Towards Pattern Recognition with Network Science and Natural
Language Processing for Information Retrieval
Muskan Garg
1 a
, Mukesh Kumar
2 b
and Debabrata Samanta
3 c
Artificial Intelligence & Informatics, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, U.S.A.
University Institute of Engineering & Technology, Panjab University, Chandigarh, India
Department of Computational Information Technology, Rochester Institute of Technology, Kosovo
Co-Word Analysis, Graph Theory, Information Retrieval, Linguistic Analysis, Pattern Recognition.
A surge in text-based information retrieval such as topic detection and tracking has increasingly shown growth
from static to dynamism in the last decade. We posit the need of investigating an interdisciplinary approach of
network science and natural language processing for graph-based information extraction. Post-lockdown era, it
makes sense to consider Graph of Words (GoW) evolved from user-generated text from social media platforms
amid increase in the internet traffic. The idea is to unfold the latent patterns in graph-based text representation
with limited resource availability resulting in effective models, in comparison of computationally expensive
pre-trained models, limited to a certain type of information extraction. As a solution towards advancing sta-
tistical approach for language independent models, we plot three different information retrieval applications:
(i) Structural analysis: find unique patterns in domain/ language/ genre-specific GoW for keyword extraction,
(ii) Language independence: design objective function for language-independent information retrieval, (iii)
Dynamism: mathematical modeling for concept-drift and evolving trends/ events in dynamic GoW evolved
from streaming data. We associate recent developments and open challenges with our position as potential
research direction.
Evolution of text mining from rule-based analysis to
learning based mechanism has enriched this domain
with NLP-centered applications. To investigate latent
associations among words, we pose the integration
of network science and natural language processing
for syntactic pattern analysis. Such patterns facili-
tate information retrieval and suggest the viability of
NLP-centered information retrieval applications with
cost and time-effective solutions for NLP-centered
applications with streaming data. The development
in the field of natural language processing points
to responsible AI information extraction methods.
The pre-trained model inherit theoretical limitations
of its ability to model certain type of information,
to transformer-based models (Chernyavskiy et al.,
2021). The sizeable improvements in existing models
are expensive hindering the environment with design
of the next generation deep NLP architectures. A ma-
jor challenge with use of learning-based mechanisms
and transformer-based models for NLP-centered ap-
plications is the language dependency. To handle this,
we need a Layer of Language-Independence (LLI).
We post this LLI as a potential encoding of any given
language in a high-dimensional vector. We further
discuss its applicability to real-time streaming data.
The structural analysis of complex networks enables
mathematical modeling of its dynamics through pref-
erential attachment model. Thus, formalizing dif-
ferent languages through network science facilitates
many NLP-centered applications such as inferring
mental states, topic detection and tracking, concept
drift, NLP-based recommendation systems and many
Motivation. Past studies perform spectral analysis
for GoW through adjacency matrix to gleam eigen-
values. The proportion of difference between sub-
sequent eigenvalues is inversely proportional to the
size of GoW (Liang, 2017). To this end, a set of
all eigenvalues defines spectrum. Eigenvalues depicts
semantics of GoW which is a key component in ex-
Garg, M., Kumar, M. and Samanta, D.
Towards Pattern Recognition with Network Science and Natural Language Processing for Information Retrieval.
DOI: 10.5220/0011779700003411
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods (ICPRAM 2023), pages 495-500
ISBN: 978-989-758-626-2; ISSN: 2184-4313
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
isting random-walk based keyword extraction mech-
anisms (Campos et al., 2020). (Garg and Kumar,
2018a) illustrates the significance of edge weights
over node degree distributions in path-based networks
such as GoW superseding the traditional random walk
mechanism on hub-authority based core-periphery
structure. To this end, we examine structural differ-
ence in GoW evolved for documents of various pre-
defined languages.
Although, the tools of Natural Language Processing
(NLP) experienced a major shift during 1990’s in
transitioning from rule-based methods to statistical
approaches, most of today’s NLP research focuses on
20 of the 7000 languages of the world, leaving the
vast majority of languages under-explored (Maguer-
esse et al., 2020). We posit the integrated studies of
network science and natural language processing in
three categories:
1. Structural Analysis: find unique patterns in do-
main/ language/ genre-specific GoW for keyword
2. Language Independence: design objective func-
tion for language-independent information re-
3. Dynamism: mathematical modeling for concept
drift and evolving trends/ events in dynamic GoW
evolved from streaming data.
For any given document D, consider a Graph of
Words (GoW) G representing unique words in vocab-
ulary as nodes V = {1, 2,3,...,n} and co-occurring
words in a given document as edges E = {E
= (V
)}. The net-
work science metrics and models on GoW glean in-
sights for information retrieval tasks. Based on latent
patterns, we further pose an objective function to op-
timize the parameters such that a given text T
belongs to one of the languages given in predefined
set L is processed through objective function and con-
verted in low-dimensional embedding vector. Then,
pre-trained models for information retrieval tasks in-
cluding keyword extraction, topic detection, and con-
cept drift are provided an input of a low-dimensional
embedding vector.
In graph-based representations, complete graph
among all words of a sentence is often avoided in past
studies because its a common belief from linguistic
studies that a gap between two words is inversely pro-
portional to their relevancy (Hulth, 2003). A graph-
based textual representation are (i) Sliding window-
based GoW, (ii) Context aware graph, (iii) Multi layer
network, (iv) Line graphs (Garg, 2021), (v) Knowl-
edge graphs and (vi) Semantic graphs which we dis-
cuss as follows:
1. Sliding Window-Based GoW. A graph-based
text representation with edges between two words
co-occurring within a predefined window called
sliding window n. A special case of GoW con-
struct Word-Adjacency Graph (WAG) or Word
Co-occurrence Network (WCN) for sliding win-
dow n = 2 delineating connections between adja-
cent terms.
2. Context Aware Graph. Entailment is defined as
a phenomenon where consecutive sentences use
the context set by a given sentence, imparting con-
tinuity in communication (Duari and Bhatnagar,
2019). A window slides over two consecutive sen-
tences to (i) capture the contextual co-occurrence
of words, and (ii) eliminate the need of integer-
valued window-size parameter.
3. Multilayer Network. A potential network con-
struction happens in multiple layers to represent
words, syllable and grapheme in different lay-
ers for natural language understanding for differ-
ent languages such as Croatian and English (Mar-
c et al., 2016).
4. Line Graphs. Line graphs represents co-
occurrence as a node in and word as an edge of
in the graph (Harary and Norman, 1960).
5. Knowledge Graph. Knowledge graphs use a
graph-based data model to capture knowledge
in NLP-centered applications employing benefits
of graph-based abstraction over relational mod-
els (Hogan et al., 2021).
6. Semantic Graph. Semantic languages and mod-
els are increasingly used in order to describe,
represent and exchange data in multiple domains
and forms through RDF knowledge bases (
et al., 2019).
Inferences. We observe network science metrics for
the structural aspects of GoW evolved for different
genres: (i) Microblogs, (ii) essays, (iii) novels, (iV)
science articles, and (v) news reports in Table 1. We
study the chief characteristic feature of WCN to ex-
amine the behavioural aspects of GoW. The nature of
graph-based text representation is un-directed and un-
weighted. We use First Story Detection (FSD) dataset
c et al., 2010) to compare structural aspects
ICPRAM 2023 - 12th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
Table 1: Network metrics in GoW for different genres.
Network Metrics Microblogs Essays Novels Science Articles News Reports
Length 183466 1142 5224 961 748
#Nodes 34925 440 1314 426 343
#Edges 116477 826 3199 734 581
Average degree 2.166 3.26 4.69 3.32 3.35
1.258/ 3.366 3.61/ 4.70 3.29/ 4.60 3.92/ 5.04 3.91/ 4.83
% 0.493/ 0.00039 10.61/ 0.97 17.62/ 0.45 8.15/ 0.87 7.16/ 1.02
of the Microblog WCN with different genres: essays,
novels, popular science articles, and news reports. We
use first 25000 tweets in FSD for experiments and
evaluation. With decrease in the number of nodes
in GoW, the value of CC for WCN to Erdos-Renyi
model decreases suggesting scalability for all gen-
res. The GoW for all genres follow the small-world
property. Furthermore, we enlist following open chal-
lenges and research gaps for handling different gen-
1. Variations in the average degree of nodes in GoW
for different genre illustrates the disparity in vo-
cabulary and thus, patterns among words.
2. The extent to which observed metrics differs plays
a pivotal role in tracking behavioral and structural
aspect for different genres.
With evolving digitization and surge in globalization
in multilingual countries having more than one offi-
cial languages points to a dire need of constructing the
language-independent platforms for NLP-centered
applications. N-gram a language-independent method
paves a path to exploit statistical measures and graph
theory to find interesting patterns among words of
different languages (Majumder et al., 2002). On the
other hand, pre-trained models for NLP-centered ap-
plications have proved their effectiveness for different
languages, genres and problem domains. To resolve
language-dependency, we pose a Layer for Language
Independence (LLI) which converts a given text in of
any language from predefined set of languages into a
common representation. Consider a given text T
T = {T
} (1)
where a text T
for i = {1,2,3,...,x} belongs
to a predefined set of given languages L = {L
: Spanish,L
: Hindi....}. Consider GoW
) for a given text T
of language L
, we encode the
graph-based representation of T
by employing vector
embedding such as graph2vec or node2vec such that
the final embedding results into alike outputs for ev-
ery text having similar information in any predefined
4.1 Related Work
Centrality-based network metrics derive many
language-independent methods for NLP-centered
applications (Beliga et al., 2015) deducing the need
of natural language understanding with latent patterns
among words in GoW. The graph-based information
extraction moves from graph theory to soft computing
by deploying well-known traditional methods such
as Random-walk (Vega-Oliveros et al., 2019; Biswas
et al., 2018) and Markov decision process (Garg and
Kumar, 2022). Recent advancements with semantic
graphs, knowledge graphs and pre-trained models,
enrich this domain even more. We unify different
languages by structuring given texts in graph-based
representation enabling vector embeddings such as
node2vec, graph2vec and x2vec (Grohe, 2020).
4.2 Inferences
The structural variations in GoW for different lan-
guages is illustrated in Table 2 through average de-
gree, Average Shortest Path Length (ASPL), and
Clustering Coefficient (CC). The GoW construction
for parallel texts of 12 Slavic languages and 2 non-
Slavic languages compare and contrast the behaviour
of GoW for formal texts in different language (Liu
and Cong, 2013). To test the robustness of informal
texts, (Garg and Kumar, 2018b) examines the struc-
ture of Microblog WCN thereby introducing BArank,
a keyphrase extraction mechanism. We compare the
structure of WCN in 14 different languages as shown
in Table 2.
As per literature, the GoW evolved from informal
(social media Twitter data) is defined as Microblog
WCN for edges among words in sliding window of
2. A consistent value of ASPL validates the average
length of words in the range of 3 and 4 for various
languages, both formal and informal. The value of av-
erage degree and CC in Microblog WCN and English
Towards Pattern Recognition with Network Science and Natural Language Processing for Information Retrieval
Table 2: The structural aspect for GoW evolved for various
languages, both formal and informal.
Language Average
Microblog 2.166 3.144 0.076
Belarusian 4.819 3.797 0.100
Bulgarian 5.690 3.354 0.186
Chinese 8.684 2.944 0.283
Croatian 5.353 3.479 0.151
Czech 4.945 3.627 0.199
English 9.043 2.964 0.299
Macedonian 6.206 3.225 0.220
Polish 4.983 3.628 0.118
Russian 4.504 3.891 0.091
Serbian 5.348 3.485 0.147
Slovak 5.166 3.592 0.128
Slovenian 5.367 3.406 0.164
Ukrainian 4.865 3.814 0.096
Upper-Sorbian 5.347 3.550 0.131
WCN is approximately in the ratio of 1 : 4. Such vari-
ations illustrate difference in semantics of GoW for
different languages. We thus, pose the need to study
the structural aspects of texts for different language,
domain and genres. Furthermore, we enlist following
open challenges and research gaps for handling dif-
ferent languages to construct LLI:
1. Language. The words and grammar which are
used in a language are based on the script which it
follows. Every script may have latent patterns of
connectivity among words.
2. Script. There are variations in the number of ba-
sic units (Alphabets) and the number of dialects.
3. Vocabulary. The active vocabulary may vary for
each language may vary such as only 33% of the
total words in English dictionary is actively used
by human beings. This active vocabulary lim-
its the perplexity facilitating strong connections
among words with latent patterns and thus, better
4. Case Variations: Challenging special features
such as Hungarian words have 18 to 35 cases that
presume meaning of the a specific through the
context of its use.
5. Word Order: Most languages depend on word
order to convey meaning such as Warlpiri, a lan-
guage of indigenous Australians. Semantics of
GoW may illustrate the latent patterns in word or-
With major focus on Television Rating Point (TRP)
by traditional news media, they broadcast viewers’
choices in lieu of current happenings (Petrovi
c et al.,
2010). After extensive academic research on ret-
rospective event detection from Twitter (Atefeh and
Khreich, 2015), NLP research community shifts the
focus to streaming data (Garg and Kumar, 2016).
Network science metrics such as k-core decompo-
sition (Meladianos et al., 2015), network cliques
(Rousseau, 2015) and assortativity (Garg and Kumar,
2018b) glean cohesiveness in GoW for information
extraction. The cohesiveness in GoW captures dense
sub-graphs and thus paves a path to construct dy-
namic models. The structural analysis set foundation
to model dynamism of words and their connectedness
through dynamic models such as preferential attach-
ment. Recently, (Saeed et al., 2019) contribute to-
wards dynamics of GoW through heartbeat graph ap-
For a set of i documents D = {d
consider a Graph of Words (GoW) G representing
unique words in vocabulary as nodes V
V = {1,2,3,...,n} (2)
and co-occurring words in a given document as
edges E:
E = {E
: (V
= (V
We further introduce growth and decay mecha-
nism for G as follows:
1. Growth. A graph G is updated for every time
interval (t
) where a chunk of documents is col-
lected, every word and connections are identified
to connect them with G resulting in graph at time
instance (t
) as G
2. Decay. For computational efficiency, it becomes
seemingly important to eliminate unimportant
nodes and edges from G
This iterative process of growth and decay func-
tion highlights significant information as we observe
dense sub-graphs due to high cohesiveness among
nodes in sub-graphs. We suggest employing approxi-
mation algorithms for information retrieval.
The past work in (i) types of GoW (Garg, 2021),
(ii) examining semantics of languages-specific GoW
such as Chinese and English (Liang et al., 2009),
ICPRAM 2023 - 12th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
12 Salvic languages (Liu and Cong, 2013) and Mi-
croblogs (Garg and Kumar, 2018b); (iii) gleam in-
sights from GoW for various domains such as Text
Authorship (Akimushkin et al., 2017); (iv) applica-
bility of network science metrics such as power-law
(Choudhury et al., 2010), spectral distribution (Liang,
2017), has enriched this domain to investigate infor-
mation retrieval approach towards unifying language-
specific text in language-independent vector represen-
Due to versatility of the project and need of native-
language experts, a major challenge for introducing a
generic model on GoW is the construction of dataset:
samples and annotations. However, the access to
in-build NLTK corpus in Python language facilitates
the structural analysis of text documents in differ-
ent language. Furthermore, we found new multilin-
gual datasets for different NLP-centered tasks such
as MIRACL dataset
for information retrieval and
for causal commonsense. Such datasets fa-
cilitate structural analysis to find unique patterns in
domain/ language/ genre-specific GoW for keyword
extraction. Structural analysis act as foundation to de-
sign language-independent objective function for in-
formation retrieval. An alternative application of dy-
namism construct mathematical modeling for concept
drift and evolving trends/events.
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ICPRAM 2023 - 12th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods