Towards Identifying Concepts in Persuasive Social Networks: Case Study
Bochra Larbi
, Nadia Elouali
and Nadir Mahammed
LabRI-SBA Lab., Ecole Superieure en Informatique Sidi Bel Abbes, Algeria
Persuasive Technology, Social Networking Sites, TikTok, Human-Computer Interaction, Modeling.
Persuasive technology assists users in decision making by influencing their behaviors. It has seen major
evolution in recent years, due to the rapid rate at which persuasive design has been integrated in a variety of
technologies. This substantial involvement in several fields increased the influence and impact of persuasive
technology. Since persuasion delivers an important amount of services, it is recognized as one of the key
factors deployed by the human-computer interaction community in the design and development phases; yet,
persuasive design has been accused of having problematic aspects. Social networking sites are no exception,
they rely heavily on persuasion in their interfaces. Which has led to the emergence of new, diverse concepts
exploited by these sites, with the primary goal of maximizing users’ time spent in order to collect data and
gain money from ads. Our research idea is to identify these concepts deployed by social networking sites,
examine their degree of persuasion, then propose a set of new, moderate ones to preserve as much as possible
the user’s autonomy. In this paper, we present the first step of our research that consists of identifying the
concepts deployed by TikTok which is the fastest growing social media in 2022.
According to Fogg (Fogg, 2002) persuasive technol-
ogy aims to intentionally change a person’s attitude
through influence. The first occurrence of using per-
suasive technology was in the 1970s to increase em-
ployee’s productivity in the workplace, however the
power of persuasive technologies truly emerged in the
1990s, with the rise of successful e-commerce sites
emery et al., 2011). As persuasive design became
increasingly intertwined with social media platforms
in the 2000s, public opinion became more impact-
ful on users’ perspectives (Albarrac
ın and Mitchell,
2004). Over the last decade, social media platforms
have grown in scope, impacting user’s opinions more
quickly (Wang et al., 2021).
Several studies have been carried out in order to
examine the potential outcomes of persuasive tech-
nologies. Persuasive technology has been established
that it is beneficial in fostering different health and
wellness-related behaviors (Orji and Moffatt, 2016).
It eventually broadens its branches to mobile appli-
cations that are being developed to integrate various
persuasive design features in order to alter user’s be-
havior, such as encouraging physical activity ; these
applications are constantly improving and are being
used daily (Matthews et al., 2016). Some research,
on the other hand, focused on the use of persuasive
technology in the workplace to improve productivity
and provide feedback (Wenker, 2022). Not to forget
that persuasive technology has also been employed
for educational purposes, as study (Mohamed Yusoff
et al., 2022) highlights how persuasive technology al-
lows for monitoring of students’ attitudes and activi-
ties during the online learning process.
However, the majority of these studies fail to high-
light the obstacles that arise from influencing users’
behavior. In recent years, researchers investigating
the dark side of persuasive technology have con-
ducted studies to examine the complicated issue of
persuading users to perform actions they may or may
not be aware of. It has been revealed that persuasive
technology may lead to addiction, particularly in the
context of social networks (Chen, 2021). More than
half of the world’s population today uses social me-
dia (58.4%) (Greenwood, 2022), therefore they are
exposed to dubious persuasive concepts, such as ad-
vertisers exploiting these concepts to influence cus-
Larbi, B., Elouali, N. and Mahammed, N.
Towards Identifying Concepts in Persuasive Social Networks: Case Study TikTok.
DOI: 10.5220/0011726100003417
In Proceedings of the 18th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2023) - Volume 2: HUCAPP, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-634-7; ISSN: 2184-4321
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
tomer views and purchasing behavior toward their
brands (Alalwan, 2018). This also leads to the ques-
tion of how problematic persuasive concepts are when
it comes to adversely affecting user’s time spent on
social networking sites (Bedjaoui et al., 2018). As a
result, experts in this field are undertaking research
on ways to detect and prevent deceitful persuasive as-
pects in technology. Nonetheless, the topic of striking
a balance between user’s well-being and persuasive
technologies corporations’ profit has remained elu-
The objective of our research is to generate a meta
model that encompasses and gives an overview of all
the concepts used in social networks. Then, inves-
tigate the persuasiveness of these different concepts,
uncover which are problematic, and substitute them
with appropriate ones. The goal of establishing this
meta model is to fully grasp what makes persuasive
concepts inappropriate and how to combat them. We
believe that this research will assist in developing new
concepts that will result in a brand-new generation of
social networks. TikTok is the fastest growing social
media platform in 2022; hence, in this paper, we will
start by identifying TikTok’s concepts using a con-
ceptual model. The results of the study will help con-
struct the future meta model.
The remainder of the paper is structured as fol-
lows. Section 2 discusses related work. Section
3 presents details on our approach, while section 4
covers the results. Section 5 discusses the results
achieved. Finally, section 6 concludes with some ob-
servations and anticipated future research.
We classified existing related work into two cate-
gories. The first category presents research that un-
covers the main core concepts of social networks ac-
cording to specific topics while the second category
presents studies that focus on defining the persuasive
concepts of social networks.
The first category presents research such as those
of Assaad’s in (Assaad and Shi, 2017), (Assaad and
a, 2017) and (Assaad et al., 2018), which
worked on determining common features in popular
learning social networks before assessing these fun-
damental concepts to see how they may serve an edu-
cational learning model; these concepts were later ex-
amined in terms of their features and functionalities.
These fundamental concepts are as follows:
User Profile: A graphical representation of per-
sonal data linked with a particular user on a plat-
form. Permitting users to add personal details and
regulate the profile’s display and privacy.
Status Update: A concise post sent by users to
their connections in order to share their ideas.
Social Feedback: This concept enables users to
provide feedback on the quality the information,
it allows users to establish social networks and in-
teract with other users.
Activity Stream: It offers users an overview of
recent actions and data.
Social Messaging: This concept provides for
more extensive conversations and engagement via
Community: It allows users to interact on their
own specific forums.
Discussion Forum: It facilitates collaboration
through discussion in distinct forums.
Whereas Md Dawot’s work in (Dawot and
Ibrahim, 2014) reviewed the features and functional
components of social networks with a special empha-
sis on their usage in marketing, education, and gov-
ernance. The study created a map connecting func-
tionalities and features to assist social media users to
choose the functions that are most applicable to their
field. It noted that social network’s functionalities re-
lied on the features of the social network itself. Over-
all the user profile, online relationships, and online
community are the core features of a social network,
whereas the functionality of a social network is built
from the features directly, determined by the users’
knowledge and how they utilize it. For example Self-
identification features (personal profile, content, ac-
tivity) are associated with functionalities that include
identifying a participant and displaying his presence.
Nevertheless, their research was restricted to spe-
cific topics and didn’t cover the majority of social
networks in detail. The first research was based on
concepts that enhance educational learning, whereas
the second paper just examined current features and
linked them with existing functionalities in an attempt
to provide a reference in certain fields. Therefore, it
doesn’t provide a complete overview of all social net-
works’ concepts and hence, it doesn’t enable for the
identification of potentially dangerous concepts that
need to be regulated.
On the other hand, the second group includes stud-
ies that define the persuasive concepts of social net-
works, such as Bedjaoui’s work in (Bedjaoui et al.,
2018) and (Bedjaoui et al., 2022), which proposed
five patterns in online social networks that have a sub-
stantial influence on the user’s time spent on media
by persuading him to invest as much time as possi-
ble. After that his research focused on the suggestion
Towards Identifying Concepts in Persuasive Social Networks: Case Study TikTok
pattern to examine its intensity. The patterns are com-
posed of:
Suggestion Pattern: Offering relevant content to
the user based on his preferences in order to attract
his focus.
Reminder Pattern: Push notifications that divert
the user’s attention away from his current activity.
Reward Pattern: Rewarding the user’s first inter-
actions to motivate him to remain involved.
Interaction Pattern: Having certain activities
harder to accomplish so that the user resists them,
yet having other actions easier to execute so that
they are desirable to users.
Social Influence Pattern: Persuading users to get
socially attached to the acts of others.
Whereas Adaji’s work (Adaji and Vassileva, 2016)
highlighted the persuasion concepts employed by a
Q&A social network, adopting Stack Overflow as a
case study, by using the Persuasive Systems Design
model (PSD) (Torning and Oinas-Kukkonen, 2009),
which is a framework for designing and evaluating
persuasive systems. The aim of this work is to in-
vestigate the network’s persuasive concepts. As a re-
sult, all concepts of the PSD model were integrated in
Stack Overflow, except for four concepts which are:
Tunneling: It states that persuasive systems guide
users through a process and offer options for them
to be persuaded.
Rehearsal: It states that persuasive systems allow
users to rehearse a desired behavior.
Reminders: It states that persuasive systems in-
corporate a reminder technique.
Similarity: It states that users are more likely to
be persuaded by systems that resemble them.
Each integrated principle encourages user interac-
tion. According to the findings, persuasion in a com-
mon Q&A social network follows familiar patterns.
However, it was difficult to analyze the PSD model’s
category, the support of system credibility since the
category is heavily reliant on user feedback.
However, their studies focused exclusively on the
persuasive side of concepts, disregarding their asso-
ciation with the fundamental concepts of social net-
works. And once more, this doesn’t grant us a broad
view of all concepts, even if we just identify the
severely persuasive concepts, we risk omitting some
that are less persuasive or that serve as the foundation
for the remaining persuasive concepts, such as ”post”.
The concept ”post” is generally not part of persuasion,
but if we look carefully, we see that it’s the center of
all networks and contributes to the rest of the persua-
sive concepts.
To the best of our knowledge, there is no study
in the literature that has extracted all the concepts of
social networks in an inclusive way. An approach that
presents, explains and regroups the different concepts
used in the different social networks, considering the
different persuasion degree.
In this paper, we present our initial step of research,
which consists of analyzing the first social network,
extracting its concepts, and creating its conceptual
model. We used an iterative approach to accomplish
this which consists of analyzing the application, de-
veloping the conceptual model, and then repeating
several iterations to enhance it.
TikTok is the first social network we will explore
in this research. It was launched in September 2016
by the Chinese company ByteDance under the name
Douyin. It began to achieve interest outside of China,
and barely a year after its launch, it had over 100 mil-
lion users and spread abroad in 2017, under the name
TikTok (Insider, 2020), with a primary concentration
on short video content. It enables users to produce
videos ranging in length from 15 seconds to 10 min-
utes by employing various filters and viral sounds. It
is an innovative social network since the impact of
TikTok’s personalized content on viral behavioral ob-
jectives is affected by creativity, authenticity, and a
yearning for uniqueness (Chu et al., 2022). TikTok
research has grown in pace with the platform’s pop-
ularity. For example, a research (Du et al., 2022)
indicated that TikTok had a significant influence on
luring visitors. Wang’s study (Wang, 2020) demon-
strated the benefits of applying Human-Computer In-
teraction theories to mobile short-form video applica-
tions and addressed the impacts of short-form video
features on viewers’ psychological reactions. It was
also stated that TikTok can be deployed as a teach-
ing tool by instructors to provide engaging learning
to students (Alexandro et al., 2022). Since we opted
to analyze the most prominent social networks cur-
rently, we decided to start with TikTok , which had
the fastest expansion. It has seen tremendous growth,
particularly since it was released worldwide in 2017
(Insider, 2020).
We’ve been exploring TikTok for nearly two
years, and this provided us the opportunity to thor-
oughly analyze it across both web and mobile ver-
HUCAPP 2023 - 7th International Conference on Human Computer Interaction Theory and Applications
Figure. 1 illustrates the conceptual model for Tik-
Tok’s concepts. We identified the concepts by ana-
lyzing each feature and function of TikTok across the
mobile and website platforms, afterwards we classi-
fied the concepts’ relationships into two types: the
straight line symbolizes the source concept’s control
over the target concept, whereas the dotted line rep-
resents the effect of the source concept on the target
concept. The identified concepts are as follows:
Profile: This key concept assists the user’s iden-
tity by allowing him to provide his personal data,
as well as upload and manage his content. The
user has control over his visibility to others in ad-
dition to the visibility of his following. Control-
ling not solely the user’s account and content, and
moreover his suggestions and explore page, influ-
encing his general overview of the application.
Video: This concept involves recording and post-
ing videos from the user’s side, ranging in dura-
tion from 15 seconds to 10 minutes, with the pos-
sibility to pause, forward, or rewind. This concept
also allows users to make videos private or public.
The user manages his videos, however they can-
not be edited after they are posted.
Sound: This concept enables users to explore,
produce, and control sounds. Tiktok provides a
variety of sounds, including musicals, cinematic
scripts and memes. Users interact with sounds by
liking, sharing or saving them.
Hashtag: Hashtags describe TikTok’s content
and allow access to a large number of new con-
tent that shares the same hashtag. This concept
serves as a classifier, with each hashtag represent-
ing a different category. Users experiment with
hashtags on their videos while also browsing the
hashtags of other users.
Filter/Effect: This concept allows users to exper-
iment while recording on TikTok, which offers a
wide variety of humorous and aesthetic filters and
effects. This makes it enjoyable to explore viral
filters trending on TikTok. It also empowers users
to express their creativity through the application.
Livestream: Users may interact with others by
launching livestreams while being on TikTok.
They can become TikTok creators with this con-
cept, getting and gifts from their loyal follow-
ers while also competing in challenges with other
creators.This concept provides entertainment to
viewers by allowing them to interact with the cre-
ator via his livestream by liking, chatting, and
sharing it.
Gift: This concept is strongly linked to the
livestream concept when users gift streamers to
support them. Since these gifts may be converted
to actual money, majority of TikTok creators earn
profit from livestreams through gifts.
Story: It allows users to post a video or an image,
however it isn’t permanent and disappears after 24
hours. This concept solely shows the story’s view-
ers and their numbers to the creator.
Seen: When a story is posted, the creator can
know who viewed it, however this concept doesn’t
apply on ordinary videos, and viewers remain
anonymous unlike the number of views that gets
displayed on content.
Message: Users communicate with one another
via conversations. Although TikTok isn’t a chat-
ting application, it still allows users to send videos
to their friends and share content with them. This
concept, nevertheless, doesn’t allow for the cre-
ation of groups inside the message inbox.
Q&A: Another concept that emphasizes on users’
communication with each other, whether through
posting questions and responding to them on a
livestream, uploading a video on it, or through
comments. It also allows users to explore various
questions and think of fresh ones.
Notification: This concept sends users reminders
and alerts to draw their attention to an occurrence
on the platform. Users can adjust their notification
settings, however the options are limited and don’t
include all notification types.
Trend: This concept provides several advantages
to creators whose videos receive a lot of attention.
It also shows viewers the most popular videos for
them to watch and interact with. The like and
comment concepts have a strong influence on this
concept. If the content receives a great deal of en-
gagement from comments and likes then it goes
Like: This concept preserves track of the user’s
likes and allows him to sort them into customized
collections. The amount of likes is constantly dis-
played on the content.
Comment: Users comment on each other’s
videos, and this concept allows users to manage
their comment sections by disabling, deleting, or
restricting comments. Therefore TikTok commu-
nities are formed by conversing and discussing the
video’s topic in the comments.
Auto-repeat: When a video or story on TikTok
starts playing, it will continuously loop until the
user scrolls down. This concept requires the user
Towards Identifying Concepts in Persuasive Social Networks: Case Study TikTok
Figure 1: TikTok conceptual model.
to pay attention to the video or story’s duration
until the proper moment for scrolling in order to
prevent repeating the video.
Setting: Users can access and manage their set-
tings as they deem suitable. Settings contain sec-
tions for each TikTok feature, such as notification
settings, content settings, and livestream settings.
Yet, the user has no control over certain options
that aren’t under his authority, such as concealing
specific data or blocking notifications indefinitely.
Share: This concept provides the user with sev-
eral options for sharing content with friends or on
other social networks. Since every content on Tik-
tok is shareable, the number of shares on the con-
tent, such as videos, sounds, and hashtags, is al-
ways displayed.
Re-post: Using this concept will assist you to pro-
mote the video you reposted and have it recom-
mended to your friends on TikTok. Users utilize
this concept to spread their favorite video on the
pages of others.
Suggestion: The explore page of the user presents
an infinite number of recommendations according
to the content he likes and comments on. This
page is known as for you page, and it represents
the content that is specifically chosen for the user.
Search: This concept makes every content eas-
ily accessible by simply typing the relevant
keywords. Users can acquire videos, sounds,
livestreams, hashtags, and other users. The search
concept provides several filters to facilitate select-
ing the proper results, which are by default a com-
bination of the most recent popular content re-
ferred to as TOP.
Block: TikTok allows users to block another user
by using this concept. After getting blocked both
users will be unable to interact or search for one
another, and their content won’t be recommended
to the other. The block concept also allows users
to unblock users.
Report: TikTok has guidelines that must be re-
spected and pays attention to behaviors that in-
dividuals perceive unacceptable, such as bullying
and racism. Using this concept, users can express
their disapproval and flag inappropriate content
while clarifying the reason. The reports are for-
HUCAPP 2023 - 7th International Conference on Human Computer Interaction Theory and Applications
warded to the Tiktok team for examination, then
get treated depending on the report’s analysis.
Our model currently includes the various con-
cepts that we identified using both web and mobile
platforms throughout several iterations. Although
the analysis from both platforms contributed to the
model, there were some subtle variations in the struc-
ture of the interfaces, but the behavior was coher-
ent across both platforms. We noticed that the nav-
igation on the website is more sophisticated than on
the mobile in order to enhance content accessibility.
Therefore, website interfaces have several, concurrent
design features such as a visual keyboard to conve-
niently browse and like videos or autoplay videos on
mouse hover, as opposed to mobile interfaces, which
concentrate on a specific feature at a time. In addi-
tion, even though the website labels the notifications
to make them searchable, the mobile notification sys-
tem is more consistent.
Figure 2: Schema of the concepts categorization.
After analyzing and investigating each concept and
based on our initial impressions of the conceptual
model, we proposed a set of four categories, each
of which includes particular TikTok concepts that are
targeted at the same goal and hence are tightly tied
to one another. Therefore, we proposed a schema as
shown in figure. 2, that represents a higher abstraction
of the prior model while incorporating the categoriza-
tion of concepts. The concepts have been categorized
as follows:
Opinion Expression: This category encompasses
the concepts that allow TikTok users to create
and generate their own content, such as record-
ing videos, designing filters, or uploading an au-
dio. It also covers concepts associated with user
generated content, including trend and suggestion
Opinion Expression Support: This category
covers concepts that equip users with support and
options to communicate their viewpoints on the
content. This can emerge from good impressions,
such as shares and likes, or negative impressions,
such as report and block, for unpleasant content.
This category is heavily reliant on opinion ex-
pression, therefore they typically operate concur-
Management Features: It includes concepts that
supplement and transform other concepts in order
to manage or customize them. This category is
considered an extension to the other categories.
For example, managing settings for profile and
Communication: It contains concepts that fo-
cus on user communication and interaction. For
example, viewers conversing with the creator on
livestream by sending questions or users exchang-
ing messages to one another.
All of these categories are strongly connected to
profile, since it was observed to be the key concept of
TikTok, controlling, regulating, and impacting most
concepts. The four categories are interconnected to
one another, and their relationships are established by
the interactions between their concepts. For example,
if a user posts a video and attaches it to a new creative
filter. The likes and shares on the video will make it
very interactive, increasing its chances of being sug-
gested and going viral. This interactivity and popu-
larity will cause notifications to appear to the user on
a regular basis. To maintain engagement with his new
followers, he will begin interacting with them more
on livestreams and uploading content often on his pro-
In this paper, we presented our first TikTok concep-
tual model. The model contains all the concepts iden-
tified in the mobile application and website applica-
tion. This model will be evaluated and broadened fur-
ther in the future to ensure its inclusivity. Similarly,
we will do the same with the other social networks
in order to gain control of them and determine their
concepts. Our goal is to develop a meta model that en-
compasses all social network concepts. A meta model
that will allow us to advance to a higher level of ab-
straction and evaluate the amount of persuasion of the
various aspects of social networks.
We believe that this meta model, along with the
various conceptual models, will not only serve as a
foundation for other researchers in the field to gain a
general understanding of all concepts used in social
Towards Identifying Concepts in Persuasive Social Networks: Case Study TikTok
networks, along with their categorization/abstraction
and levels of persuasion, but will also serve as a good
starting point for thinking about the next generation
of social networks. A generation that considers not
only how to influence and motivate active user par-
ticipation for business benefits, but also users’ goals
such as how they want to spend their time, relation-
ships both interpersonal and social choices, mental
and emotional limits e.g.vulnerabilities, fatigue, and
the ways their minds form habits.
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HUCAPP 2023 - 7th International Conference on Human Computer Interaction Theory and Applications