Modified kNN Classifier in the Output Vector Space for Robust
Performance Against Adversarial Attack
C. Lee, D. Seok, D. Shim and R. Park
Dept. of Electronical and Electronic Engineering, Yonsei University, Republic of Korea
Keywords: CNN-Based Classifier, Modified kNN Classifier, Adversarial Attack, Output Vector Space.
Abstract: Although CNN-based classifiers have been successfully applied to many pattern classification problems, they
suffer from adversarial attacks. Slightly modified images can be classified as completely different classes. It
has been reported that CNN-based classifiers tend to construct decision boundaries close to training samples.
In order to mitigate this problem, we applied modified kNN classifiers in the output vector space of CNN-
based classifiers. Experimental results show that the proposed method noticeably reduced the classification
error caused by adversarial attacks.
CNN-based classifiers have been applied in various
pattern recognition and signal/image processing areas,
which include object recognition (Barbu, 2019;
Hendrycks, 2021; Wang, 2019; Ouyang, 2015, Wonja,
2017, Girshick, 2014), image processing (Jin, 2017;
Kim, 2021), speech recognition (Sainath, 2015,
Amodei, 2016), medical imaging (Gibson, 2018), and
super-resolution (Kim, 2017; Lee, 2021). Although
they produced good performance compared to
conventional methods, CNN-based classifiers have a
reliability problem. One can easily make a CNN-
based classifier to misclassify slightly modified
images (Szegedy, 2014). For example, Fig. 1(a) is
correctly classified as ‘4’ while Fig. 1(b) is
misclassified as ‘8’. The vulnerability of CNN-based
classifiers to this kind of adversarial attack is a serious
reliability issue, which is still unsolved (Goodfellow,
2015; Ilyas, 2019; Akhtar, 2018).
Figure 1: (a) Correctly classified image, (b) adversarial
example misclassified as 8, (c) magnified difference image.
It has been reported (Woo, 2018) that CNN-based
classifiers tend to construct decision boundaries close
(a) (b)
Figure 2: Decision boundary formation of neural networks
for circular distributions. (a) Circular distribution of two
classes, (b) decision boundaries.
to training samples (Fig. 2). In particular, when the
ReLU function is used, it appears that the decision
boundaries failed to construct desirable decision
boundaries that divide the input space into
meaningful subregions even in a low dimensional
space. Even when the sigmoid function was used as
activation functions, the results were not very
promising (Woo, 2018). If the training samples
contain some erroneous samples, which may almost
always happen in a real-world application, the neural
networks with the sigmoid function also failed to
construct proper decision boundaries.
In order to reduce this kind of vulnerability of
CNN-based classifiers, we evaluated a modified kNN
classifier in the output vector space of CNN-based
classifiers. The output vector space is the last layer of
CNN structures and the dimension is the same as the
number of classes. The number of training samples to
train a CNN-based classifier can be very large. For
Lee, C., Seok, D., Shim, D. and Park, R.
Modified kNN Classifier in the Output Vector Space for Robust Performance Against Adversarial Attack.
DOI: 10.5220/0011735800003411
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods (ICPRAM 2023), pages 443-449
ISBN: 978-989-758-626-2; ISSN: 2184-4313
2023 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
example, for the ImageNet database, the number of
training samples is 1281167. In the conventional kNN
classifier, we need to compute the distances between a
test sample and all the training samples. Consequently,
the computational cost can be prohibitively large. In
order to solve this problem, we propose a modified
kNN classifier for the classification in the output vector
space. To evaluate the proposed method, we applied
the modified kNN classifier to 12 CNN-based
classifiers (Simonyan, 2014; Zhang, 2016; Zagoruyko,
2016; Simonyan, 2015; Huang, 2017; Sandler, 2018;
Xie, 2017; Szegedy, 2015; Szegedy, 2016; Ma, 2018;
Tan, 2019).
It has been reported that one can easily fool a CNN-
based classifier by slightly modifying images so that
the classifier would misclassify the modified images.
Almost all CNN-based classifiers are vulnerable to
adversarial attacks. We generated adversarial images
of 12 CNN-based classifiers for correctly classified
validation samples of the ImageNet database. The
difference between an adversarial image and the
corresponding original image can be defined as
ori adv
DI I=−
is an original image after normalization
is an adversarial image. We generated
adversarial images of various distances (D=1, 2, 4, 8,
16, 32). Figs. 3-8 show some adversarial images of
the various distances. In particular, as can be seen in
Fig. 9 (D=1), some adversarial images are
indistinguishable from the original images. Most of
the adversarial class images have some similar
features and these results indicate that the current
CNN-based classifiers form decision boundaries very
close to training samples. Several observations can
be made about the adversarial images. Some
adversarial image classes have similar characteristics
whereas others appear to be completely different. As
(a) (b) (c) (d)
Figure 3: Class C65 (sea snake) is misclassified as C50
(American alligator, Alligator mississipiensis). (a) original,
(b) adversarial, (c) difference (D=1), (d) representative
image of C50.
the distance increase, some artifacts become visible
and it is more likely that the adversarial images are
misclassified as completely unlikely classes.
(a) (b) (c) (d)
Figure 4: Class C517 (crane) is misclassified as C755 (radio
telescope, radio reflector). (a) original, (b) adversarial, (c)
difference (D=2), (d) representative image of C755.
(a) (b) (c) (d)
Figure 5: Class C595 (harvester, reaper) is misclassified as
C856 (thresher, thrasher, threshing machine). (a) original,
(b) adversarial, (c) difference (D=4), (d) representative
image of C856.
(a) (b) (c) (d)
Figure 6: Class C65 (sea snake) is misclassified as C49
(African crocodile, Nile crocodile, Crocodylus niloticus).
(a) original, (b) adversarial, (c) difference (D=8), (d)
representative image of C49.
(a) (b) (c) (d)
Figure 7: Class C109 (brain coral) is misclassified as C973
(coral reef). (a) original, (b) adversarial, (c) difference
(D=16), (d) representative image of C973.
(a) (b) (c) (d)
Figure 8: Class C23 (vulture) is misclassified as C327
(starfish, sea star). (a) original, (b) adversarial, (c)
difference (D=32), (d) representative image of C327.
ICPRAM 2023 - 12th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
C948(Granny Smith)C719(piggy bank, penny bank)
C858(tile roof) C538(dome)
C573(go-kart) C561(forklift)
C813(spatula) C784(screwdriver)
C861(toilet seat) C999(toilet tissue, toilet paper, bathroom
C658(mitten) C911(wool, woolen, woollen)
C484(catamaran) → C977(sandbar, sand bar)
C463(bucket, pail) C647(measuring cup)
Figure 9: Indistinguishable adversarial images with very
small differences (D=1). The first column images are
original images, the second column images are adversarial
images, the third column images are difference images, and
the fourth column images are representative images of the
adversarial classes.
In the conventional kNN classifier, we find the k
nearest neighbour samples of a test sample and count
the number of samples of each class (Fig. 10). Then,
we decide the class that has the largest number of
samples among the k nearest neighbour samples:
() ()
() .
ii j
Decide X if g X g X
where g X k
However, it is not easy to use the kNN classfier when
the number of training samples is very large as in the
case of the ImageNet database.
In order to solve this problem, we modified the
kNN classifier. For each test sample, we choose k top-
ranking classes. For each chosen top-ranking class of
the k classes, we find m samples closest to the test
sample. Then, we compute the average distance as
class j
class j test i th closest
=− =
where class j is the j-th ranking class for the test
sample. Finally, we choose the class with the
minimum average distance. Using this modified kNN
classifier, we only need to compute the distances of
the test samples and kxL training samples where L is
the average number of training samples of each class.
In case of the ImageNet database, the value of L is
about 1281.
Figure 10: kNN classifier (1NN).
We generated adversarial images of various distances
(1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32) using the 12 models (MnasNet,
VGG, DenseNet, MobileNet, Inception, GoogleNet,
ShuffleNet, ResNext, WideResNet, ResNet50,
ResNet101, ResNet152). The adversarial images of
all the models are very similar to the original images
when the distances are small and all the models
Modified kNN Classifier in the Output Vector Space for Robust Performance Against Adversarial Attack
showed similar characteristics in that such adversarial
images can be easily generated.
Figure 11: Performance comparison of modified kNN
classifiers. Top 5 classes were chosen and the average
values of 7, 9, 10 nearest samples were used.
Figure 12: Performance comparison of modified kNN
classifiers. Top 10 classes were chosen and the average
values of 7, 9, 10 nearest samples were used.
Fig. 11 shows a performance comparison of modified
kNN classifiers (top 5 classes were chosen and the
average values of 7, 9, 10 nearest samples were used).
Fig. 12 shows a performance comparison of modified
kNN classifiers (top 10 classes were chosen and the
average values of 7, 9, 10 nearest samples were used).
It can be seen that using top 10 classes or top 5 classes
produced very similar performance. Thus, we used
top 5 classes to classify the adversarial images.
Compared to the conventional CNN-based classifiers,
the modified kNN classifiers produced slightly lower
performance (errors increased by about 3-4% as can
be seen in Figs. 11-12).
Figure 13: Performance comparison of modified kNN
classifiers against adversarial images (MnasNet, VGG,
DenseNet, MobileNet). The original CNN-based classifiers
misclassified all the adversarial images.
ICPRAM 2023 - 12th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
Figure 14: Performance comparison of modified kNN
classifiers against adversarial images (Inception,
GoogleNet, ShuffleNet, ResNext). The original CNN-
based classifiers misclassified all the adversarial images.
In Figs. 13-15, top 5 classes were chosen and the
average values of 5, 7, 9 nearest samples were used
for the modified kNN classifier. The original CNN-
based classifiers misclassified all the adversarial
images as expected.
Figure: 15: Performance comparison of modified kNN
classifiers against adversarial images (WideResNet,
ResNet50, ResNet101, ResNet152). The original CNN-
based classifiers misclassified all the adversarial images.
For images with small distances (D=1, 2), the
classification accuracy of the proposed kNN
classifiers is 0.187~0.415 (D=1) and 0.125~0.329
(D=2). For images with large distances (D=1, 2), the
Modified kNN Classifier in the Output Vector Space for Robust Performance Against Adversarial Attack
classification accuracy of the proposed method is
0.046~0.129 (D=16) and 0.044~0.116 (D=32). It is
noted that the classification accuracy of the original
CNN-based classifiers is zero (100% error) for the
adversarial images.
In this paper, we proposed modified kNN classifiers
for the output vector space of CNN-based classifiers
to provide robust performance against adversarial
attacks. To reduce the complexity problem of
conventional kNN classifiers when the number of
training samples is very large, we propose a modified
kNN classifier for CNN-based classifiers. The
proposed method was evaluated using 12 models and
showed noticeable improvement in reducing the
classification error caused by adversarial attacks. By
applying the kNN classifier in the middle layers, it
may be possible to further improve performance.
This research was supported in part by Basic Science
Research Program through the National Research
Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by the Ministry
of Education, Science and Technology (NRF-
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