Fit-Twin: A Digital Twin of a User with Wearables and Context as
Input for Health Promotion
Muhammad Sulaiman, Anne Håkansson and Randi Karlsen
Department of Computer Science, UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø, Norway
Keywords: Digital Twins, Proactive Health, Wearables, Artificial Intelligence, Health Promotion.
Abstract: Digital health contributes to health promotion by empowering the user with the holistic view of their health.
Health promotion is to enable the user to take control over their health. The availability of wearables has
contributed to the shift in healthcare, that is more connected, predictive, and proactive. Proactive in healthcare
is to predict and prevent a situation, beforehand. This shift in healthcare puts the user in charge of most health-
related decisions. Innovative technologies like AI already contribute to the cause by applying reasoning and
negotiation to the collected health data to provide timely interventions to the user. The availability of real-
time data from sensors that the user wears all the time allows more opportunities with new health insights.
One such prospect is the use of digital twins, which provides personalization and precision. Digital twins also
allow risk-free modelling for more accurate outcomes. A user digital twin is not just a virtual replica, but it
combines all the factors that can impact the user. The context of the user is a prominent factor in healthcare.
The paper establishes the need for digital twins in health promotion. In this paper, a Fit-twin is presented that
mimics a user with wearables and the user context as input. The Fit-twin is implemented using Azure digital
twins, Fitbit charge, and local context API. This allows one-way communication between the user and the
Fit-twin. The outcome is a user digital twin that can be used for health promotion by applying predictive
Well-being is the combination of factors associated
with lifestyle, health, living circumstances, and
economic situation (CDC, 2018). The increase in
well-being will have a positive impact on the health
of a user. Boost in well-being directly impact better
productivity in individuals (CDC, 2018).
Health promotion is directly associated with well-
being of an individual. Health promotion is to enable
people to increase control over their health (WHO,
Health promotion). This increased control leads to
user-empowerment which can then improve wellness.
Enabling users to take control of their health is the
shift in healthcare that gives the user an active role.
The paradigm shift is essential because healthcare
is dealing with many obstacles (CDC - Global Health
2022), some of these are related to practical issues:
the shortage of resources, and the hospital's ability to
cope (CDC - Global Health 2022). But some
challenges are part of the health approach, for
example, the reactive approach, which is to wait for
something to happen, an example of crisis
management. This reactive approach (Alexis Wise,
2020) is useful, but it depreciates user-empowerment.
Digital health can contribute to this by supporting and
making healthcare more real-time (Argyres et al.,
2022), providing the tools that enable the user with
the holistic view of their health.
This shift establishes that future healthcare will be
more connected, predictive, and proactive (Deloitte,
2021). Proactive in healthcare is to predict and
prevent a situation beforehand, before becoming sick
(Sulaiman et al., 2021). This enables care that
empowers the user to promote health and well-being.
A definition of healthcare also emphasizes this shift:
"health is the ability to adapt and to self-manage, in
the face of social, physical and emotional challenges"
(Huber et al., 2016). The goal of this shift is to
establish user empowerment to support healthcare.
Digital health can contribute to the cause by
providing the tools (Marwaha et al., 2022). Newly
available devices that the user can wear furnish new
insights into the health information of the user. This
information was not part of the traditional health
systems. The information can be the bio-signals, and
Sulaiman, M., Håkansson, A. and Karlsen, R.
Fit-Twin: A Digital Twin of a User with Wearables and Context as Input for Health Promotion.
DOI: 10.5220/0011735900003414
In Proceedings of the 16th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2023) - Volume 5: HEALTHINF, pages 461-470
ISBN: 978-989-758-631-6; ISSN: 2184-4305
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
patterns of the user, for example, the activity data,
heart rate data, sleep data, and change in data after an
Wearable technology enables the user to
continuously monitor activities, behavior, daily
patterns, and other parameters. It is a combination of
sensors that a user wears on their body. The common
features are heart rate, activities, sleep data, SpO2,
and body temperature (Loucks et al., 2021). Some
advanced sensors also provide blood pressure,
electrocardiogram (ECG), and ballistocardiogram
(BCG) (Min Wu, 2021). These devices are worn by
the user on the wrist, head, finger, or other suitable
places. The data from wearables provide the basis for
user-empowerment to promote health. Wearables
also allow personalization by considering the
uniqueness of the user. This continuous abundance of
data also fuels the need for innovation with Artificial
Intelligence (AI) to analyze and provide support that
is tailored to user needs.
We are part of the fourth revolution in the
industry, also known as Industry 4.0. This
revolutionized most industries by shifting the focus
from manual to automation. IBM defines Industry 4.0
as "revolutionizing the way companies manufacture,
improve and distribute their products. Manufacturers
are integrating new technologies, including Internet
of Things (IoT), cloud computing and analytics, and
AI and machine learning into their production
facilities and throughout their operations." (IBM,
2022). This evolution also affects healthcare that is
adapting to the evolution by introducing healthcare
4.0 (Li & Carayon, 2021) which brings in new trends
with AI and robotics to provide better and cost-
effective healthcare. The goal is to provide healthcare
accessible to everyone and to implement automation
in clinical decision-making and enable early detection
and feedback.
Industry 4.0 also boosts an application area with
digital twins. Digital twin is defined as "A virtual
model designed to accurately reflect a physical
object. The object being studied for example, an
airplane — is outfitted with various sensors related to
vital areas of functionality. These sensors produce
data about different aspects of the physical object’s
performance, such as energy output, temperature,
weather conditions and more. This data is then
relayed to a processing system and applied to the
digital copy. " (IBM, digital twin 2022). A digital
twin is not merely a replica, but it considers the
dynamic context and all the factors associated with
the object. The digital twin market is growing and is
estimated to reach USD 48.2 billion by 2026 (IBM,
digital twin 2022).
The future of healthcare is also more personalized
(Deloitte, 2021), meaning every user is unique when
it comes to behavior and internal and contextual
states. The digital twin application in healthcare will
revolutionize personalization and precision medicine.
It will also allow more opportunities for health
promotion and well-being. The real-time data will
lead to more precise interventions and generate
possible improvements in the health of the user.
AI can contribute to this by applying algorithms
to the virtual representation, by analysing the data
from sensors and other heterogeneous sources. The
collected data can be combined to feed an AI model
(Agarwal, 2021) for predictive analytics. The model
can then provide timely interventions back to the real
asset. The data from the real-time object can allow
pattern recognition; to early detect and manage
health. A challenge would be the heterogenous data
streams because of multiple sensors and wearables.
This paper provides insights into innovations in
healthcare with digital twins. It also provides
fragments on how digital twins can be utilized for
health promotion and risk prevention, by
understanding the user as a twin, and the significance
of the context and states of the user. The later part of
the paper furnishes wearables as a source for digital
twins. Ultimately, a proof-of-concept implementation
of Fit-twin that uses Fitbit and Azure digital twins to
implement a digital twin of a user with the context.
The outcome is a Fit-twin that mimics the real user,
to collect data from wearables and the context in real-
time. This allows a one-way communication between
the user and the Fit-twin. Fit-twin will combine
multiple parameters of the user for predictive
analytics with AI to provide timely intervention back
to the user for health promotion.
A digital twin is not a new concept, in 1991, Micheal
Grieves (Grieves, 2007) defined the concept of the
digital twin in manufacturing: this accentuates it as a
process. The idea of a digital twin can even go back
to 1960 when NASA (Grieves, 2007) used it for a
space mission exploration to simulate.
The current evolution is because of the
availability of sensors, that can connect to the real
source and the computational power of AI to apply
algorithms to the generated data. One such existing
research presented, an intelligent personal MINI-Me
(Håkansson & Hartung, 2014) that allows contextual-
based decision-making for the individual.
Personalized data and context data are combined to
HEALTHINF 2023 - 16th International Conference on Health Informatics
create a MINI-Me that can interact with other devices
within its context. This MINI-Me motivated the
formation of Fit-twin, which uses personalized data
from wearables and context data to allow better
In healthcare, there are many application areas for
digital twins - some of these are a work in progress
(Hilary, 2021). The implementation of heart twin
(Coorey et al., 2022), allows cardiologists to monitor
heart performance for early detection. Another study
(Dan Bland, 2018) implemented hospital twins that
are used for workflow analysis, system redesign, and
process improvement methodologies.
Philips used device twins (Philips, 2021) for the
complex equipment to ease the maintenance of these
devices. A symptom tracker (Babylon, 2020) by
Babylon Health introduced the concept of symptom
tracking during covid-19 by connecting to the
wearables of the user. This is somewhat closer to the
concept of the digital twin of the user. The Table 1
shows some examples of digital twins in healthcare.
Table 1: Digital twins in healthcare.
ital twin Pur
Oxygen tank twin Used in hospital to track
real-time availability of
Precision-medicine A twin used to see impact
of the medicine given to an
Heart-twin Monitor heart of an
The related work highlights areas of digital twins’
implementation, within healthcare, but establishes
that no existing research, in particular, creates a
digital twin of the user for health promotion and risk
prevention. That also considers the states of the user;
both internal and contextual. This establishes that
digital twins using wearables as a source can provide
new insights into user-level decision-making. The
goal would be to empower the user with more
personalization and timely support.
A digital twin is defined as "a digital twin is a virtual
model to accurately reflect a physical object" (IBM,
digital twin 2022). The digital replica is a virtual
representation of a physical asset. The virtual copy is
a combination of all the elements, associated with that
asset. Digital twin connects real and virtual worlds
by binding them with real-time data. A change in a
physical asset can be seen on the digital twin
instantly. The digital twin is not a 3D model of a
physical object, but it includes all the parameters
where the asset exists and also considers risks. An
illustration is a digital twin of a car: that can collect
data from sensors attached to the real car. It includes
all the information about the car e.g., mechanical, and
electric parts. Also, the environment where the car
exists, weather, temperature, and traffic.
Information flow from the digital twin is a 2-way
process. First, the data is collected continuously from
the sensors. This is the real-time data, stored and fed
to the virtual twin. This is a one-way flow; the second
part is where the collected data models are formed
that can be predictive and preventive. These models
can then provide useful information back to the real
When it comes to health promotion with digital
twins it is noteworthy to consider health promotion as
the: "process of health promotion is more than the
absence of disease; it is a resource that allows people
to realize their aspirations, satisfy their needs and to
cope with the environment to live a long, productive,
and fruitful life." (CDC, 2018). This establishes that
user empowerment can significantly impact health,
and digital twins can allow personalization. A user is
part of a dynamic environment that is very
impressionistic, meaning it affects someone
differently, for instance, a higher pollen count can be
a bad situation for someone who is allergic to pollen.
This information is drawn from the user profile.
A digital twin is usually mixed with simulation,
although it allows simulation it is not just a
simulation. The difference is that a simulation is just
a process that does not need 2-way communication,
and does not need real-time data. The digital twin can
run multiple simulations but also considers real-time
data. The simulation focuses on a process to simulate
an outcome, it depreciates the need for states.
Digital twins for the health promotion of a user
must include all the parameters that can have an
impact on the user. The wearables will be the source
of health information in real time. The
communication to the user is characterized as 2-way.
This will be achieved by an intervention system that
allows timely intervention to the user and gets
feedback from the user.
To understand the parameters of a user, let us
consider the context of the user. The context is:
"the interrelated conditions in which something
exists or occurs" (Merriam-webster). A study
(Sulaiman et al., 2022) explained user context as
anything that can impact the user positively or
Fit-Twin: A Digital Twin of a User with Wearables and Context as Input for Health Promotion
negatively. Table 2 shows the context of the user with
some examples. Many different circumstances e.g.,
environment, and surroundings, can contribute to the
context. A user’s context is based on the location and
conditions where the user exists. Bad air quality can
have a bad impact and thus a part of the context of the
user. Context is dynamic with ever-changing
surroundings. A system must be adaptive to cope with
the dynamic changes in context.
Table 2: Context of the user.
air pollution,
threats, pollen count,
and outbreak
Another parameter is the user characteristics
which is the combination of behavior and daily
patterns. Table 3 shows the parameters of user
characteristics. The behaviors and daily patterns are
very unique, different users can act and distinctly
react to anything. For behavior change, it is important
to consider multiple factors considering the user.
When it comes to daily patterns, they depend on user
preferences, for instance, someone works during the
night and sleeps during the day.
Table 3: User characteristics.
Daily patterns Behavior
Step counts,
and other
and preferences
Finally, the user profile includes the physical and
other attributes of the user along with all the vitals.
This information is collected from the user explicitly
and implicitly. Table 4 presents the user-profile
example. The user profile also combines factors that
are the core component of the digital twins. The
physical and mental states and the current state of the
user are also formulated from the profile.
Table 4: User profile.
Vitals Heart rate, SpO2,
temperature, step-count,
activity, sleep, and
readiness score
Physical attributes Body mass index (BMI)
Family history Disease history
Location Actual location of the user
The next step after the formation of user
parameters is to look for sources and resources to
collect data from. Table 5 presents the sources
available for collecting data. The table also provides
extensive information for each of the parameters of
the user.
Table 5: User parameters with sources for input to the user-
Sources Parameters Actual source
Wearables Daily patterns,
activity data,
sudden changes
devices: Fitbit
APIs Weather, air
quality, Pollen,
warning or other
Sensors Humidity,
noise, rust, air-
Netatmo or a
Figure 1: A digital twin of the user with two modules.
Figure 1 presents the digital twin of a user with
two modules. The information collected and
combined can create a digital twin for the user. The
continuous data from the wearables and the context is
significantly important to have real-time changes in
user internal and contextual states. This information
is then used for feeding the digital twin and collecting
for modelling.
After determining the input of the digital twin, it is
specified that it requires continuous data from
multiple sources. Wearables are pivotal for
integrating user contextual data and personalized data
HEALTHINF 2023 - 16th International Conference on Health Informatics
as input. The paper presents a Fit-twin that uses
wearables as the input source. Wearables include
devices that users can wear, for instance, fitness
trackers and smartwatches (Loucks et al., 2021). They
are combined with different sensors that are designed
to collect data. These devices enable continuous
measurement of different body signals and
parameters. Wearables are divided into two main
types (Min Wu, 2021):
For health professionals
For consumers
In our use case of digital twins, the focus will be
on consumer-level wearables. These are further
divided into three categories.
Wearable Fitness Trackers. These are wrist activity
trackers that provide a sensor to collect information.
The common activity trackers are Fitbit (Fitbit, 2022),
Polar (Polar, 2022), Garmin (Garmin, 2022) and
others. They have overlapping features, Table 6
provides a comparison between some fitness trackers
Table 6: Wearables fitness trackers.
charge 5
Oura ring Mi band
us heart
ent score,
re, sleep
Sleep, heart
nt and
er, optical
heart rate
Sleep, heart
nt and
time, heart
rate, body
and sleep
er, optical
heart rate
us heart
ent score,
sleep and
Smart Health Watches. These are smartwatches that
are also capable of continuous measurement of body
signals and patterns. An example is the Apple Watch,
and Samsung watches. The new pixel watch is
another new addition to this category.
Wearable Biosensors. Wearable biosensors are used
for the continuous monitoring of different parameters
more accurately. A common illustration is the
continuous glucose monitoring sensor by Abbott.
Libre-2 sensors provide continuous monitoring and
alarms for blood glucose levels.
Figure 2: Wearable sensors (Rodrigues et al., 2018).
Figure 2 provides different sensors, their type, and
use-case. It also presents details on where the user can
wear these devices.
Figure 3: Holistic view of the user.
An example of a holistic view is shown in Figure
3. This holistic view of the user is provided by the
wearables. It is the first step towards digital twin
formation. The holistic view provides multiple
parameters about the user. It includes user daily
patterns, current state, data from sensors, and real-
time vitals.
A comparison in Table 7 is drawn between two
wearable devices for our use case. The first is a Fitbit
fitness tracker, and the second is the Oura ring 3. The
comparison furnishes details about the parameters
and features of both.
The head-to-head comparison shows that both
trackers are useful for collecting data from the user.
They can provide in-depth real-time data from
sensors. The data collected from these can be used as
input for our digital twin.
The next step is to compare the APIs of both
devices. The Fitbit API (Fitbit-API, 2022) provides
endpoints to integrate and collect data. The collected
data can be stored and processed to be used for input
to the digital twin. Oura ring also provides Oura API
V1 (Oura-API). The outcome of this comparison
shows that Oura ring is an excellent choice when it
comes to sleep tracking, but Fitbit leads the way as a
Fit-Twin: A Digital Twin of a User with Wearables and Context as Input for Health Promotion
multipurpose tracker. The Fitbit API is well-
established and documented.
Table 7: Comparison between Fitbit and Oura ring.
Fitbit features Oura ring
-Continuous heart rate
-SpO2 in sleep
-Activity tracker
-The time, duration, type
and intensity
-Active minutes
-Readiness score
-No temperature sensor
-Continuous heart rate
-SpO2 in sleep
-Activity tracker
-The time, duration, type
and intensity
-Only with MET for
activity tracking
-Readiness score
-Temperature sensor
Integration to Google Fit is still a work in
progress. Although Google acquired Fitbit some time
ago. There is no direct official syncing between the
platforms. A third-party (HealthSync) application is
used for syncing these together.
So, with this extensive comparison between
different wearables. It was concluded that Fitbit
would be an ideal choice for our use case. The data
from Fitbit would be fed to the digital twin. Fitbit
profile can also establish the user-profile setting
Choosing the wearable is a starting point for our
digital twin. The next step would be to collect data
from the context. In this use case, is used as a
source. The metrological API provides the following
features. (YR, 2022) as a Context Source. Weather
data, Met warning, Air-quality, Pollen, Storm, Ice
mapping, and ocean forecast.
Another choice would be to use indoor-outdoor
weather stations. These can be built using a
microcontroller and sensors. An example of an indoor
context station is given below.
Sensors with microcontroller:
Arduino Uno R3 (Arduino): A microcontroller
MQ-135 (MQ135): A gas sensor
BME 280 (Bosch): Temperature, humidity, and
pressure sensor
PM2.5 (Adafruit): Dust and particulate matter
Figure 4: Sources and resources for the user-twin.
After combining the sources and resources,
Figure 4 presents sources and resources to input for
the digital twin of a user. Fitbit as a wearable can
provide real-time data and collect daily patterns. The
Fitbit API can also provide user-profile information.
The contextual data can be collected from as a
resource. This data is based on the location of the
user. Other indoor sensors can be used for collecting
indoor contextual data.
After the identification of sources for input to the Fit-
twin. The next step is to implement each of the
components. Implementation components for the Fit-
twin are listed and briefly explained.
Fitbit Charge 5. It is a fitness tracker that is worn on
the wrist. It provides continuous measurement of
activity, heart rate, calories burned, active minutes,
breathing rate, and sleep. The collected information is
displayed on-screen or can be synced to the mobile
device. Fitbit charge 5 possesses multiple sensors
like an optical heart rate monitor, a 3-axis
accelerometer, built-in GPS + GLONASS, and red
and infrared sensors.
Fitbit Web API. Fitbit provides a public API for the
integration and collection of data. The data collected
is stored and then retrieved using the Web API. The
endpoints are accessible for the retrieval of data.
Examples of some end-point scopes are activity,
sleep, heart rate, location, and oxygen saturation. The
retrieved data is then stored and fed to the digital twin.
HEALTHINF 2023 - 16th International Conference on Health Informatics
466 YR provides a well-documented API for
metrological data. To integrate the context data for
our digital twin YR is a good source. The available
end-points are weather, warnings, air quality,
turbulence, icemap and ocean map. This data
incorporates current, daily, monthly, and yearly
information on temperature, precipitation, and wind.
5.1 Implementation Logic
When it comes to implementation the goal is to have
two digital twins combined with a relationship to
implement a one-user Fit-twin. The first step would
be, to understand how the user digital twin is created.
The user digital twin is a digital replica of an actual
user. It replicates and is in sync with the real user by
input stream of real-time data from the wearables.
Figure 5 demonstrates how the input works for the
user twin. The implementation is based on Azure
digital twins (Azure-DT). Azure furnishes a complete
implementation framework for creating digital twins.
Figure 5: Fit-twin with input stream.
In this proof-of-concept, two digital twins will be
implemented and connected to create a Fit-twin. The
first step is to create a model of both twins, define the
relationship, and connect this model to an actual
source to demonstrate a working Fit-twin.
5.1.1 Creating the Model
Azure provides Digital Twin Definition Language
(DTDL), which uses JSON-LD, a method to encode
linked data to create a model of a twin. This model is
a combination of the interface that requires four key
components, based on our use case. The key segments
are presented with the two models, User-model and
the context model.
User Model
Properties: User profile: ID, Physical attributes,
Telemetry: Heart rate, SpO2, Activity, Sleep
Components: When we want to combine models,
in this case, we will add the context model as part
of it.
Relationships: It defines the user model
relationship with the context.
Context model
Properties: Location of the user
Telemetry: Weather, air quality, temperature,
Components: Add the user model as part of the
context model
Relationships: It provides information to the user
The actual implementation using Visual
Studio Code (VS). The code below is the pseudo code
of both models.
User-Model: JSON.
"@id": "User-twin;1",
"@type": "Interface",
"displayName": "User-twin",
"contents": [
"@type": "Telemetry",
"name": "BMI",
"schema": "double"
"@type": "Property",
"name": "Heart_rate",
"writable": true,
"schema": "double"
Context-model: JSON.
"@type": "Telemetry",
"name": "Location",
"schema": "double"
Relationship between both:
"name": "contains",
"target": "context-
Fit-Twin: A Digital Twin of a User with Wearables and Context as Input for Health Promotion
5.1.2 Creating an Instance of the Model on
After creating the models, the next step is to upload
this model to Azure and define the access roles. After
creating an instance, the client applications can
directly connect to the digital twin instance. Since we
are not using any client application for this proof-of-
concept, we will be using a sample Azure twin
explorer application (DTe).
5.1.3 Using Azure Twin Explorer, Creating
Azure twin explorer is used to create twins and
connect them to the azure instance. The Fit-twin is
connected to the wearables and context twins. The
implementation shows any change in the user data or
context data in the real world is imitated by the Fit-
Both twins are presented before and after
connecting to the real source.
Figure 6: Fit-twin-user-before on the left, and after
connecting to the real source.
Figure 7: Fit-twin-context- before on the left, and after
connecting to the real source.
The client applications can be used, for instance,
the Fitbit dashboard in Figure 8 provides a good-
looking interface for the twin.
The implementation shows that after connecting
to the real source, the user twin will collect and
present any change in real-time shown in figure 6.
The number of steps taken by the user and other data
points will be updated when connected.
This also allows connecting to the real source for
context model. Context twin when connected to the
API will present real-time data as shown in figure 7.
Figure 8: Client- application example for digital twin.
5.1.4 Architecture Diagram of the Fit-Twin
Figure 9: Architecture diagram of the Fit-Twin.
The figure 9 presents the architecture diagram that
combines two twins (user and context) into one
model. It also presents that each of the models has
some properties. The one-way communication from
the user to fit-twin is implemented in this proof-of-
concept. The two-way communication requires
predictive capabilities for interventions.
Fit-twin provides more personalization. Fit-twin
combines the user model and the context model. The
communication from the sensors to the Fit-twin is
considered one-way. The next step is to apply
algorithms to the collected data and simulate it.
An example is to simulate the Fit-twin for a walk,
whether it is safe for the user to walk between points
A and B. The risk prevention mechanism will follow
the timely intervention back to the user with
information about possible risks.
The two-way communication for Fit-twin
requires AI modelling, which will consider all the
parameters and provide predictive analytics to predict
the situation e.g., A real user can ask whether an
activity performed will be beneficial for their health?
HEALTHINF 2023 - 16th International Conference on Health Informatics
Fit-twin can then combine all the parameters and
attributes associated with the user to provide an
The risk-free modelling will allow the simulation
to be applied on the Fit-twin first before applying it to
the actual user. More information about the user
collected and applied to the Fit-twin will help achieve
precision. The goal is to promote health and prevent
Challenge is with real-time sudden changes,
modelling with real-time data is challenging. Another
challenge is to either use a generic model or a
personalized model.
Fit-twin will also help generate more data
(collecting from multiple parameters) that can be used
for modelling, to provide timely interventions back to
the user.
Health promotion is to enable users to take control of
their health. This increase in control contributes to
user empowerment. Wearables along with the context
of the user allow personalization and precision.
Another innovation that reinforces user
empowerment is a digital twin. A digital twin is not
just a virtual replica of an asset, it also combines all
the properties of the asset e.g., context and state.
Digital twins allow 2-way communication between a
resource. The availability of wearables and contextual
APIs that can provide real-time data highlights the
need for creating user-digital twins. In this paper, we
developed a digital twin of a user "Fit-twin". The Fit-
twin is connected to the real user with wearables and
context API. The Fit-twin is created using Azure,
Fitbit charge 5, and a local metrological resource for
context. The outcome is a Fit-twin that mimics the
properties of an actual user. The change in context
and state of the user can be seen on the Fit-twin. The
provided solution only provides one-way
communication for now but provides placeholders to
add predictive capabilities for intervention
In future, the Fit-twin will allow Just-in-time
interventions generated based on the collected data
from multiple parameters of the user. The
intervention mechanism will depend on prediction
capabilities of AI model to provide the right support
to the user at the right time for health promotion or
risk prevention.
CDC. (2018, October 31). Well-being concepts. Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention. Retrieved
November 15, 2022, from
WHO. (n.d.). Health promotion. World Health
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Alexis Wise, E. M. I. (2020, January 9). Transforming
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