Towards a Neuro-Symbolic Framework for Multimodal Human-AI
Anthony James Scotte and Varuna De Silva
Institute for Digital Technologies, Loughborough University, London, U.K.
Keywords: Conversation, Emotion, Sarcasm, Neural Network, Decision Theory, Probabilistic Logic.
Abstract: Humans are not defined by a single means of communication: language, style, expression, body posture,
emotion and attitude all contribute to the mix that makes communicating challenging to understand. As
humans seek to strengthen partnerships with computers, these communication complexities need to be both
understood and overcome. This paper seeks to explore a framework that combines neural networks with
decision theory and probabilistic logic to tackle the complexities inherent within conversational
communication. In combining the strength of each of these capabilities through a proof of concept, this paper
demonstrates a potential framework of how different AI models may deepen its understanding of human
Following decades of research, programming has
evolved to a level where machines can behave in a
manner that is arguably clever, for example, playing
and beating human Grand Masters at the boardgame
of Go (Silver et al., 2016). Further, the field of AI has
sought to transcend single functions and build
capabilities that partner with human beings by
learning and interacting in ways familiar to their
creators (Johnson, 2021). At a fundamental level, this
raises questions as to how should or could computers
interact with humans?
When considering how humans communicate
through conversation, the words alone only convey a
portion of the message (Devito, 2016). Feelings,
emotions, thoughts, and beliefs, underpinned by the
individual’s prevailing attitude (Marchant, 2017), are
inherent within both verbal (i.e., what was said, the
dictum); non-verbal messages (i.e., how it was said);
and what is actually meant (i.e., the implicatum)
(Tabacaru, 2019). Decisions in what and how to
respond in conversations require real-time inference
and decision making.
Consider further the additional complexities when
different languages, words and meanings, accents,
cultural & behavioural norms, and colloquialisms that
exist across the globe are introduced. Each additional
communication aspect introduces an additional lens
we as humans place across how we interpret what is
being said and how we respond. The challenges for
effective human to human communication are
obvious and can take years to master.
This raises the not inconsiderable question of how
could AI offer a solution that is able to undertake a
conversation with a human that is replete with both
the dictum and the implicatum and infer conclusions
in near real time?
The hypothesis of this paper contended that
models that identify emotion and attitude
independently (in this case sarcasm as it offered an
implicatum) from conversational data, could be
inputs to further inference yielding a greater
understanding of a conversation and thereby facilitate
a decision for a better response in a possible dialogue-
based solution.
The technical challenge lay in recognising that
although models could perform tasks specific to
particular challenges, for example emotion
recognition (Chudasama et al., 2022), they were
unable to extend beyond their original purpose. This
required holistic end-to-end thinking that by necessity
sought to integrate the capabilities of independent
neural networks for low-level inference (Ghosal et al.,
2020), with decision theory (Rosen, 1995) and
probabilistic logic (, 2020) for
high-level inference.
In providing a cascading framework that
harnesses the strengths of low and high-level
inference models, the contribution of this paper has
sought to provide one possible framework that could
Scotte, A. and De Silva, V.
Towards a Neuro-Symbolic Framework for Multimodal Human-AI Interaction.
DOI: 10.5220/0011776300003411
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods (ICPRAM 2023), pages 932-939
ISBN: 978-989-758-626-2; ISSN: 2184-4313
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
address the nuances of language inherent within
conversation and improve the chances of human to
machine conversations in the future.
2.1 Human Considerations
Referencing the initial ‘code model’ by (Saussure,
1916), communication is seen as an exchange of
information. For this to occur successfully, two
conditions are thought to be required.
According to (Sperber and Wilson, 1990), the
sharing of information between two human beings
relies upon a shared cognitive environment which
facilitates their interpretation of what they hear.
Within this shared cognitive environment, all the
information needed for a successful communication
is available. It is therefore arguably true, that without
this shared environment, the chances for a successful
communication are diminished.
In a study by (Grice, 1989) and later assessed by
(Davies, 2007), distinction between saying and
meaning was key. According to (Grice, 1989),
speakers within a conversation both express and infer
ideas where speakers adhere to standard behaviours.
When hearing or producing an utterance, it is
assumed that the message contained all the accurate,
necessary, and relevant information required.
Conversely, where an utterance did not adhere to the
standard behaviour, the message was not dismissed,
but rather it was assumed that an appropriate meaning
had to be inferred by actively seeking meaning from
the context (Davies, 2007).
To complicate matters further, different
attitudes, such as sarcasm and irony, can
fundamentally alter what is actually said, the
dictum, and what is actually meant, the implicatum
(Tabacaru, 2019). Findings in one linguistic study
demonstrated that 8% of utterances within
conversations amongst friends contained an attitude
of sarcasm (Gibbs, 2000).
To humans, understanding is not seen as
sequential. The recipient “…does not first decode the
logical form, then construct an explicature and select
an appropriate context, and then derive a range of
implicated conclusions. Comprehension is an on-line
process, and hypotheses about explicatures,
implicated premises, and implicated conclusions are
developed in parallel against a background of
expectations which may be revised or elaborated as
the utterance unfolds.” (Wilson & Sperber, 2004)
2.2 AI and Conversation
Natural Language Processing (NLP), a combination
of Artificial Intelligence and Linguistics, has
continued to mature technologically over the last two
decades and is dedicated to achieving computer
comprehension of statements made by humans
(Khurana et al., 2022).
As emotion is embedded within conversation,
dialogue analysis has seen increasing attention from
researchers (Firdaus et al., 2020) giving rise to the
NLP subfield of emotion recognition in conversation
Given the significance of the interaction between
human and machine (Tu et al., 2021), interest in
dialogue systems has steadily grown (Tu et al., 2022)
with an increasing numbers of conversation datasets
being established (Zahiri et al., 2018).
In an exploration of state-of-the-art methods used
within ERC, (Chudasama et al., 2022), acknowledged
that many methods still employ text-based processing
and achieved robust results. However, in creating
their SOTA Multi-modal Fusion Network (M2FNet)
for ERC, the richness offered by multi-modal fusion
exceeded associated data fusion challenges.
However, AI research has not been monopolised
by emotion studies. Given the findings by (Gibbs,
2000), research has broadened into fields more
focused on attitude as well (Sangwan et al. 2020)
including (as examples) sarcasm detection (Ray et al.,
2022) and irony detection (Reyes et al., 2012).
As imagined, sarcasm detection increases the
complexity of language processing in that
expressions may invert the literal meanings and
therefore undermines the accuracy and robustness of
NLP models (Ren et al., 2020).
Sarcasm detection therefore involves correctly
identifying contextual or linguistic incongruity,
which in turn requires further information, either
from multiple modalities or from contextual history
(Sangwan et al., 2020).
2.3 Inference from Conversation
Regardless of their increasing capabilities, one
constraint on any deep learning approach is that they
have been engineered to perform a single prediction
task and look at the data provided through a single
lens. They can predict either emotion or an attitude
(for example sarcasm), but not both.
This highlights a limitation that current deep
learning models can only examine one facet of a
conversation but are unable to extend across all
inferences and meanings. How could individual
Towards a Neuro-Symbolic Framework for Multimodal Human-AI Interaction
models draw inference when multiple competing
explicatures are available from the same data?
Although there have been efforts to demonstrate
the logical and reasoning capabilities of AI, notably
using deep learning models, their results have been
mixed. As examples: Deep Mind in resolving simple
math questions realised 50% accuracy (only slightly
better than guessing) when operations required step-
by-step solving abilities (Saxton et al., 2019); and
OpenAI’s GPT-2 language model (Radford et al.,
2019) purported to successfully generate human-like
essays. However, closer inspection revealed outputs
were not logically generated, but simply regurgitated
examples based on the training data.
Deep learning (as a neural network) forms with
other types of models a collective known as Sub-
symbolic or neural AI (Yalçın, 2021). Such
capabilities excel at low-level perception (Manhaeve
et al., 2021a).
Symbolic AI is a sub-field of artificial
intelligence, which concentrates on high-level
symbolic (human-readable) representations of
classical logic and assumes that logic makes
machines intelligent (Yalçın, 2021). Such
capabilities excel at high level reasoning (Manhaeve
et al., 2021a).
The combination of deep learning and symbolic
reasoning has been coined as Neuro-Symbolic AI
(NeSy) (Garcez et al., 2020). NeSy’s objective
according to (Hamilton et al., 2022), is to combine the
strengths of both symbolic and sub-symbolic
approaches and address their respective weaknesses.
This has seen increasing research into NeSy solutions
over the last decade (Hamilton et al., 2022) where a
combination of the neural and symbolic approaches is
hoped to provide an opportunity to generate more
robust AI solutions (Sarker et al., 2021).
One such avenue of exploration addresses
implementing symbolic AI in one of the oldest (yet
still extremely popular) logic programming
languages, Prolog, which has its roots in first-order
logic (Yalçın, 2021).
It has been further argued that high-level
reasoning may be better addressed using probabilistic
logic (Manhaeve et al., 2021a) and so Problog (an
extension of Prolog) may offer an introduction to
exploiting the possibilities of NeSy.
The hypothesis of this paper contended that models
that identify emotion and attitude independently (in
this case sarcasm as it offered an implicatum) from
conversational data could be inputs to further
inference yielding greater understanding of the
conversation allowing and for a better response in a
possible dialogue-based solution.
In accepting that neural networks (NN’s) are
continuing to excel at providing low-level perception
derived from data but are (at this time) less mature in
providing high level inference (Manhaeve et al.,
2021b), it is reasonable to propose that NN’s might
be coupled together with some form of inferencing
capability as per the cascading model offered by
(Mao et al., 2019).
In following the above reasoning, this paper
sought to explore within a time-boxed, high-level
proof of concept (PoC) the ability to combine the
outputs from an emotion recognition neural network;
a sarcasm recognition neural network; and
interlocutor meta data; with decision theory and
probabilistic logic from which to generate inference
for decision making purposes.
A logical architecture of the PoC can be seen in
Figure 1. Beyond the data sources, two individual
tiers were coupled together and perform specific
3.1 Recognition Tier
The purpose of the NN’s contained within the
recognition tier was relatively simple in that they had
to generate a probability distribution (prediction) of
both an emotion, and sarcasm independently.
For the emotion recognition tier, the MELD
conversation dataset and the COSMIC prediction
model were used to generate a probability distribution
from one of the explicit emotion categories as
specified within (Ghosal et al., 2020).
For the sarcasm recognition tier the
MUSTARD++ sarcastic utterance dataset and the
COSMIC prediction model were used to generate a
probability distribution from one of the explicit
sarcasm categories as specified within (Ray et al.,
2022). The MUSTARD++ dataset was chosen as it
partially overlapped the MELD dataset and therefore
different models could make predictions against the
same data.
Both models were trained, evaluated, and
employed independently of one another.
3.2 Inference Tier
The purpose of the inference tier was more
complicated, twofold and remains a work in progress.
The first task was to evaluate the emotion and
sarcasm predictions against one another to identify a
ICPRAM 2023 - 12th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
Figure 1: Proof of Concept Logical Architecture.
preferred prediction. This was attempted using
Decision Theory.
The second task was to use additional interlocutor
metadata with the preferred prediction as inputs and
attempt to infer a deeper understanding so that a
decision could be made on how to respond. This was
accomplished using Probabilistic Logic.
Although NN models focus upon F1 scores to
demonstrate their predictive prowess, it should be
understood that a prediction by itself does not have
consequences in reality until it is relied upon.
Therefore, the measure of a prediction is the actual (or
expected) gains (or losses) realised by those who have
relied upon a prediction to decide (Rosen, 1995).
In understanding a decision problem, defined by
(Rosen, 1995) as the “…choice of a course of action
having real-world consequences (costs) that depend
on both the action (decision) and an outcome event
(true class)”, it is characterised by the decision loss
for each observed outcome 𝑖 and decision 𝑗. These
can be said to form the elements of a cost matrix
𝐶 (also referred to as a decision loss matrix).
For the sake of simplicity, two outcomes and two
alternatives were considered for both emotion and
sarcasm although in general the number of each
would arguably be higher.
Decision 𝑗=0 is the most favourable when
outcome 𝑖=0. Nonzero 𝑐
or 𝑐
have been ignored
as they lead to overall offsets as explained by (Rosen,
According to (Rosen, 1995), decision loss is
implicit in the prediction. When considering the
approach of minimising the impact of any decision, if
the decision loss is known, the simplest approach
would be to apply this and a prediction 𝑝̂ into
elementary decision theory and recommend the
course of action 𝑗= 𝚥̂ that minimizes the expected
decision loss.
Where: 𝑖 is an observed outcome; 𝑝̂ is the
prediction of probability of outcome 𝑖 = 1; 𝐿(𝑖,𝑝̂) is
the probability loss function (prediction scoring rule);
𝑗 is the decision index (in some decision problem
where 𝑖 is relevant); 𝐶 = {𝑐
is the decision loss
(regret or cost matrix) characterising a decision
problem; 𝑡 is the decision threshold = 𝑐
) and lies between 1 and 0; 𝑠 are the stakes = 𝑐
; 𝚥̂ is the decision recommendation = 𝐼(𝑝̂ 𝑡);
𝐼(𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑞𝑢𝑎𝑙) is 1 if inequality is true, 0 otherwise; and
{𝑔(𝑧)│𝐴 is expectation over 𝑧 of 𝑔(𝑧) given 𝐴.
The decision recommendation is thus given as
It should be recognised that the decision loss is not
a measure of the value of the prediction but is
however given by the recommendation loss when
following the recommendation implicit in 𝑝̂ where
the actual outcome is 𝑖 (Rosen, 1995).
Towards a Neuro-Symbolic Framework for Multimodal Human-AI Interaction
This type of probability loss function is referred
as single-decision or single-threshold since it depends
only on whether 𝑝̂ is above or below a particular 𝑡.
3.2.1 Probabilistic Logic
This part of the PoC model sought assess an
individual’s propensity to make jokes and the impact
on the probability that the sarcastic utterance should
be considered joking rather than scornful.
According to (Weitkämper, 2021), probabilistic
logic programming represents a significant part of
statistical relational artificial intelligence, where
approaches from probability and logic are interleaved
to reason from relational domains where uncertainty
One such probabilistic logic program (ProbLog),
which is based on First Order Logic, permits the
building of programs addressing complex
interactions between “…large sets of heterogenous
components but also the inherent uncertainties
that are present in real-life situations.”
(, 2020).
ProbLog programs themselves are comprised of a
set of probabilistic facts 𝐹 of the form 𝑝∷𝑓 where:
𝑝 is a probability; 𝑓 is an atom; and is a set of rules
(Manhaeve et al., 2021a).
Each ground instance 𝑓𝜃 of a probabilistic fact 𝑓,
corresponds to an independent Boolean random
variable with probability 𝑝 when true, and probability
1− 𝑝 when false (Manhaeve et al., 2021a).
If all ground instances of probabilistic facts are
denoted as in ℱ𝛩, then every subset 𝐹⊆𝛩
defines a possible world 𝑤
and ℎ𝜃 is ground}. This means that the world 𝑤
the canonical model of the logic program obtained by
adding 𝐹 to the set of rules (Manhaeve et al.,
Given a possible world 𝑤
, its probability 𝑃(𝑤
is given by the product of the probabilities of the truth
values of the probabilistic facts (Manhaeve et al.,
The success probability of 𝑞 (also known as the
probability of a ground atom 𝑞), can then be defined
as the sum of the probabilities of all worlds containing
𝑞 (Manhaeve et al., 2021a).
4.1 Data
Although the MELD dataset proved a sound choice
(as it continues to be used in as emotion recognition
benchmark in SOTA studies), the choice of the
MUSTARD++ dataset was less effective as labelled
data for sarcasm modelling was limited to 601
utterances only (not conversations) across a range of
American only situational comedies.
As conceded by (Ray et al., 2022), sarcasm is not
easily found and required significant effort to identify
and include additional conversational corpora from
which to identify further data points. Despite the
expansion of their search, (Ray et al., 2022), the focus
remained on similar sources and were constrained by
the same types of sarcasm and emotional categories.
Despite this apparent narrowness of focus, recent
research by (Tabacaru ,2019) has: yielded greater
insight into what sarcasm is and is not; identified the
linguistic mechanisms employed in generating
sarcastic utterances that are much broader than those
used by (Ray et al., 2022); and broadened emotion
categories which may provide greater depth to the
underlying emotions inherent within sarcastic
4.2 Recognition Tier
In realising the PoC, the data needs of the two
prediction models were different. Although sourced
from the same parent dataset, their preparation was
subject to their specific needs in that the emotion
predictor required conversational data whereas the
sarcasm predictor required utterance data only.
In building the end-to-end capability that took
conversational text and elicited predictions, the
choice of COSMIC proved reasonable for the
emotion recognition and results were in line with
those published by (Ghosal et al., 2020).
However, the MUSTARD++ dataset, though
maintaining several lines of the conversation leading
up to the sarcastic utterance, did not provide emotion
labels for non-sarcastic utterances. This necessitated
the COSMIC model to train and validate only on those
utterances that contained implicit sarcasm labels.
Further, the shortfall of available data constrained
the model resulting in overfitting and poor results
with reference to both validation and test data.
Overall, although sarcasm predictions could be
generated from the model, prediction using the
COSMIC model met with limited success and proxies
were used within the inference tier.
ICPRAM 2023 - 12th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
Figure 2: Sample of Decision Theory Calculations.
Figure 3: Probability of Chandler joking when sarcasm identified as Ridicule.
Figure 4: Probability of Chandler joking when sarcasm identified as Anger.
The limited success of the COSMIC model to
successfully train on the single-modal input as
opposed training on multi-modal data as realised by
(Ray et al., 2022), suggests that approaches that use
single modal only for sarcasm identification, or
indeed any attitudinal identification, remain less
effective. This is borne out by (Tabacaru, 2019) who
suggests that facial features and vocal prosody are
key considerations in being able to identify sarcasm.
4.3 Inference Tier
The two main findings from the application of
Decision Theory (Rosen, 1995) were that: the
relationship between the prediction and the threshold
directly impacted the choice of the recommendation
loss; and having established the decision
recommendation loss, the choice of prediction was
down to avoiding the biggest loss. Sample results can
be seen in Figure 2. Overall, the theory proffered by
(Rosen, 1995) does provide a framework for
differentiating and choosing between competing
predictions, so long as the costs of all decisions can
be sufficiently quantified.
As this study was an exercise seeking to explore
and prove a concept, certain assumptions were made
in the number of possible alternative decisions that
could occur for each outcome; and determining the
values to be attributed to the decision costs applied
within the cost matrix.
In reality, the alternatives and costs arguably may
be able to be provided by experts within the field.
However, where this is not possible and these remain
unknown, (Rosen, 1995) proffers that the
recommendation loss can be plotted as a function of
the unknown threshold for a given prediction and
outcome. In summing or averaging such curves over
a data set consisting of many prediction/outcome
pairs, the performance on the data can be
characterised. This (Rosen, 1995) refers to as the
recommendation loss characteristic (RLC) curve and
will provide a basis over time from which a threshold
can be derived and updated.
In applying ProbLog to possible treatments of
additional interlocutor metadata such as propensity to
banter when the sarcasm prediction was ridicule,
ProbLog does provide a successful coding
framework. Examples can be seen in Figures 3 & 4.
However, in extracting and making separate the
logic that determined if the sarcastic utterance of the
individual was banter based on the individual’s
predilection for making jokes, the question was raised
as to where the logic should reside.
Trial Type Prediction C
Threshold Stakes Rec. Loss Overall
Sarcasm 0.8 5.00 10.00 0.667 15.00 10.00
Emotion 0.9 3.00 6.00 0.667 9.00 6.00
Sarcasm 0.8 5.00 10.00 0.667 15.00 10.00
Emotion 0.9 0.50 6.00 0.923 6.50 0.50
Sarcasm 0.8 0.40 5.00 0.926 5.40 0.40
Emotion 0.9 0.50 6.00 0.923 6.50 0.50
Sarcasm 0.9 0.90 10.00 0.917 10.90 0.90
Emotion 0.8 0.80 6.00 0.882 6.80 0.80
Predict Sarcasm
Predict Sarcasm
Predict Emotion
Predict Sarcasm
Towards a Neuro-Symbolic Framework for Multimodal Human-AI Interaction
According to (Manhaeve et al., 2021b) there is a
prevailing idea that employs logic as a constraint
within a deep model. This is achieved by extending
a deep model with a regularisation term, drawn from
desired logical properties that encourages the model
to imitate logical reasoning or suffer a penalty if not
In using a regulariser encouraging a model to
satisfy constraints, the logic is encoded into the
parameters (either weights or embeddings).
Arguably, the constraints are soft, and there is no
guarantee that they all will be satisfied or make
predictions coherent with the logic they were trained
on (Xu et al., 2018).
Regardless, (Manhaeve et al., 2021b) contends
that the underlying importance of being able to fully
recover the logic is the primary objective despite the
location of the logic.
In the case of the PoC and this study, additional
lenses across the conversational data may require
additional and deeper logics to be added over time.
Implementing logical constraint via a regulariser
across all models may arguably not prove effective
considering there is no guarantee they will all work as
intended and thereby result in inconsistent results
when compared.
The contribution of this paper has been to
demonstrate the nuances of language and associated
modelling challenges, and identify one possible
framework that, if explored further, might improve
human to machine conversations in the future.
Although the solution and evaluation remained
high-level due to the time-boxed nature of the study,
conclusions were able to be drawn and provide
insights for future versions.
What data exists at present for emotion and
attitude is not yet of sufficient quality or quantity. For
such a solution to become more robust, a cross-
disciplinary, multi-modal research exercise with
linguists should be undertaken to fully understand the
latest research, and elicitation strategies to gather an
appropriately qualified and robust dataset that serves
a diverse set of requirements.
It can be further argued that in bringing multiple
models together to contribute to one holistic purpose,
the issue of aligning models across multiple
modalities to evaluate the same data or use similar
algorithm techniques to ensure consistent training and
prediction, does require careful consideration, and an
end-to-end holistic design mindset.
The decision-making process illustrated choosing
between competing predictions can be made with an
understanding of the associated costs incurred when
relying upon a given prediction. Although this
framework did rely upon a simplistic case and cost
assumptions, decision recommendation loss theory
does offer a working solution and provides an avenue
forward for further exploration under more stringent
and realistic conditions.
The application of first order logic (through
ProbLog) to add further inference to a decision made
earlier in the process, demonstrates that the cascading
approach adopted in this study is worthy of further
consideration. Appreciating that the inference
undertaken in this case was simplistic in nature does
not erode the underlying proposition but proved its
validity and provides an avenue to increase the
maturity of this capability further.
Despite the solution being a time boxed PoC, the
study has explored the stated hypothesis; has
identified challenges to be overcome; and laid
foundations for one possible solution. However, it
remains a work in progress.
Next steps for this avenue of research are to
deepen the exploration and realisation of the
preliminary recommendations highlighted above,
create a more substantive version of the solution that
incorporates findings and more fully demonstrates an
end-to-end capability, and implement a framework
that more comprehensively evaluates and provides
deeper results for consideration.
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