InFER: A Multi-Ethnic Indian Facial Expression Recognition Dataset
Syed Sameen Ahmad Rizvi
, Preyansh Agrawal
, Jagat Sesh Challa
and Pratik Narang
Department of CSIS, BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus, Rajasthan, India
Facial Expression Recognition, Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN), Deep Learning.
The rapid advancement in deep learning over the past decade has transformed Facial Expression Recognition
(FER) systems, as newer methods have been proposed that outperform the existing traditional handcrafted
techniques. However, such a supervised learning approach requires a sufficiently large training dataset cover-
ing all the possible scenarios. And since most people exhibit facial expressions based upon their age group,
gender, and ethnicity, a diverse facial expression dataset is needed. This becomes even more crucial while
developing a FER system for the Indian subcontinent, which comprises of a diverse multi-ethnic population.
In this work, we present InFER, a real-world multi-ethnic Indian Facial Expression Recognition dataset con-
sisting of 10,200 images and 4,200 short videos of seven basic facial expressions. The dataset has posed
expressions of 600 human subjects, and spontaneous/acted expressions of 6000 images crowd-sourced from
the internet. To the best of our knowledge InFER is the first of its kind consisting of images from 600 subjects
from very diverse ethnicity of the Indian Subcontinent. We also present the experimental results of baseline &
deep FER methods on our dataset to substantiate its usability in real-world practical applications.
Facial expression is one of the most prominent and
powerful means by which human beings convey their
emotional states and intentions (Darwin and Prodger,
1998; Tian et al., 2001). Studies have shown that
55% of the messages pertaining to feelings are in the
facial expressions, 7% comprises spoken words, and
the rest 38% belongs to para linguistics (i.e., the style
in which verbal communication happens) (Mehrabian
and Russell, 1974). Hence, facial expressions have
proven to play a pivotal role in the entire information
exchange process. On the basis of a cross-cultural
study Ekman et. al. defined six basic sets of emo-
tions to be the standard way humans perceive certain
basic emotions regardless of their culture (Ekman and
Friesen, 1971; Ekman, 1994). These pivotal emotions
include anger, fear, disgust, happiness, sadness, and
Over the last two decades, with the dramatic de-
velopment in artificially intelligent systems, numer-
This research is supported by grants from Kwikpic AI
ous attempts have been made to automatically detect
facial expressions due to its versatile scope in sociable
robots, medical diagnosis, surveillance systems, be-
havioral research, and many other human-computer
interaction systems. Facial Expression Recognition
(FER) systems can broadly be categorized into two
types: traditional and deep FER (Li and Deng, 2020).
In the early stages, several traditional handcrafted
methods like local binary patterns and non-negative
matrix factorization were used. As we evolved in
the field of deep neural networks, various methods
were proposed that used paradigms such as convolu-
tion neural networks, deep belief networks, generative
adversarial networks, and recurrent neural networks.
Deep learning refers to the process of extract-
ing high-level abstractions through multiple layers of
non-linear transformation and representation. Such a
supervised learning approach would always require a
sufficiently large training dataset covering all the sce-
narios. Since most people, based upon age group,
gender, ethnicity, and other socio-cultural factors, ex-
hibit facial expressions differently, for a deep FER
system to scale up to such a diverse audience requires
a diverse dataset. Moreover, since most datasets cur-
rently used are generated in a lab-based controlled
environment, they usually contain high-quality im-
ages with frontal head poses. In the real-world sce-
narios, there are many more challenges such as non-
Rizvi, S., Agrawal, P., Challa, J. and Narang, P.
InFER: A Multi-Ethnic Indian Facial Expression Recognition Dataset.
DOI: 10.5220/0011699400003393
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2023) - Volume 3, pages 550-557
ISBN: 978-989-758-623-1; ISSN: 2184-433X
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
Table 1: An overview of existing facial expression datasets. [P = posed; S = spontaneous].
Dataset Samples Subject Condition Elicitation Expression Distribution
CK+ 593 image sequences 123 Lab P & S seven basic expressions contempt
MMI 740 images 2900 videos 25 Lab P seven basic expressions
JAFFE 213 images 10 Lab P seven basic expressions
TFD 112,234 images N.A. Lab P seven basic expressions
FER-2013 35,887 images N.A. Web P & S seven basic expressions
AFEW 7.0 1,809 images N.A. Movie P & S seven basic expressions
SFEW 2.0 1,766 images N.A. Movie P & S seven basic expressions
Multi-PIE 755,370 images 337 Lab P smile, surprised, squint, disgust, scream, and neutral
BP4D 328 2-D & 3-D videos 41 Lab P seven basic expressions
Oulu-CASIA 2,880 image sequences 80 Lab P six basic expressions without neutral
ExpW 91,793 images N.A. Web P & S seven basic expressions
ISED 428 videos 50 Lab S Happiness, surprise, sadness, disgust.
EmotioNet 1,000,000 images N.A. Web P & S 23 basic and compound emotions
RAF-DB 29,762 images N.A. Web P & S seven basic expressions 12 compound expressions
AffectNet 450,000 images N.A. Web P & S seven basic expressions
frontal head poses, occlusions, and poor illumination.
Deploying a deep neural network trained on such a
dataset yields lower levels of performance and accu-
The Indian subcontinent, known for its rich socio-
cultural composition, encompasses a variety of eth-
nicities. A study done on the ethnic composition
of Indian people enlists a variety of ethnic groups,
including Dravidian, Indo-Aryan, Mongoloid, Aryo-
Dravidian, Monglo-Dravidian, Scytho-Dravidian and
Turko-Iranian (Risley, 1891). Therefore deploying a
real-world practical FER application on such a diverse
population without a dataset adequately representing
all ethnic and age groups is a challenging task. Hence-
forth, for such a heterogeneous population, there is a
need for a diverse dataset that can cater to the diversi-
fied requirements of the Indian subcontinent, a home
to more than 1.4 billion people.
In this paper, we propose a diverse India-specific
real-world - in the wild facial expression dataset - In-
FER, which aims to cover various ethnicities and age
groups of the Indian subcontinent. The major contri-
butions of this work include:
We created InFER dataset that consists of seven
basic expressions of anger, disgust, fear, happi-
ness, neutral, sadness, and surprise, of 600 human
subjects of varied Indian ethnicity, age groups,
and gender along with their respective labels.
It comprises of 10,200 images and 4,200 short
videos, of which 4,200 images and short videos
belong to 600 human subjects, and the remaining
6000 images correspond to real-world facial ex-
pression images taken from online sources.
We show the performance analysis on baseline
traditional as well as recent state-of-the-art deep
FER models.
To the best of our knowledge, our dataset is the
first of its kind to contain the largest collection of hu-
man subjects in the facial expression recognition do-
main. This is also the first multi-ethnic diverse India-
specific dataset presented in the domain of FER.
A comprehensive dataset with adequate labeled train-
ing data covering as many variations in terms of eth-
nicities, age group, gender and environments is cru-
cial for designing a deep FER system. Table 1 pro-
vides an overview of the most common existing facial
expression datasets (Li and Deng, 2020). People with
diverse ethnicity, age group, and gender exhibit facial
expressions differently; the absence of ethnically rich
& diverse dataset is the major limitation among the
existing datasets. This limitation deepens in a country
like India, which has a diverse population. Moreover,
dataset bias and imbalance distribution are other com-
mon issues with FER datasets that results from the
practicality of sample acquirement. Expressions like
happiness & anger are comparatively easier to capture
compared to expressions like disgust & fear, which
are less common.
This section describes the methodology employed to
create the InFER dataset. The proposed dataset com-
InFER: A Multi-Ethnic Indian Facial Expression Recognition Dataset
Figure 1: An overview of data collection methodology for human subjects.
prises of two segments: (i) posed emotions from 600
human subjects; (ii), spontaneous /acted emotions ex-
tracted from online sources, which includes 6000 col-
lected on a crowd-sourced basis by an image search
API. The methodology for both segments are dis-
cussed separately.
3.1 Human Subjects
Posed emotions can only be captured by consent
and voluntary participation of the subjects. For
this purpose, we constituted a team of 10 members
who identified and persuaded human subjects to
participate in our data collection task. All these
members were given a thorough understanding of
data collection strategy, expression styles, illumi-
nation conditions, variance in terms of gender, age
group, and ethnicity, and lastly, the outlier scenarios
such as non-frontal head posed and occlusions, i.e.,
presence of spectacles, beard, mustache that can
disguise some vital information pertaining to facial
expressions. Since our focus here is to develop a
real-world dataset, there was no specific lab setup for
capturing posed human expressions. The motivation
behind the fore-said approach is that we wanted our
dataset to scale for real-world applications. Often,
lab-based environments lack real-world obstructions,
occlusions, and outlier scenarios. The methodology
adopted to capture posed human facial expression is
a 3 stage process illustrated in Fig.1. We shall discuss
each stage in detail.
Subject Identification: Each member of our data
collection team was assigned to gather expressions
of 60 human subjects. Emphasis was on maximiz-
ing the variation in terms of ethnicity, age group, and
gender. For this purpose, we categorized the country
into five zones: north, east, west, south, and north-
east. Adequate representation from each zone would
help us gather an ethnically rich dataset. It was de-
cided that representation of each zone must be at least
15% and at most 25% for each member of our data
collection team. Similarly we divided age groups into
five classes, i.e. {5-10} children, {11-19} teenagers,
{20-29} young-adults, {30-59} adults, {60+} senior
citizens. A similar kind of proportion was maintained
for age groups so that each age class has adequate
representation. Regarding gender, an almost equal
proportion of subjects was expected amongst males
and females. Due consent from all the participants or
their guardians (in the case of minors) was signed for
agreeing to use their facial images for research pur-
Capturing Videos: In this stage, a 5-10 second video
of the concerned subject was captured for all seven
basic expressions. The facial expression started from
a neutral expression, went to the peak of the expres-
sion, and then came back to a neutral expression. Fac-
tors like proper illumination conditions, the distance
between the camera and subject (ideally kept between
2-3 feet), and a few outlier scenarios like beard mus-
tache, turban, and spectacles were also incorporated
in the process.
Pre-processing: In pre-processing firstly the video
file is parsed into its respective frames, and the frame
ICAART 2023 - 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Table 2: Confidence matrix for Happiness expression.
Annotated data
Annotator 1 Annotator 2 Annotator 3 Annotator 4 Annotator 5
Annotator 1 x 0.85 0.82 0.87 0.83
Annotator 2 0.84 x 0.79 0.81 0.80
Annotator 3 0.91 0.89 x 0.92 0.88
Annotator 4 0.85 0.78 0.75 x 0.80
Annotator 5 0.90 0.86 0.85 0.84 x
that best represents the peak of the facial expression
is selected. Secondly the region of interest (ROI) i.e.
human face, is extracted using Haarcascade face de-
tector (Viola and Jones, 2001). Thereafter, all the ex-
tracted facial images representing the respective peak
of the emotion are resized to 256X256 pixels. Finally,
each facial image is labeled with its respective expres-
sion type, age class, ethnic class, and gender type.
3.2 Online Sources
Posed expressions may not always scale up to real-
world applications. Therefore, a substantial percent-
age of the dataset must contain acted or spontaneous
facial expressions. For this purpose, we employ a
crowd-sourcing strategy to gather facial expressions
from various online sources. Search keywords and
an image search API facilitate us in collecting di-
verse images with facial expressions from varied on-
line sources. Since the API we used yielded re-
sults in a well-structured XML format, where the
URLs can be conveniently parsed, a set of keywords
was used to search for images with facial expres-
sions.Subsequently, a set of keywords were used for
specifically curated search queries to collect facial
expression images with a balanced distribution in
terms of expressions, ethnicity, age group, and gen-
der. These keywords with respect to subjects in-
cluded (smile, joyful, giggle, cry, upset, anger, rage,
fearful, scared, frightened, terrified, shocked, aston-
ished, disgust, and expressionless). The keywords
employed for maintaining ethnic, age, and gender
balance included - child, adolescent, adult, senior-
citizen, boy, man, male, girl, lady, female, punjabi
marathi, tamil, telugu, bengali, north-Indian, south In-
dian, north-eastern Indian. A total of 6000 such facial
expression images were collected and are presented
in our dataset.
Dataset Annotation: Annotating 6000 images is
a time-consuming and challenging task. Considering
this, a team of 5 annotators was assigned to annotate
Punjabi, Marathi, Tamil, Telugu, Bengali are the peo-
ple belonging to the of Punjab, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu,
Andhra Pradesh, Bengal respectively; federal states of
Union of India.
all the 6000 images, with their respective age, gender,
ethnicity, and expression labels. Each annotator was
instructed and trained with the psychological knowl-
edge of seven basic facial expressions through a demo
exercise of annotating 1500 facial expression images
from some of the already existing datasets (Table 1).
Since these five different annotations would have the
respective biases associated with individual annota-
tors, we calculate a confidence matrix, where each
annotator had to review and rate the annotation of
the other four annotators between 0 to 1. The an-
notated data was provided to them anonymously so
as to maintain confidentiality and have a fair review
and assessment of annotations. The confidence ma-
trix was calculated for each emotion. Table 2 shows
a confidence matrix for happiness expression, where
each row represents cross-confidence scores given by
the other four annotators.
Cumulative confidence scores (C.C.Score) are cal-
culated for each row using equation 1, where i,j rep-
resents the row & column number of the confidence
matrix C, hence obtaining a total score out of 4 for
each set of annotated data.
C.C.Score(Annotator[i]) =
C(i, j) (1)
max(C.C.S core(Annotator[i])) (2)
For each facial expression, the annotated dataset cor-
responding to maximum cumulative confidence score
was kept in our final dataset.
3.3 Dataset Analysis
While gathering the dataset, the implicit requirement
of ethnically diverse India-specific data was the prime
focus. Data from both sources, i.e., human subjects
and online sources, was gathered with the fore-said
requirement as the underlying theme.
Human Subjects: Out of 600 human participants
90 were children, 114 belonged to teenagers, 132
were young-adults, 144 belonged to adults, and 120
were from senior-citizens category. The participants
were selected from all across the country, with 144
subjects from northern India, 138 from southern
InFER: A Multi-Ethnic Indian Facial Expression Recognition Dataset
Figure 2: Sample images seven basic expressions captured from human participants.
India, 114 each from eastern and western zones,
and 90 participants belonging to northeastern India.
There was about equal participation between males
and females with 304 male and 294 female subjects.
Fig. 2 shows sample images seven basic expressions
captured from human participants. Participants
were guaranteed that their identity would be kept
confidential and that the captured data would only
be used for research purposes. Some of the subjects
agreed to use their facial images in research article.
Online Sources: Apart from 600 subjects, the
proposed dataset also consists of 6000 images crowd-
sourced from various online sources using an image
search API. Approximately equal representation of
both genders was collected, with about 3,120 male
(52%) and 2880 female(about 48%) faces. Images
from across the five zones were gathered, wherein
northern and southern zones had 1500 images (25%)
each, eastern and northeastern zones contributed
900 images (15%)each, while the western zone
consisted of 1200 images (20%). Fig 3 shows sample
images seven basic expressions collected from online
sources. The presence of occlusions disguises some
of the crucial FER features, which is an inherent
challenge for deploying a FER system for practical
applications. Henceforth, some occlusions were
included in the dataset, which consisted of spectacles,
facial hair, ornaments, turbans, and some unrestricted
hand movements while expressing their emotional
state. The authors would make the dataset available
to those interested, upon a reasonable request.
In this section, we discuss the experimentation re-
sults on the baseline and state-of-the-art available
deep-FER methods on our proposed InFER dataset.
The dataset consists of captured human subjects and
crowd-sourced online images. Since we already did
initial facial detection & extraction for the human sub-
jects, we perform a similar task on images collected
from online sources. Haarcascade classifier (Viola
and Jones, 2001), was used for detection and extrac-
tion of facial images. For a few of the images where
Viola & Jones failed, faces were extracted manually.
Both the extracted faces (subjects & crowd-sourced )
were combined, and these images were subjected to
pose normalization to suppress the effect of in-plane
rotations. All the images were resized to a size of
256X256 pixels and converted into grayscale for fur-
ther processing. 10-fold cross-validation was adopted
in our experiment. All the experiments were carried
ICAART 2023 - 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Figure 3: Sample images of seven basic expressions collected from online sources.
InFER: A Multi-Ethnic Indian Facial Expression Recognition Dataset
Table 3: Traditional & Deep FER accuracies on InFER dataset with 10 fold cross validation. Methods with the highest
performance are mentioned in bold, both for Traditional & Deep FER.
Traditional FER
Method Classifier Precision Recall F1 Score Average Accuracy(%)
Grey Intensities(Wang et al., 2010)
PCA + KNN 0.5520 0.5371 0.5315 54.47
PCA + LDA 0.5204 0.5181 0.5176 56.09
PCA + Naive-Bayes 0.4617 0.4301 0.4139 48.78
LBP Features(Ojala et al., 2002)
from 5x5 region + PCA + LDA 0.4369 0.14907 0.4268 43.09
from 7x6 region + PCA + LDA 0.5030 0.4991 0.4974 51.22
without division + PCA + LDA 0.5739 0.4973 0.4926 47.15
from 5x5 region + PCA + LDA 0.3939 0.3945 0.3908 39.84
from 7x6 region + PCA + LDA 0.4060 0.4159 0.4027 41.46
without division + PCA + LDA 0.5149 0.5116 0.5089 52.85
Gabor Filters(Deng et al., 2005)
PCA + LDA 0.4915 0.4701 0.4711 49.59
Adaboost 0.3511 0.3328 0.3361 39.02
LGBP(Moore and Bowden, 2011)
from 3x3 region + PCA + LDA 0.6602 0.4831 0.5219 50.40
from 3x3 region + PCA + LDA 0.3227 0.3287 0.3216 32.52
Deep FER
Model Method Classifier Accuracy
Savchenko et al. (Savchenko et al., 2022) EfficientNET FER Softmax / Linear classifier 78.75
Island Loss(Cai et al., 2018) IL-CNN Softmax 72.8
Center Loss(Cai et al., 2018; Wen et al., 2016) CL-CNN Softmax 71.77
Khorrami et al.(Khorrami et al., 2015) Zero-Bias CNN Softmax 53.97
Pramerdorfer et al.(Pramerdorfer and Kampel, 2016) Baseline CNN Softmax 53.05
out on an Intel(R) Xeon (R) 2.20 GHz CPU with
RAM of 24 GB and a Tesla P100 with 16 GB of
graphical memory.
Traditional FER: The performance of a FER system
immensely depends upon the selection of an appropri-
ate feature extractor. For this purpose, both geometric
& appearance-based feature extractors may be used.
In our experimentation, have used gray-scale intensi-
ties (Wang et al., 2010), local binary patterns (Ojala
et al., 2002), gabor wavelets (Deng et al., 2005) and
local gabor binary patterns (Senechal et al., 2011) as
feature extractors for classifying facial expressions.
Deep FER : In recent years, several deep learning-
based FER methods have been proposed in the lit-
erature. Some state-of-the-art open source methods
which were used in our experimentation include Effi-
cientNET FER(Savchenko et al., 2022), Island loss
(Cai et al., 2018), and Zero-Bias CNN (Khorrami
et al., 2015), and Deep CNN (Pramerdorfer and Kam-
pel, 2016).
Table 3 enlists various traditional & deep FER
methods with their respective accuracies on our
4.1 Experimental Results
In the traditional methods, we have first used
grayscale intensities of the whole face as the feature
extractor. These features were then flattened, and
PCA was used to reduce the dimensionality. The
number of features was selected in such a way that
the original signal could be constructed with an error
of less than 5 percent. Subsequently, three classifiers
were used; KNN, LDA, and Naive Bayes. For KNN
(K-Nearest Neighbors), the number of neighbors was
1. The solver used for LDA (Linear Discriminant
Analysis) was SVD (Singular Value Decomposition).
The Gaussian variant of the Naive Bayes classifier
was used in the experimentation. The PCA + LDA
variant gave the best results.
The next feature extractor was LBP. The images
were first divided into 5x5 or 3x3 smaller patches.
LBP was then applied to extract the features from the
patches. The features from patches were then con-
catenated to form the image again. Experiments were
also conducted without dividing the images and di-
rectly taking the LBP features. Two variations of LBP
were used; default and uniform. Default LBP on the
whole face gave the best results.
For extracting features using Gabor filters, the
whole image was used. The two classifiers used here
were AdaBoost and LDA. PCA was again used for di-
mensionality reduction before using LDA. The PCA
+ LDA combination gave the best results.
Finally, we have the LGBP feature extractor, com-
bining the Gabor filter features and the LBP features.
We first applied the Gabor filter and then used the
LBP method to get the LGBP features. PCA + LDA
combination was again used for classification. LGBP
features on the 5x5 image patches gave the best re-
sults. All the methods were tested using 10-fold
cross-validation; detailed results are provided in ta-
ble 3 (Traditional FER section); precision, recall, F1
scores, and average accuracies are provided for each
method used in our experimentation.
In the deep FER methods, five state-of-the-art,
open source recent methods were used in our experi-
mentation. Applying deep learning-based techniques
clearly showed performance improvement as com-
pared to traditional handcrafted methods. The model
ICAART 2023 - 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
by (Savchenko et al., 2022) fetched the best accuracy
of 78.75%. All methods used a softmax layer or a
linear transformation as the classifier. The models
were trained for at least 50 epochs. The respective
accuracies are reported in table 3 (Deep FER section)
with 10 fold cross validation. These results further
substantiate the usability of our dataset in real-world
practical applications.
India being a culturally and ethnically rich coun-
try, a home to about 1.4 billion people with various
racial identities migrating and settling in the subcon-
tinent. In this context, there existed a need for an
India-specific ethnically diverse dataset comprising
all seven basic human facial expressions.
The proposed InFER dataset comprises of 10,200
images & 4,200 videos of seven basic facial expres-
sions with their age, gender, and ethnic labels. The
subject selection done in this regard corroborated that
there should not be any dataset bias with respect to
ethnicity, age, class, or gender. Moreover, since posed
human expressions lack in realistic data, we adopted a
two way collection strategy. Whilst posed expressions
from human subjects were captured; on the contrary,
we also collected realistic spontaneous/acted expres-
sions collected on a crowd-sourced basis from on-
line sources. We also conducted extensive experi-
mentation on baseline models and available state-of-
the-art deep-learning-based models, showing that our
propsed dataset can be deployed for real-world prac-
tical applications. The Multi-Ethnic Indian Facial Ex-
pression Recognition (InFER) dataset would facilitate
researchers to train and validate their algorithms for
real-world practical applications.
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InFER: A Multi-Ethnic Indian Facial Expression Recognition Dataset