Evaluation of Persistence Methods Used by Malware on Microsoft
Windows Systems
elie Dieterich, Matthias Schopp, Lars Stiemert, Christoph Steininger and Daniela P
at der Bundeswehr M
unchen, Neubiberg, Germany
Malware, Persistence, Evaluation, Windows Security.
The usage of persistence methods has become common, as adversaries seek to remain undetected with their
malware on systems for longer periods. This raises the question of how effective frequently used persistence
methods are across different versions of the Microsoft Windows operating system. To answer this question, a
metric is developed by which persistence methods can be quantitatively evaluated and compared. The metric
is subsequently applied to eight persistence mechanisms across four different Microsoft Windows operating
systems. In our results, there is no difference in the performance of methods between operating systems and a
majority of mechanisms scored similarly overall. There is, however, a significant decline in performance when
defensive mechanisms are enabled. The results emphasize the effectiveness of basic persistence methods of
Microsoft Windows operating systems.
Malware persistence has become commonplace, from
backdoors to well-known ransomware such as Wan-
naCry. Thereby, adversaries receive persistent access
to computers. On the other hand, it becomes more
difficult to detect and remove them. Other examples
of the importance of persistence are Advanced Per-
sistent Threats (APTs). APTs are cyber attacks on a
computer network that remain undetected for an ex-
tended period of time. They are often launched by
state-funded actors with the aim of sabotaging or spy-
ing on the confidential data of companies or authori-
ties. With persistent malware becoming ubiquitous, it
is important to be able to gauge how dangerous a per-
sistence method is, in order to understand the threat
posed by specific methods. This can be achieved by
scoring persistence methods. Currently, most classi-
fications of persistence methods focus solely on simi-
larities between how persistence is achieved such as
with (MITRE, 2022) ATT&CK. ATT&CK summa-
rizes adversary techniques and tactics into an openly
available knowledge base with one category being
dedicated to persistence tactics. Here, methods are
categorized according to which medium is abused to
gain persistence.
In order to assess the danger emerging persistence
methods pose, a baseline is needed against which
newly established methods can be compared. Mi-
crosoft Windows is the most widely used desktop op-
erating system (OS) with a market share of 74.99%
as of November 2022 (StatCounter, 2022). In con-
sequence, we concentrate on Microsoft Windows OS
with the recent versions of Windows 10, Windows
11, Windows Server 2019, and Windows Server 2022.
Since defensive tools, such as anti-virus software, are
regularly updated to maintain their effectiveness, mal-
ware persistence methods may be rendered ineffec-
tive. As a result, it is important to consider whether
persistence methods are detected and/or prevented by
defensive software on a system. Consequently, we fo-
cus on the following research questions:
R1: How effective are common persistence methods
on recent Microsoft Windows OSs?
R2: To what extent do the built-in defenses of Win-
dows 11 and Windows Server 2022 protect against
persistence methods compared to their respective
The contribution of this paper is twofold: 1) we
present a systematic evaluation approach including a
metric, and 2) we present the results of a practical
evaluation of persistence methods on several different
Windows OSs.
The paper is organized as follows: Section 2 pro-
vides an overview of related work. Next, in Section 3,
Dieterich, A., Schopp, M., Stiemert, L., Steininger, C. and Pöhn, D.
Evaluation of Persistence Methods Used by Malware on Microsoft Windows Systems.
DOI: 10.5220/0011710200003405
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2023), pages 552-559
ISBN: 978-989-758-624-8; ISSN: 2184-4356
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
common persistence methods for Microsoft Windows
OSs are explained. The methodology of our research
is outlined in Section 4, while its application within
the practical evaluation is described in Section 5. The
results are summarized and discussed in Section 6.
Section 7 concludes the paper and provides an out-
look for future work.
While (MITRE, 2022; Hunkeler, 2022) describe com-
mon persistence methods, research approaches either
analyze persistence methods or propose ways to de-
tect them.
(Gittins and Soltys, 2020) focus on persistence
techniques in well-known malware, such as Emotet,
TrickBot, and OceanLotus, and their identifica-
tion through malware analysis. The authors show
that even complex malware often gains persistence
through well-known methods. (Barr-Smith et al., ) an-
alyze the Living-off-the-Land (LotL) technique with
several malware samples, showing that it is often used
at APTs. (Rana et al., 2021) examine various per-
sistence methods in Microsoft Windows OS. Even
though the authors analyze several methods, it stays
unclear which exact versions of Microsoft Windows
OS and test setup they use and how often the single
steps are repeated.
(Mankin, 2013) applies DIONE, an infrastructure
for rule-based disk input/output (I/O) monitoring and
analysis to detect if a persistence method is installed
and if the mechanism is successful. Thereby, the au-
thor demonstrates the effectiveness of classifying per-
sistence mechanisms according to their capabilities.
(Dubey, 2019) combines static and dynamic analy-
sis to identify malware persistence mechanisms. The
persistence methods are detected by identifying vari-
ous functions and files that were modified by the mal-
ware. The author concludes that a combination of
static, dynamic, advanced static, and advanced dy-
namic is most suitable for identifying malware per-
sistence techniques. In contrast, (Laurenza et al.,
2020) propose a group of one-class classifiers to de-
tect APT samples. Similarly, (Reischaga et al., 2020)
use heuristic, static, and dynamic analysis for detect-
ing, assessing, and measuring malware threats. To un-
derstand the impact of adversarial examples on mal-
ware detection, (Park and Yener, 2020) review practi-
cal attacks against malware classifiers.
Summary: The focus of the described related work
is on analyzing malware regarding their persistence
methods as well as understanding these mechanisms.
However, few approaches rate the effectiveness in
terms of the threat posed by different persistence tech-
niques and compare them to each other.
This section explains a selected number of methods
to maintain persistence within a compromised sys-
tem. As the practical evaluation in Section 5 focuses
solely on current versions of the Microsoft Windows
OSs, only methods that operate on Windows are con-
sidered in the following. Furthermore, methods cov-
ered in this section have been commonly used by ad-
versaries in well-known malware, such as Mimikatz,
Agent Tesla, and BabyShark (MITRE, 2022). We ex-
clude pre-OS persistence methods such as bootkits
because these are more commonly used in APTs.
3.1 User Account
Abusing existing user accounts to gain initial access
to a system is a common tactic. In addition, this
method can be used for persistence. In the following,
we describe the three categories of valid accounts,
account manipulation, and account creation, which
work for both local and domain accounts.
Valid Account: If attackers obtain valid creden-
tials to an existing account, they are able to abuse
these to maintain their foothold within a system.
This is referred to as valid account persistence. In-
truders obtain account credentials through a wide
variety of tools and techniques, such as credential
leaks, social engineering, password cracking, and
key-loggers (Thomas et al., 2017). The persistence
gained through a valid account is not affected by
changes (updates, upgrades) to the OS. However, the
credentials can be altered and accounts can be deleted.
This locks the intruder out, although installed mal-
ware may remain active. Detecting the abuse of ac-
counts is challenging because it concerns identifying
unusual behavior. Indicators to identify account abuse
exist, for instance, logons outside of business hours
and one account logged into multiple machines simul-
taneously. Inactive accounts are especially vulnerable
to attacks, as there is no user present to identify ab-
normal activity on the account (CISA, 2022).
Account Manipulation: To prevent the loss of access
caused by the users changing their password, intrud-
ers may change the credentials themselves. This type
of approach is referred to as account manipulation.
However, it is not restricted to only password modifi-
cation. Other tactics include any action by which an
intruder preserves access to a compromised account,
for example, by modifying permission groups or al-
Evaluation of Persistence Methods Used by Malware on Microsoft Windows Systems
lowing remote access to accounts. The drawback of
modifying user accounts lies in the higher probabil-
ity of detection as these actions are likely to show up
in the logs. Furthermore, a changed password on an
active account will be noticed by the user. The privi-
leges required for a specific type of modification vary:
Changing an account’s password is possible with lim-
ited rights, however, modifying permission groups re-
quires administrator privileges.
Account Creation: Lastly, persistence can be
achieved by adding new accounts to a compromised
system. While the persistence is similar to the cate-
gories described before, this tactic offers benefits in
terms of detection since the account has no additional
users. Therefore, there is no other user, who might
recognize unusual activity on the account. However,
creating a new account will show up in the logs and
requires administrator privileges.
3.2 Scheduled Task/Job
Persistence achieved by abusing built-in functions for
scheduling tasks falls into the category of scheduled
task/job persistence. On Windows, this type of per-
sistence is often achieved through the Windows Task
Scheduler (WTS). The tasks performed by WTS run
in background sessions. Triggers determine when a
task with its actions, i. e., items or jobs, is to be ex-
ecuted. The security context in which a task is run
is defined by principals. Settings are used to deter-
mine how a task is to be run with respect to condi-
tions external to the task. Registration information
contains administrative information that is gathered
when a task is created. The data component is sup-
plied by the author and contains additional documen-
tation about the task (Microsoft, 2021).
The WTS can be abused for persistence through
the creation of tasks with the schtasks utility resp.
graphical user interface (GUI) that regularly execute
malicious code. Tasks can only be created by ad-
ministrators but executed with any privileges. Reg-
ular user activity does not interfere with the comple-
tion of tasks. Furthermore, as tasks are designed to
be automatically executable during boot-up, sched-
uled tasks have no difficulty surviving system reboots.
When updating or upgrading a Windows OS, all data
will be transferred. However, it is not uncommon
for data to be lost during the procedure, possibly af-
fecting the scheduled task (Potter and Nieh, 2005).
Scheduled task persistence can be detected by mon-
itoring for newly created scheduled tasks. Further-
more, changed entries related to scheduled tasks in
%systemroot%\System32\Tasks may also indicate
a malicious presence.
3.3 System Process
In Windows, system-level processes are referred to as
Windows Services and are typically used to perform
background system functions. Services can be de-
fined by creating an application that is subsequently
installed as a service using InstallUtil.exe and
edited with the Service Control Manager. For this
type of persistence, the malware will often install it-
self as a service. The persistence is similar to the
scheduled task persistence because services are also
system processes that are executed, for example, at
boot-up or logon. Creating services requires admin-
istrator privileges, however, they are executed under
system privileges. Consequently, this technique can
be used for privilege escalation. Abuse of Windows
services can be detected by monitoring the creation
and modification of Windows services resp. monitor-
ing changes in the service registry entries and unusual
3.4 Boot or Logon Auto-Start Execution
When an adversary automatically runs a program at
boot or logon by configuring system settings, it is re-
ferred to as boot or logon auto-start execution. There
are many mechanisms in OSs intended for execut-
ing programs at boot or logon, including the Win-
dows registry and particular directories from which
programs are automatically run. Due to the fact that
auto-start programs often run with elevated privileges,
they may also be used for privilege escalation.
Shortcut Modification: Creating and modifying
shortcuts resp. shell links, which are used to run a
program during system boot or user login, can be
abused to gain persistence. Shortcuts can either be
added, modified, or entirely replaced within the Win-
dows startup folder, which is executed during user lo-
gon. Shortcuts can persist through anything up to and
including updates and upgrades. The required as well
as the effective privileges for this technique vary, de-
pending on the way it is applied. Detection of shortcut
persistence is accomplished by monitoring for newly
created or modified .lnk files.
Registry Run Keys/Startup: The Windows registry
is a system-defined database in which configuration
data is stored by applications and system components.
Its structure is hierarchical and resembles a tree for-
mat, in which each node is a key and each key can
contain both subkeys and data entries in the form of
values. Two registry run keys are created by default,
which can be abused to register malware. The reg-
istry is a built-in system feature and, therefore, main-
tains its foothold but does not survive a re-installation.
ICISSP 2023 - 9th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Monitoring the creation and modification of keys in
the registry is one way to detect this method.
In this section, we describe the used methodology
with the evaluation procedure (Section 4.1), methods
(Section 4.2), applied metric (Section 4.3), and limi-
tations (Section 4.4).
4.1 Evaluation Procedure
The evaluation consists of the followings steps:
1. Creation & Required Permissions: The method
establishes its foothold and its required permis-
sions are determined. As accounts can be given
a variety of different privileges, labeling them as
either user or administrator is difficult. In order
to simplify the designation, the default rights ac-
counts assigned on creation are not manipulated
during the evaluation. Required permissions are
determined by trying to execute a given method,
first with a user and then with an administrator ac-
count. After this step, the method should be ready
to establish its persistence at the next reboot or lo-
2. Affirmation & Effective Permissions: In this
step, it is determined whether a method has
established its persistence. The method may first
need to be triggered by, for example, logon, in
order to execute. Hence, determining whether a
method has gained persistence varies depending
on the mechanism. During this step, the effective
permissions will be reviewed by determining the
privileges a method uses to run itself.
3. Persistence: To determine the depth of persis-
tence we perform an action for each level of
persistence (User action: log off and on; re-
boot: restart; update: installing an OS update;
re-installation: re-installing the OS) and review
whether the method has maintained its foothold.
4. Detection: First, we observe anti-virus while exe-
cuting a method. If the software triggers an alert
or prevents the mechanism from executing, the
method is considered detected. Then, we focus
on monitoring. The logs are searched and the fol-
lowing are checked for new/modified entries: list
of all accounts, list of scheduled tasks, entries in
the two registry run keys, and both startup fold-
ers. Pre-OS changes are detected by monitoring
for changes made on pre-OS boot mechanisms.
5. Reliability: The reliability is reviewed by repeat-
edly triggering the method to produce a reliable
statement. For a reliable setting, logon/logoff-
triggered methods are executed 50 times and
reboot-triggered methods ten times.
4.2 Methods
Since we execute each method on different OSs, we
define the following standardized approach for each:
Valid Accounts: Logon to user/admin account.
Account Manipulation: Password modification.
Account Creation: Create a new account and ele-
vate privileges.
Scheduled Task: Create a task.
Windows Services: Create a new service.
Shortcut Modification: Create a shortcut inside the
current user resp. common startup folder.
Registry Run Keys: Add entries to the two registry
run keys.
4.3 Metric
The metric consists of the aspects of persistence,
permissions, detection, and reliability. The points
given to the different methods and categories are
in accordance with the difficulty, desired outcome,
and (MITRE, 2022).
Persistence: The methods are sorted into categories
(user action, reboot, update, re-installation) based on
what system changes they can withstand. User actions
summarize everything a user might do on a daily ba-
sis. User actions are the most common of all actions
to occur. Consequently, persistence methods that can-
not maintain their foothold through these are the least
useful. Points are awarded in descending order of fre-
quency of occurrence. Re-installation (RI) of the OS
is the least likely to occur in comparison to updates
(UD), reboots (RB), and user actions (UA). Follow-
ing, it is assigned 4 points, as shown in Table 1. If
a method fulfills the requirements of multiple cate-
gories, it is to be placed in the highest.
Table 1: Valuation of persistence.
Persistence UA RB UD RI
Value 1 2 3 4
Permissions: Accounts can be categorized as the
user, administrator, and system. For simplicity, we
combine administrator and system. Administrator ac-
counts have higher permissions than user accounts:
Evaluation of Persistence Methods Used by Malware on Microsoft Windows Systems
full control of the files, directories, services, and other
resources on the local computer. Furthermore, they
are capable of managing accounts, rights, and permis-
sions. Users, on the other hand, are much more re-
stricted in their rights. Overall, the lower the required
permission is, the better for the attacker. Whereas for
effective permission the opposite is true. As a result,
the best case scenario is user admin, and the worst
case is admin user. The distribution of points is
accordingly and shown in Table 2.
Table 2: Valuation of required and effective permissions.
Req. vs Ef. User Admin
User 2 3
Admin 1 2
Detection: All mechanisms that are detected by pre-
installed antivirus software such as the Windows De-
fender are contained in the category of Antivirus
(AV). Monitoring (MO) is a wide category including
all checks system administrators regularly perform,
such as monitoring logs and important files. Meth-
ods that can only be detected by performing integrity
checks on pre-OS boot mechanisms are assigned to
Pre-OS (PO). All methods that cannot be assigned to
any of the previous categories are counted as Not Vi-
able (NV). Since the detection through antivirus soft-
ware requires the least effort, it should be avoided by
adversaries at all costs and, therefore, is assigned the
lowest score. Pre-OS, on the other hand, requires no-
ticeably more effort because these methods cannot be
detected by host software-based defenses. The exact
allocation of points can be found in Table 3.
Table 3: Valuation of detection.
Detection AV MO PO NV
Value 1 2 3 4
Reliability: Reliability is rated by the percentage of
successful executions. Success is when a persistence
mechanism has successfully gained persistence with-
out any undesirable side effects. If a method is ex-
ecuted ten times, a probability below 50% indicates
that fewer than five attempts are successful. This is
undesirable (0 points), as a crash may alert the sys-
tem administrator and renders the system unavailable
to the adversary. In contrast, a probability of 96–
100% gives an adversary a likely chance of success (4
points). Table 4 provides an overview of the points.
Table 4: Valuation of reliability.
Reliability <50% 50% >75% >95%
Value 0 1 2 3
Final Score: In the final step, we combine the in-
dividual properties. For the sake of readability, a
denotes the points achieved in Persistence, b in Per-
mission, c in Detection, and d in Reliability. Con-
sidering that detection, permission, and reliability are
secondary goals, persistence is multiplied by three to
achieve a weighting of the primary goal. The final
result P of a method is calculated as follows:
P = 3 · a + b + c + d (1)
The maximum score that can be achieved is 22. A
higher score indicates that a method is able to main-
tain its persistence for a longer period of time, com-
pared to methods with a lower score.
4.4 Limitations
As described, we concentrate on the most often used
methods. Nevertheless, further persistence methods
exist and can be analyzed in future work. For the prac-
tical evaluation, a simple malware with bind-shell cre-
ated by MSFvenom is used. More advanced malware,
such as those utilized by APTs, can use more sophis-
ticated methods, such as OS and application patching
or supply-chain attacks. Hence, the results may differ.
This may be evaluated in future work. In addition,
we focus on recent Windows OS. Future versions of
Windows and other OSs may result in different scores
resp. require other methods.
This section describes the practical evaluation, first
without and then with Windows Defender software.
5.1 Setup of the Evaluation
As indicated in Section 4.4, we generate the exe-
cutable using MSFvenom. Whether the executable
is runnable is detected through netstat by verifying
the port is open. bind.exe is the malware being exe-
cuted. It needs to be placed on the system before es-
tablishing persistence. For the evaluation, we will as-
sume that the file is already on the system. The persis-
tence is evaluated by the corresponding means. The
account permissions are determined with net user
<username>. The list of all accounts is retrieved
utilizing control.exe. The task scheduler helps to
identify scheduled tasks. Registry entries are seen by
viewing the registry editor and files by the file ex-
plorer. To determine the reliability of logon/off, we
force the system into a loop of logoffs and logons.
ICISSP 2023 - 9th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
For the practical evaluation, we use virtual ma-
chines (VMs) on VMware Workstation 16 Pro 1. Be-
tween each method, the VM is reset to a base snap-
shot. All VMs have their network connection set to
Network Address Translation (NAT), which means
they share the IP address of the host system. For each
OS, the first evaluation is without any defensive soft-
ware, in contrast to the second and last evaluations.
The defensive mechanisms include all security fea-
tures that come preinstalled with each Windows OS.
Furthermore, automatic updates are deactivated. The
two accounts User and Admin are created on this sys-
tem and the bind.exe is located in C:\.
5.2 Evaluation of Windows OSs
With the described methodology, we evaluate the fol-
lowing Windows OSs:
Windows 10 Pro version 21H2 with KB4023057
and KB5013624 being the latest updates;
Windows 11 Pro version 21H2 with KB5013943
and KB5013628 being the latest updates;
Windows Server 2019 Standard Evaluation ver-
sion 1809, OS-build 17763.253;
Windows Server 2022 Standard Evaluation ver-
sion 21H2, OS-build 20348.169.
The main difference is the stricter password policy for
Windows Server. This though does not affect the im-
plementation. All four OSs produce the same results.
As consequence, we describe the practical evaluation
for all four OS in the following.
Valid Accounts. For valid accounts, no previous ac-
cess to the system is required and the gained permis-
sions depend on the compromised account. In conse-
quence, we will differentiate between two scenarios:
in the first, we compromise a user account, and, in the
second, we gain access to an account with admin priv-
ileges. Access to both accounts remains unchanged
up to and including Update. However, a Re-install
will cause the accounts to be removed. Log-on events
are logged by default with the event ID 4624. There-
fore, both scenarios are detected through Monitoring.
The reliability of this method is dependent on the re-
liability of the OS. The reliability of Windows 10 is
adequate, thereby both scenarios achieve 100% relia-
bility. Table 5 provides an overview of the score for
each scenario.
Account Manipulation. Changing the password of
an account does not require elevated privileges and
does not change the permissions of the account. For
Table 5: Results of Valid Accounts.
Account Type PS PM DE RE Score
User 3 2 2 3 16
Admin 3 3 2 3 17
persistence, we encounter an unusual case, since the
owner of the account would be locked out of their
account, thereby making it impossible to complete
User Action while further maintaining the persis-
tence of the adversary. Nonetheless, we will rate the
persistence with 0 points because the owner of the
account would likely initiate countermeasures such
as an account deactivation or password reset, effec-
tively undoing the adversaries’ persistence. Pass-
word changes are logged through entries with event
ID 4723, thereby being detected by monitoring. The
reliability depends on the OS the same way it was in
Valid Accounts. The full score can be seen in Table 6.
Table 6: Results of Account Manipulation.
Manipulation 0 2 2 3 7
Account Creation. Creating an account is only suc-
cessful with admin rights. Nonetheless, these also
enable us to elevate the privileges of the new ac-
count, thereby achieving effective administrator per-
missions. As in Valid Accounts the persistence and
reliability are based on the basic functionality of an
account, therefore achieving the same results. Ac-
count creation can be detected through the log entries
with the event ID 4720. The full score can be seen in
Table 7.
Table 7: Results of Account Creation.
Creation 3 2 2 3 16
Scheduled Task. We are required to have adminis-
trator rights in order to create a scheduled task. How-
ever, the tasks can be executed with elevated privi-
leges. A task will maintain its persistence up to and
including updates but will lose its persistence after a
re-installation. All scheduled tasks show up in the
Task Scheduler and can, consequently, be detected
through monitoring. The task maintained its persis-
tence with 100% reliability. The full score can be seen
in Table 8.
Table 8: Results of Scheduled Task.
Task 3 2 2 3 16
Evaluation of Persistence Methods Used by Malware on Microsoft Windows Systems
Windows Services. Installing a new service re-
quires administrator privileges and the service is ex-
ecuted using the local system account, thereby main-
taining its permissions. Persistence is maintained up
to and including updates, a re-install will also remove
services installed by the user. All installed services
can be seen in the Services application and are, there-
fore, detectable by monitoring. The service main-
tained its persistence successfully throughout all ten
reboots. Table 9 provides an overview of the score.
Table 9: Results of Windows Services.
Services 3 2 2 3 16
Shortcut Modification. There are two different
start-up folders into which we can place our short-
cut, the current user and the common startup folder.
In consequence, we will be differentiating between
these two scenarios. We are able to place a shortcut
in the current user startup folder with user privileges
and into the common folder with administrator rights.
Both scenarios are unaffected by user action, reboots,
and updates. However, a reinstall will cause the con-
tents of both startup folders to be deleted. Further-
more, both scenarios are detectable through monitor-
ing because the shortcuts are visible within the folder.
Both scenarios achieved 100% reliability. The full
score can be seen in Table 10.
Table 10: Results of Shortcut Modification.
Shortcut PS PM DE RE Score
Current User 3 2 2 3 16
Common 3 2 2 3 16
Registry Run Keys. As with Shortcut Modifica-
tion, there are two different registry run keys, one spe-
cific to the current user and one common key. In con-
sequence, we will again be considering two scenarios.
Similar to shortcut modification, the current user key
can be modified using user privileges and the common
key requires admin rights. Persistence is maintained
through user actions, reboots, and updates. Nonethe-
less, a re-install will cause a loss of persistence. Both
scenarios are detectable through the Registry Editor
and the execution of entries to both keys was 100%
reliable. An overview of the scores for both scenarios
can be seen in Table 11.
Table 11: Results of Registry Run Keys.
Key PS PM DE RE Score
HKCU 3 2 2 3 16
HKLM 3 2 2 3 16
5.3 Windows Defensive Software
On each OS, the defensive mechanisms are set up in
the same way. Without needing to start any scan,
Windows Defender identifies bind.exe as malware
across all four systems. Windows Defender flags the
file as malware and prevents nearly all interaction
(moving, copying, executing) with it. Shortcuts of the
file can be created. However, their functionality is
limited because the file cannot be executed. Further-
more, the file was often automatically deleted from
the OS after a short time frame. This reaction was
caused, as no defense evasion was used such as ob-
fuscation. In addition, MSFvenom is commonly used
by adversaries and is hence known by Windows De-
fender. The methods valid account, account manip-
ulation, and account creation remain unaffected by
Windows Defender since they do not use bind.exe.
All other methods (task, service, shortcut, registry)
were unable to establish persistence because they rely
on the use of bind.exe.
When comparing each method’s performance on dif-
ferent Windows OSs, no differences can be found.
This does not come as a surprise, as all methods are
core features of the Windows OS. However, a signif-
icant difference is found when comparing the perfor-
mance of each method on an unprotected versus pro-
tected version of the OS. All methods, except for the
three based on abusing accounts, were fully disabled,
since they were not capable of establishing any persis-
tence. This shows that Windows Defender is not ca-
pable of discerning normal account use and the abuse
of an account.
Most methods performed similarly. Out of ten,
eight scored equally in all aspects (16 points). Ac-
count manipulation performed significantly worse
with seven points because even though it technically
maintains persistence, it can practically be removed.
Valid accounts for administrators performed slightly
better with 17 points since it enables privilege escala-
The similarities in each method’s persistence and
reliability likely stem from the fact that each is a sys-
tem feature specifically designed to persist on an ac-
ICISSP 2023 - 9th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
tively used system. Hence, they should function in a
reliable way as important OS processes are often exe-
cuted through these. Since privilege escalation is not
a goal of persistence, it was to be anticipated that only
a few methods would achieve this. This may explain
why we see no method that scores at least one point
in permission. The detection results were also to be
expected because we did not try to actively hide our
actions. More advanced malware will try to hide its
activities, in order to stay undetected from Windows
Defender among others.
In consequence, the metric provides a simple mea-
sure to compare different OS versions and methods
used by adversaries. It can be applied to more ad-
vanced methods used by APTs. The results may guide
future improvements in detection methods by defen-
sive mechanisms.
The ability to assess the effectiveness of methods
compared to each other enables the understanding
of the threat each method poses to IT infrastruc-
ture. Therefore, based on related work, we explained
common persistence methods for Windows OS. Then
we described our methodology with the workflow
and metric for evaluating persistence methods. This
methodology was applied on Windows 10, Windows
11, Windows Server 2019, and Windows Server 2022
using a bind-shell executable as exemplary malware.
The evaluation was performed without and with de-
fensive mechanisms activated. The results of the eval-
uation conclude that most methods performed very
similarly, likely due to the fact that each mechanism
abused a feature integral to the Microsoft Windows
OS. The majority of methods are capable of reliably
establishing persistence which could withstand up-
dates of the OS. Enabling Windows’ built-in defen-
sive mechanisms resulted in a significant decline in
the performance of persistence methods. This points
to the effectiveness of current protection measures
against commonly used persistence methods.
In the next step, more complex and real-world
malware with obfuscation methods will be applied
and analyzed for the distribution of applied methods.
Last but not least, we plan to evaluate more as well as
combinations of methods.
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Evaluation of Persistence Methods Used by Malware on Microsoft Windows Systems