Improvement of Vision Transformer Using Word Patches
Ayato Takama
, Sota Kato
, Satoshi Kamiya
and Kazuhiro Hotta
Meijo University, 1-501 Shiogamaguchi, Tempaku-ku, Nagoya 468-8502, Japan
Classification, Vision Transformer, Visual Words, Word Patches, Trainable.
Vision Transformer achieves higher accuracy on image classification than conventional convolutional neural
networks. However, Vision Transformer requires more training images than conventional neural networks.
Since there is no clear concept of words in images, we created Visual Words by cropping training images and
clustering them using K-means like bag-of-visual words, and incorporated them into Vision Transformer as
”Word Patches” to improve the accuracy. We also try trainable words instead of visual words by clustering.
Experiments were conducted to confirm the effectiveness of the proposed method. When Word Patches are
trainable parameters, the accuracy was much improved from 84.16% to 87.35% on the Food101 dataset.
Transformer(Vaswani et al., 2017) was proposed in
the field of natural language processing and out-
performs conventional methods. By dividing sen-
tences into words and using Multi-Head Attention,
the method uses the relationship between words effec-
tively. Vision Transformer(Dosovitskiy et al., 2020)
uses Transformer instead of a convolutional neural
network (CNN) which is commonly used in the field
of image recognition. However, unlike natural lan-
guage processing, we believe that the potential of
Transformer is not used well in the current Vision
Transformer because there is no concept of words in
Therefore, in this paper, we created Visual Words
by cropping regions in images and clustering them us-
ing K-means like bag-of-visual words. If the visual
words are used as the concept of words in the Vision
Transformer well, the accuracy of the Vision Trans-
former is expected to be improved because it can learn
and classify images using what patterns appear in the
training samples and how similar they are to those
patterns. The proposed method incorporates Visual
Words into the network as ”Word Patches”.
We also evaluate the case that Word Patches them-
selves are trainable. By making Word Patches train-
able parameters, it is possible to learn the model while
taking into account the relationship between Word
Patches and the outputs of conventional Vision Trans-
former. It is expected that Word Patches would adapt
to the features that make it easier for Vision Trans-
former to learn.
In experiments, we compared the proposed
method with the conventional Vision Transformer on
the Food101 dataset(Bossard et al., 2014) and the CI-
FAR100 dataset(Bossard et al., 2014). Experimental
results showed that the proposed method improved
the accuracy in comparison with the original Vision
Transformer. We also confirmed that the accuracy
was improved when the Word Patches were used as
trainable parameters.
The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 de-
scribes related works. Section 3 explains the proposed
method. Section 4 presents experimental results. Fi-
nally, Section 5 describes our summary and future
2.1 Vision Transformer
Vision Transformer uses Transformers instead of
CNNs which are commonly used in image recogni-
tion, and achieves the state-of-the-art accuracy in im-
age classification when we trained it on large amounts
of training data. The overview of Vision Transformer
is shown in Figure 1. To input an image to the
Transformer, the Vision Transformer converts two-
Takama, A., Kato, S., Kamiya, S. and Hotta, K.
Improvement of Vision Transformer Using Word Patches.
DOI: 10.5220/0011732900003417
In Proceedings of the 18th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2023) - Volume 5: VISAPP, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-634-7; ISSN: 2184-4321
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
Figure 1: The architecture of Vision Transformer. To input an image to the Vision Transformer, the image is divided into
patches, vectorized, linearly projected, and then positional embeddings are added. Vectors are then fed into the Transformer
Encoder, which is composed of Multi-Head Attention and Layer Normalization. Classification is performed through MLP of
class tokens.
dimensional images into the set of one-dimensional
sequence data and performs linear projection. A class
token is then introduced to the beginning of the se-
quence data to enable image classification. Next,
position information is added to identify where the
patches are located in the image. The feature vectors
are then fed into the Transformer Encoder which is
composed of Multi-Head Attention and Layer Nor-
malization, and the MLP of class token is used to
classify the image. The problem is that it is dif-
ficult to obtain high accuracy when a large amount
of image data is not used in training process. In
recent years, many methods that improve the Vi-
sion Transformer have been studied. For example,
SegFormer(Xie et al., 2021), Swin Transformer(Liu
et al., 2021), MetaFormer(Yu et al., 2022), and Tran-
sUnet(Chen et al., 2021) are well-known for semantic
segmentation, TrackFormer(Meinhardt et al., 2022),
MOTR(Zeng et al., 2022), and TransMOT(Chu et al.,
2021) for object tracking, and DETR(Carion et al.,
2020) for object detection.
In recent years, there has been a lot of methods
(Guibas et al., 2021; Sethi et al., 2021; Tan et al.,
2021) that improve token mixing, but there has been
no method focusing on the words. We consider that
words are important because original transformer was
proposed in natural language processing and used
words effectively. Thus, we use Visual Words that
obtained by clustering or trainable parameters in the
Vision Transformer. If the proposed Visual Words are
used effectively, we would use the potential perfor-
mance of the Transformer, and the classification ac-
curacy would be improved. This is because it can
learn and classify by using the information what pat-
terns appear in each class and how similar they are
to each other. This paper aims to improve the clas-
sification accuracy by incorporating Visual Words in
Vision Transformer.
2.2 Visual Words
Before deep learning, image classification methods
mainly used Visual Words obtained by clustering of
local features in images[7]. Since images do not have
the concept of ”words” like natural language process-
ing, we made ”visual words” from image patches in
training images through clustering. The overview to
obtain visual words is shown in Figure 2. (1) Im-
ages are divided into patches as in the conventional
Vision Transformer. (2) All patches are clustered by
K-means. (3) The average of each cluster is used as
”Visual Words”.
2.3 Object Queries
DETR is the first object detection method using the
Transformer. The object queries in the DETR are
used as queries for Multi-Head Attention in the Trans-
former decoder to improve accuracy. In the proposed
method, Visual Words are fed into the Vision Trans-
former like Object Queries. But, unlike DETR, the
outputs of the original Vision Transformer are used
as a queries in the Multi-Head Attention of the Mix
Transformer. The output of Word Patches Trans-
VISAPP 2023 - 18th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Figure 2: The architecture of the proposed method. Visual Words are fed into the Word Patches Transformer, and the outputs
are mixed with the Encoder’s outputs of the conventional Vision Transformer in Mix Transformer. The output of the Mix
Transformer was then used for classification using Class tokens.
Figure 3: Visual Words. The training image is divided into
patches, clustered by K-means, and the average vector of
each cluster is used as a Visual Word
former, that Visual Words are the inputs, are used as
keys and values in the Multi-Head Attention of the
Mix Transformer. This allows the proposed method
to proceed learning while taking into account the re-
lationship between Word Patches and the outputs of
conventional Vision Transformer. We expect that the
relationship with Word Patches improves the classifi-
cation accuracy.
The proposed method uses the original Vision Trans-
former as a baseline, and we add Word Patches
Transformer and Mix Transformer to the original one
newly. The relationship between Word Patches and
patches in an input image are used to improve the
classification accuracy.
Figure 2 shows the overview of the proposed
method. The upper network shows the conventional
Vision Transformer, and the processing of the net-
work is the same as conventional one. The lower
network shows the Word Patches Transformer added
newly. The Visual Words, that obtained by K-means
or are trainable parameters, are used as Word Patches
in Word Patches Transformer. Word Patches Trans-
former is also consists of Multi-Head Attention and
Layer Normalization. The outputs of both Transform-
ers are fed into Mix Transformer which also consists
of Multi-Head Attention, Layer Normalization and
MLP. The outputs of the conventional Vision Trans-
former are used as the queries and the outputs of the
Word Patches Transformer as the keys and values.
This is because the outputs of the conventional Vision
Transformer are from the patches in an input image
and the outputs of Word Patch Transformer are the
support to improve the accuracy.
Improvement of Vision Transformer Using Word Patches
Figure 4: Mix Transformer.
Figure 4 and Equation (1) shows the Mix Trans-
Z(Q, K, V ) = Concat(head
, ..., head
= so f tmax
where Z(Q, K, V ) is the output of Multi Head At-
tention in Mix Transformer, A
is the attention map.
Query, Key, Value are computed as
Q = W
K = W
V = W
where V
indicates the output of the conventional Vi-
sion Transformer and P
indicates the output of the
Word Patches Transformer. W
, W
and W
are the
1 ×1 convolution. Thus, attention map is generated
from the similarity between Query(Q) from Conven-
tional Vision Transformer and Key(K) from Word
Patches Transformer.
By using the Mix Transformer, we can use the
relationship between the Transformer’s outputs of
patches in an input image and Transformer’s outputs
of Word Patches. It is possible to train the model by
using what features appear in each class and how sim-
ilar they are. Finally, the class token which is the out-
put of the Mix Transformer is used for classification
through MLP.
In experiments, we use the Food101 dataset and the
CIFAR100 dataset. In section 4.1, we explains both
datasets and implementation details. Experimental re-
sults on Food101 dataset and CIFAR100 dataset are
shown in section 4.2 and 4.3, respectivelly.
4.1 Dataset and Implementation Details
The Food101 dataset contains 101,000 images of 101
classes, 75,750 for training and 25,250 for testing. In
this paper, the training set is divided into 70,700 im-
ages for training (700 images for each class) and 5050
images for validation (50 images for each class) be-
cause there is no validation set. The original 25,250
test images were used for evaluation. Although orig-
inal image size is random, we resize it to 384x384
CIFAR100 dataset consists of 60,000 images of
100 classes. 50,000 images are used for training and
10,000 images are used for test. Although original
image size is 32x32 pixels, we resize it to 224x224
We used Vision Transformer pre-trained on Im-
ageNet1k dataset. Word Patches Transformer and
Mix Transformer were not pre-trained. In this pa-
per, the number of Word Patches was set to 101 for
Food101 and 100 for CIFAR100 to match the number
of classes.
Minibatch size was set to 16 and we set the num-
ber of epochs to 50. AdamW(weight
= 0.3) and Co-
sine scheduler were used in optimization. Classifica-
tion accuracy was used as a evaluation measure.
Table 1: Results of classification on the Food101 dataset.
”baseline” is the conventional Vision Transformer, ours is
the proposed method with Word Patches by clustering, and
ours(trainable) is the result when Word Patches is the train-
able parameter.
top-1 top-5
baseline 84.16 95.62
ours 85.99 96.53
ours(trainable) 87.35 97.07
4.2 Results on Food101 Dataset
Table 1 shows the comparison results of the pro-
posed method with the conventional Vision Trans-
former on Food101 dataset. Baseline indicates a con-
ventional Vision Transformer, ours indicates the pro-
posed method with Patch Words by clustering, and
ours(trainable) indicates the proposed method with
trainable Word Patches. The top-1 shows the standard
accuracy whether class with the highest probability is
correct. The top-5 is the accuracy if the true class is
included in the top five classes with the highest prob-
ability. As we can see from the Table, the usage of
Word Patches brings higher accuracy than the con-
ventional Vision Transformer. We also evaluated our
method when Word Patches were used as trainable pa-
VISAPP 2023 - 18th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
rameters. As shown in Table 1, we confirmed that
the best accuracy was obtained when trainable Word
Patches are used.
Figure 5: Word Patches by clustering for Food101 dataset.
Figure 5 shows the Word Patches created from
training images. We see that variety of Word Patches
are included. However, since they are average vectors
of clusters, they are rough patterns rather than detailed
patterns. The accuracy improvement suggests that the
usage of these Word Patches have provided hints for
classifying classes.
Figure 6: Trainable Word Patches for Food101 dataset.
Figure 6 shows the visualization results of the
trainable Word Patches. We see that detailed features
are captured though Word Patches obtained by clus-
tering were only rough patterns. This improved the
Figure 7: The distribution of class tokens for 10 classes in
the Food101 dataset. The different classes are represented
by different colors.
Distribution of class tokens is shown in Figure
7. This shows the distribution of 10 classes in
the Food101 dataset because the distribution of 101
classes are too crowd. The different classes are repre-
sented with different colors. (a) shows the distribution
of baseline, (b) shows our method with Word Patches
obtained by clustering and (c) shows our method with
trainable Word Patches.
Figure 7 shows that (a) has many overlap between
classes. In contrast, the proposed methods shown as
(b) and (c) have less within-class variation, which al-
lows us to judge the classification correctly. There-
fore, the proposed method is more accurate than stan-
dard Vision Transformer. When we compare (b) with
(c), the distribution among classes in (c) is wider than
that in (b). This allows us to improve the accuracy
when Word Patches are trainable.
4.3 Results on CIFAR100 dataset
Table 2: Results of classification on the CIFAR100 dataset.
baseline is the conventional Vision Transformer, ours is
the proposed method with Word Patches by clustering, and
ours(trainable) is the result when Word Patches is the train-
able parameter.
top-1 top-5
baseline 92.53 98.91
ours 92.97 98.97
ours(trainable) 93.27 99.04
Table 2 compares the results of the proposed
method with the conventional Vision Transformer on
the CIFAR100 dataset. The proposed method also
achieved higher accuracy than the conventional Vi-
sion Transformer by using Word Patches. In addition,
we conducted the experiment when Word Patches
were used as trainable parameters. We confirmed that
the accuracy was also improved by using trainable pa-
Figure 8: Word Patches by clustering for CIFAR100
Figure 8 shows the Word Patches generated from
training images. As can be seen from the Figures,
Word Patches also contain a variety of patterns.
Figure 9 shows the visualization results of train-
able Word Patches. Similarly with the Word Patches
Improvement of Vision Transformer Using Word Patches
Figure 9: Trainable Word Patches for CIFAR100 dataset.
in previous section, it seems to capture more detailed
features than the Word Patches obtained by clustering.
This may have resulted in improved accuracy.
We proposed a method to use Word Patches in the
Vision Transformer. Experimental results on the
Food101 and CIFAR100 datasets showed that the ac-
curacy of the Vision Transformer was improved. In
addition, by using trainable Word Patches that fine
patterns are generated automatically, the classifica-
tion accuracy was improved further. The improve-
ment of the Vision Transformer using Word Patches
will lead to advances in recent researches using the
Although the accuracy was improved by our
method, we are not sure that the proposed method is
the best way for creating Word Patches. In the future,
we would like to find a new method for creating adap-
tive Word Patches according to an input image.
This work is supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant
Number 21K11971.
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VISAPP 2023 - 18th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications