Finger-UNet: A U-Net Based Multi-Task Architecture for Deep
Fingerprint Enhancement
Ekta Gavas
and Anoop Namboodiri
Center for Visual Information Technology, International Institute of Information Technology, Hyderabad, India
Fingerprint Enhancement, Fingerprint Quality, Image Enhancement, Multi-Task Learning.
For decades, fingerprint recognition has been prevalent for security, forensics, and other biometric appli-
cations. However, the availability of good-quality fingerprints is challenging, making recognition difficult.
Fingerprint images might be degraded with a poor ridge structure and noisy or less contrasting backgrounds.
Hence, fingerprint enhancement plays a vital role in the early stages of the fingerprint recognition/verification
pipeline. In this paper, we investigate and improvise the encoder-decoder style architecture and suggest intu-
itive modifications to U-Net to enhance low-quality fingerprints effectively. We investigate the use of Discrete
Wavelet Transform (DWT) for fingerprint enhancement and use a wavelet attention module instead of max
pooling which proves advantageous for our task. Moreover, we replace regular convolutions with depthwise
separable convolutions, which significantly reduces the memory footprint of the model without degrading the
performance. We also demonstrate that incorporating domain knowledge with fingerprint minutiae prediction
task can improve fingerprint reconstruction through multi-task learning. Furthermore, we also integrate the
orientation estimation task to propagate the knowledge of ridge orientations to enhance the performance fur-
ther. We present the experimental results and evaluate our model on FVC 2002 and NIST SD302 databases to
show the effectiveness of our approach compared to previous works.
Fingerprints are one of the most crucial biometric
traits due to their characteristic of being unique and
permanent (lifelong) to every individual (Jain et al.,
2004). In addition, they are comparatively easy to
acquire (Jain et al., 2004). So, fingerprints are very
commonly used biometrics for identification. Also,
the recognition of fingerprints collected from crime
scenes is helpful in criminal investigations and foren-
sic applications. However, the acquisition of ’good’
quality fingerprints is not trivial. A fingerprint is iden-
tified based on its unique ridge-valley structure with a
well-defined frequency, orientation, and the location
of special points called minutia. In reality, a finger-
print may be degraded due to various reasons like sen-
sor defects, noise, oily skin, finger cuts/wounds, or
uneven pressure while acquiring. It may have poor
ridge structure, overlapping backgrounds, and low
contrast due to collection from crime scenes. Due
to these factors, the performance of fingerprint sys-
tems gets affected. Fingerprint enhancement deals
with this issue by uplifting the quality of fingerprints
to, at the least, recover the fingerprint structure to
the maximum extent possible. Whether it is match-
ing or recognition, fingerprint enhancement thus be-
comes an essential step in pre-processing in cases
where good-quality prints are rare.
Traditionally, filtering techniques and other clas-
sical image processing methods were used to improve
the ridge clarity, and fingerprint quality (Chikkerur
et al., 2005; Greenberg et al., 2002; Hong et al., 1998;
Kim et al., 2002; Yang et al., 2002). Then, with the
advent of deep learning, neural networks, particularly
convolutional neural networks (CNNs), are being em-
ployed to tackle this problem (Li et al., 2018; Qian
et al., 2019; Joshi et al., 2019). In this paper, to re-
cover good quality fingerprints, we explore a popular
architecture, U-Net (Ronneberger et al., 2015), essen-
tially an encoder-decoder-style architecture with skip
connections. This paper focuses on improving the ba-
sic U-Net architecture in order to improve fingerprint
quality in a robust and intuitive manner. We suggest
that these changes improve the fingerprint quality in
addition to reducing the network parameters.
Gavas, E. and Namboodiri, A.
Finger-UNet: A U-Net Based Multi-Task Architecture for Deep Fingerprint Enhancement.
DOI: 10.5220/0011687400003417
In Proceedings of the 18th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2023) - Volume 4: VISAPP, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-634-7; ISSN: 2184-4321
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
Research studies show that CNNs, not being
noise-robust, noise gets enlarged as data propagates
through the layers of CNNs after several epochs of
training which may significantly impact learning and
can even lead to overfitting (Xie et al., 2019; Geirhos
et al., 2018; Zhao et al., 2022; Li et al., 2021; Liu
et al., 2019). The downsampling operation of CNNs
is responsible for weak noise-robustness and loss of
information. In the frequency domain, DWT can pro-
vide high-quality downsampling, significantly reduc-
ing this information loss. It decomposes the 2D im-
age into four frequency components, and the noise-
containing component is filtered and dropped; hence
it is not forwarded into the network layers, avoiding
noise propagation. In this paper, we use a Wavelet-
Attention block proposed in (Zhao et al., 2022) in our
U-Net architecture as a downsampling layer, which
constrains the noise from high-frequency components
obtained with DWT to propagate further, whereas
information in low-frequency components is unaf-
Further, we incorporate domain knowledge into
our learning for the model to better understand the fin-
gerprint structure. We achieve this by adding minutia-
prediction and orientation estimation branches with a
multi-task learning approach, which further helps to
improve performance. Moreover, we replace standard
convolution layers with depthwise separable convolu-
tions (Chollet, 2017), which does not impact the per-
formance considerably but helps to reduce the model
parameters drastically.
1.1 Related Work
In past decades, several works have been proposed
for fingerprint enhancement that involves applying
traditional or classical image processing techniques.
The research focused on improving the ridge struc-
ture and increasing the contrast in images (Green-
berg et al., 2002). It started with most basic tech-
niques like histogram equalization (Ezhilmaran and
Adhiyaman, 2014) to using Fourier transforms (Sher-
lock et al., 1992; Chikkerur et al., 2005; Rahman
et al., 2008) to remove noise from images. (Chikkerur
et al., 2005) extended the use of short-term Fourier
Transform (STFT) analysis to 2D fingerprint images
and estimated the intrinsic properties of fingerprints.
Gabor filtering was used to estimate the orientation
and frequency fields which were later used to enhance
fingerprints (Hong et al., 1998; Kim et al., 2002; Yang
et al., 2002). (Liu et al., 2014) proposed a dictionary-
based approach where dictionaries were created with
a set of Gabor filters, and the multi-scale represen-
tation is iteratively applied to recover the enhanced
image. (Feng et al., 2012) proposed a path-based dic-
tionary approach for orientation estimation.
For many years, much research has been carried
out on neural networks, especially CNNs. With this,
many past works proposed deep architectures for fin-
gerprint enhancement. (Qian et al., 2019) introduced
a deep network with dense blocks called DenseUNET
to improve image quality in pixel-to-pixel and end-to-
end manner. (Joshi et al., 2019) incorporated adver-
sarial training using GANs for fingerprint enhance-
ment. In another interesting work, (V and Sivaswamy,
2018) posed the fingerprint denoising problem as a
segmentation (task) using M-net-based architecture.
Few previous works had considered adding orienta-
tion knowledge to guide the enhancement task. (Li
et al., 2018) proposed a deep architecture called Fin-
gerNet with enhancement and orientation deconvo-
lution branches to enhance images using multi-task
learning in two-stage training. They posed coarse ori-
entation estimation as a classification problem with a
quantized orientation field.
Generally, CNNs work with the matrix of pixels in
the spatial domain. In contrast, the frequency domain
deals with how these pixel values change in the spa-
tial domain. Several mathematical transforms exist in
the frequency domain, including Fourier, Laplace, Z,
and wavelet transform. Wavelet transform is widely
used in signal processing applications, image denois-
ing (Kimlyk and Umnyashkin, 2018; Ismael et al.,
2016), and compression (Chowdhury and Khatun,
2012; Kanagaraj and Muneeswaran, 2020). It decom-
poses the image information into signal details and
approximations, commonly known as high-frequency
and low-frequency components. Previous studies
show several attempts have been made to incorpo-
rate DWT into CNNs (Bae et al., 2017; Liu et al.,
2019; Li et al., 2021; Zhao et al., 2022). (Bae et al.,
2017) showed that CNNs could benefit from learning
about wavelet subbands and proposed a wavelet resid-
ual network (WavResNet). (Duan et al., 2017) applied
dual-tree complex wavelet transform (DT-CWT) and
designed a Convolutional-Wavelet Neural Network
(CWNN) to suppress noise and extract features ro-
bustly from SAR images. (Liu et al., 2019) proposed a
multi-level wavelet CNN (MWCNN) model which in-
tegrates wavelet transform into CNN to reduce feature
map resolution and increase receptive field. (Li et al.,
2021) designed DWT/IDWT layer for integration into
deep networks. Later, (Zhao et al., 2022) modified
these layers to include a wavelet attention module to
retain detailed information in high-frequency com-
ponents in DWT. In the domain of fingerprint bio-
metrics also, research has been carried out to show
the effectiveness of wavelet transform for fingerprint
VISAPP 2023 - 18th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
enhancement task (Zhang et al., 2002; Hsieh et al.,
2003). Hence, this paper combines the advantages
of deep networks over traditional filtering techniques
and wavelet attention module to design an architec-
ture for fingerprint enhancement.
1.2 Contributions
We made the following contributions to this paper:
1. We propose a U-Net-based architecture with the
DWT-based wavelet attention block for finger-
print enhancement.
2. We demonstrate that using minutia detection and
orientation estimation branches in a multi-task
manner can guide enhancement task to use do-
main knowledge to improve performance further.
3. We evaluate our model with publicly available
datasets FVC 2002 and NIST SD302, and show
that our model performs well in the context
of structural similarity, fingerprint quality, and
The fingerprint enhancement task can be related to
image denoising. However, we need to consider the
inherent properties of biometric data and that it should
be handled differently than normal real-world im-
ages. Autoencoder-style architectures are pretty pop-
ular for image-denoising tasks. We design an archi-
tecture called FingerUNET, based on the popular U-
Net (Ronneberger et al., 2015) originally proposed
for biomedical image segmentation tasks but has been
shown to perform well on fingerprint enhancement
task (Qian et al., 2019; Liu and Qian, 2020). In this
paper, we offer a modified U-Net targeted to handle
fingerprint data for enhancement task.
2.1 Wavelet Transform as Pooling
Wavelet transform can be said as a transformation
that maps the signal to a multi-resolution representa-
tion. Wavelet has been combined with neural network
for function approximation (Zhang and Benveniste,
1992), signal representation and classification (Szu
et al., 1992). (Li et al., 2021) proposed DWT layers
that decompose a 2D image into its frequency com-
ponents. Here, the pooling is performed with down-
sampling operation instead of max pooling or average
pooling to avoid information loss and aliasing effect.
It also increases the noise robustness of CNNs.
Given 2D data X, the DWT usually does 1D DWT
on every row and column, resulting in four frequency
components X
, X
, X
, and X
. X
is the low-
frequency component of input X, representing the
main information, including the basic structure in the
image; X
, X
, and X
are three high-frequency
components that save the horizontal, vertical, and di-
agonal details of X, respectively. (Li et al., 2021) de-
signed these DWT/IDWT layers in Pytorch and made
DWT/IDWT operations differentiable and compatible
with CNNs.
, X
, X
where matrix L and H are the cyclic matrix composed
of wavelet low-pass filter {l
and high-pass fil-
ter {h
respectively. Here L and H are as in (Li
et al., 2021). In FingerUNET, we make use of wavelet
attention block (WA Block) proposed in (Zhao et al.,
2022) built by modifying the above DWT layer. The
wavelet attention block can be defined as
= σ( f (X
, X
)) (2)
= X
Z = f (X
, A
) (4)
where f represents the feature aggregation function, σ
denotes the softmax function. Once the four compo-
nents are obtained using DWT, the WA block takes the
horizontal feature X
and vertical feature X
aggregates them by element-wise addition as a global
detail feature. Then this feature is normalized using
the softmax function. The normalized feature x
the low-frequency component X
are used to gener-
ate the attention map A
through element-wise multi-
plication. Finally, the original low-frequency compo-
nent X
is added to the attention map A
by element-
wise operation and given as output Z. As the compo-
nent X
does not contain additional information for
fingerprint ridges, it is not used in WA block. We
replace the max-pooling layers in vanilla U-Net with
this WA block and notice an improvement in the fin-
gerprint enhancement task. IDWT layer is used to re-
construct the output back to spatial domain (Li et al.,
2.2 Reconstruction Loss
The choice of the loss function is crucial in any neural
network training. Earlier works (Burger et al., 2012;
Dong et al., 2014) used mean squared error (MSE)
or l
loss for reconstruction in image enhancement
tasks. (Zhao et al., 2016) pointed out several limi-
tations to using l
for image restoration tasks. l
not correlate well with human perception of image
Finger-UNet: A U-Net Based Multi-Task Architecture for Deep Fingerprint Enhancement
Figure 1: Architecture of our proposed approach with enhancement, minutia detection and orientation estimation branches in
a multi-task learning setting.
quality (Zhang et al., 2012), due to the assumption
that the impact of noise is independent of the local
characteristics of the image. Moreover, l
larger errors but tolerates small ones without consid-
ering the underlying structure of the image. In con-
trast, the human visual system (HVS) is more sensi-
tive to luminance and color variations in texture-less
regions (Zhao et al., 2016; Winkler and Susstrunk,
2004). (Zhao et al., 2016) suggested using l
loss in-
stead of l
as it does not over-penalize large errors and
it also helps reduce artifacts introduced by l
. We uti-
lize the effectiveness of using l
as a reconstruction
loss for fingerprint enhancement. Even though the
images are grayscale, we witness a performance im-
provement compared to the l
counterpart, as demon-
strated in later sections.
2.3 Minutia Detection and Orientation
Every fingerprint has a well-defined ridge-valley
structure and a frequency associated with it. The
presence of specific patterns like whorl, loop, and
arch in a fingerprint at different locations makes it
unique. Ridge endings and bifurcations (minutiae)
are important in fingerprint matching. Hence, finger-
print images prove to be very different from normal
real-world images and hence they need to be dealt
with differently. These properties of fingerprint data
should not be neglected in learning. For this, adding
domain knowledge to our network training becomes
useful to model the data better. Moreover, in the case
of low-quality images where the structure is not intu-
itive, the knowledge of fingerprint properties can help
the network to learn and predict the structure better.
Previous works utilize ridge orientations when en-
hancing fingerprints (Hong et al., 1998; Kim et al.,
2002; Yang et al., 2002; Li et al., 2018). Orientation
estimation gives the direction of the gradient of the
fingerprint segment which can be important in finger-
print enhancement. (Li et al., 2018) trained enhance-
ment and orientation estimation branches in an end-
to-end manner and demonstrated the effectiveness of
orientation knowledge to aid the enhancement. The
orientation estimation branch in our work predicts
vectorized orientation fields, specifically sine and co-
sine values. This eliminates the need to segregate ori-
entation patches into 20 fixed sets of classes (Li et al.,
2018) and allows for the estimation of precise ridge
We also incorporate the minutia detection branch
for using domain knowledge. (Darlow and Ros-
man, 2017) proposed a minutia extraction network
called MENet, which outputs the minutiae probabil-
ities map, which is later processed to determine pre-
cise minutia locations. To propagate the informa-
tion about fingerprint properties to the enhancement
branch, we use a gray-scale image with minutiae loca-
tions marked with a white dot on a black background
as ground-truth as shown in the minutia branch (Task
2) image in Figure 1.
We approach the problem at hand using multi-
task learning by optimizing fingerprint enhancement,
minutia detection, and orientation tasks simultane-
ously. We use a shared encoder that learns the feature
representations from noisy fingerprint images and one
decoder for each of the three tasks, as shown in Figure
1. We use the l
loss mentioned in Section 2.2 for the
enhancement task denoted by L
. As we are solving
orientation estimation as a regression problem, we use
loss or MSE for this branch. We denote this loss by
. For the minutia detection branch, the values in the
VISAPP 2023 - 18th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
ground-truth map are zero or one based on the pres-
ence of minutia locations, hence we use binary cross
entropy as the loss function and it is denoted by L
The final loss L is the summation of L
, L
, and L
weighted by scalars λ
, λ
and λ
= λ
+ λ
+ λ
2.4 Operation Approximation with
Depthwise Separable Convolution
Standard convolution operation applies spatial and
channel interactions by multiplying values over sev-
eral spatial pixels and all the channels. The idea of
depthwise separable convolution (Chollet, 2017) is
to disentangle the two by using each filter channel
only at one input channel. Then, we use a 1x1 fil-
ter to cover the depth dimension. Though this method
is an approximation to the usual convolution opera-
tion, it does not incur a considerable drop in perfor-
mance. In addition, it reduces the number of model
parameters by 30% in our experiments which in turn
helps to avoid the over-fitting problem. Hence, in our
work, we replace the convolution layers with depth-
wise separable convolutions.
3.1 Dataset
The fingerprint datasets available in the public do-
main are either not huge enough to train a deep net-
work or do not contain enhanced/clean impressions
for ground-truth. So, for all the experiments in this
paper, we are using synthetically generated finger-
prints from SFinGe (Cappelli et al., 2002). SFinGe
can generate fingerprints with the required number
of impressions and varying ridge structures and pat-
terns. A wide range of noise and degradation like
skin elasticity, noise, pressure, scratches, etc., can
also be added. We generated 10,000 fingerprint pairs
(degraded and ground-truth image pairs) for training,
1,000 for validation, and 3,000 for testing. The gener-
ated data contain varying types and degrees of avail-
able noises and backgrounds (optical, capacitive sen-
sors, and no background). Figure 2 shows sample in-
put and ground-truth pairs from the dataset in the first
two rows. For evaluation, we use publicly available
datasets FVC 2002 (Maio et al., 2002) and NIST Spe-
cial Database (SD) 302 (Fiumara et al., 2019). FVC
2002 consists of fingerprints from optical, capacitive
sensors, and synthetic fingerprints available in four
Figure 2: Enhanced images (bottom row) with correspond-
ing degraded input (top row) and ground-truth (middle row)
with our approach on SFinGe synthetic test set. SSIM is
reported between each enhanced and ground-truth pair.
sets, of which 80 images are publicly available in each
set. NIST SD302 has plain, rolled and touch-free im-
pressions captured from various devices. We use the
subset 302d containing 5141 fingerprint images ac-
quired from 4 different auxiliary devices.
3.2 Training
We use the PyTorch framework for all experiments in
this paper. We apply various data augmentations like
random translation, rotation, flip (horizontal/vertical),
and shear, for the network to generalize well. We ap-
ply the same degree of augmentations to each input-
ground truth pair for consistency. The images are re-
sized to fixed dimensions of 400x256. The hyperpa-
rameters are chosen using grid search. The model is
trained with Adam optimizer with a learning rate of
0.001. The batch size is set as 32. The loss weights
, λ
, and λ
are 0.8, 0.1, 0.1 respectively. The net-
work is trained on four GPUs in data parallel mode,
and each GPU is NVIDIA GeForce TITAN X with
16 GB RAM. As the training is end-to-end, the losses
from minutia and orientation guide the enhancement
branch for better fingerprint output.
For evaluation, we make use of standard metrics like
SSIM, RMSE, and PSNR (V and Sivaswamy, 2018).
Additionally, we utilize NFIQ2 (Tabassi et al., 2021)
package from NIST’s NBIS (Ko, 2007) to measure
the quality of fingerprint images. Quality scores
can range from 1 to 100. Moreover, we present the
average matching scores of genuine pairs on all four
subsets of FVC2002 using BOZORTH3 (Ko, 2007).
SD302 does not contain multiple impressions of a
Finger-UNet: A U-Net Based Multi-Task Architecture for Deep Fingerprint Enhancement
(a) FVC 2002 dataset. (b) NIST SD302 dataset.
Figure 3: Illustration of enhancement results with our approach on samples from test datasets.
finger, so matching performance can not be obtained.
Ridge Structure Preservation: In Figure 2, we
show a few sample images from our SFinge test
set with corresponding ground-truth and enhanced
images. We see the SSIM values are higher which
suggests that our approach tries to preserve the ridge
structure while performing enhancement on degraded
input. In addition to this, Table 1 reports SSIM values
for various combinations of techniques suggested in
this paper. In Figure 3, we show the results of our
approach on both datasets.
Fingerprint Quality Analysis: We report the
average NFIQ2 scores on the test sets FVC 2002
and NIST SD302 in Table 2. From the results,
we say that the fingerprint quality improved by a
significant amount of 58% in the case of FVC 2002,
whereas it improved by 23% in the SD302 dataset
after enhancing the raw images with our approach.
Further, our approach gives comparable results with
the previous works. Moreover, we also present the
NFIQ2 scores on the SFinGe test set in Table 1 which
supports our approach to use WA Block, depthwise
separable convolutions, and domain knowledge.
Matching Performance: We report and com-
pare the average matching scores of genuine pairs
of our approach with raw images and previous
works in Table 3. The results suggest our approach
with the inclusion of domain knowledge from the
minutia and orientation branch is able to retain the
minutiae from the degraded images which increases
the matching score and performs well in comparison
to earlier works. This suggests the effectiveness of
our approach in the pipeline of fingerprint matching.
Ablation Study: We report the evaluation met-
rics for the techniques discussed in the paper as
a part of the ablation study in Table 1. We show
Figure 4: Illustration of failure scenarios observed with our
approach. Top row represents degraded input and bottom
row denotes the enhanced images with our model.
how each discussed method in this paper helps to
improve the enhancement further. The depthwise
separable convolution do not significantly impact
the performance but help reduce the model param-
eters to a large extent. Multi-task learning with
minutia detection and orientation branches gives
a clear performance improvement. Moreover, the
use of wavelet attention block further improves
the SSIM and NFIQ2. Overall, the combination of
these techniques results in the best performing model.
Observed Challenges: We observed that our ap-
proach Finger-UNet performs well from our experi-
mental results. However, we also observed scenar-
ios where our approach did not perform well. A few
of these cases are demonstrated in Figure 4. We saw
that in cases where the input has severe artifacts, the
model mistakes it for a portion of the fingerprint and
tries to enhance it. Moreover, in cases where the input
is too dark or too light to correctly figure out the ridge
structure, the model fails to predict good fingerprints
in those areas. In addition, if the input contains a nail,
it fails to discriminate the nail from the fingerprint.
We believe these issues arise as the network has not
seen such data during training, as the SFinge dataset
does not contain samples with nails or artifacts.
VISAPP 2023 - 18th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Table 1: Ablation study: Evaluation performance on
SFinGe test dataset with different modifications to U-Net
suggested in this paper.
Raw Images 0.605 117.31 6.89 36.42
loss) 0.863 43.67 12.78 47.72
loss) 0.883 41.83 14.12 49.45
Depth. Sep. (DS) 0.890 41.25 14.17 49.78
WA Block (WA) 0.919 40.31 14.43 51.01
Minutia (M) 0.934 37.92 17.15 52.86
Orientation (O) 0.928 38.58 16.81 51.32
M+O 0.943 37.43 17.62 53.11
M+O+WA 0.954 36.91 18.47 55.32
M+O+WA+DS 0.955 36.78 18.81 55.34
Table 2: Average NFIQ2 scores of the images from FVC
2002 and NIST SD302 datasets. Higher scores represent
higher fingerprint image quality.
Dataset FVC 2002 NIST SD302
Raw Images 35.10 46.97
Joshi et al. 54.11 56.84
Hong et al. 56.01 58.23
Ours 56.26 58.49
Table 3: Average matching scores from BOZORTH3 on dif-
ferent subsets (DB1, DB2, DB3 and DB4) of FVC 2002
dataset. Higher the scores, better is the approach. Feature
extraction was performed using MINDTCT.
Database DB1 DB2 DB3 DB4
Raw Images 52.77 48.62 45.21 50.26
Joshi et al. 71.34 71.06 67.08 68.20
Hong et al. 73.52 72.31 69.12 70.29
Ours 74.01 72.61 69.10 71.08
In this paper, we modified vanilla U-Net, combining
multiple techniques to improve the fingerprint quality
with synthetic data from SFinGe. We evaluated our
model on two public fingerprint datasets FVC 2002
and NIST SD302. The network is robust enough to re-
cover fingerprints even with various degrees of degra-
dation. From the experimental results, we say that l
loss performed well for this task, along with domain
knowledge from minutia and orientation branches,
which improved performance above baselines. We
also discussed the challenging cases in our experi-
ments and the possible solutions. Moreover, using
the wavelet attention block helped improve the per-
formance. In future works, we plan to explore and de-
sign new quality metrics better suited for fingerprint
enhancement along with other deep architectures.
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