Cloud Inspector: A Tool-Based Approach for Public Administrations to
Establish Information Security Processes Towards Public Clouds
Michael Diener
and Thomas Bolz
University of Regensburg, Regensburg, Germany
IU International University of Applied Sciences, Erfurt, Germany
Cloud Computing, Public Administration, Information Security Management, Security Audits.
Digitization is on the rise in Europe’s public administrations. Since the Covid-19 pandemic began, public
cloud services have become essential in this domain. However, there are still security concerns about the usage
of external cloud resources in business processes of public authorities, although numerous technical concepts
for improving security are already available. In this paper, we focus on internal processes of information
security management systems (ISMS) in public administrations. We identified potential challenges such as
a lack of knowledge about cloud security and unclear roles and responsibilities when using ISMS tools in
this application domain. As a possible solution, we present a tool-based approach that is based on an easy-
to-use online questionnaire, which can be automatically evaluated based on predefined sentiments. With this
approach, we can provide the required visibility into the status quo of public cloud security while integrating
various stakeholders within public administrations into a holistic ISMS process.
Cloud computing opens the possibility for organiza-
tions to access services from a pool of theoretically
infinite IT resources without the need for massive up-
front investments in data centers and infrastructure
(Mell et al., 2011). The public cloud (i.e., Amazon
Web Services, Google Workspace, Microsoft 365,
etc.) is one of the proposed deployment models and
is becoming more and more widely adopted. Gartner
forecasts cloud computing to reach nearly $600 bil-
lion in revenue by 2023 (Gartner, 2022). In general,
cloud computing offers two significant advantages to
organizations: cost savings and flexibility for business
processes (Armbrust et al., 2009).
Although cloud solutions have been on the mar-
ket for more than 10 years, this software model is
only now being increasingly implemented in public
administrations (Al-Shargabi et al., 2020). The rea-
sons for these developments are manifold. During the
Covid-19 pandemic, cloud services made it possible
for government agencies to quickly and easily pro-
vide tools to solve practical problems. Such as collab-
oration platforms and online calendars citizens could
schedule their vaccinations (Tambou and Pato, 2021).
Despite recent developments regarding cloud
computing in public administrations, the maturity of
digitization in European countries is still uneven (EU
Commission, 2022). The Digital Economy and Soci-
ety Index 2022 shows that Romania, Greece, Bulgaria
and Slovakia have the lowest scores in digital public
services within the European Union.
Nevertheless, the scope of digital public services
will sooner or later increase in all European coun-
tries. Regulation (EU) 2018/1724 enforces single dig-
ital gateways in European public authorities to en-
able citizens to access government services (European
Union, 2018). Consequently, public administrations
in Europe will also have to invest in innovative cloud
services, as not all of them have the capabilities them-
selves to provide their own IT resources to meet legal
However, cloud computing in public administra-
tions also faces numerous security and privacy issues,
leading to enormous challenges as resources in public
clouds are accessible via the Internet (Armbrust et al.,
2009). In recent years, cyberattacks against public ad-
ministrations have increased dramatically (KonBrief-
ing Research, 2022). If sensitive or personal data is
processed in cloud infrastructures, well-established
information security processes must meet the basic
protection goals of confidentiality, integrity and avail-
ability (Markus and Meuche, 2022; Samonas and
Coss, 2014).
Diener, M. and Bolz, T.
Cloud Inspector: A Tool-Based Approach for Public Administrations to Establish Information Security Processes Towards Public Clouds.
DOI: 10.5220/0011694900003405
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2023), pages 543-551
ISBN: 978-989-758-624-8; ISSN: 2184-4356
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
For the reasons mentioned above, public adminis-
trations are in a dilemma. On one hand, they have to
rely on outsourcing strategies such as cloud comput-
ing to remain fit for the future. On the other hand,
there are still major concerns about the security of
data in clouds. In addition, established approaches
such as FedRAMP
are unsuitable because they are
not adaptable within European public authorities due
to security concerns. European cloud projects such
as Gaia-X
are still in an early stage of development
and do not currently offer practical solutions for pub-
lic authorities. Cloud certifications, which are based
on established standards like the ISO 27000 family
or the German C5 standard, are mainly helpful dur-
ing the procurement phase of cloud services (Wang
and Bashir, 2022). Their validity becomes obsolete
over time and cloud customers must conduct regu-
lar internal audits of cloud services or Cloud Ser-
vice Providers (CSP) anyway. Furthermore, there are
many tools available on the market that can provide
support to organizations in implementing informa-
tion security management processes in the context of
cloud computing, but some issues are still unresolved
in our view, which we have identified in our practical
research work. Therefore, an appropriate approach
for public authorities is needed so that public clouds
can be integrated securely in business processes.
Based on this practice-inspired problem, we
started our research process that follows the principles
of the Action Design Research (ADR) methodology.
Together with the Chief Information Security Officer
(CISO) and practitioners from departments of a public
administration, we researched and developed an inno-
vative artifact that tries to solve the described prob-
lem. To the best of our knowledge, this work is the
first research paper that examines the application of
a tool-based approach, including an interactive ques-
tionnaire, for managing information security of public
clouds in the field of public administrations.
The remainder of this paper is organized as fol-
lows: After examining related work on information
security management due to cloud computing within
public administrations (Section 2), we explain the
ADR methodology that guided the conceptual design
process (Section 3). Section 4 describes the concep-
tual design and requirements for a tool-based method.
Based on this we explain in Section 5 the develop-
ment of our prototype, which we named Cloud In-
spector. Next, we evaluate the improvements in terms
of information security processes of a public admin-
istration for managing public clouds (Section 6). The
last section concludes the paper and gives an outlook.
2.1 Tool-Based Information Security
Management for Public Clouds
Although certifications of cloud services are supposed
to ensure security and other aspects of CSPs, they no
longer represent the actual status quo of a cloud. In
their research, Lins et al. investigate the requirements
for the application of continuous monitoring of cloud
services (Lins et al., 2019). This is understood to be
an ongoing process to monitor the implemented sys-
tems and applications of a cloud service and to detect
deviations accordingly. Based on predefined metrics,
which must be provided by CSPs, the evaluation is
carried out with the support of tool-based monitoring
systems, making it possible to carry out continuous
and dynamic cloud certification. However, this as-
sumes that the metrics provided by the CSP are trans-
parent, complete, and trustworthy.
In contrast to this approach, external audits of
cloud services are often still carried out with classic
software applications (e.g., Verinice, Eramba, etc.) to
evaluate security processes based on predefined con-
trols (Antunes et al., 2022). This makes it possible to
derive potential IT risks and coordinate the manage-
ment of security measures to improve the IT security
of cloud services. Recent approaches in research pur-
sue the automation of information security risk man-
agement processes (Sterbak et al., 2021).
In addition, specific cloud evaluation solutions
were developed by researchers to offer the possibil-
ity to check the compatibility of Software as a Ser-
vice (SaaS) solutions in accordance with service level
agreements. For example, the tool Clouditor allows
predefined checks to be performed against various
public clouds such as Microsoft Azure (Stephanow
and Banse, 2017). In their research, Diener et al. pre-
sented an AI-based tool to support the selection of ap-
propriate cloud services depending on the sensitivity
of data (Diener et al., 2016). Furthermore, numer-
ous self-assessment tools have been designed and re-
searched, which give IT managers the possibility to
evaluate their cloud services with the help of concrete
questionnaires. For example, Cidres et al. have de-
veloped a self-assessment tool that can support public
administrations in Portugal in the selection of CSPs
(Cidres et al., 2020).
2.2 Information Security Management
in Public Administrations
Szczepaniuk et al. conducted an empirical study be-
tween 2016 and 2019 to explore the nature of the
ICISSP 2023 - 9th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
implementation of information security management
systems in public administrations in Poland (Szczepa-
niuk et al., 2020). As part of their work, they found
that the prevalence of information security manage-
ment systems correlates strongly with legal require-
ments. Particularly the introduction of GDPR reg-
ulation and the NIS Directive. The authors of the
study recommend the implementation of several dif-
ferent procedures and models to increase information
security in public administrations. Chodakowska et
al. conducted a comprehensive online survey with
Polish municipalities and cities regarding the imple-
mentation of security policies (Choodakowska et al.,
2022). The evaluation revealed that there is indeed
a lack of practical implementation of cybersecurity
rules, which increases the risk of cyberattacks.
Another study was conducted by Rehbohm et al.
in which several CISOs in Germany were interviewed
about the management of information security in gov-
ernmental organizations (Rehbohm et al., 2019). The
study results show that there is a great need for re-
search in this field to prepare authorities and govern-
mental institutions for the requirements of cyber se-
In addition, Moses et al. surveyed several German
municipalities regarding the implementation of infor-
mation security management (Moses et al., 2022).
The results show that the documentation processes are
a major challenge, especially for small local govern-
ments. In addition, there is a lack of appropriate tools
to drive the development and establishment of infor-
mation security management systems.
For our research, we use the ADR method (Sein
et al., 2011), which is widely established as a re-
search approach for finding solutions to practical
problems. ADR relies on close collaboration between
researchers and practitioners. It provides a frame-
work for dynamic collaboration between the two par-
ties and defines four main stages with several princi-
Stage 1 focuses on the problem formulation, ini-
tiated by researchers, practitioners or end-users. Ini-
tially, it is necessary to establish an ADR team con-
sisting of practitioners, experts and researchers. An
important aspect of this stage is that the definition of
the problem is made as an instance of a class of prob-
lems. Consequently, the range of theories available
in research increases. Another principle in this stage
requires the development of an artifact that considers
existing theories.
In the following, stage 2 addresses activities in
building, intervention, and evaluation (BIE). In this
stage the reciprocal shaping of the artifact in an iter-
ative process is conducted. In general, the members
of the ADR team are heavily involved in the design
process as they continuously evaluate the emerging
artifact. It is therefore important that ADR teams are
made up of members that import different perspec-
tives and expertise to the design process. In our re-
search project, the ADR team consists of researchers
from business information systems and cloud secu-
rity, as well as of CISOs and business users from a
public administration.
While working on stages 1 and 2, the researchers
simultaneously carry out the reflection and learning
stage. This ensures that the knowledge can be con-
tinuously transferred to a broader class of problems.
Consequently, the artifact developed in this research
work does not only improve the establishment of se-
curity processes with respect to the usage of public
clouds in public administration, but also implemen-
tations (i.e., IoT-devices in the context of smart city
projects) within the overall information security man-
agement process.
Finally, the last stage formalization of learning
presents the results of the research, generated during
the development of the procedure and its adaptation to
the organizational context. In order to fulfill the ADR
principle generalized outcome, the knowledge of the
resulting artifacts was abstracted.
By applying the ADR method, we first start formulat-
ing the problem with the help of observations and sub-
sequent workshops with experts. Based on the identi-
fied research questions, we perform stage 2 by itera-
tive cycles.
4.1 Problem Formulation
4.1.1 Findings in Security Management
We started our research in November 2021. One of
the authors of this paper is CISO at a city govern-
ment with more than 4,000 employees using more
than 800 different application processes. In his role
as CISO, he is responsible for information security
management and has a solid overview of ongoing IT
projects. In parallel to his work, he is conducting re-
search on cloud security.
Cloud Inspector: A Tool-Based Approach for Public Administrations to Establish Information Security Processes Towards Public Clouds
The trigger of our research was a series of requests
from various offices of the city government regard-
ing the adoption of external cloud services for dif-
ferent concerns. For example, the foreigners depart-
ment needed a cloud-based video conferencing solu-
tion that would allow external translators to be in-
volved in conversations with foreign citizens. Already
during COVID-19 pandemic, a cloud-based web ap-
plication was needed by the city government’s popu-
lation protection department to support appointment
management for vaccinations.
An even bigger challenge was the investigation of
a minor IT security incident in a public cloud used for
collaboration by more than 40 administered schools.
Specifically, the public cloud offers a SaaS applica-
tion that facilitates communication between school
administrators, parents, and students. The reason was
that it was not defined which administrative tasks the
schools had to perform on their own responsibility.
Therefore, a regular update of the user management
in the SaaS application was not carried out for, which
led to the effect that users had access they should no
longer have.
All these use cases of public clouds in public ad-
ministration had in common that they did not start as
a traditional IT project, but more or less on demand.
In many cases, it was not clear which entity would as-
sume responsibility for a cloud that had already been
procured, or later for a planned cloud solution. Thus,
it was initially difficult to identify the responsible offi-
cials in each case and to integrate them into the cloud
security audit process. Even more challenging was
the actual execution of the cloud security audit using
an existing ISMS tool that manages all IT assets of
this public administration.
During the problem formulation stage, we also de-
termined the composition of our ADR team. In ad-
dition to the researchers, practitioners from the pub-
lic administration from different areas are also in-
tegrated, e.g., Chief Information Officer (CIO), E-
Government Manager, In-house Software Developer,
Data Protection Officer (DPO), IT-Project Controllers
and the five people from the previous expert inter-
views. The latter will be considered as Cloud Product
Owners (CPO), each responsible for the IT security
of the adopted cloud. All members of the ADR team
will be intensively involved in the evaluation of the
emerging artifact in the BIE stage.
4.1.2 Research Questions
Inspired by the practical issues and a continuous re-
view of prior research work on this topic, we identi-
fied the following research questions (cf. table 1) to
address a broader class of problems in our studies.
Table 1: Research questions.
RQ 1 What needs to be changed in public admin-
istrations in order to keep CISOs up to date
regarding the security state of adopted pub-
lic cloud solutions?
RQ 2 How can cloud managers in public admin-
istration organizations be better integrated
into the information security management
RQ 3 What enhancements do ISMS tools need to
support non-experts in performing system-
atic and regular security audits of public
4.2 Building, Intervention and
Between March and June 2022, we reciprocally
shaped the basic design of our tool-based method.
Our interdisciplinary ADR team was strongly in-
volved in this process, so that ideas of various roles
and stakeholders could be integrated into the ongoing
development process. We also forced a continuous
abstraction and reflection of the generated knowledge
from practice towards the state of the art of research.
During this time, we created a tool-based method
for public administrations, so that responsible parties
are enabled to improve the security of public clouds as
part of a guided ISMS process. To achieve this goal,
we conducted two workshops with the ADR team. In
addition, we have temporarily drawn on the knowl-
edge of other experts, including three external CISOs
and two certified ISO 27001 auditors.
The first workshop focuses on the question of
how tool support in public administrations can be im-
proved to enhance the integration within ISMS pro-
cesses in context of public clouds. Specifically, the
results should identify features that can be used dur-
ing the intended prototype development. On this ba-
sis, a design prototype was then developed in the sec-
ond workshop with the focus on making it as easy
as possible for end users in public administrations
(i.e., cloud product owners in different departments)
to carry out regular and systematic security audits of
public clouds.
4.2.1 Workshop 1: Requirements for Enhanced
In the first workshop, the ADR team dealt with func-
tional requirements that are decisive for the devel-
opment of the prototype. The central question was
which enhancements and optimizations are required
so that cloud security audits can be carried out more
ICISSP 2023 - 9th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
successfully with the support of our tool?
To identify requirements that are as relevant to
practice as possible, we simulated the performance of
a cloud security audit. For this purpose, we created a
simple questionnaire in our existing ISMS tool and at-
tempted to work through it with members of the ADR
team. Moreover, we observed together in the work-
shop how the use of the ISMS tool by individual team
members has been perceived. In parallel, interesting
observations or showstoppers were documented. We
have repeated the same process again with an open-
source ISMS tool, which is very similar in structure
and functionality to the first one. Subsequently, we
discussed the observations identified with the stake-
In general, we were able to identify several short-
comings in both tools considered. Employees who
have limited IT knowledge and who obtain the role as
a CPO need a comprehensive instruction in the use of
an ISMS tool. In addition, ADR members agreed that
using an ISMS tool can become difficult after a long
period of non-use.
It was noticeable in both tools that the applica-
tion of questionnaires for known standards (e.g., ISO
27001, ISO 27017, etc.) proved difficult. Although
available templates for security requirements (e.g.,
sample questionnaires, check controls, etc.) can be
imported into the tools, the questions always refer
one-to-one to the entire requirement. If several differ-
ent requirements are described in a security require-
ment, the required granularity cannot be mapped with
classic questionnaires. However, this problem does
not only appear in the public administration sector.
Another problem was that the answers given by
CPOs to security requirements had to be reviewed in
detail by CISOs after the cloud audit was completed.
In all tools, it is necessary for CISOs to identify in-
sufficient answers to derive appropriate suggestions
for security measures. By default, multiple choice an-
swers can be filtered, but it is not possible to distin-
guish between good and bad answers. For example,
the value yes in one answer can be interpreted posi-
tively, while in a completely different scenario it must
be considered critical.
Taking all aspects into consideration, we were
able to derive five major requirements that are rele-
vant for a tool-based approach:
Accountability. CPOs need to be aware of their
responsibilities in terms of organizational security
requirements for the services they are assigned
from public clouds.
Duration. Since audits of information security
processes represent an additional time commit-
ment for CPOs, short and precise routines must
be developed to achieve high acceptance rates.
Self-Explaining Approaches. Efficiency also
plays an important role in conducting various
cloud security audits as these must be well orga-
nized and understandable for CPOs, applying ba-
sic principles.
Simplicity. The evaluation of answers from the
questionnaire on specific security requirements
must be quick and precise. This means that de-
scriptive statements about the status of security
requirements must be avoided. This is necessary
from the point of view of CPOs and CISOs be-
cause regular and recurring security audits require
an enormous amount of time.
Automation. It must be possible to process and
evaluate the CPOs’ responses automatically. On
the one hand, this should prevent time-consuming
revisions. The time saved can be used for more
important topics in information security. On the
other hand, it can also reduce errors regarding the
interpretation of statements from the CPOs, since
the mindless evaluation of recurring facts is no
longer necessary.
4.2.2 Workshop 2: Graphical User Interface of
the Prototype
Based on the knowledge gained so far during the BIE
stage, the ADR team elaborates the graphical user in-
terface of the prototype in the following workshop.
We have come to the conclusion that for security au-
dits of public clouds, the traditional ISMS tools must
be used, but with an improved self-explaining and
easy-to-use concept of the web-based questionnaire.
This part of an ISMS tool must include the developed
requirements (cf. workshop 1) so that the identified
shortcomings can be eliminated.
In several cycles within this workshop we have
advanced the development of the prototype graph-
ical user interface by considering existing research
work (cf. stage 3: reflection and learning). Essen-
tially, three central design principles have inspired our
1. Central Asset Repository. All data relating to
information security management processes need
to be stored in a central database (M
uller et al.,
2011). In our case that means, that public cloud
data must be assignable to one or more organiza-
tional units of a public administration. In addition,
the states of the respective security requirements
need to be documented for each of these relations.
2. Web-Based Questionnaire. These question-
naires are easily accessible for all stakeholders
Cloud Inspector: A Tool-Based Approach for Public Administrations to Establish Information Security Processes Towards Public Clouds
and the processing of online-supported dialogues
is a very simple and quick way to collect the re-
quired data on existing conditions in a structured
manner (Taniguchi et al., 2018). In relation to our
problem situation, we can use computer assisted
web interviews (CAWI) to obtain the necessary
answers to questions about concrete security re-
quirements. In our prototype, it should be possible
to map relations as follows: Standard Require-
ment Question Answer option. In addition,
we have considered using placeholders in ques-
tions so that CPOs can keep track of what they are
always providing information about when editing
the questionnaires. This meets the demands for
3. Sentiment Analysis. To carry out a computer-
aided evaluation of the security level of a pub-
lic cloud, we will apply the principles of senti-
ment analysis (Feldman, 2013). Using predefined
classes of sentiments (e.g., positive, neutral, nega-
tive, etc.), it is possible to derive an attitude about
the existing level for a concrete security require-
ment. For example, a response is considered neg-
ative if there is a lack of current IT documentation
for an application. In this respect we have created
the prerequisites for automated verifications of the
given answers.
Ultimately, the considerations were incorporated into
the design of the user interface of the web-based ques-
tionnaire (cf. figure 1).
Figure 1: Proposed design for questionnaire.
The picture shows two security requirements of
BSI IT-Grundschutz-Compendium. This standard
was assigned for the audit of a public cloud. The first
security requirement refers to the control ORP.4.A3
Documentation of User IDs and Rights Profiles, the
second to the following control ORP.4.A4 Distribu-
tion of Tasks and Separation of Roles. The inter-
viewed CPO can thus easily keep track of the re-
viewed security requirements. The security require-
ments are delimited from each other by graphical
frames. In the left part of the frame, the detailed in-
formation on the security requirement is presented in
a structured manner. In the right part, the individual
questions are listed. These can be answered by click-
ing on the button ”Reply”. After a click, a modal di-
alog opens in which the predefined answer options of
the selected question are displayed.
Based on the elaborated results, in the following we
describe the structure and functionality of the devel-
oped prototype. For this purpose, we first look at
the backend of Cloud Inspector, then at the end-user
frontend that is used by CPOs. Finally, we outline
how our tool was implemented in the actual approach
within our public administration. We designed the
prototype by utilizing the programming frameworks
and livewire
. Apache is used as web server
while data is stored in a MySQL database. The proto-
type was developed between May and July 2022.
5.1 Question Management
In this sub-section we describe the backend of our
prototype. It is also used to launch security audits of
public clouds. A relationship is established between
the public cloud (asset), the CPO (auditor) and the
security requirements (audit template). Through this
assignment, auditors automatically receive an email
with the link to the online questionnaire.
In the following, we will look at the management
of questions (cf. figure 2). A question essentially
consists of the question text, the definition of an an-
swer type and the assignment to a security require-
ment. A security requirement can comprise of several
questions. A question can include several answer op-
tions if a checkbox or radio button has been selected
as the answer type. Placeholders can be integrated in
the question text in order to display dynamic identi-
fiers such as the name of the public cloud in the online
ICISSP 2023 - 9th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
In figure 2, the dialog for an answer options is dis-
played in the foreground. For each answer option,
an individual sentiment can be predefined. In this
respect, a one-time definition of the sentiment for a
given response option already takes place before se-
curity audits are performed. Consequently, highly au-
tomated evaluations of the questionnaires can be car-
ried out to the greatest possible extent. This saves a
great deal of time and avoids interpretation errors.
Figure 2: Sentiment specification of an answer option.
5.2 Frontend of Cloud Inspector
In this subsection we explain the user frontend of
Cloud Inspector which is used by CPOs to answer
questions about security requirements due to the sta-
tus quo of public clouds. As a result of the creation
of a new security audit, CPOs receive an email that
is automatically sent by Cloud Inspector. This email
contains a comprehensive explanation of why the au-
ditor is receiving this email and what activities need
to be done next. This approach avoids unnecessary
queries regarding the facts and the operation of the
This email contains a link that leads to an
overview in the frontend in which the assigned se-
curity audits are displayed. The main interface was
deliberately designed to be simple so that CPOs can
quickly find their way around. The central overview
clearly shows the progress made in answering the
questionnaire for each public cloud security audit.
During the development phases, we repeatedly
had direct contact with members of the ADR team
and presented and discussed the status of the fron-
tend. In this respect, we lived up to the principle of
an authentic and concurrent evaluation of our results.
Based on these interactions, we were able to make a
few significant improvements to Cloud Inspector.
One essential change was the replacement of the
login form with a single sign-on concept that inte-
grates a secure Kerberos authentication. This allowed
us to lower the barriers to entry, getting CPOs to com-
plete the questionnaires. In addition, we have im-
proved the online questionnaire so that the answers
entered by CPOs do not have to be answered all at
once. This had the advantage for CPOs that they
could work on individual questions successively with-
out having to worry about losing the data already col-
Between July and August 2022, we reviewed the pro-
posed tool-based approach. Our goal was to deter-
mine to what extent we could achieve improvements
in our public administration by implementing Cloud
Inspector as part of our information security pro-
cesses. For this purpose we tested the applicability
and acceptance of Cloud Inspector in our public ad-
ministration with several CPOs. In this context, we
have conducted security audits for several adopted
public clouds by applying the developed tool-based
6.1 Use Case
A typical use case for performing a security audit is
checking the validity of user identities within an ap-
plication or computer system (Osliak et al., 2021).
Since we apply the German BSI standard as ISMS
framework in our public administration, we have se-
lected the module ORP.4 Identity and Access Man-
agement from the compendium (BSI, 2021) to per-
form this security audit.
The objective of this module is to validate that
only those user IDs have access to a cloud system for
which they are authorized. Access for a user who is
no longer authorized must be revoked promptly. To
ensure this objective is achieved, regular security au-
dits must be performed to detect user identities that
are no longer authorized. The department that uses
the application must decide whether a user is autho-
rized or not.
Cloud Inspector: A Tool-Based Approach for Public Administrations to Establish Information Security Processes Towards Public Clouds
For the evaluation of our tool-based approach, we
applied the basic requirement ORP.4.A3 Documen-
tation of User IDs and Rights Profiles to verify the
validity of user identities in adopted public clouds.
The BSI requirement ORP.4.A3 includes several sub-
requirements. Using the Cloud Inspector’s question
manager, the CISO was able to create multiple sub-
questions at a fine granular level. By using placehold-
ers in the question texts, it was possible to generate in-
dividual question texts for each unique public cloud.
During the evaluation, we observed that this feature
significantly improved comprehensibility among the
With respect to the basic requirement ORP.4.A3,
we derived 4 detailed questions. All questions con-
sisted of multiple choice answers, each defined with a
specific sentiment value. We asked 2 CISOs to model
this issue in the question manager of Cloud Inspec-
tor. On average, this activity took no longer than
10 minutes. Under real conditions, we modeled 3
public cloud assets in the repository. Based on this,
each CISO had to start a security audit on each public
cloud asset with the baseline requirement ORP.4.A3.
In sum, this activity could be completed in less than 1
During the period of the security audit, we re-
ceived feedback from the CPOs that they were able
to open the Cloud Inspector front end without any
problems and start working on the assigned question-
naires. No further explanation of how our tool-based
method works was required. Because we had in-
formed the participating CPOs about our laboratory
experiment, all respondents completed the question-
naires within one working day. Compared to the situ-
ation prior to our research project, applying our devel-
oped tool-based approach enhances the collaboration
between CISO, DPO and CPO in a simple and self-
explanatory manner.
6.2 Formalization of Learning
Overall, our work has enabled us to identify three as-
pects that are relevant for functioning ISMS processes
in public administrations in the context of cloud secu-
rity auditing.
Regulations. Clear regulations are needed with
regard to roles and responsibilities in connection
with the procurement, implementation and the use
of public cloud services.
Awareness. Employees of a public administration
need to have a basic understanding of cloud com-
puting and information security. This is the only
way to identify deviations in the security process
at an early stage by all parties involved.
Tool Support. ISMS processes must be simple,
transparent and automatable in order to achieve
a high acceptance rate among the involved stake-
holders. Public clouds must be regularly audited
for security, which means that data must be reg-
ularly collected using established organizational
In this research paper, we have addressed the prob-
lem of implementing security audits of public clouds
in the holistic information security management pro-
cess within public administrations. To address this
practical problem, we chose to apply the Action De-
sign Research method. Based on the derived research
questions, we have been able to address several scien-
tific aspects of the identified practical problem.
Our work provides several research contributions.
We clearly identified various classes of problems that
occur in public administrations. In interdisciplinary
workshops, we identified technical requirements for
managing security of public clouds in public adminis-
trations. The main contribution of this research work
deals with the optimization of information security
processes for more efficient conduction of cloud secu-
rity audits within public administrations. For this pur-
pose, we developed a tool-based method based on a
web-based questionnaire with predefined answer op-
tions tagged with a sentiment. We have developed
and evaluated Cloud Inspector, which can meet these
requirements in public administrations. We evalu-
ated the developed Cloud Inspector against the de-
fined practical requirements and found that this ap-
proach opens a way for public administrations to use
public clouds more securely. In general, our approach
could help public administrations to implement a se-
cure digitization strategy based on public cloud ser-
With respect to our tool-based method, we have
identified several issues that should be investigated in
future research. One is to develop a technique to help
public administrations keeping track of the security
state of adopted public clouds. Secondly, a concept
for the simple and rapid implementation of security
processes in public administrations needs to be devel-
oped to avoid unnecessary loss of time in the real-
ization of urgent security measures. In addition, we
found a lack of literature regarding concepts of rais-
ing awareness of employees in public administrations
in the secure handling of cloud services.
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Cloud Inspector: A Tool-Based Approach for Public Administrations to Establish Information Security Processes Towards Public Clouds