Analysis of Virtual Reality Therapy Game Prototype for Persons Living
with Dementia in the Philippines
Veeda Michelle M. Anlacan
1,2,3, a
, Roland Dominic G. Jamora
1,2, b
Angelo Cedric F. Panganiban
1,4, c
, Isabel Teresa O. Salido
1 d
, Romuel Aloizeus Z. Apuya
1 e
Bryan Andrei C. Galecio
1 f
, Michael L. Tee
1,5 g
, Maria Eliza R. Aguila
1,6 h
Cherica A. Tee
1,7 i
and Jaime D. L. Caro
1,4 j
Augmented Experience Ehealth Laboratory, University of the Philippines Manila, Manila, Philippines
Department of Neurosciences, College of Medicine - Philippine General Hospital, University of the Philippines Manila,
Manila, Philippines
Center for Memory and Cognition, Philippine General Hospital, University of the Philippines Manila, Manila, Philippines
Department of Computer Science, College of Engineering, University of the Philippines Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines
Department of Physiology, College of Medicine, University of the Philippines Manila, Manila, Philippines
Department of Physical Therapy, College of Allied Medical Professions, University of the Philippines Manila, Manila,
Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, University of the Philippines Manila, Manila, Philippines
Virtual Reality (VR), Persons Living with Dementia (PLWDs), Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms of
Dementia (BPSD), Gamification, Personalization, Virtual Environment Design.
Immersive technologies such as virtual reality (VR) had rapidly gained interest as part of the technological
revolution in healthcare. Because of its inspirational affectation, VR had been considered a potential interven-
tion for individuals with impaired memory such as dementia. This paper had two goals that were achieved in
collaboration with healthcare professionals and scientists from the Philippines: (a) to create an improved VR
therapy game for persons with behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia (BPSD), and (b) to acquire
professional insights and recommendations about the game. With this, a VR game prototype was developed
and tested among five health and four game design professionals. A focus group discussion (FGD) was then
held to discuss the participants’ experience with the game. The results of the FGD provided an in-depth anal-
ysis regarding the game’s architecture and overall design for the use of persons with BPSD in the Philippines.
Critical points discussed in this paper may be adopted in future VR studies for general healthcare applications
personalized for a specific demographic.
These authors contributed equally to this work
As of 2015, Alzheimer’s Disease International has
documented an estimated 900 million senior citizens
around the globe, and with no upper limit in sight,
global life expectancy continues to increase (Prince
et al., 2015). With rising life expectancy, there is
an increased prevalence of chronic and progressive
diseases like dementia (World-Health-Organization,
2022; Prince et al., 2015). Dementia is a disor-
der characterized by an unusual progressive decline
in cognitive function (World-Health-Organization,
2022). Persons living with dementia (PLWDs) of-
Anlacan, V., Jamora, R., Panganiban, A., Salido, I., Apuya, R., Galecio, B., Tee, M., Aguila, M., Tee, C. and Caro, J.
Analysis of Virtual Reality Therapy Game Prototype for Persons Living with Dementia in the Philippines.
DOI: 10.5220/0011686900003414
In Proceedings of the 16th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2023) - Volume 5: HEALTHINF, pages 144-154
ISBN: 978-989-758-631-6; ISSN: 2184-4305
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
ten experience changes in mood, behavior, emo-
tional control or motivation that are collectively called
behavioral and psychological symptoms of demen-
tia (BPSD). BPSD tends to worsen and fluctuate as
dementia progresses, and these symptoms are also
costly to manage (World-Health-Organization, 2022).
While pharmacological interventions are available,
the effects of these medications are modest and are
limited by side effects. Furthermore, inadequate man-
agement may cause poor health outcomes for both
the patient and their caregivers (Kales et al., 2015).
Thus, it is necessary to develop alternative, non-
pharmacological strategies for managing BPSD (Ap-
pel et al., 2021).
In recent years, Immersive technologies have
rapidly gained interest as one of the tools aiding
the technological revolution in healthcare (Andringa
et al., 2019). Virtual reality (VR) in particular has
been studied as an intervention for clinical conditions
such as pain and anxiety (Eijlers et al., 2019; Pour-
mand et al., 2018; Wittkopf et al., 2020), burns (Czech
et al., 2022), phobias (Wechsler et al., 2019), and neu-
rocognitive diseases (Moreno et al., 2019). More-
over, the inspirational affectation brought about by
VR (Huntsman, 2014) has led researchers to consider
it for use among individuals with impaired memory
such as PLWDs. VR can be used for cognitive and
motor stimulation (Garcia et al., 2012); for early de-
tection and diagnosis of dementia (Elvey, 2016); or
for recreating the experience of dementia for carers to
better understand the detrimental effects of the disor-
der on the lives of PLWDs (Griffiths, 2016).
This research is part of an ongoing program to
develop an immersive technology system for manag-
ing BPSD among PLWDs. The researchers collabo-
rated with Philippine healthcare professionals and sci-
entists representing the fields of neurology, internal
medicine, physiatry, nursing, anthropology, graphic
design, game design, and software engineering to
achieve the following goals: (a) to create an improved
VR therapy game specific for persons with BPSD re-
siding in the Philippines; and (b) to acquire valuable
insights and recommendations on the architecture and
overall design of the developed VR game prototype
for the target population.
This paper will discuss different studies that have
influenced the architecture and overall design of the
developed VR game prototype for the target popu-
lation; the clinical setup and the components of the
game prototype. The results and discussion of the fo-
cus group discussion about the participants’ experi-
ence using the prototype will be presented, followed
by the summary.
Several early attempts had been made to utilize VR
for dementia care. A study (Flynn et al., 2003)
showed that using virtual environments (VEs) was
feasible among patients with dementia. They noted
that during the VR sessions, patients had little diffi-
culty in navigating and performing simple life activi-
ties in a VE, had no significant increase in simulator
sickness-related symptoms, and had no experiences
that negatively affected their psychological and physi-
cal well-being. To some extent, patients felt present in
the VE, perceived that objects appeared realistic and
moved naturally, and generally felt in control of the
A study (Panganiban et al., 2023) on the feasi-
bility of detecting mild cognitive impairment (MCI)
through long-term cognitive monitoring or repeated
assessment also noted several considerations from the
literature for the design of such applications. These
considerations included (a) the physical and cogni-
tive limitations of the target users; (b) the cultural
aspect of the virtual environment; (c) the cognitive
assessment aspect; (d) the utilization of the three-
dimensional aspect of VR; and (e) the repeatability
aspect of the VR application. Designing an applica-
tion with these considerations in mind might allow a
VR application to be personalized and gamified for a
specific demographic for healthcare, particularly for
cognitive monitoring.
Previous research had attempted to create tools to
aid in the design of VEs based on real-world loca-
tions. One such tool was the BENOGO Place Probe
(Benyon et al., 2006), which aims to capture the sense
of place from a specific location in a form that is
useful for VE designers. The Place Probe elicits in-
formation on three areas of insight: general impres-
sions, key features, and the feelings of presence while
being in a particular place. Results from (Benyon
et al., 2006) suggested that similar experiences be-
tween the actual and simulated environments were
achieved with the help of the Place Probe. The Place
Probe was able to identify features common to both
virtual and real-world environments, and the features
in the VE that deviated from the experience of its real-
world counterpart. This made the Place Probe a useful
method of exploring virtual and actual environments
that may contribute insights into designing VEs.
A review study (Martinho et al., 2020) tackling the
current state of gamification and related techniques
observed that applications designed for elderly pop-
ulations utilized similar gamification techniques and
game design elements. Combining the elements of
Analysis of Virtual Reality Therapy Game Prototype for Persons Living with Dementia in the Philippines
feedback, progression, time constraints, and score
game design provided an effective and real-time in-
dicator of performance. This was common among
applications designed for training purposes to moti-
vate and encourage a user to participate. Alterna-
tively, the combination of feedback, progression, re-
ward, and social interaction was used by applications
designed to enhance relaxed gameplay. Rather than
using time constraints or a score track that might en-
courage competitiveness, entertaining features using
the latter combination are used to improve both indi-
vidual and collective gameplay.
Considerations relevant to the Philippine setting
were noted in a previous study (Anlacan et al., 2023)
on a VR prototype application to address BPSD in
Filipino patients with dementia. The prototype re-
volved around a user’s experience of visiting a fa-
miliar place and engaging in recreational activities
while being accompanied and guided by a virtual
companion throughout the experience. Its gameplay
followed a smooth progression with well-structured
storytelling. The results of this study suggested that
it is feasible and that there is potential for the use
of VR therapy for elderly patients with BPSD in the
Philippines. The authors pointed out design consid-
erations that should be incorporated into the applica-
tion’s overall design for future VR studies, such as
easy-to-use instruments, a user-friendly interface, and
captivating gameplay with respect to the target popu-
lation’s familiarity, comfort, and safety while in the
simulated environment.
This section discusses the architecture and overall de-
sign of the developed VR game and its game flow and
setup for application testing.
3.1 Participants and Focus Group
A sample (n = 9) of healthcare workers with experi-
ence with PLWD, game designers, and game devel-
opers were recruited to experience the VR game pro-
totype (see Table 1). The participants had a mean age
of 35.11 (16.96) years, and most were female (66.7%)
and were licensed healthcare professionals (55.56%).
Each participant experienced the VR prototype at
least once. A focus group discussion (FGD) was then
conducted following the prototype testing. The goals
of the FGD were (a) to describe the participants’ ex-
perience using the VR prototype, (b) to discuss how
Table 1: Participant characteristics during the application
testing session (n = 9).
Variable n = 9 (%)
Age (in years), M (SD) 35.11 (16.96%)
Male 3 (33.33%)
Female 6 (66.67%)
Healthcare or rehabilitation 5 (55.56%)
Computer science or game
development 4 (44.44%)
the application may help PLWDs, and (c) to make rec-
ommendations to improve the virtual experience.
3.2 VR Therapy Game
The VR game prototype described in this paper con-
tained improvements from the VR game developed
and discussed in a previous publication (Anlacan
et al., 2023). The target population of this application
are the older persons with mild to moderate demen-
tia. The experience in this improved prototype still
revolved around visiting a familiar or historical place
to relax and to invoke pleasant memories about the
simulated environment and activities.
3.2.1 Features
Virtual Companion and Observation/Control Module.
The virtual companion was designed with the appear-
ance/form of a child, and was piloted and voiced
in real time by a trained therapist. The compan-
ion guided the participant throughout the experience
by communicating directions, making spontaneous
conversations, and moving in a predefined anima-
tion by pointing and cheering) through the observa-
tion/control module. These features were intended to
give the companion a more human-like interaction to
make the experience more natural and sociable. Other
features on the observation module included the guide
for the flow of the session, a companion animation
wheel, a timer, a view of the participant in real time,
and the participant’s view of the VE. The interface
of the Observation/Control Module as viewed by the
therapist is shown in figure 1.
Initiator. An area called the “Initiator” was de-
signed to familiarize the participants with the virtual
world and its interface. It functioned as an introduc-
tion to the VR user interface. And served as a tu-
torial: a venue to practice hand gestures and object
interaction before the actual VR game. The initiator
had minimal visual and auditory triggers in its struc-
tural design to help the participants adapt to the VE. A
HEALTHINF 2023 - 16th International Conference on Health Informatics
Figure 1: Observation Module (as viewed by the therapist). (A) Guide for the flow of the session, (B) companion animation
wheel, (C) timer, (D) view of the participant in real-time, (E) participant’s view of the VE without the module interface A to
D, and (F) the boy in white is the virtual companion.
demonstration of the design and activities in the Ini-
tiator is shown in figure 2.
Figure 2: (A) The location of the initiator. (B) Participant
matching objects at the initiator. (C) Teleportation tutorial
at the initiator.
Hand Tracking and Gestures. Utilizing the Ocu-
lus Quest 2 features, the game adopted hand tracking,
which is the real-time tracking of a user’s hand and
projecting its movements to the virtual world. Hand
tracking enabled the participants to interact with ob-
jects using their physical hands. This feature freed the
participant’s hands from contraptions/ trackers which
PLWD might perceive as cumbersome or uncomfort-
able. Moreover, hand tracking also enabled the use
of hand gestures to prompt the system or trigger an
event. Through hand gestures, the user might move
from one place to another by pointing their index fin-
ger, and trigger events using a thumb-up hand gesture.
These gestures were taught to the participant in the
initiator and were utilized throughout the experience.
A demonstration of hand tracking is shown in figure
3.2.2 Places in the Virtual Environment
Waiting Room. The waiting room was where the par-
ticipants were teleported after the initiator. It was de-
picted as an enclosed space with black walls and a
floating television screen in front of the participants.
The virtual companion was introduced in this room,
and an introductory video about the VE was shown on
the floating screen. Once the video finishes playing,
the surrounding black walls dissolve, revealing the
Rizal Park VE. The participants returned to this room
after completing all the activities in the VE, signified
by the build-up of the black walls. A demonstration of
the design and activity in the Waiting Room is shown
in figure 4.
Rizal Park VE. The Rizal Park VE was the main
setting where the participants could move around to
explore or perform recreational activities. It utilized
a 360° image of Rizal Park as the background while
Analysis of Virtual Reality Therapy Game Prototype for Persons Living with Dementia in the Philippines
Figure 3: (A) (A) Participant’s virtual hand as viewed by
the participant in the virtual environment. (B) Participant
in the real life as viewed by the therapist in the Observa-
tion/Control Module.
Figure 4: (A) The virtual companion in the Waiting Room.
(B) Introductory Video in the waiting room.
some of the landmarks and structures were added as
generated virtual objects. The Place Probe (Benyon
et al., 2006) was utilized to capture the essence of
the park and create a more convincing VE. The re-
sulting VE was depicted as an open space with visual
and auditory triggers consistent with the ambiance of
its real-world counterpart in Manila, Philippines. A
demonstration of the design of the Rizal Park VE and
its real-world counterpart is shown in figure 5.
This location was chosen due to its significance
and popularity among Filipinos. The park was named
after the Philippine national hero, Dr. Jos
e Rizal,
who was executed in the exact location. His execu-
tion fanned the flames of national independence from
Figure 5: (A) Rizal Park at Manila, Phillipines. (B) Rizal
Park Virtual Environment.
Avatar Room. The avatar room was the first of
three booths depicted in the Rizal Park VE. This was
where the participants selected what their avatar wore
throughout the experience. The room was an enclosed
structure with Filipino-inspired architectural design.
This provided security and comfort for the partic-
ipant while performing the sensitive activity. The
clothes selection was also inspired by traditional Fil-
ipino dresses and accessories. A demonstration of the
design and activity in the Avatar Room is shown in
figure 6.
Painting Booth.The painting booth was the second
of three booths depicted in the Rizal Park VE, and the
first booth that offered a recreational activity. In this
booth, the participants engaged in a painting activity
where they were tasked to add color to the white flow-
ers presented in the middle of the room using a virtual
paintbrush. The vase containing the flowers could be
rotated by tapping one of its four handles. This booth
was designed as a roofed open space with Filipino-
inspired architectural design surrounded by a garden
of flowers and flying butterflies. A demonstration of
the design and activity in the Painting Booth is shown
in figure 7.
Puzzle Booth. The puzzle booth was the last booth
depicted in the Rizal Park VE, and the second booth
that offered a recreational activity. Participants were
tasked to assemble a car by grabbing a car part and
matching the piece to its correct placement on the car,
a task analogous with assembling a puzzle. The booth
HEALTHINF 2023 - 16th International Conference on Health Informatics
Figure 6: (A) Exterior design of the Avatar Room. (B) User
changing clothes inside the Avatar Room. (C) Outfit selec-
tion (left of the participant) and (D) hat selection (right of
the participant).
was also designed to be a roofed open space, depict-
ing car parts and tools similar to a typical auto repair
shop in the Philippines. A demonstration of the de-
sign and activity in the Puzzle Booth is shown in fig-
ure 8.
Figure 7: Painting Booth in the Rizal Park VE.
Figure 8: Puzzle Booth in the Rizal Park VE.
3.3 VR Testing Setup and Flow
A small testing setup was built at the University of
the Philippines Manila - College of Allied Medical
Professions (UPM-CAMP) and at the University of
the Philippines Diliman - Alumni Engineers Centen-
nial Hall. This setup consisted of a 9m
(3m × 3m)
“play area” for the participant and a workstation for
a therapist who was trained to administer the VR ex-
perience and a researcher who observed the testing
Analysis of Virtual Reality Therapy Game Prototype for Persons Living with Dementia in the Philippines
sessions. The therapist supervised the session using
a laptop computer with an observation/control mod-
ule. Through this module, the therapist managed the
application parameters, oversaw the therapy from the
participant’s point of view, and guided the partici-
pant throughout the experience. Figure 9 shows an
overview of the clinic setup.
Figure 9: Application Testing Clinic Setup.
The VR head-mounted display (VR HMD) (Ocu-
lus Quest 2, 128 GB storage), which was tethered
to a laptop (Nitro AN515-45, AMD Ryzen 7 5800H,
16GB RAM, Windows 11 g4-bit) was used by the par-
ticipant to view and interact with the VE. Before the
experiment, researchers orientated the participants on
the VR HMD and the proper use and handling of the
device. The participant was then seated on a stable
swivel chair and was asked to remain seated through-
out the experiment. The experiment started after the
user successfully put on the VR HMD and earphones
with the assistance of the researchers, and ended upon
the participant’s completion of all activities and the
removal of the HMD. An overview of the flow of ac-
tivities in the VR Game prototype is shown in figure
This section discusses the insights and recommenda-
tions of health and game design professionals during
the FGD regarding the architecture and overall design
of the developed VR game prototype for the target
4.1 User Interface
A common feature that the participants appreciated
was the use of hand gestures instead of handheld
controllers to interact with the VE. A participant ex-
plained that patients with dementia may have diffi-
culty in using handheld controllers, especially if they
are not familiar with the technology. Another partic-
ipant appreciated that, instead of all the instructions
being given before the session, instructions on the
hand gestures were simultaneously given throughout
the experience at the Initiator. Despite these positive
comments, the hand gestures still required improve-
ment. Participants still encountered difficulties in ac-
curately using it for teleporting and interacting with
objects within the VE. This was a hardware limitation
and gesture flaw that will be improved in future VR
Another characteristic that the participants appre-
ciated was the light weight of the headset. Only one
participant expressed discomfort while wearing the
headset, but noted that it was the only source of dis-
comfort throughout the VR experience.
Lastly, the participant who served as the therapist
administering the VR experience praised the obser-
vation/control module for its user-friendly interface,
stating that it was easy to learn regardless of one’s
level of familiarity with technology. However, they
hoped that more interactions between the virtual com-
panion and the patient could be added.
Aside from the negative experiences noted above,
a participant also raised a concern on the use of ear-
phones for elderly patients. They mentioned that
one of their elderly relatives was averse to using ear-
phones and that other elderly patients may react sim-
4.2 User Experience
The participants had positive experiences with one or
more components of the VE. Overall, the painting
activity was the most favored activity by the partic-
ipants, especially with respect to its use as a therapy
activity for patients with PLWD. Notable quotes from
the participants are displayed in table 2.
4.2.1 Initiator
The participants positively reacted to the addition of
a tutorial before the VR experience since it helped
in self-orientation within the VE. The activity was
simple, structured, and had definite correct answers,
which would be helpful for PLWD. The initiator also
encouraged (upper body) movement, which one of the
participants appreciated.
4.2.2 Waiting Room
Two participants selected the waiting room as their fa-
vorite part of the VR experience because it helped pre-
pare them for the main environment. They felt excited
HEALTHINF 2023 - 16th International Conference on Health Informatics
Figure 10: Flow of the activities in the VR Game prototype.
Analysis of Virtual Reality Therapy Game Prototype for Persons Living with Dementia in the Philippines
and nostalgic after watching the introductory video.
One participant likened the waiting room to feeling
like sitting in a movie theater or in a car traveling to a
destination because it was comfortable and relaxing.
4.2.3 Rizal Park Virtual Environment
Participants appreciated the choice of setting for the
main environment where the activities took place. As
one participant noted, it was a good choice if the goal
was reminiscence or cognitive stimulation; especially
if the patients were familiar with the place. Seeing a
familiar place may help make it easier to feel secure
in a virtual setting, especially for first-time users.
4.2.4 Avatar Room
Participants mainly had good experiences with the
dress-up activity, and some also chose it as one of
their favorite activities. The activity was simple and
memorable. It was a pleasant experience to choose the
clothes that they wanted their avatar to wear. A partic-
ipant noted that being able to choose their own clothes
could make patients more interested in the experience.
Moreover, this could also be an opportunity for them
to have conversations about their feelings and past ex-
4.2.5 Painting Activity
Many participants enjoyed the painting activity, say-
ing that it was fun and they felt satisfied when they
completed it. The healthcare professionals in the
group particularly appreciated the painting activity for
the sense of accomplishment it could provide PLWD.
The design of the task would enable a patient to com-
plete the activity since it was simple, structured, and
had clear instructions. Many patients with dementia
find it difficult to do everyday tasks, so the easy and
straightforward nature of the activity could also help
with their self-esteem.
The activity was also praised for its physically
stimulating elements. Throughout this activity, target
patients could move their hands to reach for certain
objects. These movements could challenge balance
and would require extra physical effort to perform.
Aside from physical stimulation, target patients could
also be mentally stimulated by the activity. The activ-
ity might provide a sense of independence by giving
them opportunities to make choices, such as deciding
what colors to use or what colors to put next to each
other. This activity might also give the opportunity for
therapists to engage patients in natural conversations.
Participants felt that the painting activity was sim-
ilar to current non-pharmacological therapy activities
for PLWD. They felt that the virtual activity was able
to synchronize with coloring book activities that they
often do with patients.
Minor difficulties were encountered when the par-
ticipants performed the activity. For one participant,
the grip on the paintbrush felt unnatural since it was
not similar to how a paintbrush would be held in real
life. Many participants also found it challenging to
turn the vase, stating that patients may also feel frus-
trated. They suggested a more user-friendly interface
for moving the vase in future iterations.
4.2.6 Puzzle Activity
The participants viewed the puzzle activity as an ac-
tivity that could be particularly engaging for patients
with interest in cars. Although some participants ap-
preciated the activity, many felt that it still had room
for improvement, particularly in making the activity
feel familiar to patients without experience with or
interest in cars. One participant attributed their low
preference for the activity to technical aspects of the
experience, such as the interaction with the virtual ob-
jects and the lack of key sound effects.
4.3 Sensory Elements
4.3.1 Visual Elements
The majority of the visual elements identified were
from the main Rizal Park environment: the overall de-
sign, the background characters/objects, and the land-
marks depicted.
The participants appreciated the overall design of
the environment. The structures and objects appeared
Filipino and old-fashioned, such as the choice of car
model for the car (puzzle) activity and the architecture
of the flower shop (painting booth). For the flower
shop, a participant said: “It had the same feeling for
me as visiting an ancestral home. For the partici-
pants, these design choices were cohesive for the en-
tire environment and added an element of familiarity.
Participants also liked the addition of background
characters in the environment, such as the child flying
a kite in the environment of the park. They felt that
this character added a human element to the environ-
ment and made it feel less lonely. One participant, in
particular, felt nostalgic and recalled their childhood
upon seeing the character. The majority of the par-
ticipants suggested the inclusion of more characters,
each with a different personality.
Landmarks, background objects (e.g., flags, traf-
fic), and even the lighting of the environment was also
noted by the participants. These elements made the
HEALTHINF 2023 - 16th International Conference on Health Informatics
Table 2: Notable quotes from participants for each location/activity in the VE.
Location/Activity Quote
Initiator Participant 8: “It’s one thing for someone to talk to you and to orient you (about
the VR game), but it’s another thing to actually experience it (while instructing
Rizal Park VE Participant 5: “It serves as your first impression of the virtual environment.
Even though it’s new because it’s your first time to enter a virtual environment,
the fact that it is Luneta Park would make it feel familiar and, at the same time,
I assume it would make it easier to feel secure in the new environment.
Avatar Room Participant 1: “If we want it to be like reminiscence therapy, it could be a venue
for them to share their experiences and talk about their feelings. I think that
the ability to change how they look like, the designs of the clothes, and the
things that they wear could be really good conversation starter for them.
Painting Activity Participant 7: “There’s an element of easy winnability to the activity. It’s a
feature that I sometimes use for some of my patients to raise their self-esteem.
A lot of activities of daily living, chores and other activities are already
difficult for them, so it would be good for them to have a task that is winnable.
Puzzle Activity Participant 3: “The car activity feels like it does the same job as the painting
of the flowers. But I think the car activity does not feel as good as the flower
activity because the latter is a better way of moving your hands around during an
environment appear more realistic and recognizable
as Rizal Park.
4.3.2 Auditory Elements
The most common auditory element that the partici-
pants described was the therapist’s voice. The ther-
apist’s involvement as an instructor and guide would
also be helpful to patients. According to the partici-
pants, the therapist’s voice could make the experience
familiar, stimulating, and engaging. The real-time de-
livery of scripted instructions would allow the thera-
pist to adjust instructions or their approach to accom-
modate a patient’s level of understanding and cogni-
Participants had mostly positive comments on the
sound effects of the VE, particularly for the sound ef-
fects associated with the painting activity. However,
one participant reported that the ending sound effect
of the painting activity shocked them. They suggested
that the effect could be turned down. In contrast, they
noted that the puzzle activity could be improved by
adding more key sound effects.
4.4 Safety
A few positive comments were made regarding pa-
tient safety during the VR experience. One partici-
pant appreciated that patients would be seated while
interacting with the VE since it minimize the risk of
falling. Another participant, who declared easily hav-
ing motion sickness, commented that they did not ex-
perience any dizziness or nausea despite freely turn-
ing their head during the 15-20 minute VR session.
This study developed a personalized VR game proto-
type and provided an in-depth analysis regarding its
architecture and overall design for the use of PLWD
in the Philippines. The researchers acquired valuable
insights and recommendations regarding the user in-
terface, user experience, sensory elements, and safety
of the game for future development and possible im-
plementation. Critical points discussed in this paper
might be used or adopted for personalized VR appli-
cations in future studies for healthcare, particularly
for persons with chronic and progressive diseases like
The authors of this paper would like to give acknowl-
edgement to the Republic of the Philippines Depart-
ment of Science and Technology (DOST) Philip-
pine Council for Health Research and Development
(PCHRD) for funding this research.
Analysis of Virtual Reality Therapy Game Prototype for Persons Living with Dementia in the Philippines
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