Environmental Information Extraction Based on YOLOv5-Object
Detection in Videos Collected by Camera-Collars Installed on Migratory
Caribou and Black Bears in Northern Quebec
Jalila Filali
, Denis Laurendeau
and Steeve D. Côté
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Faculty of Sciences and Engineering,
Laval University, Quebec, Canada
Computer Vision and Systems Laboratory (CVSL), Laval University, Quebec, Canada
Department of Biology, Faculty of Sciences and Engineering, Laval University, Quebec, Canada
Caribou Ungava, Centre for Northern Studies (CEN), Laval University, Quebec, Canada
YOLOv5 Model, Video Object Detection, Video Stabilization, Environmental Information Extraction, Data
With the rapid increase in the number of recorded videos, developing and exploring intelligent systems become
more prominent to analyze video content. Within projects related to Sentinel North’s research program
, our
project involves how to analyze videos that are collected using camera collars installed on caribou (Rangifer
tarandus) and black bears (Ursus americanus) living in northern Quebec. Our objective was to extract valu-
able environmental information such as weather, resources, and habitat where animals live. In this paper,
we propose an environmental information extraction approach based on YOLOv5-Object detection in videos
collected by camera collars installed on caribou and black bears in Northern Quebec. Our proposal consists,
firstly, in filtering raw data and stabilizing videos to build a wildlife video dataset for deep learning training
and evaluating object detection. Secondly, it focuses on solving the existing difficulties in detecting objects
by adopting the YOLOv5 model to incorporate enriched features and detect objects of different sizes, and it
further allows us to exploit and analyze object detection results to extract relevant information about weather,
resources, and habitat of animals. Finally, it consists in visualizing object detection and statistical results by
developing a GUI interface. The experimental results show that the YOLOv5m model was significantly better
than the YOLOv5s model and can detect objects with different sizes. In addition, the obtained results show
that our method can extract weather, habitat, and resource classes from stabilized videos, and then determine
their percentage of appearance. Moreover, our proposed method can automatically provide statistics about
environmental information for each stabilized video.
Biodiversity has been declining at an alarming rate
in recent years, mainly due to various human-driven
habitat changes and the change in the earth’s climate.
The Living Planet Report 2022 reveals an average de-
cline of 69% in populations of different species since
1970 (Adam et al., 2021). There is an urgent need to
understand the principal causes, as well as the mecha-
nisms of biodiversity loss. Therefore, it is fundamen-
tal to obtain timely and exact information on species
richness distribution, animal behavior, wildlife re-
sources, and animal habitats. In recent years, cam-
era collars installed on wild animals have been widely
used in wildlife surveys and to sample environmen-
tal parameters. Thus, videos and images can be col-
lected to provide valuable information for biologists
and wildlife conservation scientists. Therefore, de-
veloping and exploring intelligent systems becomes
more and more prominent to analyze video content.
In recent years, deep learning models have been at-
tracting increasing amounts of attention, due to their
ability to help researchers analyze data more effi-
ciently. Several methods based on deep learning tech-
niques have been proposed for object detection such
as animal detection (Jintasuttisak et al., 2022), wild
animal facial recognition (Clapham et al., 2020), and
plant disease detection ((Lakshmi and Savarimuthu,
2022) and (Sunil et al., 2021)).
Filali, J., Laurendeau, D. and Côté, S.
Environmental Information Extraction Based on YOLOv5-Object Detection in Videos Collected by Camera-Collars Installed on Migratory Caribou and Black Bears in Nor thern Quebec.
DOI: 10.5220/0011691200003417
In Proceedings of the 18th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2023) - Volume 5: VISAPP, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-634-7; ISSN: 2184-4321
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In (Norouzzadeh et al., 2018), a deep convolu-
tional neural network is used to automatically iden-
tify, count, and describe wildlife images with high
classification accuracy. Recently, You Only Look
Once (YOLO) model (Redmon et al., 2016), the first
single-stage detector in deep learning has been widely
applied for object detection.
Nowadays, several object detection models have
been proposed in ecology and biology. However,
object detection for extracting valuable information
from videos is still a challenging task and most of
the proposed object detection methods do not take
the whole image content into consideration to extract
information about weather, about weather, resources,
and habitat where animals live. Moreover, there are
few wildlife video datasets for deep-learning training.
Indeed, it becomes difficult to extract good-quality
images from videos that are collected by cameras car-
ried by animals. This is due to the movement of an-
imals that influences the video quality (unstabilized
videos, blurred images, visible distortion, etc.). In
this paper, we report our attempts to address the above
issues, as follows: First, we constructed a wildlife
video dataset for deep learning training and evaluat-
ing object detection. Second, we focused on solving
the existing difficulties in detecting objects by adopt-
ing the YOLOv5 model to incorporate enriched fea-
tures and detect objects of different sizes, and we fur-
ther exploited and analyzed the object detection re-
sults to extract relevant information about weather,
resources, and habitats that are found in the environ-
ment in which caribou and black bears live. Finally,
we are interested in visualizing object detection and
statistics results by developing a GUI interface.
The main contribution of our work is summarized
as follows: First, we propose four video stabiliza-
tion methods based on motion compensation with dif-
ferent parameter combinations and we compare their
performances to determine which method provides a
better stabilization quality. Then, we study the rele-
vance of stabilized videos for object detection. To this
end, we propose a relevance score for object detection
that can predict if a given stabilized video contains
interesting objects that can be used for extracting in-
formation. Second, we adopt the YOLOv5 model to
detect objects in stabilized videos. Both YOLOv5s
and YOLOv5m models are tested with different pa-
rameters using a large dataset, training results and ob-
ject detection performance are evaluated. Finally, our
proposed method can automatically extract weather,
habitat, and resource information from a given stabi-
lized video and identify the percentage of appearance
of each class in the video.
This paper is organized in the following way. Sec-
tion 2 presents an overview of the related research.
Our proposed method is detailed in Section 3. Exper-
imental results are presented and discussed in Section
4. Finally, some final remarks and directions for fu-
ture work are included in Section 5.
2.1 Video Stabilization
Video stabilization (VS) consists in transforming a
video corrupted by undesired camera motions into a
stabilized video to improve its quality by removing
unwanted camera shakes and jitters. In the litera-
ture, several methods of VS have been developed to
produce a better video quality and a coherent video
stream. The existing VS approaches can be generally
categorized into classical VS methods and learning-
based methods(Shi et al., 2022). Classical video sta-
bilization algorithms focus on estimating camera mo-
tion, correcting camera path and stabilizing the video
(Guilluy et al., 2021). Learning-based video stabiliza-
tion methods consist in stabilizing videos using learn-
ing and deep-learning models (Shi et al., 2022).
Generally, using classical VS methods, the video
stabilization process includes two main phases,
namely 1) Motion analysis and modeling and 2) Mo-
tion correction and video stabilization. Motion anal-
ysis and modeling go through three steps: Motion es-
timation; 2) Motion outlier removal; and 3) Motion
modeling. The aim of the first step is to estimate the
camera motion from the original video. These esti-
mated movements can be divided into two types of
motion: camera motion and object motion that ap-
pears in the scene. To that end, the second step,
namely motion outlier removal, is carried out to re-
move outliers and select only those resulting from the
motion of the camera. These movements are then
used for camera motion modeling. This step allows
to model the camera motion (Guilluy et al., 2021) and
compute the global transformation (Kulkarni et al.,
The motion correction and video stabilization
phase includes two steps: motion smoothing and
video synthesis. In this phase, parameters of the pre-
vious phase are sent to the motion smoothing mod-
ule, the purpose of which is to perform camera motion
correction. This step allows to apply a low-pass filter
to remove the high-frequency distortion and smooth
the camera movements. Once the camera motion has
been corrected, the new camera movements are ap-
plied back to the original video and a new video using
Environmental Information Extraction Based on YOLOv5-Object Detection in Videos Collected by Camera-Collars Installed on Migratory
Caribou and Black Bears in Northern Quebec
the smoothed camera movements is reconstructed as
a stabilized video within the video synthesis step.
2.2 Video Object Detection
Advances in artificial intelligence and computer vi-
sion have enabled the creation of efficient systems
to analyze video content and extract semantic infor-
mation. In this context, object detection is one of
the most important and challenging problems in com-
puter vision. It entails identifying and localizing all
instances of an object in input images or videos. In the
literature, numerous approaches have been proposed
to solve the object detection problem. In general,
these approaches can be divided into two categories:
object detection methods based on handcrafted fea-
tures and deep learning-based object detection meth-
Object detection methods based on handcrafted
features, also called traditional methods, revolve
around extracting features from images that are used
for object detection. Using these methods, object de-
tection models were built as a set of hand-crafted fea-
ture extractors such as Viola Jones Detectors that have
incorporated feature selection and techniques to in-
crease the detection speed (Viola and Jones, 2004).
In addition, several local feature descriptors were ap-
plied to address the problem of scale variations and
rotations. In this context, various handcrafted feature
descriptors have been proposed to extract relevant in-
formation from images. Among these descriptors, we
distinguish scale-invariant feature transform (SIFT)
(Lowe, 2004), speeded-up robust features (SURF)
(Bay et al., 2006) and Histogram of Oriented Gradi-
ents (HOG) (Dalal and Triggs, 2005). These meth-
ods have used a constructed feature pyramid with a
fixed sliding window to detect objects. Despite that
the traditional object detection methods cannot meet
the requirements for video data analytics, they have
provided a strong foundation for future video object
detection systems. Deep learning-based object de-
tection methods can be divided into two categories:
two-stage object detection methods and single-stage
object detection methods.
The most representative two-stage object detec-
tion approaches are Regions-based Convolutional
Neural Networks(R-CNN) (Girshick et al., 2014).
The goal of R-CNN is to extract a set of object pro-
posals using Selective Search (Uijlings et al., 2013),
and then each proposal is warped and propagated
through the convolutional layers. Finally, a feature
vector is extracted from each proposal and used as an
input of linear SVM (Support Vector Machine) classi-
fiers to compute confidence scores. Once the class has
been recognized, the algorithm predicts its bounding
box using a trained bounding-box regressor.
The two-stage object detection approaches solve
object detection as a classification problem where the
network classifies image content as either object or
background. However, single-stage object detection
approaches solve it as a regression problem that is per-
formed without using pre-generated region proposals,
the main goal being to predict the image pixels as ob-
jects and their bounding box attributes.
In the literature, several single-stage object de-
tection methods have been proposed. In 2015, You
Only Look Once (YOLO) was proposed by (Red-
mon et al., 2016) as the first single-stage detector in
deep learning. YOLO was inspired by the GoogLeNet
architecture for image classification (Szegedy et al.,
2015). The input image is divided into a S x S grid
where each cell of the grid is responsible for ob-
ject detection. This network predicts bounding boxes
with their confidence scores for each grid cell simul-
taneously. In recent years, the YOLO network has
been improved and it was a milestone in object de-
tection due to its efficiency in real-time with better
accuracy. The second version YOLOv2 (Redmon and
Farhadi, 2017) incorporated many techniques to im-
prove speed and precision. In the original YOLO, at-
tributes of predicted boxes were generated by fully
connected layers. In YOLOv2, the fully connected
layers are removed, this version used anchor boxes to
generate offsets as well as predicted boxes. Classes
and objectness are predicted for every anchor box.
YOLOv3 (Redmon and Farhadi, 2018) proposed a
larger and robust feature extractor network called
Darknet-53. YOLO has further been improved in the
following versions, including YOLOv5 (Jocher et al.,
2022) which is proposed by Glenn Jocher in 2020,
and YOLOv7 (Wang et al., 2022).
In this section, we describe the architecture of our
proposed approach and detail the different phases and
their components. As depicted in Figure 1, the pro-
posed approach is composed of four main phases: (1)
Data preprocessing, (2) Video object detection, (3)
Environmental information extraction and (4) Results
Visualization. The different components are detailed
3.1 Data Preprocessing
In our project, camera collars are used as tools for col-
lecting videos. These videos are gathered from cam-
VISAPP 2023 - 18th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Figure 1: Architecture of the proposed approach.
eras mounted on collars that are carried by caribou
and black bears. Due to the movement of the animals,
videos are often low quality (unstabilized videos,
blurred images, visible distortion, useless data, etc.).
To this end, video processing needs data filtering and
video stabilization as a prerequisite for object detec-
tion. The data preprocessing phase includes three
components, namely: data filtering component, video
stabilization component, and video relevance predic-
tion component.
3.1.1 Data Filtering
It is observed that several videos contain blurry and
noisy frames due to the undesired motion of cameras
carried by the animal. In addition, other videos suf-
fer from a lot of frames that do not contain any in-
formation related to the animal’s environment. Data
filtering is an important step to clean our dataset to
be provided as input for the next process. The data
filtering process consists in rejecting videos that con-
tain only dark frames, and videos that contain blurred
images which do not represent any information about
the environment of animals.
3.1.2 Video Stabilization
In our work, we focus on classical video stabiliza-
tion methods. To stabilize videos, we proposed four
stabilization methods: 1) Video stabilization based
on movement compensation (translation and rotation)
without limit; 2) Video stabilization based only on
camera motion (translation) with limited rotation; 3)
Video stabilization based only on rotation with lim-
ited camera motion, and 4) Video stabilization based
on sequential combined method: method 2 + method
3. The main idea is to perform video stabilization by
incorporating motion compensation with different pa-
rameter combinations and then to compare their per-
formances to determine which method can provide a
better stabilization quality. The first method consists
in stabilizing video based on compensation of trans-
lation and rotation movement without limit, the sec-
ond one allows to stabilize only camera motion with
limited rotation. As opposed to the second method,
the third method involves only rotation to compen-
sate motion to obtain the stabilized output video. The
last method consists in performing stabilization in two
stages, by using a sequential combined method which
allows applying the second method, and then the ob-
tained stabilized videos are used to perform a second
stabilization that is based on the third method. The
proposed stabilization methods have many parameters
that influence stabilization performance. The param-
eter combinations are presented in Section 4.2.1.
Environmental Information Extraction Based on YOLOv5-Object Detection in Videos Collected by Camera-Collars Installed on Migratory
Caribou and Black Bears in Northern Quebec
Table 1: Video stabilization results.
Methods Shakiness Accuracy Smoothing Optalgo Interpol Maxshift Maxangl PSNR(dB)
Method 1 5 8 30 gauss linear no limit no limit 35,40
Method 2 10 15 15 avg bilinear no limit 0 40,95
Method 3 10 15 15 avg bilinear 0 no limit 42,07
Method 4
10 15 15 avg bilinear nolimit 0
10 15 15 avg bilinear 0 no limit
3.1.3 Video Relevance Prediction for Object
Once raw videos have been filtered and stabilized, a
study should be carried out to predict if the stabilized
videos are relevant for object detection. The aim is
to predict if a given stabilized video contains interest-
ing objects that will be used for extracting information
about animal environment. To achieve this goal, we
propose a relevance score for object detection.
Let us present the following definitions to explain
our proposed relevance score:
V is a given stabilized video.
F = F
, F
, ..., F
is the set of frames extracted
from a given video V ,
P = P
is the set of patches (a patch
presents a group of pixels in the frame and each
frame is divided into small patches) extracted
from the frame F
is the target patch of the V .
is the number of similar patches to the tar-
get patch P
of the frame F
number of patches processed for the frame
Given the stabilized video V and the target patch P
the aim is to determine a relevance score Rs
(V )
for each video V to predict if it is relevant for ob-
ject detection. Our main idea is, firstly, to compute a
weight for each frame w(F
) depending on the num-
ber of similar patches to target patch ST P
, and then
to weigh the similarity between every two adjacent
frames of the video using the weight w(F
), and fi-
nally to compute the weighted average of all video
frames. We define the following functions to compute
the proposed relevance score for object detection:
W (F
) = 1
Where : W (F
) is the weight of the frame F
, F
) =
Where : Sim(F
, F
) is the similarity between
the frames F
and F
and d(F
, F
) is the Eu-
clidean distance between frames.
These two functions are used for computing the pro-
posed relevance score Rs
(V ):
(V ) =
) Sim(F
, F
3.2 Video Object Detection
To detect objects from stabilized videos, we adopted
feature enriched object detector based on the
YOLOv5 model. Our choice of YOLOv5 net-
work is based on its detection speed and accuracy,
which incorporates better parameter structure into
the backbone. Its detection speed and accuracy on
COCO datasets are better than previous YOLOv4 and
YOLOv3 models. Also, YOLOv5 incorporated vari-
ous optimization techniques like auto-learning bound-
ing box anchors, data augmentation, and the cross-
stage partial network (CSPNet). In addition, the head
of Yolov5 generates 3 different sizes (18 × 18, 36 ×
36, 72 × 72) of feature maps to perform multi-scale
prediction that allows to handle small, medium, and
large objects. In our project, many resources and
habitats of caribou and black bears are characterized
by their small size like "lichens" and "rocks". These
objects can be transformed into medium and large ob-
jects depending on the camera position. To this end,
multi-scale detection ensures that the model can fol-
low size changes in the process of object detection.
The YOLOv5 model consists of an input layer of
640 x 640 image, Backbone, Neck, and Head. The
backbone consists of Focus, Conv, C3 (CSPNet Bot-
tleneck with three convolutions), and Spatial Pyra-
mid Pooling (SPP) modules. The Focus module di-
vides the mosaic input image horizontally and verti-
cally and then stitches it together. The main purpose
of the Focus layer is to reduce layers, parameters,
and FLOPS (Floating-point Operations per Second).
Conv is the convolution unit of YOLOv5, it performs
dimensional convolution, regularization, and activa-
tion operations. C3 contains 3 Convs and some bottle-
necks. These BottleneckCSPs are used to reduce the
number of calculations and increase the speed of in-
ference. The spatial pyramid pooling (SPP) layer per-
forms three different sizes of maximum pooling op-
erations on the input, and the output result is spliced
VISAPP 2023 - 18th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
into Concat. Upsample modules are used by the 11
and 15 layers of the Neck Network to expand fea-
tures. The head of YOLOv5 has three feature detec-
tion scales that allow to achieve feature detection of
different sizes.
3.3 Environmental Information
Extraction and Results
Once objects are detected, a video object detection re-
sult file is generated for each stabilized video, which
contains details about which camera is used, the
number of object detection, and the detected classes
of each category (weather, resources, and habitats).
VOD result files are then used to determine the ap-
pearance percentage of each object that is detected in
the video ( cf. Figure 1). The generated result files are
then exploited to visualize object detection and envi-
ronmental information extraction results with a GUI
4.1 Experimental Setup
4.1.1 Dataset and Image Annotation
In our work we used about 22597 videos which are
collected by 4 cameras. To prepare data for train-
ing models, we annotated about 1177 images using
the Roboflow framework
. A semantic vocabulary
is used to describe the content of videos. It can be
divided into 3 categories: weather, habitats, and re-
sources which have their own classes and are used
as annotation labels and were respectively defined as
follows: Weather: sunny, cloudy, rain, fog, snow;
Habitats: snow on the ground, boreal forest, tun-
dra meadow, shrubby areas, wet meadow, lakes and
streams, rocks and boulders and Resources: lichens,
birches, willows, grasses and sedges, broad-leaved
herbaceous, mushrooms, berries. The images were
divided into a training set, a validation set, and a test
set. The number of images in the training set, vali-
dation set and test set was 937 (80%), 120(10%) and
120(10%), respectively.
4.1.2 Evaluation Metrics
Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR) is used to evalu-
ate the quality of stabilized videos. PSNR computed
between the original video and the stabilized video is
defined as:
PSNR = 10log
Where MSE measures the Mean-Square-Error be-
tween the original and stabilized video frames and
is the maximum pixel value of an image.
Greater PSNR values indicate better quality video sta-
To evaluate object detection performance, we used
precision and recall, which are the most popular met-
rics for object detection evaluation.
4.2 Evaluation Results and Analysis
4.2.1 Video Stabilization
Table 1 shows the stabilization results of each method
in terms of PSNR depending on the stabilization pa-
rameters using 1500 videos. On performing a de-
tailed analysis of each of the above mentioned meth-
ods, it was found that Method 4 has a higher PSNR
(47,55) value when compared to the other methods.
The higher the PSNR, the better video stabilization.
Thus, the stabilized output videos obtained by the 4th
method are better than those stabilized using the other
methods. This explains that performing stabilization
with rotation and translation movement compensation
in two stages improves the video stabilization quality.
4.2.2 Video Relevance Prediction
To predict if the stabilized videos contain relevant ob-
jects that can be used for object detection and extract-
ing information about weather, resources, and habi-
tats, firstly, a patch set of each video is extracted, and
then the proposed relevance score of each video is
computed using the proposed functions.
Patch Extraction. Table 2 shows the patch ex-
traction results for 4615 black bear videos and
4590 caribou videos.
Relevance Score Analysis and Prediction.
Once patches are extracted, the relevance score
(V ) for each video is computed. To pre-
dict if videos are relevant for object detection, we
used a prediction threshold of 0.5. Therefore, if
the relevance score is larger than the threshold,
videos are predicted as relevant for object detec-
tion, if not, they are predicted as irrelevant. Table
Environmental Information Extraction Based on YOLOv5-Object Detection in Videos Collected by Camera-Collars Installed on Migratory
Caribou and Black Bears in Northern Quebec
Table 2: Patch extraction results.
Videos Avg(Frames\vid) Patches\frames Avg(patches\vid) Rejected_patches
4615 (black bears) 420 40 16800 2100
4590 (caribou) 445 32 14240 5785
Table 3: Prediction analysis.
Cam Videos R.PV(Rs
0.5) I.PV(Rs
Cam1424_ID37585 4450 3627 823 14 27
Cam1435_ID37584 4128 2710 1418 11 31
Collar21226_cam06 3678 1178 2500 12 29
Collar21227_cam07 4023 2245 1778 13 22
Figure 2: Examples of two interfaces for object detection and information extraction results visualization: the first one
shows the visualization of object detection results of a selected caribou video, and the second one shows the visualization of
environmental information extraction results of a selected black bear video.
3 shows the prediction analysis for each camera
where R.PV and I.PV is the number of videos that
are predicted as relevant and irrelevant, respec-
tively, for object detection. R.PV _AVG_ST P and
I.PV _AV G_ST P is the average of similar patches
to the target patch per frame for R.PV and I.PV
videos, respectively. The obtained results show
that the black bear videos are better than the cari-
bou videos in terms of pertinence for object detec-
4.2.3 Object Detection and Information
Extraction Results
The experimental model was trained using Ultralyt-
ics YOLOv5. We performed 4 training runs using
YOLOV5m and YOLOV5s with 300 epochs. Both
YOLOV5s et YOLOV5m were implemented using 16
and 32 batch sizes. The comparison results of object
detection in terms of precision and recall are shown
in Table 4. It is found that the YOLOv5m-B32E300
model outperforms with 0.81 precision. Therefore,
Table 4: Comparisons of different runs.
Run imges P R
YOLOv5s-B16E300 100 0.61 0.41
YOLOv5s-B32E300 100 0.69 0.42
YOLOv5m-B16E300 100 0,78 0.44
YOLOv5m-B32E300 100 0.81 0.46
the YOLOv5m model with batch size adjusted to 32
is highly capable of detecting objects with different
sizes, so it is used for object detection and environ-
mental information extraction. Examples of two in-
terfaces for object detection and information extrac-
tion results visualization are detailed in Figure 2.
In this paper, an environmental information extraction
method based on YOLOv5-object detection in videos
was proposed. It relies on analyzing videos collected
by camera collars fitted on caribou and black bears
VISAPP 2023 - 18th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
in northern Quebec. First, videos are filtered, stabi-
lized, and then, a relevance score for object detection
is proposed and computed for each stabilized video
to predict if it is relevant for object detection. Sec-
ond, the YOLOv5 model is adopted to incorporate
enriched features and detect small, medium, and large
objects. Object detection results are then exploited to
extract relevant information about weather, resources,
and habitats found in the environment in which cari-
bou and black bears live. Finally, the environmental
information is analyzed and statistical results are vi-
sualized for each stabilized video. In this work, we
have conducted an experimental study where we fo-
cused on evaluating each phase of our proposed ap-
proach. It is worth to note that the proposed stabiliza-
tion method, based on motion compensation with dif-
ferent parameter combinations, can improve the qual-
ity of the videos. Also, the YOLOv5m model was
significantly better than the YOLOv5s model and can
detect small, medium, and large objects. Moreover,
the obtained results show that our method can extract
weather, habitat, and resource classes and then de-
termine their percentage of appearance in videos. In
future research, the network model structure will be
improved to analyze animal behavior using a wildlife
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