Video Game Agents with Human-like Behavior using the Deep
Q-Network and Biological Constraints
Takahiro Morita
and Hiroshi Hosobe
Graduate School of Computer and Information Sciences, Hosei University, Tokyo, Japan
Faculty of Computer and Information Sciences, Hosei University, Tokyo, Japan
Keywords: Machine Learning, Deep Q-Network, Biological Constraint, Video Game Agent.
Abstract: Video game agents that surpass humans always select the optimal behavior, which may make them look
mechanical and uninteresting to human players and audience. Since score-oriented game agents have been
almost achieved, a next goal should be to entertain human players and audience by realizing agents that
reproduce human-like behavior. A previous method implemented such game agents by introducing biological
constraints into Q-learning and A
search. In this paper, we propose video game agents with more entertaining
and more practical human-like behavior by applying biological constraints into the deep Q-network (DQN).
Especially, to reduce the problem of the conspicuous mechanical behavior found in the previous method, we
propose an additional biological constraint “confusion”. We implemented our method in the video game
“Infinite Mario Bros.” and conducted a subjective evaluation. The results indicated that the agents
implemented with our method were rated more human-like than those implemented with the previous method.
In recent years, research on various game agents has
been actively conducted. In 2017, Ponanza, AI of
Shogi (Japanese chess), won a professional player. In
the same year, AlphaGo (Silver, et al., 2016), AI of
another board game Go, also won professional
players. In addition, agents for incomplete board
games such as The Werewolves of Millers Hollow
(Katagami, et al., 2018) and for video games such as
Tetris and Space Invaders have been widely studied
in the field of AI. For example, general-purpose AI
using deep Q-learning was created (Mnih V. , et al.,
2013); it automatically generated features and
evaluation functions for simple video games such as
Pong and Breakout by using only game screens.
Game agents that surpassed humans always select
the optimal behavior, which may make them look
mechanical and uninteresting to human players and
audience. Since score-oriented game agents have
been almost achieved, a next goal should be to
entertain human players and audience by realizing
game agents that reproduce human-like behavior.
Recent video games are often focused on entertaining
players by providing game agents called “non-player
characters” that behave like humans. Although
various studies have been conducted, most of them
need to define or learn human-like behavior, which
puts heavy workloads on game AI developers.
To solve this problem, a previous study (Fujii,
Sato, Wakama, Kazai, & Katayose, 2013) proposed a
method to realize human-like behavior based on
biological constraints, i.e., “fluctuation”, “delay”, and
“tiredness”. Their method reduced development cost
and could be introduced into various game genres.
Since it used Q-learning and A
search, which are
simple methods for machine learning, the skill of their
video game agent was as low as a human beginner or
an intermediate-level player.
In this paper, we propose video game agents with
more entertaining and more practical human-like
behavior by introducing biological constraints into
the deep Q-network (DQN) (Mnih V. , et al., 2015),
which is a machine learning method often used for
video game agents. In addition, we propose an
additional biological constraint “confusion”, which
can occur when the amount of information exceeds
what humans can process.
We conducted two experiments. First, we
performed a preliminary experiment to examine how
the implementation with DQN make a difference. For
this experiment, we prepared Q-learning and DQN
with and without Fujii et al.’s biological constraints,
Morita, T. and Hosobe, H.
Video Game Agents with Human-like Behavior using the Deep Q-Network and Biological Constraints.
DOI: 10.5220/0011697500003393
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2023) - Volume 3, pages 525-531
ISBN: 978-989-758-623-1; ISSN: 2184-433X
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
applied them to the video game “Infinite Mario Bros.”,
and subjectively evaluated whether they showed
human-like behavior. As a result, the game agent
introducing the biological constraints to DQN
showed human-like behavior to some extent, but also
showed conspicuous mechanical behavior. Second,
we implemented the game agent that further applied
our new biological constraint “confusion” and
conducted subjective evaluation by several
participants. As a result, it was shown that our method
with the additional “confusion” constraint exhibited
more human-like behavior than the methods without
the additional constraint.
Infinite Mario Bros. (Figure 1) is a game that imitates
Super Mario World, a 2D side-scrolling action game
released by Nintendo. Infinite Mario Bros. infinitely
generates stages by using the seed value of pseudo-
random numbers given in advance. Much research
has been done on video game agents for Infinite
Mario Bros.; especially, at the 2009 Conference on
Computational Intelligence and Games (CIG)
(Togelius, Karakovskiy, & Baumgarten, 2010), a
tournament called Mario AI Competition was held for
this game. This tournament provided a program for
the implementation of game agents. It gives
information such as the positions of enemies and
other objects around Mario, which allows the easy
implementation of reinforcement learning. In this
paper, we use this program to implement our game
Figure 1: Infinite Mario Bros.
There has been research on game agents with human-
like behavior. Some studies acquired human-like
behavior by imitating human players. A video game
agent (Polceanu, 2013) for a first-person shooter
called Unreal Tournament 2004 realized human-like
behavior by recording the movements of other players
in real time and partially reproducing the data.
Another video game agent (Ortega, Shaker, Togelius,
& Yannakakis, 2013) was focused on the path taken
by human players in Infinite Mario Bros. To imitate
human players, the agent implemented three indirect
methods, i.e., hand coding, a direct method based on
supervised learning, and an indirect method based on
maximizing similarity measures. As a result, the
indirect method based on maximizing similarity
measures was the best. However, the game agent
required a large amount of data of actual human
players for acquiring human-like behavior, which
would increase development cost.
To solve the problem of development cost,
research on game agents that automatically acquires
human-like behavior has been conducted.
“Entertainment Go AI” (Ikeda & Viennot, 2013) was
realized by enabling a fully-enhanced Go game agent
intentionally make human-like mistakes for human
players to enjoy playing Go with it. However, with
this method, the game AI developer needs to define
human-like mistakes, which increases the workload
in development. By contrast, biological constraints
(Fujii, Sato, Wakama, Kazai, & Katayose, 2013), i.e.,
“fluctuation”, “delay”, and “tiredness”, which can
occur when humans are playing video games,
automatically acquired human-like behavior in video
game agents by using Q-learning and A
search. They
were applied to Infinite Mario Bros., and the
movement of the resulting game agents was
subjectively evaluated.
4.1 Q-Learning
Q-learning (Watkins & Dayan, 1992) learns by
updating the value estimation function 𝑄𝑠, 𝑎, which
is an index of what kind of action 𝑎 the agent should
take under a certain state 𝑠 . The agent receives a
reward according to the result of the action, and
updates 𝑄𝑠, 𝑎 using the reward. The update
equation is the following:
𝑠, 𝑎
1 𝛼
𝑠, 𝑎
ICAART 2023 - 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
𝛼𝑅𝑠, 𝑎, 𝑠
𝛾 max 𝑄𝑠
, 𝑎
where 𝛼 is a learning rate, and 𝛾 is a discount rate.
The term 1 𝛼 represents the current Q value, and
the term 𝛼 represents the value used in learning. This
equation causes a higher reward to make a higher
updated Q value. In addition, the action with the
highest Q value in the current state is selected.
4.2 Deep Q-Network
The deep Q-network (DQN) (Mnih V. , et al., 2015)
introduces the concept of a neural network to Q-
learning. It is difficult for classical Q-learning to
represent continuous states because the number of
states becomes enormous. By contrast, it is possible
for DQN to define a complicated state by using a
neural network to estimate the Q value and obtaining
an approximate function of the Q value. Specifically,
the action with the highest Q value will be known if
the agent obtains the optimal action function by an
approximate function using a neural network and
estimates the Q value for each action in a certain state.
, 𝑎
is calculated by the Q-network (Figure 2),
which is a neural network whose input layer is a
certain state 𝑠
and whose output layer is an action 𝑎
Figure 2: Deep Q-Network.
4.3 Biological Constraints
The video game agent that learns autonomously often
plays too accurately. More specifically, the reaction
speed to enemies and fields is too fast, constant
actions are always repeated accurately, and
movements such as walking and jumping are often
being constant and unnatural. To prevent such
problems, biological constraints (Fujii et al., 2013)
that are “physical constraints” and “desire to survive”
were combined with a machine learning method that
performed autonomous learning. The biological
constraints make it possible to eliminate the above-
mentioned behavior in a video game agent and
eliminate the “intentionality” and associated
“boringness” that can occur in adjustment methods
such as making mistakes and weakening. They
defined and introduced the following biological
constraints in Q-learning:
“Fluctuation” in the sensor system and the motion
system. Since human players cannot always
accurately judge what they see and also they
cannot always accurately operate it, they often
make misunderstandings and mistakes in
operations. To reproduce this, Gaussian noise was
added to the information observed by the game
“Delay” from perception to motor control. Human
players have delay from the observing
information to operating. To reproduce this, the
game agent observed information a few frame
“Tiredness” of key operation. Human players get
tired from operating the game controller and drop
their performance. Therefore, a negative reward
was given each time the key operation was
In our research, as an extension of the research of
Fujii et al., we propose a method that introduces
biological constraints into DQN, which is often used
in the implementation of game agents. This method
has three main goals:
Enable the automatic acquisition of human-like
Enable the development of a game agent with an
optimal balance between human-like behavior
and game skill;
Automatically acquire sufficiently human-like
behavior even if it is applied to various game
The introduction of biological constraints to DQN
is basically the same as that the previous method
implemented in Q-learning. “Fluctuation” is
reproduced by adding Gaussian noise to the image put
in the input layer. “Delay” is reproduced by using the
state 𝑠
which is 𝑛-frame before the current frame.
“Tiredness” is reproduced by obtaining a constant
negative reward after changing the action of the
operation key.
However, we found a serious problem from the
results of the preliminary experiment described in
Section 6. The game agent introducing DQN and only
these three biological constraints performed the
Video Game Agents with Human-like Behavior using the Deep Q-Network and Biological Constraints
optimal behavior that exceeded the skills of humans,
which made it difficult to obtain human-like
To solve the problem, we propose a new
biological constraint “confusion”. When a human
player obtains too much information, it becomes
difficult for the human player to operate the controller
as usual. We consider that “confusion” can suppress
the mechanical behavior of a game agent, such as
easily defeating enemies even if it is surrounded by
many enemies. We reproduce “confusion” by
increasing “fluctuation” and “delay” parameters of
biological constraints when a certain number of
objects including enemies are displayed around the
player controlled by the agent.
As a preliminary experiment in our research, we
applied Q-learning and DQN with and without the
biological constraints of “fluctuation”, “delay”, and
“tiredness” to Infinite Mario Bros, and compared
their behaviors. In this preliminary experiment, we by
ourselves observed the behaviors of the learned video
game agents.
In performing the subjective evaluation, we
focused on the following points:
Does Mario move like a human player?
Does the movement surpass human reflexes?
Does the agent hesitate in front of an enemy or
hole, or try to jump over it safely?
Is there inconsistency between jump height and
dash speed?
The result of the preliminary experiment is
summarized in Table 1. First, we compared game
agents without biological constraints. From Q-
learning without biological constraints, we did not
observe any behavior that felt particularly human-like.
DQN without biological constraints showed more
mechanical movements than Q-learning, and behaved
accurately and optimally for enemies and holes
without any hesitation. In addition, it seemed that the
dash speed did not change because it progressed
almost without stopping.
Next, we compared game agents with and without
biological constraints. In both Q-learning and DQN,
the introduction of the biological constraints changed
the movements from the one that could cause a dodge
on the verge to the one that caused safe jumps with a
little surplus in front of an enemy or a hole. It seemed
that the reaction speed was suppressed by biological
constraints. Also, when there were many enemies,
game agents were waiting until it was possible to
advance, instead of forcibly breaking through by
accurately operating the controller. From these results,
it is thought that human-like behavior was acquired to
some extent.
Finally, we compared Q-learning and DQN which
introduced the biological constraints. We were able to
confirm the human-like behavior of Q-learning, such
as hesitation in front of enemies and holes, and
stopping to emphasize safety. However, its final score
was not high, and it looked like a beginner’s play. By
contrast, the final score of DQN was sufficiently high,
and we were able to confirm its human-like behavior
to some extent. However, it was observed that there
was much movement due to the optimal behavior, and
its mechanical movement seemed conspicuous.
Table 1: Result of the preliminary experiment.
Subjective evaluation
Q-learning None
o human-like movemen
Q-learning Imposed
Hesitation in front of
enemies, holes, etc.;
DQN None
Mechanical movemen
DQN Imposed
Slightly human-like
7.1 Procedure
In the main experiment, we implemented a game
agent without biological constraints, a game agent
with biological constraints (with 4 frames of delay),
and a game agent with additional biological constraint
“confusion” (normally with 4 frames of delay, and
during confusion with 6 frames of delay and an
increased fluctuation) by using Q-learning and DQN.
In these game agents, coins, blocks, and items were
ignored. Each learning trial had 50,000 games, the
learning rate 𝛼 was 0.2, the reduction rate 𝛾 was 0.9,
and the random selection probability for the 𝜀-greedy
method was 0.07.
We performed subjective evaluation on human-
like behavior and playing skills. We recruited 10
participants ranging from 19 to 23 years old, who had
played the Super Mario series more than 10 hours in
total. This subjective experiment was conducted
ICAART 2023 - 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Table 2: Prepared videos.
Label Human and NPC Biolo
ical constraints Pla
[Q, None] Q-learnin
one 20 sec
[Q, Imp] Q-learnin
22 sec
[Q, Imp, Con] Q-learnin
Imposed (+ confusion) 23 sec
[DQN, None] Deep Q-
one 20 sec
[DQN, Imp] Deep Q-
22 sec
[DQN, Imp. Con] Deep Q-
Imposed (+ confusion) 18 sec
er] - - 25 sec
Table 2 summarizes seven videos that we
prepared, where game agents or a human player were
playing Infinite Mario Bros. Three videos were on
game agents using Q-learning, other three videos
were on game agents using DQN, and the other video
was on a human player. Each video was trimmed
around 20 seconds where holes and enemies appear.
To confirm the differences between the actions of
game agents with or without confusion, we prepared
scenes that Mario was surrounded by enemies.
The procedure of this subjective experiment was
as follows. First, we showed the screen of playing
Infinite Mario Bros. for about 1 minute and used it as
a reference to evaluate how clearly the videos showed
human-like behavior. Next, participants were showed
randomly selected seven videos, and asked to answer
two questions on a seven-point scale: “Is this player
human-like?” (1 is the most mechanical movement
and 7 is the most human-like movement), “How much
game skill does this player have” (1 is a beginner and
7 is advanced). In addition, they were asked to write
free comments about each play: for example, “I felt
that player hesitated in front of a hole.”
7.2 Result
The result of the experiment is shown in Table 3 and
Table 4. First, we compare game agents with Q-
learning and DQN. In comparison of [Q, None] and
[DQN, None], the results of 2.3 and 1.7 were negative
in the question of whether they were human-like. In
comparison of [Q, Imp] and [DQN, Imp], there were
relatively more positive evaluations; human-like
movements were seen in [Q, Imp], which was
evaluated 4.0, while [DQN, Imp] was evaluated as
more negative than [Q, Imp] such as “dodging
enemies and blocks too much”. However, the playing
skill of [Q, Imp] was not evaluated high. In
comparison of [Q, Imp, Con] and [DQN, Imp, Con],
[DQN, Imp, Con] was evaluated higher than [Q, Imp,
Con] in terms of human-like behavior. Furthermore,
in terms of playing skill, [DQN, Imp, Con] was
evaluated higher than any Q-learning game agents.
Therefore, it can be seen that [DQN, Imp] was able to
acquire human-like movements while having the skill
to play well.
Next, we compare Q-learning and DQN. In Q-
learning, [Q, Imp] was able to get more human-like
behavior than [Q, None], but compared with [Q, Imp],
[Q, Imp, Con] gave negative results, and there were
comments such as “It felt unnatural”. By contrast, in
DQN, since biological constraints were increased, the
evaluations of human-like movements were increased
to 1.7, 3.3 and 4.3.
Finally, we compare [Player] and [DQN, Imp. Con].
In the evaluation of human-like behavior, [DQN, Imp.
Con] was 0.9 higher than [Player] in terms of play
skill. Conversely, [DQN, Imp. Con] was 1.1 lower in
the evaluation of human-like behavior. Therefore, we
can observe that there is still a gap between [Player]
and [DQN, Imp. Con]. In addition, in [Player], there
was a positive opinion that “There was a behavior
where Mario seemed to stop and think about the next
move”. By contrast, in [DQN, Imp, Con], there were
negative opinions such as “It was a little unnatural
because Mario continued to act without stopping too
Table 3: Result of the main experiment. Each number
shows an average of the participant’s answers (1 is the most
negative and 7 is the most positive).
Label Human-like Pla
er skill
[Q, None] 2.3 3.6
[Q, Imp] 4.0 3.3
[Q, Imp, Con] 3.6 2.5
[DQN, None] 1.7 5.9
[DQN, Imp] 3.3 5.0
[DQN, Imp, Con] 4.3 4.7
er] 5.4 3.8
Video Game Agents with Human-like Behavior using the Deep Q-Network and Biological Constraints
In this section, we discuss four things based on the
results of the main experiment. First, we discuss the
impact of implementing confusion in game agents. In
the result of the main experiment, [DQN, Imp, Con]
was able to acquire more human-like behavior than
[DQN, Imp] in contrast to little declining playing skill.
It was shown that [DQN, Imp, Con] was able to
obtain more human-like behavior than the method of
the previous research. In addition, in the free
comments about [DQN, None] and [DQN, Imp],
there were many negative opinions about human-like
behavior such as easily defeating enemies in
situations where Mario was surrounded by enemies.
By contrast, In the free comments about [DQN, Imp,
Con], there was no such opinion. We consider that our
method solved the problem of a game agent that
unnatural mechanical behavior occurred in scenes
where Mario was surrounded by enemies and blocks.
Next, we discuss whether the biological
constraints introduced into DQN were sufficient. In
the result, there was still a gap in evaluation between
[DQN, Imp, Con] and [Player]. Since DQN without
biological constraints has a high playing skill, we
consider that even if we add more biological
constraints, we can acquire human-like behavior
without lowering playing skill much. In our proposed
method, “confusion” solves the problem on the
condition such as when the enemy is dense. There are
still many biological constraints on such specific
conditions. We consider that implementing them as
much as possible will solve the mechanical behavior
problem and the game agent can look like an almost
human play.
We discuss in what situations the game agent
obtained by this proposed method would be useful. In
recent years, game agents for NPCs for competitive
games have been trained by using a large amount of
battle data, but the cost of development is huge. By
using our proposed method, it is possible to
automatically acquire a game agent that shows
human-like behavior and that players can enjoy. As
for other usage, in recent years, there are many people
who enjoy watching game play videos. It is thought
that it is possible to create a game agent that is fun for
those people to watch as entertainment.
Finally, we discuss the experimental method. In
our paper, human-likeness was verified by subjective
evaluation by participants. However, in such a
subjective evaluation experiment, the result may vary
greatly depending on participants because the
participants’ feeling is different individually, and the
persuasiveness of the results may be relatively low.
To solve this problem, it is necessary to quantitatively
define human-likeness and conduct experiments.
However, human-likeness is ambiguous and difficult
to measure quantitatively. Almost all previous studies
only employ subjective evaluation experiments like
our research. If human-likeness is defined
quantitatively, the ambiguity of evaluation will
disappear, and it will make a great contribution in the
field of human-like agent generation.
In this paper, we combined DQN with biological
constraints to realize a game agent with human-like
behavior. The purpose of our research is to
automatically generate a game agent that have a game
skill of an advanced player and perform human-like
behavior. From the result of the preliminary
experiment, the DQN-based agent obtained more
mechanical behavior than the agent based on Q-
learning when only the biological constraints
“fluctuation”, “delay”, and “tired” were introduced.
To solve the problem, we proposed a new biological
constraint “confusion”. As a result of the subjective
evaluation experiment, it was shown that the game
agent that introduced our proposed method performed
more human-like behavior than the method of
previous research.
As our future work, we need to consider two
Explore new biological constraints;
Apply our method to other game genres.
Since a game agent with biological constraints learns
to perform the optimal actions within those
constraints, we consider that more complete human-
like behavior can be acquired with high game skills
by introducing additional biological constraints. An
example of a biological constraint that we are
considering is “carelessness”. It is a psychological
constraint that makes people act without thinking
deeply when things are going smoothly. We should
verify whether human-like behavior can be obtained
by adding such new biological constraints.
In addition, one of the purposes of this proposed
method is that it can be applied to any game genres,
like the research by Fujii et al. Therefore, it is
necessary to apply it to games other than Infinite
Mario Bros. and verify whether it can perform
human-like behavior sufficiently. However, the
problem is that, in games with little movement such
as simulation games, it is not possible to visualize
sequential actions as in action games or shooting
ICAART 2023 - 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
games. This makes it extremely difficult to judge
whether the actions are human-like, which requires
further investigation.
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Ikeda, K., & Viennot, S. (2013). Production of Various
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Artificial Intelligence Based Werewolf (in Japanese).
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Mnih, V., Kavukcuoglu, K., Silver, D., Graves, A.,
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Playing Atari with Deep Reinforcement Learning.
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Polceanu, M. (2013). Mirrorbot: Using Human-Inspires
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Table 4: Free comments of the participants about human-like behavior.
Label Positive evaluation
egative evaluation
[Q, None]
ot jump a lo
Dodge a hole with a minimum jump
Go forward nonstop by defeating enemies
Feel unnatural
Defeat enemies easil
[Q, Imp]
Stop before a hole or an enemy
Play safely
ot make constant movemen
Make imprope
jump timing
Feel unnatural
[Q, Imp,
Stop before a hole or an enemy
Play safely
Not make constant movement
to avoid man
Feel unnatural when the player was
surrounded by enemies
Play like an advanced human
Dodge a hole with a minimum jump
Go forward nonstop by defeating enemies
Move faster than a human player
Defeat enemies too easily
Feel unnatural when the player was
surrounded b
[DQN, Imp]
Play like an advanced human
Not make constant movement
Stop before a hole or an enemy
Play safely
Make imprope
jump timing
Feel unnatural
Go forward nonstop by defeating enemies
Defeat enemies too easily
Feel unnatural when the player was
surrounded b
[DQN, Imp.
Play like an advanced human
Not make constant movement
Stop before a hole or an enemy
Feel unnatural
It was a little unnatural because it continued
to act without stopping too much
Stop before a hole or an enemy
Play safely
Not make constant movement
There was a behavior where Mario seemed
to sto
and think about the next move
Feel unnatural
Make improper jump timing
Video Game Agents with Human-like Behavior using the Deep Q-Network and Biological Constraints