Effectiveness of Reflexology for Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) and
Other Health Difficulties Specific to Women
Ayame Inoue
, Yukie Majima
, Seiko Masuda
and Takeshi Matsuda
Graduate School of Humanities and Sustainable System Sciences, Osaka Prefecture University, Sakai, Osaka, Japan
Graduate School of Informatics, Osaka Metropolitan University, Sakai, Osaka, Japan
Graduate School of Management and Information Technology, Hannan University, Matsubara, Osaka, Japan
Keywords: Bowel Sounds, PMS Symptoms, Reflexology.
Abstract: Reflexology is said to be effective for regulating physical discomfort and relieving pain, but it is also expected
to be effective for improving PMS symptoms, which are common among many women. However, few
researchers have examined its effects for PMS symptoms, so few women use reflexology and most of them
still rely on drugs such as oral contraceptives and chemical therapies. For this study, we examined reflexology
effects on PMS symptoms and the body, devoting particular attention to bowel sounds. This paper presents
results of experiments which treat reflexology for three women who have each PMS symptoms and other
health difficulties. As results of bowel sounds, frequency spectrums of three women have been consolidated
into a single curve. one after treatment. In the future, we increase the number of data and clarify the relation
among reflexology, bowel sounds, PMS symptoms and other health difficulties.
Many women in Japan have premenstrual syndrome
(PMS) symptoms such as constipation, diarrhea, and
abdominal pain. A survey conducted by the Japan
Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology in 2018 found
that 70–80% of menstruating women have PMS
symptoms, and that about 5.4% of them have
difficulties in daily life (The Japan Society of
Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2018). The annual
economic loss attributable to medical expenditures
and lost productivity of women working with
gynecological disorders, including PMS symptoms,
is calculated as at least 6.37 trillion yen. To resolve
these difficulties and losses, femtec-related services
(femtec: The coined word of female and technology.
Items and services that solve health problems of
women (Hitachi Consulting, 2021).) and products
have been increasing in recent years, but many people
still rely on drugs such as oral contraceptives and
chemical therapies.
Reflexology, a non-chemical therapy, is aimed at
producing health without reliance on chemicals. It
was introduced into medical treatment as a
complementary therapy in Europe the United States.
The soles of the feet have reflex points corresponding
to internal organs throughout the body, which are
stimulated by pressing them with fingers or sticks to
activate the internal organs, thereby improving
metabolism and immunity (Embong, 2015). Studies
examining the effects of reflexology include one
which found effectiveness for lowering blood
pressure and heart rate in stage 2 hypertensive
patients (Kotruchin, 2021). One study found that the
procedure had beneficial effects of improving hair
and skin-related dysfunction in people with type 2
diabetes (Magalhães da Silva, 2015). Furthermore, a
study of primiparous women indicated that treatments
reduced anxiety and the duration of labor, and
increased Apgar scores (Moghimi-Hanjani, 2015).
Other studies have shown changes in the frequency of
defecation among female university students.
Although the results were not significant, reflexology
effects were suggested (Nakahashi, 2011).
Results of these studies imply that reflexology is
effective for improving PMS symptoms, but few
researchers have examined its effects for PMS
symptoms. Those few reported studies have been
qualitative, short-term evaluations.
For this study, we examined the long-term effects
of reflexology quantitatively by continuously
obtaining physical data such as bowel sounds and
blood pressure. As an introduction to the study, this
Inoue, A., Majima, Y., Masuda, S. and Matsuda, T.
Effectiveness of Reflexology for Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) and Other Health Difficulties Specific to Women.
DOI: 10.5220/0011774600003414
In Proceedings of the 16th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2023) - Volume 5: HEALTHINF, pages 502-506
ISBN: 978-989-758-631-6; ISSN: 2184-4305
2023 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
paper presents a comparison of data indicating
reflexology effects on women's bodies before and
after a single treatment.
2.1 Experiment Summary
For this experiment, three women in their 20s to 40s
affected by constipation and menstrual pain
underwent reflexology treatment for 20 min per leg,
for a total of 40 min.
Prior to conducting this experiment, we have been
approved by the University's Ethics Committee.
2.2 Participants
The participants with consent were three women with
PMS symptoms and difficulties such as uterine
fibroids: one was in her 20s; one was in her 30s; and
one was in her 40s. The participants’ health
difficulties and self-care status are shown with
interview data.
2.3 Experiment Flow and Acquired
The experiment flow and data acquired from this
experiment are described below. This experiment
included the following steps: 1. preliminary survey; 2.
body data acquisition 1; 3. reflexology treatment;
and 4. body data acquisition – 2. For participants
scheduled to receive multiple treatments, the pre-
survey content after the second treatment changed to
inquiries about continued effects of reflexology.
1. Preliminary Survey
Questions about defecation and menstruation
were asked, with contents mainly as follows.
(Contents of the first survey)
• Diarrhea, constipation, and abdominal pain
• Days since last menstrual period
• Menstrual cycle
• PMS symptoms other than defecation
• Self-care for symptom relief
• Other concerns about body condition
(Details of the second and subsequent surveys)
Bowel difficulties and PMS symptoms
improved by reflexology
• Other difficulties improved by reflexology other
than those described above.
2. Acquisition of Physical Data (1)
We obtained the following data.
• Blood pressure
• Heart rate
• Blood oxygen level
Table 1: Data acquisition equipment.
Equipment name
Bowel soun
JPES-01 (Mitorika Co., Ltd.)
Blood pressure UA-651BLE (A&D Co. Ltd.)
Heart rate
Blood oxygen
Onyx Model 9500 (Star
Product Inc.)
3. Reflexology Treatment
Participants were treated by a practitioner who
had attended a reflexology course for at least one year
and who held a private certification. The left leg was
treated for 20 min, followed by the right leg for 20
min, for a total of 40 min. The practitioner applied
treatment using the hands and sticks, when necessary,
using a cream. Both the participant and the
practitioner sit on a chair during the treatment.
Figure 1: Experimental environment.
4. Body Data Acquisition (2)
We obtained the data obtained in step 2 again.
The following describes results obtained from data
acquired during the experiment. For this experiment,
data of the first group were obtained after the
participant sat in a chair for 5 min of rest. Data of the
second group were obtained immediately after the
treatment of both legs, but the participant remained
3.1 Bowel Sound Data
The electronic stethoscope used for this experiment,
JPES-01, can acquire information related to
frequency and decibels. To date, the state of the
Effectiveness of Reflexology for Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) and Other Health Difficulties Specific to Women
intestines has been determined fundamentally by the
number of times per minute that the intestines move,
called intestinal peristalsis. For this study, we
analyzed bowel sounds not only by sound counts but
also by frequency, decibels, and changes in time-
series data.
3.1.1 Before Treatment
1. Frequency Data
The following graph shows approximately one
minute of bowel sound data obtained before the
procedure. The vertical axis shows decibels. The
horizontal axis shows the frequency in hertz. This
graph shows how much of which frequency sine wave
is contained in the sound wave for one minute.
Figure 2: Frequency spectrum of three participants (before
The curves are similar for all three participants,
but the concavo-convexity shapes differ. Also, the
frequency bands that contain many sine waves differ.
2. Waveform data
As with the frequency data, one minute of data
obtained before the procedure are shown below. This
graph shows the amplitude of the intestinal acoustic
waveform on the vertical axis and time on the
horizontal axis. Data for one participant are shown here.
Figure 3: Time series waveform data (before treatment).
3.1.2 After Treatment
1. Frequency Data
The data for approximately 1 min are shown
below, as they were before the treatment.
Figure 4: Frequency spectrum of three participants (after
The data here show that the curves of the three
participants have been consolidated into a single
curve. Two of them seem to have less unevenness in
their curves, although one of them does not change
2. Waveform Data
The waveform data of about 1 min are shown here
as they were before the treatment. The amplitude was
smaller than before the treatment. The amplitudes of
the other two participants also decreased or remained
almost identical.
Figure 5: Time series waveform data (after treatment).
3.2 Blood Pressure, Heart Rate, Blood
Oxygen Levelssure
This section presents a description of data other than
bowel sounds obtained before and after reflexology.
3.2.1 Blood Pressure
A comparison of blood pressure before and after
treatment showed an average of 106.8 (131.0/82.7)
before the treatment and 104.1 (126.3/82) after
treatment. Although an earlier study showed that
blood pressure had decreased, the present results
differed from those of an earlier study (Machi, 2000)
in that the three participants respectively showed a
decrease, maintenance, and increase in blood pressure.
Some participants reported that they felt sleepy
during the treatment, which implies a relaxing effect.
Reflexology reportedly improves blood circulation.
Therefore, future studies should provide increased
HEALTHINF 2023 - 16th International Conference on Health Informatics
data collection and better examination of reflexology
effects on blood pressure.
3.2.2 Pulse Rate
Comparison of the heart rate before and after the
treatment showed that the average heart rate was 76.3
beats per minute before the treatment and 68.3 beats
per minute after the treatment, indicating that the heart
rates of all three participants decreased. Results are
consistent with those of earlier studies (Machi, 2000).
Then, we couldn’t find significant difference in blood
pressure and blood oxygen concentration, but the
paired t-test detected significant differences between
before and after the procedure groups(P=0.049).
3.2.3 Blood Oxygen Concentration
Blood oxygen concentrations before and after the
procedure were increased in all participants by 1%.
The results resembled those of an earlier study
(Machi, 2000), which suggested that oxygen
concentrations increased in some participants.
3.3 Interview Data
The following are contents of interviews about PMS
symptoms conducted with the participants before the
3.3.1 Interview Items
The interview items are presented below.
Table 2: Interview items.
Difficulties related to defecation (diarrhea,
constipation, abdominal pain, etc.)
Number of days elapsed since the last
menstrual period at the time of data
acquisition, Number of days elapsed since last
menstrual period
Usual menstrual cycle (is the cycle stable?)
Presence of PMS symptoms other than
Details of 4
What we are doing to solve 1 and 5
Other body-related concerns
3.3.2 Approaches to Symptom Relief
Because data obtained from this study were of only
three participants, relating characteristics of the
physical data to the interview data is difficult. For this
reason, this report presents only responses obtained
from interviews as examples.
Table 3: Sample response.
Menstrual pain, constipation, heavy
bleeding during physiological periods
Not very stable.
(Menstruation might last about a week)
Overeating, irritability, sleepiness, rough
Warm the body (e.g. at a hot spring)
Uterine fibroids, rhinitis, asthma
Future experiments will investigate how these
concerns change during the course of multiple
reflexology treatments.
This chapter presents results obtained from
experiments described in Section 3 and a discussion
of them.
4.1 Bowel Sound Data
From this experiment, data were obtained before and
after reflexology treatment to assess how the state of
the intestine changes. Reportedly, reflexology relaxes
and regulates the body. The difference in bowel
sounds before and after the treatment assessed by this
study indicate some effect on the bowel. Because the
data were obtained from only three people, the
frequency graphs of the three people converged to a
single graph after treatment. Future research must be
undertaken to clarify whether many people converge
similarly, and to elucidate the meaning of this shape.
4.2 Blood Pressure, Heart Rate, Blood
Oxygen Level
The results obtained for blood pressure, heart rate,
and blood oxygenation resembled those of earlier
studies. Results for blood pressure differed slightly
from those of earlier studies. However, because
earlier studies had fewer participants, the number of
participants in future studies must be increased; the
reliability of future data must be improved.
Effectiveness of Reflexology for Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) and Other Health Difficulties Specific to Women
4.3 Interview Data
Interviews were conducted mainly to clarify the
participants’ characteristics. Because the interviews
revealed the participants to be women with various
difficulties, we believe that future experiments with
women with various difficulties will lead to deeper
analyses. Correlating these interview data with
physical data is expected to be important when
conducting multiple treatments with more data.
This paper presents results and discussion of data
obtained from an experiment conducted to verify the
effectiveness of reflexology as treatment for PMS
symptoms and other health difficulties women face.
Future investigations will be done to obtain data over
a longer period, such as one or two months, to clarify
the durability of reflexology effects and the number
of treatments necessary to sustain them. Additionally,
an analytical model will be constructed based on
intestinal sound data to elucidate the state of
intestines during illness and to propose methods to
alleviate symptoms.
This work was supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant
Number JP19K10808.
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HEALTHINF 2023 - 16th International Conference on Health Informatics