Table 1: Overview of detected errors and inconsistencies.
# LoC Instances Types Missing Type Missing Pin Datatype Mismatch Errors
1.0 23789 1655 1445 577 2291 0 4815
1.1 23789 1655 1445 523 4959 56 5538
1.2 23777 1655 1445 520 4859 73 5455
1.3 25855 1548 1425 449 2696 67 3212
2 12965 782 1097 203 907 4 1118
3 1 582 597 61800 1122 0 354137 10120 354137
4 3 135 279 103910 2089 32780 882828 18511 934138
usability of resolving error prone application, intro-
ducing recommender systems is planned. To avoid a
large number of chained errors, filter and accumula-
tion criteria are needed to reduce the amount of er-
rors, for example, acknowledging that a missing type
will inevitably produce a missing pin error. We want
to extend this approach to detect further errors or in-
consistencies, for example, duplicated connections in
XML files, or nested types that contain themselves
(an infinite recursion). We also want to apply the
concept for visualizing errors when managing con-
trol software variability using delta models (Schaefer,
2010) (Fadhlillah et al., 2022).
The financial support by the project
Early Stage: SMART Automation Engineer-
ing (FFG F0999885933) is gratefully acknowledged.
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Visualizing Errors and Inconsistencies in the DSML IEC 61499