A Systematic Mapping Study on Quantum Circuits Design Patterns
Sergio Jim
, Jos
e A. Cruz-Lemus
and Mario Piattini
Institute of Technologies and Information Systems & Escuela Superior de Inform
atica, University of Castilla-La Mancha,
13071, Ciudad Real, Spain
Quantum Circuits, Patterns, SMS.
Introduction. In order to study quantum software’s quality, the use of patterns for designing quantum circuits
is quite an unexplored field whereas a promising one too. Method. This work aims to discover the current
state of the art of quantum circuits design patterns by searching the literature via a Systematic Mapping Study.
Results. The search space was formed by 1327 studies in three different databases for a final result of 15
primary studies. Conclusions. These studies include a taxonomy for different design patterns over quantum
A quantum circuit is normally defined as a set of
quantum gates to be applied to a set of qubits. Ac-
cording to (Ozols and Walter, 2021) a quantum circuit
has three main parts:
1. An initial state, usually starting with every qubit
in state
2. A sequence of quantum gates acting over a set
of qubits (normally from one qubit up to three or
even more).
3. A set of measurements to extract the information
after applying all the quantum gates.
Design patterns (DP) have traditionally been used
at the design phase of the development of classic
software systems (Budgen, 2013)(Gray, 1996)(Rosal,
2014). The use of DP in classic computing has meant
a huge advance in the design phase of every software
development life cycle, as it helps leading to better de-
signs so that higher quality software solutions can be
achieved. DP allow us to focus on an specific Object-
Oriented challenge by naming, abstracting and iden-
tifying the main aspects of the class design used for
solving that problem. For that, DP identify the dif-
ferent classes designed and gives each class a role for
solving the problem (Gamma et al., 1994).
Considering the rise of Quantum Computing
(QC), we consider that there is a gap in QC finding
and using DP when designing quantum circuits, so
that the quality of these is improved. This is cer-
tainly a relevant subject to be taken into account in
order to follow many of the principles of the Talav-
era Manifesto for quantum software engineering and
programming (Piattini et al., 2020) and thus, it might
be helpful for improving different quality aspects of
quantum circuits which will affect the quality of the
quantum software programmed from them, including
several well-known quality characteristics such as the
understandability (Cruz-Lemus et al., 2021) or even
the maintenance of quantum/hybrid software systems
(Piattini et al., 2021).
In this Manifesto, several principles and commit-
ments are exposed for the sake of reaching a correct
and formal growth of the Quantum Software Engi-
neering (QSE) so that a high quality quantum soft-
ware development process can be achieved. Keep-
ing this in mind, we consider that DP may contribute
to increase the quality of quantum circuits, as they
have traditionally done with models in classic soft-
ware (Budgen, 2013)(Gray, 1996)(Rosal, 2014).
Within this context, we have performed a System-
atic Mapping Study (SMS) based on the methodology
by Petersen et al. (Petersen et al., 2008). A SMS is
a secondary study with a wide scope aiming to pro-
vide a global view about certain topic (design pat-
terns for quantum circuits in our case) and identify
the amount and kind of research already performed.
A total of 1327 studies were analyzed, resulting in 41
potential candidates, leading to a primary studies list
(PSL) with 15 items. We think that the obtained re-
Jiménez-Fernández, S., Cruz-Lemus, J. and Piattini, M.
A Systematic Mapping Study on Quantum Circuits Design Patterns.
DOI: 10.5220/0011744000003467
In Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2023) - Volume 2, pages 109-116
ISBN: 978-989-758-648-4; ISSN: 2184-4992
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
sults could benefit: (i) future researchers studying the
quantum DP field and (ii) quantum software develop-
ment companies interested in improving the quality of
their systems by means of QSE principles.
The remainder of the paper is organized as fol-
lows: Section 2 defines the methodology followed
for developing the SMS. The answers to the research
questions expressed in the previous section are de-
tailed in Section 3. Also, the different potential threats
to validity are explained in Section 4. To conclude, in
Section 5 some ideas for future works and some con-
clusion are proposed.
2.1 Planning the Review
As aforementioned, we performed a SMS based on
the proposed process by Petersen et al. (Petersen
et al., 2008) combined with the backward snowballing
. The mapping was performed by the first
author and was constantly supervised by the other
two authors. The methodology and its stages are ex-
plained throughout this section.
2.1.1 Protocol Definition
Three different stages were performed (see Figure 1):
1. Planning the Review: Define the protocol, the se-
lection criteria and the research questions among
other items.
2. Performing the Review: Process all the search
space and obtain the PSL as well as classifying
all the studies found.
3. Reporting the Review: Answer the research ques-
tions and obtain the conclusions.
2.1.2 Research Questions
Bearing the goal of the study in mind, the following
research questions have been defined:
RQ1: Which kind of publications have been done
about DP in QC?
RQ2: Which are the core research topics about
DP in QC?
RQ3: Which are the main advances regarding the
definition and/or detection of DP in quantum cir-
Process consisting on performing the selection strategy
over each study in the references section from an article and,
if applicable, add it to the PSL (Wohlin, 2014).
2.1.3 Selection Criteria
In order to minimize the threats to validity of the
study, a set of inclusion and exclusion criteria (IC
and EC
) were defined. The inclusion criteria (IC
used were:
: Studies expressing explicitly its aim of con-
tributing in the DP in quantum circuits in the ab-
stract and/or title.
: Studies dated between 1980 and 2022.
: Studies labeled in any of these fields: Com-
puter Science, Mathematics, and Engineering.
The start date was 1980 since that is the year when
Paul Benioff proposed his “Quantum Model of the
Turing Machine” (Benioff, 1980), which was consid-
ered as a seminal work.
On the other hand, the applied exclusion criteria
: Studies not written in English.
: Studies mentioning patterns but not being
proper DP (e.g., light patterns, encoding-based
patterns, etcetera).
: Studies related to Quantum Annealing
(QA). QA presents a series of differences with re-
spect to quantum circuits such as:
1. Atomic information level is considered differ-
ently, in other words, a qubit in a gate-based
circuit behaves differently to a qubit within a
QA algorithm, and so, the way of manipulating
the information is not the same.
2. The types of problems to be solved within each
model are different. More specifically, QA
focuses on optimization problems while gate-
based has a wider problems scope.
For this purpose, in the second phase of the SMS,
the appropriate queries were launched to three scien-
tific databases: SCOPUS, arXiv, and Google Scholar.
Consequently, all the resulting studies passed through
two filtering stages by applying all the aforemen-
tioned exclusion and inclusion criteria. All those ar-
ticles passing the first filtering stage were considered
as potential candidates. Finally, all the potential can-
didates went through the last riddling stage. Those
studies (primary studies) passing this stage became
part of the PSL and were classified and processed for
answering the research questions.
2.1.4 Search String
The search string used, bearing in mind the selection
criteria was:
(design pattern) AND
(quantum AND (circuit OR computing))
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 1: SMS methodology steps.
2.2 Data Extraction
To acquire quantitative and qualitative information for
answering our research questions, the following data
were extracted from each primary study:
1. Document title.
2. Authors.
3. Publication date/year.
4. Type of publication (RQ1).
5. Research subject (RQ2 & RQ3).
After applying the explained strategy, we found 904
articles matching the search string on SCOPUS. From
those, 30 were considered possible candidates but
only eight of them were selected as primary studies.
In arXiv, 122 publications were initially found
plus one more due to snowballing. From them,
seven were considered possible candidates and three
of them were finally included as a primary studies.
For Google Scholar, we analyzed the first 300 re-
sults that appeared in the search result. The vast ma-
jority of the results were far from matching the se-
lection criteria or had already been found in SCO-
PUS or arXiv. Also one more citation was obtained
from Scholar proposed in later reviews. However,
four more publications were tagged as potential can-
didates and later as primary studies.
This way, the final PSL contained 15 primary
studies. The complete list with the references can be
found in an Appendix at the end of the document. Fig-
ure 2 graphically summarizes all this process.
The first remarkable fact to highlight is the low
number of publications found (see Figure 3). Despite
the quick evolution experienced in the recent years,
QC is an area still in it infancy, especially in some spe-
cific fields such the use of design patterns for quantum
circuits. Anyhow, in the recent years it seems to be a
increasing interest in the topic.
Additionally, Table 1 shows a ranking of the most
contributing authors in DP for quantum circuits.
Table 1: Most contributing authors ranking.
Name # publications
Houshmand, M. 4
Sedighi M. 4
Zamani, M.S. 4
Eslamy, M. 2
Leymann, F. 2
Samavatian, M.H. 2
3.1 RQ1: Types of Publications
According to the results found in Table 2, there is not
a predominant type of publication related to DP in
QC. The number of works published in journals (5),
conferences (5) and pre-prints included in arXiv (5)
-labelled as Other in Table 2- is quite similar. It is
interesting to highlight that there are no books pub-
lished about this topic yet. Once again, we consider
that the topic is still in its early development stages
and these numbers will grow in the future.
Table 2: RQ1 results.
Category # publications Percentage
Journal 5 33.33%
Conferences 5 33.33%
Books 0 0.00%
Other 5 33.33%
A Systematic Mapping Study on Quantum Circuits Design Patterns
Figure 2: Search protocol summary.
Figure 3: Publications per year.
3.2 RQ2: Core Research Topics
Table 3 provides information about the different top-
ics on which the works in the PSL were based. Most
of them (8 out of 15) were focused on 1WQC
surement patterns. This approach uses only mea-
surements as operational units applied over a set of
qubits by establishing “measurement patterns”. Be-
sides, three publications are focused on pattern lan-
guages and models for quantum circuits, two are fo-
cused on pattern matching and, finally, two on pat-
terns in hybrid quantum/classic algorithms.
These numbers seem to show how the 1WQC
Measurement Patterns trend the search space on
quantum patterns. Later in Sections 3.3 and 5 some
differences between the concepts of DP and measure-
ment patterns will be dealt with.
One Way Quantum Computing
3.3 RQ3: Main Advances in DP for
Quantum Circuits
In spite of being such an unexplored subject, several
promising results and research topics were found.
In the previous sub-section, we already intro-
duced the 1WQC. It describes a model within the
Measurement-Based Quantum Computing (MBQC).
The MBQC proposes performing quantum computa-
tions using only measurement as computational steps
(Jozsa, 2005). Knowing this, 1WQC proposes a quan-
tum computing model that works by only performing
a sequence of one-qubit measurements (also known
as “measurement patterns”) on a particular entangled
multi-qubit state, the cluster state (Raussendorf et al.,
Another noteworthy study is (P
erez-Castillo and
Piattini, 2022), which proposes a continuous UML
flow for designing hybrid systems. Within all the pre-
sented UML abstractions, we can highlight a poten-
tial pattern presented in subsection 4.3 for designing
a hybrid behaviour involving a request from a classi-
cal system to the “Quantum Driver”, named Quantum
Request. Nevertheless, we do not consider it as a DP
for quantum circuits since it is defining a behaviour in
a higher abstraction level (hybrid system).
Moreover, we found quite an interesting piece of
work, actually and directly related with DP for quan-
tum circuits (Leymann, 2019). In this article, it is
explained what is a DP in classic Software Engi-
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Table 3: Core research topics and RQ2 results.
Main Subject # publications Percentage
1WQC measurement patterns 8 53.33%
Patterns in hybrid algorithms 2 13.33%
Pattern languages/models 3 20%
Pattern mining over quantum circuits 2 13.33%
neering and its importance when designing software
systems. Furthermore, the work states the different
points that any pattern description should have and,
later, defines a set of patterns for quantum circuits.
For the design of those patterns, the same strategy
than in classic Software Engineering was followed:
first finding recurring problems when designing quan-
tum circuits and then composing an optimal solution
for them. The complete description of these patterns
can be found in (Leymann, 2019), but in short, they
could be stated as:
1. Initialization: a set of state preparation or ini-
tialization operations are described.
2. Uniform Superposition: an uniform superposi-
tion can be achieved by initializing all the n qubits
as the unit vector
and applying a Hadamard
gate afterwards.
3. Creating Entanglement: it is a commonly used
yet powerful mechanism in QC.
4. Function Table: used for optimizing computa-
tion time.
5. Oracle: it is another commonly used concept in
quantum algorithms.
6. Uncompute: this patterns manages the “undo”
computations needed to be performed over aux-
iliary or ancillae qubits.
7. Phase Shift: used to encode the fitness of a solu-
tion to an algorithm.
8. Amplitude Amplification: used to increase the
probability of measuring an specific value by am-
plifying the amplitude of a state.
9. Speedup Via Verifying: an approach for reach-
ing different solutions in an algorithm.
10. Quantum-Classic Split: used for distributing the
computational work between classic and quantum
computers in hybrid systems.
It is important to highlight that this list is nor
closed neither finished, as it is clarified on the article,
but means quite a solid basis to start from in future
works. Besides, we think that more than one of these
patterns can be found within the same quantum cir-
cuit. This work also provides several considerations
on the use of DP in classic software engineering and
the marriage between the abstract concept of a pat-
tern, i.e., the abstraction technology-agnostic that a
pattern proposes and how it is implemented actually
in real software systems.
Furthermore, we consider important to highlight
the Quantum Computing Patterns
web. This web-
site collects the definitions of several patterns, quan-
tum circuit entities and even quantum algorithms. The
last category of patterns in this website is based on
the previously commented article (Leymann, 2019).
We also analyzed the rest of article references in the
web page but we believe that the concepts and enti-
ties exposed do not exactly fit with the definition of
DP explained in Section 1. Due to this reason, neither
those articles nor the quantum circuit entities exposed
in them were considered for their inclusion as part of
the results. These articles are: (Weigold et al., 2020),
(Weigold et al., 2021a), and (Weigold et al., 2021b).
In order to check how these DP apply on a
Quantum Circuit, Figure 4 presents an example by
analysing Grover’s Algorithm (Grover, 1996). Basi-
cally, this well-known algorithm is capable of find-
ing an element within an unsorted search space with a
complexity of O(
N), being N the size of the search
We can find four out of the ten patterns provided
in the previous list on this example:
Initialization, quantum algorithms usually re-
quire the initialization of the qubits involved. In
this case, Grover’s Algorithm needs to initialize
all of them to the
state (see the left-most part
of the circuit in Figure 4).
Uniform Superposition, highlighted in blue in
Figure 4. All the qubits involved in the algo-
rithm are initialized in a
state and, later, a
Hadamard gate is applied to them. This way, the
search space created is equiprobable.
Oracle, highlighted in red in Figure 4. In this al-
gorithm, an oracle is used to revert the amplitude
of the intended solution.
Amplitude Amplification, highlighted in green
in Figure 4. The last step of the algorithm re-
quires to increase the probability of the previously
reversed solution.
A Systematic Mapping Study on Quantum Circuits Design Patterns
uniform superposition
amplitude amplification
... ... ...
Figure 4: Design patterns in Grover’s Algorithm.
The first threat to validity is the power and accuracy
of the search string. Prior to starting the review, we
familiarized with the field of DP for quantum cir-
cuits and used several synonyms and key concepts
for the search strategy. After several iterations, all
the authors agreed on the final search string. Further-
more, in the literature search strategy, we aimed to
retrieve as many relevant studies as possible. To do
so, the main scientific databases in QC research with
the most extensive coverage were chosen: SCOPUS,
arXiv, and Google Scholar. The use of arXiv is es-
pecially important in the field of Quantum Comput-
ing as, being it a novel discipline, there is a certain
number of publications in pre-print phase which are
shared in the repository.
Regarding the data extraction and selection pro-
cess, the filtering and classification stages were per-
formed manually by only one researcher to ensure
that all studies were reviewed with the same criteria.
The inexperience of the first author could be also con-
sidered as a thread to validity. Despite this, continu-
ous reviews and corrections have been done through-
out the whole process.
Once we have performed the qualitative and quanti-
tative synthesis of the extracted data, we can present
the main conclusions obtained.
The number of primary studies found is small, but
in the recent years the number of studies is increas-
ing. This might imply a growing interest in this novel
topic, once researchers are becoming aware of the im-
portance of using these kind of elements for establish-
ing the foundations of the QSE (Piattini et al., 2020).
We have discovered that the most published topic
in the field are the One-Way Quantum Computing
Measurement Patterns (Raussendorf et al., 2002).
But, as we remarked in Section 3 definition, these
measurement patterns are not properly DP as we de-
scribed them in Section 1.
We have identified a list of authors holding the
current knowledge about DP for quantum circuits, es-
pecially the main contribution provided by (Leymann,
2019). This works offers an interesting seminal tax-
onomy for different DP for quantum circuits.
As future work, we believe that there exists several
possibilities for research inside this subject, mainly:
Increase the patterns list proposed in (Leymann,
Pondering to start using those patterns in actual
quantum software systems.
From a more practical point of view, a strongly vi-
able project implementing all these ideas could be the
development of a tool for detecting quantum patterns
in quantum circuits. It should be able to detect which
(sub-)problems a quantum circuit is solving and so:
(i) warn the developer to use the adequate pattern(s)
when designing a suitable solution; (ii) match some
patterns used in classic software engineering which
might show benefits in quantum circuits design; (iii)
if needed, register and formalize it as a new pattern
establishing a constant line of feedback.
The authors would like to thank all the aQuan-
tum members, especially Guido Peterssen and Pepe
Hevia, for their continuous and valuable help and sup-
This work was partially funded by the “QHealth:
Quantum Pharmacogenomics Applied to Aging”
project (EXP 00135977 / MIG-20201059), part
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
of the 2020 CDTI Missions Program (Center
for the Development of Industrial Technology
of the Ministry of Science and Innovation of
Spain), the R+D+d project PID2020-112540RB-
C42, AETHER-UCLM (A smart data holistic ap-
proach for context-aware data analytics), funded by
MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033/, and the QU-
ASAP project “QUAntum Software modernizA-
tions Prototype” (PDC2022-133051-I00), funded by
MCIN/ AEI/10.13039/501100011033/ and the Euro-
pean Union NextGenerationEU.
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The studies in the PSL correspond to the following
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(Duncan and Perdrix, 2010)
(Eslamy et al., 2016)
(Eslamy et al., 2018)
(Gilliam et al., 2019)
(Houshmand et al., 2012)
(Houshmand et al., 2015)
(Iten et al., 2022)
(Jang et al., 2021)
(Leymann, 2019)
(Lomont, 2003)
(Maslov et al., 2005)
erez-Castillo and Piattini, 2022)
(Pius and Silva, 2015)
(Simmons, 2021)
(Weigold et al., 2021c)
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems