German BERT Model for Legal Named Entity Recognition
Harshil Darji
, Jelena Mitrovi
and Michael Granitzer
Chair of Data Science, University of Passau, Innstraße 41, 94032 Passau, Germany
Language Models, Natural Language Processing, Named Entity Recognition, Legal Entity Recognition, Legal
Language Processing.
The use of BERT, one of the most popular language models, has led to improvements in many Natural Lan-
guage Processing (NLP) tasks. One such task is Named Entity Recognition (NER) i.e. automatic identification
of named entities such as location, person, organization, etc. from a given text. It is also an important base step
for many NLP tasks such as information extraction and argumentation mining. Even though there is much re-
search done on NER using BERT and other popular language models, the same is not explored in detail when
it comes to Legal NLP or Legal Tech. Legal NLP applies various NLP techniques such as sentence similarity
or NER specifically on legal data. There are only a handful of models for NER tasks using BERT language
models, however, none of these are aimed at legal documents in German. In this paper, we fine-tune a popular
BERT language model trained on German data (German BERT) on a Legal Entity Recognition (LER) dataset.
To make sure our model is not overfitting, we performed a stratified 10-fold cross-validation. The results we
achieve by fine-tuning German BERT on the LER dataset outperform the BiLSTM-CRF+ model used by the
authors of the same LER dataset. Finally, we make the model openly available via HuggingFace.
In NLP, NER is the automatic identification of named
entities in unstructured data. These named entities
are assigned to a set of semantic categories (Grish-
man and Sundheim, 1996), for example, for Ger-
man Wikipedia and online news, such semantic cat-
egories are, Location (LOC), Organization (ORG),
Person (PER), and Other (OTH) (Benikova et al.,
2014). However, these named entities are not com-
patible with the legal domain because the legal do-
main also contains some domain-specific named en-
tities such as judges, courts, court decisions, etc. A
NER model fine-tuned on such domain-specific data
improves the efficiency of researchers or employees
working on such documents.
In the past couple of decades, there have been
many improvements in terms of approaches being
used for NER. From standard linear statistical mod-
els such as Hidden Markov Model (Mayfield et al.,
2003; Morwal et al., 2012) to CRFs (Lafferty et al.,
2001; Finkel et al., 2005; Benikova et al., 2015),
RNNs (Chowdhury et al., 2018; Li et al., 2020), and
BiLSTMs (Huang et al., 2015; Lample et al., 2016).
However, the introduction of Transformers (Vaswani
et al., 2017) gave rise to more efficient tools for NLP,
such as BERT (Devlin et al., 2018), RoBERTa (Liu
et al., 2019), etc. With these improved language
models, there has been a significant improvement in
terms of research in NER. Nowadays, many BERT
language models take advantage of their underlying
transformer approach to produce a specific BERT
model fine-tuned for NER tasks in different languages
(Souza et al., 2019; Labusch et al., 2019; Jia et al.,
2020; Taher et al., 2020). There is also research done
for BERT in the legal domain that uses BERT for var-
ious legal tasks such as topic modeling (Silveira et al.,
2021), legal norm retrieval (Wehnert et al., 2021), and
legal case retrieval (Shao et al., 2020).
However, when it comes to NER in the legal do-
main, it remains to be explored in detail, mainly
due to the lack of uniform typology of named enti-
ties’ semantic concepts and the lack of publicly avail-
able datasets with named entities annotations (Leitner
et al., 2020). In 2019, Leitner et al. (Leitner et al.,
2019) published their work on this concept that em-
ploys CRFs and BiLSTMs and achieved above 90%
F1 scores. Later, they also published the dataset on
which they managed to achieve these results. How-
Darji, H., Mitrovi
c, J. and Granitzer, M.
German BERT Model for Legal Named Entity Recognition.
DOI: 10.5220/0011749400003393
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2023) - Volume 3, pages 723-728
ISBN: 978-989-758-623-1; ISSN: 2184-433X
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
ever, there is very minimal research done on using
more efficient and improved language models, such
as BERT or RoBERTa for the task of NER in the legal
domain. In this paper, we use the same dataset to fine-
tune a pre-trained German BERT model (Chan et al.,
2020). This German BERT model is trained on 6 GB
of German Wikipedia, 2.4 GB of OpenLegalData
and 3.6 GB of news articles. We make this fine-tuned
model publicly available in the HuggingFace library
Named Entity Recognition and Resolution on legal
documents from US courts was performed by (Dozier
et al., 2010). These documents consist of US case
laws, depositions, pleadings, and other trial docu-
ments. The authors used lookup, context rules, and
statistical models for the NER task. The lookup
method simply creates a list of required named en-
tities and tags all mentioned elements in the list as
entities of the given type. This method is suscepti-
ble to false negatives due to a lack of contextual cues
in lookup taggers. The contextual rules method takes
into account the contextual cues, for example, in the
legal context, a word sequence followed by “§” repre-
sents a law reference. However, this method requires
a large dataset with manual annotations. Statistical
models assign weights to cues based on their prob-
abilities and statistical concepts. However, as with
the contextual rules method, this also requires a large
amount of manually annotated data. The authors de-
veloped taggers for Jurisdiction, Court, Title, Doc-
type, and Judge with F1 of 91.72, 84.70, 81.95, 82.42,
and 83.01, respectively.
For German legal documents, legal NER work
was performed by (Leitner et al., 2019). For this
purpose, the authors created and published their own
open-source dataset consisting of 67,000 sentences
and 54,000 annotated entities. The authors used this
dataset to train Conditional Random Fields (CRFs)
and bidirectional Long-Short Term Memory Net-
works (BiLSTMs). Experimental results showed that
BiLSTMs achieve an F1 score of 95.46 and 95.95
for the fine-grained and coarse-grained classes, re-
spectively. In the same year, (Luz de Araujo et al.,
2018) published their work on Named Entity Recog-
nition in Brazilian Legal Text using LSTM-CRF on
the LeNER-Br dataset and reported an F1 score of
97.04 and 88.82 for legislation and legal case enti-
ties, respectively. The authors created the LeNER-Br
dataset by collecting a total of 66 legal documents
from Brazilian courts. To have a baseline perfor-
mance, the authors first performed experiments on the
Paramopama corpus (J
unior et al., 2015).
Based on the success of LSTM-CRF models,
many researchers conducted experiments in different
languages and reported state-of-the-art performance
in their respective languages (Pais et al., ; C¸ etinda
et al., 2022). As can be seen in these works, a lot of
research focused on NER tasks in the legal domain is
done by BiLSTMs and CRFs. However, there is only
a handful of research is done using transformer-based
language models. The following research shows that
in most cases these transformer-based language mod-
els outperform LSTM-CRF models.
The impact of intradomain fine-tuning of deep
language models, namely ELMo (Sarzynska-Wawer
et al., 2021) and BERT, for Legal NER in Portuguese
was studied by (Bonifacio et al., 2020). The au-
thors evaluated language models on three different
NER tasks, HAREM (Freitas et al., 2010), LeNER-
Br (Luz de Araujo et al., 2018), and DrugSeizures-
. As for the methodology of their experiments, the
authors fine-tuned deep LMs pretrained on general-
domain corpus on a legal-domain corpus, and super-
vised training was done on a NER task. The baseline
for these experiments is achieved by skipping the fine-
tuning process. Based on the experimental results, the
authors conclude that legal-domain language models
outperform general-domain language models in the
case of LeNER-Br and DruSeizures-Br. It reduces the
performance in the case of HAREM.
BERT-BiLSTM-CRF model, proposed by (Gu
et al., 2020), first used a pre-trained BERT model
to generate word vectors and then fed these vectors
to a BiLSTM-CRF model for training. The dataset
used by the authors consisted of over 2 million words
with legal context. As stated by the authors, this
data is collected from the People’s Procuratorate case
information disclosure network, the judgment docu-
ment network, the Supreme People’s Court trial busi-
ness guidance cases, the public case published by
the Supreme People’s Court Gazette, and the judicial
dictionary “Compilation of China’s Current Law”.
The experiment results show their model outperforms
with 88.86, 87.49, and 87.97 precision, recall, and F1-
score, respectively.
(Aibek et al., 2020) developed a prototype of the
“Smart Judge Assistant”, SJA, recommender system.
While developing this prototype, the authors faced the
challenge of hiding the personal data of concerned
The public agency for law enforcement and prosecu-
tion of crimes in the Brazilian state of Mato Grosso do Sul.
ICAART 2023 - 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
parties. To solve this problem, they used several NER
models, namely CRF, LSTM with character embed-
dings, LSTM-CRF, and BERT, to extract personal in-
formation in Russian and Kazakh languages. Out of
all five NER models used, BERT shows the highest
F1 score of 87.
In addition to the above-mentioned research
works, there also exist works in different languages
(Souza et al., 2019; Zanuz and Rigo, 2022). How-
ever, to the best of our knowledge, there is yet to
be any work done when it comes to developing a
transformer-based language model, BERT, for the le-
gal domain in the German language. Therefore, as
stated in section 1, in this paper, we aim to use the
dataset from (Leitner et al., 2020) to fine-tune a pre-
trained German BERT model.
We use the Legal Entity Recognition (LER) dataset
published by Leitner et al. in 2020. This dataset
was constructed using texts gathered from the XML
documents of 750 court decisions from 2017 and
2018 from “Rechtsprechung im Internet”
. It in-
cludes 107 documents from the following seven fed-
eral courts: Federal Labour Court (BAG), Federal
Fiscal Court (BFH), Federal Court of Justice (BGH),
Federal Patent Court (BPatG), Federal Social Court
(BSG), Federal Constitutional Court (BVerfG), and
Federal Administrative Court (BVerwG). This data
was collected from Mitwirkung, Titelzeile, Leitsatz,
Tenor, Tatbestand, Entscheidungsgr
unde, Gr
abweichende Meinung, and sonstiger Titel XML el-
ements of corresponding XML documents. As shown
in Table 1, it contains a total of 66,723 sentences with
2,157,048 tokens, including punctuation.
Table 1: Dataset statistics (Leitner et al., 2020).
Court Documents Tokens Sentences
BAG 107 343,065 12,791
BFH 107 276,233 8,522
BGH 108 177,835 5,858
BPatG 107 404,041 12,016
BSG 107 302,161 8,083
BVerfG 107 305,889 9,237
BVerwG 107 347,824 10,216
Total 750 2,157,048 66,723
This dataset comprises seven coarse-grained
classes: Person (PER), Location (LOC), Organiza-
tion (ORG), Legal norm (NRM), Case-by-case regu-
lation (REG), Court decision (RS), and Legal litera-
ture (LIT).
These seven coarse-grained classes are then fur-
ther categorized into 19 fine-grained classes: Person
(PER), Judge (RR), Lawyer (AN), Country (LD),
City (ST), Street (STR), Landscape (LDS), Orga-
nization (ORG), Company (UN), Institution (INN),
Court (GRT), Brand (MRK), Law (GS), Ordinance
(VO), European legal norm (EUN), Regulation (VS),
Contract (VT), Court decision (RS), Legal literature
Table 1 in (Leitner et al., 2020) shows the distri-
bution of both classes in the dataset. As shown in
that table, classes related to the legal domain, namely
Legal norm, Case-by-case regulation, Court decision,
and Legal literature make up a total of 39,872 anno-
tated NEs, which 74.34% of the total annotated NEs.
This dataset is publicly available
in CoNLL-2002
format (Sang and De Meulder, 2003). It follows IOB-
tagging, where prefix B- denotes the beginning of the
chunk, prefix I- denotes the inside of the chunk, and
prefix O- denotes the outside of the chunk. In the legal
context, consider Table 2:
Table 2: An example of IOB-tagging in the legal context.
Here, GRT stands for Court and GS stands for Law.
Chunk IOB-Tag
Das O
Bundesarbeitsgericht B-GRT
ist O
§ B-GS
9Abs. I-GS
2Satz I-GS
iVm. O
4.1 German BERT
The German BERT model was published by deepset
in 2019. As mentioned by the authors of this
state-of-the-art BERT model for the German lan-
guage, it significantly outperforms Google’s mul-
tilingual BERT model on all 5 downstream NLP
tasks we’ve evaluated”, namely, germEval18Fine
German BERT Model for Legal Named Entity Recognition
germEval18Coarse, germEval14
, and
. Figure 1 shows the relative performance
of all five downstream tasks on seven different model
checkpoints for up to 840k training steps.
Figure 1: Relative performance of 5 different downstream
tasks on 7 models checkpoints(deepset, 2020).
4.2 Fine-Tuning and Results
We compare the performance of our model with the
BiLSTM-CRF+ model from (Leitner et al., 2019). To
ensure that our model is generalized, i.e.that it does
not rely on a portion of a dataset, we performed a
stratified 10-fold cross-validation. During each cross-
validation loop, we use one fold of the dataset as
a validation set, while the remaining nine are used
for training purposes. In each loop, we fine-tune the
German BERT model for seven epochs. This cross-
validation also helps in confirming that our model is
not over-fitting.
Table 3 compares the individual performance
scores of our model and BiLSTM-CRF+ model for
each fine-grained class in the dataset. The reason
for choosing the BiLSTM-CRF+ model to compare
our performance to is because it has been proven to
achieve better performance than CRFs for NER tasks
on German legal documents (Leitner et al., 2019).
The higher performance of our fine-tuned model can
also be attributed to the fact that one of the datasets
used for training the underlying German BERT model
comes from OpenLegalData.
4.3 Published Fine-Tuned Model
Due to the satisfying performance of our fine-tuned
German BERT model, we decided to open-source it
on HuggingFace
. This model can be used with
both popular frameworks, i.e. PyTorch
and Tensor-
9 ner evals/tree/
. HuggingFace also provides a “Hosted infer-
ence API”
that allows users to load and test a model
in the browser. Figure 2 shows an example output of
our model via this hosted interface API service.
Figure 2: An example output of our German BERT for Le-
gal NER model.
In order to fill the gap of having a proper Legal NER
language model in the German language, we fine-
tuned a state-of-the-art German BERT on the Le-
gal Entity Recognition dataset on an Nvidia GeForce
RTX GPU with a batch size of 64. It took 7 epochs
for the fine-tuned model to achieve a very good per-
If we look at the performance of individual fine-
grained entities, in most cases, it outperforms the
BiLSTM-CRF+ model used by the authors of the
LER dataset. The only classes where our model sig-
nificantly lags behind are Country, Brand, and Land-
scape. The performance on these classes can further
be improved by having more examples of such in-
stances in the dataset, as currently, only a couple of
ICAART 2023 - 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Table 3: The performance of our fine-tuned German BERT model and the BiLSTM-CRF+ model for each individual fine-
grained class.
Class Our model BiLSTM-CRF+
Precision Recall F1 Precision Recall F1
Person 91.48 91.09 91.29 90.78 92.24 91.45
Judge 98.72 99.53 99.12 98.37 99.21 98.78
Lawyer 96.49 85.94 90.91 86.18 90.59 87.07
Country 92.51 94.2 93.34 96.52 96.81 96.66
City 88.21 89.92 89.06 82.58 89.06 85.60
Street 85.57 81.37 83.42 81.82 75.78 77.91
Landscape 68.49 68.49 68.49 78.50 80.20 78.25
Organization 89.11 92.22 90.64 82.70 80.18 81.28
Company 97.16 97.37 97.27 90.05 88.11 89.04
Institution 94.05 94.05 94.05 89.99 92.40 91.17
Court 97.3 98.02 97.66 97.72 98.24 97.98
Brand 81.86 54.57 65.49 83.04 76.25 79.17
Law 99.36 99.23 99.29 98.34 98.51 98.42
Ordinance 94.46 96.72 95.58 92.29 92.96 92.58
European legal norm 95.36 98.13 96.73 92.16 92.63 92.37
Regulation 89.94 87.99 88.95 85.14 78.87 81.63
Contract 96.52 95.08 95.79 92.00 92.64 92.31
Court decision 99.25 99.52 99.39 96.70 96.73 96.71
Legal literature 96.91 95.57 96.24 94.34 93.94 94.14
hundred of them exist compared to Law or Court de-
The project on which this report is based was funded
by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Re-
search (BMBF) under the funding code 01—S20049,
and also partially by the project DEEP WRITE (Grant
No. 16DHBKI059). The author is responsible for the
content of this publication.
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ICAART 2023 - 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence