Can We Use Probing to Better Understand Fine-Tuning
and Knowledge Distillation of the BERT NLU?
Jakub Ho
1,2 a
, Marcin Sowa
1,2 b
, Piotr Czubowski
1 c
and Artur Janicki
2 d
Samsung R&D Poland Institute, Warsaw, Poland
Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland
Probing, Natural Language Understanding, Dialogue Agents, BERT, Fine-Tuning, Knowledge Distillation.
In this article, we use probing to investigate phenomena that occur during fine-tuning and knowledge distillation
of a BERT-based natural language understanding (NLU) model. Our ultimate purpose was to use probing to
better understand practical production problems and consequently to build better NLU models. We designed
experiments to see how fine-tuning changes the linguistic capabilities of BERT, what the optimal size of
the fine-tuning dataset is, and what amount of information is contained in a distilled NLU based on a tiny
Transformer. The results of the experiments show that the probing paradigm in its current form is not well
suited to answer such questions. Structural, Edge and Conditional probes do not take into account how easy it
is to decode probed information. Consequently, we conclude that quantification of information decodability is
critical for many practical applications of the probing paradigm.
In recent years significant progress has been made in
the natural language processing (NLP) field. Foun-
dation models, such as BERT (Devlin et al., 2019)
and GPT-3 (Brown et al., 2020), remarkably pushed
numerous crucial NLP benchmarks and the quality
of dialogue systems. Current efforts in the field of-
ten assume that progress in foundation models can
be made by either increasing the size of a model and
dataset or by introducing new training tasks. While we
acknowledge that this approach can lead to improve-
ments in many downstream NLP tasks (including nat-
ural language understanding NLU), we argue that
current model evaluation procedures are insufficient
to determine whether neural networks “understand the
meaning” or whether they simply memorize training
data. Knowing this would allow us to build better
NLU models.
In the last few decades, measuring the knowledge
of neural networks has been one of key challenges
for NLP. Perhaps the most straightforward way of
doing this is to ask models commonsense questions
and measure how often their answer is correct (Bisk
et al., 2020). However, as noted in Bender and Koller
(2020), such an approach might be insufficient to prove
whether a neural network “understands meaning” be-
cause the answers given by foundation models might
be the result of memorization of training data and
statistical patterns. And since this approach is not con-
clusive, a new set of methods that focus on explaining
the internal workings of neural networks has been pro-
posed (Limisiewicz and Marecek, 2020; Clark et al.,
2019). Among the most prominent are probing mod-
els, which are usually used to estimate the amount of
the various types of linguistic information contained
in neural network layers (Hewitt and Manning, 2019;
Tenney et al., 2019). In the probing paradigm, a sim-
ple neural network is applied to solve an auxiliary
task (e.g., part of speech tagging) to a frozen model.
The assumption is that the higher the performance of
such a probing neural network, the higher the amount
of the respective type of information a probed model
Many efforts have been made to better understand
the probing paradigm, its purposes, and its usefulness
in generating valuable insights from studies on neural
networks. Nevertheless, it is still unclear how exactly
probing should be used in the NLP field and what con-
clusions can be drawn from probing results (Ivanova
et al., 2021). Probing methods are inspired by neu-
sciłowicz, J., Sowa
nski, M., Czubowski, P. and Janicki, A.
Can We Use Probing to Better Understand Fine-Tuning and Knowledge Distillation of the BERT NLU?.
DOI: 10.5220/0011724900003393
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2023) - Volume 3, pages 625-632
ISBN: 978-989-758-623-1; ISSN: 2184-433X
2023 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
roscience where an analogical approach is used to
better understand how information is processed in
a human brain (Glaser et al., 2020). Most impor-
tantly, Kriegeskorte and Douglas (2019) conclude that
a decoding probe model can only reveal whether a par-
ticular type of information is present in a certain brain
region. Information perspective is also present in NLP
– Pimentel et al. (2020) state that one should always
select the highest-performing probe, because it gives
the best estimation of the lower bound of information
amount in a neural network.
Our research is motivated by the questions we
faced while working on NLU models used in dialogue
agents. Development of production-ready BERT-based
NLU models requires deep understanding of phenom-
ena that occur during fine-tuning and knowledge dis-
tillation (KD). Especially important issues are “catas-
trophic forgetting” and choice of optimal fine-tuning
dataset size. Probing seems to be a relevant tool to
analyze these issues, but in this work we will show
that its practical usability in the NLU context is low.
Our article is structured as follows. First, in Sec-
tion 2, we present a review of related work in the area.
Next, in Sections 3 and 4, we describe the design and
results of our experiments. In Section 5, we discuss
the results of our experiments in the context of related
works from both machine learning and neuroscience.
Finally, in Section 6, we summarize our arguments
and outline a proposed solution.
In the literature, three types of probing are usually
described. Structural probing, introduced by Hewitt
and Manning (2019), which conceptually aims at es-
timating the amount of syntactic information through
reconstruction of dependency trees from vector rep-
resentations returned by neural networks. Edge prob-
ing (Tenney et al., 2019) includes a wide array of sub-
sentence NLP tasks. All the tasks can be formulated
as syntactic or semantic relations between words or
sentences. Conditional probing (Hewitt et al., 2021)
is a framework which can be applied to any probing
method (e.g., conditional structural probing). Concep-
tually, conditional probing tells how much information
is present in a given layer of a model, provided that
this information is not present in a chosen baseline
(e.g., embedding layer). Consequently, conditional
probing allows for better comparison of models with
different architectures – it grounds probing results in
non-contextual embedding layers of models.
Some authors used probing to better understand
how linguistic information is acquired by models and
how it changes during fine-tuning (Kirkpatrick et al.,
2017; Hu et al., 2020). Durrani et al. (2021) and Pérez-
Mayos et al. (2021) analyze the phenomenon of “catas-
trophic forgetting” and generalization in the NLU con-
text. Zhang et al. (2021) and Pérez-Mayos et al. (2021)
used probing as a tool to estimate the optimal size of
pretraining data for NLU tasks. Zhu et al. (2022) con-
cluded that probing is an efficient tool for that, because
it does not require gradient updates of the entire model.
Probing has also been used to compare amounts of
linguistic knowledge in neural networks (Nikoulina
et al., 2021; Liu et al., 2019).
The majority of publications related to BERT fine-
tuning report a drop in probing results after fine-
tuning. Durrani et al. (2021) conclude that the decrease
in probing results means that fine-tuning leads to catas-
trophic forgetting. Mosbach et al. (2020) hypothesize
that after fine-tuning, linguistic information might be
less linearly separable and hence harder to detect for a
probing model. The broad fine-tuning analysis of Mer-
chant et al. (2020) (including probing models) guides
authors towards the hypothesis that fine-tuning does
not introduce arbitrary (negative) changes to a model’s
representation, but mainly adjusts it to a downstream
task. Relying on improvements and new insights in the
probing field (e.g., conditional probing), we wanted to
continue along this path in order to understand what
happens in our particular NLU scenario.
Probing in the KD context was used by Kuncoro
et al. (2019). The authors concluded that their new
neural network architecture has better syntactic com-
petencies than the baseline. Similarly, Fei et al. (2020)
used probing to assess the language competencies of
a distilled student model. The fact that the probing
results of the student model are close to those of the
teacher’s leads the authors to the conclusion that the
student is effective at capturing syntax. In a similar
manner, we wanted to use probing to measure the lin-
guistic capabilities of a distilled NLU model.
To better illustrate our interpretation of probing, we in-
troduced the following terminology (see also Figure 1):
we define the Primary Decoder as the decoder that was
used to train or fine-tune a given Encoder (e.g., BERT).
For example, in the case of our BERT fine-tuning, it is
the NLU head. The Secondary Decoder is an external
decoder that was not used for training or fine-tuning
of the Encoder (e.g., probing decoder). All probing
results noted in this publication are the results of the
last layer of the Encoder (e.g., the last layer of BERT).
ICAART 2023 - 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
High probing result
Low/medium probing result
NLU layer
Model has significant
amount of given type of
Future research is necessary to either quantify information
decodability or to design new probing methods that are not
susceptible to this issue.
Information decodability
Different probing methods measure different types of information in model, e.g.,
structural probing estimates amount of syntactic information.
Type of Information
Tiny Transformer
NLU layer
Two hypotheses
Model has no significant
amount of given type of information.
Model has significant amount of
given type of information, but it is
hard to decode this information.
Amount of
Figure 1: Probing interpretation in typical NLU scenario. The Architecture” sub-graph describes modeling design and
terminology. “Environment” gives an overview of the pipeline. Finally, the “Probing Interpretation” sub-graph describes how
probing can be interpreted and what limitations we see.
3.1 Probing Methods Used
We investigated three distinct types of probing meth-
ods: structural, edge and conditional. The performance
of the structural probing model is measured with Unla-
beled Undirected Attachment Score (UUAS) – which
represents the percentage of undirected edges placed
correctly against the gold syntactic tree. We used the
part-of-speech (POS) tagging-based variant of edge
probing its metric is F1 score. As a baseline for
conditional probing, we used the non-contextual em-
bedding layer of the probed neural network, similarly
to Hewitt et al. (2021). The metric for conditional
probing is determined by the chosen probing method,
e.g., for conditional structural probing it is UUAS.
3.2 Joint NLU
There are many NLP tasks that are considered part of
the NLU field. In this paper, we define NLU in the way
which is most popular in the dialogue agent context –
as the intent classification and slot-filling tasks (Weld
et al., 2021). An intent represents a command uttered
to a dialogue system and slots are parameters of that
command. For example, in the utterance “play Radio-
head on Spotify”, ‘Radiohead’ and ‘Spotify’ are slots
and ‘to_play_music’ is an intent.
As an NLU architecture, we used Joint
BERT (Chen et al., 2019). This NLU model is
created by extending BERT with two softmax classi-
fiers corresponding to intents and slots respectively.
To measure NLU quality, we used semantic frame
accuracy. It is calculated as a fraction of test sentences
where both intent and all slots were correctly predicted.
We tested three variants of the NLU architecture,
differentiated by the way in which BERT output
vectors are passed to the intent classification layer:
Pooled IC, where input to IC is a vector corre-
sponding to BERT’s special [CLS] token. This is
the approach used in (Chen et al., 2019),
Average IC, where input to IC is average of
BERT’s output vectors,
Sum IC, where input to IC is sum of BERT’s out-
put vectors,
3.3 Knowledge Distillation for Joint
The purpose of KD is to train the student model
through imitation of the teacher model. The objec-
tive is to minimize KD Loss
, which measures
divergence between student, training data and teacher.
Because Joint NLU (Chen et al., 2019) is based on
a multitask paradigm, divergence losses of two tasks,
classification and slot filling
, are mini-
mized simultaneously (
= L
+ L
is ana-
logical to:
= H(y, σ(z
)) +H(σ(z
;ρ), σ(z
Can We Use Probing to Better Understand Fine-Tuning and Knowledge Distillation of the BERT NLU?
is cross entropy loss function,
are ground
truth slot labels,
are student and teacher
logits respectively. Additionally, softmax function
σ parametrized by temperature ρ, is applied to logits.
Distillation was performed to a randomly initial-
ized student model with transformer architecture ana-
logical to BERT, but reduced to two layers and two
attention heads. BERT NLU (Pooled) was used as
the teacher model. As a point of reference, we also
included the results of a tiny model with the same ar-
chitecture as student, but trained without distillation
(Tiny Transformer NLU).
3.4 Data
We used a subset of Leyzer (Sowa
nski and Janicki,
2020) that consisted of five domains with 51 intents
and 29 slots. We annotated Leyzer with the Stan-
ford Dependency Parser (Chen and Manning, 2014)
so that it could be used in the probing context. Addi-
tionally, for probing analysis, we used the Universal
Dependencies (UD) corpus (Nivre et al., 2020), which
is manually annotated and consists of general-type
sentences unrelated to NLU. The Leyzer subset we
used contains 5200 sentences and the UD corpus con-
sists of 16,621 in total. We used an
train/test/validation split. To better measure the gener-
alization power of models, we manually constructed
a small (164 test cases) Malicious NLU testset. It is
based on the Leyzer testset, but consists of sentences
which were designed to better measure the generaliza-
tion power of NLU models. Such test cases contain
named entities and grammatical constructs not present
in the training set.
4.1 Fine-Tuning Analysis
To get a better perspective on the analyzed phenomena,
we evaluated NLU in two variants. In the case of BERT
NLU, the BERT model is fine-tuned with NLU head.
In the Frozen BERT variant, BERT’s weights were
fixed during NLU decoder training. Consequently,
Frozen BERT gives baseline results (BERT is not fine-
tuned). We reported probing results both on Leyzer
and UD to give perspective on how in-domain (Leyzer)
probing results differ from out-of-domain (UD).
Detailed results presented in Table 1 show that,
as expected, fine-tuning improved NLU accuracy dur-
ing the course of training. An inverse trend can be
observed in relation to probing results. UUAS gets
lower as fine-tuning progresses. In the end, fine-tuned
NLU model probing results were significantly lower
than those of Frozen BERT. As presented in Figure 2,
exactly the same tendencies were observed when we
gradually increased the size of the fine-tuning dataset.
Table 1: Results of structural probing on BERT NLU model
tested on Leyzer and Universal Dependency (UD) testsets.
Linear baseline based on Hewitt and Manning (2019).
Model Variant
Linear baseline - - - 0.49
Frozen BERT 100 0.33 0.82 0.66
BERT NLU (Pooled)
1 0.0 0.79 0.60
5 0.45 0.75 0.56
10 0.85 0.70 0.55
30 0.97 0.55 0.52
60 0.97 0.58 0.52
100 0.97 0.50 0.50
In Figure 3, we present the results of the exper-
iment with three different NLU architectures (as de-
scribed in subsection 3.2). At the end of the fine-tuning
process, the NLU results were nearly the same, while
the UUAS differed significantly for each architecture.
A strong downward trend is visible in all possible cases.
All tendencies from this chapter were the same in the
case of conditional probing; see example in Table 2.
Figure 2: Influence of dataset size on NLU accuracy and
probing results.
4.2 Probing Knowledge Distillation
The first observation drawn from the NLU results pre-
sented in Table 2 is that both Student and Tiny Trans-
former have lower generalization power than BERT
NLU. If we compare Student NLU to its non-distilled
version, we observe non-negligible test accuracy gain
resulting from the KD process. In our case, the tem-
perature was a key factor for distillation the best
NLU result is achieved for the student distilled with
ICAART 2023 - 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Figure 3: Structural and edge probing results in fine-tuning
scenario on Leyzer and UD datasets, for three variants of
NLU architecture.
T = 0.01
(presented in Table 2). Neither temperature
nor choice of teacher significantly influences the prob-
ing results of the Student NLU.
In Table 2 we focused only on conditional prob-
ing because it gives a more valuable comparison of
models with different architectures; see also Section 2.
Both variants of conditional probes indicate that BERT
NLU, Student NLU, and Tiny Transformer NLU have
a near-zero amount of syntactic and part-of-speech
information in the last layers of their Encoders. Specif-
ically, if we measure only information not available
in the respective non-contextual baselines, then the
amount of information in the last Encoders’ layers for
all mentioned models is the same and close to zero.
We refrain from comparing teacher and student using
UD corpus because our student is not pre-trained on
any kind of general corpus. Nonetheless, UD results
give a scale for conditional probing results. For Frozen
BERT, the result on UD corpus is
for conditional
structural probing and
for conditional edge prob-
Table 2: Results for knowledge distillation and probing.
Frozen BERT
0.10 0.05 0.07
BERT NLU (Pooled)
0.56 0.02 0.01
Student NLU
0.27 0.01 0.01
Tiny Transformer
0.23 0.01 0.01
The significant decrease in probing results on a general
UD corpus can be explained by a known phenomenon:
when we fine-tune BERT on an NLU task, its general
linguistic knowledge is destroyed (“catastrophic for-
getting”). However, the decrease in probing results on
the Leyzer corpus is not so easy to interpret. BERT’s
fine-tuning on Leyzer leads to substantial deterioration
of probing results on precisely the same dataset. We
initially presumed that fine-tuning on Leyzer would
increase related linguistic knowledge, which would
be reflected in improvement in the probing results.
However, both experiments suggest that fine-tuning
optimizes downstream task accuracy, which comes
at the expense of the linguistic knowledge associated
with Leyzer.
The experiments with different NLU decoder ar-
chitectures show significant changes in probing results,
while at the same time NLU accuracy was not affected
that much. Depending on the NLU decoder mode
(pooled, averaged, sum), edge and structural probing
results can vary from around 0.45 to 0.70 UUAS and
F1 Score. This observation suggests that
the NLU decoder can play an important role in how
linguistic information in the Encoder is structured.
In the conditional framework, the downward prob-
ing tendencies of BERT’s fine-tuning do not change.
Conditional results on Leyzer are nearly the same for
teacher and non-pretrained student NLUs. Both mod-
els achieve near-zero conditional probing results and
if we apply a standard interpretation, we can conclude
that neither contains a significant amount of syntac-
tic and part-of-speech information in the last layers
of their Encoders (compared to the respective non-
contextual baselines).
All mentioned observations guided us toward the
two main hypotheses presented in “Amount of Infor-
mation” in Figure 1. The deterioration of probing
results might mean either that the amount of linguistic
information decreased or that it is harder to decode for
a probing model.
The purpose of the Primary NLU Decoder is to
structure BERT’s knowledge so that it can effectively
extract it and achieve high accuracy on a downstream
task. The Primary Decoder does not know about the
existence of Secondary Decoders and its goal is not
to make information in the Encoder easily extractable
for them, but to reduce NLU training loss. Conse-
quently, making definitive conclusions (“fine-tuning
leads to catastrophic forgetting”) relying on probing
results could be misleading. The degree of “catas-
trophic forgetting” (as measured with probing) could
be much smaller than we think, or even non-existent.
However, as shown in Figure 1, without inclusion of
the decodability issue in the probing paradigm, such
considerations remain inconclusive. Low probing re-
sults can mean either that information is not present,
or that it is hard to decode.
Can We Use Probing to Better Understand Fine-Tuning and Knowledge Distillation of the BERT NLU?
Relying on insights from the experiments, neuro-
science (Kriegeskorte and Douglas, 2019; Ivanova
et al., 2021) and NLP, we conclude that probing has
small usability for analysis of NLU models. Current
probing methods do not consider how easy it is to de-
code probed information, hence they only give an esti-
mation of the lower bound of information amount (Pi-
mentel et al., 2020). Future research is necessary to
either quantify information decodability (as visualized
in Figure 1) or to design new probing methods that are
not susceptible to this issue.
However, to measure decodability, firstly, informa-
tion in neural networks must be defined in a rigorous
way. Ultimately, similar to (Tschannen et al., 2020),
we conclude that a new concept of information is im-
portant for the future of NLP research. One approach
to how information can be defined in neural networks
is presented by Xu et al. (2020), but we have not yet
found any works about information decodability.
Another path is to use probing in a neuroscience
manner, as proposed by Kriegeskorte and Douglas
(2019). Instead of trying to answer the question “How
much information of a given type is in the neural net-
work?”, we can focus on the question “Is a given type
of information present in the neural network?” Con-
sequently, we use probing results as a component of
-value for the hypothesis that there is no significant
amount of a given type of information in a given neu-
ral network layer. This path implies that we should
focus more on new types of information which are
less obvious than those currently probed. Information
decodability also constitutes an issue for this approach.
However, in our opinion, with proper design of hypoth-
esis testing (including heuristics about decodability of
information), this approach can give more reasonable
insights than the “How much information” paradigm.
To summarize, the main contributions of our work
are as follows:
We showed that current probing methods are of
low usability for analysis of NLU models. Without
careful interpretation, they might lead to wrong
We presented a clear interpretation of probing in
the NLP context. This interpretation implies that
information decodability is a large obstacle for
many practical applications of probing methods.
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