Neural Style Transfer for Image-Based Garment Interchange
Through Multi-Person Human Views
Hajer Ghodhbani
, Mohamed Neji
1,2 b
and Adel M. Alimi
1,3 c
Research Groups in Intelligent Machines (REGIM Lab), University of Sfax, National Engineering School of Sfax (ENIS),
BP 1173, Sfax, 3038, Tunisia
National School of Electronics and Telecommunications of Sfax Technopark, BP 1163, CP 3018 Sfax, Tunisia
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering Science, Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment,
University of Johannesburg, South Africa
Keywords: Style Transfer, Pose Control, Segmentation, Garment Interchange.
Abstract: The generation of photorealistic images of human appearances under the guidance of body pose enables a
wide range of applications, including virtual fitting and style synthesis. Several advances have been made in
this direction using image-based deep learning generation approaches. The issue with these methods is that
they produce significant aberrations in the final output, such as blurring of fine details and texture alterations.
Our work falls within this objective by proposing a system able to realize the garment transfer between
different views of person by overcoming these issues. To realize this objective, fundamental steps were
achieved. Firstly, we used a conditioning adversarial network to deal with pose and appearance separately,
create a human shape image with precise control over pose, and align target garment with appropriate body
parts in the human image. As a second step, we introduced a neural approach for style transfer that can
differentiate and merge content and style of editing images. We designed architecture with distinct levels to
ensure the style transfer while preserving the quality of original texture in the generated results.
The fashion industry is now acting to improve the
world of fashion for everyone. As more and more
digital technologies become available to fashion
enterprises, they become in the age of digital
transformation. The need for industrial adaptation is
brought on by shifts in consumer demands. Fashion
firms must pay attention to their customers’ needs and
respond with digital solutions. The transformation of
the fashion business and the switch from offline to
online shopping has been accelerated by the Covid-
19 pandemic-related lockdowns when everything was
altered for many industries such as fashion industry,
which is experiencing difficulties resulted in sales
reduction and a change in consumer behavior. When
we talk about fashion, one of key offline experiences
missed by the on-line consumers is the fitting room
where a clothes item can be tried-on.
Virtual try-on solutions have recently been the
subject of extensive research in an effort to lower the
cost of returns for online shops and provide customers
with the same offline experience. Such system could
improve the shopping experience by assisting users to
make purchase decisions. As an overview of try-on
solution, a complete study about virtual fitting system
is exposed in our survey (Ghodhbani et al., 2022a),
and according to it, we are focused on the most
practical solution that is the image-based system
allowing garment interchange across images of
different persons. The garment image is mapped onto
the unique body using an image warping approach.
While for now, this kind of system is not mature
enough, its results are unrealistic for such proposed
systems which cannot produce fine details or allow
viewing of textured images from varied angles.
Our solution comes up with the support for
personalized clothing transfer to address these
Ghodhbani, H., Neji, M. and Alimi, A.
Neural Style Transfer for Image-Based Garment Interchange Through Multi-Person Human Views.
DOI: 10.5220/0011694200003417
In Proceedings of the 18th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2023) - Volume 4: VISAPP, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-634-7; ISSN: 2184-4321
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
problems, and it is developed firstly, in our work
called dress-up (Ghodhbani et al., 2022b) that tries to
match a person's appearance to another person's
image. In this paper, we continued with this challenge
of aligning the clothing item with the matching body
parts in the person image by exploiting other methods
to achieve the system's main goals. The difficulty
comes from the fact that the target body and the
garment item are typically not spatially aligned.
Our system uses a semantic segmentation-based
technique to address this problem, and we suggest
a style-based appearance approach to transfer the
garment during virtual try-on. Our model is robust to
significant misalignments between human and
garment photos thanks to this semantic segmentation
strategy which makes it more suitable by considering
a full-body image in a variety of poses during garment
transfer. Thus, our contributions are as follow:
Interchanging garment across images while
preserving the visual quality.
Analysis of Pose-dependent control with high
texture generation.
Presented the result of stylized images and the
semantic maps in correspondent
Showing the ability of the intermediate
segmentation and the style transfer to separate
between texture and content in the image.
The structure of this paper is as follows: In Section II,
we present the related work to our study. Section III
exposed our framework with its different modules. In
section IV and section V, the results and comparison
are displayed respectively. Finally, section VI
presented the conclusion.
2.1 Deep Generative Models
In recent years, Generative Adversarial Networks
(GAN) have been successfully applied in image
generation. A GAN model architecture involves two
components: generator and discriminator. Until the
image produced by the generator is convincing
enough to fool the discriminator, the two components
are trained together. GAN architecture was proposed
at the first in 2014 (Makhzani et al., 2014), and as a
first proposal, it presented many limits because only
it was able to synthesize low-resolution images.
Then, other version is appeared (Zhang et al., 2019)
to improve the quality of generated result but it cannot
differentiate different attributes in images and so it
has little control over image synthesis. To overcome
this problem, StyleGANs (Karras et al. et al., 2019)
method was proposed and the idea is to use an
intermediate latent space, which is fed into the
generator to control different levels of attributes.
Conditional GAN (cGAN) is a type of GAN,
which that gives the generator and discriminator
conditional information. The cGAN can be used for
different applications such as image-to-image
translation (Isola et al, 2017; Wang et al., 2018; Park
et al., 2019) which learn how input images can be
mapped to output ones and synthesize style in the
final output using segmentation masks. This task
becomes more complicated when synthesizing the
full human appearance with control of body pose and
human appearance due to their several changes. Our
work aims to resolve this challenge by proposing a
method based on cGAN to synthesize realistic images
of a full human body with control over poses and
2.2 Neural Style Transfer (NST)
NST is a technique for combining two images to
create a new one by mimicking the style of a different
image, often known as style image. Thus, NST refers
to the task of images manipulation to adopt the
appearance style of another image, and compose
images in the style of another one. The foundation of
NST is that the style and the content representations
can be kept distinct. This technology has emerged in
computer vision task by its ability to transfer an
artistic style to the content image which can be
automatically redrawn with a particular artistic style.
Gatys et al. (Gatys et al., 2016) discovered
through the visualization and the analysis of
Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) that the
content and style representation of images could be
easily separated from various layers basing on the
specific capacity of CNN to extract features of
various scales in different layers. They created a style
transfer technique using VGG network and achieved
remarkable artistic effects. Since that time, NST has
evolved into the primary route for image stylization,
garnering interest of many researchers. Thus, for
preserving original semantic information, several
studies have been developed to improve style transfer
(Li et al., 2019; Yao et al., 2019; Wang et al., 2020).
Neural network models are capable to deal with
style transfer due to the role of deeper layers to extract
more general features. With convolutional neural
networks, the lower layers extract very local features,
such as edges, corners, and colors which are
combined together in deeper layers to depict more
global features, such as shapes, faces, etc. Our work
VISAPP 2023 - 18th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
focus on integrating this task to realize virtual try-on
task and preserving the quality of original texture.
3.1 Overview
A challenging image processing task is to produce a
content of an image in various styles. The lack of
image representations that directly reflect semantic
information and enable the separation of visual
content from style may have been a significant
limiting factor for earlier methods. Thus, in this work,
we used a style neural model to edit content and style
of person images, separately, and recombine them as
we desire. Our findings show how we can learn deep
image representations and how they may be used for
sophisticated image generation and manipulation.
The texture transfer issue can be seen on the
challenge to separate content from style in images and
transferring it from one image to another while
preserving semantic information of target one. Recent
research have led to the development of neural style
transfer systems (Luan et al., 2019; Liu et al., 2021;
Cheng et al., 2019) showing remarkable visual quality
and artistic picture result by extracting detailed
semantic information. However, there is no attention
has been paid to multi-fashion image transfer which
refers to interchange multiple styles between different
images. Our system aims to resolve this issue and
attempts to produce realistic images with complete
control over pose, shape, and appearance.
3.2 Proposed System
In this section, we present our proposed style transfer
system with conditioning pose preservation. Thus the
architecture is shown in Figure 1. Given two images
of a person, our goal is to synthesize a new image of
the person in target body pose wearing the clothes of
the second one. Firstly, we extract the pose 𝑃 and the
appearance 𝐴 from 𝐼
and 𝐼
respectively. Secondly,
we encode pose and appearance to obtain target
segmentation and reconstruct it. Our method is based
on existing methods such as (Ghodhbani et al., 2022b;
Gatys et al., 2016; Raj et al., 2018), and it is a
continuity of our Dress-up system (Ghodhbani et al.,
2022b). In the current work, the main contribution
resides on the integration of style transfer network at
final phase and the use of intermediate shape to
generate final result. Thus, a learning-based method
for human image synthesis is proposed.
This approach introduced the application of
artistic style transfer model for generation of fashion
image. Its fundamental component consisting in
allowing control over body pose and appearance from
a various views. To separate conditioning of two
aspects in several modalities, our strategy
disentangles the pose, appearance and body parts. In
the following sections, each part of architecture will
be described in details.
3.2.1 Pose and Style Encoding
We used existing methods to detect the human pose P
from the image 𝐼
(Liang et al., 2018; Gong et al.,
2019), and the style S from the image 𝐼
(Omran et
al., 2018; Lassner et al., 2017). Then, these
representations are fed on the pose encoder and style
encoder, respectively. We obtain two representations
from this process, one correspondent to the pose
features pose and the other for the style features.
These representations are then concatenated to create
a clothing segmentation of 𝐼
that rigorously adheres
to the body shape and pose from 𝐼
. We frame this
issue as a conditioned generating process, where the
clothing being conditioned on clothing segmentation
and the body is conditioned on body segmentation.
To solve the dual conditioning issue, we use a dual
path network (Ronneberger et al., 2015) composed of
two encoders, one for the body and the other for the
clothes, and a decoder combining the two encoded
representations to produce the output image. The
clothes encoder generates a feature map, where each
channel holds the probability map of one clothing
type. The body encoder creates a feature map to
represent the target body from a color-coded channel
body segmentation. The residual blocks are combined
and then applied to these encoded feature maps. The
desired garment segmentation is created by
upsampling the obtained feature map.
The body segmentation has a large influence over
the resulting image, while the style segmentation has
a weaker influence. The generated representation
aiming to capture style information while restricting
the generated segmentation to be close to target pose
and consisting with the desired pose. In this level, we
can generate a clothing segmentation in target body
to perform desired shape change. The advantage of
this intermediate representation is that the body and
style segments do not need to be extremely clean for
our framework to perform. Existing human parsing
and body parsing models were used to create our
segmentations, however their predictions are
frequently inaccurate and noisy. But the noise in these
Neural Style Transfer for Image-Based Garment Interchange Through Multi-Person Human Views
Figure 1: Our pipeline: from the pose and style encoding to the shape generation and finally style transfer.
intermediary representations can be made up for by
our network. Some results from this phase are
presented Figure 2.
Figure 2: Results of clothing segmentation generation.
3.2.2 Shape Encoding
Once the segmentation representation was obtained,
it was fed into a U-Net architecture that had been
trained to provide form details given the style
segmentation at the desired body shape and pose, and
an embedding of the intended clothes depicted in
image 𝐼
. Then, a feature maps are created and
upsampled to the original picture size, by ROI
pooling on each body parts of 𝐼
. Before submitting
these feature maps to the U-Net, we stack them with
the generated style segmentation. In this part of
architecture, we aim to exploit the style information
from desired style image 𝐼
to synthesize the target
shape 𝐼
as shown in Figure 1. The obtained results
from this phase are presented in the Figure 3.
3.2.3 Image Generation with a Style-Based
Our style transfer network takes a content image 𝐼
and a style image 𝐼
as inputs, and synthesizes an
output image 𝐼
that recombines the content of the
image and the style latter. We adopt a simple pre-
trained model called VGG-19 (Simonyan et al., 2014)
which is employed as a feed-forward encoder to
extract features of the input pairs. Thus, we proceed
to the texture transfer task using this network after
presenting the desired shape 𝐼
. VGG19 network was
frequently employed in style transfer implementation
to get the results as near as feasible to realistic image.
Figure 3: Result of shape generation using ROI Pooling.
To transfer the style of one image to another, we
produce a new image that is consistent to both the
content representation and the style representation.
As a result, we obtained a new image of a person from
a two single view images by realizing the transfer of
garment textures from an image (style image) to
another (content image), these results are exposed in
the following Figure 4 (Further results in Figure 6).
VISAPP 2023 - 18th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Figure 4: Demonstration of style transfer between multiple
views using of shape generation as intermediate phase.
The adopted approach in this style encoding phase
relies on a slow optimization procedure that updates
the image iteratively in order to reduce both the
content loss and the style loss computed by a loss
network. They made use of the feature space offered
by a normalized version of the 16 convolutional and
5 pooling layers of the 19-layer VGG network. The
model is normalized by adjusting the weights in order
that the average activation of convolutional filter is
equal to one for. Since the VGG network only has
rectifying linear activation functions and neither
normalization nor pooling over feature maps, this
rescaling can be performed on it without affecting the
output. The images displayed were created using
average pooling since we discovered that doing so for
image synthesis produces slightly more pleasing
results than doing for maximum pooling.
To transfer the style of one image to another, we
produce a new image that is consistent to both the
content representation and the style representation
(Figure1). As a result, we jointly reduce the distance
between the feature representations of a white noise
image and the Convolutional Neural Network layers
defining the style representation of the style and the
content representation of the photo, respectively.
The loss function we try to reduce is:
) = α
) + β
where α and β are the weighting factors for content
and style reconstruction, respectively.
As mentioned in our based work (Gatys et al.,
2016), at each stage of processing, the CNN
represents a particular input image as a collection of
filtered images (Figure 5). The overall number of
unit’s per-layer of the network decreases as the
number of distinct filters grows along the processing
hierarchy and the size of filtered images is decreased
by downsampling method (e.g. max-pooling). This
representation shows two kinds of reconstructions:
Content Reconstructions. The information can be
seen at multiple CNN processing stages by
reconstructing input image using only the network's
responses in a certain layer. The layers "conv1 2" (a),
"conv2 2" (b), "conv3 2" (c), "conv4 2" (d), and
"conv5 2" (e) of the original VGG network are used
to rebuild the input image. The rebuilding using the
lower layers is practically perfect (a-c). Higher levels
of the network lose detailed pixel information while
maintaining the images high-level content (d, e).
Figure 5: Image representations in CNN (Gatys, 2016).
Style Reconstructions. A feature space is employed
to capture the texture data of an input image. The style
representation determines correlations between the
various features in the various CNN layers. We
reconstruct the style of the input picture using a style
representation created using various CNN layer
subsets, including "conv1 1" (a), "conv1 1" and
"conv2 1" (b), "conv1 1" and "conv3 1" (c), "conv1
1" and "conv2 1" and "conv3 1" and "conv4 1" (d),
and "conv1 1" and "conv2 1" and "conv3 (e). Thus,
images that are increasingly similar to a particular
image's style are produced while the details of the
scene's overall composition are discarded.
In this section, we present the generated results on
DeepFashion datasets (Liu et al., 2016), from all the
components of our architecture. Different results are
presented in Figure 6 where we are showing the link
between each level of the whole process. The key
finding of this work is that the representations of the
content (body of the target person) and the style
(target clothes) are well separable. That is, we
can manipulate both representations independently to
produce new meaningful images. To demonstrate this
finding, we generate images that mix the content and
style representation from two different source images.
The texture information is obtained using ROI
pooling for different body parts (upper clothes, left
arm, right arm, left leg, right leg, face, hair, etc.).
Neural Style Transfer for Image-Based Garment Interchange Through Multi-Person Human Views
Figure 6: Obtained results from the whole process of our pipeline.
All the steps described previously are presented in
Figure 6 such as pose and style encoding, shape
encoding and texture generation. In each task, we
demonstrate a high quality results that conducted to
realize the correspondence of the texture to the body
shape successfully. Thus, our process that using
intermediate segmentation to generate target content,
improves the visual quality and matching robustness.
To evaluate the effectiveness of our model, we
conduct a comparison with existing methods for the
two main tasks achieved by our work: pose transfer
and garment transfer, and with both qualitative and
quantitative comparisons.
5.1 Qualitative Comparison
The visual comparisons of style transfer methods with
pose control are shown in Figure 7. We compared the
results of our work with four state-of-the-art pose
transfer: PG2 (Ma et al., 2017), DPIG (Ma et al.,
2018), Def-GAN and (Siarohin et al., 2018) PATN
(Zhu et al., 2019).
As we can see, our method produced more
realistic results. The facial identity is better preserved
and even detailed textures of clothes and body are
successfully synthesized. Another comparison of
garment transfer task with DiOr method (Cui et al.,
2021) is presented in Figure 8 which shows the
performance of our approach to transfer all the
clothes items from a person to another while
preserving original texture.
5.2 Quantitative Comparison
In Table 1, we show the quantitative comparison with
various metrics such as Inception Score (IS)
(Salimanis et al., 2016), Structural Similarity (SSIM)
(Wang et al., 2004) and Detection Score (Siarohin et
al., 2018). IS and SSIM are two most commonly-used
evaluation metrics in the person image synthesis task,
which were firstly used in PG2 (Ma et al, 2017).
Later, Siarohin et al. (Siarohin et al, 2018) introduced
Detection Score (DS) to measure whether the person
be detected in the image. The results show that
VISAPP 2023 - 18th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Figure 7: Qualitative comparison of Pose transfer task.
Figure 8: Qualitative comparison of Garment transfer task.
our method generates more realistic details with the
highest IS value, and more detailed textures
consisting to the source image and target image.
Table 1: Quantitative comparison with state-of-the-art
methods on DeepFashion dataset.
Model IS↑ SSIM↑ DS↑
PG2 3.202 0.773 0.943
DPIG 3.323 0.745 0.969
Def-GAN 3.265 0.770 0.973
PATN 3.209 0.773 0.976
Ours 3.367 0.773 0.986
Our method has the highest confidence for person
detection with the best DS value. For SSIM that relies
on global covariance and means of the images to
assess the structure similarity, we see that the scores
of all methods are clustered around similar values.
This metric predicts that the generations are very
close to ground truth. We adopted the pose transfer
task to be able to compare on a subset of data for
which we have paired information.
The development of neural style transfer technology
has allowed people to significantly speed up the
process of various fields such as fashion design. In
this work, we proposed a framework, which
successfully interchange garment across fashion
images by using the tasks of image-to-image
translation and style transfer. The generated images
preserved the content of the input image while
altering its style according to a reference appearance.
In this work, we demonstrated how to use
intermediate feature representations generated from
cGAN to transfer image style between arbitrary
views. The objective from the implementation of this
phase is to obtain a human shape in the target pose,
then we proceed to apply the style transfer task by
using simple style transfer network. The effectiveness
of our method is presented in the previous section,
and we presented further results in Figure 9.
Figure 9: Further results for style transfer.
In our work, we realized garment transfer system
by merging two essential tasks: the conditioning
segmentation and the style transfer. After generating
image-based fashion representations from fashion
data, we used the image segmentation and style
transfer method to finish the fashion style transfer
process by transferring the appropriate texture. The
use of adjustable aspects for style transfer can be
taken into consideration in the future using style
transfer strategies. In practical, a stylized works need
to be adjusted according to various criteria, explore
more techniques, and incorporate them into the style
system to generate images with fine details and
develop an effective image stylization system.
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Neural Style Transfer for Image-Based Garment Interchange Through Multi-Person Human Views