names. In most cases these lists of instructions are
not unique to the code they came from. Instead they
are exceptionally common both as literal copies and
also as subsets of one another. As such there can be
no sense in which intellectual property rights or the
terms of any license have been violated.
We have described a technique for partitioning the
IP search space using instruction subsets. This
enables us to distribute IP work across many
computer cores by assigning each a distinct but
overlapping subset of instructions. Testing suggests
the subsets generalise quickly, particularly when
they are merged. Cross-validation shows they should
work well with unseen code. The approach
significantly reduces the size of the search space.
Any duplication of effort due to subset overlap
quickly becomes insignificant as program size
increases. We also believe that our approach is
ethical and does not exploit open source developers.
This work was supported by Zoea Ltd. Zoea is a
trademark of Zoea Ltd. Other trademarks are the
property of their respective owners.
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