So Can We Use Intrinsic Bias Measures or Not?
Sarah Schr¨oder
, Alexander Schulz
, Philip Kenneweg
and Barbara Hammer
CITEC, Bielefeld University, Inspiration 1, 33619 Bielefeld, Germany
Intrinsic Bias Measures, Pretrained Language Models, Template-Based Evaluation.
While text embeddings have become the state-of-the-art in many natural language processing applications, the
presence of bias that such models often l earn from training data can become a serious problem. As a reaction,
a l arge variety of measures for detecting bias has been proposed. However, an extensive comparison between
them does not exists so far. We aim to close this gap for the class of intrinsic bias measures in the context
of pretrained language models and propose an experimental setup which allows a fair comparison by using a
large set of templates for each bias measure. Our setup is based on the idea of simulating pretraining on a set
of differently biased corpora, thereby obtaining a ground truth for the present bias. This allows us to evaluate
in how far bias is detected by different measures and also enables to j udge the robustness of bias scores.
Biases in machine learning mode ls, but especially in
pretrained lang uage models (PLM) are complex in na-
ture and difficult to assess with respect to all po ssi-
ble bias orig ins and potential harms in applications
(Shah et al., 20 19). While th e ability to detect bias in
such PLMs is crucial for transpare ncy and also consti-
tutes a first step for mitigating bias related proble ms,
there exists a variety of d ifferent methods for measu r-
ing bias in such models (Caliskan et al., 2017; May
et al., 201 9; Bolukbasi et al. , 2016; Gonen and Gold-
berg, 2019; De-Arteaga et al., 2019). In particular,
they can be grouped b y intrinsic and extrinsic evalu-
ation strategies, where the former ones dir e ctly work
with the intrinsic text embeddings while the latter aim
for evaluation with an additional down stream task.
In this work we f ocus on intrinsic bias measures
and biases that are learned during pretraining, because
such pretrained models are the basis in many applica-
tions and biases lear ned in the pretraining phase can
persist in later applications. The class of intrinsic bias
measures is, however, diverse, including different co-
sine based scores (Caliskan et al., 2017; May et al.,
2019; Bolukbasi et al. , 2016) and Neighbor, Clus-
tering and Classification tests (Gonen and Goldberg,
2019) among others. A unified, systematic and fair
compariso n between them remains challenging.
In the present work, we conduct an experiment
where we simulate pretraining o n a variety of bi-
ased corpora and assess how these biases manifest in
the model. Not only do we consider binary gende r
bias, as frequently done in relate d work, but also as-
sess multi-attribute biases at the example of religious
and ethnicity b ia ses. We evaluate many intrinsic bias
measures from the literature in terms of their abil-
ity to capture biases in the model, compatibility to
each other and their robustness. Compatibility is of-
ten impacted by different testing scenarios (e.g. target
words, templates) of the different bias measures (Se-
shadri et al., 2022). We rem ove this variable by using
a unified test case for all measures, to specifically find
out how the scores themselves rela te to each other.
Our con tributions are: (i) We propose a novel test
framework for intrinsic bias m easures w.r.t. pretrain-
ing of language models, which enables a fair com-
parison between different measures, regarding their
performance to measure bias and their stability. (ii)
Thereby, we create and publish a benchmark that is
significantly larger and has more variety than other
template-based approaches like BEC-Pro (Bartl et al.,
2020) or the SEAT test cases (May et al., 2019).
(iii) Our b e nchmark includes the possibility of using
multi-group attributes, which we demonstrate for eth-
nicity an d religion. Thereby we gain insights into how
binary and multi-gr oup biases manifest in the models
and are captured by intrinsic measures. (iv) We per-
form an experimental evaluation, demonstrating dif-
ferences in stability and overall performance.
Schröder, S., Schulz, A., Kenneweg, P. and Hammer, B.
So Can We Use Intrinsic Bias Measures or Not?.
DOI: 10.5220/0011693700003411
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods (ICPRAM 2023), pages 403-410
ISBN: 978-989-758-626-2; ISSN: 2184-4313
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
For reproducibility’s sake we publish our co de, in-
cluding templates, target words and config files
In literature, the re exist many intrinsic bias measures,
including WEAT (Caliskan et al., 2017), SEAT, (May
et al., 2019), Direct Bias (Bolukbasi et al., 2016),
RIPA, (Ethayar a jh et al., 2019), Neighbor, Clustering
and Classification tests (Gonen and Goldberg, 2019)
as well as the log probability bias scor e (Kurita et al.,
2019). We recap those in the next section as their
evaluation is at the core of the present work. Furth er,
there also do exist extrinsic bias measures which aim
to evaluate bias in a downstream task such a s occu pa-
tion classification, wher e an example is Bias in Bios
(De-Arteaga et al., 2019).
A family of work investigates in how far observa-
tions with intrinsic measures transfer to downstream
tasks. For instance, it has been shown that WEAT
correlates with extrinsic bias metrics only in very re-
stricted settings (Goldfarb-Tarrant et al., 2020) or that
intrinsic bias measures in gener a l have a limited cor-
related with extrinsic metrics (Kaneko et al., 2022).
Similarly debiasing before fine-tuning does not effec-
tively reduce biases in the downstream task (Kan eko
et al., 2022). As reasons they state that the lan-
guage models re-learn bias in the fine-tuning step du e
to flawed training data . Another work (Steed et al.,
2022) investigates the bias tra nsfer hypothesis (that
biases from PLM affect downstream tasks) using two
downstream data sets. The authors show that most
of the downstream bias can be explained b y fine-
tuning. On the other hand, certain debiasing mea-
sures (re-sampling and scrubbing of identity te rms)
w.r.t. the downstream tasks only effectively removes
biases w hen the model was not pretrained (i.e . never
contained biases from the start). This in turn indi-
cates that mitigating biases in PLM is not sufficient
but must also not be neglected.
It has been shown that templates used for bias
measurements have a large impact on the results, i.e.
modify ing a temp la te without ch anging the seman-
tic meaning can alter the measured bias sign ifica ntly
(Seshadri et al., 2022). The authors point out that
many works use a limited amou nt of templates, which
makes scientific claims less reliable.
Similarly, the compatibility of bias mea sures from
the literature, including the test scenario (used words,
templates, attributes) has been found limited. (Delo-
belle et a l., 2 021). This authors argue that the ”seman-
tically bleached” templates suggested by other work
do in fact influence th e biases measure d when insert-
ing the targets/attributes of interest, hence are not as
”bleached”. Furthermore, the way sentence represen-
tations are created (e.g. CLS embedding vs. mean
pooling) influences bias measurements.Basically, a
major issue with (intrinsic) bias mea sures are the in-
compatible testing conditions.
To summarize bias defin tions from other works,
a unifying bias framework has been proposed (Shah
et al., 2019) that includes four definitions of bias ori-
gins (semantic bias in embeddin gs, selection bias,
over-amplification by the model and label bias) and
two definition s of predictive biases/ bias conse-
quences (outcome disparity and e rror disparity).
While (Schr ¨oder et al., 2021) aim to compare dif-
ferent bias measures, they focus more on theore tica l
aspects of bias scores and are, fu rthermor e, restricted
to cosine based scores.
In th e following, we depict the intrinsic bias scores
from the literature which w e compare in our expe r-
iments. Some of these offer both a bias score for
single words (e.g. the gender bias of secretary), oth-
ers only a bias score that determin es bia s over sets of
words. This is often a mea n word bias or some con-
trasting bias measure that checks whether stereoty pi-
cal grou ps exist.
3.1 SEAT
SEAT (May et al., 2019) is an extensio n of the
Word Embedding Association Test (Caliskan et al. ,
2017) for sentence representations. WEAT and
SEAT are among the most commo nly used intrin-
sic bias measures. In our experiments we apply
SEAT since we use contextualized em bedding s and
hence need to compar e bias measures in the context
of sentences. We evaluate both the word dissimilar-
ity score s(~w,A,B) and the effect size d(X,Y,A,B).
Since WEAT and SEAT are only defined for bi-
nary bias evaluations, we also use the generalized
WEAT (GWEAT) (Swinger et al., 2019), which pro-
poses a scor e for an arbitrary number of groups
). Again we apply it to sen te nce
representations in the way of SEAT.
3.2 DirectBias and RIPA
The DirectBias (DB) (Bolukbasi et al., 2016) deter-
mines a bias subspace in the embe dding space, which
ICPRAM 2023 - 12th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
is defined by bias attributes, such a s gender words.
Then any correlation of neutral words with this sub-
space is con sid ered a bias. RIPA (Ethayarajh et al.,
2019) is closely related to the DirectBias as it uses
the same strategy. Con trary to the DirectBias, which
normalizes word vectors, RIPA considers the vector
length. In our experiments we apply both measures to
sentence r epresentations instead of words, in the same
way as SEAT. Bo th can report a word-wise bias score
as well as a mean bias for a set of words.
3.3 Clustering, Cl a ssification a nd
Neighbor Test
In order to evaluate the effect of debiasing on word
embedd ings, the clustering, classification and ne igh-
bor test (Gonen and Goldberg, 201 9) were introduced.
These bias tests detect whether words with similar
gender stereotypes cluster together in the embeddings
space. The neighbor test evaluates how many of the
closest k n eighbors of a word have the same stereo-
type. The clustering and classification test measure
the accuracy of k-Means clustering and a SVM classi-
fier for separating two groups of stereotypical words.
All of these test require the user to define stereotypi-
cal groups beforehand. In the paper, the authors sort
words by WEAT’s dissimilarity score s(~w,A,B) into
stereotypical male/female groups. We extend the clas-
sification and neighbor test to cases with multi-group
biases. For the classification test, we simply use a
multi-class classifier, for the neighbo r test we count
the amount of neighbors that are part of the same
stereotypical group. While k-Means itself could also
handle multiple clusters, the a uthors used accuracy to
evaluate the clustering perfor mance, which cannot be
used with more than two groups.
3.4 Log Probability Scores
There exist a variety of log probability scores, which
are closely related to the masked language objective
of BERT. Initially (Kurita et al., 2019) proposed the
log probability bias score (LPBS), which queries the
probability of BERT to replace a ma sk token with
a male over a female term (or vice versa) given a
context like a stereotypical male/female occupation.
Thereby, the authors could show that BERT does c on-
tain human-like biases. Similar sco res in literature are
the CrowS-Pairs Score (Nangia et al., 2020), Stere-
oSet Score (Nadeem et al., 2021) or All Unmasked
Likelihood score (Kaneko and Bollegala, 2021) .
Our goal in the following is to be able to c ompare and
judge different intrinsic bias measures regarding their
performance to measure bias and their robustness. For
this purpose, we aim to achieve a setting, where bi-
ases are fully observable: We simulate various demo-
graphic distributions from which we derive pretrain-
ing corpora and train LMs. To keep computation time
minimal and enable training of many models, we use
a pretrained Hugginface model (bert-base-uncased)
for Masked Language Mo deling (MLM) and train it
on each of our corpora for a few epochs. Figure 1 il-
lustrates our approach. As a baseline for biases m an-
ifesting in the PLM, we directly query our model for
the probabilities to replace mask tokens with certain
demographic attributes. The details are explained in
Section 4.3. Our test cases in c lude gender, ethnic-
ity and religious biases regarding occupations. For
ethnicity we consider 5 and for religion 4 different
groups, which is crucial because re la te d work often
neglects settings with more than two groups.
4.1 Generating Training Data
Many works tha t evaluate bias measures either only
use one or few PLMs or, based on one PLM, miti-
gate or amplify existing biases to gener a te a variety
of biased models. To achieve a more diverse setting
and simulate the whole cycle of data acquisition, pre-
training a nd bias manifestation, we generate demo-
graphic distributions, specifically the probabilities of
certain demog raphic group s being a ssoc iate d with oc-
cupations. These associations are randomized and do
not have to align with actual b iases in humans and so-
ciety. This has the advantage that we can distinguish
if the PLM actually learns the biases presented du r-
ing our training instead of sticking to bia ses it learned
Given a list of target words (here occupations),
attributes (gender, religion, ethnicity) and grou ps
per attribute (e.g. male/female for gender), we cre-
ate a probability distribution per target and attribute
p(group|target,attribute), e.g. how likely does a
cook belong to a certain ethnicity (if ethnicity is men-
tioned). Algorithm 1 d escribes our approach. We
used the groups mentioned in Table 1 .
Table 1: Demographic groups used in our experiments.
Attributes Groups per Attribute
Gender male, female
Ethnicity black, white, asian, hispanic, a rab
Religion christian, muslim, jewish, hindu
So Can We Use Intrinsic Bias Measures or Not?
Pretraining Corpus
Demographic biases
Test Corpus
Demographic attributes
masked out/ removed
Pretraining Biases
Query PLM for
Model-intrinsic Biases
cosim/ inner product-based
log probability based
Figure 1: Our experimental setup to evaluate intrinsic bias measures with regard to the pretraining of language models.
Data: groups,minP < maxP
Result: groups, probs
n size(groups);
minP minP/n;
maxP maxP/n;
P 1.0;
groups shu f f le(groups);
probs = [];
while i < n 1 do
maxBound min(maxP, P minP n);
p randomU ni f orm(minP,maxBound);
P P p;
AddItem(probs, p);
Algorithm 1: This algorithm generates a random demo-
graphic distribution for a list of groups. minP < 1.0 is a
strict lower bound for the group probabilities. The higher,
the less likely are extreme differences between the demo-
graphic groups. maxP is the maximal upper bound. If
maxP < 1.0 an equal distribution is impossible and there
will be exactly one majority group with p(group) >
We create a u nique demographic distribution for
each combination of minP {0.05, 0.1,0.15,0.2} and
maxP {0.8,0.85,0.9,0.95}. Due to the choice of
both pa rameters, each group will be represented with
p(group) > 0 and there will be exactly one ma jor-
ity gr oup (the la st one chosen by the algorithm) w ith
p(group) >
given n groups.
To create datasets based on th e se distributions, we
use a selection of template sentences, containing a
placeholder for target words and at least on e place-
holder for a protected attribute. The re might be mul-
tiple attributes or multiple mentions of the same at-
tribute in one template. Formally, a template sentence
S contains a target placeholder and attribute place-
holders A
with i denoting the type of attribute (e .g.
gender /ethnicity). Con trary to other works, we do
not limit ourselves with ”sema ntically bleached” tem-
plates, as it has been shown that even those te mplates
influence the measured biases (Seshadri et al., 2022).
Instead, we chose a larger number of templates in-
cluding many with additional context, assuming that
averaging over a variety of templates improves the
Table 2: Exemplary templates and the terms that can be
inserted as attributes.
i saw the OCCUPATION at th e RELIGION2
(church, mosque, synagogue, mandir)
the OCCUPATION enjoyed GENDER1 lunch
(his, her)
the OCCUPATION often visits GENDER1
family in E THNICITY8
(his, her)/(africa, europe, asia, mexico, qa ta r)
stability of bias measurements. Some exemplary tem-
plates are shown in Table 2.
Given a template S and a list of target words T , we
create sentences S
t T . For each attribute place-
holder A
in S
we choose a fitting group j and in-
sert the corresponding group attribute a
i, j
based on
i, j
|t, A
). For MLM training we mask out on e at-
tribute instead of random words to ensure that BERT
specifically learns to infer these. If multiple attributes
are present, we create a training sample per attribute,
where this one is masked out. The resulting corpora
contain 29800 trainin g samples derived from 100 oc-
cupations as target words and 165 templates. Among
our training templates, 60 include an ethnicity refer-
ence, 145 a gender and 45 a religion reference.
4.2 Training and Model Va lidation
On each o f our generated tr a ining datasets, we retrain
BERT for 5 epochs using the Masked Language Ob-
jective. We repe a t this for 5 iterations, resulting in
5 BERT in stances trained on the same demographic
distribution, which will be relevant in our robustness
experiments. To ensure that our models learned the
biases well enough, we test th e Pearson corr elation
of the unmasking probabilities p
i, j
|t, A
) (see
Section 4.3) with the group probabilities in the train-
ing data p
i, j
|t, A
). If the correla tion is below
a threshold of 0.85, we repeat the training (starting
from the pretrained BERT again). After a maximum
of 5 training runs, we keep the best performing model,
to keep computation time lim ited.
We utilize 113 test templates to generate our test
data similarly to th e training data, i.e. inserting each
ICPRAM 2023 - 12th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
target word into eac h template. However, we do not
insert any demog raphic attributes, but instead mask
out on e attribute that was tested for and replace all
other attributes by a neutral term. This results in
17600 test sentences. Given these, we query the un -
masking probabilities of all groups and average over
each target. The exact same test sentences are used
for the evaluation of the different intrinsic bias scores
(see Section 5.2).
4.3 Baseline: Unmasking Bias
To evaluate intrinsic bias scores in terms of a pre-
trained model, we choose a measure directly linked
to the MLM objective and hence similar to the LPBS,
called unmasking bias. Given a templa te such as
”GENDER is a TARGET”, we replace GENDER by a
mask token an d TARGET by a target word for which
we want to determine the gende r bias. Instead of gen-
der one could also use a protected attribute with more
than two groups such as religion or ethnicity. Then,
we query BERT for the p robabilities of certain pro-
tected g roups to replace the mask token normalized
by the probability to choose any of group a ssocia te d
with th a t attribute. In this example, one could com-
pare the probabilities of ”he” and ”she”.
More formally, given a template s, a target words
t and an attribute A
(e.g. ethnicity), we are interested
in the probability that our trained language model as-
sociates this target with a g roup j [1,n] (e.g. black),
where n is the number of group s f or A
(e.g. 5 for eth-
nicity, in our case). For this purpose, we insert t and
query the mode l for the probability of the correspond-
ing group attribute a
i, j
to be inserted into s:
i, j
) =
P([MASK] = a
i, j
P([MASK] = a
By using a large set of templates S, we achieve a ro-
bust estimate of the probability that group j is associ-
ated with target t in the model:
i, j
|t, A
) =
i, j
). (2)
One advantage of this formulation over LPBS is that
i, j
|t, A
) does not depend on the nu mber of
protected groups.
Now we can use this probability in orde r to judge
in how far our model has learned the biases p resent
in the d a ta : From our training data, we estimate
i, j
|t, A
) by the relative frequen cies of the ac-
cording grou p attribute and target word occurring to-
gether (we have generated the training using such
templates). Then we c ould measure the dissimilarity
between p
i, j
|t, A
) and p
i, j
|t, A
Most bias scores, however, report only an aggre-
gated score for one attribute, aggregating over the
groups. In order to be comparable to this setup,
we also aggr egate over the groups using the Jensen-
Shannon divergence (Lin, 1991) between p(a
i, j
|t, A
and the uniform distribution which represents no bias.
We don’t use KL because we want symmetry.
Calculating this for both p
i, j
|t, A
) and
i, j
|t, A
), we obtain scalar scores for ea ch of
the two and for each t. We finally utilize the Pearson
correlation over all t for a measure of similarity be-
tween the bias in the data a nd the bias learned by the
model. Accordingly, we also compare the similarity
between the bias in the data and a bias score.
In our experiments, we first evaluate the re liability of
our template-based approach w.r.t. the nu mber of tem-
plates. Afterwards, we apply our setup to compare
different bias measures, first when considering only
biases of individual target words, then using the full
bias scores. Finally we investigate the robustness of
our sche me and some bias scores whe n training dif-
ferent models on the same biased data set.
5.1 Assessing the Reliability of Our
Template-Based Evaluation
There is work suggesting tha t template based ap-
proach e s for bias evaluation are unreliable (Seshadri
et al., 2022), which is mostly due to the fact that a
limited amount of templates is used. For instance,
(Bartl et al., 2020) propose BEC-Pro, a dataset for
bias evaluation which is created from only 5 differ-
ent templates. To circumvent this problem, we use a
much larger numbe r of over 100 tem plates (see Sec-
tion 4) for training a nd testing, respectively.
Furthermore, we evaluate the reliability of our
evaluation with respect to changing template num-
bers in the following. We run a statistical test to esti-
mate the significance of biases obtained with our tem-
plates: We com pute the unmasking probabilities for
Table 3: Mean and standard deviation of p-values reported
by our permutation test over all models compared to number
of test templates with the respective attribute.
Gender Religion Ethnicity
p-value 0.01 0.08 0.14
±0.01 ±0.03 ±0.03
templates 82 34 53
So Can We Use Intrinsic Bias Measures or Not?
Figure 2: Pearson Correlation of word bias scores for ethnicity, gender and religious bias.
each combin a tion of te mplate sentence, target word
and protected a ttribute and take the mean probabili-
ties per target and attribute combination. Then we run
a permutation test for 1000 iterations under the hy-
pothesis that the ranking of grou p probabilities does
not change if computed over a subset (90%) of tem-
plates. We report the p-values in Table 3.
These show that in the gender case, which in-
volved the largest number of templates, we achieve
statistical significa nt results. In the multi group cases
we observe p-values larger than 0.05. Hence results
are not as reliable. We assume that this is due to the
smaller number of test templates and the increased
complexity of bias f or more than two groups.
5.2 Comparison of Bias Measures
5.2.1 Word Biases
For eac h protected attribute, we first evaluate the cor-
relation o f different word bias scores. This includes
only the cosine scores and the da ta and unmasking
probability, where we report the Jensen-Shannon di-
vergence (see Section 4.3).
The results are illustrated in Figure 2. We re port
relatively high correlations with the data biases for
our baseline (’unmask’) with any attribute. The co-
sine scores c orrelate rather well with the baseline a nd
data biases in the gender case, but not in the multi at-
tribute cases (SEAT is only defined for the binary gen-
der case). Furtherm ore, the DirectBias and RIPA cor-
relate strongly with each other, wh ic h was expected
due to their similar definitions.
This contradicts observations from previous work,
which reports that cosine scores failed to capture bi-
ases in some scenar ios ( G oldfarb-Tarrant et al., 2020;
Kurita et al., 2019) or produced inconsistent results
(May et al., 2019). However, it has be en observed
that the compatibility of different bias measures is
strongly limited by the different test cases, i.e. whe n
comparing word biases to sentence biases or comput-
ing bia ses with different kinds of templates (Delobelle
et al., 2021). Our findings underline that unifying test
cases makes different bias scores more compatible.
The fact that we report muc h higher correlations
in the gender case could mean that a binary concept
such as gender bias is in fact represented in a lin-
ear way, which satisfies the assumptions of cosine
based scores, while non-binary concepts could be rep-
resented in a more complex way which cosine based
scores cannot account for entirely.
5.2.2 Overall Bias Scores
In practice, often a bias score over whole concepts
(set(s) of words) instead of single words is reported,
which is the case e.g . for WEAT/SEAT. Hence, we
evaluate these bias scores compared to the mean un-
masking bias over all target words (see Section 4.3).
The DirectBias and RIPA apply an ”objective” mean
word bias. On the other hand, SEAT, GWEAT, the
clustering, classification and neighbor test require the
target words to be sorted into grou ps based on their
stereotypes. When users choose suc h groups one can
assume that they have certain knowledge about the
stereotypes that can be expected . However, their ex-
pectations might not exactly align with the biases in
the data/model, either du e to subjective views, lim-
ited knowledge or sampling bias of the dataset com-
pared to biases in the real world. To model this,
we derive the groups from the actual demographic
probabilities in our datasets after adding Gaussian
noise (µ = 0,σ = 0.3). For each occupation, we sim-
ply choose the gro up with the highest co-occurrence
probability in the dataset.
Figure 3 shows the corre la tions of the bia s mea-
sures and the data biases. Overall, correlations are
slightly lower than for th e word bias scores. Other
than that the results are similar in the sense that we
observe stable correlations with the data bias for the
baseline (’unmask’) for all thr ee attributes and ob-
serve the best correlations in the gender ca se. We
find that SEAT and the neighbor bias achieve the
best Pearson correlation both with the data and un-
masking bias and also correlate with each other.
ICPRAM 2023 - 12th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
Figure 3: Pearson Correlation of bias scores for ethnicity, gender and rel igious bias.
Table 4: C onsistency over experiment iterations. Mean
percentage differences of scores reported in models with
the same demographic distributions. Lower values indicate
Ethnicity - 0.501 0.518 0.111
Gender 1.358 0.358 0.361 0.291
Religion - 0.486 0.483 0.147
GWEAT shows a similar behavior to SEAT, but over-
all lower correlations. The clustering and classifica-
tion (’SVM’) achieve the lowest correlations with the
data biases. No teworthy the differences be tween gen-
der and the multi group cases are compara bly low for
GWEAT and the neighbor test. Other than that, we
find high correlations between GWEAT an d the clas-
sification (’SVM’) bias.
5.3 Robustness of Bias Measures
In addition to the general performance and c ompat-
ibility of bias measures, we also want to investigate
their robustness. For this purpose, we test how stable
bias measures are, given the same initial bias distribu-
tion. We compare the word bias measure s over the 5
iterations (5 different models) trained with the same
bias distribution. Results ar e aggregated over all bias
distributions and shown in Table 4.
The fact that the unmask baseline achieves very
small percentage differences indicates that the differ-
ent model instances have learned the according bias
robustly. Overall the con sid ered bias measures vary
more than the baseline, where SEAT varies more than
DirectBias and RIPA. For DirectBias and RIPA we
see slightly more stable results in the gender case,
which could indicate that an increasing number of
groups also makes bias measurements more difficult
and thus less robust. For SEAT we see large discrep-
ancies between biases measures over similar models,
which is due to the fact that SE AT rep orts rather low
biases in general. However, we also observe tha t the
signs of biases reported by SEAT frequently change.
In the present work w e have proposed a novel test
scenario where different bias measures can be com-
pared using the same test sentences. We have showed
that template-based a pproaches can pr oduce reliable
results if a sufficient number of templates is em-
ployed. In addition to binary attribute cases, w e
have also evaluated multi-attribute cases and showed
large differences between them regarding the detec-
tion of bias. Furthermore, we showed that cosine
and intrinsic scores actually can attest for biases quite
well, given our specific pretraining scenario. We have
shown that the more complex bias tests based on clas-
sification and clustering do not perform better in de-
tecting bias than the simple SEAT score. We have
further investigated the robustness of word biases and
have shown that SEAT perf ormed inferior as com-
pared to DirectBias and RIPA.
Limitations of our work includ e the not perfect
baseline performance of the pretrained model, i.e. our
trained models do represent the bias perfectly (the un-
mask correlation does not go over 70%). This could
make it somewhat more difficult for bias methods
to d etect the bias. Here, more training data could
yield an improvement. Further, our evaluation is lim-
ited to pretraining as such and implications for down-
stream tasks cann ot be directly transferred. However,
pretrained m odels can be used directly without fine-
tuning, so this setup remains valid.
This work ope ns up new interesting directions of
investigations, including direct evaluations in settings
where fine-tuning the embedding is n ot possible, such
as similarity ran king or training o nly a classification
head. Here biases from pretraining are likely to per-
sist. The investigation of in te rsectional groups is a
So Can We Use Intrinsic Bias Measures or Not?
further promising application of our setup, be c ause
our template-based approach naturally allows to in-
clude multiple protected group s also in the test set.
Finally, a further extension of the benchmark, w.r.t.
templates for the multi-attribute attributes or other tar-
gets than occupations cou ld improve the evaluation
We gratefully acknowledge the funding by the Ger-
man Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and En-
ergy (01MK20007E) and by the Ministry of Culture
and Science of the state of North Rhine-Westp halia in
the project ”Bias aus KI-Modellen”.
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ICPRAM 2023 - 12th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods