GAN Inversion with Editable StyleMap
So Honda, Ryohei Orihara
, Yuichi Sei
, Yasuyuki Tahara
and Akihiko Ohsuga
The University of Electro-Communications, Tokyo, Japan
GAN Inversion, StyleGAN, StyleMap, Editability, Local Editing.
Recently, the field of GAN Inversion, which estimates the latent code of a GAN to reproduce the desired
image, has attracted much attention. Once a latent variable that reproduces the input image is obtained, the
image can be edited by manipulating the latent code. However, it is known that there is a trade-off between
reconstruction quality, which is the difference between the input image and the reproduced image, and ed-
itability, which is the plausibility of the edited image. In our study, we attempted to improve reconstruction
quality by extending latent code that represents the properties of the entire image in the spatial direction. Next,
since such an expansion significantly impairs the editing quality, we performed a GAN Inversion that realizes
both reconstruction quality and editability by imposing an additional regularization. As a result, the proposed
method yielded a better trade-off between the reconstruction quality and the editability against the baseline
from both quantitative and qualitative perspectives, and is comparable to state-of-the-art(SOTA) methods that
adjust the weights of the generators.
Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) (Goodfel-
low et al., 2014) are generative models consisting of a
Generator, which generates data similar to the train-
ing data, and a Discriminator, which distinguishes
whether the input is true data or generated data. Style-
GAN(Karras et al., 2019, 2020), which has made
great achievements as unconditional image genera-
tion application, can not only generate high-quality
images but also control the semantic properties of the
images because in the latent space the properties are
disentangled and become independently manipulat-
able. In StyleGAN, noise z, which follows a standard
normal distribution, is transformed into latent code w
by a mapping network and used for image genera-
tion. In pre-trained StyleGAN, the latent space W ,
which is the space where latent code w is distributed,
is known to have the disentanglement properties. In
other words, various image editing can be realized by
controlling the W space. However, in order to edit
an arbitrary image, latent code is needed to generate
such an image. The task of “inverting” the input im-
age to the latent code is called GAN Inversion. Usu-
ally, inversion into W space is the last resort due to its
poor reconstruction quality. Therefore, many studies
use W + space with as many different latent codes
as the number of convolution layers. At a resolu-
tion of 1024×1024, an arbitrary input image is repre-
sented in W + R
space using 18 latent codes.
However, there are two problems: (1) W + space is
not always sufficient for reconstruction, and (2) In-
version in W + space impairs editability. To solve the
former problem, we propose to perform GAN Inver-
sion using StyleMap, which is a spatial extension of
the latent code. The extension frees the StyleGAN
Generator from the need to represent the features of
the entire image as vectors and allows detailed recon-
struction of each segmented image region. We found
that this method yields high reconstruction quality but
poor editability. Several studies (Tov et al., 2021; Zhu
et al., 2020b) have shown that editability decreases as
the estimated latent code deviates from the region of
the latent space used in unconditional image genera-
tion. Therefore, we incorporated simple regulariza-
tions to improve editability. The regularizations make
our GAN Inversion competitive with existing work in
the trade-off between reconstruction quality and ed-
itability. Finally, to confirm that the editing results
were qualitatively satisfactory, we actually edited im-
ages with StyleGAN using well-known methods as
shown in Figure 1.
Honda, S., Orihara, R., Sei, Y., Tahara, Y. and Ohsuga, A.
GAN Inversion with Editable StyleMap.
DOI: 10.5220/0011676400003393
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2023) - Volume 3, pages 389-396
ISBN: 978-989-758-623-1; ISSN: 2184-433X
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
Figure 1: GAN Inversion by the proposed method and image editing results using it. From left to right: input image,
reconstructed image, aged image, smiling image, and toonified image. The last two rows, from top to bottom: input image,
reconstructed image, and local editing with neighboring images. Local editing mixes the original image at the top of the
image and the neighboring image at the bottom.
This paper is organized as follows. Section 2 de-
scribes related works on GAN Inversion and its ed-
itability, and latent codes extended in the spatial di-
rection. Section 3 explains the architecture of the pro-
posed method and the regularization method. Section
4 presents the experimental setup and results. Section
5 provides a quantitative and qualitative evaluation of
the proposed method. Section 6 discusses the limita-
tions of our study and the validity of our assumptions.
Finally, Section 7 presents conclusions and future re-
2.1 GAN Inversion
GAN Inversion is a task to estimate the latent code
of a GAN such that the desired image can be gen-
erated. The basic policy is to find the latent code
that minimizes the difference between the input im-
age and the generated image. The simplest way to
achieve this is to optimize the latent code directly
(Abdal et al., 2019) using, for example, gradient de-
scent. While this method yields high reconstruction
quality, it suffers from very long inference times. On
the other hand, encoder-based methods (Richardson
et al., 2021a; Tov et al., 2021), while inferior in re-
construction quality, have the significant advantage of
faster inference time. Intermediate between these two
methods are (1) separately optimizing a latent code
inferred by a pre-trained encoder as an initial value
and (2) progressively obtaining a better latent code us-
ing the encoder multiple times (Alaluf et al., 2021a).
2.2 Editability of GAN Inversion
Pre-trained StyleGANs can reconstruct arbitrary im-
ages due to their generative power. For example, a
StyleGAN trained on a human face image can recon-
struct an image of a cat’s face or even a bedroom (Zhu
et al., 2020a). On the other hand, there is no guaran-
tee that the estimated latent code has good editabil-
ity. Several studies have attributed this phenomenon
to the difference in the distribution of the latent code
at the time of generation and those of the estimated
latent code.
Tov et al. (2021) proposed Encoder for Editing
(e4e), which improves editability at the expense of re-
construction quality by inverting input image to a la-
tent code distributed in a space close to the W space
at image generation. Here, the closeness to the distri-
bution in W space is defined as (1) the closeness of
each of the 18 latent codes and (2) the closeness of
the distribution of each latent code to the distribution
in W space. For the former, the encoder is trained to
minimize the L
norm between the latent code con-
trolling the coarsest scale and other latent codes. For
the latter, a Discriminator is used to determine if the
latent code is sampled from W space.
Zhu et al. (2020b) qualitatively showed that p =
(w), the output of the mapping net-
work w before passing the final activation function,
is multivariate normally distributed. They then per-
formed a highly editable GAN Inversion by adding
the Mahalanobis’ distance between the estimated la-
ICAART 2023 - 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
tent code and the mean of p as a penalty term and op-
timizing it by gradient descent. Note that the policy
by Zhu et al. (2020b) allows for high reconstruction
quality and editability, while the inference time is still
2.3 Spatially Extended Latent Code
In general, GAN uses a latent code to represent the
properties of the entire image. However, there is also
a demand to generate images by specifying different
properties for each region. Examples include methods
that generate images by providing semantic segmen-
tation masks as conditions (Park et al., 2019; Isola
et al., 2017), GAN architectures that simply extend
the latent code in the spatial direction (Kim et al.,
2021), and local editing methods for the generated
image of a trained StyleGAN (Hong et al., 2020).
In particular, StyleMapGAN(Kim et al., 2021) is
an image generation architecture that allows local
editing of images by simply extending the latent code
in the spatial direction, and also performs GAN Inver-
sion by learning additional encoders. However, it is a
modification of the StyleGAN1 architecture, making
it difficult to take advantage of the rich resource of
pre-trained StyleGAN2 weights.
2.4 Pivotal Tuning Inversion
Pivotal Tuning Inversion (PTI) (Roich et al., 2021) is
a novel method of GAN Inversion that has attracted
much attention in recent years. PTI is a two-stage
method where in the first stage images are inverted to
W space, which has high editability but low recon-
struction quality, and later the generator weights are
tuned to minimize the difference between its output
and the input image. It is reported that such a strat-
egy achieves fine results in editability and reconstruc-
tion quality. The SOTA methods in encoder-based
GAN Inversion are HyperStyle(Alaluf et al., 2021b)
and HyperInverter(Dinh et al., 2022), which are meth-
ods that employ the PTI strategy.
3.1 Architecture of Encoder
We modified the pSp encoder(Richardson et al.,
2021a) to be able to output StyleMap. The pSp en-
coder transforms each of the three levels of interme-
diate feature maps into latent code using Map2Style
blocks. We defined the Map2Map block by replac-
ing some of the stride 2 convolution layers of the
Map2Style block with stride 1 convolution layers.
The architecture of the proposed method is shown in
Figure 2.
Each Map2Map block downsamples the feature
map by three stride-2 convolutions. Since the reso-
lution of the feature map is halved with each down-
sampling, a StyleMap of 2 × 2 is estimated for the
coarse scale and 4× 4 for the medium scale. The esti-
mated StyleMap is upsampled to the same size when
the StyleGAN feature map is convolved. On the fine
scale, a regular Map2Style network is used to save
memory. Upon receiving a StyleMap, the pre-trained
StyleGAN transforms the feature map using an oper-
ation called Spatially Modulated Convolution. Spa-
tially Modulated Convolution is a generalized convo-
lution operation with Weight Demodulation:
(x, s) =
w (s x)
i, j
where s is the StyleMap transformed by pointwise
convolution using the weights of the affine transfor-
mation layer of StyleGAN, x is the feature map and w
is the convolution weight.
These extensions make few fundamental changes
to the architecture of the StyleGAN generator, there-
fore abundant pre-trained models can be used without
3.2 Reconstruction Loss
In our method, the reconstruction loss is the same as
the one used in pSp. The loss is composed of L
LPIPS loss(Zhang et al., 2018), and ID loss. LPIPS
loss is a measure known to be close to human percep-
tion. ID loss is defined by L
= 1 R(x) · R( (G
E)(x) ) for the ArcFace(Deng et al., 2019) network R
that outputs face similarity.
3.3 Regularization of Latent Code
Since we found that Inversion to StyleMap improves
reconstruction quality but significantly impairs ed-
itability, we examined the latent space. We first in-
vestigated the singular values of the outputs of the
mapping network, inspired by the insights of Zhu et
al (Zhu et al., 2020b). The singular values are shown
in Figure 3.
Assuming that small singular values contribute lit-
tle to the properties of the image, we performed di-
mensionality reduction and had the Map2Map and
Map2Style blocks output a normalized latent code of
128 dimensions. The encoder restores the latent code
to 512 dimensions. That is, for example, the output v
GAN Inversion with Editable StyleMap
Figure 2: Our architecture. The left frame of the figure shows the encoder and the right frame shows the StyleGAN generator.
Similar to the pSp encoder, the feature pyramid in the ResNet backbone converts the input image into a 3-scale feature map.
However, the coarse and medium scale feature maps are converted to a StyleMap by the Map2Map block, and the fine scale
feature map is converted to a Style by the original Map2Style block.
Figure 3: Visualization of the singular values of the output
of the mapping network. The 512 singular values are side by
side. The large singular values are only a small percentage
of the total, and after that they are much smaller.
of Map2Style is transformed as w
= Av
w. where
w is the average of the mapping net-
work output.
Two regularization terms were added to encour-
age the encoder output to be distributed closer to W
The first is a term to bring each latent code
closer to the distribution of the output of the map-
ping network. The outputs of the Map2Map and
Map2Style blocks should be standardized and uncor-
related. Therefore, we used the KL divergence with
the standard normal distribution for the output v
each block as the loss function:
) =
) +
1 + µ
where D is the number of dimensions of v
, this time
128, and µ
and σ
are the mean and variance for
the dth element of v
, respectively.
The second is the difference minimization of the
latent code at each scale. The output of Map2Map
for the coarsest scale is downsampled to 1 × 1 and the
norm with the other outputs is used for the loss
The first constraint implicitly assumes that the
W space is multivariate normal. However, as Zhu
et al. (2020b) showed, the mapping network of the
StyleGAN is generally closer to the distribution trans-
formed by the activation function than to the multi-
variate normal distribution. However, we experimen-
tally confirmed that the constraint works well despite
this fact.
4.1 Dataset
For GAN Inversion of human face images, The en-
coder is trained with FFHQ(Karras et al., 2019), a
face image dataset. StyleGAN, pre-trained on the
same dataset, is used as the generator. CelebA-
HQ(Karras et al., 2018), a face image dataset different
from FFHQ, is used for evaluation.
ICAART 2023 - 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
4.2 Experimental Results
The inversion results of the existing method and the
inversion results with StyleMap without regulariza-
tion and with regularization are shown in Figure 4. In-
put images were randomly selected from the CelebA-
HQ test set. Although all methods are able to re-
construct the input image reasonably well, the pro-
posed method without regularization and HyperIn-
verter have higher reconstruction quality.
w/o reg
Figure 4: Inversion results of CelebA-HQ for existing and
proposed methods.
5.1 Quantitative Evaluation of
Reconstruction Quality
The evaluations by LPIPS and MSE of our method as
well as pSp and e4e are shown in Table 1. The pro-
posed method is better than the baselines. In particu-
lar, the proposed method without regularization even
outperforms the SoTA, HyperInverter.
Table 1: Quantitative evaluation of reconstruction quality.
pSp 0.16 0.03
e4e 0.20 0.05
HyperInverter 0.11 0.02
Ours w/o reg 0.10 0.02
Ours 0.15 0.03
5.2 Qualitative Evaluation of Editability
5.2.1 Latent Code Editing
The results of image editing by adding Age vectors by
InterfaceGAN(Shen et al., 2020) for the existing and
proposed methods are shown in Figure 5. HyperIn-
verter, pSp and the proposed method without regular-
ization have low plausibility of the edited image. Es-
pecially in the second column, HyperInverter’s edit-
ing even changed the gender of the subject.
5.2.2 Toonify
Toonify(Pinkney and Adler, 2020) is a method
that performs impressive image transformations by
switching layers midway between a pre-trained Style-
GAN and a fine-tuned version of it on a different data
set. The results of Toonify editing for each method
are shown in Figure 6. Although pSp reports better
toonification than the default by learning with differ-
ent settings in an additional report(Richardson et al.,
2021b), we used the default encoder for all methods
for the sake of fair comparison. In other words, the
encoders used in Figure 6 are the same as in Figure
4, respectively. The proposed method with regular-
ization is as plausible as e4e, while pSp and the pro-
posed method without regularization are less visually
plausible. Although HyperInverter’s toonification is
plausible, its editing effect is insignificant
5.2.3 Local Editing
Local editing of images is possible by editing the
StyleMap. Figure 7 shows how local editing was per-
formed by gently interpolating the StyleMap.
5.3 Quantitative Evaluation of
Tov et al. (2021) proposed Latent Editing Consistency
(LEC) as a measure of editability in GAN Inversion:
LE C( f
) = E
[kE(x) ( f
E G f
GAN Inversion with Editable StyleMap
w/o reg
Figure 5: The inversion results of CelebA-HQ for existing
and proposed methods.
where E and G are the encoder and StyleGAN gener-
ator, respectively, and f
(w) = w + αw
. LEC mea-
sures the distance between the latent code estimated
from an image and the latent code estimated from an
image that has been edited and reverse-edited. The
Age and Smile vectors produced by InterfaceGAN are
used as the edit vector w
. We defined avg, min, and
max as extensions of LEC to StyleMap. Each is mea-
sured by calculating the mean, maximum, and mini-
mum pixel values for the pixel-wise sum of squares of
the difference between two StyleMaps. We evaluated
LEC with α = 3, 3 for the Age vector as Old and
Young, respectively, and with α = 2, 2 for the Smile
vector as Smile and No Smile, respectively. The eval-
uation results are shown in Table 2.
The proposed method without regularization is,
as expected, hardly editable. On the other hand, the
proposed method with regularization shows better ed-
w/o reg
Figure 6: The results of toonification using existing and pro-
posed methods.
Table 2: Editability Evaluation by LEC.
Method Old Young Smile No Smile
pSp 63.03 59.43 48.09 48.15
e4e 24.33 24.59 19.92 20.45
HyperInverter 34.04 34.81 24.99 26.00
Ours w/o reg(avg) 295.07 285.80 264.90 264.88
Ours w/o reg(min) 201.18 193.42 178.17 178.38
Ours w/o reg(max) 425.15 413.76 386.07 384.96
Ours (avg) 32.42 30.57 22.94 23.09
Ours (min) 29.99 27.84 20.95 21.10
Ours (max) 36.12 34.65 26.21 26.34
itability than pSp, even if not as good as e4e. Note
that e4e is a method that improves editability at the
expense of reconstruction quality from pSp, and our
method improves editability without sacrificing the
reconstruction quality of pSp. See Figure 8 for the
trade-off between reconstruction quality and editabil-
ICAART 2023 - 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Figure 7: Local editing results. Each edited image is a com-
posite of the top of the image in the first row and the bottom
of the image in the first column.
Figure 8: Trade-off between reconstruction quality (LPIPS)
and editability (LEC). As editability, the average of four val-
ues of LEC is plotted. Avg, min, and max are plotted as the
LEC of the proposed method, respectively. The proposed
method with regularization, plotted in ?, achieves an excel-
lent trade-off.
6.1 Input Image Challenging to
It is still challenging to reconstruct specific images
as well as the existing methods, while the proposed
method has qualitatively and quantitatively better re-
Input pSp e4e
Figure 9: Examples of images that are difficult to recon-
struct and comparison of actual reconstruction results.
construction quality than the existing methods. Dis-
appointing results can be seen as shown in Figure
9, where arms, clothes, or ornaments cover the face
(rows 1-2), or where the face orientation is extreme
(rows 3). However, while pSp vaguely describes the
garment in the second line, the proposed method re-
constructs it better. In the third line, the proposed
method can reconstruct the extreme angles of the face
in the input image, while the baselines are not able to
reproduce it. In addition, the proposed method also
tries to reconstruct the background, which the base-
lines have given up on. Overall, even with challeng-
ing inputs, the proposed method is able to reconstruct
them as well as HyperInverter.
6.2 Regularization Assuming Normal
In this study, we designed the architecture assuming
that each element of the output of the Map2Map and
Map2Style blocks (1) has 0 expected value, (2) has 1
variance, and (3) is uncorrelated. However, we used
the KL divergence to the standard normal distribution
as a penalty term to encourage its output to satisfy
the above conditions. This leads to the following two
KL divergence to each element does not guarantee
W space is different from a normal distribution
Despite these problems, the proposed method shows
good results. For the former, if each element of the
output of the block is correlated, the distribution of the
estimated latent code will fall within the distribution,
although it will not match the desired distribution. For
the latter, although the shape of the distribution is not
taken into account, it is considered to be a sufficient
constraint in that standardization of each element is
GAN Inversion with Editable StyleMap
In this study, we proposed a GAN Inversion us-
ing StyleMap, a spatial extension of the latent code
that controls image properties in StyleGAN. We
found that a simple extension of existing encoders to
StyleMap improves reconstruction quality, but signif-
icantly degrades editability. Therefore, we added reg-
ularization to improve editability. Even though the
use of StyleMap is out of consideration in the design
of StyleGAN, we confirmed that our method is com-
parable to existing methods in image editing. In addi-
tion, we showed that StyleMap allows local editing of
arbitrary images. Notably, our method is comparable
in performance to SOTA methods, even though it em-
ploys a strategy independent of PTI. In other words,
performance can be improved by incorporating PTI’s
strategy into our method. In the future, we would like
to adopt a PTI strategy and experiment with a wide
range of data sets.
This work was supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant
Numbers JP21H03496, JP22K12157.
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