Dark Ending: What Happens when a Dark Web Market Closes down
Yichao Wang
, Budi Arief
and Julio Hernandez-Castro
Institute of Cyber Security for Society (iCSS) & School of Computing, University of Kent, U.K.
Cybercrime, Dark Web, Anonymous Online Markets, Data Collection, Rug Pull, Exit Scam, Closing-down,
As the economic hubs of (potentially) illegal transactions, dark web markets are fraught with uncertainty,
including their ending. The ending of a dark web market can bring disruption to the stakeholders involved,
especially vendors and buyers. Most importantly, there is a growing concern that such an ending can cause
financial repercussions or even fraud victimisation. At the moment, there is scant published work about how,
why or when dark web markets would end. We aim to fill this gap to help the academic and security research
communities to reflect on what would typically happen to dark web markets in their final days. We used
crawling and data scraping techniques to gather relevant weekly data from six dark web markets over a span
of several months, right up to their closure. We then analysed the data to find common characteristics and
predictive features leading to the closure of these markets. We found three main reasons for the ending of dark
web markets: (i) exit scam, (ii) voluntary closure, or (iii) taken down by Law Enforcement Agencies (LEAs).
We also gained further insights by analysing our data more closely. For instance, markets are most likely to be
closed down when they are most visible, when they are under attack or when they are growing rapidly to their
peak. In particular, more mature markets (i.e. markets that have been in operation for a long period of time)
are more likely to disappear when their economic patterns start to change (for example, there might be a rapid
growth or a sudden – or even gradual, but noticeable – economic decline). When a market was closed down,
vendors and buyers would typically move on quickly to other alternative markets – which might grow rapidly
as a result – and in turn, those alternative markets’ risk of being closed down would become higher. Whether
a market is still accepting new vendors (or not) appears to be a valuable indicator for predicting the market’s
next move. These insights can be useful in anticipating potential market closure, so that sufficient warning can
be provided to avoid people being victimised.
Dark web markets are one of the main economic hubs
of illegal online activity. Similar to the legitimate on-
line markets, as time goes by, some dark web mar-
kets flourish, some wither, new ones are opened and
some close down. However, unlike legitimate on-
line markets, the ending of dark web markets is usu-
ally unannounced, difficult to predict, and frequently
shrouded in mystery. At times, even disinformation
might take place. This opens up an interesting chal-
lenge for cybercrime researchers, and we try to ad-
dress this through the work presented in this paper.
There have been several instances of high-profile
dark web markets being closed down. For exam-
ple, Hydra, a Russian-language dark web market, was
shut down by law enforcement agencies (LEAs) on
April 5, 2022 (Tidy, 2022). The LEAs involved in
this operation have indicated that, even after shutting
down the servers and confiscating around C23 million
in Bitcoin, they fear this will not end the Hydra cyber-
crime gang, as it has proved quite difficult to identify
who was behind it (Tidy, 2022).
Apart from LEA operations, most closures are re-
ferred to as “exit scams”, in which the market op-
erators chose to close the market without prior no-
tice, thus stealing any funds in temporary escrow from
both vendors and buyers. In 2020, for example, the
operators of the largest dark web market at the time,
Empire Market, performed an exit scam and got away
with around $30 million in Bitcoin (Redman, 2020).
In rare occurrences, the operators would “grace-
fully” close down the market, i.e. they would inform
all customers in advance, allowing extra time for on-
Wang, Y., Arief, B. and Hernandez-Castro, J.
Dark Ending: What Happens when a Dark Web Market Closes down.
DOI: 10.5220/0011681600003405
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2023), pages 106-117
ISBN: 978-989-758-624-8; ISSN: 2184-4356
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
going orders to be completed and any remaining funds
to be transferred to the appropriate parties. In 2021,
White House Market did just that, via an announce-
ment on their website stating that the project had al-
ready reached their goal and that they were retiring as
planned (WIRED, 2021). The market operator imme-
diately stopped the registration of new users, and they
ceased to accept new orders on the site. They finally
closed the site down after existing vendors fulfilled
their open orders.
Nevertheless, new markets steadily appear to
compete with existing ones and to replace closed-
down ones. We may never know whether the same
people behind the existing or closed-down markets
are running those new ones. For instance, an operator
that previously performed an exit scam could launch
another market with the same objective of exit scam-
ming. In contrast, those operators that closed down
their old market gracefully might transfer the reputa-
tion and skills they have built up to the new market.
Previous studies have investigated various aspects
of dark web markets, but to our knowledge, none has
specifically focused on the data collection and anal-
ysis of how, why or when dark web markets closed
down. Thus, it is important to dig further into the end-
ing phase of dark web markets, not only to improve
our understanding, but also to help reduce the risk of
people getting exit scammed, and to assist LEAs in
securing evidence before these markets disappear.
While previous work has examined user records
of bitcoin transactions to analyse the unexpected clo-
sure of dark web markets (Labrador and Pastrana,
2022), our work collected data directly from six mar-
kets and their associated forums due to the trend of
not using Bitcoin (Monero instead) in existing dark
web markets. By including multiple markets, we aim
to increase the breadth of our understanding. This
will also allow us to conduct meaningful comparisons
among various instances of closed-down dark web
markets, which can lead to more useful insights.
As such, the study presented in this paper aims
to understand what typically would happen before
and after the closing down of dark web markets, and
whether they have any common characteristics. If
we were able to identify some common features, we
would also like to know whether we can use these to
predict whether a market is about to close down.
Contributions. We collected datasets from six re-
cently closed-down dark web markets and five of their
associated forums in Dread (a dark web version of
Reddit). Through data analysis and in-depth investi-
gation, we classified the ending of dark web markets
into three categories: exit scams, voluntary closures,
and taken down by LEAs. We tracked some indica-
tors and came out with insights into dark web market
development and life-cycle, which we hope will be
useful for future investigations.
The rest of the paper is organised as follows. First,
we dissect and discuss existing relevant papers on the
dark web in Section 2. We explain our method and
approach in Section 3. We present our results in Sec-
tion 4, while we discuss the implications of such re-
sults, along with the limitations of our study and fu-
ture work in Section 5. We summarise our findings
and remarks in Section 6.
With the rapid growth of technology over the years
including the popularity of cryptocurrencies, and
privacy protection technologies such as The Onion
Router (Tor) (Dingledine et al., 2004) – the dark web
market has become a new platform for cybercrimi-
nals (Weber and Kruisbergen, 2019). In earlier years,
researchers proposed systems for obtaining security
intelligence in the dark web to gather warnings of cy-
ber threats (Nunes et al., 2016). LEAs are also aware
of the dark web’s impact on the drug trade and have
conducted preliminary research on it (European Mon-
itoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction, 2020).
Previous studies have covered many aspects of the
dark web markets. In 2013, a study on the very fa-
mous dark web market called Silk Road, was com-
prehensively conducted (Christin, 2013). The paper
found that most of the items sold were available for
less than three weeks, and that most vendors disap-
peared within about three months of joining the mar-
ket. Similarly, another study analysed 16 different
dark web markets of their ecosystem over more than
two years (Soska and Christin, 2015). This study
found that the closure of Silk Road did not lead to the
demise of the dark web as a form of commerce, but
rather, inspired the development of an entire ecosys-
tem of dark web markets. Georgoulias et al. looked
into a mapping of dark web markets through quali-
tative methods covering 41 markets and 35 vendor
shops (Georgoulias et al., 2021). Some studies also
investigated a range of dark web markets in differ-
ent languages for comparison and analysis (Bhalerao
et al., 2019; Wang et al., 2021), highlighting the rapid,
diverse dynamics of the dark web markets’ uptake and
internationalisation. All of these studies suggest that
the dark web markets are an important part of the un-
derground economy.
The European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and
Drug Addiction and Europol published a poster in
2018 indicating the lifetimes and reasons for the clo-
Dark Ending: What Happens when a Dark Web Market Closes down
sure of more than 100 dark web markets that offer
drugs around the world (EMCDDA, 2018). The re-
sults showed that 13 markets were operating for one
to two years. Nine markets were in operation for two
to three years, while 14 were still active at the end of
the study. Moreover, the poster shows that since 2016,
dark web markets have become longer-lived than ever,
i.e. mostly over one year. Similarly, Branwen also
maintains a table to count the number of closed-down
markets, last updated in 2019, but the market infor-
mation is somewhat outdated (Branwen, 2019).
In 2015, DeepDotWeb interviewed the adminis-
trators of some of the then-active dark web mar-
kets, in order to gain their views on the state of the
dark web market at that time (DeepDotWeb, 2015a;
DeepDotWeb, 2015c; DeepDotWeb, 2015b). The ad-
ministrator of AlphaBay mentioned that when other
markets exit-scammed, trading continued anyway, so
many vendors and buyers would move to alternative
markets. This was reflected in the growth in the num-
ber of users, posts and transactions after the closure
of a particular market. TheRealDeal was forced to
close due to the arrest of some of the operators of
the operation team, but relaunched after a period of
time. Moreover, Aurora Market administrators said in
a DarkNetDaily interview that greedy administrators
would run away with three to ve million in around
five months (DarkNetDaily.com, 2021). Ironically,
this market did an exit scam after about three months.
ElBahrawy et al. investigated how the dark web
market ecosystem was affected by unexpected market
closures between 2013 and 2019 (ElBahrawy et al.,
2020). Their research is based on a dataset of Bit-
coin transactions from 31 major dark web markets, 24
of which were closed down by scams or police raids.
They also noted rapid migration following market clo-
sures, which mainly affected smaller vendors.
More recently, Labrador and Pastrana referred to
a case study of market closure in their paper. They
analysed the trends in prices and volumes of products
in the period leading up to the closure (Labrador and
Pastrana, 2022). They also mentioned the Distributed
Denial of Service (DDoS) attack that preceded the
closure of this market and possibly affected the eco-
nomics of the market causing prices to fall while
losing trust from buyers leading to the closure of
the market. This study is quite similar to our study,
however we enrich our dataset to provide a more com-
prehensive analysis of data prior to market closure, in-
cluding the analysis of six markets – rather than only
one market.
In terms of datasets, we found that most of the
publicly available datasets are outdated. Darknet
market archives (Branwen et al., 2015) and AZSecure-
Table 1: Reasons for the closure of 21 major dark web mar-
kets since September 2019.
Market Names Reasons Closure
Apollon Market Exit scam 2020-01
Aurora Market Exit scam 2021-04
BitBazaar Exit scam 2020-07
Cartel Marketplace Exit scam 2021-12
Dark0de Reborn Exit scam 2022-02
Empire Market Exit scam 2020-08
Grey Market Exit scam 2019-12
Silk Road 3.1 Exit scam 2020-07
World Market Exit scam 2022-03
Yellow Brick Market Exit scam 2021-01
CannaHome Market Voluntary closure 2022-04
Cannazon Market Voluntary closure 2021-11
Dream Market Voluntary closure 2019-04
The Versus Project Voluntary closure 2022-05
ToRReZ Market Voluntary closure 2021-12
White House Market Voluntary closure 2021-10
Big Blue Market Taken down by LEAs 2021-04
CanadaHQ Taken down by LEAs 2022-01
Dark Market Taken down by LEAs 2021-01
Hydra Market Taken down by LEAs 2022-04
Monopoly Market Taken down by LEAs 2021-12
data (Alsayra, 2015) are two of the most compre-
hensive datasets of the past. The former contains
data from 89 markets and over 37 relevant forums
from 2013 to 2015. The latter offers Dream Market
dataset from 2016 until 2017, which contains details
of listed items. The dataset from the Cambridge Cy-
bercrime Centre (Pastrana et al., 2018) is still being
maintained and updated nowadays. It contains sev-
eral underground forums on both the surface and the
dark web, including more than 48 million posts, 4.5
million threads and 1 million accounts. Additionally,
Noroozian et al. conducted a study with data from
LEAs (Noroozian et al., 2019), which allowed the
study to have more comprehensive and accurate data,
as the authorities seized entire server backends.
Data collection on the dark web is considered to
be challenging due to the fact that most dark web
markets and forums apply different levels of security
mechanisms against crawlers (Yannikos et al., 2022;
Turk et al., 2020). As the development and evolution
of the dark web are rapid and unpredictable, we de-
cided to collect our own dataset over a long period
of time. For this paper, we selected recently closed-
down markets in our dataset to base our study on.
This section explains our approach, mainly covering
the data collection process and the ethical considera-
tions. We also describe the crawling strategy of our
ICISSP 2023 - 9th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
custom crawler software, and provide an overview of
our datasets
3.1 Approach
In order to understand what happened before and af-
ter the dark web markets being closed down, we col-
lected data weekly
, and analysed data from six dark
web markets over a period of time before they closed.
These six dark web markets are Cartel Marketplace,
Dark0de Reborn, The Versus Project, White House
Market, Monopoly Market, and Tea Horse Road. We
also collected data from five of their associated fo-
rums in Dread. The data from forums are only col-
lected once as those forums have been marked as
archived, which means no new threads would be made
after the archived date (usually a few days after the as-
sociated market being closed down).
Cartel Marketplace, Dark0de Reborn, The Ver-
sus Project, White House Market and Tea Horse
Road are comprehensive markets where drugs, fraud-
related material, stolen data and ransomware are all
listed. All of these markets use some sort of escrow
mechanism to maintain the operation of the market.
Monopoly Market was promoted as a wallet-less and
drug-focused market. Nevertheless, it seems that di-
rect payment to vendors is only available to a select
group of vendors with a good reputation (Darknetlive,
We categorised these six markets into three cate-
gories based on the different endings in which they
were closed down. The criteria used to determine the
category of each market are based on publicly avail-
able information. For reference, we roughly counted
the reasons and time for the closure of major markets
since September 2019, including 21 markets in En-
glish. Ten of them were considered exit scam, six
voluntarily closed down, while five were raided by
LEAs, as shown in Table 1. Due to the timing of
this study and other limitations, we have only got data
from six markets.
Dark0de Reborn and Cartel Marketplace shut
down their sites and deleted the administrator’s ac-
counts on the forum without any prior notice. With
some users complaining on the forums and no state-
ment from the LEAs, we believe this is a classic exit
Due to the potentially criminal content of the datasets,
we had to choose an appropriate and ethical way to share
them. We are happy to share our datasets with the academic
community, security researchers and LEAs. Please contact
the authors for further information.
Some weeks’ data may not be collected for unexpected
circumstances, such as server downtime, crawler errors or
personal reasons.
scam. Voluntary closures include two markets, which
are the Versus Project and the White House Market.
The former chose to retire due to potential security
concerns, and the operator sent private links to the
vendors to access the market to complete transactions.
The latter announced its retirement in a post on the
website and immediately stopped accepting new or-
ders. The admins claimed that the public link to the
site would no longer work after all orders were com-
pleted. Tea Horse Road was a Chinese dark web mar-
ket. A few months after its abrupt closure, screen-
shots of its home page appeared in reports about the
fight against cybercrime. It is therefore identified as
having been shut down by the LEAs. Similarly, the
reason for the closure of Monopoly was due to the
servers being seized, as claimed by the operator of
. However, no one can verify the accuracy
of the information as the LEA did not issue any state-
ment. In this paper, we still classify it as taken down
by the LEAs.
Smaller markets may not be very active in forums,
but operators may introduce “cross-posts” to keep the
market buzzing. The forums in Dread allow “cross-
post”, which means there are threads that can appear
in one or more forums. For example, someone may
post a review about a vendor in /d/review, which can
later be re-shared in /d/versus as well. Therefore,
when calculating the number, we count all the data in
the forum, i.e. including the “cross-posts”. We then
comb through the results to find more meaningful in-
sights, such as how users shift between markets and
discuss them.
3.2 Data Collection
We used Python with both the Scrapy web-crawling
framework (Kouzis-Loukas, 2016) and the Selenium
suite of tools (Software Freedom Conservancy, 2022)
to implement our own custom crawler. Benefiting
from Selenium’s ability to handle sessions automat-
ically, our crawler can deal with the use of dynamic
cookies in certain markets (i.e. each request would
apply a new cookie based on the previous request).
Our crawler employs two strategies to collect data in
dark web markets:
In situations where the site’s security mechanisms
would allow crawlers to operate at higher speeds
with no restrictions – i.e. the site’s sessions would
not (or rarely) expire after a certain time, as long
as the crawler keeps interacting with the site
our crawler would access and collect the details
of each product through the listing page.
Dark Ending: What Happens when a Dark Web Market Closes down
Table 2: A summary of the datasets obtained. *This market does not have a forum in Dread.
Market Names Dates Covered (from/to) # snap. #Dread Threads Size
Cartel Marketplace 2021-03-29/2021-12-20 38 701 352.3 MB
Dark0de Reborn 2021-04-06/2022-02-21 46 4976 542.1 MB
The Versus Project 2021-10-26/2022-05-16 31 3713 5.3 GB
White House Market 2021-05-17/2021-10-11 21 8793 315.0 MB
Monopoly Market 2021-10-18/2021-12-27 11 599 658.4 MB
Tea Horse Road 2021-07-27/2021-11-16 16 N/A* 117.8 MB
Cartel Marketplace
Dark0de Reborn
The Versus Project
White House Market
Monopoly Market
Tea Horse Road
Figure 1: The time period of the data collection for each of the six dark web markets observed.
In situations where the site would apply a strict
security mechanism – whereby the session would
expire after a specific number of requests, and
then a CAPTCHA would be enforced we tried
to use multiple accounts to crawl in parallel and
did our best to get statistical data other than text.
Our crawler is deployed in password-encrypted vir-
tual machines to prevent data from being infected
or compromised. VPN connection is used as an
additional layer of protection. Since Scrapy can-
not directly proxy to the Tor network using HTTP,
Privoxy (Privoxy Developers, 2022) is needed as a
relay to exchange the SOCKS5 and HTTP requests.
When the weekly data collection is completed, we
save the encrypted data to an offline portable hard
Figure 1 shows the timeline for our data collec-
tion for different dark web markets. The start time
of collection varies for each market, but the end time
is the last time it is accessible. During these periods
we obtained data once a week, so we could analyse
the differences over time. For the Dread data, they
were collected once on 14 August 2022, as those fo-
rums have been marked as archived. Table 2 provides
information on the dataset obtained for each market.
Table 3 shows some of the basic characteristics of the
markets observed. In the dataset, we note that some
markets use the Euro to display prices, and some use
the US Dollar. Given the volatility of exchange rates,
we have not converted them as the analysis of trends
is limited to within individual markets. Still, we do
make high-level comparisons based on trends in indi-
vidual markets.
3.3 Ethical Considerations
Since we had to collect data on the dark web (the Tor
network), and the data can potentially be related to cy-
bercrime activities, we had to be very careful in deal-
ing with the ethical issues of our research.
Our datasets contain items such as product in-
formation and discussions from the dark web mar-
kets and their associated forums, which are inherently
public and easily accessible to the public. Nonethe-
less, we did not collect personally identifiable infor-
mation. During data collection, we applied dynamic
delays to our crawler, in order to prevent additional
server stress to the observed sites (i.e. we did not want
to disrupt or interfere with their operation).
The ethics of this study has been reviewed and ap-
proved by our university’s research ethics committee.
In this section, we categorized six markets into three
categories based on the different endings in which
they were closed down. We describe some of the key
things that happened before the closure, and also try
to analyse different indicators depending on the avail-
ability of the data.
ICISSP 2023 - 9th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Table 3: A summary of the observed dark web markets.
Market Names First Seen Last Seen Lifetime #Vendors
Cartel Marketplace 2020-06 2021-12 18 Months 237
Dark0de Reborn 2020-05 2022-02 21 Months 2640
The Versus Project 2019-08 2022-05 33 Months 937
White House Market 2019-08 2021-10 26 Months 3450
Monopoly Market 2019-07 2021-12 29 Months 162
Tea Horse Road 2020-04 2021-11 19 Months 3275
January February March April May June July August September October November December
January February March April May June July August September October November December
January February March April May June July August September October November December
Figure 2: A heat map of the number of comments in the Cartel Marketplace Dread forum (darker colours mean higher
4.1 Exit Scams
Exit scams appear to be the most common type of clo-
sure, where the operator closes the site without any
notice and takes all of the user’s funds in their wal-
let. This happens when markets operate with escrow
mechanisms. The escrow mechanism means that the
market is a third party for vendors and buyers. The
buyer deposits a certain amount of money into a cryp-
tocurrency wallet provided by the market, and the
fund is only released to the vendor’s wallet when the
transaction is completed.
Cartel Marketplace was launched in June 2020
and closed down in December 2021. The lifetime
is about 18 months. Figure 2 shows the number of
posts in the Cartel Marketplace sub-forum. In Jan-
uary 2021, that actually had an official announcement
from Dread dominating the discussion. At the same
time, there were plenty of advertisements from Cartel
operators to attract new vendors and users. December
2021 is the month when the market closes and disap-
pears. The problem was first identified on the 21st of
December, when the market was suspected to be un-
der DDoS attacks and down for a few hours. Users
also started asking in the forums for a time for the
market to return. On the 24th, probably the last ap-
pearance of the market operator. On the 29th, the
forum administrator announced the market had been
exit scammed, as the market operator did not reap-
pear again, and the market website had not been on-
line since the 21st.
Dark0de Reborn was launched in May 2020 and
closed down in February 2022. The lifetime is about
21 months. Almost the same thing happens in this
market. With the DDoS attack at the beginning of
the month, it seemed they had the ability to bring
the site back to normal. When the end of the month
came, the operators disappeared. Unlike Cartel Mar-
ketplace, we did not observe many complaints, but
people moved quickly to other alternative markets.
Figure 3 shows the number of listings and ven-
dors in both markets, which keep increasing overall.
An exception is in the number of listings in the Car-
tel Marketplace. The number peaked in September
Dark Ending: What Happens when a Dark Web Market Closes down
Apr 2021
May 2021
Jun 2021
Jul 2021
Aug 2021
Sep 2021
Oct 2021
Nov 2021
Dec 2021
Apr 2021
May 2021
Jun 2021
Jul 2021
Aug 2021
Sep 2021
Oct 2021
Nov 2021
Dec 2021
May 2021 Jul 2021 Sep 2021 Nov 2021 Jan 2022
May 2021 Jul 2021 Sep 2021 Nov 2021 Jan 2022
# Listings in Cartel Marketplace # Vendors in Cartel Marketplace
# Listings in Dark0de Reborn # Vendors in Dark0de Reborn
Figure 3: The number of listings in the Cartel Marketplace (top left), the number of vendors in the Cartel Marketplace (top
right), the number of listings in the Dark0de Reborn (bottom left), and the number of vendors in Dark0de Reborn (bottom
Apr 2021 May 2021 Jun 2021 Jul 2021 Aug 2021 Sep 2021 Oct 2021 Nov 2021 Dec 2021
# Sales
Median Price
Timestamp for Cartel Marketplace
# Sales
Median Price
(a) Median price and number of sales in Cartel Marketplace.
Nov 2021 Dec 2021 Jan 2022 Feb 2022 Mar 2022 Apr 2022 May 2022
# Sales
Median Price
Timestamp for The Versus Project
# Sales
Median Price
(b) Median price and number of sales in Versus Project.
Figure 4: Median price and number of sales comparison in two markets with different exit types.
2021, and then it started to decline. However, we did
not find any interesting factors that could affect the
number, and it was very quiet in the forum instead. In
October, Cartel Marketplace operators began adver-
tising for the recruitment of new vendors, while the
closure of White House Market led some to transfer
to this market, which is reflected in the growth of the
charts. Therefore, we suspect that the drop in figures
may be due to a small number of “dishonest” vendors
(or “rippers” called in dark web communities) being
banned from the market.
Interestingly, vendor numbers rose rapidly about
two months before the Dark0de market closed. How-
ever, this was seemingly due to the closure of other
markets leading to vendors changing places. In ad-
dition to Cartel Marketplace, another larger market
closed at that time. Similarly, the closure of the White
House Market is reflected in the increase in vendor
numbers at the end of September and the beginning
of October. It was also from this time (about four
months before the market closed) that the discussion
volume on the forum increased rapidly.
On the economic side, we have tried to analyse
the median price and number of sales of the Car-
ICISSP 2023 - 9th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Figure 5: Key events occurring in the White House Market before it was closed down.
tel Marketplace in Figure 4. The number of sales
has maintained consistent growth. The median price
maintained a downward trend. In particular, median
prices fell rapidly in August, and listings numbers did
improve at that time, which should have influenced
the overall results. It is worth noting that its median
price fell again in the final weeks of the Cartel Mar-
ketplace. Interestingly, a vendor claimed the market
operators have secretly revised stock quantities and
reduced the prices of productions in the back end of
the server. This behaviour is considered profitable for
the market operators, as attracting more orders means
more funds go into the market wallet (due to the ap-
plication of escrow mechanisms in the market).
4.2 Voluntary Closures
Voluntary closures are usually a “win-win” for users
and operators, which inform all customers in advance
and allow extra time for ongoing orders to be com-
pleted. However, although this ending is usually
less common in the past, it happens more frequently
White House Market was launched in August
2019 and closed down in October 2021. The life-
time is about 26 months. Figure 5 shows the time-
line of some key events before the market’s closure.
The market first announced in early May 2021 that it
would no longer accept new vendors. On 1st October
2021, the market owners claimed their retirement, i.e.
a voluntary closure of the market. We were allowed to
access the site for the last time on the 11th, and then
the site was shut down on the 12th. It took about 12
days from the announcement to the market’s closing.
Everything looks graceful from an observer’s point of
view, yet the truth could be different. On the same day
that the market was closed, many vendors and users
complained they did not get their coins back. These
people have lost money either due to open orders or
open disputes. Therefore, the forum’s administrators
marked the market as a dishonourable exit.
A different story took place in another market.
The Versus Project was launched in August 2019 and
closed down in May 2022. The lifetime is about
33 months. On 5th May 2022, the market operators
claimed to have transformed the market into an invite-
only community to maintain the quality of support,
including invite-only vendors and invite-only buyers.
Over the next few days, other forums appeared to dis-
cuss a major security breach in the market. Finally,
in a statement dated 22nd May 2022, the operator de-
scribed the fact that the market had a security breach
and decided to close the market down. Unlike White
House Market, the administrator did not disappear
from the forum after the website was closed directly.
Instead, after about four weeks, market administrators
announced a link to complete all transactions.
The number of listings in both markets is growing
steadily. The number of vendors in the Versus Project
market has also continued to grow without many sur-
prises. Figure 4 shows the median price and number
of sales in the Versus Project. It should be noted that
the currency unit of the price is EUR. Sales volumes
are steadily increasing, but there are fluctuations in
the median price. The median price is in a downward
trend from November 2021 to January 2022, and then
begins to rise until mid-March 2022. Sales also in-
creased faster at that time, which may be the possibil-
ity that Dark0de closed at that time and caused many
users to move in. After that time, the median price
fluctuated between C75 to C85.
4.3 Taken down by LEAs
This is usually the hardest type to define, as it is dif-
ficult to establish authenticity across different sources
of information other than the LEAs making a state-
ment. The LEA may operate a market as a honeypot
for a period of time after taking control of it before
shutting it down, which sometimes looks like a vol-
Dark Ending: What Happens when a Dark Web Market Closes down
Oct 24
Nov 7 Nov 21 Dec 5 Dec 19
# Median Sales
Active Disputes
Timestamp for Monopoly Market
# Median Sales in Monopoly Market
# Active Disputes in Monopoly Market
Figure 6: Median sales volume and number of active dis-
putes in Monopoly Market.
untary closure.
Monopoly Market was launched in July 2019 and
closed down in December 2021. The lifetime is about
29 months. It did not seem to have any attacks or ex-
ceptions until it was shut down. After closing, it was
identified as sized by LEAs, claimed by the opera-
tor of dark.fail. The numbers of vendors and listings
were quite stable, with an upward trend. As some
vendors withdrew, the number of listings in this mar-
ket began to decline in early December. But we can
see in Figure 6 that there were still some disputes re-
solved at the end of November, while the median sales
volume was still growing. This is considered a fairly
normal pattern, and the market was growing rapidly.
Tea Horse Road is a Chinese dark web market
which was launched in April 2020 and closed down
in November 2021. The lifetime is about 19 months.
The screenshots of its home page appeared in reports
about the fight against cybercrime a few months af-
ter its abrupt closure. The numbers of vendors and
listings were shown, where both numbers were rising
continuously. The median price rose from $5 to $20
in the two months before the market closed, then re-
mained flat.
Monopoly Market has been developing for over
two years, and it has developed rapidly in the last
two months, benefiting from the White House Mar-
ket exit bringing some users. The market has a good
reputation, and even with the slightly loss of vendors,
sales are still stable. Tea Horse Road is also in a very
smooth development stage, and all indicators are de-
veloping in a good place. Therefore, the LEAs have
reason to crack down on fast-growing markets to deter
criminals in their infancy.
Based on the results we observed, there are no signif-
icant indicators to show whether a market is heading
for closure. However, we have gained some insights
that may be useful for warning users that a market is
going through some “difficulties”, and these dynam-
ics may lead to further moves by its market operators
(including closure).
5.1 Insights
The life cycles of the six markets we observed were
all greater than 18 months, with the largest being
33 months. This may be a bias caused by the fact
that we picked the more popular markets when crawl-
ing, but the markets we picked contain different sizes.
Therefore, we have reason to believe that, in the early
days of some little-known reputable markets estab-
lishment, there is a high probability that they will not
suddenly disappear. However, after a certain number
of users, sales and profits have been achieved, the risk
of closure becomes greater.
LEAs may be more interested in fast-growing
markets, since the larger dark web market has a
greater negative impact on society. Also, the mar-
ket operators may have certain psychological expec-
tations. For example, when a certain amount of profit
is reached, they will try to prevent the market from be-
coming too exposed and uncontrolled for instance,
the market operators may choose to close it down in
order to keep themselves safe from LEAs’ take-down.
On the other hand, once growth is slowing down,
the risk of a market closure begins to increase. In
practice, when the median price falls, this may indi-
cate a decline in the market economics to attract more
customers. Dark web market operators may choose to
exit at this time, meaning they try to get the last profit.
For similar reasons, we believe that markets that
are not accepting new vendors are trying to become
more “closed” communities because they may have
significant circular revenues and do not want to take
more risks. Nevertheless, several security issues (e.g.
DDoS attacks), and possibly other reasons, have led
market administrators to opt for the more conservative
side – either exit scam or voluntary closure.
We also notice that people usually move to other
popular alternative markets when a market closes.
This is reflected in the data collected from our study,
in which the increase of the number of comments as-
sociated to one market appears to coincide with the
closure of another. Figure 7 shows the heat map
of the volume of comments in White House Market,
Dark0de and Versus Project, where darker colours
mean more comments. We notice clear boundaries
where people moved to the Dark0de market after
White House Market exited, and to Versus Project af-
ter Dark0de was closed down. As users become ac-
ICISSP 2023 - 9th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
White House Market
The Versus Project
Dark0de Reborn
Figure 7: A heatmap of the volume of comments in the Dread sub-forums of the White House Market, Dark0de and Versus
Project, showing clear transitions of users (reflected by the comments’ volume – the darker the square, the higher the volume)
from one market to the next; Note that the timelines are synchronised, although Dark0de only covered the last three years.
Dark Ending: What Happens when a Dark Web Market Closes down
tive, conflicts and problems may arise, but within two
to four months, the market would either calm down
and settle, or disappear into the darkness.
5.2 Challenges
Data collection is considered to be a challenge in this
study. Firstly, we do not yet have the ability to pre-
dict which markets will close in the near future, so we
can only do our best to collect data on some markets
and then analyse them after they have closed down.
Secondly, data collection is influenced by the acces-
sibility of the market website. Dark web markets are
often attacked by various parties, which may be LEAs
or competitors. This makes the downtime for some
markets very long, causing the crawling process to be
interrupted and making the data incomplete.
Moreover, the security mechanisms of some mar-
kets result in a limited number of requests being sent
at a time. For instance, Cartel market only allows
300 requests to be made in a session over a period of
time (approximately 40-60 minutes). Therefore, we
tried to use multiple accounts for parallel crawling,
but were still limited by the site’s measures not being
able to access the full content of the market. In addi-
tion, we used two different software packages and two
different strategies for data collection (see Section 3).
5.3 Limitations and Future Work
The data points obtained are not very comprehensive
due to the security mechanisms implemented on some
of the markets’ sites. The main problem was due
to the CAPTCHA employed on these sites causing
our crawler to be disrupted. Additionally, our dataset
contains relatively short snapshots (approximately 2-
9 months) of the observed markets’ data, even though
the markets we observed all had lifetime greater than
18 months. Finally, the markets in our dataset repre-
sent only a small number of existing markets; as such,
some bias might have been introduced as a result.
Further work could focus on dealing with the se-
curity mechanisms of different dark web markets, for
example to understand their anti-crawling strategies
(including the CAPTCHA features mentioned above,
as well as cookies reset and rate-limiting constraints).
It would also be interesting to look further into the
behaviour of cross-market vendors when a market is
closed down. We observed that many vendors are sell-
ing in different markets simultaneously, which means
they would suffer some losses when a market they are
operating in was closed down. However, they do not
seem to be too concerned about these losses and try
to maintain their reputation by, for example, actively
seeking out purchasers in relevant forums.
We also expect more long-term observational re-
search on the dark web in general, for instance to
better understand the development and evolution of
a dark web ecosystem due to its dynamic and unpre-
dictable nature.
In our study, we collected data from six dark web mar-
kets and five associated forums to investigate what
happens when dark web markets are closed down.
We describe and analyse several indicators for such
events. The results showed that even though the mar-
kets may be closed down for various reasons, they still
have some interesting commonalities.
Both exit scams and voluntary closures are more
likely to happen when the market’s economy starts to
change (i.e. not in line with its own “normal” eco-
nomic pattern). Measuring the stage of development
of a market may depend on indicators such as the
number of vendors, the median price, sales volume
and the number of disputes.
It is also important to note whether the market
continues to accept new vendors or not. If the mar-
ket administrators are not looking to accept new ven-
dors, they might want to be more stealthy or the pe-
riodic profit has likely met their expectations (which
could mean they might try to become an invite-only
community or simply shut down at some point). As
for markets being shut down by LEAs, those markets
seem to be in a period of rapid growth and showing
no signs of slowing down – then suddenly disappear.
After a market closure, users and vendors will
quickly move to other markets with a good reputation.
However, after two to four months, these alternative
markets will most likely go into the next darkness.
We believe that these insights provide a way to gain
a more comprehensive understanding of the develop-
ment of dark web markets. We also hope our research
will draw the attention of the academic community to
this often-forgotten dynamic in the dark web.
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Dark Ending: What Happens when a Dark Web Market Closes down