Vehicle Data Collection: A Privacy Policy Analysis and Comparison
Chiara Bodei
1 a
, Gianpiero Costantino
2 b
, Marco De Vincenzi
2 c
, Ilaria Matteucci
2 d
and Anna Monreale
1 e
Dipartimento di Informatica, Universit
a di Pisa, Largo Bruno Pontecorvo 3, Pisa, Italy
IIT, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Via Giuseppe Moruzzi 1, Pisa, Italy
Automotive, Privacy Policy, Regulation, GDPR, Readability.
In recent years, data can be considered the new fuel for road vehicle functionalities like driver-assistance sys-
tems or customized services. Therefore, the carmakers with their phone apps, synced with the infotainment
system, can collect information from the drivers and vehicles to be processed inside or outside the car. In
this context, we analyze different carmakers’ privacy policies to define their readability and compliance with
the EU General Data Protection Regulation, and provide analysis of carmakers’ data collection. Besides, for
the first time, we compare the most significant privacy regulations in automotive. Finally, we create an inter-
active dashboard to compare the different carmakers’ policies and provide users with an efficient instrument
to understand some relevant privacy aspects like which data the carmakers declare to collect. We find that
carmakers could collect a large number of users and vehicle data, but, in some cases, the privacy policies seem
to be quite challenging to read and do not provide some information like how collected data are protected or
Today, road vehicles can collect more data than we
can imagine. People are usually aware that smart-
phones can gather several data, while few realize how
much data cars collect during driving and when the
phone is synced with the infotainment system (Viore-
anu, 2022). The collected information is usually
used by the carmakers to provide drivers with dif-
ferent features like Advanced Driver-Assistance Sys-
tems (ADAS) or personalized services, sending data
to the carmaker servers to be processed. Neverthe-
less, the ownership of data can be controversial be-
cause, for example, Travelers United, a consumer ad-
vocacy group in Washington (USA) highlighted the
problems of car companies refusing to share vehicle
data with the car owners, even if they generated them
(Leocha, 2022). Today, the documents, that can be
used to clarify this situation, are the privacy policies
of the different carmakers’ apps that can be installed
on the users’ phones. In this context, we study the
privacy policies of sixteen different carmakers to an-
swer some privacy questions, understand the readabil-
ity and provide a complete overview of the collected
data, using an interactive dashboard. Our main contri-
bution is to provide for the first time, dedicated only
to automotive, a readability analysis and discussion
of privacy policies, considering our cars not just vehi-
cles, but nodes of a connected network.
The study of privacy policies has been a trend-
ing topic in the last years and people should be aware
of the collected data employed by carmakers, so our
work can contribute to aware drivers on possible pri-
vacy issues. The findings of our analysis underline the
large quantity of data that carmakers declare to col-
lect, but also the low readability of the privacy poli-
cies, which can be in contrast with some privacy reg-
ulation requirements.
Following the NIST definition, as privacy, we
mean the right of a party to maintain control over and
confidentiality of information about itself. However,
the definition and perception of privacy can suffer
cross-cultural differences, especially during interac-
tions with new technologies (Li, 2022). For this rea-
son, to define privacy, we provide also the indications
of the privacy regulations that can be applied in the
automotive context: in Section 3, we describe the Eu-
Bodei, C., Costantino, G., De Vincenzi, M., Matteucci, I. and Monreale, A.
Vehicle Data Collection: A Privacy Policy Analysis and Comparison.
DOI: 10.5220/0011779500003405
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2023), pages 626-633
ISBN: 978-989-758-624-8; ISSN: 2184-4356
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
ropean General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
(European Parliament and Council of the European
Union, 2016), the Chinese Provisions on the Manage-
ment of Automotive Data Security (PMADS) (Pro-
visions, 2022), and the American California Con-
sumer Privacy Act (CCPA) (California State Legis-
lature, 2018).
The paper is structured as follows: Section 2 de-
scribes the related work, while Section 3 is the legal
background about privacy regulations. Section 4 is
the readability analysis of the privacy policies using
four different indexes. Section 5 contains an inves-
tigation of the policies concerning Articles 9 and 10
of the GDPR, which defines some special categories
of data that should be treated properly. Section 6 de-
scribes the dynamic dashboard with the comparison
among the carmakers’ privacy policies. Section 7 re-
ports the findings and possible future works.
In recent years, attention to privacy risk perception
and the analysis of privacy policies have been raised.
In (Fabian et al., 2017), the authors present a
large-scale study on the readability of nearly 50,000
privacy policies of English websites. From this work,
we inherit some of the applied readability indexes, but
our analysis is limited only to the automotive privacy
policies. Another significant work (Lawson et al.,
2015) on the privacy of connected vehicles was re-
leased in 2015, when the Canadian Freedom of Infor-
mation and Privacy Association (FIPA) wrote a year-
long study on privacy, consumer choice, and vehicle
technology. This work is a complete document with a
detailed description of every aspect and concern about
emerging connected vehicles, but, it is mainly focused
on the Canadian audience and it does not deal directly
with the privacy policies documents. However, this
guide provides a specific indication for our work, be-
cause it states that, during a purchasing decision, “it
would remain unrealistic to expect the average car
purchaser to be able to review and compare the pri-
vacy policies of various carmakers, dealers and other
relevant service providers.. Our work can address
this issue because the dashboard compares the pri-
vacy policies of different carmakers. Another valu-
able work in the automotive field is the Pes
e survey
e, 2019), where authors describe the automotive
privacy attacks and define a privacy score, quantify-
ing the risk associated with each vehicular sensor and
the related attack, but without directly analyzing the
privacy policies. Another relevant work is (Zaeem
et al., 2020), which states that privacy policies can
be lengthy and hard to comprehend. To address this
problem, researchers have utilized machine learning
to devise tools that automatically summarize online
privacy policies for web pages. In our work, with the
reading analysis, we verify the assumption that the
documents could be challenging to understand, and
we provide an intuitive instrument to compare car-
makers’ privacy policies and show the differences.
Regarding the comparison among the privacy reg-
ulation in automotive, significant work is (Michael
Tan and Thomas Kahl, 2022), where authors compare
PMADS and the GDPR with a specific focus on the
automotive industry. In our work, we add the CCPA
to consider also another significant area for the auto-
motive industry like the California and USA.
Even if we do not address directly the legal aspects
of data collection, we need to identify some legal re-
quirements and possible constraints which can help us
to compare the privacy policies. We choose the Euro-
pean GDPR, the Chinese PMADS, and the American
CCPA, which, can be considered three of the most
significant legal documents for the protection of per-
sonal data in automotive.
The GDPR, effective in May 2018, is a legal
framework that sets guidelines for the collection and
processing of personal information for companies
and organizations that handle information of Euro-
pean Union (EU) citizens. The EU has drafted an-
other document that can be used to regulate data pri-
vacy: the more automotive-related Guidelines 1/2020
(EDPB, 2020) on processing personal data in the con-
text of connected vehicles and mobility-related ap-
plications, written by the European Data Protection
Board and published in early 2020. In particular, the
guidelines define the connected vehicles as “terminal
equipment” just like a computer, a smartphone, or a
smart TV and identify three special categories of data:
location, biometrics, and offenses.
The PMADS is a Chinese regulation that was is-
sued on August 2021 and entered into force on Octo-
ber 2021. It aims to regulate vehicle data processing
activities to protect the rights and interests of individ-
uals and organizations. It distinguishes between per-
sonal data, which includes any information that could
infer a person’s identity or behavior, and important
data, which includes data that may endanger national
security, for example, in military areas.
The other relevant regulation is the CCPA, which
is an advanced state statute to protect privacy rights
in California State and contains the broadest defini-
Vehicle Data Collection: A Privacy Policy Analysis and Comparison
tion of personal information like any information that
identifies or is capable of being associated with, or
could reasonably be linked, directly or indirectly, with
a particular consumer or household.
Following these regulations, it is possible to de-
fine legal requirements and a framework, which un-
derlines the importance of a deeper analysis of an
emerging problem like user privacy in connected ve-
hicles. In particular, all the regulations identify and
classify the data according to their sensibility and im-
portance. Different types of data can require different
privacy levels, however, as shown in (Sardianos et al.,
2018), data, which can be classified with low privacy
requirements like the location, can be used anyway to
infer sensitive information as health status.
In Table 1, we report a comparison among the
three regulations. In particular, we can notice that
the GDPR was the first issued regulation and may
have been a guideline for car manufacturers and au-
tomotive companies in recent years. Other countries
like USA and China have followed the EU regulation
and may even overtake European supervisory author-
ities in data protection in the future (Michael Tan and
Thomas Kahl, 2022). The main differences among
the three documents are the definitions of personal
and special data. While the GDPR and the PMADS
distinguish among the two categories, in the CCPA,
all data are classified as personal. The PMADS
identifies as special data, information that can influ-
ence public security, while GDPR seems to be more
To conclude, the comparison of the different reg-
ulations allows us to categorize the different data and
to understand the levels of privacy required for every
piece of information, collected by the carmakers, in
the different territories.
We start our readability analysis using an updated ver-
of the database as (Bodei et al., 2020), so in July
2021, we selected the top fifteen best-selling carmak-
ers in Europe in 2020 (Statistics, 2021) and collected
their mobile app privacy policies. Besides, we added
Tesla, a carmaker with advanced technologies like
autopilot, which requires a large quantity of data to
be developed. We decided to choose the best-selling
car brands in Europe, where the regulation GDPR is
legally binding. For this reason, in Section 5, we fo-
We consider the same database entries but with up-
dated values
cus on compliance only with European regulation.
In Table 2, we report the names of the apps from
which are downloaded the privacy policies. We con-
sider readability as the quality of being easy and
pleasant to read (University Press Cambridge, 2012).
In particular, the word “easy” should indicate which
data are collected and how are processed. This infor-
mation should be easily accessible in clear and plain
language (European Parliament and Council of the
European Union, 2016). To understand whether a
text is readable, several indexes can be used, for ex-
ample, in our analysis, we refer to the Coleman-Liau
Index (CLI), the Simple Measure of Gobbledygook
(SMOG) index, the Automated Readability Index
(ARI), and the Flesch Reading Ease Index (FREI).
These indexes compute the readability referring to a
general group of readers without considering factors
like age or gender, however, until today, they can be
considered some of the most significant readability in-
dexes (Fabian et al., 2017). The first three use the U.S.
school grade to label a text as difficult or easy to read.
The U.S. schools have different grades, starting from
1 to 17 which is the graduated level. The 13th grade
or above is considered university level. Table 3 shows
an approximate comparison between scores and the
US education level (Derguech et al., 2018). As far
as we know, the three indexes, CLI, SMOG, and ARI
are considered three relevant indexes to evaluate text
readability. They have been used since the 1960s/70s
to define the scholastic level necessary for the com-
prehension of a text, starting from different values and
coefficients as defined in the respective equations.
The Coleman-Liau Index (CLI) (Coleman and
Liau, 1975) is a specific test to understand text read-
ability and results in the U.S. grade level. This index
(Equation 1), is based on the complexity of the words,
measured by the number of letters, and the complex-
ity of sentences, measured by the number of words in
a sentence, multiplied by some defined coefficients.
CLI = 0.0588 × L 0.296 × S 15.8 (1)
where L is the average number of letters per 100
words and S is the average number of sentences per
100 words.
The SMOG Index (McLaughlin, 1969) shows the
U.S. grade level necessary to understand the text.
In its formula, Equation 2, it uses the polysyllables
(words of 3 or more syllables) in a certain number of
sentences (at least 30).
SMOG = 1.0430 ×
P ×
+ 3.1291 (2)
where P is the number of polysyllables and S is the
number of sentences.
ICISSP 2023 - 9th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Table 1: Comparison of the three main legal documents related to data privacy and applicable in automotive.
Enforcement 2018 2021 2020
Who it protects EU citizens Mainland territory of the People’s Republic of
California citizens
Definition of
Personal Data
Article 4
Any information to identify a person:
• Name
• Identification number
• Location
• Physical data
• Economic data
• Cultural data
Article 3
• Information that could infer an identity
Information that identifies a consumer:
• Name
• Alias
• Address
• Internet protocol / Email address
• Driver’s license number
• Geolocation
• ...
Definition of
Special Data
Articles 9 and 10
Data revealing racial or ethnic origin, political
opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, or
trade union membership, and the processing of
genetic data, biometric data, or data concerning
a natural person’s sex life or sexual orientation.
Personal data relating to criminal convictions and
offenses or related security measures.
Articles 3 and 10
Data on the flow of people and traffic in military
administrative areas, national defense science and
industrial units or other units that involve state
secrets [...] data on the operation of automobile
charging networks, data on types and traffic vol-
ume, etc., audiovisual data of individuals’ faces,
voices, and license plates, etc., outside the vehi-
Drivers’ biometric data such as fingerprints,
voiceprint, facial images, and heart rhythm can be
[Not provided, all data included in personal data
Yes Yes Yes [Deidentification (1798.140-8)]
Right to
Yes Yes Yes
Table 2: Privacy Policies’ App.
Company App Name
Audi myAudi
Citroen My Citroen
Fiat Uconnect LIVE
Ford FordPass
Hyundai Bluelink Europe
Kia Kia UVO (UVO Connect)
Mercedes Mercedes Me
Opel myOpel
Peugeot myPeugeot
Renault/Dacia MY Renault
Skoda MySkoda (Skoda Connect)
Tesla Tesla
Toyota MyT
Volkswagen We Connect
Table 3: Table comparing scores and education levels (Der-
guech et al., 2018).
Score/Grade Education Level
1-4 Elementary School
5-8 Middle School
9-12 High School
13-16 Undergraduate
17+ Graduate
The Automated Readability Index (ARI) (Senter
and Smith, 1967) measures the readability of a text
and returns the U.S. grade level to understand the text.
With respect to the other, this one also takes into ac-
count the number of characters (Equation 3).
ARI = 4.71 ×
+ 0.5
21.43 (3)
where C is the number of characters (letters and num-
bers), W is the number of words, and S is the number
of sentences.
The fourth is the Flesch Reading Ease Index
(FREI) (Flesch, 1981) which differs from all three
previous indexes because it outputs a score instead of
a school grade. The score starts from 0 to 100 and
the lowest value indicates a text extremely difficult to
read. The formula, Equation 4, uses the number of
words, sentences, and also syllables.
FREI = 206.835 1.015 ×
84.6 ×
where W is the number of words, S is the number of
sentences, and, Sy is the number of syllables.
Table 4: FREI index interpretation.
Score Interpretation
100-90 Very easy
90-80 Easy
80-60 Fairly easy
60-40 Fairly difficult
40-30 Difficult
30-10 Very difficult
Table 5 summarizes all the results obtained by
analyzing the privacy policy documents using the
Python library readability
. The library enables the
calculation of different metrics and our Python pro-
gram outputs a table containing the metrics of the text
in addition to the number of words.
As a result, Table 5 shows that the number of
words is not a significant parameter to establish
whether a policy is readable or not. It is not pos-
Vehicle Data Collection: A Privacy Policy Analysis and Comparison
Table 5: The calculated metrics for each privacy policy.
Privacy Policies Metrics
Company Number
of Words
Audi 16005 11.74 18.56 13.38 36.86
BMW 3380 11.08 14.36 12.75 43.33
Citroen 2623 10.76 16.45 12.15 41.69
Fiat 821 10.23 12.04 10.23 48.18
Ford 12185 12.44 13.82 13.86 39.65
Hyundai 5808 11.27 17.62 10.57 46.65
Kia 22663 10.71 14.51 9.96 47.12
Mercedes 7376 13.13 16.11 13.14 31.89
Opel 2460 11.60 14.84 12.74 39.44
Peugeot 2135 10.86 16.28 13.03 39.69
Renault/Dacia 4155 12.69 17.88 15.22 34.13
Skoda 1496 11.23 16.81 13.34 36.28
Tesla 6657 13.15 17.28 17.78 27.12
Toyota 6503 12.60 16.11 14.69 33.96
15313 12.58 16.61 14.84 32.47
Figure 1: Treemap of the FREI readability index. Bigger
rectangles represent an easier text, while smaller rectangles
a more difficult text to read.
sible to identify any particular set, because, for in-
stance, carmakers belonging to the same group, like
Volkswagen-Audi-Skoda have different metric val-
ues. We can only retrieve similar indexes for Opel and
Peugeot, belonging to the same industrial group, and
that share almost the same privacy policy document.
Referring again to Table 5, it can be observed that
all privacy policy documents require at least a high
school/university level of education to be completely
understood. In particular, the CLI index shows val-
ues close to or above 11, which correspond to the last
years of high school, while SMOG shows higher val-
ues near the university level. To summarize our find-
ings, the reading and comprehension of the privacy
policies require, on average, a high level of education
equal to the last years of high school or the first years
of university to be comprehensible in every part.
Processing the privacy policies, we search for the data
special categories belonging to Articles 9 and 10 of
the GDPR, which requires a defined treatment differ-
ent from generic personal data, identified in Article
4. As a preliminary step, we report Table 6, where
collected data by the carmakers are classified with the
related keywords, retrieved from the privacy policies.
This classification allows users to understand in an
easier way which data categories each carmaker de-
clares to collect and we use this work as a baseline
for Articles 9 and 10 categories.
Article 9 states how to process some special cat-
egories of personal data. In particular, in Article 9,
in addition to Table 6 elements, we can identify other
special categories as “personal data revealing racial
or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philo-
sophical beliefs, or trade union membership, and the
processing of genetic data, biometric data intended
to uniquely identify a natural person, data concerning
health or a natural person’s sex life or sexual orienta-
tion” (European Parliament and Council of the Euro-
pean Union, 2016). Besides, Article 9 states that these
categories can be processed only under certain condi-
tions like a vital interest of the data subject or public
interest. In addition to the special categories identi-
fied by Article 9, Article 10 identifies another special
data category related to criminal convictions and of-
fenses that can only be registered under the control of
the official authority.
The categories considered in Article 9 and Article
10 are data that have been classified as special, how-
ever, we can infer the same information starting from
the generic personal data as in Table 6. For example,
if some geolocation data, usually composed of coor-
dinates and time logs, show that, on a specific day
of the week, a person goes to a place of worship at
the same time as there is a celebration, it can prob-
ably reveal the religious beliefs of the person. The
same assumption can be applied to every special data
category, also using other information that a vehicle
collects like “voice and messages”. This shows how
the processing of data by car companies is a really
sensitive activity.
To verify if carmakers declare to collect Article 9
and Article 10 special categories, we design and de-
velop a Python tool, which is based on the NLTK li-
brary (Loper and Bird, 2002). The tool is fed with
the data categories and keywords, as defined in Table
6, and it can automatically identify the possible cate-
gories collected in each privacy policy. Once fed with
the keywords, the tool takes as input the privacy pol-
icy text. Then, it finds all the nouns and adjectives
ICISSP 2023 - 9th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Table 6: Automotive data categories with related keywords (Bodei et al., 2020).
Category Keywords Category Keywords
Personally Identifiable
• Name
• Surname
• Address
• Date of birth
• Mobile number
• Email address
• License plate number
Geolocation • Position
• GPS time
• Speed
• Directions
• Traffic
• Departure and destination name
• Estimated travel time
• Point-of-interest searching (POI)
Driver’s Phone • IP address
• MAC address
• OS version
• Browser Information
Financial • Customer ID
• Credit card number
• Purchasing
• Financial data for payments
• Fuel costs
Offences and Violations • Speeding
• Information on car accident
• Information on airbag usage
• Vehicle security systems usage
Driver’s Behavior • Driving style
• Travels statistics
• Steering movements
• Accelerator and brake usage
Vehicle Status • Vehicle Identification Number (VIN)
• Engine status
• ECUs status
• Oil level
• Tyre pressure
• Automatic maintenance requests
• Maintenance history
Surrounding vehicle
• Detected signs and lanes
• Environment
• Static and dynamic objects near the car
• Side distance from near objects
• Climate
• Light influx
Voice and Messages • Emergency call
• Voice controls
• To perform voice recognition
• Messages and chat with call center
App Usage • Behavior
• Logs
• Time
• Duration
of the entire text. It compares the found grammar ele-
ments with the database of keywords to find a possible
correspondence and it outputs for each privacy policy
a list of sentences, containing each word, that can de-
fine the collection of a category by the carmaker.
We use this tool to find the collection of the special
categories, defined in the GDPR. In particular, we per-
form a keyword search with the tool using the words
contained in the special categories identified in these
two articles. For example, we looked for the word
“religious” in the texts to verify whether it was per-
haps used to declare a collection of this kind of data.
From our search, we did not identify sensitive words,
like “racial”, “ethnic”, “political”, and others inside
the privacy policies of the sixteen carmakers. Never-
theless, this does not indicate that carmakers do not
declare the collection of special data categories. Car
companies may use a paraphrase of a sentence with
synonyms or antonyms to indicate a special category.
Due to this fact, we decided to perform a second step
in the privacy policy documents, but this time consid-
ering synonyms or antonyms of each special category
keyword belonging to Articles 9 and 10 of the GDPR.
Table 7 reports some examples of our investiga-
tion made with the Python tool, enriched with syn-
onyms or antonyms of each special category.
For example, our analysis says that in the Mer-
cedes privacy policy we found that the word “gender”
appears as a synonym of “sex”, which is a word de-
signing a special category in Article 9. After finding
the word, we manually read the sentence where the
word “gender” appears. The result is that the word
“gender” is related to the usage of pronouns in the
text and not to the collection of data related to sex-
ual orientation. To conclude, after analyzing all the
privacy policy documents, our opinion is that none of
the car companies claims to directly collect special
data regulated from Articles 9 and 10 of GDPR.
To provide the reader with a quick overview of car-
makers’ mobile app data collection and improve the
comprehension of the associated privacy policies, we
implement a dynamic dashboard, available online
based on the findings of our analysis. To build the
dashboard, we use Microsoft Power BI, a business
data analytics tool, which allows us to summarize data
in an interactive dashboard. One of the main fea-
tures of our dashboard is being easy to access at first
glance because it is organized like a set composed of
tables comparing different metrics. Another feature
is the possibility to drill down in the graphs to have a
smaller granularity to answer information questions.
As shown in Figure 2, the dashboard consists of
a slicer and four main graphs. The upper horizontal
slicer allows users to select and compare carmakers.
The first upper stacked column chart represents the
data category collected by each carmaker. This chart
is based on data and categories of Table 6 and it al-
lows us to compare the different carmakers and the
quantity of data that they declare to collect. We can
Vehicle Data Collection: A Privacy Policy Analysis and Comparison
Table 7: Example of detection of special data category word with taxonomy in a privacy policy.
Company pri-
vacy policy
Word in
Word detected
in the privacy
Semantic analysis: sentence in the privacy policy Collection of
special data
Mercedes sex gender “To make this Policy easier to read, the text uses only the male forms of
pronouns for natural persons. The words he, his, and him are always intended
to include all individuals, regardless of gender identity.
Kia orientation preference “Reset of account: Your account may be reset by setting the respective pref-
erence (e.g. in the UVO App).
Peugeot religious religious “Please note that you should not include sensitive data (such as information
about racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical
beliefs, or health) in your message.
Figure 2: Dynamic dashboard to summarize our findings.
notice that Tesla seems the company which collects
more data, while Fiat, Kia, Mercedes, and Toyota de-
clare to collect only four data categories over ten. The
bottom left table answers several questions about how
carmakers declare to manage information like how
they collect, protect, and store our data. An important
element that we can retrieve from this table is how
long our data are stored. We span from up to 30 years
of Audi, to “until necessary” of some companies like
Mercedes and Ford. The centered treemap represents
the FREI readability index as shown in Figure 1. The
last graph in the bottom-right corner shows the col-
lected data with the respective category to which they
In our study, we analyze sixteen privacy policies of
different carmakers. We define their readability, we
study the possibility that special GDPR data are col-
lected, and, finally, we create a summary dashboard to
compare the different policies and collected data cat-
egories. Besides, we provide a focus on the definition
of privacy and data category in automotive compar-
ing three different regulations. As our findings, we
can state that carmakers’ privacy policies need a high
school level to be understood, confirming a general
trend of difficulty also for privacy documents outside
automotive. Another key question of our work is: is
the data collection compliant with the GDPR Articles
ICISSP 2023 - 9th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
9 and 10? The answer is apparently yes, because the
carmakers declare that they do not collect sensitive or
special categories of data. Despite this, the collection
of different categories of data in a large quantity can
lead an external subject to understand the behavior of
any user and infer truly sensitive information. More-
over, several privacy policies are quite complex and
some information such as how long data are stored
and how data is protected are not so easy to find.
To conclude, we can state that the privacy policies
of the carmakers are the main instrument to inform
users about data processing, however, they need to be
more readable to be compliant with the different regu-
lations, providing also more answers to the most rele-
vant privacy questions like where user data are stored.
The project leading to this application has received
funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 re-
search and innovation program under grant agreement
No 883135 (E-Corridor). This work was partially
supported by project SERICS (PE00000014) under
the NRRP MUR program funded by the EU - NGEU.
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Vehicle Data Collection: A Privacy Policy Analysis and Comparison