A Robust Deep Learning-Based Video Watermarking Using Mosaic
Souha Mansour
1 a
, Saoussen Ben Jabra
and Ezzedine Zagrouba
High Institute of Computer Science, University of Tunis El Manar, 2 Rue Abou Rayhane Bayrouni, Tunis, Tunisia
National Engineering School of Sousse, University of Sousse, BP 264 Riadh, Sousse, Tunisia
Deep Learning, CNN, Mosaic Generation, Video Watermarking, Embedding Network, Attack Simulation.
Recently, digital watermarking has benefited from the rise of deep learning and machine learning approaches.
Even while effective deep learning-based watermarking techniques have been proposed for images, video still
introduces extra difficulties, such as motion, temporal consistency, and spatial location. In this paper, a robust
and imperceptible deep-learning-based video watermarking method based on CNN architecture and mosaic
generation is suggested. The proposed approach is decomposed into two main steps: mosaic generation
and signature embedding. This last one includes four stages: pre-processing networks for both the obtained
mosaic and the watermark, embedding network, attack simulation, and extraction network. In fact, the main
purpose of mosaic generation is to create an image from the original video and to provide robustness against
malicious attacks, particularly against collusion attacks. CNN architecture is used to embed signature to
maximize invisibility and robustness compromise. The proposed solution outperforms both traditional video
watermarking and deep learning video watermarking, according to experimental evaluations on a variety of
Recently, neural networks and especially Convolution
Neural Network (CNN)-based deep learning models
are utilized extensively in image processing and clas-
sification for a wide range of applications and have
shown high efficiency for different domains. Water-
marking is one of these domains which has profit from
the advantages of deep learning. In fact, watermark-
ing is the process of adding a signature into original
support, such as images, audio, or video, then extract-
ing the integrated information after applying various
distortions to the marked data. Several traditional
watermarking techniques have been proposed in the
two last decades and depending on the embedding do-
main that has been selected, these techniques can be
roughly divided into two types. The first type is spa-
tial domain-based watermarking where the watermark
is directly embedded in the cover data by adding a low
amplitude spread spectrum signal or by substituting
the pixel values’ least significant bits (LSB) (Bayoudh
et al., 2018; Bahrami and Akhlaghian Tab, 2018).
The second class of watermarking is frequency-based
techniques, which entail performing a chosen trans-
formation to the cover data before embedding the wa-
termark. These transforms include Discrete Cosine
Transform DCT (Yang et al., 2021; Hou, 2021), Dis-
crete Fourier Transform DFT (Jamal et al., 2016a;
Raut and Mune, 2017a), and Discrete Wavelet Trans-
form DWT (Jamal et al., 2016b; Raut and Mune,
2017b). A combination of these transforms can also
be used to profit from the advantages of all transforms
(Sang et al., 2020) , (Kerbiche et al., 2017). Many fac-
tors should be considered when evaluating the perfor-
mance of watermarking techniques. The three most
important are capacity, which refers to how much data
can be inserted in the cover media, invisibility, which
refers to how easy it is to identify the data, and ro-
bustness, which refers to how resistant the data is to
attacks. There is an implicit trade-off between these
factors. For instance, if the data has a large payload
capacity, it will be easier to detect, resulting in a lower
level of invisibility. Then as well, increasing resis-
tance to attacks has the potential to reduce both pay-
load capacity and invisibility. Overall, watermarking
may be compromised by a malicious attack designed
to damage or remove the embedded watermark infor-
mation, or by a non-malicious attack caused by an un-
avoidable process used to distribute the content. Tra-
ditional watermarking techniques have proved a high
Mansour, S., Ben Jabra, S. and Zagrouba, E.
A Robust Deep Learning-Based Video Watermarking Using Mosaic Generation.
DOI: 10.5220/0011691700003417
In Proceedings of the 18th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2023) - Volume 5: VISAPP, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-634-7; ISSN: 2184-4321
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
level of invisibility with a robustness against several
attacks but their resistance against attacks and secu-
rity need to be proved. Recently, there has been a
greater focus on applying deep learning to watermark-
ing (Byrnes et al., 2021). Due to its capacity to adapt
and generalize complex properties, deep learning (Le-
Cun et al., 2015) as a representational learning tech-
nique has enabled appreciable advancements in com-
puter vision. Deep learning techniques for data wa-
termarking provide the learning dynamic algorithms
to extract high-level and low-level data watermarking
properties from massive volumes of data. A variety
of deep learning-based algorithms have been investi-
gated for image watermarking, but video watermark-
ing is still in its infancy. Based on our knowledge,
only two techniques of deep learning based water-
marking were proposed for video contents (Luo et al.,
In this paper, we propose a robust deep learning
method for video watermarking that ensures robust-
ness against a variety of attacks, particularly tempo-
ral attacks like compression and collusion. In fact, it
is based on mosaic generation which transforms the
original video to a mosaic image. The signature will
then be embedded by applying a CNN based method
on the obtained mosaic. The combination of the mo-
saic image and the CNN architecture allows obtaining
high visual quality with a robustness against several
usual and malicious attacks.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows: Sec-
tion 2 provides an overview of deep neural network-
based image and video watermarking. Section 3
details the proposed approach and its overall archi-
tecture, while Section 4 draws the experimental re-
sults and comparison with existing works. Section 5
summarizes the proposed work and shows the future
Several proposals for watermark embedding based on
deep learning into images have been made. These re-
cent deep learning methods for digital watermarking
can be classified based on their network architecture
design which can be an Auto-encoder CNN, a Con-
volutions neural network CNN, and Generative ad-
versarial networks GAN. H. Kandi’s method (Kandi
et al., 2017) is the first deep learning-based method
that used two convolutional auto-encoders to generate
a watermarked image. Mun et al (Mun et al., 2019)
also proposed a watermarking approach with an auto-
encoder structured neural network composed of resid-
ual blocks.
HiDDeN (Zhu et al., 2018) is a steganogra-
phy and watermarking scheme proposed by Zhu et
al (Zhu et al., 2018) which is the first end-to-end
trainable framework model for data hiding that uses
an adversarial discriminator. Liu et al (Liu et al.,
2019) proposed a novel two-stage separable deep
learning (TSDL) framework for blind watermarking
that includes noise-free end-to-end adversary train-
ing (FEAT) and noise-aware-decoder-only training
(ADOT). Ahmadi et al (Ahmadi et al., 2020) pro-
posed a deep diffusion watermarking framework con-
sisting of two fully convolutional neuronal networks
with a residual structure that handles embedding and
extraction operations.
Zhong et al (Zhong et al., 2020) proposed a CNN-
based blind and robust watermarking technique where
the main objective is to generalize the watermarking
process by training a deep neural network to learn
the general rules of watermark embedding and ex-
traction. Lee et al (Lee et al., 2020) proposed a
CNN-based digital image watermarking method that
does not limit the host image’s resolution or water-
mark information. To the best of our knowledge, the
architecture based on convolutional neural networks
(CNN) is the most used and applied in various meth-
ods. Indeed, the successful results of CNN for im-
age watermarking can be attributed to its high mod-
eling capability and enormous advances in network
formation and design. CNN with deep architecture
enhances for exploiting image characteristics and im-
proving the training process significantly. Thus, to
create an efficient digital watermarking scheme, it
should use a framework with CNN architecture in-
cluding pre-processing networks for watermark data
and host data, as proposed in (Lee et al., 2020). Ta-
ble 1 shows the analytical comparison of the existing
deep learning-based image watermarking techniques.
Despite the advancement of deep neural network-
based image watermarking techniques, video content
still has extra challenges, such as temporal coherence.
Furthermore, it is difficult to incorporate video into
a deep neural network training framework. Besides,
visualizing a robust model that uses temporal corre-
lations in a video while preserving temporal coher-
ence and perceptual quality is difficult. Actually, deep
learning-based video watermarking is still in its early
stages. In fact, Luo et al (Luo et al., 2021) proposed
a deep learning-based video watermarking method in
2021. This method includes an encoder, decoder, dis-
tortion layer, and video discriminator. The transform
layer and the embedding layer are the two main com-
ponents of the encoder network architecture. As a
result, the transform layer’s function maps the input
video sequence to a feature map with the same di-
A Robust Deep Learning-Based Video Watermarking Using Mosaic Generation
Table 1: Characteristics of the recent image watermarking
schemes based on deep learning.
Methods Techniques Robustness
Kandi et al
(Kandi et al., 2017)
Mun et al
(Mun et al., 2019)
residual block
JPEG attack,
Geometric attack,
Signal processing
Zhu et al
(Zhu et al., 2018)
JPEG mask,
JPEG drop,
Liu et al
(Liu et al., 2019)
noise attack
and some
black box
noise attack
Ahmadi et al
(Ahmadi et al., 2020)
Frequency DCT/
convolutional layer
common image
Zhong et al
(Zhong et al., 2020)
Lee et al
(Lee et al., 2020)
mensions as the input. It is composed of four lay-
ers of three-dimensional convolutions that transform
the input video block into a three-dimensional feature
block with the same spatial-temporal dimensions as
the input video block. The message is first repeated
along the spatial-temporal dimensions for the embed-
ding layer and then combined with the transformed
video at two scale levels. During the training process,
common distortions such as temporal distortions, spa-
tial distortions, and video compression are combined
in the distortion layer to teach both the encoder and
the decoder to be robust under diverse distortions.
Zhang et al(Zhang et al., 2019) introduce RI-
VAGAN, a new architecture for video watermark-
ing comprised of two adversaries: a critic and an
adversary network The first assesses the quality of
the marked video, while the second attempts to re-
move the watermark. These two components interact
with the encoder and decoder networks, which embed
and extract the video watermark, respectively. The
proposed architecture is based on an attention-based
mechanism that identifies regions with high visual
quality that are robust for embedding. The attention
module is made up of two convolutional layers that
are shared by the encoder and decoder. Using the two
convolutional blocks creates an attention mask from
the original frames. This mask contains the dimen-
sions of data, time, and size. We note that there ex-
Figure 1: Flowchart of the proposed digital watermarking
ist two other works for video watermarking based on
deep learning but they are not related to our problem-
In this work, we propose a blind, invisible, and ro-
bust video watermarking based on deep learning and
mosaic generation. Figure 1 depicts a flowchart of
the proposed approach which is composed of four
steps: pre-processing network for host data and water-
mark information, embedding network, attack simu-
lation, and extraction network. The proposed method
adapts the resolution of the mosaic image and the wa-
termark information and includes learning methods
for training CNN such as average pooling, batch nor-
malization, and Rectifier Linear Unit (ReLU). During
the attack simulation, all attacks except collusion and
MPEG compression are included in each mini-batch.
Furthermore, the content data and watermark infor-
mation used during training are generated at random.
3.1 Pre-Processing Network
The input of the proposed approach is the mosaic im-
age generated from the original video. The first rea-
son for choosing mosaic image as input is certainly to
gain resistance to malicious attacks, particularly col-
lusion and temporal manipulations, which were not
considered in previous works. Besides, the second
reason is that mosaic generation permits obtaining a
2D image from a given video. Hence, we can ap-
ply an efficient image deep learning based technique
on the original video. In fact, the mosaic provides
a panoramic view of all the information dispersed
throughout the sequence and the major benefit of mo-
saic images is that each repeated point along the video
is represented by a single physical point (Ben Jabra
and Zagrouba, 2021). Besides, the construction is
VISAPP 2023 - 18th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
performed in three steps: aligning the sequence’s im-
ages, integrating the images into the panoramic view,
and calculating the residual between the mosaic and
each image to estimate the mask. The resulting mo-
saic will represent the background of the scene by
removing moving objects or leaving only traces of
opacity on these objects. As a result, by combining
the final mosaic and the set of transformation param-
eters associated with each frame, a complete repre-
sentation of the sequence’s evolution can be obtained,
but only after including the residual information for
each frame. Several video tradition techniques based
on mosaic generation have been proposed in the lit-
erature (Kerbiche et al., 2018; Bayoudh et al., 2015;
Koubaa et al., 2012) and they proved a high robust-
ness against malicious attacks and especially against
collusion which resents a dangerous attack, which
must be considered for video watermarking. Figure
2 shows some mosaic generation examples, where the
first line shows the original videos, and the second one
shows the obtained mosaic. Indeed, The host image
Figure 2: Examples of mosaic generation.
pre-processing network, i.e. the generated mosaic im-
age pre-processing network, keeps the original image
resolution and is composed of only one convolutional
layer with (3x3) filters to obtain as many features as
possible. As well as, the watermark pre-processing
network is set to raise the resolution to fit the resolu-
tion of the host image pre-processing network. This
network includes a convolutional layer (CL), batch
normalized (BN), activation function (AF), and aver-
age pooling (AP) in order to obtain the desired res-
olution. After mosaic generation, the pre-processed
host image and random watermark outputs are then
merged and used as inputs in the watermark embed-
ding network.
3.2 Embedding Network
The embedding network is made up of five blocks: the
convolutional layer, batch normalization, activation
function ReLU, and the last one consists of the convo-
lutional layer, activation function Tanh to produce the
watermarked host image. The watermarked content
(WmImg) procures several attacks during training to
improve robustness. Algorithm 1 describes the differ-
ent blocks of the proposed network. With regard to
CNN, it is a variety of deep learning (DL) architec-
Data: Vid,W m,Mimg
; /* Vid is the original video */
; /* Wm is the binary watermark */
; /* Mimg is the generated mosaic
image */
; /* α is invisibility factor */
Result: WmImg: watermarked mosaic image
; /* Processing off network */
Mimg getmosaic(Vid);
MimG rgb2gray(Mimg);
Nimg normalize(MimG) ; /* Transform
from [min, max] into [-1,1] */
; /* Processing in network */
preprocess(Nimg) ; /* Same
resolution */
preprocess(W m) ; /* Increase
resolution */
; /* Watermark embedding network */
Concat Pre
+ α Pre
FeedForward : CNN; /* input[128x128],
filter[3x3], stride [1], No padding
Backpropagation ; /* Gradients for all
weights, kernels and biais */
Testing ; /* Calculating error between
the Mimg and WmImg */
if ValAbs(error) tolerance then
Go Training;
End Tr aining
Algorithm 1: Watermarking embedding.
ture which is a part of machine learning inspired by
brain function and structure. These CNN models are
now dominant in several computer vision tasks and
have achieved incredible results in a wide range of
domains, especially in the watermarking domain due
to their ability to extract powerful features and rep-
resent data with a limited number of parameters (Li
et al., 2021).
3.3 Attack Simulation
Simulating such distortions during training is a sim-
ple and widely used strategy for resisting noise at-
tacks in robust watermarking. In our approach, for
high robustness, we use a dividing strategy that di-
vides the mini-batch evenly into multiple groups, with
each group applying a different type of image dis-
tortion during the distribution process. This dividing
strategy, evidently, applies all of the investigated im-
age distortions in every iteration at the same time, re-
sulting in a significant performance increase. Table 2
shows the types, strengths, and ratios of each attack
A Robust Deep Learning-Based Video Watermarking Using Mosaic Generation
chosen and proven in most of the works for testing
used in one mini-batch of training. Concerning the
collusion attack, which is the main attack we work
on, we will discuss it in another section because it is
examined outside of the attack simulation step.
Table 2: Attacks used during the training.
Attacks Strength Ratio
Gaussian filtering 3x3,5x5,7x7,9x9 2/12
Average filtering 3x3,5x5 2/12
Median filtering 3x3,5x5 2/12
Salt and pepper p=0.1 0.5/12
Gaussian noise sigma=0.1 1/12
JPEG QF=50 0.5/12
Dropout 0.7 1/12
Rotation 0-90° 1/12
Crop 0.7 1/12
3.4 Extraction Network
The extraction network employs the same technique
as the watermark embedding network, but in reverse.
The extraction process takes the watermarked video
as input and generates a watermarked panoramic im-
age using a mosaic-based approach. It has three
convolutional layers, batch normalization, activation
function ReLU blocks, and one convolutional layer
with Tanh activation function. Finally, it extracts the
watermark information as an output.
To assess the proposed approach, we focused on
two main criteria : the invisibility and the robust-
ness against usual and malicious attacks. In fact,
the proposed method was applied on a dataset and
then several various tests are performed and evalu-
ated by qualitative and quantitative measurements. As
database, the Kinetics 400 dataset is chosen for our
model (Arnab et al., 2021), which is a YouTube action
recognition dataset of realistic action videos. Even
though our method is based on mosaic images, the
first step was the generation of the mosaic datasets by
applying the method proposed in (Lee et al., 2020).
As a result, we obtain a dataset made up of 1000 mo-
saics generated from 1000 original videos. In fact, we
limited for this work the number of videos at 1000
videos due to the long time taken by the mosaic gen-
eration step. The chosen signature is composed of
binary images with an 8x8 pixel resolution. Note that
a random signature is generated for each training it-
eration. The proposed video watermarking network
is trained in Tensor-Flow on a PC with an Intel(R)
Core(TM) i7-7500U CPU @2.70GHz, 64 GB RAM,
and an nVidia GeForce RTX 2080 Ti GPU. For gra-
dient descent, we use Adam which is the most widely
used optimizer in deep learning because of its effi-
ciency and stability, with a learning rate of 10
defaults hyper-parameters. A mini-batch consists of
30 host images, and each mini-batch uses newly gen-
erated random-pattern watermark data. The training
will be repeated until the loss value becomes stable,
which will take 1000 epochs. The strength factor is
set to 1 during training, and the weight decay rate
is set to 0.01. The difference between the original
host mosaic image (Mimg) and the watermarked mo-
saic image (WmImg) is used for the first loss function
which is defined as the mean square error (MSE) de-
scripted in equation 1.
L1 =
n=i, j
[IHMI(i, j) IW MI(i, j)]
Where M x N is the resolution of the host mosaic im-
The difference between the extracted watermark
and the original watermark (Wm) is used as the sec-
ond loss function which is calculating using the mean
absolute error (MAE) defined in equation 2
L2 =
n=i, j
|(W M(i, j) W Ex(i, j))| (2)
Where X x Y is the resolution of the watermark infor-
The loss function of the entire network for training
is constructed using the two-loss terms of equations 1
and 2 for host image (Mimg) and watermark, respec-
tively, as equations 3 and 4 for watermark embedding
and watermark extraction, respectively.
Lemb = λ
L1 + λ
L2 (3)
Lext = λ
L2 (4)
In these two equations, λ
, λ
, and λ
are the hyper-
parameters that control invisibility and robustness, re-
spectively. We assess the invisibility of the proposed
approach using qualitative and quantitative evalua-
tions. The qualitative type is verified by the visual
appearance of the marked video, while the quantita-
tive type employs both PSNR and SSIM as a quan-
titatives metrics to demonstrate the invisibility of the
embedded signature. The PSNR is defined as
PSNR = 10log 10(255
/MSE) (5)
The SSIM is defined as
SSIM(x,y) =
+ k
+ k
+ µ
+ k
+ k
Where µ
and µ
are the means, σ
and σ
are the stan-
dard deviations,σ
is the cross-covariance of x and y,
VISAPP 2023 - 18th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
and k
and k
are two constants used to avoid a null
Concerning quantitative evaluation, marked
videos obtained after embedding the signature in the
videos composed the chosen dataset are provided to
the laboratory members, and they confirm that the
original videos and the marked ones are identical,
and it is hard to distinguish between the original
video and the marked ones. Figure 4 shows some
examples of original and marked frames for two test
videos, and it proves that no significant degradation
exists between these frames. To quantitatively
prove this invisibility, PSNR is measured between
original and watermarked video frames. The obtained
mean-PSNR values for video tests shown in figure 3
which are detecting during epochs, confirm that the
suggested technique guarantees a high visual quality.
Certainly, the more we advance epochs, the better
we get at invisibility. The robustness of signature is
Figure 3: Invisibility percentage.
assessed by performing malicious and non-malicious
attacks on watermarked videos and then attempting to
extract the embedded mark. In general, watermark-
ing gives priority to robustness over capacity and
invisibility. It is a matter of inserting a signature into
a video that must be extracted after being exposed to
multiple attacks on the watermarked video. We show
that by varying the type of image distortion used
during training, our model can learn robustness to a
wide range of image distortions. Our approach also
yields promising results for the MPEG compression
and collusion attacks, which are regarded as the most
dangerous video attacks. To test the robustness of the
proposed approach, various attacks are applied to the
watermarked video, and the correlation between the
extracted and original signatures is measured. There
are two types of attacks tested: classical attacks such
Figure 4: Original, watermarked mosaic image and their
as geometric attacks, filtering, noises, and compres-
sion, and temporal attacks such as frame suppression
and collusion attacks, which intent to estimate
the signature and delete it from the watermarked
sequence. Table 3 shows the experimental robustness
Table 3: Robustness results after attacks.
Attacks Strength
No attack 0.441576
Gaussian filtering 3x3 4.470109
Average filtering 3x3 11.440217
Median filtering 3x3 4.578804
Salt and pepper noise 0.01 2.792120
Gaussian noise 0.01 0.237772
JPEG 50 3.220109
Rotation 45 50.360054
Cropout 0.5 29.436141
Dropout 0.3 34.932065
results. As demonstrated, the proposed approach is
robust against the majority of attacks where the Bit
Error Rate (BER) values are less than 10%. In fact,
the proposed scheme’s robustness against various
distortions on the marked image is evaluated by
analyzing the distortion tolerance range. As a result,
the proposed scheme responses to some difficult
image processing attacks are discussed. For these
challenges, our approach has a wide tolerance range,
particularly for salt and pepper noise, gaussian noise,
gaussian and median filtering, and JPEG compres-
sion. For example, the extracted watermarks have low
average BERs of 2.79%, 0.23%, 8.09%,4.57%, and
3.22% under severe distortions including a cropping
34,93% rotation 50,63% of the marked image. It is
worth noting that at 45 degrees, the rotation attack has
the biggest effect on image information. As a result,
the BER increases as the rotation angle increases but
decreases after 45 degrees. It shows that the proposed
network was well-trained without being over-fitted to
a specific type of strength. The values obtained by
the BER can be improved by exploiting more data
during the training but since the generation stage of
the mosaic images is very time-consuming we are
restricted to these values. The simulation attack can
be updated to a more general form in future efforts. It
is also possible to investigate famous neural network
architectures In order to achieve efficiency. To
further validate the proposed scheme performance,
we tested its robustness against attacks that were not
used in training which the correlation value between
the extracted and original watermark for collusion
measured 0.987 and for MPEG-4 200kbs measured
0.986. For many video watermarking researchers,
resistance to collusion attacks has become a critical
challenge. Collusion, in fact, is a dangerous and
A Robust Deep Learning-Based Video Watermarking Using Mosaic Generation
critical attack, it involves averaging the successive
images in order to remove the mark without reducing
the quality of the sequence. The proposed approach
shows a high robustness against this attack thanks to
the use of mosaic image which allow marking every
physical point of the video with a same way.
The performance of the proposed scheme is compared
to that of state-of-the-art video methods. We chose
to compare our approach to a traditional video water-
marking based on mosaic generation (Kerbiche et al.,
2018) and a deep learning-based video watermarking
(Luo et al., 2021). In order to make a fair comparison,
we match the PNSR to the comparable methods. Ob-
viously, our method outperforms the DVMark method
(Luo et al., 2021) in terms of filtering, salt pepper, ge-
ometric attack, Gaussian noise, and collusion attack.
In comparison to (Kerbiche et al., 2018) method’s
which uses mosaic, our method has a significant result
against collusion and compression attacks, as well
as comparable results against other attacks. Despite
the fact that (Luo et al., 2021) has a good compres-
sion result due to the training of a small 3D-CNN
named CompressionNet, which was used to mimic
the output of an H.264 codec at a fixed Constant Rate
Factor (CRF), our method represents a good MPEG
compression result due to mosaic generation, even
when tested without training. We compares our PSNR
Table 4: Comparison of bit accuracy for watermarking
Luo et al
et al
98.56 99.7 98.64
99.5 99.77
Crop 87.72 98.4 98.35
Rotation 99.8 96.26
96.82 99.8 99.82
Compression 83.09 98.6 98.60
to that of (Luo et al., 2021) and (Kerbiche et al.,
2018) (ours =42.03, (Luo et al., 2021)=36.5, (Ker-
biche et al., 2018)=58.95). The method in (Luo et al.,
2021) has a PSNR of 36.5, but our PSNR is 42.03,
indicating that our method has a higher PSNR. In-
deed, this invisibility is demonstrated using epochs,
where an epoch corresponds to learning about the
data set, and the higher the number, the better the
accuracy. Then, in some attacks, such as a gaus-
sian attack, frame suppression, salt and pepper attack,
and collusion attack, our method outperforms others.
This demonstrates that the watermark is distributed
throughout the image, and by removing some parts,
other parts of the image retain the information. Our
network has been trained on Gaussian filtering, Gaus-
sian noise addition, cropout, and salt-pepper attacks,
but as shown in the table, our method also performs
well against collusion and compression attacks. Due
to the mosaic generation, our method is resistant to
frame suppression; however, the approach (Luo et al.,
2021) is weak against this one. In comparison to (Ker-
biche et al., 2018), our method was not tested against
zoom. Furthermore, other attacks are not similar to or
near this attack. As a result, our network is lacking
in some areas. To resume, our approach outperforms
state-of-the-art methods dependent on the properties
of deep learning and mosaic generation ((Luo et al.,
2021) and (Kerbiche et al., 2018)). Due to the step
of simulation attacks, deep learning outperforms tra-
ditional methods in several attacks, and mosaic gen-
eration ensures that the method is resistant to collu-
sion attacks. As a result, when compared to state-of-
the-art works, the results demonstrated excellent per-
formance and increased efficiency for several attacks.
As a matter of fact, our proposal has proven to be both
functional and universal.
This paper proposes a robust video watermarking
method based on deep learning and mosaic genera-
tion. This method adjusts the resolution of the mo-
saic image generated from the original video and wa-
termark data. The proposed model is composed of
CNN layers. Distortions are simulated in each mini-
batch. Furthermore, collusion and video compres-
sion attacks are evaluated outside of training and show
promising results. This approach outperforms the tra-
ditional techniques of video watermarking based on
the mosaic generation and deep learning based meth-
ods in terms of robustness and invisibility.
We tested the robustness against several attacks
and obtained excellent results. The good perceptual
quality is then tested qualitatively and quantitatively.
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that it can easily adapt the video so that it can be wa-
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ing scheme. We intend to continue investigating this
topic and discover new techniques for extending the
deep neural network for video watermarking, such as
the recurrent neural network (RNN) and long-term
memory (LSTM), as well as work on exploiting the
complexity of temporal attacks for video watermark-
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A Robust Deep Learning-Based Video Watermarking Using Mosaic Generation