Finding Similar non-Collapsed Faces to Collapsed Faces Using Deep
Learning Face Recognition
Ashwinee Mehta
1 a
, Maged Abdelaal
2 b
, Moamen Sheba
2 c
and Nic Herndon
1 d
Department of Computer Science, East Carolina University, Greenville, U.S.A.
School of Dental Medicine, East Carolina University, Greenville, U.S.A.
Similar, non-Collapsed Face, Face Recognition, Classification, Collapsed Face, Reconstruction.
Face recognition is the ability to recognize a person’s face in a digital image. Common uses of face recognition
include identity verification, automatically organizing raw photo libraries by person, tracking a specific person,
counting unique people and finding people with similar appearances. However, there is no systematic and
accurate study for finding a similar non-collapsed face to a given collapsed face. In this paper we focus on the
use case of finding people with similar appearances that will help us to find a similar face without a collapse
to a collapsed face for dental reconstruction. We used Python’s Open-CV for age and gender classification
and face recognition for finding similar faces. Our results provide a set of similar images that can be used for
reconstructing the collapsed faces for creating dentures. Thus with the help of a similar non-collapsed face,
we can reconstruct a collapsed face for designing effective dentures.
Images contain a lot of crucial information that can be
used for a variety of applications. The importance of
search applications that closely match facial features
in image-based searches is increasing day by day. We
all have wondered if there was someone out there who
looked just like us. We are all aware of the urban
legend that there are six people out there who look
just like us. The problem lies in finding those similar
people. Face matching and retrieval can be used in
forensics applications in matching forensic sketches
to face photograph databases. Face matching also has
its applications in recommender systems for glasses,
hairstyle, jewellery, etc., and in dentistry for finding a
similar face for facial reconstruction and denture de-
A lot of work has been performed in the field of
facial similarity where different methods and met-
rics have been proposed for finding similar faces to
a given input face like Scale-Invariant Feature Trans-
form (SIFT) descriptors, Lookalike networks, Local
Binary Pattern (LBP), Doppelganger lists, etc. There
are situations in real life where it is required to find
a similar face to a face which is collapsed or has
structural deformities. However, none of the exist-
ing methods have focused on faces with deformities
or a collapse. All the existing methods have the in-
put and output similar images of normal faces with-
out collapse or deformities where the facial similarity
is calculated and a similar face is returned from a tar-
get dataset.
Missing human teeth cause the body to reabsorb
the bone that supported the teeth. Over the course of
about 10-20 years the jawbone shrinks significantly
which results in a condition known as facial collapse.
Humans with facial collapse appear much older than
they are. The facial collapse not only alters the hu-
man’s facial appearance, but also affects their dental
health. This facial collapse can be prevented with the
placement of dental implants. The implant sends a
piezoelectric signal to the bone which prevents the
bone from reabsorption. Dentures are designed by us-
ing the denture impressions of the jaw and mouth af-
ter which the dentist will create models usually from
wax or plastic, based off the impression. The pa-
tient then tries the model several times to check for
fit, shape, and even color before the denture is made.
The current denture design workflow does not have a
systematic approach to include the aesthetic factors,
patient’s pre-treatment facial shape and in-progress
Mehta, A., Abdelaal, M., Sheba, M. and Herndon, N.
Finding Similar non-Collapsed Faces to Collapsed Faces Using Deep Learning Face Recognition.
DOI: 10.5220/0011696900003417
In Proceedings of the 18th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2023) - Volume 4: VISAPP, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-634-7; ISSN: 2184-4321
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
denture design visualizations, instead relying on dis-
cussing mockups with the patients during appoint-
ments. This results into waiting for the final denture
fitting on the patient to evaluate the final denture aes-
With a collapsed face, only the bottom one third
of the face is affected and needs to be restored be-
fore denture designing. This facial restoration needs a
similar face which can be used as a reference for com-
paring the facial shape proportions to convert the col-
lapsed face into non-collapsed facial shape. Inclusion
and evaluation of facial aesthetics is important while
planning for facial or dental reconstruction treatment.
Our proposed method focuses towards the goal
of finding a similar non-collapsed face to a given
collapsed face for reconstructing the lower third of
the collapsed face before designing the denture. We
have used Python’s Deep Learning Face Recognition
(Geitgey, 2018) which is built using Dlib (King, 2009)
for finding similar non-collapsed faces to a given col-
lapsed face from a diverse target dataset of human
population. By using the proposed method, one can
find multiple similar images and use them for facial
reconstruction for automatic denture designing.
We have worked on finding similar non-collapsed
faces for a given collapsed face by using the Hu-
man Faces dataset (kaggle, 2020). The Human Faces
Dataset contains 224,500 images of human faces. The
image data in the dataset has been generated using
StyleGAN2 (Karras et al., 2020) which focuses on
improving the resolution and quality of images. The
StyleGAN2 was trained by using the Flickr Faces HQ
(FFHQ) and Large-scale Scene UNderstanding Chal-
lenge (LSUN) datasets. The Human Faces Dataset
contains nine directories and each such directory con-
tains multiple folders that contain the image files.
Each image file contains an image of a single human
face. The dataset is diverse in a way that it contains
images of human faces of different age groups begin-
ning from toddlers to old humans and different gen-
ders, i.e., male and female, yet there’s no metadata
(e.g., age, race, etc.). All the image files in the dataset
have a resolution of 1024 × 1024.
OpenCV’s gender and age classification is based
on a convolutional neural network architecture with
a total of 3 convolutional layers, 2 fully connected
layers and a final output layer. “Conv1” is the first
convolutional layer that has 96 nodes of kernel size
7. “Conv2” is the second convolutional layer that has
256 nodes of kernel size 5. “Conv3” is the third con-
volutional layer that has 384 nodes of kernel size 3.
The two fully connected layers have 512 nodes each.
Gender prediction is framed as a classification prob-
lem. The output layer in the gender prediction net-
work is of type softmax with 2 nodes indicating the
two classes “Male” and “Female”. Age Prediction
should be approached as a regression problem since
we are expecting a real number as the output. How-
ever, it is difficult to accurately estimate the age of a
person and even humans find it challenging. Hence,
age prediction was framed as a classification problem
where we try to estimate the age group the person is
in. The age prediction network has 8 nodes in the fi-
nal softmax layer indicating the age ranges 0 to 2, 4 to
6, 8 to 12, 15 to 20, 25 to 32, 38 to 43, 48 to 53 and 60
to 100 years old. The different model files used and
loaded for performing the age and gender detection
task are listed below:
gender net.caffemodel: It is the pre-
trained model weights for gender detection.
deploy gender.prototxt: It is the model
architecture for the gender detection model.
age net.caffemodel: It is the pre-trained
model weights for age detection.
deploy age.prototxt: It is the model archi-
tecture for the age detection model.
res10 300x300 ssd iter 140000 fp16.
caffemodel: It is the pre-trained model
weights for face detection.
deploy.prototxt.txt: It is the model ar-
chitecture for the face detection model.
Our proposed workflow as shown in Figure 2 had
the following steps:
1. Image Classification: In order to find a sim-
ilar non-collapsed face, it was important to find the
similar face around the same age-group and gender.
The first step was to classify the image according to
gender into male and female categories. We used
Python’s OpenCV for age and gender detection of hu-
man faces in the image files. The images were classi-
fied into two genders, i.e., male and female, and fur-
ther classified into different age groups under each
gender. The different age classes included 0 to 2, 4
to 6, 8 to 12, 15 to 20, 25 to 32, 38 to 43, 48 to 53 and
60 to 100 years old.
The different steps involved in classification of
gender and age include:
1. Read the image using the cv2.imread() method.
2. After the image is resized to the appropriate size,
use the get faces() function to get all the de-
tected faces from the image.
VISAPP 2023 - 18th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
3. Iterate on each detected face image and
call our get age predictions() and
get gender predictions() to get the pre-
4. Print the age and gender along with the confidence
2. Generating Image File Metadata: After de-
tection of gender and age, the next step was to store
the the output of classification as metadata for every
image file. The file name of every image file was re-
named to include the metadata of age and gender and
their respective confidence levels.
3. Sorting Image Files Into Folders: After gen-
erating the image file metadata, the next step was
to sort the classified data into different folders based
on the gender and age for searching the similar non-
collapsed face to a collapsed face in the folder that
corresponds to the collapsed face’s detected gender
and age (e.g., male 0to2, male 4to6, etc.).
4. Generate Similar Images: After having all the
images sorted in different folders as per their classi-
fication result, the next step was to look for a similar
non-collapsed face to the given input collapsed face
based on the gender and age of the input collapsed
face by using Python’s Deep Learning Face Recogni-
tion as shown in Figure 1. We found out that the pro-
cess of generating similar images is slow. To speed up
the process we created small samples of each folder
mentioned in Step 3 that contained 500 images and
generated similar images by searching only the sam-
ple folder.
Figure 3 shows the query image that contains a col-
lapsed face of a male in the age group 60 to 100 and
the top ten similar images to the query image ranked
by their similarity scores. Figure 6 shows the query
image of a collapsed face of a female in the age group
48 to 53 and the top ten similar images to the query
image ranked by their similarity scores. In Figure 3,
the most similar face has a similarity score of 0.6050
followed by the other less similar faces with an in-
creasing similarity scores. In Figure 6, the most sim-
ilar face has a similarity score of 0.6210 followed by
other less similar faces with an increasing similarity
scores. Out of all the images involved in the experi-
ment, we can say that, using the proposed method, the
image with the lowest score is the most similar image
to the given query image. When we visually evalu-
ate the results, we can confirm that this is the case for
most of the query images.
In Figure 3, Figure 5 and Figure 6, the gender of
all the similar images in the output matches the gen-
der of the query image that contains a collapsed face.
In Figure 3 the query image is of a male and all the
similar images are male and in Figures 5 and 6, the
query images are of a female and all the similar im-
ages are female. Also, the age of most of the simi-
lar images matches with the age of the query image
in Figure 3 and Figure 5. Having ten similar images
gives the flexibility to choose from the set that might
have some images that do not satisfy some criteria.
The proposed method also works for faces in all age
groups that do not have a collapsed face.
The dataset had some duplicate images which
were returned in the similarity results. In this situa-
tion, only one such image was selected and the next
similar image was considered. Some images in the
dataset did not have clear face visibility due to which
there were errors. After excluding such images, we
were able to find similar non-collapsed images to a
given collapsed face. Since the dataset used in this
paper did not have labelled data, we used machine
learning to classify the images into different age and
gender categories. During this process of classifica-
tion, there were images that were not classified into
correct folders. Thus some folders contained images
that belong to other age and gender category. This re-
sulted into missing out on some images that were po-
tential candidates for similar images. During the step
of generating image file metadata i.e., gender and age
labels, Python’s OpenCV based age and gender de-
tection also displays a confidence score for each la-
bel. This confidence score can be used for filtering
out incorrectly labelled images from the age and gen-
der category folders so that each folder contains only
correctly labelled images.
In (Torun et al., 2009), a method is developed to
match similar faces in scattered datasets and to rec-
ognize images of a person in different states. A solu-
tion that works more effectively than traditional face
recognition methods, which works with a high error
rate according to different exposure values, is pre-
sented. By using SIFT descriptors that are used in ob-
ject recognition problems, first, the face’s points of in-
terest are identified followed by matching points of in-
terests between two faces. Then, the similarity ratios
of two faces to each other are calculated by looking at
the distances. The average distances of the points of
interest assumed to be correctly mapped determined
this ratio.
Finding Similar non-Collapsed Faces to Collapsed Faces Using Deep Learning Face Recognition
Figure 1: Face Recognition Pipeline.
In (Schroff et al., 2011) a new method is intro-
duced for comparing pairs of face images that allows
recognition or verification between images where the
mutually visible portion of face is small. They have
explored the idea of using a sorted Doppelganger
list as a signature and evaluate distance functions for
comparing the signatures. Each probe in a query pair
is compared to all members of the Library. The com-
parison results in a ranked list of look-alikes, the first
being the most similar to the query. Then, a similar-
ity measure between the two probes is computed by
comparing the ranked lists.
In (Sadovnik et al., 2018), the emphasis is on pre-
senting evidence that finding facial look-alikes and
VISAPP 2023 - 18th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Figure 2: Proposed Workflow.
recognizing faces are two distinct tasks. They ex-
pected that many features which are useful for face
recognition will also be useful for face similarity.
They have used the pre-trained VGG face CNN de-
scriptor network for face-recognition and then fine-
tuned the weights on a new dataset that is targeted at
capturing preceived facial similarity to perform well
at the face similarity task by proposing the lookalike
network. The results show that the proposed method
outperforms the face recognition baseline at the task
of predicting which faces will appear more similar to
In (Ramanathan et al., 2004), the focus is on deriv-
ing a measure of similarity between faces. They men-
tion that illumination, pose variations, disguises, ag-
ing effects and expression variations are some of the
key factors that affect the performance of face recog-
nition systems. They have suggested a framework to
compensate for pose variations and introduce the no-
tion of ’Half-faces’ to circumvent the problem of non-
uniform illumination and used the similarity measure
to retrieve similar faces from a database containing
multiple images of individuals. They concluded that
the similarity measure helps in studying the signifi-
cance facial features play in affecting the performance
of face recognition systems.
In (McCauley et al., 2021a), they have used the
twin database to calculate a baseline measure of
the worst-case scenario of facial similarity in Face
Recognition using a deep CNN. They have carried out
a performance analysis of two Face Recognition tools
presented with highly similar faces and using an ex-
perimental twin threshold, potential look-alikes were
extracted from the datasets for further analysis. The
similarity measure presented in this paper can be used
to compare facial similarity to a comparison score
from a Face Recognition system in order to better un-
derstand the impact that facial similarity has on Face
Recognition and to identify potential look-alikes from
large datasets.
In (Alasadi et al., 2019), they have showed that
adopting an adversarial deep learning-based approach
allows for the model to maintain the accuracy at face
matching while also reducing demographic dispar-
ities compared to a baseline (non-adversarial deep
learning) approach at face matching and paves way
for more accurate and fair face matching algorithms.
They have proposed a deep-learning adversarial ap-
proach for reducing bias in face-matching algorithms.
The proposed GAN-based framework consisted of
two parts- one which tries to maximize the face
matching quality and the other which tries to min-
imize the ability of the network to infer the demo-
graphic properties of the individual whose facial im-
age is under consideration.
In (Bicego et al., 2005), they have presented a
novel approach for extracting characteristic parts of
a face. Instead of finding a priori specified features
such as nose, eyes, mouth or others, the proposed ap-
proach is aimed at extracting from a face the most
distinguishing or dissimilar parts with respect to an-
other given face, i.e. at “finding differences” between
faces by feeding a binary classifier by a set of image
patches, randomly sampled from the two face images,
and scoring the features by their mutual distances.
In (Ruys et al., 2006), they have investigated the
role of differences between people in the comparison
process. They have proposed a dual process model in
which dissimilarity can function in two different ways
with opposite effects on social judgement. They have
discussed two different arguments- 1. Dissimilarity
between people may decrease the likelihood of plac-
ing them in the same category. 2. Activated dissimi-
larity may determine the detection of feature overlap
between people during comparison and therefore in-
fluence the holistic similarity assessment.
In (O’Toole et al., 2007), they have compared
seven state-of-the-art face recognition algorithms
with humans on a facematching task where humans
and algorithms determined whether pairs of face im-
ages, taken under different illumination conditions,
were pictures of the same person or of different peo-
ple. It was found out that three algorithms surpassed
human performance matching ”difficult” face pairs
and six algorithms surpassed humans on ”easy” face
pairs. They mention that although illumination vari-
Finding Similar non-Collapsed Faces to Collapsed Faces Using Deep Learning Face Recognition
Figure 3: The query image is a collapsed face of a male in the age group 60 to 100. Top ten non-collapsed faces ranked
by their similarity are found that can be used for reconstructing the bottom third of the collapsed face. The next two ranked
images has the similarity of 0.7569 and 0.7574.
Figure 4: The query image is a collapsed face of a female in the age group 60 to 100. Top ten non-collapsed faces ranked
by their similarity are found that can be used for reconstructing the bottom third of the collapsed face. The next two ranked
images has the similarity of 0.6223 and 0.6243.
Figure 5: The query image is a collapsed face of a male in the age group 48 to 53. Top ten non-collapsed faces ranked by their
similarity are found that can be used for reconstructing the bottom third of the collapsed face. The next two ranked images
has the similarity of 0.7033 and 0.7079.
ation continues to challenge face recognition algo-
rithms, current algorithms compete favorably with
(Kramer and Reynolds, 2018) have focused on
face matching using profile images. They have com-
pared face matching accuracy when both frontal and
profile image of each face were presented, with accu-
racy using each view alone. Surprisingly, they found
no benefit when both views were presented together.
Also, they found out that there was no difference in
performance when front and profile views were used
suggesting that both views were similarly useful for
face matching. Overall, these results suggest that
either frontal or profile views provide substantially
overlapping information regarding identity or partici-
pants are unable to utilize both sources of information
when making decisions.
In (Oron et al., 2018), they have proposed a new
method called Best-Buddies Similarity for template
matching using mutual nearest neighbors. The pro-
posed method follows the traditional sliding window
approach and by computing the Best-Buddies Simi-
larity between the template and every window of the
size of the template in the image. Best-Buddies Simi-
larity is calculated by leveraging statistical properties
of mutual nearest neighbors and was shown to be use-
VISAPP 2023 - 18th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Figure 6: The query image is a collapsed face of a female in the age group 48 to 53. Top ten non-collapsed faces ranked
by their similarity are found that can be used for reconstructing the bottom third of the collapsed face. The next two ranked
images has the similarity of 0.65763 and 0.65766.
ful for template matching in the wild. Key features of
BBS were identified and analyzed demonstrating its
ability to overcome several challenges that are com-
mon in real life template matching scenarios. They
also mention that the proposed method might have
additional applications in computer-vision or other
fields that could benefit from its properties.
In (Santini and Jain, 1996), focus is on the prob-
lem of similarity matching. They state that similar-
ity matching is the single most important operation in
image databases. They have discussed some of the
models of human similarity like Euclidean Distance,
City-Block Distance, Thurstone-Shepard Models, the
Feature Contrast Model and they Fuzzy Feature Con-
trast Model. They have used images from the MIT
face images dataset for measuring similarity based on
geometric measures. They have modified the Fea-
ture Contrast Model into the Fuzzy Feature Contrast
Model. From the experimental results, they prove that
the Fuzzy Feature Contrast Model is almost symmet-
ric in case of human faces.
In (McCauley et al., 2021b), they have discussed
the problem of distinguishing identical twins and non-
twin look-alikes. They address two challenges- de-
termining a baseline measure of facial similarity be-
tween identical twins and applying this similarity
measure to determine the impact of doppelgangers,
or look-alikes, on FR performance for large face
datasets. The facial similarity measure is determined
via a deep convolutional neural network. The pro-
posed network provides a quantitative similarity score
for any two given faces and has been applied to large-
scale face datasets to identify similar face pairs.
In (R
ottcher et al., 2020), they have proposed a
new method for efficiently select similar pairs. They
have compared the proposed method with the adapted
version of a random selection process which is of-
ten found in state-of-the-art morphing attack research.
The conducted experiment proves that appropriate
pair selection not only increases the morph quality but
also substantially decreases the standard deviation be-
tween many morphing techniques. An effective pre-
selection reduces the need for a perfect, low-artefact
producing, morphing algorithm. This is important as
automated morphing is still error-prone with the dif-
ficulty to fully remove all the artefacts. Automated
face recognition systems that operate on the purpose
of determining the similarity between two facial im-
ages are not only vulnerable to morphed faces but they
can also contribute to a morphing attack by finding
optimal pairs of data subjects in a sufficient manner.
In (Lamba et al., 2011), they have prepared a look-
alike database and analyzed human performance with
the help of 50 volunteers. They have used both sub-
space and texture descriptor based algorithms for au-
tomatic algorithms. Their experimental results sug-
gest that, for look-alikes, humans and automatic al-
gorithms do not perform better than random guess.
They have also also proposed an algorithm that sig-
nificantly improves the performance compared to ex-
isting algorithms. They state that it is important to
start considering complex covariates including look-
alikes and develop advanced algorithms.
The bottom third of the face is adversely affected
when a facial collapse due to missing teeth and jaw
bone loss occurs. It is important to properly re-
store this third of the face before designing dentures.
The lower third of a collapsed face can be restored
by using a similar non-collapsed face as a reference
face. We have proposed a method to find a similar
non-collapsed face to a given collapsed face using
Python’s Deep Learning Face Recognition. Our re-
sults provide the similar non-collapsed images to the
given collapsed image which can be used for recon-
Finding Similar non-Collapsed Faces to Collapsed Faces Using Deep Learning Face Recognition
structing the bottom third of a collapsed face before
designing dentures.
When looking for a similar non-collapsed face
which can be used as a reference to the query im-
age that contains a collapsed face, it would be ideal
to have a reference face that is a closest match to the
query image as this would help in more accurate re-
construction procedure of the query image that con-
tains a collapsed face. Since this proposed method is
about finding similar images from the target dataset,
the bigger and diverse the dataset is, the more is the
probability of finding a closer and a similar match to
the query image. However, it should be made sure
that the target dataset does not contain images of peo-
ple with a collapsed face. In addition to age and gen-
der, there can be other factors like race, ethnicity, skin
color, height, weight, etc. that can affect the similar-
ity score and help to find the closest match. It is worth
exploring the similar images in a more wide and di-
verse dataset to check for the similarity scores and
similar images. Also, we would like to collect images
of patients that have collapsed faces to evaluate the
proposed method.
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VISAPP 2023 - 18th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications