Using Learned Indexes to Improve Time Series Indexing Performance on
Embedded Sensor Devices
David Ding, Ivan Carvalho and Ramon Lawrence
University of British Columbia, Kelowna, BC, Canada
Learned Indexing, Time Series, Database, Sensor Network, Embedded.
Efficiently querying data on embedded sensor and IoT devices is challenging given the very limited mem-
ory and CPU resources. With the increasing volumes of collected data, it is critical to process, filter, and
manipulate data on the edge devices where it is collected to improve efficiency and reduce network transmis-
sions. Existing embedded index structures do not adapt to the data distribution and characteristics. This paper
demonstrates how applying learned indexes that develop space efficient summaries of the data can dramati-
cally improve the query performance and predictability. Learned indexes based on linear approximations can
reduce the query I/O by 50 to 90% and improve query throughput by a factor of 2 to 5, while only requiring a
few kilobytes of RAM. Experimental results on a variety of time series data sets demonstrate the advantages
of learned indexes that considerably improve over the state-of-the-art index algorithms.
Embedded systems and IoT devices collect massive
amounts of data for use in environmental, industrial,
and monitoring applications. This time series data is
typically sent over the network to cloud servers for
processing. There is increasing focus on processing
data on the edge devices where it is collected to re-
duce network transmissions and power consumption.
There are multiple systems for indexing time se-
ries data on cloud servers (Wang et al., 2020; Yang
et al., 2019). These systems cannot be adapted to the
low-memory and CPU processing present on embed-
ded sensor devices. Specialized embedded indexes
such as Microhash (Zeinalipour-Yazti et al., 2005),
and sequential binary index for time series (SBITS)
(Fazackerley et al., 2021) demonstrate good index
performance with minimal memory usage. SBITS al-
lows for both querying by timestamp and data value.
Querying by timestamp is done using a linear inter-
polation search that outperforms binary search used
in prior embedded index methods.
Learned indexing is a technique for computing
models of the data distribution to efficiently predict
record locations. Various techniques have been used
including RadixSpline (Kipf et al., 2020) and the
Piece-wise Geometric Models (PGM) (Ferragina and
Vinciguerra, 2020). These indexes outperform tra-
ditional tree-based indexes for server applications.
There has been no prior work on adapting learned in-
dexes for embedded indexing.
The contribution of this work is the adaptation of
learned indexes for use with time series data collected
and processed by sensor devices. Learned indexing
techniques using RadixSpline and Piece-wise Geo-
metric Models are implemented and evaluated on ac-
tual sensor devices with real-world data sets. Experi-
mental results show a dramatic improvement of time
series query performance by a factor of two to five
times compared to binary search and linear interpo-
lation used by SBITS. With a small amount of index
memory, the query performance is significantly im-
proved demonstrating that learned indexes are valu-
able for the sensor domain.
Indexing on flash memory has unique characteristics,
and many index algorithms have been developed to
optimize performance (Fevgas et al., 2020). Index-
ing on sensor devices is typically on flash memory
and requires additional optimizations beyond server-
based indexing. Data structures must adapt to the
unique performance characteristics of flash mem-
ory such as different read and write times and the
erase-before-write constraint (i.e. no overwriting or
in-place writes). Common optimizations minimize
writes and use sequential rather than random writes.
A key consideration for sensor indexing is the lim-
ited resources. Devices have between 4 KB and 32
KB of SRAM memory, a processor running between
Ding, D., Carvalho, I. and Lawrence, R.
Using Learned Indexes to Improve Time Series Indexing Performance on Embedded Sensor Devices.
DOI: 10.5220/0011692900003399
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Sensor Networks (SENSORNETS 2023), pages 23-31
ISBN: 978-989-758-635-4; ISSN: 2184-4380
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
16 and 128 MHz, and flash storage consisting of a
SD card or raw flash memory chips. Index structures
must minimize SRAM usage to be practical.
Data processing systems for embedded devices
such as Antelope (Tsiftes and Dunkels, 2011) and Lit-
tleD (Douglas and Lawrence, 2014) allow on-device
data processing. Improved query performance is
achievable by indexing the time series data. Ante-
lope (Tsiftes and Dunkels, 2011) supports an inline
index sorted by timestamp. Record lookup by times-
tamp is performed using binary search. MicroHash
(Zeinalipour-Yazti et al., 2005) also stores data as a
sorted time series data file and utilizes binary search
for timestamp queries. MicroHash uses range parti-
tioning to also index data values to support queries by
data value. PBFilter (Yin and Pucheral, 2012) uses
Bloom filters to summarize data for indexing. By se-
quentially writing the data and index files, PBFilter
outperforms tree and hashing techniques.
SBITS (Fazackerley et al., 2021) is a sequen-
tial indexing structure supporting timestamp and data
value based queries. Timestamp queries are effi-
ciently done using linear interpolation. The location
of a record is predicted based on its timestamp and a
linear approximation of the data records stored. Given
that sensor data sets are often collected at consistent
intervals, location predication using linear interpola-
tion is highly effective and outperforms binary search.
Since data pages are ordered by timestamp, any times-
tamp can be retrieved in O(1) reads by calculating an
offset using the start timestamp, the query timestamp,
and the rate at which records are written to data file
(based on sampling rate and number of records per
block). The linear interpolation algorithm can be ex-
tended to support multiple different sensor sampling
rates and time periods by storing a linear approxima-
tion for each period, however that is not in the cur-
rent implementation. SBITS also supports efficient
querying by data value by using a user-customizable
bitmap index. Prior experimentation (Ould-Khessal
et al., 2022) demonstrated that SBITS outperforms
MicroHash and other embedded indexing techniques.
Given the relative consistency of sensor timeseries
data, linear interpolation for location prediction is ef-
fective. However, there are cases in real-world data
sets where the data is not as regular and cannot be eas-
ily approximated by a single linear function. Events
such as changing the sampling frequency, power fail-
ures, or sensor outages may cause the data set to be
less than regular and index performance to degrade.
It is valuable to consider improved location predica-
tion techniques such as offered by learned indexes.
Learned indexes leverage machine learning mod-
els to outperform traditional indexes and were ini-
tially used for static, in-memory datasets (Kraska
et al., 2018). Early work on learned indexes fo-
cused on modeling the empirical Cumulative Distri-
bution Function (eCDF). Examples of such indexes
include the RMI (Kraska et al., 2018), RadixSpline
(Kipf et al., 2020), PGM Index (Ferragina and Vin-
ciguerra, 2020), and PLEX (Stoian et al., 2021).
The core idea of those learned indexes is the con-
nection between the eCDF and an element’s position
in a sorted array. Let P(A x) be the proportion
of elements smaller than a key x. Then, the posi-
tion of the key x in a sorted array with N elements
is pos = N · P(A x). Obtaining an exact formula
for P(A x) is challenging, hence the indexes opt to
train different kinds of machine learning models to
estimate the eCDF.
eCDF based learned indexes are highly effec-
tive for static, in-memory use cases. Marcus et al.
benchmarked the RMI, the PGM, and the RadixS-
pline against state-of-the-art traditional indexes on
real-world datasets (Marcus et al., 2020). Their ex-
perimental results show that the learned indexes al-
ways outperform traditional indexes on look-up time
and size, losing just on build time.
Although learned indexes are highly effective on
read-only workloads, adapting the indexes to handle
updates is a challenge. This is particularly relevant
for the sensor use case, as sensors are continually col-
lecting and indexing data. The index must handle a
continuous stream of appended data.
Learned indexes such as ALEX (Ding et al., 2020)
and LIPP (Wu et al., 2021) support updates. These in-
dexes are tree-based, and use the models to search the
tree. Instead of only approximating the eCDF, tree-
based learned indexes also focus on using the models
to partition the data evenly and achieve a small tree
height. The consequences of a smaller tree height are
faster lookups and a smaller memory footprint.
Despite the progress of updatable learned indexes,
they do not always beat traditional indexes in mixed
read-and-write scenarios. Wongkham et al. tested
ALEX, LIPP, and an updatable version of the PGM
in multiple scenarios in their benchmark (Wongkham
et al., 2022). Among their conclusions is that space
efficiency is not a guarantee of updatable learned in-
dexes. The gains in memory consumption are lowered
for ALEX and PGM under updates, and the LIPP con-
sumes more memory than traditional indexes. This
could potentially rule out applications of learned in-
dexes to sensors, as they are constantly updated and
have very limited memory resources.
SENSORNETS 2023 - 12th International Conference on Sensor Networks
Applying learned indexing structures for sensor time
series data requires supporting the continual increase
of the data size as new values are collected. There-
fore, we need to adapt learned indexes to support ap-
pend operations while keeping memory consumption
low. Further, learned indexes only apply to indexing
the sensor data by timestamp as records are stored
in a sorted file by timestamp as they are collected.
Learned indexes do not directly apply to indexing the
data (sensor values) in the record, which are not stored
in sorted order.
We focus on adapting bottom-up, eCDF based
learned indexes. Indexes that are built bottom-up such
as the RadixSpline do not require all the data in ad-
vance, in contrast to top-down modeling approaches
such as RMIs that require all data in advance and can-
not be easily deployed for the time series use case.
We adapt and deploy two structures for indexing: the
RadixSpline and the PGM Index.
The indexing approach is based on SBITS (Faza-
ckerley et al., 2021) and proceeds as follows:
Each data record containing collected sensor val-
ues is stored in a buffered page in memory until
the page is full.
A full data page is written to the sorted data file in
sequential order.
After the page is written, an index record is cre-
ated storing the timestamp of the smallest record
on the data page and the data page index.
The index algorithm must maintain its index
structure in memory with a bounded size (often
less than 1 KB) and may periodically flush index
pages to storage for persistence.
Querying by timestamp is performed by using the
index. Querying by data value is unchanged from the
previous SBITS implementation as learned indexes
do not apply to the unsorted data values.
3.1 Piece-Wise Geometric Models
The Piece-wise Geometric Model index (PGM) is a
learned index that approximates the CDF via piece-
wise linear approximations (PLA) (Ferragina and
Vinciguerra, 2020). At the heart of the PGM lies a
hyperparemeter ε that controls the error bounds for
the linear approximations.
The original PGM index is built from the bottom-
up recursively. At the first level, the PGM builds a
PLA over the set of points {(x
, i)}
using the op-
timal algorithm proposed by (O'Rourke, 1981) and
rediscovered by (Elmeleegy et al., 2009). For sub-
sequent levels, the PGM applies the same linear ap-
proximation strategy using the keys from the previous
level {(k
, j)}
as points for the PLA. The recur-
sion halts when there is a level with exactly one line.
We adapt the PGM by creating an append method
described in Algorithm 1. Notice that the method
does not know the number of levels for the PGM in
advance and starts by appending a key to the linear
approximation at the bottom level and propagating
the updates to the upper levels if necessary. Another
modification of our implementation is the use of the
Swing Filter algorithm also proposed by (Elmeleegy
et al., 2009). The Swing Filter does not yield an opti-
mal number of lines, but requires only O (1) time and
memory to process a point. This is a benefit in the
sensor use case, as the optimal Slide Filter requires
O(h) memory in its worst-case where h is the number
of points in the convex hull, which might not fit in-
memory. Even though we adapted the PGM to sup-
port appends, its procedure for finding a key remains
unchanged from the original PGM (see Algorithm 2).
Algorithm 1: AppendPGMAdd(Pgm, x).
L pgm.countLevels();
K x;
for i 0 to L 1 do
c pgm.levels[i].countPoints();
pgm.levels[i].add(K); // add
implements the Swing Filter
if pgm.levels[i].countPoints() > c then
K pgm.levels[i].getLastKey();
/* If the algorithm reached this
step we need to create a new
level */
pgm.levels[L] = newPGMLevel();
firstK pgm.levels[L-1].getFirstKey();
lastK pgm.levels[L-1].getLastKey();
3.2 RadixSpline
The RadixSpline is a learned index that approximates
the CDF via a linear spline and a radix table storing
spline points (Kipf et al., 2020). The two hyperpa-
rameters that shape the RadixSpline are ε, the error
bound for the spline approximation, and r, the size of
the prefix of the radix table entries.
The RadixSpline builds an error-bounded linear
Using Learned Indexes to Improve Time Series Indexing Performance on Embedded Sensor Devices
Algorithm 2: QueryAppendPGM(Pgm, x).
if x < pgm.levels[0].getFirstKey() then
return NotFound;
L pgm.countLevels();
m 0; // index of the model at the
i-th level
for i L 1 to 1 do
a pgm.levels[i].getSlope(m);
b pgm.levels[i].getIntercept(m);
pos a · x + b;
lo max{0, pos ε 1};
hi min{pgm.levels[i].countKeys()
1, pos + ε + 1};
m smallest value of j such that x
pgm.levels[i-1].getKey(j) and
lo j hi;
a pgm.levels[0].getSlope(m);
b pgm.levels[0].getIntercept(m);
pos a · x + b;
lo max{0, pos ε 1};
hi min{pos + ε +
1, pgm.levels[0].countKeys() 1, };
/* Search is an implementation of
binary search or linear search
over the original array
containing the keys */
return Search(x, lo, hi);
spline over the empirical CDF using the greedy algo-
rithm proposed by (Neumann and Michel, 2008). Af-
ter the spline is built, the prefixes of the spline points
are inserted in a radix table. The radix table is a flat
array of size 2
where each entry in the table maps to
a range in the spline.
Querying for a point in a RadixSpline is done in
three steps. The first step is to look for the prefix of
the key being searched in the radix table, and find the
corresponding spline point. Given the spline point,
calculate a narrow range of size 2ε where the key
could be using linear interpolation. The last step is to
find the key in the range using linear or binary search,
which is a quick operation because 2ε is constant.
We adapted the RadixSpline to support appends
by implementing a streaming version of the GreedyS-
pline proposed in (Neumann and Michel, 2008), as
described in Algorithm 3. After appending a point,
we check if we can adjust the last spline segment to
correctly approximate the point position within ε. If
that is not the case, we create a new spline segment
covering the new point and propagate the new spline
point to the radix table (see Algorithm 4).
Algorithm 3: RadixSplineAdd(Rs, x).
c rs.spline.countPoints();
rs.spline.add(x); // Add implements
if rs.spline.countPoints() > c then
K rs.spline.getLastKey();
RadixTableInsert(rs, K, c); // see
Algorithm 4
Algorithm 4: RadixTableInsert(Rs, K, pos).
r rs.r; // radix prefix size
K K - rs.minKey;
nB mostSignificantBit(bitShiftRight(K,
rs.shiftSize)); // number of bits
required to fit on the table
max(nB - r, 0); // difference
between the available and
required number of bits
if > 0 then
/* New key triggers table
rebuild with new prefix size
in order to fit; we merge the
old radix entries considering
the new bit shift */
rs.shiftSize rs.shiftSize + ;
newTable allocateTable( 2
for i 0 to 2
j bitShiftRight(i, );
newTable[j] min(rs.table[i],
for i 2
to 2
newTable[i] INT MAX;
rs.table newTable;
// Update entry of the radix table
with the new pos
T bitShiftRight(K, rs.prefixSize);
rs.table[T] min(rs.table[T], pos);
The experiments evaluated sensor time series index-
ing for multiple real-world data sets. The sensor
hardware platform has a 32-bit Microchip ARM
M0+ based SAMD21 processor with clock
speed of 48 MHz, 256 KB of flash program mem-
ory and 32 KB of SRAM. The hardware board has
several different memory types including a SD card
SENSORNETS 2023 - 12th International Conference on Sensor Networks
and serial NOR DataFlash
which supports in-place
page level erase-before-write. This platform is repre-
sentative of embedded devices with commonly used
32-bit ARM processors. The serial NOR DataFlash
was used to test performance on raw memory without
a flash translation layer (FTL). Testing on raw mem-
ory insures no overhead with FTL maintenance op-
erations and allows for the highest read performance.
Platform performance characteristics are in Table 1.
The experiments benchmark four indexes:
Binary Search: A binary search over the sorted
data. This is the baseline for the benchmark and
requires no additional memory.
SBITS: SBITS using linear interpolation requires
8 bytes to maintain linear approximation. SBITS
was optimized to default to binary search if its
predictions were off significantly.
PGM: A modified version of the PGM Index with
support for appends and error-bound of ε = 1.
RadixSpline: A modified version of the RadixS-
pline with support for appends, error-bound set to
ε = 1 and radix prefix size of r = 0 that offered the
best performance with smallest memory usage.
The experiments measure four core metrics: the
query throughput, the number of I/Os per query,
memory consumption, and insertion throughput.
These metrics are relevant to common use cases of
sensors such as querying by timestamp and ingesting
new data. We report the average of the metrics based
on three separate runs. The real-world data sets eval-
uated are in Table 2. The data sets cover a variety of
sensor use cases including environmental monitoring,
smart watches, GPS phone data, and chemical con-
centration monitoring. The environmental data sets
sea and uwa were originally from (Zeinalipour-Yazti
et al., 2005) and have been used in several further
experimental comparisons (Fazackerley et al., 2021;
Ould-Khessal et al., 2022). We also present the eCDF
for the datasets in Figure 1.
4.1 Query Performance
One common use case of processing data in edge de-
vices is to query timestamps. We measure the query
throughput for searching timestamps. After the sen-
sor data was inserted, 10,000 random timestamp val-
ues were queried in the timestamp range. Data was
collected on the time to execute all queries and the
number of I/O operations performed.
Figure 1: eCDFs for the experimental datasets. The PGM
and the RadixSpline use a collection of linear models to
approximate those with bounded-error of ε.
Figure 2: Average query throughput among the indexes for
each dataset in the benchmark. Higher rates indicate better
results. The RadixSpline and PGM consistently outperform
SBITS and binary search.
Using Learned Indexes to Improve Time Series Indexing Performance on Embedded Sensor Devices
Table 1: Hardware Performance Characteristics.
Reads (KB/s) Writes (KB/s)
Seq Random Seq Random Write-Read Ratio
M0+ SAMD21 (DataFlash) 475 475 38 38 12.5
Table 2: Experimental Data Sets.
Name Points Points Used Sensor Data Source
sea 100,000 100,000 temp, humidity, wind, pressure SeaTac Airport
uwa 500,000 500,000 temp, humidity, wind, pressure ATG rooftop, U. of Wash.
hongxin 35,064 35,000 PM2.5, PM10, temp (Zhang et al., 2017)
ethylene 4,085,589 100,000 ethylene concentration (Fonollosa et al., 2015)
phone 18,354 18,000 smartphone X/Y/Z magnetic field (Barsocchi et al., 2016)
watch 2,865,713 100,000 smartwatch X/Y/Z gyroscope (Stisen et al., 2015)
The query throughput results are in Figure 2. Ap-
plying learned indexes to sensor time series is very ef-
fective. The PGM and the RadixSpline always outper-
form SBITS with significant improvements on highly
variable datasets.
For the hongxin and uwa datasets, the gains are
more modest ranging from 1.05x-1.20x for the PGM
and 1.06x-1.31x for the RadixSpline. These datasets
are highly linear such that an interpolation search
achieves its best-case scenario. Since the PGM and
RadixSpline use PLAs to model the dataset, they also
perform well just like the interpolation search.
However, datasets such as watch, ethylene, and
phone prove to be more challenging for SBITS. Its
performance is affected and becomes closer to the
throughput of the binary search baseline. Learned in-
dexes, on the other hand, extend their lead and stay
resilient to the change in data distribution. The per-
formance gains range from 1.8x-8.9x for the PGM
and 1.8x-10x for the RadixSpline. This indicates that
the learned indexes have more flexible models that de-
scribe the data distribution better.
The query throughput difference between RadixS-
pline and PGM is within 10% for all data sets. Since
both approaches use linear approximations, the dif-
ference relates to how the linear approximations are
themselves indexed. For these experiments, the radix
table for RadixSpline was allocated no space, and
only a binary search was used on the spline points.
This is effective as there are very few points. Perfor-
mance testing with using a radix table of size r = 4
and r = 8 demonstrated no query performance benefit
while consuming precious RAM. This makes sense
as the radix table is only saving a few comparisons
when searching the spline points in memory, and the
search time is dominated by the I/Os performed to
the flash memory. PGM produces a multi-level in-
dex, which takes some more space and a little longer
to query. Overall, both approaches are effective and
Figure 3: Average number of I/Os per query among the in-
dexes for each dataset in the benchmark. Lower rates are
better. Learned indexes significantly reduce the number of
required I/Os.
greatly improve on binary search or single linear in-
terpolation. The trade-off between the query perfor-
mance and memory space is discussed further in Sec-
tion 4.2.
Another relevant metric for querying is the num-
ber of I/Os per query. The number of I/Os per-
formed dominates the query response time and is es-
pecially important in embedded systems were pre-
dictable real-time performance is desirable. Figure 3
displays the average number of I/Os performed per
timestamp query. Binary search performs O(logN)
I/Os and has significantly more I/Os than the other ap-
proaches. SBITS’ single linear interpolation is effec-
tive in many cases, however data sets like phone are
SENSORNETS 2023 - 12th International Conference on Sensor Networks
poorly approximated by one linear approximation and
the algorithm frequently defaults to binary search due
to poor prediction accuracy. Both PGM and RadixS-
pline have guaranteed error bounds in their construc-
tion. With ε = 1, at most 2 I/O are performed for any
lookup with the average often around 1.3 to 1.5. This
predictable performance is a major benefit for using
these learned indexes.
4.2 Memory Space Efficiency
It is critical for learned indexes to have a small mem-
ory footprint in order to be useful for embedded sys-
tems. Many traditional techniques cannot be applied
to embedded systems because of the RAM constraints
(Fazackerley et al., 2021), which prompts adaptations
that trade memory and performance. The memory re-
sults are in Table 3.
Table 3: Memory consumption comparison among the
learned indexes for each dataset in the benchmark.
Memory Consumption (in KB)
PGM RadixSpline
uwa 0.04 0.09
sea 1.88 0.96
watch 7.80 2.43
hongxin 0.10 0.07
ethylene 0.40 0.12
phone 1.09 0.25
All indexes fit in memory, with the maximum
amount of memory used being 7.80 KB. The results
indicate that the RadixSpline consumes less memory
than the PGM. This is to be expected, as both the
spline and the bottom level of the PGM contain a very
similar set of linear approximations. The key differ-
ence between the two is their approach to finding the
linear approximation to use. The RadixSpline uses a
small radix table to index spline points. The PGM
uses a recursive approach building additional PLAs.
Since the size of the table from the RadixSpline is
parametrized by r, it is possible to sacrifice a little
query performance to achieve less memory usage.
For our choice of r = 0, the difference in mem-
ory consumption is significant, and the difference in
query performance is negligible as performance is
dominated by the number of I/Os not comparisons in
memory. The PGM uses two to four times the amount
of memory as the RadixSpline for five out of the six
datasets, with the exception being the easiest dataset
By modifying the error bound (ε), both ap-
proaches can reduce their memory footprint at the
sacrifice of more query I/Os and lower query through-
put. Table 4 shows statistics on the index size in bytes,
I/Os performed per query, and query throughput in
queries/second for the sea data set for multiple differ-
ent values of ε. There is a quite significant index size
reduction for increasing ε to 2 or 3. Even though the
I/Os per query increases, it is always bounded by ε.
This allows designers to determine the exact perfor-
mance trade-offs in terms of space and query I/Os in
a predictable fashion.
4.3 Insertion Performance
Adding indexes benefits query performance, but they
can also impact the insertion time. It is critical for
sensors to keep ingesting data; hence the need to mon-
itor the insertion throughput to ensure they match the
sensors required sampling rate. For insertion perfor-
mance, the N records used for each data set were in-
serted at the maximum possible rate of the hardware.
The insertion performance is dominated by the I/Os
for writing the data pages to storage, but the index
construction time may have some overhead. The in-
sertion rates in Figure 4 show the maximum rates pos-
sible on the hardware for each data set and index.
The baseline for insertion performance is the bi-
nary search case which consists of a simple data
record append and no indexing overhead. The aver-
age throughput was 1967 inserts per second. Since
the incoming timestamps are strictly increasing and
because binary search does not store any additional
information to help on the search, this represents the
upper bound for insertion performance.
SBITS and RadixSpline were the indexes that had
the highest insertion throughputs at 1966 and 1965
inserts per second, respectively. They almost match
the scenario with no index at all. The results are
consistent with earlier experiments for SBITS (Ould-
Khessal et al., 2022), showing that the number of I/Os
to keep the index up to date is minimal. Perhaps the
most surprising result is for the RadixSpline, because
it needs to calculate spline points and update the radix
table. Our benchmark shows that the overhead for
these operations are small.
The PGM supports 1951 inserts per second, which
represents a less than 1% overhead. The PGM has
a slightly lower insert rate because some insertions
trigger changes on multiple levels of the PGM, while
RadixSpline triggers at most one change in the spline
and radix table. The PGM insertion throughput re-
mains competitive beating traditional embedded in-
dexes such as B-Trees (Ould-Khessal et al., 2022).
Using Learned Indexes to Improve Time Series Indexing Performance on Embedded Sensor Devices
Table 4: Index Size in bytes, I/Os per Timestamp Query, and Query Throughput (queries/sec.) for Different Error Bounds ε.
RadixSpline PGM
Test Index Size Query I/O Throughput Index Size Query I/O Throughput
SEA ε = 1 932 1.40 588 1920 1.42 557
SEA ε = 2 436 1.85 461 856 1.91 440
SEA ε = 3 260 2.23 386 664 2.26 376
SEA ε = 5 212 3.12 281 496 3.41 256
SEA ε = 10 132 5.37 166 232 4.94 179
Figure 4: Average insertion throughput among the indexes
for each dataset in the benchmark. Higher rates indicate
better results. The insertion throughout is slightly lower for
the PGM, but overall learned indexes remain competitive.
4.4 Results Discussion
Overall, the experimental results demonstrate that
there are significant advantages to using learned in-
dexes adapted for embedded time series data. The
most significant advantage is the predictable and
bounded timestamp query performance. By specify-
ing a given error bound (ε), the maximum number of
I/Os per query is 2ε + 2. The query performance is
significantly higher than SBITS linear interpolation
search or binary search. The overhead of the index in
terms of insertion throughput is minimal. To handle
the limited memory, the index size can be reduced by
increasing the error bound. In the experiments tested,
the index size was usually less than a few KB. The
index algorithms support real-time sensor data collec-
tion of almost 2000 records/second on the experimen-
tal hardware, which is significantly above collection
rates for most applications.
This work adapted and applied learned indexes to
sensor time series data. Experiments indicate that
the RadixSpline and PGM are suitable to tackle the
challenge of indexing the amount of data embed-
ded systems collect under the unique constraints that
those systems have. This work is a bridge between
embedded system indexing and the original applica-
tions of learned indexing targeting large in-memory
databases. With the correct adaptations, it is possi-
ble to reuse these structures conceived to query large
static datasets and apply them in embedded systems
with tiny memory and frequent data appends.
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sors to automatically handle hyperparameters and re-
quire less tuning. We envision learned indexes that
automatically adapt their parameters to fit in the
limited resources in embedded systems, specifically
adapting the error bound to ensure the index fits in
the memory available.
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Using Learned Indexes to Improve Time Series Indexing Performance on Embedded Sensor Devices