A Data Augmentation Strategy for Improving Age Estimation to Support
CSEM Detection
Deisy Chaves
1 a
, Nancy Agarwal
2 b
, Eduardo Fidalgo
1 c
and Enrique Alegre
1 d
Department of Electrical, Systems and Automation, Universidad de Le
on, Le
on, Spain
GNIOT, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India
Age Estimation, Data Augmentation, Generative Adversarial Networks, Facial Occlusion, CSEM.
Leveraging image-based age estimation in preventing Child Sexual Exploitation Material (CSEM) content
over the internet is not investigated thoroughly in the research community. While deep learning methods
are considered state-of-the-art for general age estimation, they perform poorly in predicting the age group of
minors and older adults due to the few examples of these age groups in the existing datasets. In this work, we
present a data augmentation strategy to improve the performance of age estimators trained on imbalanced data
based on synthetic image generation and artificial facial occlusion. Facial occlusion is focused on modelling as
CSEM criminals tend to cover certain parts of the victim, such as the eyes, to hide their identity. The proposed
strategy is evaluated using the Soft Stagewise Regression Network (SSR-Net), a compact size age estimator
and three publicly available datasets composed mainly of non-occluded images. Therefore, we create the
Synthetic Augmented with Occluded Faces (SAOF-15K) dataset to assess the performance of eye and mouth-
occluded images. Results show that our strategy improves the performance of the evaluated age estimator.
Facial age estimation is defined as the problem of au-
tomatically predicting the real age of a person (i.e. the
number of years a person has been alive) or the age
group (i.e. pre-pubescent, pubescent, or adult) from
an image. In recent years, image-based age estima-
tion has become an emerging research area due to its
contributions to several real-world applications such
as human-computer interaction (Angulu et al., 2018),
(Osman and Yap, 2018), surveillance monitoring (Fu
et al., 2010), and age-invariant face recognition (An-
gulu et al., 2018). Moreover, some studies showed
the potential of age prediction to detect victims (pre-
pubescent and pubescents) aid the analysis of CSEM
(Anda et al., 2020), (Gangwar et al., 2021), (Grubl
and Lallie, 2022). In (Gangwar et al., 2021), authors
decompose the Child Sexual Abuse (CSA) detection
problem into two modules: pornographic detection
and age-group classification as minor or adult.
Deep learning algorithms are state-of-the-art for
designing the age estimators from facial images
(Rothe et al., 2015), (Shen et al., 2018), (Yang et al.,
2018), (Agbo-Ajala and Viriri, 2021), (Wang et al.,
2022). However, their performance is hindered be-
cause the existing labelled datasets are limited in size.
Constructing accurate estimators requires many la-
belled face images for every individual age or age
group under consideration. Thus, the imbalance is-
sue in these datasets leads to an overfitted model and
prevents its generalisation capability from reaching
its full potential. There are several strategies to han-
dle small and imbalanced datasets, e.g. label distri-
bution learning, data re-sampling, redefining class-
balance losses, and transfer learning (Geng et al.,
2014), (Kang et al., 2019), (Yan et al., 2022). These
approaches mainly focus on designing the model with
an equal probability of learning discriminative fea-
tures of minority and majority class samples.
Instead of working at the algorithm level, an-
other widely adopted strategy to deal with imbalanced
dataset issues is adding more samples of minority
classes to the training (Liu et al., 2020), (Zhong et al.,
2020), (Zhang and Bao, 2022). However, finding the
expected number of real images labelled with chrono-
logical ages is challenging and time-consuming for
the age estimation problem. Therefore, in this work,
we presented a data augmentation approach to gen-
erate target samples from the existing facial images
artificially. To the best of our knowledge, Style-
Chaves, D., Agarwal, N., Fidalgo, E. and Alegre, E.
A Data Augmentation Strategy for Improving Age Estimation to Support CSEM Detection.
DOI: 10.5220/0011719700003417
In Proceedings of the 18th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2023) - Volume 5: VISAPP, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-634-7; ISSN: 2184-4321
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
GAN is a state-of-the-art method for synthesising
high-resolution images (Karras et al., 2019), (Karras
et al., 2020). In this work, StyleGANv2 and High-
Resolution Age Editing Face (HREAF) (Yao et al.,
2021) have been adopted.
Since we are focused on designing an age estima-
tion system that could assist in CSEM investigations,
occlusion plays an essential role as the criminals tend
to cover certain parts of the victim, such as eyes and
mouth, to hide their identity (Gangwar et al., 2017).
However, only a few works have studied the effect of
facial occlusion during age estimation (Yadav et al.,
2014),(Ye et al., 2018), (Cai and Liu, 2021), despite
regions such as eyes and mouth corners are impor-
tant features during the age prediction. In our pre-
vious work , we explored the use of eye occlusion
and improved the estimation of subjects between 0
and 25 years old. In this work, we use artificial eye
and mouth occluded images with different levels of
transparency for designing an age estimator focused
on minor and adult age groups that are robust to face
occlusion. Moreover, the Soft Stagewise Regression
Network (SSR-Net) (Yang et al., 2018) architecture is
applied to build a compact size age estimator. Fur-
thermore, for evaluation purposes, we generate two
artificial occluded versions of the APP-Real (Agusts-
son et al., 2017) and the FG-Net datasets (Fu et al.,
2014). Hence, the main contributions of this work are
summarised as follows:
A data augmentation strategy for age estimation
using facial occlusion and synthetic images aid to
support CSEM detection.
The Synthetic Augmented with Occluded Faces
, created for evaluating purposes,
which is composed of the eye and mouth-
occluded facial versions of the FG-Net and the
APP-Real dataset.
Study of the effect of facial occlusion during age
The outcome of this study will be applied to the
European project Global Response Against Child
Exploitation (GRACE).
2.1 Age Estimation Models
Age estimation is mainly addressed as a regression
problem to learn a non-linear function for mapping
the facial features of the images to their chronologi-
cal age. However, learning a global ageing mapping
is challenging due to the inhomogeneous nature of
faces observed as intra-class facial appearance vari-
ations (i.e. significant changes in the face attributes
of different persons at the same age) (Shen et al.,
2018). As a solution, some studies (Shen et al., 2018),
(Shen et al., 2019) presented modelling of multiple
local regressors to learn the variations in the ageing
pattern, e.g. random forest-based regression (Mon-
tillo and Ling, 2009) and CNN-based tree regression
(Shen et al., 2018). In some studies, the age estima-
tion is treated as a label distribution learning (LDL)
problem by modelling the correlation pattern between
the neighbouring ages based on the assumption that
facial images of a person at adjacent ages appear sim-
ilar (Geng et al., 2014), (Gao et al., 2018). Shen et
al. (Shen et al., 2019) combine the concept of mul-
tiple local functions and LDL to introduce the Deep
Label Distribution Learning Forests (DLDLFs) algo-
rithm for age estimation. The DLDLF model consists
of an ensemble of LDL trees employing the VGG-16
convolutional neural network architecture (Simonyan
and Zisserman, 2014).
Besides, age regression can also be formulated as
a classification problem by partitioning the ages into
a set of discrete classes. The authors (Rothe et al.,
2015) leverage the softmax function at the outer layer
of the deep neural network to classify the predicted
age into labels between 0 to 100 years. The final age
is predicted by combining the output probabilities of
the neurons via the expected value function. Inspired
by the above work, the authors (Yang et al., 2018)
perform multi-stage classification, where each stage
corresponds to a set of age groups and refines the de-
cision of the previous step with a finer granularity.
The advantage of the multi-stage framework is that
the number of output neurons is small at each stage,
leading to a more compact model than (Rothe et al.,
2015) without sacrificing performance. Recently, in
(Shin et al., 2022) proposed a general regression algo-
rithm called Moving Window Regression (MWR) and
applied it to age estimation. MWR obtains an initial
rank estimate of an input instance based on the near-
est neighbour criterion. It is refined by selecting two
reference instances to form a search window and esti-
mating the relative rank within the search window it-
eratively. The diverse characteristics in different rank
groups are managed using a local and a global regres-
In our work, we applied a similar stagewise
methodology (Yang et al., 2018), so we built a com-
pact size age estimator useful for machines with lim-
ited memory and computation resources.
A Data Augmentation Strategy for Improving Age Estimation to Support CSEM Detection
2.2 Age Estimation with Occluded
The majority of age estimation works have used fully-
visible facial images as input data for prediction and,
therefore, do not generalise well when certain parts of
the faces are hidden, or occluded (Chaves et al., 2020)
. In forensic applications such as CSEM detection,
age estimation from occluded images becomes crucial
as the criminals tend to cover the eyes of the victim to
hide their identity (Gangwar et al., 2017). Moreover,
the recent global COVID-19 pandemic, where people
should wear a face mask, has further urged the need
to consider occlusion in modelling age estimators.
Face occlusion is commonly studied in domains
like face recognition and face verification (Min et al.,
2011), (Kortli et al., 2020), (Zhao et al., 2016). How-
ever, only a few studies have considered occluded
faces during the age estimation (Yadav et al., 2014),
(Cai and Liu, 2021), (Ye et al., 2018), (Chaves et al.,
2020). Yadav et al. (Yadav et al., 2014) conducted an
experiment where some regions of facial images, such
as T-region, binocular region, chin portion, faces with
masked eyes, and masked T-region, were shown to the
participants to understand which facial section con-
tains helpful information for age prediction. It is seen
that the chin area provides sufficient clues for the age
group 0 5, and the faces with obfuscated T-region
are recognisable in the age group 610. In (Ye et al.,
2018), the authors mask eye regions to build a model
for age estimation with more discriminate features
around the mouth and nose. Furthermore, the work
(Cai and Liu, 2021) focused on occlusion caused by
wearing a mask and employed a self-supervised con-
trastive learning framework to model the relationship
between the fully-visible and masked face.
Our work is similar to (Chaves et al., 2020) where
artificially eye occluded images are included dur-
ing training to design an age model to support the
recognition of CSEM victims showed that the model
built using both occluded and non-occluded images is
more stable, robust, and efficient. As an extension to
this approach, we considered several levels of trans-
parency during the occlusion and synthesised mouth
occluded images, which may assist the age estimation
of people wearing facial masks.
2.3 Data Augmentation
One of the solutions to deal with the imbalanced data
issue is to increase the number of minority samples in
the dataset. However, finding the expected number of
images labelled with chronological age is challenging
and time-consuming for the age estimation problem.
Data augmentation overcomes this problem by defin-
ing a variety of simple operations such as rotation,
translation, scaling, flipping, and cropping (Liu et al.,
2020), (Krizhevsky et al., 2012) to artificially gen-
erate different versions of images from the existing
ones. In addition to geometric image transformations,
synthetic instances can also be obtained by altering
the brightness of the image, infusing some noise to it,
or erasing its certain regions via masking technique
(Liu et al., 2020), (Zhong et al., 2020).
Besides these simple transformation principles,
data augmentation also consists of complex trans-
formations such as the work of Oliveira et al.
(de Pontes Oliveira et al., 2016) where a high-level
deformation function is proposed to induce variance
in specific facial features (e.g., chin, nose, and jaw)
by detecting fiducial points (de Pontes Oliveira et al.,
2016). Nowadays, the use of generative models such
as GAN (Generative Adversarial Network) is one
promising approach in data augmentation that relies
on neural networks to create artificial data (Wang
et al., 2018). The primary motivation for using these
models in age estimation is to generate a modified
version of an existing facial image with a younger
or older appearance (Golubovi
c and Risojevi
c, 2021).
In (Georgopoulos et al., 2020), the authors integrated
the style transfer optimising technique with GAN, al-
lowing them to modify the existing image based on
the features of another image. The framework assists
them in creating a variety of faces of extreme ages
(i.e. very old/young).
StyleGAN is nowadays the state-of-the-art
method for synthesising high-resolution images
(Karras et al., 2019), (Karras et al., 2020). Con-
ventional GAN modelling struggles with the feature
entanglement issue, where a small change in latent
input space affects multiple features and their ca-
pability to produce images with finer details. In
contrast, styleGAN allows better control and offers
us to modify the details from high-level features
such as face shape to minute alterations (e.g., hair
colour, wrinkles) in the image by comprising the
methodology that learns progressively from low-level
to high-resolution details. Since GAN-based models
are complex and known for producing artefacts,
the study (Yao et al., 2021) presented the encoder-
decoder-based system to synthesise images for
performing ageing/de-ageing with fewer artefacts
and high resolution, i.e., High-Resolution Face Age
Editing (HRFAE). We employ HRFAE for creating
the older images and styleGANv2 (Karras et al.,
2020) for obtaining the images of the minor group.
styleGANv2 also solves the artefacts problem in
images caused by the styleGAN.
VISAPP 2023 - 18th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
We proposed a two-step training strategy to improve
the performance of age estimation models built with
imbalanced data on facial images with and without
occlusion; see Figure 1. First, given a set of non-
occluded facial images, data is augmented by creating
a set of occluded eye and mouth images and adding
masks to simulate the observed conditions on CSEM.
A collection of synthetic images of minors and el-
ders are generated using GAN-based methods to in-
crease the samples with low frequency on the imbal-
ance datasets. Second, artificial occluded images and
synthetic generated ones are combined into one set
to build an age estimation model robust against facial
Figure 1: Strategy for training age estimation models with
imbalanced datasets.
3.1 Non-Occluded Dataset as Input
We use facial images of the Mivia Age Dataset pro-
vided last year for the Guess The Age contest (Greco,
2021) as input to build the age estimators. This
dataset includes 575.073 images of subjects aged be-
tween 1 and 81 years old. Apart from being one of
the largest publicly available datasets with age anno-
tations, the Mivia Age Dataset is highly imbalanced
on minors and the elderly making it ideal to evaluate
our proposed data augmentation strategy.
3.2 Augmentation of Facial Images
We increase the number of images in the training
dataset using three strategies: (i) creation of facial oc-
cluded images by adding a rectangular mask over the
eye and the mouth regions to simulate what offend-
ers do to difficult victims identification, (ii) genera-
tion of synthetic images of minors using transfer style
(StyleGANv2 (Karras et al., 2020)), and (iii) genera-
tion of elder faces using an ageing method (HREAF
(Yao et al., 2021)).
3.2.1 Creation of Facial Occluded Images
Given a non-occluded facial image, first, the Multi-
Task Cascade CNN (MTCNN) (Zhang et al., 2016)
method is used to identify the location of the right and
the left eye, and the right and the left external points
of the mouth.
Second, the slope of the lines that connects these
points is obtained and used to determine the posi-
tion and the dimensions of the rectangular mask to
be drawn over the eyes and the mouth, respectively.
The dimensions of the rectangle covering the eyes are
the 25% of the height and the 95% of the width of the
bounding box containing the face. While the dimen-
sions of the rectangle to cover the mouth correspond
to the 25% of the height and the 55% of the width of
the bounding box containing the face.
Finally, several degrees of transparency were con-
sidered to draw the black rectangles, as illustrated in
Figure 2.
Figure 2: Eye and mouth occluded facial images created
artificially with different levels of transparency.
3.2.2 Generation of Synthetic Minor Images
We use StyleGANv2 to generate minor images be-
tween 1 and 17 years old. StyleGANv2 is an ex-
tension of StyleGAN to reduce the blob-shaped arte-
facts in the generated images. StyleGAN and Style-
GANv2 create images through the incremental ex-
pansion of discriminator and generator models from
small to large images during the training process.
A Data Augmentation Strategy for Improving Age Estimation to Support CSEM Detection
To generate a new minor image, first, we select
two facial images of minors and generate latent vec-
tors using a StyleGANv2 trained from scratch using
2000 images per age group of the Mivia Age Dataset
– when available. We choose images of minors of the
same age and gender to keep the facial features rep-
resenting a particular age. Second, we combine the
latent vectors of two minor images using linear inter-
polation. Third, we generated the new minor image
from the latent vector using a truncation parameter set
experimentally to 0.7. We generate around 4000 im-
ages per age group; see Figure 3.
Figure 3: Minor facial images generated with StyleGANv2
per age group.
3.2.3 Generation of Synthetic Elder Images
We use HRFAE to generate elder images between 68
and 81 years old because the number of images on the
Mivia Age Dataset for this age group were not enough
to successfully train a StyleGANv2 model. HRFAE is
an encoder-decoder architecture for face age editing
that uses a latent space representation containing the
face identity, a feature modulation layer and its age.
We selected an adult image to generate a new elder
image and aged it using the HRFAE model trained
from scratch. As a result, we generate around 4000
images per age; see Figure 4.
3.3 Building of the Age Estimation
We split the Mivia Age dataset into training and test
subsets, containing the 80% and 20% of all images,
respectively. We augmented the training dataset by
combining the non-occluded faces of the Mivia Age
dataset, their corresponding eye and mouth occluded
version created artificially, and the generated images
Figure 4: Generation of aged facial images using HRFAE
per age group.
of minors and the elderly using StyleGANv2 and
HRFAE (see section 3.2).
Images on the augmented training dataset are re-
sized to 64 × 64 pixels and used to build SSR-Net
models (Yang et al., 2018) from scratch. We select
a low image resolution (64 × 64 pixels) and the SSR-
Net model for age estimation because it allows us to
construct compact-size models which can be used in
any hardware including mobile devices regardless of
their memory capacity. SSR-Net primarily focuses on
reducing models’ size by classifying a small number
of classes within the age group and refining them at
each stage.
We built the SSR-Net models on a 12GB Nvidia
TITAN Xp using a loss function focus on the Mean
Absolute Error (MAE) value and the Adam optimiser
with a decay learning rate varying between 30 and 60.
Models were trained until a maximum number of 180
epochs using an early stop strategy with a patience
parameter of 10 epochs.
We evaluated the performance of the SSR-Net models
using the MAE computed on the entire test set, the
MAE values per age intervals obtained considering
eight range intervals between 1 and 81 years, and the
standard deviation (σ) of these MAE per age intervals.
First, we assess the effect of using eye and mouth-
occluded images during the training of SSR-Net mod-
els. For this, we compared the performance of models
built from scratch following the procedure described
in Section 3.3 with several training sets composed of
artificially occluded facial images using black masks
with several degrees of transparency: (a) original im-
ages (Org. Img.); (b) original images and eye oc-
cluded images (Org. Img & Eye Ocl. Img.) with a de-
VISAPP 2023 - 18th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Table 1: Effect of the data augmentation strategy on the performance of the SSR-Net models. The best values are shown in
Org. Img. & Org. Img. & Org. & Org. &
Evaluation Org. Eye Ocl. Img. Mouth Ocl. Img. Ocl. Ocl. &
Metric Img. 90% 75% 50% 25% 0% 90% 75% 0% Img. GANs Img.
, 1-10 yrs 18,11 16,28 17,99 17,5 17,26 20,54 17,77 19 17,61 16,28 13,00
, 11-20 yrs 5,01 4,17 5,04 4,70 4,40 6,73 4,62 5,78 4,75 4,17 4,40
, 21-30 yrs 2,77 2,74 3,37 2,90 2,56 4,04 2,86 3,44 2,76 2,74 2,90
, 31-40 yrs 3,47 3,17 3,44 3,24 3,75 4,10 4,05 3,55 3,11 3,17 3,23
, 41-50 yrs 3,84 3,49 3,64 3,42 5,18 3,98 5,11 3,54 3,36 3,49 3,43
, 51-60 yrs 3,61 3,26 3,91 3,27 5,55 3,83 5,62 3,55 3,30 3,26 3,13
, 61-70 yrs 5,36 3,99 5,15 3,68 6,81 3,89 7,68 4,78 4,28 3,99 3,68
, +70 yrs 9,90 6,92 8,84 5,71 10,65 4,92 12,75 8,26 7,18 6,92 7,12
MAE 3,64 3,30 3,78 3,35 4,30 4,20 4,51 3,77 3,31 3,30 3,31
σ 5,64 4,79 5,38 5,10 5,25 5,86 5,68 5,68 5,28 4,79 3,71
Table 2: Assessment of the age estimator with eye and mouth-occluded images on the Mivia Age, the APP-Real, and the
FG-Net datasets. The best values are shown in bold.
Evaluation org. Mivia Age Dataset APP-Real dataset FG-Net dataset
Metric Img. org. eye ocl. mouth ocl. org. eye ocl. mouth ocl. org. eye ocl. mouth ocl.
, 1-10 yrs 18,11 13,00 28,18 18,87 31,40 32,10 31,05 15,36 31,74 25,08
, 11-20 yrs 5,01 4,40 12,64 8,52 17,52 18,75 18,55 9,80 21,41 17,84
, 21-30 yrs 2,77 2,90 7,89 4,74 9,68 9,84 10,38 6,49 12,63 11,07
, 31-40 yrs 3,47 3,23 4,39 4,14 5,46 4,44 4,99 5,94 5,35 5,39
, 41-50 yrs 3,84 3,43 4,03 5,41 6,85 8,41 6,93 6,56 6,45 5,37
, 51-60 yrs 3,61 3,13 6,84 6,14 11,90 16,01 12,63 7,79 9,57 9,07
, 61-70 yrs 5,36 3,68 11,69 7,53 18,48 24,92 20,85 11,57 19,43 14,43
, +70 yrs 9,90 7,12 18,41 13,19 26,42 34,58 28,95 —-
MAE 3,64 3,31 6,46 5,34 12,70 13,58 13,06 11,01 22,08 18,03
σ 5,64 3,71 9,30 5,72 9,29 11,56 9,85 3,48 10,43 8,00
gree of transparency of 90%, 75%, 50%, 25% and 0%
(solid mask); (c) original images and mouth occluded
images (Org. Img & Mouth Ocl. Img.) with a degree
of transparency of 90%, 75%, and 0% (solid mask);
(d) original images with eye and mouth occluded im-
ages (Org. & Ocl. Img.); (e) original images with
eye and mouth occluded images and synthetic images
generated using GANs models (Org. & Ocl. & GANs
Table 1 condenses the general MAE, the MAE
per age interval, and the MAE standard deviation ob-
tained for the five evaluated configurations. The data
augmentation using eye and mouth-occluded images
effectively improves the performance during the age
estimation of minors and the elderly (MAE of 3, 30
and standard deviation, σ, of 4, 79). Moreover, the use
of synthetic images allows the building of more stable
models with the lowest MAE standard deviation (σ of
3, 71) in comparison to the model trained only with
original images (σ of 5, 64) and occluded ones (σ of
4, 79). Thus, the best SSR-Net model for estimating
the age is built using the combination of original, oc-
cluded and synthetic images; it achieves an MAE of
3, 31 and σ of 3, 71 on the Mivia Age Dataset.
Besides, we assess the performance of the best
age estimation model on occluded conditions using
the testing set of the Mivia Age dataset (20 % of the
data) and the reference datasets, APP-Real (Agusts-
son et al., 2017), and FG-Net (Fu et al., 2014). FG-
Net is composed of 1002 facial images of subjects be-
tween 0-66 years, and APP-Real comprises 7591 fa-
cial images of subjects between 0-95 years. Note that
after a manual inspection of the APP-Real dataset,
we use for evaluation 6884 images from this dataset.
Moreover, we created the SAOF-15K dataset, which
comprises 15772 images corresponding to two ver-
sions of the APP-Real and the FG-Net datasets (arti-
ficially occluded eyes and mouth).
Table 2 shows the general MAE, the MAE per age
interval, and the MAE standard deviation. Although
eye and mouth occluded images were used to train
the age estimation models, results showed that the
performance decreased on this type of images, espe-
cially on eye occluded ones (MAE of 6, 46), in com-
parison to the prediction on non-occluded or origi-
nal images (MAE of 3, 31). This indicates that the
information in the eye region is more important for
predicting age than the information in the mouth re-
A Data Augmentation Strategy for Improving Age Estimation to Support CSEM Detection
gion. The same behaviour was observed on the eval-
uated datasets. Therefore, more robust strategies are
required to improve age prediction on occluded faces.
In this study, we presented a data augmentation strat-
egy to improve the estimation of age on imbalanced
datasets and support the detection of CSEM. The pro-
posal is based on the facial occlusion usually found
on CSEM and synthetic image generation to increase
the number of faces with few samples in the datasets.
We evaluated SSR-Net models built using the
Mivia Age and the SAOF-15K datasets. We create
the SAOF-15K dataset to assess the age estimation
with occluded faces from the APP-Real and the FG-
Net datasets by occluding the eye, and the mouth with
black masks since these datasets contain mainly non-
occluded faces. Results show that the best SSR-Net
model for estimating the image is built using the com-
bination of original, occluded and synthetic images.
Moreover, the data augmentation strategy allows for
improving the performance of non-occluded images.
However, it is not robust enough to accurately predict
age on the eye and mouth-occluded images. In future
work, we will evaluate more robust architectures as
the backbone for age estimation and an ensemble of
classifiers trained only with non-occluded or occluded
facial images. Also, we will assess in-painting tech-
niques to reconstruct the images with occluded faces.
This research has been funded with support from the
European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and In-
novation Framework Programme, H2020 SU-FCT-
2019, under the GRACE project with Grant Agree-
ment 883341. This publication reflects the views
only of the authors, and the European Union’s Hori-
zon 2020 Research and Innovation Framework Pro-
gramme, H2020 SU-FCT-2019, cannot be held re-
sponsible for any use which may be made of the in-
formation contained therein.
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A Data Augmentation Strategy for Improving Age Estimation to Support CSEM Detection