User-Perception of a Webcam-Based Intervention System for
Healthy Habits at Computer Workstations
Angelina Clara Schmidt
, Dimitri Kraft
, Fabienne Lambusch
and Michael Fellmann
Institute of Business Informatics, University of Rostock, Rostock, Germany
Fraunhofer IGD, Rostock, Germany
Keywords: Webcam-Based Intervention System, Healthy Habits, Computer-Based Work.
Abstract: Fueled by the ongoing digitalization, the amount of computer-based work is on the rise. Employees increas-
ingly spend large parts of their day in front of computer workstations. While this type of work means less
physical effort, it can nevertheless cause a range of health problems such as eye strain, back pain, wrist pain,
and muscle fatigue and, in the long run, can lead to serious problems. Although some monitoring systems for
health-related parameters have been developed so far, few of them provide interventions during work. Also,
empirical insights on how users actually perceive such systems are still missing. Hence in our work, we report
on first results regarding the user perception of such systems based on CareCam, a webcam-based system for
health-promoting interventions. Based on user feedback from real-world usage of the system for one week,
we derive insights for the further development of such systems.
In many industries, machines have taken over the re-
petitive, physically strenuous and dangerous work
while humans are still needed to perform administra-
tive, management or creative tasks. In line with this,
a proliferation of office work and sedentary work
styles can be observed on a global scale (Park et al.,
2020). The number of computer terminals in work-
places in Germany has even grown by almost 50%
within the last decade (Fichter et al., 2012). In line
with this, 40% of the employees in Germany are
knowledge workers (Burkhart & Hanser, 2018) and
half of the working population is using computers for
work tasks (Bitkom, 2018). However, extensive com-
puter-based work in conjunction with unfavorable
work behaviors can lead to serious health problems.
The most common computer-related health problems
include visual problems such as eye strain and mus-
culoskeletal problems such as back pain, wrist pain
and muscle fatigue (Mary & Munipriya, 2011). Stress
and headaches can also be triggered. These health
problems of employees can even result in reduced
productivity, prolonged absenteeism, and early retire-
ment. Therefore, preventive and health-promoting
support in the workplace can play an essential role in
maintaining employees’ health. It moreover offers the
potential to take appropriate action in the early stages
(Mary & Munipriya, 2011). Providing tools for man-
aging and improving health can contribute to the
companies’ competitiveness and could even help to
attract new employees.
With CareCam, an application that can record var-
ious health-related data via a simple webcam has been
developed at Fraunhofer. This data can be used to
identify health strains in the workplace and generate
personalized health-promoting interventions. Never-
theless, it is unclear so far how such interventions can
best minimize health risks at computer workstations
and how users perceive them. Hence, this work aims
to evaluate a concept for health-promoting interven-
tions at computer workstations that has been inte-
grated into CareCam. While the interventions have al-
ready been described from a more technological per-
spective in our previous work (Kraft et al., 2022), we
here put emphasis on user perceptions regarding
Schmidt, A., Kraft, D., Lambusch, F. and Fellmann, M.
User-Perception of a Webcam-Based Intervention System for Healthy Habits at Computer Workstations.
DOI: 10.5220/0011776100003414
In Proceedings of the 16th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2023) - Volume 5: HEALTHINF, pages 567-580
ISBN: 978-989-758-631-6; ISSN: 2184-4305
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
these. To do so, we conducted a pilot study in which
test users employed CareCam with the interventions
in their everyday work environment. Based on semi-
structured interviews, we provide insights into how
users perceived different types of camera-based
health-promoting interventions and if features were
missing. We moreover also derive concrete possibili-
ties for the improvement of future health-promotion
systems for high-screen-time work.
The next section describes related work. Section 3
presents basic features of CareCam while Section 4
focuses on the interventions implemented. The case
study preliminary results are presented in Section 5.
Most works in the area of camera-based health sys-
tems at computer workstations address ergonomics
and focus on the detection and prevention of un-
healthy sitting postures and durations (Herrera et al.,
2021; Mary & Munipriya, 2011; Paliyawan et al.,
2014 - 2014a, 2014 - 2014b; Taieb-Maimon et al.,
2012) (for a review see (Kraft et al., 2022)). (C. Chen
et al., 2012) present a rather comprehensive system,
which uses a webcam and additional cameras at the
workstation to provide feedback on the current ergo-
nomic state of the worker. For this, parameters such
as average work and break times, distance to the com-
puter screen, head movements, gaze directions, and
blink frequencies are recorded. The system learns the
user’s behavior patterns such as “close to the screen”,
“low head mobility”, or “absent” and provides ergo-
nomic reminders. Beyond sitting postures, some sys-
tems also provide features for advanced monitoring
of health-related parameters such as heart rate, stress,
or mood. For example, (Maeda et al., 2016) capture
physiological information through the normal equip-
ment of a computer workstation. In this process, the
camera measures vital data such as heart rate, facial
expressions, and eye blinks in order to present it in a
visualization application. Another system in this di-
rection has been developed by (Vildjiounaite et al.,
2018), which can recognize stressful working hours.
Finally, there are a few systems that provide health-
promoting interventions. In this direction, (Taieb-
Maimon et al., 2012) present an automatic feedback
system that displays webcam photos of the current
posture at work contrasted with photos of the correct
posture, thus striving to continuously urge the user to-
wards improving his or her posture. Also, (Herrera et
al., 2021) have already introduced active breaks with
exercises, but these are also only related to posture.
The focus is on the automated control of the correct
performance of these posture-related exercises.
In summary, existing research works and systems
only provide monitoring and tracking features, or
they provide health-related interventions, but only fo-
cus on single aspects such as posture. None of the re-
search works contain information on how users per-
ceive such a system during office work. Hence, we
tested a set of health-promoting interventions in a
real-world pilot study with subsequent interviews to
gain information about user perceptions. Being aware
of the users’ valuation of interventions is of vital im-
portance to ensure the further successful development
of health-promoting intervention systems, since inter-
ventions that are not rated as pleasant and helpful by
the user will not be used on a regular basis.
The interventions for our case study were imple-
mented into the existing software CareCam (Kraft et
al., 2021). CareCam enables the objective measure-
ment of important vital data at the workplace using a
simple webcam. This data comprises:
Pulse rate and pulse rate variability
Blink frequency
Upper body posture
Human emotion through facial expression
Some representations of the measurements are
displayed in real-time on a user interface. Although
the interface was only relevant in our study to start
and stop the software, the CareCam dashboard is
shown in
1 to illustrate measurements. The top row
shows the pulse rate in beats per minute and the pulse
rate variability in milliseconds. Below that, a rating
of the upper body posture as either “good” or “bad”
is presented. Next to that, the distance of the eyes
from the screen is displayed in centimeters. The bot-
tom row shows the total number of blinks counted up.
The proportion of different emotions is shown di-
rectly within the displayed camera image. We further
detail the health interventions offered in the following
section. All data of the system was stored locally. No
data was sent to the outside, and no images or video
streams were stored.
Scale-IT-up 2023 - Workshop on Best Practices for Scaling-Up Digital Innovations in Healthcare
Figure 1: CareCam Dashboard.
To help understand the results of the presented user
perception study, this section describes an extended
version of the technical implementation of the inter-
vention system that has already been described in our
previous work (Kraft et al., 2022). For our study, two
types of interventions have been explored: reminders
and breaks. Several articles (cf., e.g. (C. Chen et al.,
2012; Mary & Munipriya, 2011; Paliyawan et al.,
2014 - 2014a)) already included initial forms of alerts
or reminders as health-promoting methods. Hence,
several instances of this intervention type were in-
cluded, which are described in Section 4.1. In addi-
tion, (Herrera et al., 2021) have introduced breaks fo-
cusing on posture-related exercises. Since regular
breaks are an important part of a healthy workday,
breaks should be suggested to the participants in our
case study, too. We decided that break time should
preventively counteract not only bad posture, but also
other typical health risks associated with computer
screen work. Breaks as intervention type are de-
scribed in Section 4.2.
In addition, users can activate a so-called meeting
mode to prevent disruptions caused by reminders or
breaks. Given that meetings are part of the working
time, breaks that would have been scheduled during
the meeting are displayed afterwards.
4.1 Reminders
Four different reminders were implemented: blink,
dynamic sitting, distance to screen, and motivation.
Reminders should not interrupt the workflow.
Therefore, they contain only a headline and a de-
scriptive sentence. They appear as a pop-up notifi-
cation via the operating system. In addition, the re-
minders contain different icons so that the messages
have a recognition effect and can thus be grasped
more quickly.
The four reminders displayed by the system are
shown with their triggers in Table 1. The blink re-
minder is intended to support the user in maintaining
a blink frequency high enough to prevent the rupture
of the tear film (Schmidt, 2008), even during concen-
tration phases on the screen. The threshold of 12
blinks per minute was chosen because the normal
spontaneous blink rate is between 12 and 15 blinks
per minute (Doughty, 2001).
The dynamic sitting reminder was implemented,
based on recommendations by (Mohokum & Dördel-
mann, 2018) to change the sitting position frequently.
For this purpose, the distance of the posture points
recorded by the CareCam is used. If the distance
changes by 12 pixels, this is classified as a movement.
The reminder is triggered if there is no
Table 1: Implemented reminders.
System Message Trigger
blink rate < 12 blinks per minute
no major movement within 2 minutes
distance < 50 cm for 30 seconds
predominantly negative facial expression
within one minute
User-Perception of a Webcam-Based Intervention System for Healthy Habits at Computer Workstations
movement after 300 captured images, which corre-
sponds to approx. two minutes.
The distance to screen reminder helps keeping the
right distance between the monitor and the eye. This
is important as eye fatigue should be avoided (Mo-
hokum & Dördelmann, 2018) and maintaining dis-
tance affects the posture, too. Depending on the activ-
ity, the distance between the eyes and the screen is
determined based on the screen's size or the charac-
ters' height. The minimum suggested distance (for
small 13-inch screens) of 50 cm has been specified
for the distance reminder for simplicity. Finally, fa-
cial expressions may, e.g., contain clues to stress and
anxiety (Giannakakis et al., 2017).
An attempt to counteract negative emotions is im-
plemented through the motivation reminder. Once per
second, the emotional state is stored. To exclude
short-term reactions that do not have a larger effect,
we chose a time window of one minute as decisive.
After one minute, when 60 emotion states have been
stored, the predominant emotion in terms of fre-
quency is determined. If the facial expression is pre-
dominantly characterized by a negative emotion (sad-
ness or fear), the reminder is triggered. In this pro-
cess, different motivational messages are displayed
randomly. Overall, to prevent a reminder from ap-
pearing too frequently and thus interrupting and dis-
turbing the user during work, each triggered event is
stored in a buffer. Only after five minutes have
passed, this reminder can lead to a notification again
by the trigger.
4.2 Breaks
Breaks are suggested regularly based on the health
data recorded by CareCam. Breaks are divided into
active breaks that are guided by the system and free
breaks. Active breaks are filled with exercises, while
the user can spend free breaks individually. Exercises
do not just focus on muscle contraction as imple-
mented in (Herrera et al., 2021). In contrast, CareCam
can provide breaks with versatile exercise contents
that, beyond posture, address other topics such as
breathing exercises or mental aspects (e.g., mindful-
ness). According to (Mohokum & Dördelmann,
2018), the rule of thumb is to take a screen break of
five to ten minutes every hour. Therefore, it was de-
cided to include as intervention five-minute breaks
time after 55 minutes of screen time. As it can be rec-
ognized whether the user is in front of the camera at
the computer workstation, individual breaks can be
taken into account. Times that the user is absent from
the screen do not count into the 55 minutes. The user
is informed via system notifications when an active
or free break is upcoming, as can be seen in Figure 2.
Figure 2: Break notifications.
Exercise interventions can be divided into three
groups: “eyes”, “posture”, and “mindfulness”. This
division was made because visual problems, muscu-
loskeletal problems, and stress are among the most
common computer-related health problems (Mary &
Munipriya, 2011). To decide which intervention
group has priority during the break, the reminders are
counted during the 55-minute work period and the
highest group counter is prioritized for the suggested
exercise. The categorization can be seen in Table 2.
As blinking frequency and maintaining distance
from the screen both influence the health of the
“eyes”, the counter for this intervention group is in-
creased by one each time one of these reminders is
triggered. Given that a short distance to the screen can
cause the head to bend forward and thus promote the
development of a “turtle neck”, the counter for the
Table 2: Exercises suggested for active breaks.
Group Exercises in the group Events that increase the group counter
Eyes Relaxation of the eyes, change of directions of gaze Display of blink reminder,
of distance reminde
Posture Stretching and loosening exercises, standing breaks Display of dynamic sitting reminder,
of distance reminde
Mindfulness Deep breathing Display of motivation reminder,
two wor
Scale-IT-up 2023 - Workshop on Best Practices for Scaling-Up Digital Innovations in Healthcare
“posture” intervention group is also increased by
one. Additionally, the reminders to sit dynamically
increase the counter for this intervention group by
one, as static muscle activity can lead to tension. The
“mindfulness” intervention group is increased by one
by the motivation reminder. Furthermore, the counter
is increased by one every two work phases of 55
minutes each. This was decided because working
long hours can be a factor for stress that could be mit-
igated with mindfulness exercises, which get a higher
priority with the increased counter. The typical ap-
pearance of an exercise is presented in Figure 3. The
exercise contains an image illustrating what to do to-
gether with a short textual description. Furthermore,
a progress bar depending on time is shown.
All exercises are meant to be performed within the
scheduled five-minute break. However, the perfor-
mance of the exercises does not completely fill in five
minutes. This ensures that the break time does not
have to be exceeded. In that way, the user has enough
time to read through the exercise and can furthermore
use the remaining break individually, e.g., to get a
glass of water, to exchange ideas with colleagues or
simply to have an additional mental break without a
task. After an intervention group has been triggered,
the counter for this group is reset. The counters for
the other groups remain the same in order to balance
the occurrence of intervention groups. In addition,
with this implementation a group – and thus a poten-
tial health issue can be addressed again if it stands
out. If the software is restarted, e.g., on the next work-
day, the counters for all groups are back to zero.
Free breaks can be used however the user wants
to. A change of work activity is also possible. This
notification occurs when all health parameters are un-
eventful: i.e., when no reminder has been triggered,
or the counters for all intervention groups are zero.
Figure 3: Exemplary Exercise.
The emphasis of this work is to examine how real-
world users perceive different types of camera-based
health interventions. Therefore, we conducted a pilot
study providing the running system. The approach of
our case study is described in Section 5.1. Through
the test phase with subsequent interviews, infor-
mation was collected on the perception and design of
the health interventions as well as on further func-
tional wishes and aspects, which are presented in Sec-
tion 5.2.
5.1 Case Study Approach
The study was planned as an initial exploration with
a convenience sample. Five research assistants and
two students registered for the study and were pro-
vided with the software to test it during one work
week. Our case criterion is knowledge-intensive work
at the computer workstation. The participants come
from the field of computer science, and thus, a certain
IT affinity can be assumed that might be helpful in a
first software test. The average age of the participants
was 31 years. Five women and two men participated.
The software was tested in the everyday work envi-
ronment by the participants. In advance, the partici-
pants received instructions via a PDF file so that they
were able to install the software on their preferred de-
vice. They had the control to start and stop the soft-
ware, and thus, they had control over the webcam.
Furthermore, measurements and triggered interven-
tions were only stored locally. After the test phase,
semi-structured interviews were conducted in Ger-
man. For this article, the participants’ statements were
thus translated. The interview answers were evaluated
with the help of a inductive categorization method
similar to (Mayring & Fenzl, 2014). The categories
are oriented towards the following objectives and top-
ics of the interview guide:
Perception of the reminders and breaks
Functionality of the meeting mode
Acceptance of the software
Desired features
5.2 Findings
5.2.1 Perception of Reminders
Regarding the general perception, the icons were
mainly perceived as positive and helpful for faster
recognition of the reminders. It was thus “not such a
User-Perception of a Webcam-Based Intervention System for Healthy Habits at Computer Workstations
big distraction”. The different colors of the icons were
emphasized by three people as a recognizable feature.
After getting used to the reminders, they “strongly as-
sociated the message with the color.” One participant
was generally less aware of the reminders due to the
layout of her workstation, through which these did not
appear on her main screen. Thus, she felt the program
should optimally offer the possibility to set the screen
on which the reminder is displayed. Two other test
persons also described that due to the structure of
their workstation in home office, they only saw the
reminders “out of the corner of their eye” and thus
mostly overlooked or “barely noticed” them.
The frequency of the reminders was perceived
very differently depending on the reminder type. Ap-
parently, the time of day when work is done, and the
duration of work can also influence the perception of
the frequency. One participant described the fre-
quency as being “just right for the normal work situ-
ation and normal work hours.” However, when ex-
haustion from work becomes noticeable, “more indul-
gent reminderswere longed for by “increasing the
time interval a bit.” Due to habituation, one person’s
reminders “faded into the background”. Nevertheless,
there was also the case that the reminders appeared
very frequently at the beginning and became less fre-
quent due to compliance. The effectiveness of the re-
minders was, therefore, different for the participants.
The blink reminder was triggered very fre-
quently for most participants. Three participants re-
ceived the blink reminder very frequently, “all the
time”, rating the blink count as inaccurate in conse-
quence. On the contrary, two other participants con-
sidered the blink reminder to be “very helpful”, with
one person also receiving the reminder very fre-
quently. In this case, the blink count was not doubted.
The other person rated the blink reminder as “totally
good” because the usefulness behind it was familiar.
Therefore, for this person, “it actually did not matter
whether it really came at the right moment, whether it
was plausible, but it was just good to be nudged
again.” The remaining two participants could not re-
ceive blink reminders or did not perceive them. It was
also suggested that the unit of blinks per minute
would be useful to support self-reflection.
The frequency of the dynamic sitting reminder
was experienced very individually: the descriptions
ranged from “rather seldom”, regularly” to “now and
then a bit much”. Four of the six participants who had
noticed the reminder considered this reminder to be
useful and helpful. However, the fit of the trigger tim-
ing was experienced differently. For two participants,
the reminder was not specific enough, as it was not
described in which way the position should be
changed. For this, advanced posture recognition was
desired, for example, to be able to display the tip
“Lean back” in case of a forward-leaning posture.
The distance reminder was rarely displayed for
the most part. Three participants did not receive this
reminder or did not notice it. One person found the
reminder to be good and suitable. Another participant
had problems keeping the distance “since my desk is
not particularly large and that automatically makes
me sit closer.” This means that the distance adjust-
ment could not be made, which resulted in the re-
minder not leading to any change in behavior. In ad-
dition, the idea was expressed once to even combine
distance detection with posture detection so that the
forward head posture, “this slight hump that you
make when you bend over”, is additionally recog-
nized. This participant described the reminder as “the
way it is now, not quite so reasonable”.
The motivation reminder was hardly triggered in
the test phase. Two participants turned off this fea-
ture, because of technical issues or because emotions
were mostly neutral. Of the other people, only one
person received the motivation reminder once and de-
scribed it as follows: “Well, I thought it was funny, it
was kind of cool that it was a quote.” The motivation
reminder was explicitly wished for more once: “to
loosen up quite nice, quite interesting.” However, due
to quality issues with the emotion recognition and/or
often neutral emotions, the trigger for motivation re-
minders should be rethought for future systems.
5.2.2 Perceptions of Breaks
The general perception of breaks and break exer-
cises has been positive, and participants expressed in-
terest in the exercises. However, two participants
could not perform active breaks, because of technical
issues or because they were not noticed or were prob-
ably not displayed, caused by forgetting to deactivate
the meeting mode.
Regarding exercise content, in several inter-
views, the relevance and wish for varied exercises had
been highlighted “to keep it a bit exciting”. Two test
persons emphasized that it was good “if you did not
know the exercises yet”, they received “really always
nicely different” exercises, a sort of “surprise effect”.
Two test persons, who in contrast also received a re-
peated exercise, perceived this negatively and did not
do the exercise that appeared twice. One person justi-
fied this with the type of exercise because she found
it “boring” and rated eye exercises on the screen as
rather unsuitable and mentioned that alternatively, it
would be more helpful to “stand up, look out of the
window, look into the distance”. Eye exercises on the
Scale-IT-up 2023 - Workshop on Best Practices for Scaling-Up Digital Innovations in Healthcare
screen would have to be “rather something entertain-
ing, if necessary at all”, such as colorful searching im-
ages. For the other person, the frequency of the inter-
ventions was stated as a reason for not doing the re-
peated exercise.
However, the frequency of breaks was rated dif-
ferently by the test persons, with most of them finding
the frequencyexactly right” and “sufficient”. A
break once an hour thus proved to be suitable for the
most part. Only one person emphasized that there
were too many active breaks in general. There is a
preference here for less active breaks, but still receiv-
ing a break reminder every hour. In this short test
phase, only one participant knowingly received a free
break. It would be conceivable, for example, to alter-
nate between a free break and an active break to allow
a little more freedom for the arrangement of the
break. In addition, more acute interventions could be
suggested independently of the time interval if certain
values are strongly abnormal, as requested by one
The length of the exercises has received different
reviews. Generally, a break time of five minutes was
set, but the exercises did not have to fill the time com-
pletely. Not all participant recognized the correspond-
ing notice in the tool instructions. One user described
that the interventions “went on for what felt like an
eternity”, and half the time would have been enough.
For more advanced interventions, the progress bar
should be tailored for the different exercises and, if
necessary, display the remaining break time after the
exercise is completed to avoid confusion. Other par-
ticipants described the exercises as “all very short” or
easily integrable into their daily work routine, as they
werealways just like five minutes [to take] a quick
break.” Another participant also expressed an idea
that it would be ideal if, during exercise, the software
could “detect and then count down” when an exercise
was being performed in front of the camera. This
could make “the system feel more alive”, and it would
have an “interaction factor. A type of reward after
successful completion of the exercise would have an
additional motivating effect.
In four interviews, it became apparent that more
information about the reason and goal of a partic-
ular intervention being suggested is a meaningful mo-
tivation component. One user points out that “one or
two sentences” in a “pop-up would be absolutely
enough”. Furthermore, it was emphasized that the fast
and easy comprehensibility of the exercise, “in a few
seconds”, is important. The exercise must be “unam-
biguous in its description” and “described in an un-
derstandable way”. The “ease of execution is [...] a
major criterion” so that a user can “easily integrate
the exercise into the daily work routine.” The length
of the exercise is also an important factor. Here, too,
a balance must be found so that the exercises “have
an effect” but are “not too long”. The current exer-
cises were mostly rated as “well [...] applicable” and
The preferred format for the exercises is a video
or animation for six of the seven users. The other par-
ticipant prefers “simply designed things”. She per-
ceived the mindfulness exercise “as totally helpful”,
which includes a very simple animation with little
text. In general, less text description is favored. The
abstraction of the current intervention images could
be kept for videos or animations: One test person
found it “very appealing […] to work with abstract
figures”. Another test person emphasized: “Well, it
does not have to be a human being demonstrating it
to me.” Apart from that, the suggestion to underlay
“mindfulness exercises [...] with music” was ex-
pressed by a user.
5.2.3 Usage of the Meeting Mode
Two of the seven users tried the meeting mode. Once,
the meeting mode was tried at the beginning, but the
software led to difficulties. This is due to the exclu-
sive access of CareCam to the camera so that no other
program could access the camera, while access is also
needed for meetings. As a result, it was completely
turned off for meetings by the participant. As the
other test person had complications with the perfor-
mance of the software, he decided to switch off Car-
eCam for meetings right away. The meeting mode has
been partially forgotten, causing inconvenience to
one user: An intervention occurred in the middle of
an online presentation because the meeting mode was
not activated. Another user “did not re-check every
time” to see if meeting mode had been deactivated
again. As a result, reminders and breaks were also un-
knowingly suppressed during other work activities.
At one point, it was emphasized that in contrast to
breaks, the reminders would be interesting and “even
more useful than [...] under stress”, especially during
video conferences. The reminders “are not so intru-
sive that they distract you from a conversation.”
5.2.4 Software Acceptance
A general interest in the functions of the CareCam is
present in six out of seven participants. Five of them
could imagine using the software permanently during
high screen time. Only one participant would rather
not use the software in everyday working life, be-
cause the person has the impression that it is “quickly
in the background. That it's just an app that runs on
User-Perception of a Webcam-Based Intervention System for Healthy Habits at Computer Workstations
the side [...]”. Another person is unsure because, on
the one hand, the CareCam gives her the feeling of
being “watched all the time”, as “the camera is run-
ning all the time”. On the other hand, the software is
perceived as “totally exciting” and “informative” be-
cause it offers many possibilities and draws attention
to health data that are otherwise overlooked. Two of
the six interested individuals did not mention any
concerns with using the software. Using it as a local
tool gave one participant a feeling of security that
eliminated concerns. Concerns arise mainly on data
privacy because it is “something quite personal if you
are constantly being filmed in front of your screen”.
For data processing, “absolute transparency and a
guarantee that the data will not go anywhere” is de-
manded for using the CareCam. It could be helped by
“an agreement” assuring that no data is stored or dis-
tributed. Besides, not every user seems interested in
all of CareCam’s features. Personalization options for
the software could additionally increase acceptance.
5.2.5 Desired Features
The following lists of features were gathered from the
various interviews and could increase user satisfac-
tion as enhancements to our existing system. A
grouped overview is provided in Figure 4. Partici-
pants were asked in the interviews what further types
of and features for reminders they would desire:
Regular breathing: Two participants could imag-
ine a reminder that controls the regularity of breathing
and reminds them to focus on breathing when it is ir-
regular, or breathing interruptions occur.
Advanced posture detection: Posture improve-
ment is a focus of several users. The current reminder
about the sitting position only analyzes whether the
user moves regularly. It lacks a more precise assess-
ment of the sitting position to be able to issue more
accurate reminders for changing the position. Further-
more, it is possible to evaluate the sitting position
based on the quality. In case of an unfavorable pos-
ture, another reminder could intervene. Three partici-
pants have considered using an additional camera
placed on the side to perform more advanced posture
analyses. These analyses could be used to better esti-
mate the sitting position, e.g., detecting a forward-
leaning posture and send more precise reminders.
Display working time: One user has requested an
intermediate output of the working time spent at the
screen workstation.
Individually configurable reminders: Different
users may have individual habits they want to pre-
vent. Simple, individually configurable reminders
could provide a solution. Time-triggered reminders
would be an option for realizing this. For example,
the system could send reminders not relevant to every
user, e.g., for drinking enough water. In addition, it
should be possible to deactivate or adjust the triggers
of the other reminders. If a reminder is perceived as
negative or annoying, this may also affect the percep-
tion of the other reminders. Next, it should be possible
to configure the time interval and, thus, the frequency
between the reminders. For example, different inter-
vals at different times of the day or after long working
hours can be required.
The participants also expressed further wishes and
ideas for active breaks:
Snooze function: It may happen that a break is not
suitable at the moment. A kind of snooze button could
allow the user to “finish what he is working on” so
that one’s thought process is not interrupted. How-
ever, a snooze function should be integrated with care
to prevent the user from always skipping the interven-
tions. One way of implementing this could be to allow
the snooze function to be used only once for each
break, e.g., the user could get “10 minutes, but then”
the break should be taken.
User preference: The user should be allowed to
define his or her priorities. A kind of “user profile” so
that the program can “provide even more individual-
ized tips” to improve the achievement of personal
goals and can more frequently suggest “exercises or
interventions that match these”. The specification of
priorities could also be done after a “kind of initial
phase” in which different exercises are shown. Rating
options could additionally be used so that the system
can learn what kind of exercises are liked by the user.
The frequency of the exercises and the preferred
length of the breaks should also be specified as setting
options, e.g., to opt for more frequent shorter breaks.
Interactivity: The progress bar for breaks should
be tailored for the different exercises. Automatic con-
trol of exercise performance could even make time-
dependent bars obsolete and make the system feel
more interactive. After completing an exercise, a re-
ward system could increase motivation.
For motivation and a better understanding of the
software, the participants expressed the necessity to
include extra information. Desired features in that
direction are:
Setup assistant: The first start of the software
could be supported by a setup assistant. Among other
things, the correct positioning of the camera and the
various setting options should be shown. In general,
an explanation that introduces the various parameters
of the CareCam would increase understanding of the
software. Detailed, general explanations of health as-
pects are also desirable, e.g., the optimal posture at
Scale-IT-up 2023 - Workshop on Best Practices for Scaling-Up Digital Innovations in Healthcare
the workplace or the correct distance to the screen.
Hints as to why certain things should be maintained
could contribute to increasing motivation.
Info button: The explanations and information
presented by the setup assistant should be “always ac-
cessible”. At times in between, “not the full explana-
tion program” will be appropriate. Using info buttons
could maintain a manageable software layout while
providing additional information. This allows the in-
formation to be re-read as needed, and the user is not
“overwhelmed with information”. In this way, further
information about the reasons a reminder or interven-
tion appears and additional “more specific tips” could
be integrated. Also, information about data privacy
should be available at all times.
Concerning the noticeability of CareCam inter-
ventions, the following features were mentioned:
Sound support: A customized sound would be
useful to differentiate CareCam notifications from
other notifications. Overlooking reminders and
pauses could probably be reduced with this.
Display setting options: It should be possible to
select the screen on which the notifications are dis-
played, as well as the duration of the display to further
reduce overlooking.
Meeting mode: Enabling or disabling the meeting
mode had been forgotten in some cases. Although not
explicitly stated by the user, automatic detection of
whether the user is currently participating in a meet-
ing could solve this problem. Finally, activation of re-
minders separate from breaks should be possible, e.g.,
to still receive reminders during meetings.
Figure 4: Overview of further features.
User-Perception of a Webcam-Based Intervention System for Healthy Habits at Computer Workstations
6.1 Discussion of the Findings
To summarize our research, we conducted a first real-
world user test of a prototype system for webcam-
based health-promoting interventions derived from
health literature. The key characteristic of the system
is that it seeks to nudge the user towards healthy
working habits via interventions in the form of re-
minders and (active) breaks. Both are initiated proac-
tively by the system and are sensitive to the users’
current work behaviors and emotional states. This is
made possible by permanently running computerized
analyses of the user in front of the workstation lever-
aging advanced image processing capabilities for au-
tomated recognition of blink, posture, distance, and
emotion. This recognition of the current users’ state
is complemented by a system of counters. According
to the counters, it is periodically decided which is the
next best health promoting intervention for the indi-
vidual user.
Since the user perspective of such interventions is
a still an under-researched topic, we emphasize the
empirical analysis of the users’ perceptions of our
prototype system in the work at hand. To do so, we
conducted a first case study in which seven partici-
pants used the system for approx. one week in their
real-world working environment during their daily
work. Subsequently, we conducted and analyzed in-
terviews which has led to important insights about the
functioning, usefulness and ease of use, and overall
acceptance of such a system. Moreover, we did also
identify improvement potentials for the prototype
system. In the following, we briefly discuss our main
In general, reminders were perceived as useful,
whereby clearly dynamic sitting and blink reminders
received more positive comments than distance and
motivation reminders. This can be explained largely
by implementation deficiencies of our system, where
distance reminders and motivational messages did not
work accurately for all users and did not show up for
all of them. The general positive perception of our re-
minders is consistent with reminders being the num-
ber one feature that is implemented in 72% of the be-
havior change systems according to a recent study
(Villalobos-Zúñiga & Cherubini, 2020). Addition-
ally, since the reminders of our system depend on the
observed current user behavior and emotional state,
they thus adapt to the user and in this sense are per-
sonalized. This may contribute to and explain the
overall positive feedback on the reminders and would
be in line with empirical findings that attest personal-
ized reminders a much higher acceptance than uni-
form reminders (Alhasani & Orji, 2022). Further, the
effectiveness of reminders varied across different
subjects since some subjects observed a decrease of
reminders due to their beginning compliance, i.e.,
habit change, while others did not notice that. The
person-specific effectiveness is also emphasized by
large empirical studies in the field of persuasive sys-
tems that call for personalization as a major design
principle to raise effectiveness (Yfantidou et al.,
2022). Future versions of our prototype system could
adapt even more to individual user preferences, e.g.,
by providing more fine-grained control over reminder
settings. Also, situation awareness could be increased
by automatically detecting meeting situations based
on computer usage or access to the users’ calendar.
Beyond personalization, the general motivation of
users is emphasized as a driver for system use in the
context of self-tracking (Feng et al., 2021). In regard
to deeper underlying motives, also coined as “gener-
ative mechanisms”, it is known that amongst others,
the longing for self-improvement, confirmation and
self-knowledge (Rieder et al., 2021) drives system
use. It can be assumed that all test persons in our sam-
ple implicitly were driven by such motives, so results
might differ for other audiences.
Further, breaks were appreciated, although pref-
erences for breaks differed considerably across us-
ers. For some users, having a five-minute break per
hour was just right, while others preferred longer
working periods or shorter breaks. Once more, this
calls for advanced personalization, which is in line
with literature on persuasive systems (Yfantidou et
al., 2022). Regarding the exercises during an active
break, there seems to be a consensus that exercises
should be “a bit exciting”, i.e., not repetitive or bor-
ing, and that video or abstract illustrations are pre-
ferred over textual descriptions. The importance of
providing varied content to users to avoid boredom is
well-known in persuasive systems literature (e.g., see
(Wiese et al., 2020)).
Regarding meeting mode, our main insight is that
users do not switch off reminders completely but
would prefer to still receive reminders that can be fol-
lowed with low cognitive effort, such as dynamic sit-
ting and blink reminders.
Concerning the overall acceptance of the sys-
tem, the CareCam system was perceived positively as
an innovative new tool for more health-aware work
habits. Six out of seven test users had a generally pos-
itive attitude towards the system after they used it, of
which five expressed interest in continued usage. A
Scale-IT-up 2023 - Workshop on Best Practices for Scaling-Up Digital Innovations in Healthcare
possible explanation for this might be our conven-
ience sampling strategy leading to test users with ra-
ther high interest and motivation. However, since the
system directly addresses health problems such as
back pain via reminders and exercises being highly
plausible countermeasures, another explanation for
acceptance could be deduced from the Health Belief
Model (HBM). In a nutshell, the model posits that ac-
ceptance emerges when serious health issues are per-
ceived and countermeasures are believed to be effec-
tive in mitigating them. This model has also has been
integrated with the rather “traditional” TAM model
for technology acceptance (Ahadzadeh et al., 2015)
as well as with the more recent UTAUT model (Alpar
& Driebe, 2021) showing the significance of the
HBM in terms of acceptance. This amalgamation of
models could provide a valuable theoretical frame-
work for future research on acceptance. Further, a rel-
evant issue concerning acceptance was data privacy.
Although all data was stored locally and nothing was
transferred, some users expressed concerns about po-
tential privacy issues. Clearly, this calls for further re-
search on how to mitigate potential trust and privacy
issues which could be informed by the Privacy Cal-
culus as theoretical lens to study data sharing willing-
ness for self-tracking data (Dincelli & Zhou, 2017),
also in the work context (Toftgård, 2022). However,
acceptance will considerably depend largely on the
usage scenario. For example, if the system is provided
by a trusted third party such as a public health insur-
ance company, acceptance might differ in contrast to
if the employer provides it.
For further development, the largest group of im-
provement suggestions, i.e., more than one-third, re-
late to advanced personalization options (cf. Fig. 4).
This again is in line with the extant recent literature
in persuasive systems that emphasize the personaliza-
tion as a basic requirement (e.g. (Cho et al., 2022;
Coşkun & Karahanoğlu, 2022; Yfantidou et al.,
2022)). Similarly, it is reflected by the research
stream on self-tracking technology abandon behavior
that, amongst other factors, identify misalignment be-
tween personal goals and the capabilities of technol-
ogy as decisive for discontinuance (Lazar et al.,
2015). Personalization also offers the possibility to
find a better balance between health goals and the sit-
uational requirements during work. For example, in a
nightly work session shortly before a deadline, a user
might want to receive less active break reminders or
even switch them off, whereas, on the following day,
they are highly appreciated again. However, in-
creased self-responsibility comes at the risk that users
apply settings that undermine the effectiveness of the
self-tracking tools. To mitigate this, default settings
grounded in health research in conjunction with warn-
ings when the user applies extreme settings could be
used. Finally, health is an individual topic that affects
everyone, but different aspects can be the focus. With
advanced personalization options, the self-responsi-
bility of users is emphasized. Configuring one’s own
personal intervention system could increase the will-
ingness to execute exercises and comply with self-ad-
justed interventions (i.e., be consistent with and stick
to one’s own goals). This argument is closely con-
nected to research on how technology becomes a de-
vice for augmenting one’s willpower (volition) that is
required to actually execute actions corresponding to
one’s motives (Hamari et al., 2014; Schroeder et al.,
2021). The distinction between motivation and voli-
tion is also an integral part of the Health Action Pro-
cess Approach (HAPA) (R. Schwarzer, 1992). In this
direction, the CareCam prototype supports both, the
motivational phase where the user applies personal
settings based on his or her motivation, and the voli-
tional phase, where the user is nudged to execute the
own-desired behavior. Beyond personalization, some
improvement suggestions of test users related to the
types of reminders, the contents and interaction fea-
tures of active break exercises, the information that
the system provides, and the noticeability of remind-
ers (cf. Fig. 4).
6.2 Limitations of Our Research
The most obvious limitation of our first and prelimi-
nary evaluation with test users is the rather small sam-
ple size. Nevertheless, with real users in a real envi-
ronment doing their ordinary work our evaluation
qualifies as an early ex-post naturalistic evaluation
according to the evaluation strategy selection frame-
work from Pres-Heje and Baskerville (2012) (Vena-
ble et al., 2012) or an EVAL3 (proof of applicability)
or even EVAL4 (proof of usefulness) according to the
framework of (Sonnenberg & vom Brocke, 2012).
However, we still consider our evaluation as early and
preliminary, i.e., as a formative evaluation, where
rich user feedback is collected to further improve the
artifact. Future, more summative evaluations with a
larger sample size allowing for quantitative analysis
with more standardized question items, e.g., from the
Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technol-
ogy (UTAUT 2) model (Venkatesh et al., 2012), are
still do be done. However, early evaluations in the
context of new and innovative artifacts could be con-
sidered analogous to the preclinical phase of develop-
ing a new medicine – the later effect in the living or-
ganism cannot be determined at the stage of develop-
ment of this new substance. Rather, it has to be tested
User-Perception of a Webcam-Based Intervention System for Healthy Habits at Computer Workstations
later on in clinical studies (Karagiannis, 2010). An-
other limitation is the period of our evaluation being
one week. In future research, it would be interesting
to run a longitudinal study to analyze more long-term
A, B, C outcomes (Attitudes, Behaviors, Compliance
outcomes (Oinas-Kukkonen, 2010) of the system and
study possible habituation effects.
6.3 Future Work and Research
The interviews have shown which developments
would improve the user perception of the system and
thus ensure the success of the health interventions.
The different perceptions and wishes of the par-
ticipants highlighted the need for a higher level of
personalization of the software. Not every user is in-
terested in all features provided by CareCam. The in-
tention to change one's behavior is a central compo-
nent of the effectiveness of health interventions. A
certain degree of self-responsibility through person-
alization options enables users to define goals for
themselves that they really want to reach. The option
to adjust reminders or create own reminders could re-
alize this individual goal setting.
Moreover, the categories of the exercises should
also be prioritized by each specific user. For example,
some users may be interested in improving posture
but do not care about mindfulness. A prioritization
could be inquired at the beginning, which should be
editable at any time. In addition, after each exercise,
the system could request a basic rating of how the user
liked the exercise, allowing the system to adapt the
predefined user profiles as necessary.
The triggers of the current reminders can be fur-
ther refined. Future reminders or interventions, espe-
cially in the area of stress and well-being, could ben-
efit from including measures of pulse rate and pulse
rate variability.
A calibration phase that captures various factors,
such as age, could provide the opportunity to include
these more complex measurements.
Since the motivational messages were only no-
ticed once, this trigger should also be changed. The
reason for this is the dependence on emotion recogni-
tion. Here, further research is needed to examine
whether the intensity of emotions during office work
is high enough. During our test, some users described
that emotion recognition mostly displayed a neutral
state. Besides emotion recognition, the measurements
should also be improved regarding blink detection.
Generally, it is crucial to prevent the reminders
and pauses from being overlooked. The display of the
reminders should be given setting options for this as
well as an individual sound and a design that distin-
guishes itself even more from other messages.
Many employees spend large parts of their working
time sitting in front of a computer workstation, poten-
tially leading to serious health problems in the long
run. To counteract this, a few monitoring and inter-
vention systems have been developed. However, up
to now, the user perspective is still under-researched.
Hence, we address this gap in presenting results from
a first investigation how users perceive such an inter-
vention system. The system is based on CareCam and
generates health-promoting interventions for blink
frequency, body posture, screen proximity and emo-
tion-based messages. Several subjects used the sys-
tem in a real-world case study during their ordinary
daily work for one week. We then gathered rich qual-
itative feedback based on interviews from which we
distilled insights on how users perceive such a sys-
tem. From a high-level perspective, key results are:
(1) Reminders are an effective instrument to
raise awareness for unhealthy work behaviors and
promote healthy ones. All test persons welcomed the
reminders; surprisingly, no one felt interrupted or dis-
turbed by them.
(2) Active breaks with versatile content are
welcomed, but customization is needed. All users did
express their interest in exercises that must be easy to
understand and perform. The format should include
minimal text and preferably show a video or anima-
tion. To further increase awareness and motivation,
more explanations and information in the software are
needed and have been asked for by most participants.
Further, customization regarding frequency and dura-
tion is needed.
(3) Personalization options are of vital im-
portance. The largest parts of improvement sugges-
tions and feature requests are related to personaliza-
tion. The possibility of fine-tuning the system can in-
crease the effectiveness of reminders and compliance
behaviors for exercises. It moreover emphasizes the
self-responsibility of the user.
Our final conclusion is that the ultimate quest in
designing an effective health-promoting intervention
system seems to be finding a balance between effec-
tiveness and user satisfaction. The user must perceive
the health interventions as comfortable and applicable
as possible to be willing to implement them on a reg-
ular basis. At the same time, interventions must be ef-
fective regarding health-related outcomes.
Scale-IT-up 2023 - Workshop on Best Practices for Scaling-Up Digital Innovations in Healthcare
All in all, our work contributes to the field of
health-promoting intervention systems for computer-
based work. Our preliminary empirical observations
and findings could be a starting point to inform the
design of future intervention systems.
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Scale-IT-up 2023 - Workshop on Best Practices for Scaling-Up Digital Innovations in Healthcare