Ethical Considerations for the Deployment of Logic-Based Models of
Aaron Hunter
Department of Computing, British Columbia Institute of Technology, Burnaby, Canada
AI Ethics, Logic-Based AI, Belief Change.
Ethical considerations in the development of Artificial Intelligence systems need to be addressed as more
systems are deployed in practice. Much of the current work in this area is focused on Machine Learning
systems, with an emphasis on issues such as fairness and bias. However, there are also fundamental ethical
problems to be addressed in simple logic-based systems, and we do not have solid methods in place to handle
these issues. In this paper, we discuss ethical problems that are implicitly introduced in the deployment of
systems that formalize reasoning in logic. As a specific example, we focus on logic-based models of belief
change. We consider the way belief change operators are defined, and how unintended behaviour can emerge
in operators defined with respect to well-known rationality postulates. Preventative measures and potential
solutions are discussed.
Considerations around the ethics of Artificial Intel-
ligence (AI) have become increasingly important, as
more AI systems are deployed in practice. There have
generally been two lines of work in this area. One
type of work is related to general, forward-looking
concerns about the ethical behaviour of machines that
make decisions using human-level intelligence (Malle
et al., 2019). The other type of work that is commonly
seen is explicitly focused on issues around bias and
responsibility for systems based on Machine Learn-
ing (ML) (Mehrabi et al., 2021). However, it is likely
that future AI systems will actually be hybrid sys-
tems, that use a combination of learning technology
together with models of formal reasoning. For this
reason, it is important that we also examine the ethics
and biases embedded in traditional logic-based mod-
els of reasoning.
In this paper, we look in detail at one specific
logic-based model of reasoning: the theory of belief
change. We view this as kind of a case study, high-
lighting different ethical issues that occur in a logi-
cal formulation. Note that we are not concerned with
broad philosophical concerns about the relationship
between logic and ethics. Our concern here is the
manner in which simple, logically-defensible choices
introduce problems with ethical decision making. The
focus is on providing a pathway to move forward with
the deployment of hybrid systems that use learning
technology and logic in concert.
2.1 Motivating Example
The following example is a variation on a well-known
problem originally presented by Darwiche and Pearl
(Darwiche and Pearl, 1997). The example here is
modified by changing the context to make the con-
nection with moral decision making more clear.
Consider a situation where we have an intelligent
system that is processing job applications for a po-
sition in engineering. A given applicant is initially
identified as being part of a disadvantaged group (D)
that should get priority for job interviews; so the sys-
tem believes D to be the case. On further examina-
tion of the application materials, it appears that the
applicant is registered as a professional engineer (E),
so this is also believed. However, a second system
is consulted to verify the credentials, and it indicates
that the school the applicant attended is not properly
accredited. This leads the system to reject E.
The question at this stage is what happens to the
previous beliefs, such as the belief that the applicant
belongs to a disadvantaged group. This might be im-
portant to maintain, because there might actually be
Hunter, A.
Ethical Considerations for the Deployment of Logic-Based Models of Reasoning.
DOI: 10.5220/0011704500003393
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2023) - Volume 3, pages 565-569
ISBN: 978-989-758-623-1; ISSN: 2184-433X
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
other suitable opportunities for this applicant. We will
see that some formal models of belief change will ac-
tually reject the first information, as if it had never
been obtained. On the other hand, some models will
actually keep the older information. In the present ex-
ample, this is appropriate. However, we argue that
this can also be a problem in different contexts.
The fundamental problem is that the well-known
postulates that describe rational belief change can be
satisfied by significantly different processes, in a way
that may introduce unintended bias into a system that
is intended to provide a normative model. While the
problems introduced through biased data sets in ML
approaches are now being increasingly recognized,
this kind of bias in an axiomatic reasoning system
needs to be put under the same scrutiny.
2.2 Belief Revision
Broadly, the study of belief revision is concerned with
the manner in which agents incorporate new informa-
tion with their pre-existing beliefs. The most influen-
tial approach to belief revision is the AGM approach,
in which a set of rationality postulates is specified to
define the essential features of the revision process
on et al., 1985). This framework is defined
in the context of propositional logic. So we assume
a fixed vocabulary V , which is just a set of proposi-
tional variables. Formulas over V are defined using
the usual logical connectives ¬, . The beliefs of an
agent are represented by a logically closed set of for-
An AGM revision operator is a function that
maps a belief set K and a formula φ to a new belief
set K φ. The new belief set represents what an agent
should believe after incorporating φ. Informally, we
want to add φ to the belief set, and remove as little as
possible while maintaining consistency. An AGM re-
vision operator must satisfy a set of postulates, which
we do not list here in the interest of space. However,
as an example, one straightforward postulate is the so-
called success postulate:
K φ |= φ.
This simply says that new information should be be-
lieved; this postulate encapsulates the fundamental
assumption of the AGM approach that new infor-
mation is provided by a reliable source. It is well-
known that the semantics of AGM belief revision can
be defined with respect to plausibility orderings over
propositional interpretations (Katsuno and Mendel-
zon, 1992).
In this paper, we are not directly concerned with
AGM revision. It has a known limitation in that it
can not be used for iterated belief change. The most
influential approach to iterated belief change is an ex-
tension of AGM called DP revision (Darwiche and
Pearl, 1997). The main difference is that the beliefs
of an agent are now represented by an epistemic state
E, which is essentially a total pre-order over possible
interpretations. The minimal elements of this order-
ing are considered the most plausible states, and we
let B(E) denote the set of formulas that are true in all
of the minimal states. At the level of formulas, there
is a set of postulates for DP revision that essentially
guarantee that they behave like AGM revision opera-
tors. But then there are four additional postulates that
explicitly deal with iterated change:
Darwiche-Pearl Postulates
[DP1] If β |= α, then B(E α β) = B(E β).
[DP2] If β |= ¬α, then (κ β) α = κ α.
[DP3] If α B(E β), then α B(E α β).
[DP4] If ¬α 6∈ B(E β), then ¬α 6∈ B(E α β).
It turns out that there are many different DP operators
that satisfy all of the postulates. We mention the two
most extreme examples:
Natural Revision: After revision by φ, B(E) be-
comes the set of states where φ is true. For all
other states the ordering defined by E is preserved.
Lexicographic Revision: After revision by φ, all
states where φ is true are moved before the states
where φ is false. The relative ordering between
φ-states and ¬φ-states is preserved.
Figure 1 gives a schematic depiction of how these op-
erators work. We remark that there are known is-
sues with these operators, and improvements have
been proposed (Booth and Meyer, 2006; Jin and
Thielscher, 2007). However, for the purposes of this
paper, the significant feature is simply that these two
extreme examples satisfy the raitionality postulates.
3.1 On Prescriptive Theories
For the ethical evaluation of formal belief change, we
will consider several approaches: Kant’s categorical
imperative, utilitarianism, and virtue ethics. These are
all well-known approaches, and we refer the reader to
(Hill, 2009; Rosen, 2003; Hursthouse, 2001) for a de-
scription of each approach, as well as comparisons
between them. For the purposes of this paper, the in-
tention is not to draw hard ethical conclusions; our
primary intention is simply to highlight where ethical
issues can creep into formal models of reasoning.
ICAART 2023 - 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Figure 1: Two Revision Operators.
A distinguishing feature of belief change research
is that it is prescriptive rather than descriptive. It is
clear that real humans do not follow AGM-type ratio-
nality postulates when they revise their beliefs. For
example, human agents do not generally have logi-
cally closed belief sets. The fundamental view is that
a fully rational agent should obey the principles, and
it is therefore a human failing to some extent that we
do not.
There are clearly ethical concerns around human-
defined postulates dictating how beliefs “should” be
revised. In most work on belief change theory, the
postulates are justified through small sets of motivat-
ing examples. The selection and design of these ex-
amples can introduce bias, or unjustified assumptions
for a general reasoner. This is certainly a problem,
although it is not one a particularly novel one. In
any scientific endevour, we need to be careful about
the consideration of biases of the researcher. We are
more concerned with problems that are hidden in the
formalism, irrespective of the intentions of the re-
3.2 Problems with Ethical Decision
We return to our motivating example, regarding the
system that is vetting job applicants. It is easy to
demonstrate that natural revision will give the follow-
ing result:
1. After seeing the applicant is from a disadvantaged
group (D), the agent believes D.
2. After seeing the engineering degree, the agent be-
lieves E.
3. After learning the program is not accredited, the
agent revises by ¬E. The agent disregards the ob-
servation D, as if it had never happened.
This result is ethically problematic:
Kantian view: The applicant in this case pro-
vided information about their status in a desig-
nated group, because they wanted that informa-
tion to be considered. By disregarding this in-
formation, the sequence of revisions here is not
treating this applicant as an end to themselves;
they would presumably like to be considered for
all available positions.
Utilitarian view: Rules around improving oppor-
tunities for disadvantaged groups are generally ac-
cepted as being good for society overall. This re-
vision process is therefore leading to a harmful
Virtue ethics view: As a general principle, it is a
virtuous property to look for all opportunities suit-
able for a qualified candidate - taking into account
all relevant factors. This has not occurred here.
Hence, it is very easy to argue that the system in
this case is performing in a way that is ethically prob-
lematic. The reason it is problematic is simple: in
this particular context, older information is important
- yet it is being disregarded. We remark that this ap-
proach to revision does respect a large set of ratio-
nality postulates, but this problematic behaviour has
been observed and addressed previously (Booth and
Meyer, 2006). However, the solution in most cases is
to introduce more logical postulates. It is difficult to
guarantee that operators satisfying the new postulates
will be immune to similar problems.
Another important point is that the behaviour of
this revision operator is not inherently bad. The re-
sult of this revision is problematic for this particular
context. However, there are other contexts where it
is ethically preferable to ignore earlier reports. Con-
sider, for example, a situation where a particular view
has been discredited. The view could be a social view
Ethical Considerations for the Deployment of Logic-Based Models of Reasoning
from an early era, or perhaps a scientific theory that
has been proved false. In such cases, we may actu-
ally want to disregard previous revisions in line with
the natural revision approach. The problem is not that
this model of revision is “wrong”; the problem is that
it can be ethically problematic in certain contexts.
3.3 The Problem with Iteration
In general, the problem with formal models of iter-
ated belief revision is the fact that they need to ascribe
value to information from the past. The formal mod-
els have to explicitly answer this question: how much
weight should be given to past information that has
been discredited?
The problem here is not easily addressed. The
general approach of the discipline is to use rational-
ity postulates that specify minimum requirements for
a suitable operator. But the rationality postulates do
not describe a definite approach. Instead, the rational-
ity postulates describe a set of operators. The person
that is interested in modelling a particular problem is
able to choose the specific operator that is appropriate
for their context.
However, we argue that this approach is unlikely
to be successful beyond very limited and precisely de-
scribed contexts. In this paper, we have only looked
at the two extreme cases of iterated revision. In nat-
ural revision, information obtained in the past carries
little weight as compared to new information. On the
other hand, in lexicographic revision, the full impact
of past revisions is maintained as new information is
received. But these are not the only examples. There
are many different operators that each value past in-
formation differently; each operator may lead to ethi-
cal problems in particular contexts.
We need more than rationality postulates. These
postulates are excellent for establishing the mathe-
matical properties of the system, but they do little to
help determine where particular operators can be de-
ployed. For this reason, we propose that a fundamen-
tal new direction for research would be useful. With
any formal model of reasoning, one would like to
have a precise characterization of the contexts where
that model can be trusted to avoid ethically problem-
atic decision making.
4.1 Discussions with Non-Specialists
One of the challenges with the deployment of logic-
based reasoning systems is the fact that the postulates
and the logics are not accessible to non-specialists.
While the literature focuses on formal characteriza-
tion results and proofs of correctness, these kinds of
results are of little interest to most users of an AI sys-
tem. All a user would like is a simple tool that mod-
els how an agent makes decisions, without worrying
about the details.
But this is a problem when there are several differ-
ent formal models that might behave poorly in differ-
ent contexts. In order to deploy logic-based reasoning
tools in an ethical manner, we therefore propose the
following steps:
Knowledge acquisition. We must consult with do-
main experts to understand the context where the
reasoning system will be used. In the case of be-
lief revision systems, one aspect of this process
would be to determine how past information is
perceived and valued.
Validation. We need to formally validate that the
reasoning system we propose behaves well in the
given context. This means that we need to move
away from the hand-crafted examples produced
by AI scientists, and focus on validation with re-
spect to real examples where the system is likely
to be employed.
Step 1 here is similar the interview process one might
do in the development of an expert system. This is
challenging, but necessary. For example, we have
seen that some logic-based resasoning systems can
lead to unethical behaviour when used in the wrong
context. If we want to develop such systems to be de-
ployed in hybrid AI systems, we need to be able to ex-
plain to communicate effectively with a non-specialist
4.2 Formalizing the Goal
Discussing the deployment setting is an important
step, but it will not address the problem. If we look
towards AI ethics research in ML as a guide, we can
see that issues of bias emerged over time as systems
were deployed. As a result, there has been significant
effort to address the problem. There are clear prin-
ciples around key notions of fairness and ethics for
learning systems (Mehrabi et al., 2021). These prin-
ciples might not always be followed, but at least they
are specified and under discussion.
On the logic side, the situation is quite differ-
ent. In many cases, logical reasoning systems are de-
fined with respect to explicit principles that capture
some aspect of rational decision making. For exam-
ple, the rationality postulates in the theory of belief
change are specified by a person based on intuition
ICAART 2023 - 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
and simple examples. This is clearly a problem in
terms of implicit bias. The validation of the system is
generally a mathematical validation addressing issues
around syntax, semantics, and efficiency. To some ex-
tent it is assumed that a particular belief change oper-
ator should only be used in a restricted context, but
that context is not specified. We remark that this sit-
uation is not unique to the theory of belief change,
similar patterns can be seen in other areas of formal
We propose that the solution is to develop a mech-
anism for specifying context and communicating it to
practitioners for deployment. We need to be be able to
precisely specify the characteristics of the reasoning
problems that can be tackled with a particular model,
without running into clear ethical problems. This
mechanism will be helpful to those choosing frame-
works and models in software, but it is also essential
on the theoretical side to formally demonstrate prop-
erties around fairness and bias for particular logical
In this position paper, we have outlined a particu-
lar challenge for AI ethics. Much of the work on
AI ethics today has focused on subtle, difficult prob-
lems related to bias in learning systems. However,
we argue that there is a much less subtle problem on
the logic side, where models are developed by hand
and it is easy to find examples where such models do
not make ethically sound decisions. We have demon-
strated this through a concrete example, looking at
formal belief change operators. While the problems
in this setting are much easier to see, the solutions are
not obvious. We have proposed that explicitly work-
ing with domain experts and formalizing context may
be an important step towards the eventual safe deploy-
ment of hybrid systems that involve formal reasoning.
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Ethical Considerations for the Deployment of Logic-Based Models of Reasoning