Security Aspects of Digital Twins in IoT
Vitomir Pavlov, Florian Hahn and Mohammed El-Hajj
Twente University, EEMCS (SCS), Enschede, The Netherlands
Digital Twin, IoT, Security, Authentication Arduino, Raspberry PI.
The number of Internet-connected devices are expected to reach almost 30 billion by 2030, and already to-
day the Internet of Things (IoT) technologies is a part of everyday life in sectors like public health, smart
cars, smart grids, smart cities, smart manufacturing and smart homes. An even tighter integration between
IoT technology and physical objects within these sectors has been made possible by the Digital Twin (DT)
technology providing better abilities for real-time monitoring, data-driven modeling and process optimization.
One integral aspect of this approach is the connection between IoT end-devices and their corresponding digital
twins for real-time data communication. Depending on the envisioned scenario, the involved data and derived
processes affect the safety of human lives, hence an authentic connection is of major importance. At the
same time, IoT devices have restrictions on the available power sources and provided computing resources.
In this work we report on our experiments with the Azure IoT Hub, the commercial platform that supports
digital twins offered by Microsoft. First, we set up a real-time connection between the cloud platform and two
different IoT devices and explore how an authentic connection is established between IoT devices and their
corresponding DTs. Based on a test bed consisting of widely used IoT devices we analyse the power con-
sumption and execution time of the offered authentication mechanisms that are based on general symmetric or
asymmetric encryption. While the authentication time for a Raspberry Pi is below 0.5 seconds, the same task
took above 4.5 seconds for an Arduino, highlighting the importance of lightweight authentication mechanisms
for real-time communication between IoT devices and DT platforms.
Advancements in sensor, microprocessor, and battery
technology in recent years has given rise to small,
low-powered devices that can be used to collect infor-
mation about the physical world (El-hajj et al., 2017;
El-Hajj et al., 2019). Due to their relatively low cost
and small form factor, these sensing devices can be
embedded into objects ranging from buildings, ship-
ping containers, and infrastructure to airplanes and
automobiles (El-Haii et al., 2018). Connecting these
devices together over wireless communication creates
the Internet of Things (IoT), a term initially coined
by Kevin Ashton in 1999 when he proposed linked
RFID enabled devices to the internet for Proctor and
Gamble (Ashton et al., 2009). The technology has ap-
plications in various fields, such as logistics tracking,
environmental monitoring, theft prevention (a recent
example being the Apple AirTag, and patient moni-
toring in a medical context (Datta and Sharma, 2017).
As an emerging technology, IoT has to deal with a
number of growing Challenges (El-Hajj et al., 2019;
El-Hajj et al., 2021). Managing the vast amount of
data coming from myriad sensors poses new network-
ing and data science challenges, and optimizing soft-
ware for low-power, battery restrained devices is be-
ing actively worked on. Another challenge is the se-
curity of the IoT devices and the data transferred be-
tween them. Due to the low-power nature of many
IoT sensor nodes, traditional security techniques no
longer work efficiently (Elhajj et al., 2022), and litera-
ture reports the absence of proper lightweight encryp-
tion and authentication mechanisms (El-Hajj et al.,
2019). Recently, the new concept of Digital Twins
(DTs) has been introduced (Fuller et al., 2020) in
various sectors such as industrial production, build-
ing management, health care, and smart cities. With
the help of a completely digital representation of a
physical system, its full life-cycle can be monitored,
analysed, controlled, and optimized (Liu et al., 2021).
The integration of this new technology into existing
IoT systems is becoming more and more popular and
commercial platforms are offered, for example by Mi-
crosoft or Nvidia providing this comprehensive tool
Pavlov, V., Hahn, F. and El-Hajj, M.
Security Aspects of Digital Twins in IoT.
DOI: 10.5220/0011714500003405
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2023), pages 560-567
ISBN: 978-989-758-624-8; ISSN: 2184-4356
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
with small adoption overhead.
In this work we study the security of data that is
being gathered by IoT devices and then forwarded to
Azure Digital Twins, the popular digital twins plat-
form offered by Microsoft. Despite the ongoing re-
search activities in lightweight cryptography, the de-
fault authentication mechanisms supported by Azure
Digital Twins all rely on general symmetric and asym-
metric cryptography including full-fledged X.509 cer-
tificates. Our practical experiments are based on the
simulation of a minimal real-life scenario where the
Digital Twin is provided with real-time data from
real IoT devices via a mutually authenticated chan-
nel. In this testing environment, we have analyzed
the power consumption and execution time for differ-
ent authentication schemes on two popular IoT end-
devices, that is, the Raspberry Pi 3 Model B and Ar-
duino MKR 1010 WiFi.
The rest of this paper is structured as follows: sec-
tion 2 provides general background information on
digital twins and then explore related work in the field
of security and current use-cases for Digital Twins.
In section 3 we detail the setup of our experiment to
show how Digital Twins can be utilised to improve
the security of IoT devices. Section 4 goes into the
results of our experimentation, and section 5 is a dis-
cussion of the work done. Finally, section 6 concludes
the research and presents areas of interest for further
In this section, we first review the state of the art in
Digital Twins applications, focusing on application in
the context of IoT. Then, we combined these reviews
to argue that the current issues in the state of the art
motivate the creation of a framework to apply DTs
IoT-based applications.
2.1 What is a Digital Twin?
A digitally determined model that uniquely represents
a physical instance, process, system, or similar ab-
straction is known as a Digital Twin (DT) in broad
c et al., 2018). The Digital Twin was
first introduced by Michael Grieves in a 2003 pre-
sentation on Product Life-cycle Management (PLM),
where Grieves was working with John Vickers of
NASA (Grieves, 2014). Following that, in the PLM
courses, this conceptual model served as a ”Mir-
rored Spaces Model” by Grieves (Grieves and Vick-
ers, 2017). Grieves in (Grieves, 2014) also defined
the architecture to be used while dealing with digital
twins. This architecture consisted of three main com-
ponents: The physical component, the virtual one and
a communication channel between the physical and
virtual component. The whole process is illustrated
in Figure 1.
Figure 1: The Twinning between Physical and Virtual com-
In the current state of the art, the only consen-
sus is that a Digital Twin is a virtual representation
of a physical object. The majority of reviewed litera-
ture also considers a bi-directional connection and the
ability to perform simulations on the digital represen-
tation as an integral part of the definition of Digital
Twins. The ability to persist across multiple phases in
the physical object’s life cycle is explicitly mentioned
in about one third of the reviewed literature according
to (Kuehner et al., 2021).
2.2 Digital Twin Use-Cases
Industrial applications, platforms for life-cycle man-
agement, preventive maintenance, and the automobile
industry are examples of where DTs are used more
broadly (Liu et al., 2021). Irrigation (Purcell and
Neubauer, 2022), medical (Ahmadi-Assalemi et al.,
2020), supply chain (Defraeye et al., 2021), infras-
tructure (Hou et al., 2020), education (Vikhman and
Romm, 2021), natural disaster detection (Fan et al.,
2021), telecommunication (Seilov et al., 2021), and
cybersecurity (Sousa et al., 2021; Saad et al., 2020;
Salvi et al., 2022; Schellenberger and Zhang, 2017)
are some of the most current and upcoming DT uses.
In (Ivanov et al., 2020) authors show that DTs
serve as the foundation for smart communities and
areas in a smart city, which is defined as a strategic
approach to incorporate data and digital technologies
to assure sustainable development, population safety,
and economic development of the urban environment.
Smart cities and city planning are two fields that have
recently experienced a rise in the incorporation of the
DT idea. Along with the focus on smart digital build-
ings, their servicing, and asset management, there is a
shift toward creating digital twins of entire communi-
ties, or so-called smart Digital Twin cities. Recently,
Security Aspects of Digital Twins in IoT
the literature has begun to report on the use of DTs
in medicine(Ahmadi-Assalemi et al., 2020). Numer-
ous uses have been mentioned, including in the areas
of athletics, viral infection simulations, well-being in
smart cities, telemedicine, and healthcare monitoring.
Cybersecurity and social ethics issues are framed as
two of the major barriers facing the conceptual model
of a human Digital Twin (HDT) as mentioned by the
authors in (Shengli, 2021). Their main objective was
to create a virtual representation of the body of a per-
son by utilizing data from wearable devices, mobile
phone and medical records. Web services are used to
update the content of the virtual representation on a
regular basis. The HDT concept incorporates a cer-
tain index that is given to humans at birth, and as they
develop, their biological data is continuously sent into
the HDT as an input.
For modeling, simulating, and improving cyber-
physical systems, the DT idea is essential. Through
application services related to evaluation, model-
ing, tracking, optimizing, and predictive manage-
ment, it can offer a deeper understanding of com-
plicated physical processes (Hou et al., 2020). The
goal of DT engineering applications is to anticipate
future behavior and efficiency of physical systems
and to produce useful data that enable the devices
to behave autonomously and providing support in
decision-making process (Zhou et al., 2019). For ex-
ample a DT multi-dimensional model used in con-
struction as an illustration was created by authors in
(Liu et al., 2020) to monitor pre-stressed steel struc-
tures in real-time for safety estimations. Although the
usage of DT principles in the automobile industry has
increased, the majority of the current research is con-
centrated on the automotive assembly processes and
design implementation of automobiles (Sharma and
George, 2018). Even there was a great effort to use
DT in the production of electrical vehicles with the
introduction of IoT and network technologies that en-
ables the ability to convert offline digital model into
DT. Authors in (Van Mierlo et al., 2021) show that the
development of DT in electrical vehicles could lead to
the ability to prognosis and planning of future mainte-
nance events, monitoring system, fault prediction and
fault location, etc.
Based on this review we conclude that DT appli-
cations are increasingly being used in a wide range
of fields. This technology if merged with enabling
technologies like big data, simulation, Information
Technologies (IT) and communication interfaces – be
a novel, useful tool for designers and operators at the
same time. It is clear that DT technology is still in
its early life-stages; overcoming profound challenges
that face a modern DT implementation, such as costs,
information complexity and maintenance, a lack of
rules and regulations, and problems with cybersecu-
rity and communications, will be necessary before DT
technology reaches its full potential.
In this section we detail our methodology for setting
up a test bed for the chosen DT platform and then
testing the authentication done between the physical
component and the virtual one before start communi-
cating in a real time manner. We first list the com-
ponents of our test bed, then explain the setup of the
Digital Twin, and finally show how the authentica-
tion schemes occurred between the physical and vir-
tual device.
3.1 Framework Overview
For our study we first prepared a working scenario
for the deployment of DTs and before we conduct our
analysis later. We used the following components in
our test bed:
1. IoT Hub: An IoT application and the connected
devices use the managed Azure IoT Hub ser-
vice, which is hosted in the cloud and serves as
a central messaging hub. Millions of devices and
their backend programs can be securely and reli-
ably connected. Several messaging patterns are
supported, including device-to-cloud telemetry,
uploading files from devices, and request-reply
methods to control your devices from the cloud.
IoT Hub offers tracking to assist you in keeping
track of the creation, connections, and failures of
your devices. To serve your IoT workloads, IoT
Hub expands to millions of devices connected at
once and millions of events per second.
2. Azure Digital Twin: Using digital models of
complete environments, such as buildings, facto-
ries, farms, energy networks, railways, stadiums,
and more, Azure Digital Twins is a platform as a
service (PaaS) solution that makes it possible to
create twin graphs. Twin graphs may even be cre-
ated for entire cities. These digital models can be
utilized to gather data that leads to breakthrough
consumer experiences, process optimization, bet-
ter products, and lower costs.
3. Physical Device: We deployed a Raspberry Pi
3B+ as the physical device. Boasting a 64-bit
quad core processor running at 1.4GHz, dual-
band 2.4GHz and 5GHz wireless LAN, Blue-
ICISSP 2023 - 9th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
tooth 4.2/BLE, faster Ethernet, and Power over
Ethernet (PoE) capability via a separate PoE
HAT. And for the purpose of comparison and
benchmarking, we also used Arduino MKR 1010
WiFi which includes a 32-bit Cortex-M0+ ARM
micro-controller (programmable like a conven-
tional Arduino) running at a clock speed up to 48
MHz,providing up to 20 analog inputs and up to 8
digital I/O ports, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connectiv-
ity, and a crypto-chip for secure communication
using SHA-256 hashing algorithm. In addition,
it has 32 KB of Static Random Access Memory
(SRAM) and 8 general purpose digital pins that
can be either outputs or inputs.
4. DHT11 Sensor: It is a sensor for collecting the
Temperature and Humidity data. It measures the
airflow using a sensitive humidity sensor and a
thermostat and outputs a digital signal on the data
pin (no analog input pins needed).
3.2 Experimental Setup
Our experimental setup implements the framework
described in section 3.1. The source code is avail-
able in Gitlab
. Figure 2 describes our prototypi-
cal implementation and documents technology and
data flows. It shows all processes that are executed
during the communication between the IoT device
and the temperature sensors, all the applications and
the Azure services. Certificate based authentication
is build upon X.509 public key infrastructure (PKI)
standard between the physical device and the DTs (a
more detailed description about authentication pro-
cess is given in section 3.3). The two temperature
sensors are connected to the IoT device and each sen-
sor is authenticated via a separate certificate. When
the device application authenticates the sensors with
the X.509 certificates, there are two possible outputs:
first, IoTHubDeviceClient indicating a working con-
nection or second, empty indicating a failed authen-
tication and hence no connection. If the clients are
authenticated, then the data from both of the sensors
is formatted as reported properties
and sent to the
Azure IoT Hub which will then update the Digital
Twins that are related to the physical sensors. We
activated a twin patch handler which listens for any
changes of the desired properties, which are usually
updated from the Azure or via backend program. In
our case, we have implemented a back-end program
Removed for blinded submission purposes. Available
upon request
In a JSON-like language format called Digital Twins
Definition Language (DTDL)
that authenticates with the connection string, which
contains the private key of the IoT Hub and con-
nects the sensors via their Digital Twin IDs. If au-
thentication is successfully achieved, then the desired
properties are updated and the twin patch handler re-
acts that was activated on the IoT device. However,
if authenticated failed, then the IoTHubRegistryMan-
ager is not initialized and an error will be shown.
Our test program also indicates where the sensors are
hosted and which are connected via WiFi. For the pur-
posed of comparison regarding the performance anal-
ysis we deployed our framework on two physical IoT
devices, that is, the Raspberry Pi 3B+ and the Arduino
MKR1010 WiFi.
3.3 Mutual Authentication Between
Physical and Digital Twin
Certificate based authentication is built by leveraging
the X.509 public key infrastructure (PKI) standard.
Stronger security is provided via certificate authen-
tication, which uses a Certificate Authority (CA) to
mutually authenticate the client and the server. De-
vices can be authenticated to an Azure IoT Hub using
X.509 certificates. A certificate is a digital record that
includes a device’s public key and can be used to au-
thenticate itself. X.509 certificates using ECDSA and
the RSA signature algorithms were used in our proof
of concept framework. We used OpenSSL to create
a certification authority (CA), a subordinate CA, and
a device certificate. The example then signs the sub-
ordinate CA and the device certificate into a certifi-
cate hierarchy. The X.509 digital certificate contains
various fields like version, serial number, signature
(hash) algorithm, issuer, valid from, valid to, subject,
the public key of the entity that is the certificate is is-
sued for and its parameters, enhanced key usage, sub-
ject alternative name, subject key identifier, key usage,
basic constraints, and the thumbprint. Figure 3 shows
the list of fields created for each certificate.
The authentication process between the physical
device and the DT is illustrated in Figure 4.
Initially, the IoT device will instantiate the X.509
Certificate as an object with the pre-generated key
pair from the certificate files that we already moved
to the device. Then, it will send the public data of the
document to the Azure CA and the IoT Hub. The CA
and the hub will verify the device’s certificate and, if
everything is correct, it will instantiate the AzureIo-
and establish a secure connection. The
will have access to the DT public key
The IoT Hub service client is used to communicate
with devices through an Azure IoT hub.
Is the primary interface for developers using the Azure
Security Aspects of Digital Twins in IoT
Figure 2: Framework Overview.
Figure 3: X.509 Certificate Fields.
which help the device to encrypt the messages. Af-
terwards, when the device is authenticated correctly,
it will start sending the sensor data using the IoTHub-
which will encrypt this data and send
IotHub client library
A synchronous device client that connects to an Azure
IoT Hub instance.
it to the IoTHub
. This is verified by the IoT Hub
using the root certificate, then the data is decrypted
and the used to update the DT properties. Whenever
the Digital Twin make a change from its behalf, it
will fire up patch event which will then be noticed
by the IoT Hub. Then, it will encrypt the modified
data and send the desired proper- ties to the physical
device. Finally, the physical device, by using the Io-
THubDeviceClient, will decrypt the data passed in the
event handler and will receive it successfully. All the
scripts used for this work can be seen in Github
. Ad-
ditionally, screenshots with the results from our ex-
periments are in the pics-results folder.
After we prepared the simulation and everything was
running smoothly, we decided to evaluate the sym-
Azure IoT Hub is a managed service hosted in the
cloud that acts as a central message hub for communication
between an IoT application and its attached devices.
ICISSP 2023 - 9th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Figure 4: Authentication Process.
metric key authentication and the X.509 certificates
by measuring the power consumption. We did this
by using a USB power consumption tester which has
the ability to monitor the energy consumption. Ad-
ditionally, we executed test scenarios to monitor the
execution time of the authentication which was our
second metric used to compare both authentications.
The results can be seen in Table 1. We created two
additional test scripts that are only authenticating the
devices, in order to have more precise results. You
can find them on the repository, in folder test-scripts.
For the power consumption we ran the script ten times
and then took the average values that the USB tester
was giving in amperes and volts. In all authentication
types, the Raspberry Pi was working on 5.32 volts.
For the execution time, we decided to execute the run
the script ten times and calculate the average execu-
tion time. Then, we ran this additional ten times in
order to get the more accurate average results for the
execution time. Furthermore, we measured the gener-
ation time of the device certificates and the generation
time for the root certificates. The overall results are
presented in Table 2.
Table 1: Measurement Results.
IoT Hardware
Current(mA) Power(W)
Raspberry PI
Symmetric key 112 0.596 0.0452
X.509 with ECDSA 151 0.803 0.412
X.509 with RSA 163 0.867 0.396
Arduino MKR 1010
Symmetric key 12 0.061 4.683
X.509 with ECDSA 15 0.076 5.121
Table 2: Certificate Generation Time.
Root Generation
X.509 with ECDSA 1.4 5.3
X.509 with RSA 1.8 6.5
Our environment used a bidirectional communication
which enables both, the physical devices and the DTs,
to communicate to each other. They provide the new
data via the reported and desired properties which are
in a JSON object format. One can add any property
and value and if there is a change of the value of an
already existing property it will then trigger an event
and will update the data accordingly. However, if the
physical twin passes the same data twice, it will up-
date it only once. The same goes for the updates from
Security Aspects of Digital Twins in IoT
the DT to the physical device. From the measure-
ment results, for both boards, we see that the execu-
tion time of the connection authenticated by a string
derived from symmetric cryptography is faster than
the both certificate options. For the Raspberry Pi, it is
approximately 0.0452 seconds, whereas for the cer-
tificates it is 0.412 seconds and 0.396 seconds for the
ECDSA and RSA certificates, respectively. For the
Arduino board symmetric key authentication requires
4.683 seconds for the connection string versus 5.121
for the ECDSA certificate. Additionally, we can see
that it uses approximately 112 mA for the current and
0.596 watts for the power, whereas the certificates use
approximately 151 mA and 0.803 watts, and 163 mA
and 0.867 watts, respectively. These power measure-
ments show that the digital certificates are less effi-
cient, in the manner of the energy consumption, than
the symmetric key authentication. Furthermore, we
can see that both certificates have slight differences in
both the power consumption and the execution time
measurements. For the power consumption on the
Arduino MKR 1010 board, we can see for symmet-
ric and X.509 it consumes a less power but for the
execution time Raspberry PI is faster. Lastly, from
the certificate generation times, we can see that both,
the generation time for the root certificates and the
devices’ certificates, are faster for the ECDSA. We
measured approximately 5.3 seconds for the genera-
tion of the Root ECC certificate and 1.4 seconds for
the generation of the certificates for the devices with
ECC. However, for the RSA, we evaluated the genera-
tion time and it was a bit higher of 6.5 seconds for the
root certificate and 1.8 seconds for the devices’ certifi-
cates. This execution time might be higher, because
of the larger keys for the RSA 2048 bits, whereas in
the ECC, the key was 256 bits. We conclude that the
symmetric key encryption is much faster than the dig-
ital certificates, and requires less energy. However,
the certificates give us the opportunity to have better
security, to keep the private keys securely only on the
devices and to have a relation with a specific identity,
e.g, the IoT devices or individual sensors.
We study how mutual authentication between phys-
ical devices and Digital Twins is currently imple-
mented at Azure IoT Hub - the commercial plat-
form by Microsoft. Our experiments based on a
proof of concept successfully established an authen-
ticated communication between IoT end-devices and
its mapped Digital Twins. To our surprise, no authen-
tication mechanisms offered by this platform are par-
ticularly lightweight and hence specifically tailored
towards low-power consumption - a requirement of-
ten formulated for IoT applications. Our performance
analysis measuring the execution time and the power
consumption of two hardware platforms show differ-
ence in execution time that are of one order of mag-
nitude and a similar difference is measured for the
power consumption necessary for the authentication
process between IoT devices and DTs. Specifically,
the authentication process for the Arduino MKR 1010
required more than 4.5 seconds and hence are of lim-
ited use for real-time applications. From our results
we conclude that further studies are necessary when
combining IoT solutions with the recent Digital Twins
technology. Especially the security challenges for
real-time monitoring are of high relevance. In fu-
ture, we are going to work with a lightweight authen-
tication schemes to ensure the mutual authentication
between the DT and its physical device and then we
will compare the performance analysis with the tradi-
tional authentication schemes like the ones provided
by Azure.
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