Automated Planning for Military Airline Controller Training Scenarios
Romain Goutiere, Domitile Lourdeaux
and Sylvain Lagrue
Alliance Sorbonne Universit
e, Universit
e de Technologie de Compi
egne, CNRS, Heudiasyc UMR 7253,
CS 60 319, 60203 Compi
egne Cedex, France
ANML, Automated Scenario Planning, Interactive Storytelling, Alternative Scenario Generation, HTN.
In this paper we focus on the generation of scenarios for military airline controller training in a virtual environ-
ment. We are using a planning system mixing temporal planning and hierarchical task networks based on the
ANML planning language and allowing a better representation of both narrative and pedagogical objectives.
We also propose and test a method to automatically generate potential alternative plans to the initially planned
scenario, reaching the same objectives, to make it more robust.
The objective of Interactive Storytelling (IS) is to
create multimedia systems in which users can interact
and influence, in interactive time (time interval be-
tween users actions), the evolution of the narrative.
One of the most active research areas in IS is the
automated generation of scenarios. The objective
of generative approaches is to reduce the authoring
bottleneck (difficulties for an author to design com-
plex scenarios with multiple storylines and interac-
tions) during the design of the interactive narration
system. The scenario is thus automatically gener-
ated before and/or dynamically during the simulation,
opening the way to adaptations of the scenario during
the simulation and to a greater variety in the proposed
content. Planning is nowadays a widespread method
for automatic scenario generation. However, its use in
IS requires some adaptations compared to more clas-
sical application frameworks and several challenges
remain. Porteous (Porteous, 2016) highlights in par-
ticular: (1) the planner’s ability to respond to narrative
content, (2) interactive time control over plan gener-
ation, (3) user interactivity which requires the system
to be resilient, and (4) planning on qualitative criteria
other than pure optimization. Two planning methods
are mainly used in IS. Classical planning, based on
the use of heuristics and bringing a strong variability
due to the generative power of this method. And hier-
archical task networks (HTN), consisting in a suc-
cessive decomposition of the problem and bringing a
high degree of control on the generated plans. Each
of these methods has useful characteristics in IS, but
to date there is no framework allowing the use of both
systems at the same time.
IS systems are also useful for training and educa-
tion. Gupta (Gupta et al., 2008) gives several advan-
tages such as being able to more easily put learners
in a variety of situations, and to have them repeat as
needed. However, systems providing training must
meet certain criteria to ensure the effectiveness of the
experience. For example, it is important that the diffi-
culty is well calculated, that the scenarios are coher-
ent and explainable for the trainer, etc.
In this paper, we detail our approach for the auto-
matic planning of training scenarios within the frame-
work of this project with the use of the ANML
planning language allowing a hybrid planning, very
adapted to combine generative power and scenario
control. We also propose algorithms allowing the
generation of offline alternatives, bringing robust-
ness to the proposed training scenarios. We will first
describe the ORCHESTRAA project, to which our
work is linked. Then we will explain the different
approaches used for scenario planning as well as the
problems related to the design of scenarios and their
robustness in an interactive environment. Then, we
will detail our different contributions.
Our work is part of the ORCHESTRAA project (Or-
chestration of stessful situations for training based on
Goutiere, R., Lourdeaux, D. and Lagrue, S.
Automated Planning for Military Airline Controller Training Scenarios.
DOI: 10.5220/0011688700003393
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2023) - Volume 3, pages 466-474
ISBN: 978-989-758-623-1; ISSN: 2184-433X
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
virtual reality and adaptative agents in air operations
context) which aims at developing an interactive vir-
tual reality environment reproducing an air operations
control center. This environment must allow users
(immersed in the environment through a HMD) to
carry out training sessions that are characterized by
the management of different conflict situations, in-
volving air and ground troops on a fictitious theater
of operations. This theater of operation is managed
by an external simulator interacting with the operators
through visualization tools available on the terminals
of the different stations and through a chat.
Our work within this project is to design a sce-
nario system allowing: the automatic generation of
training scenarios executed both in the virtual envi-
ronment and the simulator, the control of the scenario
execution and the live monitoring of the scenario by
the trainers.
3.1 Scenario Planning
Planning methods for scenario generation are widely
used today. It has several advantages: causality, gen-
erative power and narrative structure (Porteous,
2016). In the context of IS, causality refers to the re-
lation between temporal and ordered events that allow
to predict the occurrence of future events. Generative
power represents the ability of a system to generate
varied content. Finally, the narrative structure allows
to define the key stages in the progression of a story.
Classical planning is widely used in IS. A plan
is then a succession of actions and events in order
to reach a desired goal. Classical planning problems
are solved with Heuristic Search Planner (HSP) fol-
lowing a heuristic to find the best plan. There are
then many variations aiming at handling more com-
plex cases such as the addition of temporal constraints
(Porteous et al., 2011) allowing to add duration, or
to parallelize actions. Another interesting method is
also used in IS (Aylett et al., 2006): hierarchical task
networks (HTN). The plan of an HTN problem is not
represented by a sequence of events and actions, but
as a successive decomposition of complex actions into
simple actions. The structure of a plan is then pre-
sented as a tree.
These two planning methods each offer interest-
ing features in interactive narration, but which may be
problematic depending on the context. Classical plan-
ning, using heuristics, offers great generative power.
Indeed, the planner will work by making a selection
on the set of available actions, which allows for a high
variability, good replanning capabilities and a better
resilience. However, this generative power also forces
a difficult reflection work during the design phase in
order to avoid the generation of illogical plans from
a narrative point of view. This constraint is the more
important in a training context where it is essential to
propose scenarios having a pedagogical interest.
On the other hand, HTNs emphasize the respect
of the author’s intention. Indeed, a HTN domain is
made of a set of successive decompositions. The plan-
ner chooses the actions among the proposed decom-
positions and not among all the actions of the domain.
HTNs are also quite simple to model. It is sufficient
that the problem is decomposable. For each decom-
position the alternatives are explicitly defined. Thus,
whatever the choice of the planner, the final plan is
made of elements foreseen by the author. These fea-
tures are of interest for IS and seem to be adapted to
the context of training and coaching. However, the
generative power of this method is less efficient than
classical planning. Each of the alternatives has to be
imagined by the author, a bottleneck authoring prob-
lem quickly arises.
Table 1 summarizes the advantages of these plan-
ning methods in relation to interesting features in IS.
Table 1: Comparison HTN/HSP.
Author intention + -
Resilience - +
Variability - +
Replanification - +
Modelling + -
3.2 Planning Languages
To solve an IS problem by a planning method, it
is necessary to express it in a language that a plan-
ner can understand. In order to be able to compare
the performance of different planners, standardiza-
tion projects of these languages have been proposed.
The current standard planning language is the Plan-
ning Domain Description Language (PDDL) (Howe
et al., 1998), which is currently used in International
Planning Competitions (IPC). However, the domain-
s/problems studied in IS are often more complex
than those studied in classical planning because they
describe concepts of various kinds, which generally
translate into a larger number of actions, difficulties
in representing the state of the world without losing
too much information, or the addition of many con-
straints. This difference imposes certain choices dur-
ing the formalization of the domain/problem which
can lead to an overall decrease in terms of intelligi-
bility for the human user, and a weakening in the ex-
Automated Planning for Military Airline Controller Training Scenarios
pressiveness of the scenario.
The main interest of PDDL is to propose a stan-
dard that can be understood by the largest possible
number of planners. However, PDDL has limitations,
such as the impossibility of simply representing hi-
erarchical planning problems or difficulties in repre-
senting complex states of the world containing con-
cepts of very different natures. Moreover, the quality
criteria of plans are not the same in IS and in classical
planning, which implies that the design of PDDL is
oriented towards performances rather than other cri-
teria, more related to narration and often specific to
the studied domains.
The Action Notation Modeling Language
(ANML) (Smith et al., 2008) is an interesting op-
tion to bring better modelling to IS problems. It is a
planning language offering higher level features than
PDDL. Specifically, it allows the use of quite com-
plex temporal constraints and also allows modeling
and solving planning problems represented in both
classical and hierarchical forms. It is thus possible
to develop hybrid planning domains where it is not
necessary to adapt the modeling to one or the other
system, but where each element is represented ac-
cording to the approach that best corresponds to it.
This brings great expressiveness in a field such as IS,
where rather different concepts must run together.
3.3 Robustness of the Scenario
In an IS system, the running of the scenario can be
problematic. Indeed, a scenario must rely on certain
actions of various actors (human users, virtual char-
acters). Thus, a scenario can potentially be blocked if
an action to be performed by a user never happens.
Many strategies have been developed to address
this problem. They are now gathered around the con-
cept of Experience Management (Riedl and Bulitko,
2013) which consists of monitoring the running of the
scenario and setting up intervention strategies to en-
able it to continue in the best possible way.
One of the main strategies, the narrative medi-
ation (Riedl et al., 2003), proposes, as long as it is
possible, to let the actors perform their actions freely.
If these actions enter into conflict with the planned
scenario, the scenario is replanned from the point of
divergence to take into account the problematic ac-
tions, in order to solve the same objectives as the ini-
tial scenario.
However, this solution is not perfect, because it
must be applied in interactive time during the simula-
tion. This often implies the use of fast algorithms that
do not necessarily guarantee the quality of the new
plan (not enough time available to analyze the con-
struction of the plan from a narrative point of view)
(Ramirez and Bulitko, 2014).
Finally, another approach aims at predicting po-
tential errors that could lead to scenario problems
and generating offline directly applicable alternatives.
Automated Story Director (Riedl et al., 2008) is a
good example. In this system, a scenario is made up
of events of low importance and of Island, which are
events most important for the scenario. The princi-
ple is, for each action, to foresee situations that could
be dangerous for the next Island and to generate an
alternative to reach it.
The issues raised by the ORCHESTRAA project are
quite representative of the current challenges of using
planning methods in IS and can be extended to other
problems. We need the generative power brought by
planning to generate varied scenarios but the train-
ing context also forces us to be careful about the
emergence of potentially problematic content from
a pedagogical point of view. The interactive aspect
of the system also raises the question of the robust-
ness of our scenarios and their resilience with respect
to the pedagogical objectives of training. Moreover,
the question of formalizing a scenario content into a
planning language remains a task that requires a lot
of work to express concepts that are sometimes not
adapted to a given type of formalism.
Our proposals provide a direct response to these
problems. First, we propose a new representation
of scenarios more adapted to our needs thanks to the
use of ANML. We detail the functioning of this new
structure and its advantages for the representation of
our scenarios.
We also present an approach for automatically
generating offline alternatives, based directly on the
structure of our scenarios to increase their robustness
and resilience with respect to their pedagogical ob-
4.1 Planning Methods and Hybrid
Choosing a planning method is not easy. Classical
planning offers great generative power. It is an inter-
esting choice for our system because it allows to eas-
ily generate different training sessions. This choice
also has the advantage of facilitating re-planning if
user interactions cause a drift from the planned sce-
nario. However, it is not easy to design a planning
domain, reaching the needs of the project, adapted to
ICAART 2023 - 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
CAS request
CAS DO receive
CAS request
CAS DO choose
adapted response
CAS DO send orders
Planes perform
Other tasks ?
CAS request
Figure 1: CAS process.
Manage CAS
See notif on Jchat Choose plane Send order on Jchat
Begin CAS
Choose TIC place Trigger TIC
Notif CAS request
on JCchat
List planes
Choose TIC position Move planes Set planes stats Display TIC on map
CAS resolution
Perform mission
Move plane Attack
Close CAS
Remove TIC on map Notif end on Jchat Move plane back
Send order on JchatChoose plane
Display TIC on map
Complexe action
Observed action
Triggered action
Figure 2: CAS representation as HTN.
this method. Indeed, the training situations proposed
to military air traffic controllers are decomposed ac-
cording to a rather strict order. Figure 1 gives a proto-
col for the processing of a Close Air Support (CAS)
request, a frequent element of our training scenarios.
All the actions in the planning domain would be
constrained by a fixed order, and would not benefit
from the generative power of planning. These con-
straints would be all the more important as the slight-
est oversight or imprecision could lead to unforeseen
emergent situations.
The protocol presented in Figure 1 is high level.
In order for it to be instantiated in the virtual environ-
ment, it is necessary to decompose it into lower level
actions. The HTN representation therefore seems to
be a better solution. Indeed, HTNs are particularly
well adapted to frozen processes such as those we are
interested in. Figure 2 shows the beginning of the
HTN decomposition of a CAS.
These CASs do not constitute a complete training
scenario. A complete scenario is a set of CASs whose
treatment varies slightly from one to another in order
to work on a set of desired skills. These variations are
easily represented in HTN by explaining alternative
decompositions for certain actions. However, a sce-
nario containing a succession of different CAS is dif-
ficult to represent in HTN. Indeed, an HTN problem is
the decomposition of a single complex task into sim-
ple tasks. In order to represent our sessions, we would
have to decompose a complex ”session” action into
several ”CAS” actions, each one linked to a particu-
lar skill. This representation poses a major problem
in case of need for replanning because it requires to
make explicit all the different possibilities of arrange-
ment of the session at the level of skill, which poses
a problem of expressiveness and does not correspond
to the logic of HTN.
On the contrary, classical planning allows a sim-
pler representation of these skills and the generative
power provided allows to generate much more simply
all the alternatives in terms of training session layout.
We thus have two planning methods, each with
advantages in some aspects and deficiencies in oth-
ers. The usual approach to solve this kind of prob-
lem would be to make a choice and adapt our rep-
resentation to minimize the deficiencies of the rep-
resentation. This method, although widely used, is
not good. We therefore propose another way, made
possible by the Action Notation Modelling Language
(ANML), to represent hybrid classical/HTN plan-
ning problems. Thanks to this language, we can han-
dle the pedagogical contents via a classical planning
method and the scenaristic aspects with HTN decom-
positions. The link between the two methods is made
through a planning operator that we have developed:
Learning Unit.
4.2 New Operator : Learning Unit
Fuel management Weapon choice In-flight refuelling
Begin CAS Manage CAS CAS resolution
Initial state Final state
Chose TIC
Trigger TIC
See notif on
Send order on
Close CAS
Notif CAS
request on
Choose plane
with good
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Figure 3: Hybrid scenario structure.
A Learning Unit (LU) is a high-level planning op-
erator used to link classical planning to a hierarchical
planning problem. A LU is characterized by one or
more target skills, a start time, a duration and an
associated hierarchical decomposition.
The ANML allows us to define a duration con-
straint expressed as an interval. Two preconditions
are also necessary. The first one is simply to check
that the training will focus on the desired skill. The
second is more interesting:
Automated Planning for Military Airline Controller Training Scenarios
[ a l l ] i s V a l i d a t e d ( v1 ) ==
f a l s e :> t r u e ;
This constraint indicates in a simple way that the
skill must not have been validated before the LU and
must be validated at an unspecified time during the
LU in order for this validation to be verified at the
end of the LU.
Finally, the last part indicates that the action is also
the root of a hierarchical decomposition. This decom-
position is only done in one element, the CAS, which
will in turn be decomposed.
This structure is not usual in planning. In normal
time, the root of a HTN problem has no conditions,
its resolution coming only from its decomposition. In
the same way, a classical planning problem does not
decompose in a hierarchical way. This structure al-
lows us to propose a strict separation between the
scenaristic and pedagogical content, and thus allows
us to use the planning method most adapted to each
4.3 Global Plan
With our scenario structure, a plan can be summarized
by a succession of LUs, each of which is decomposed
into an HTN. Figure 3 shows us the global structure
of a scenario.
For the moment, we have detailed the advantages
of such a structure for the representation of differ-
ent types of narrative content. However, the advan-
tages of this structure are more extensive. First of all,
this structure brings a better expressiveness to the sce-
nario. Indeed, it is possible to give precisely the state
of the progression from a pedagogical and scenaris-
tic point of view. This information is precious for the
trainers who follow the progress of the training ses-
sions. Thanks to this structure, we can provide them
with this information in a simple way.
This structure also has advantages concerning the
robustness of the scenario. Indeed, this structure al-
lows to set up replanning strategies adapted to each
type of error and not systematically requiring a total
replanning of the plan. At the HTN level, for exam-
ple, the alternatives to each decomposition are made
explicit. If the state of the world allows them to be
planned, they constitute alternatives that can be used
directly without having to replan the entire scenario.
Such alternatives are simply represented in ANML :
a c t i o n s en d O r d e r ( L e a r n e r l1 ,
Order o1 ) {
d u r a t i o n : i n [ 3 , 8 ] ;
[ a l l ] o r d e r S e n t ( o1 ) ==
f a l s e :> t r u e ;
: d e c o m p o s i t i o n {
[ s t a r t + 2 ] l e a r n O n C h a t ( l 1 ) ==
t r u e ;
w r i t e O r d e r ( l1 , o1 ) ,
send T oCha t ( o1 )
} ;
: d e c o m p o s i t i o n {
[ s t a r t + 2 ] l e a r n O n C h a t ( l 1 ) ==
f a l s e ;
h e l p T o L e a r n e r ( l 1 ) ,
w r i t e O r d e r ( l1 , o1 ) ,
send T oCha t ( o1 )
} ;
} ;
In this example we see two different decomposi-
tions for the sendOrder action which corresponds to
the sending of an order by the learner on the chat win-
dow. In the first decomposition, the learner is on the
chat window after 2 units of time while he is not in the
second one. The second decomposition then adds a
helper action allowing the learner to perform the right
actions. If the state of the world allows it, these two
decompositions thus allow to plan two different sce-
narios. However, these two scenarios do not challenge
the higher level elements of the HTN, nor the organi-
zation of the LUs.
Thus, as long as there are alternative plannable
decompositions, replanning is limited to the HTN
problem and does not affect the rest of the scenario.
However, if replanning is not possible at the HTN
level (no plannable decompositions with the state of
the world), the HTN can be considered to have failed
because the decomposition can no longer be fully re-
alized. Such a problem leads to a failure of the post-
conditions of the LU (which corresponds to the root
of the HTN). From a pedagogical point of view, this
situation corresponds to the fact that the skill provided
by this LU has not been validated. It is then necessary
to have a set of alternative plans taking into account
the failures on the different LUs.
4.4 Automatic Generation of
Our objective is to generate offline a set of alternative
plans to the initial plan so that in case of drift during
the execution of the scenario, the system can switch to
another plan already generated, adapted to the current
situation and satisfying the same objectives as the
initial scenario. We have already seen that the gener-
ation of alternatives at the HTN level is quite trivial.
Either there are other plannable decompositions and
in this case there is an alternative plan (the system can
ICAART 2023 - 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Algorithm 1: Failure tree generation.
Data: LU list err, d max, err max
Result: error tree
struct (
int: d
LU: pre, potential err[], next[]
) LU
LU : root
root.d 0
foreach LU LU list err do
root.d root.d +LU .d
root.pre NULL
root.potential err LU list err
current err root
while current err 6= NULL do
if next LU
pop(current err.potential err) then
UA : next err
next err.d next LU.d
+current err.d
if next err.d <= d max &
LU list err[next LU][0] + 1 <=
err max then
LU list err[next LU][0]+ = 1
current err)
next err.pre current err
current err next err
current err current err.pre
current err current err.pre
return root
choose the best adapted alternative decomposition) or
there is not, and therefore the LU during which the
drift occurs is considered as failed (associated skill
not worked).
It is therefore necessary to take this failure into
account and to have alternative plans at the LU level.
However, the problem is not as trivial as for HTN.
Indeed, two elements are likely to generate a combi-
natorial explosion problem when we want to generate
all possible alternatives. Firstly, without additional
constraints, it is theoretically possible to have an in-
definite number of failures on each LU. Second, since
LUs are relatively unconstrained actions, there is a
large number of potentially plannable permutations.
We must therefore implement a strategy to reduce
the set of possibilities. Regarding the undefined num-
ber of failures, we can consider two constraints. First,
a plan represents a training session. This session is
therefore limited in time. Knowing that each LU is
also characterized by a duration, as soon as we define
a general time limit for the training session, it can only
contain a limited number of LUs (success or failure).
The second constraint consists in adding a maximum
error limit per LU. It is a heavier constraint but it is
logical in our application framework. Thanks to these
two constraints, it is possible to generate a tree con-
taining all the LU sets (success and failure).
Algorithm 1 shows how to generate such a tree.
Its operation is quite simple. As input we need an
array containing the list of LUs with an integer asso-
ciated to each representing the number of failures, the
maximum duration of the scenario and the maximum
number of errors per LU. To start we initialize the root
which represents the successful LUs. Then for each
possible failed LU we add the duration and increment
the number of errors on this LU in the table. If the
maximum values are not exceeded we add a new node
which becomes the current node. If the constraints
are not respected for all the potential failed LUs we
go back and explore other branches. The tree is thus
generated in depth first. The tree thus generated gives
us all the possible error sets and all the arrangements.
It is then necessary to remove the duplicates to obtain
only the unordered failure sets.
The sets generated by this way contain the suc-
cessful and failed LUs but do not order them. It is
therefore necessary to generate the possible permu-
tations of LUs for each of these sets. Once the set
of permutations is generated it is then necessary to
modify our planning domain so that the planner can
determine the plannable permutations.
To simplify the work of the planner we perform
a preprocessing of the permutations to remove those
that do not meet the most trivial conditions. Two types
of permutations are thus eliminated: first, permuta-
tions whose first LU is different from the initial plan
(success or failure). Alternative plans are used in case
of scenario drift, which can only occur once the exe-
cution of the plan has started, so the first LU has no
reason to be different. Then, we can simply delete the
permutations that place one or more successful LUs
before these same failed LUs. Indeed it would be il-
logical to propose again a LU that has already been
successfully processed.
This strategy allows to substantially reduce the
number of permutations that will actually be pro-
cessed by the planner. The generated plans consti-
tute a set of possible organizations for the training
session. The connection with HTNs and the avail-
able alternatives thus offer us the advantages brought
Automated Planning for Military Airline Controller Training Scenarios
by the generative power of classical planning and the
control brought by HTNs without being subject to the
drawbacks of these two methods.
With our method we are able to generate a large num-
ber of potential alternative plans. We would like to
test our system with a simple planning domain to see
the generative power of our system and its limits.
5.1 Domain and Parameters
For this test we use a simple planning domain, only
composed of Learning Units characterized by a dura-
tion and linked to a skill.
With this domain, we generated a plan on which
we can rely to generate potential alternatives. The
purpose of this test is to observe the number of al-
ternative plans generated as a result of the number of
Learning Units in the plan, the maximum duration of
the training session and the maximum number of er-
rors envisaged for each LU.
We thus wish to show that, given the particular
constraints related to the planning of training scenar-
ios, it is possible to use a combinatorial method to
generate offline all the possible alternatives to the ini-
tial scenario, with a given configuration of the con-
Indeed, each Learning Unit is characterized by a
duration. This duration concretely represents the time
allocated to training on a given skill. A training ses-
sion is therefore also characterized by a duration cor-
responding to the sum of the durations of the different
Learning Units to which it is necessary to add a mar-
gin to manage potential errors. This time constraint
is quite strong in the context of the generation of pos-
sible alternatives because when an error occurs that
calls into question the success of a LU, it is necessary
to reschedule it later in an alternative plan, and this
implies a new plan consisting of an additional LU.
Given the time limit for the session, the number of
errors is therefore limited. In this context it is use-
ful to also add a constraint on the maximum number
of errors per LU, in order not to favor one skill over
another (unless this is desired, in which case the max-
imum number of errors can be adapted for each LU).
Finally, the initial planning domain also reflects these
constraints. Thus, the smaller the margin between the
session duration limit and the optimal duration of the
initial plan, the less possibility there is to generate po-
tential alternatives. On the contrary, the larger the
Duration (min)
Number of Plans
MaxErr = 1
MaxErr = 2
MaxErr = 3
MaxErr = 4
MaxErr = 5
Figure 4: Offline generation with 3 LU.
Duration (min)
Number of Plans
MaxErr = 1
MaxErr = 2
MaxErr = 3
MaxErr = 4
MaxErr = 5
Figure 5: Offline generation with 4 LU.
margin and the larger the number of potential alter-
native plans, it is then interesting to show the limits
of this approach, when the number of generated plans
becomes too high for the system to calculate them in
an acceptable time.
We performed this test with duration constraints
representative of our application context (military air
traffic controllers training session). Thus, we gener-
ated 3 plans including 3 and 4 Learning Units. These
Learning Units have respective duration ranging from
30 to 70 minutes for training sessions lasting between
100 and 400 minutes. For each plan we generated all
the potential alternatives by varying the duration be-
tween the minimum time to perform the session (ad-
dition of the LU duration) and the maximum duration
of the training session (400 minutes). We also varied
the maximum number of errors allowed for each LU
between 1 and 5.
ICAART 2023 - 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
5.2 Results and Analysis
We generated alternatives to the 3 initial plans by
varying the duration with a step of 50 minutes. For
each of these durations we varied the maximum num-
ber of errors for each LU. What can be observed first,
for the 2 different cases, is that the number of gener-
ated plans remains quite low for Duration < 300 with
a number of generated plans lower than 500 what-
ever the initial plan and the number of allowed er-
rors. The number of generated alternatives increases
sharply between 300 and 400 minutes, but the con-
straints still allow the plans to be generated with-
out problems. We also note that with such duration
constraints, the number of generated plans varies lit-
tle for MaxErr > 3. Although the computations run
smoothly for the duration interval [100400], there is
a large variation in the number of generated plans de-
pending on the length of the initial plan which varies
from a few hundred for an initial plan composed of
3 LU to more than 10000 for an initial plan com-
posed of 4 LU. These results therefore show that our
method works for generating alternatives to the ini-
tial plan. The number of generated plans is high and
offers many possibilities in order to select the most
suitable alternative plan for the encountered situation.
The maximum duration used for our tests is 400 min-
utes. However, this time is only reached when several
errors are made and the initial plan, if it is carried out
without errors, is much faster. It is therefore neces-
sary to think carefully about the skills that the trainer
wants to work on and the parameters of the limits ac-
cording to the type of session that the trainer wants to
set up. Thus, thanks to our system, it is quite possi-
ble to propose a rather short session but leaving the
possibility of many attempts. This allows the learner
to take more time, or, in case of quick success, to
start a new training session. Alternatively, our system
also allows for longer sessions, with more skills be-
ing worked on, but with less opportunity for mistakes
to be made. These possibilities of adaptation make it
possible to offer training sessions to different learner
profiles such as beginners or experienced operators.
In this paper we have presented an original solution
to design and plan training scenarios. Hybrid plan-
ning and the use of ANML allow us to take ad-
vantage of both the generative power of planning
and the control provided by HTNs. This structure
also greatly improves the expressiveness of our plans
thanks to the separation of scenario and pedagogical
content. Finally, this method improves the robust-
ness of our scenario and its resilience with respect to
its objectives thanks to an efficient generation of alter-
native plans allowing to anticipate the potential drifts
of the scenario and to repair them. Finally, these el-
ements were integrated into an interface allowing the
trainer to follow the scenario execution live and to ap-
ply the generated alternatives in case of drift. In or-
der to complete the system, we will study in our next
work the strategies of qualitative selection of the gen-
erated alternatives so that the repair of the scenario
corresponds as well as possible to the initial objec-
tives and the preferences of the trainers. This work
will be accompanied by the development of the moni-
toring system to support the execution of the scenario,
to detect drift situations and to implement the alterna-
This work is financed by the DGA RAPID ORCHES-
TRAA project.
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ICAART 2023 - 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence