Study of Coding Units Depth for Depth Maps Quality Scalable
Compression Using SHVC
Dorsaf Sebai
, Faouzi Ghorbel and Sounia Messbahi
Cristal Laboratory, National School of Computer Science, Manouba University, Tunisia
Scalable High Efficiency Video Coding, Depth Maps, Coding Units, Quality Scalability.
Scalable High Efficiency Video Coding (SHVC) is used to adaptively encode texture images. SHVC archi-
tecture is composed of Base and Enhancement Layers (BL and EL), with an interlayer picture processing
module between them. In order to ensure effective encoding, each picture is divided into a certain number of
Coding Units (CUs), with different depths, composing the Coding Tree Unit (CTU). Being initially dedicated
to texture images, SHVC does not provide the same efficiency when applied to depth maps. To understand the
causes behind, we propose to study the SHVC CTU partitioning for depth maps. This can be a starting point
to propose an efficient 3D video scalable compression. Main observations of this study show that the depth
of most CUs is 2 and 3 for texture images. However, this depth is either 0 or 1 for depth maps. Moreover,
CUs depths frequently change when passing from the base and enhancement layers of SHVC for the non-flat
regions. This is not the case for the smooth regions that generally preserve the same CUs depths in the two
SHVC layers.
3D video has become increasingly popular with ad-
vances in communication, display and related areas.
Today, 3D video leads to the emergence of new tech-
nologies, namely virtual, augmented and mixed reali-
ties that find their applications in several fields such as
health, education, and industry. Even for Internet of
Things (IoT), the future is for the 3D vision and IoT
with depth to allow machines, such as autonomous
cars, robots and drones, a deep perception like human
beings. This is all the more true as cameras, which
simultaneously capture the image and its depth, be-
come more and more accessible to the general public
thanks to their integration in smartphones.
The digital age has greatly changed the consump-
tion of 3D video content, defining new trends and con-
straints that the standards of compression must face.
3D videos have in fact become accessible on many
devices, such as television, computer, smartphones,
IoT gadgets and by many transmission media such
as the Internet, mobile, terrestrial and satellite net-
works. At the same time, users are increasingly de-
manding good quality. This is especially true with the
emergence of new video formats, such as Ultra High
Definition (UHD), High Dynamic Range (HDR) and
High Frame Rate (HFR). Faced to these challenges,
scalable compression is required to provide multiple
streams of the same video that meet the heteroge-
neous needs of the receivers.
Being a scalable extension of the High Effi-
ciency Video Coding (HEVC) (Sullivan et al., 2012)
video compression standard, the Scalable High Effi-
ciency Video Coding standard (SHVC) (Boyce et al.,
2016) makes it possible to perform scalable encod-
ing. SHVC is dedicated to the scalable compression
of conventional 2D videos whose only component is
texture images. It is not adapted to depth maps as it in-
duces damaging visual artifacts at sharp depth discon-
tinuities (Sebai, 2020). Further, 3D High Efficiency
Video Coding (3D-HEVC) (Tech et al., 2016), is the
latest standard dedicated to the compression of depth
maps. But, it does not allow scalable compression of
these latter. However, the need for scalable compres-
sion also persists for 3D video used by many appli-
cations, such as virtual, augmented and mixed reality.
In this paper, we propose a study of the SHVC CTU
partitioning for depth images in order to evaluate its
efficiency in 3D context. Firstly, we aim to anal-
yse the CTUs depth in texture images versus depth
maps. Secondly, we analyze the CTU construction in
Base Layer (BL) versus Enhancement Layer (EL) of
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In
Section 2 and 3, we present the concepts required to
Sebai, D., Ghorbel, F. and Messbahi, S.
Study of Coding Units Depth for Depth Maps Quality Scalable Compression Using SHVC.
DOI: 10.5220/0011706400003417
In Proceedings of the 18th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2023) - Volume 4: VISAPP, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-634-7; ISSN: 2184-4321
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
understand the study of CUs structure which is de-
tailed in Section 4. The conclusion is drawn in Sec-
tion 5.
Multiview video plus depth (MVD) (Merkle et al.,
2007) is a 3D video format which consists of more
than two streams videos each including two compo-
nents, texture images and their corresponding depth
maps. 3D-HEVC, the latest 3D video coding stan-
dards, is developed to efficiently compress MVD
data, especially depth maps. These latter are two-
dimensional representation of the scene geometry.
For each texture pixel, a corresponding pixel exists in
the depth map. The depth pixel value is the distance
between a point in 3D space, captured by the corre-
sponding texture pixel, and the camera. Knowing the
intrinsic and extrinsic parameters of the camera, this
depth value makes it possible to project a pixel into
3D space. If a view synthesis is desired, the pixel is
then projected onto a virtual viewing plane thereby
generating a new virtual view.
As shown in Fig. 1, depth maps are represented
as 2D grayscale images. This representation allows
256 depth values, ranging from 0 to 255. The inten-
sity value 255 defines the closest scene objects to the
camera. The farthest objects correspond to the gray
level 0. Being different from texture images, depth
maps are distinguished by their piecewise planar def-
inition and the impact of depth discontinuities on the
quality of the synthesized views. Indeed, each plane
corresponds to an object of the scene where intensi-
ties of its coplanar pixels vary in a regular way; and
contours, placed at the objects edges, reproduce sharp
depth discontinuities between objects in foreground
and background (Yea and Vetro, 2009). These dis-
continuities must be preserved as their compression
results in a highly visible degradation of the synthe-
sized views. However, it is not the case for smooth re-
Figure 1: Example of a texture image (left) and its associ-
ated depth map (right).
gions. The distortions of compression errors in these
regions have a less noticeable or even limited effect.
Scalability consists in extracting several versions
from a stream according to the users needs, termi-
nals capacities, and networks conditions (Tohidypour,
2016). In the particular case of images, a stream is
said to be scalable when parts of this latter can be
deleted, so that the resulting sub-stream forms another
valid stream for a target decoder. A Base Layer (BL)
is produced, and other Enhancement Layers (EL) are
used to best adapt the capabilities of the receiver.
3.1 Scalable High Efficiency Video
The SHVC (Boyce et al., 2016) encoder is the exten-
sion of HEVC which currently offers different types
of scalability such as temporal scalability, spatial scal-
ability and quality scalability also known as Signal
to Noise Ratio (SNR) scalability. The principle of
SHVC consists in encoding each image of the input
video into a hierarchy of layers, starting from a BL
that is gradually refined by the addition of ELs.
SHVC encodes input images in the BL bit stream
using the HEVC or Advanced Video Coding (AVC)
codec (Wiegand et al., 2003). The encoding of the EL
is performed using HEVC while leveraging the data
already encoded in the lower reference layers in order
to eliminate redundancies. This Inter Layer Process-
ing (ILP) block improves the efficiency of SHVC in
terms of compression ratio. It ensures that data al-
ready encoded in the previous layers is no longer en-
coded in the current layer. The bit streams of the BL
and EL are finally multiplexed according to the in-
creasing order of the layers indices. On decoding,
these streams are demultiplexed in order to decode
each of them taking into consideration the redundan-
cies retained by the ILP step.
3.2 Coding Tree Unit
In SHVC, a picture is divided into a quadtree, known
as CTU. This latter is composed of CUs that are
similar to macroblocks used in the previous AVC.
Whereas macroblocks can span 4× 4 to 16× 16 block
sizes, CTUs can process as many as 64 × 64 blocks.
This gives it the ability to compress information more
efficiently. Fig. 3 represents an illustration of the
Study of Coding Units Depth for Depth Maps Quality Scalable Compression Using SHVC
Figure 2: Architecture of SHVC: (a) SHVC encoder with two layers and (b) SHVC decoder with two layers (Gudumasu et al.,
SHVC CTU structure. Each CU can be splitted into
four sub-CUs due to a Rate Distortion Optimiza-
tion (RDO) decision function (Sullivan and Wiegand,
1998). This ergodic process looks for all possible
CUs to choose the ones with the smallest rate dis-
tortion cost. The maximum depth partitioning is set
equal to 4, numbered from 0 to 3. The CTU depth
(CTU Depth) 0 corresponds to the CU size of 64× 64,
CTU depth 1 to CU size of 32 × 32, CTU depth 2 to
CU size of 16 × 16 and CTU depth 3 to CU size of
8 × 8. A CU will be divided into Prediction Units
(PUs) that are used to carry the information related to
the prediction modes. To choose the best CTU struc-
ture, the Rate Distortion Cost (RDCost) is calculated
for each mode, and, at the end of the process, the par-
tition that introduces the lowest RDCost is selected.
Figure 3: Illustration of the Coding Tree Unit structure in
Since it was originally designed for texture images,
SHVC is analyzed for depth maps. We aim specifi-
cally to study the size of a CU between the base and
enhancement layers on the one hand and in the tex-
ture image and depth map on the other hand. For this
syudy, We use twenty images, ten texture images and
their corresponding depth maps as shown in Fig. 4.
To encode these latter, the SHVC Test Model refer-
ence encoder (SHM 12.0) is used. For each of the
images, two layers BL and EL are respectively coded
at QP values of 26 and 22.
Figure 4: Test images: Texture images (first row) and their
associated depth maps (second row).
4.1 Coding Tree Unit Structure: Base
Layer vs. Enhancement Layer
In this present section, we seek to evaluate the amount
of depth maps regions for which the CTU depth does
not change between BL and EL. Fig. 5 and Table 1
show the percentages of CTUs that maintain the same
depth when passing from BL to EL (% Regions CTU
Depth BL EL). For smooth regions, we note a high
correlation between base and enhancement layers. In
VISAPP 2023 - 18th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
fact, 85% of CTUs maintain their depth since object
plans of depth maps are mostly encoded from the BL
and no more partitioning is required for the EL. Un-
like smooth regions, less than 29% of contours re-
gions maintain the same CTU depth in EL relatively
to BL. This type of regions often needs to be more
splitted in EL, as the CTU depth in BL is insufficient.
This observation is relevant to reduce the computa-
tional complexity of SHVC for depth maps coding. A
further work can, for example, aim at proposing an
algorithm that skips the CTU partitioning for smooth
regions in ELs.
Figure 5: Percentage of CTUs maintaining the same depth
between base layer and enhancement layer.
Table 1: Percentage of CTUs maintaining the same depth
between base layer and enhancement layer.
Sequences Regions with edges Smooth regions
Statue 18.45% 95.80%
Helicopter 16.00% 90.35%
Vase 15.21% 85.23%
Chess 11.06% 99.01%
Champagne 22.06% 92.02%
Breakdancers 6.11% 87.66%
Balloons 8.49% 89.20%
Ballet 10.95% 97.89%
Autumn 17.03% 87.39%
Armchair 29.14% 98.11%
4.2 Coding Tree Unit Structure:
Texture Images vs. Depth Maps
In order to study the most commonly used CTU
depths (CTU Depths) in SHVC quadtree partition-
ing, we present the percentage of each CTU depth,
i.e. 0, 1, 2 and 3, for both texture and depth im-
ages in BL (cf. Fig. 6) and EL (cf. Fig. 7). Ac-
cording to obtained results, we note that CTU Depths
2 and 3 are more frequently adopted, with an aver-
age percentage of 71.5%, in the texture images. They
are, however, less frequently adopted in depth maps,
with an average percentage of 46.74%. As texture im-
ages contain many and various details and patterns,
the quadtree decomposition is needed to be parti-
tioned to small sized coding units, e.g. 16 × 16 and
8 × 8. Thus, larger CTU depths, i.e. 2 and 3, are
commonly reached. However, this is not the case of
depth maps that mostly integrate smooth plans of dis-
tances to capture camera. Therefore, CTUs do not
need to be very partitioned and high depths are not
commonly reached. This implies that depth maps en-
coded using SHVC are generated with some missing
information; and that is what can impact the quality
of depth discontinuities and then the quality of syn-
thesized views. Here, integrating one or more of the
3D-HEVC DMMs, besides the conventional SHVC
prediction modes, can remedy this shortcoming. Fur-
thermore, when comparing the percentage of CTUs
of depth 3 in BL to those in EL, we note an increase
from an average of 46.17% to 53.33% for texture im-
ages and 14.96% to 24.16% for depth maps. This can
be explained by the decrease of the QP value from
26 to 22 when passing from BL to EL. In fact, more
details need to be detected in EL than in BL. This
involves using smaller CU of 8 × 8 size in order to
achieve higher quality.
Image and video compression is a multidisciplinary
and cross-cutting field that is at the crossroads of
most innovative applications and domains and spans
nearly every image-centric industry, where both com-
pact and relevant information is needed. From health-
care to education, agriculture to manufacturing, and
beyond, stakeholders have to rely on compression to
help store and communicate their data. The study
carried in this paper provides a statistical analysis of
SHVC CTU partitioning for depth maps SNR scalable
compression. We typically look for CTU depths in
SHVC base and enhancement layers for depth maps,
as well as CTU depths in texture images and their cor-
responding depth ones. The obtained results lead to
the following conclusions:
A high percentage of CTUs, that correspond to
flat depth regions, preserves the same depth from
BL to EL. However, this is not the case of non-flat
depth regions.
CTU depths reached when encoding depth maps
are smaller than those reached for texture im-
ages. This can badly affect the depth disconti-
nuities preservation, and consequently the synthe-
sized views quality.
These interpretations can be very useful for our fu-
ture research directions that aim to adapt SHVC, orig-
inally conceived for texture, to depth.
Study of Coding Units Depth for Depth Maps Quality Scalable Compression Using SHVC
(a) Statue. (b) Helicopter.
(c) Vase. (d) Chess.
(e) Champagne. (f) Breakdancers.
(g) Balloons. (h) Ballet.
(i) Autumn. (j) Armchair.
Figure 6: Percentage of CU depths for both texture images and depth maps in the base layer.
VISAPP 2023 - 18th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
(a) Statue. (b) Helicopter.
(c) Vase. (d) Chess.
(e) Champagne. (f) Breakdancers.
(g) Balloons. (h) Ballet.
(i) Autumn. (j) Armchair.
Figure 7: Percentage of CU depths for both texture images and depth maps in the Enhancement layer.
Study of Coding Units Depth for Depth Maps Quality Scalable Compression Using SHVC
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VISAPP 2023 - 18th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications