companions need to be informed of
visit details in advance. For this, experts prepare use-
ful information guides with the use of adequate and
visual content, to provide details such as the address,
working hours of the visiting space and other relevant
suggestions, as well as contact information if addi-
tional assistance is needed.
In this phase, itineraries for the visit are defined in
accordance with the available options. Each itinerary
is tailored for each user profile and it is added in the
preparation guides.
All of this material is included in the mobile appli-
cation so it can be consulted in advance by the fami-
lies. Important information such as the address, work-
ing hours of the museum and a map of the itineraries
is provided for maintaining a correct pattern of visit,
as well as contact information if additional assistance
is needed.
Firstly, we conduct a session along with the thera-
pists to describe eight user personas, two for each user
profile, giving them a name, age, and descriptions of
their diagnosis, interests and general behaviour. Later,
the discussion moves to estimating the corresponding
values for the AVI vectors of each user persona for the
itinerary corresponding to their profile.
3.4 During the Visit
The leisure place is selected depending on the avail-
ability, attractions and adaptation for people with spe-
cial needs, some common places tend to be art gal-
leries, museums or interactive spaces.
In a general visit, a main protocol and data protec-
tion consent must be defined to secure the information
and assure that all information collected is for aca-
demic use only. Small groups are preferred in order
to maintain a calm environment as well as selecting
a time period where the space is not crowded, and if
possible, to book a time just for this evaluation.
Prior to the visit, experts will discuss the sug-
gested profile for every child, depending on their be-
haviour on previous leisure activities, and will assign
a corresponding itinerary to each.
As for the day of the visit, a member of the ac-
companying family group will be responsible for pro-
viding the information for this evaluation, in the name
of its child. This person will be instructed on how to
use the application and respond to the questionnaires
as they move along the proposed itinerary, according
to their profile. For this, mobile phones with the ap-
plications will be provided and with their consent, the
data of the questions will be registered anonymously,
as shown in table 1.
Finally, each user will represent a given profile
that will be contrasted to the AVI vectors provided
by the experts in the user persona evaluation. Metrics
for accuracy and consistency are proposed in order to
determine the comparison overall.
We propose an application for registration of the user
evaluation of the AVI model as they pass through dif-
ferent attractions defined in an itinerary of attractions.
The main sections of the app include: Guides (maps
and important information about the visit location),
Surveys (questionnaires for storing information of the
AVI model) and a Profile (detailing a description of
the proposed profiles and recommendations).
Guides. As people with ASD tend to follow struc-
tured routines, the preparation guides give them
an anticipation of what to expect in their visit.
Contains maps, pictures and any other import in-
formation about the visit location, also the proto-
cols that will be used.
Surveys. Contains questionnaires for registration of
the AVI model, meant to be answered by the care-
givers or family members in charge of the child
after they visit an attraction. See figures 2 and 3.
Profile. Contains a description of the proposed pro-
file according to experts evaluation, its corre-
HEALTHINF 2023 - 16th International Conference on Health Informatics
sponding itinerary and associated recommenda-
tions. See figure 4 .
Figure 2: Emotions questionnaire.
Figure 3: Emotions questionnaire.
Figure 4: Adventurous profile description example.
The user model and strategy are meant for any inter-
active museum visit, though an example case study is
provided for better understanding and generating con-
sequent results.
With the help of a local organisation, we managed
to plan the visit for the Illusions Museum of Madrid.
This space provides optical illusions, rooms with mir-
rors and entertaining attractions meant for children to
learn by playing and learning science through an artis-
tic environment. It is a space that induces different
emotions to visitors, and the organisation has teamed
up for a special visit for people with autism and their
5.1 Preparation Phase
According to the methodology, experts work in the
preparation guides for the visit, and elaborate the cor-
responding itineraries for each of the four user pro-
files. This visual material is included in the Guides
section of the mobile application.
In the session with experts, we elaborate a descrip-
tion for the eight user personas and ask them to com-
plete the questionnaires as if they were in the child’s
position. These answers were later discussed as a
group to give a final score for each user persona, that
will serve to contrast it with the information given by
the final users.
We have recruited a group of 6 children with their
families that wish to participate in exchange for a free
visit to the museum. The organisation has helped to
book the visit and review all corresponding material,
including protocols and user consents. Experts of the
organisation also assign a user profile and itinerary
for each child, corresponding to their diagnosis back-
ground and perceived interests.
5.2 Museum Visit
In the visit itself, instructions will be given to all par-
ticipant groups regarding the overall experience, use
of the application and main museum guidelines. A
mobile phone with the tool will be handed to a fam-
ily member of each group, provided their agreement
to participate in the evaluation. This person will be in
charge of answering the questionnaires as they move
along the proposed itinerary, according to their pro-
file. An example of some response answers is shown
in table 1.
Table 1: Example of user evaluation.
Profile Attraction Emotion Interest
Optical room
Mirrors room
Holograms room
People diagnosed with ASD have difficulties in so-
cial communication and interaction contexts, which
is rooted in different symptoms such as hyperreactiv-
ity or hyporeactivity to sensory stimuli, repetitive pat-
A Profile Recognition System Based on Emotions for Children with ASD in an Interactive Museum Visit
terns in restricted activities and interests. Therefore,
the presence of a tutor is essential, and, in leisure ac-
tivities which are not always adapted for these end
As people with ASD usually have challenges to
identify the emotions of their own and from their
peers, many research applications have been made for
emotional recognition but only few of them have been
targeted for leisure or cultural activities.
This paper proposes an innovative application for
museum visits suited for children with ASD, with a
focus on emotional recognition about their artistic ex-
perience. The goal is to assess how they feel when
moving along the different attractions of a leisure
place, based on the completion of questionnaires that
measure four basic emotions.
To this extent, a correct user model would help
caregivers to decide on what activities are best suited
for their children and also to have better planning with
the help of an assistance mobile application, which is
portable and more attractive for visual learners.
This paper presents the corresponding tool, that
provides the preparation guidelines for a visit and the
data collect system that provides feedback for experts
that work with planning leisure activities for children
with ASD.
The proposed case study will be applied in accor-
dance to the proposed work plan, the current stage
is pending to find an available time according to the
schedule of the local non-profit organisation and the
participant museum.
All information will be protected according to eth-
ical guidelines and accessed only for research pur-
poses. It will be used for a user model based on their
answers and to assign an emotional profile which may
help for future museum visits and help to guide other
activities of the organisation.
Future work will test the usability of mobile ap-
plications like these and define a framework for ex-
tending the emotional impact in other leisure contexts
such as restaurants, theatres or cinemas. This way, a
correct adaptation should provide a better user model
and help them to enjoy the activities based on how
they feel, which contributes to a more pleasant user
The authors acknowledge the eMadrid Network (e-
Madrid-CM project), which is funded by the Madrid
Regional Government (Comunidad de Madrid) with
grant No. S2018/TCS-4307, a project which is
co-funded by the European Structural Funds (FSE
and FEDER). This work also received partial sup-
port from the Project Indigo! (Ministry of Sci-
ence and Innovation with reference number PID2019-
105951RB-I00 / AEI / 10.13039 / 501100011033).
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A Profile Recognition System Based on Emotions for Children with ASD in an Interactive Museum Visit