Measuring Emotion Velocity for Resemblance in Neural Network
Facial Animation Controllers and Their Emotion Corpora
Sheldon Schiffer
Department of Computer Science, Occidental College, 1600 Campus Road, Los Angeles, U.S.A.
Keywords: Facial Emotion Corpora, Emotion AI, Neural Networks, Non-Player Characters, Autonomous Agents.
Abstract: Single-actor facial emotion video corpora for training NN animation controllers allows for a workflow where
game designers and actors can use their character performance training to significantly contribute to the
authorial process of animated character behaviour. These efforts result in the creation of scripted and
structured video samples for a corpus. But what are the measurable techniques to determine if a corpus sample
collection or NN design adequately simulates an actor’s character for creating autonomous emotion-derived
animation? This study focuses on the expression velocity of the predictive data generated by a NN animation
controller and compares it to the expression velocity recorded in the ground truth performance of the eliciting
actor’s test data. We analyse four targeted emotion labels to determine their statistical resemblance based on
our proposed workflow and NN design. Our results show that statistical resemblance can be used to evaluate
the accuracy of corpora and NN designs.
As interactive entertainment continues to develop
photo-realistic autonomous agents that behave with
apparent emotional authenticity, a need has arisen to
evaluate the accuracy of the methods used. Facial
emotion corpora have been used to train NN
controllers (Schiffer, 2022), but an evaluation method
will help determine if a facial emotion video corpus
produces sufficiently accurate data to train a NN. The
design of the NN itself can also be a factor, though
methods for evaluating NN efficacy is the topic for a
separate investigation.
Two research communities are using facial
emotion video corpora and are working toward
similar ends. On the one hand, research in the
Computer Graphics field have demonstrated many
breakthroughs with the use of neural networks trained
from live action video subjects to simulate facial
elicitation. In most of these instances, the results have
limitations of duration, emotional autonomy, and
portability into multiple agents, but the demonstrated
photorealistic visual qualities are highly accurate. On
the other hand, researchers in the field of affective
computing and computational psychology have
shown great interest in simulating autonomous
emotional behavior in virtual agents that elicit
independently over lengthy durations. However, the
resulting limitations of data transfer rates between
NNs and the 3d meshes they control, demonstrate less
precise graphic quality nor sufficient speed for
commercial interactive animation, modeling, texture
rendering and animation complexity.
Both research communities have deployed facial
emotion corpora to train neural networks and used
systematic workflow to produce a corpus of video
samples. For both research communities, an
evaluation method will assist in determining the
quality of any individual video corpus and therefore
the NN that used it for training. An evaluation method
must determine if a video corpus can accurately train
a NN to control the actuators of a Non-Player
Character’s (NPC’s) facial elicitation system. The
resulting animation of an avatar should be objectively
similar to the actor’s dynamic facial expressions
while in-character and when provided identical
stimulus within a virtual environment.
Velocity of emotion is one characteristic that
describes the degree of intensity of the stimuli that
triggered an elicitation, as well as the intensity of the
emotional experience itself (Krumhuber et al., 2013).
Therefore, quantifying and comparing velocity can
Schiffer, S.
Measuring Emotion Velocity for Resemblance in Neural Network Facial Animation Controllers and Their Emotion Corpora.
DOI: 10.5220/0011676200003393
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2023) - Volume 1, pages 240-248
ISBN: 978-989-758-623-1; ISSN: 2184-433X
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
demonstrate resemblance of reactive intensity in a
NN-controlled avatar in relation to the human actor
performing in a single-actor video corpus. If an NPCs
elicitation dynamics express as the actor’s character
intended, narrative and rhetorical information in a
video game or other interactive media can become
clearer, enabling a story to unfold in a player’s mind
as intended.
Past research of video corpora has focused
evaluation procedures on the classification of a
corpus’ video clips using surveys of human
annotators. The primary intention of human-
annotated corpus validation has been to warrantee
that emotion label value assignments for static or
dynamic images are valid for images of faces with
random elicitations. These emotion labels and their
recognition techniques evolved from Darwin’s and
Prodger’s study of facial emotions in humans and
animals (1872/1998) and seek to classify emotions
through mostly static facial expressions as
systematically practiced by psychologists Ekman and
Friesen (1987) and Ekman (2006). Using these
classification methods, facial emotion video corpora
production and evaluation has contributed evidence
that basic emotions are recognizable and classifiable.
From this premise, NN design for facial emotion
recognition has adopted a schema of emotion labels
for emotion recognition widely known as the Facial
Action Coding System (FACS), used to determine the
degrees of elicitation of basic emotions observed
through movements of muscle systems of the face
(Cohn et al. 2007).
While the process of evaluating new facial
emotion elicitation video corpora is important for
research and the development of Facial Emotion
Recognition systems (FERs), the interactive media
industries are also burgeoning with similar needs for
video corpora. The production of NPCs require an
objective validation procedure integrated into a
workflow to determine if the behaviors of an
animated character are producing facial expressions
as intended and as exuded by their human subject
referent. Relying on human classifiers has value for
creating FERs because they provide ground truth
definitions of emotion elicitations for general-
purpose emotion recognition systems. But for video
corpora produced for training NNs to simulate an
actor’s performance through a photorealistic NPC,
using human annotators is laborious and expensive.
The objective of this paper is to demonstrate a
statistical method for researchers and developers to
determine behavioral resemblance of a NNs
behavior and the video corpora used to train it. Our
method requires collaboration with actors and/or
performance designers using familiar film and
television performance preparation techniques to
create a body of video recordings of facial emotion
elicitations. This study uses a facial emotion
elicitation corpus to train a NN facial animation
controller. The NN is used to produce animation for a
photorealistic avatar to compare the emotion velocity
of an emotion label it produces with the emotion
velocity elicited by a human actor in recorded video
clips found in the corpora used to train the NN.
Behavioral resemblance can be evaluated by isolating
and measuring statistical characteristics of the
emotion label values recognized by an FER of
recorded facial expressions. We compare the velocity
of data generated by an FER as it analyzes a live
action stimulus source to that of predictive behavior
generated by a NN animation controller as it reacts to
the same stimulus source.
2.1 Example-Based Animation
During the last decade, the Computer Graphics
community has developed new methods of simulating
facial elicitation. This approach prioritizes graphical
accuracy of modeling and animation, one expression
at a time. Several studies by Paier et. al propose a
“hybrid approach” that uses “example-based” video
clips for frame-by-frame facial geometry modeling,
texture capture and mapping, and motion capture
(Paier et al., 2021). Their approach has shown
remarkable graphic resemblance to a performing
actor speaking a few lines or eliciting a series of pre-
defined gestures. The approach of Paier et al.
accomplishes graphical and performative
resemblance by capturing face geometry for
modeling, and dynamic facial textures for skinning a
deformable mesh in real time (Paier et al., 2016). A
NN using a variable auto-encoder (VAE) design is
used to integrate motion for dynamic textures and
mesh deformation, while another NN selects
animation sequences from an annotated database to
assemble movement sequences. Short single-word
utterances or single-gesture elicitations are
synthesized into sequences controlled by the
developer. Database annotation of animation also
demonstrates the efficacy of classifying movement
data of a single actor that can be used later for semi-
autonomous expressions. While the phrase “example-
based” might be distinct from the word “corpus,” the
process of basing programmatic animation on data
Measuring Emotion Velocity for Resemblance in Neural Network Facial Animation Controllers and Their Emotion Corpora
generated from a collection of videos depicting the
same person is essentially a single-actor video corpus.
The emphasis on speech synchronization is found
in the experiments of Paier et al. and a study by
Suwajanakorn et al. that uses the vast collections of
video samples of a U.S. president (2017). From a 17-
hour corpus of President Obama, the investigators
mapped speech from persons who were not Obama,
onto a moving and speaking face of the presidential
subject. Their method discovered that training their
NN benefited from considering both past and future
video frames to best predict how to synthesize
deformations of the mouth right before, during and at
the completion of spoken utterance. Thus, their NN
incorporated Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM)
cells to predict mouth animation synthesis for the
video of upcoming visemes. For the experiments
conducted for our research, we also deployed LSTM
cells and found them useful for the same benefit.
From the standpoint of a designer of autonomous
agents for video games however, neither approach
provide a sufficient model of fully autonomous
elicitation in response to measurable aleatory stimuli
(e.g., the interactive face of a human user, player, or
a non-interactive face from an NPC). Autonomous
emotional agent design has relied on models
developed in Computational Psychology over
decades of research. These most current approaches
of the graphics community do not classify facial
expressions using FACS or other widely
acknowledged emotion interpretation system. No
classification system of emotions for their video
corpora are disclosed, and therefore the
meaningfulness of synthesized expression relies on
arbitrarily selected spoken semantics and correlating
visemes. While the workflow design of both Paier et.
al and Suwajanakorn et al. are impressive for their
mimetic capacity, their fundamental experimental
design provides little computational means to control
emotion as a quantity itself, but only facial expression
as an elicited instance detached from an internal
psychological cause.
2.2 Facial Emotion Velocity
Previous corpora production deployed for the
development of Facial Emotion Recognition (FER)
systems has validated its research using annotators’
judgement of mostly static video frames. Relatively
little attention has been given to the perception of
velocity of facial emotion expression. Research has
shown that facial expression in motion provides more
recognition efficacy than static expression
recognition (Krumhuber et al., 2013). Further
research suggests that perceptions of “naturalness”
were greatly affected by changes in expression
velocity (Sato and Yoshikawa, 2004). If we also
examine the same behavior across disciplines, we
find that emotion expression velocity, often called
tempo or rhythm in the performing arts, is a physical
manifestation of a character’s inner state in relation to
the outer circumstances (Morris, 2014). Some
emotion expressions change in tempo as determined
by the intensity of the emotion and affected by the
“inner needs” of a character, and the physical
conditions of the character’s circumstance. While the
performing arts community has for many decades
acknowledged the importance of elicitation velocity,
measuring changes in emotion labels over time has
not been prioritized as a measurable emotional
property in facial elicitation corpora annotation. To
measure modulations in emotional velocity in
corpora, the video sample production method must
consider dynamic stimuli. For our proposed method,
we adapted a technique of recording multiple versions
of the same action with different emotional intensities
to trigger varying emotional velocities.
2.3 Corpora Production
Emotion recognition video corpora provide a ground
truth baseline for general emotion recognition.
Published corpora reports indicate their baseline
definitions of static and/or dynamic emotion
elicitations of the human face. Distinctions between
corpora consist of two fundamental feature
categories: the method of production of the video
clips, and the method of validation of the corpus. Clip
production or selection methods diverge in the choice
to use actors as practiced by Bänziger et al. (2011)
and Benda et al., (2020) versus non-actors (Vidal et
al., 2020). Similarly opposed approaches is the choice
to use tightly scripted scenarios as did Busso et al.
(2017), versus more improvisational techniques
(Metallinou et al., 2010). Lucey et al. proposed to
record video in a lab-controlled environment (2010),
while others collected samples from major media
production industries such as news and entertainment
(Barros et al., 2018). Our approach was to use actors
with a scripted scenario written to generate specific
emotions for a scripted video game scene with
varying paths.
The evaluation methods we developed required
fewer elicitation variations than a corpus and NN
designed for generic emotion recognition.
Nonetheless, the validation methods used for FERs
provide insight for our approach. Most involved
either a process of soliciting human observers to
ICAART 2023 - 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
annotate video clips, or they require participating
subjects to self-annotate classifications of their own
elicitations (Soleymani et al., 2014). Nearly all
corpora reference the Facial Action Coding System
(FACS), as does our research. FACS correlates
groups of muscles, called action units (AUs), that
manipulate the face to form expressions of at least six
basic emotions: anger, disgust, fear, happiness,
sadness, surprise (Cohn et al., 2007). Classification
methods solicit an annotator to identify an emotion
label in a still image of a video clip. They estimate its
intensity or provide perceived levels of arousal and
valence (Soleymani et al., 2014). This approach
provides a ground truth reference to be validated with
statistical evidence for FER performance evaluation.
To implement human annotation for NN-generated
animation in an NPC would duplicate the work of the
FER system used to analyze the original corpora
clips. Furthermore, the process of collecting human
annotation would defeat the interest of saving labor
costs and production time. Therefore, we elected to
use FER systems for annotation of all clips without
testing for human-machine inner-annotation
agreement. Automated classification has been shown
to correlate accuracy with human classification for
dynamic expressions (Calvo et al., 2018).
Most corpora segregate statistical tallies by
emotion label, valence, or arousal. These
classifications can then be further discerned by
observations of intensity and elicitation duration. Our
system similarly segregates all emotion label values
by intensity on the Russel Circumplex Model (Posner
et. al, 2005). We sought to train NNs for specific
emotion labels where each would be designated to
control a set of facial AUs of an avatar’s mesh
modeled after the performing actor of the corpus. This
approach allows for classifying resemblance by
evaluating the difference between the emotion label
values of the performing actor and their avatar, and
the difference in change of value over time, which is
the emotion label value velocity.
2.4 Neutral Network Design for NPCs
In addition to corpus development, NN development also
has a history of related work. The Oz Project, a collection
of video game experiments and research papers realized by
Loyall, Bates and Reilly in the late 1990s, made use of
emotion generation processes for actors in-training to
implement on virtual agents in digital and interactive media
(Loyall, 1997). The Method approach, a series of practiced
exercises as developed by Russian theater director
Constantin Stanislavsky (Moore, 1984), were combined in
the Oz Project with the emotion system structure of Ortony,
Clore and Collins, also known as Appraisal Theory (Ortony
et al., 1990). Appraisal Theory provides a structured model
of emotion generation that resembles many of the features
of Stanislavski’s Method approach, where emotion is the
result of events whose outcomes may help or hinder one’s
psychological and physical needs. Appraisal Theory was
intentonally organized as an architecture for computational
simulation of the human emotion system. These approaches
from psychology and the performing arts were
implemented into code in the virtual agents of the Oz
Project experiments (Bates et al., 1994). Loyall et. al
produced several interactive media experiments with
autonomously animated characters using emotion AI
systems that deployed digital models of emotion.
Implentation architectures have continued to progress
for autonmous emotion elicitation systems. Kozasa et. al.
showed an early use of an affective model for an emotive
facial system in an NPC based on a dataset of expressions
(2006). Theirs used a 3-layer feed-forward artificial neural
network to train an NPC from “invented” data for
parameters fed to a NN model. They claimed no databases
at the time existed to train their model. Later, using
appraisal theory-based design from virtual agents, the
FAtiMA architecture was integrated by Mascarenhas et al.
with a NN model in educational games (2021). In its earlier
versions in social and educational games, the FAtiMA
architecture had proven to be effective for learning and
engagement (Lim, et al., 2012). Khorrami et. al showed that
the use of LSTM cells for emotion recognition of facial
video was shown to improve previous NN performance for
emotion recognition (2016). Unlike the method that this
research proposes, these previous related works did not use
single-actor video corpora.
3.1 System Overview
The proposed method combines a series of steps that
require skilled participants with expertise in distinct
disciplines. These include video game scenario
writing, performance rehearsal, video production,
facial emotion analysis, NN design, 3d facial
modelling, 3d animation and data analysis. Since
game design is not a linear narrative form, we elected
to create a scripted dialog-behaviour tree authored in
the form of a directional acyclic graph as seen in
Figure 1. Any path through the tree can be performed
as a script. The tree allows for a calculable number of
distinct paths that we rehearsed and recorded to video
clips to create facial emotion corpus.
The video clips of a respondent human Emotion
Model and those of their human Stimulus Source
were analyzed using the Noldus FaceReader 8 FER
system. The FER-generated data from resulting video
corpus were the basis for producing a corpus of clips
from which to train a NN.
Measuring Emotion Velocity for Resemblance in Neural Network Facial Animation Controllers and Their Emotion Corpora
Figure 1: Circled labels are edge segments. Orange-colored
were used in the experiment. As an acyclic graph, a path
can use edge segment C xor F and I xor L.
3.2 Producing the Corpus as a Tree
In our experiment, the scenario was rehearsed in
advance of production with interaction between two
characters, one an Emotion Model and the other, an
emotion Stimulus Source. Actors were rehearsed
based on a backstory where the Emotion Model is
being interrogated by an investigator about a crime.
Actors were asked to focus on mental actions, such as
affirm or resist, that could be performed with few
words and facial expressions. The scenario as
depicted in Figure 1, has 32 possible paths to
resolution. The Stimulus Source performs the role of
an interrogator investigating a crime asking the
Emotion Model accusatory questions. The Stimulus
Source sat in front of a camera in a close
conversational position, and was pre-recorded and
edited to consistent lengths such that all possible
paths of the dialog tree could be presented with edge
segments cut to consistent lengths and the human
Emotion Model could respond synchronously with
the video recording of the Stimulus Source as
illustrated in Figure 2. The Emotion Model performed
the role of suspect. They watched and reacted to each
of the 32 possible paths of video interrogation as if
the Stimulus source was talking and eliciting in
person. The dialog was written so that the Emotion
Model could only respond with the words “Yes,”
“No” or “Maybe.” The resulting facial emotion
corpus consisted of recorded clips of the Emotion
Model’s performance of each of the 32 paths. Each
path was recorded 9 times in triplets. For each of the
triplets of clips, the actor was given cause and
direction to express three distinct degrees of intensity
so that each triplet would be either low, medium, or
high in intensity, thus allowing for distinct intensity
and velocity modulations between each of the triplets.
Thus, 9 clips for each of 32 paths yielded 288 clips of
lengths ranging from 40 to 50 seconds.
Figure 2: Setup for sample recording.
3.3 Modelling the Avatar
To create an avatar of the Emotion Model,
FaceBuilder was used for 3d head modeling and
animation. It automatically creates a facial rig whose
vertex groups are controlled by shape key actuators
within Blender. These shape keys were designed
to move the same alignments of facial muscle groups
Frame 1: “You…” Frame 32: “…
Frame 8: “…knew…” Frame 40:…on…”
Frame 16: “…what…” Frame 48: “…didn’t…
Frame 24: …was…” Frame 56: “…you?”
Figure 3: Eight synchronized frames over 2.3 seconds show
Stimulus Source (left) providing action: accuse. NN Avatar
(right) reacts with sadness.
ICAART 2023 - 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
defined in the AUs of FACS. The head mesh and the shape
keys embedded in the facial rig were deployed in the game
engine Unity 2022. The shape keys were put into
autonomous motion by programmable blend shapes in
Unity. Blend shapes are game engine acturator that can
receive streamed emotion data from the NN animation
controller responding to a human Stimulus Source’s face
that performs as the game player. An embedded NN
receives FER data and controls the avatar of the human
Emotion Model to “react” in a way that intends to
statistically resemble the character behavior the actor
created in the video clips of the single-actor corpus (See
Figure 3).
The NN-generates its predictive data as the reaction in
the form of normalized emotion label values as a means of
autonmously controlling the FaceBuilder head mesh to
animate facial expressions. These values of the NN-
controlled Avatar were compared for their changes over
time during synchronized instances of stimuli from the
human Stimulus Source.
3.4 Modelling the NN
The NN was trained from the clips produced for the single
actor corpus. 68.8% (198 clips) were used only for training
the NN. 20.1% (58 clips) were used only for validation of
the NN. The remaining 11.1% (32 clips) was used to test
the NN’s behavioral resemblance to the actor’s character.
Test clips traversed 4 paths with 14 edge segments in
common that consisted of 32 individual clips of between
40-60 seconds length. These clips yielded at least 3840
frame instances of emotion label value data to compute
emotion velocity and test behavioral resemblance.
The principal components of the NN follow a Recurrent
Neural Network (RNN) design. Predicting the facial
elicitation of game characters based on training data from
an actor’s performance requires both spatial and temporal
data representation. Temporal relations of elicitation events
in the data were processed by LSTM cell layers, while
spatial relations of facial features were handled by the
Dense cell layer. Facial feature positions were
probabilistically estimated from their spatial contexts using
Time-Distributed Dense architectures. The experiment of
this research used a Dense layer of perceptrons that are were
connected to two layers of 100 bi-directional LSTM cells.
The LSTM layers auto-regressively consider data from 10
seconds in the past. Since the data for this experiment was
fed preprocessed emotion data tables (as opposed to a live
video stream), the NN also analyzed 10 seconds into the
Each emotion label was assigned its own NN, so the
recurrent NN was cloned into an entourage of 7 different
NNs. For the experiment, the developed game scenario
anticipated and targeted four probable resemblant
emotions: anger, fear, sadness and surprise each with their
own NN. By separating the emotion labels into distinct
NNs, we were able to observe which NN was most
resemblant for velocity.
3.5 Post-Processing Emotion Analysis
To create the emotion dataset of the corpus used to train the
NN, dynamic facial expressions of each clip were post-
processed by a Facial Emotion Recognition (FER)
software. Noldus FaceReader 8 generated normalized
emotion label values (0.0 to 1.0) of four targeted basic
emotion labels: anger, fear, sadness, surprise. Noldus
FaceReader 8 is a tested and ranked FER system that has
produced emotion recognition validation results that match
the accuracy of human annotators (Lewinski et al. 2014).
Furthermore, the recognition accuracy rate of FaceReader
has been documented as high at 94% (Skiendziel et al.
FaceReader 8 continuously recognized the four
targeted emotion label values for 3 frame instances per
second of video. The corpus consisted of 288 video clips
where each of the 32 paths of the dialog behavior tree were
perfomed 9 times creating three triplets, each with low,
medium and high intensity emotion responses motivated by
changes in the backstory of the video game scenario written
for the dialog behavior tree.
3.6 Evaluation Method
The video clips were subdivided by synchronized frames
that share timecode with clips of the Emotion Model and
the Stimulus Source. Each frame correlates to the individual
edge segments of the 32 possible dialog behavior tree paths.
For the experiment and results presented in this paper, we
examined a set of 9 edge segments in common among 3
paths: nodes 0-2-4-5-6-7, 0-2-4-6-7 and 0-2-3-6-7,
amounting to 27 clips for the experiment. Each of these
edge segments represent a total of 1008 frames or 42
seconds of video. We used only the orange colored
segments from Figure 1 (B, G, H, I, K, M, N, P). For each
of the three paths and their 9 video clips, the emotion data
of four targeted emotions: surprise, anger, fear and sadness
was taken from the first and last frame of the first third,
second third, and last third (14 seconds) of each their entire
42 second paths. The sub-division of the clips allowed for
shorter duration of equal lengths to give more accurate
velocity means for each analyzed sub-clip. Each of the sub-
clips consist of 336 frames or 14 seconds. FaceReader 8 was
set to analyze emotions for one frame of video for every 8
frames, which is the equivalent of 3 fps out of 24 fps.
Therefore each segment is analyzed 42 times (336 live
action frames ÷ 8 FER analyzed frames per second).
To calculate mean velocity for each emotion across
each 336-frame segment, we first found the mean emotion
at each frame for each path from all clips that traverse
the same edge segment using the following equation.
The quotient e
is found by dividing the sum of values
e at frame k for each emotion. The set S consists of all
emotions e
that occur at the same analyzed frame. There
is an e
for every analyzed frame in every path shown in
Measuring Emotion Velocity for Resemblance in Neural Network Facial Animation Controllers and Their Emotion Corpora
Figure 1. With e
found for all analyzed frames in the
experiment, we compute the velocities of each sub-segment
of 336 frames containing 42 analyzed frames as follows for
Each of the velocity values were computed as the
difference of emotion values at time 0 and time 41 for each
of the 81 sub-clips divided by the difference in time from
the first analyzed frame of the 14 second sub-clip to its last
analyzed frame.
For both the NN-generated predicted data that
controled the Avatar, and for the FER generated data from
the Emotion Model, we aggregated all mean velocity values
of each emotion to find a standard deviation, mean and
variance. Since all prediction data that animated the NN-
controlled Avatar synchronously aligned frame-for-frame
with the Stimulus Source video clips as positioned by their
dialog behavior tree segment, emotional label values and
their velocities corresponded to the emotion values at
frames triggered by the behaviors of the face of the
Stimulus Source. The statistical comparison of the
predicted data and test data is revealed in Results.
Figures 4, 5, 6 and 7 show 81 velocity means of sub-clips
distributed in histograms for four targeted emotions. The
four NNs performed similarly. Most notably is the narrow
variance in the histograms. The widest variance occurs with
sadness at 3.47e-5, which is a magnitude of 2 less than its
mean velocity. (See Figure 4.) These narrow variance
results indicate that the Avatar emotion velocity is behaving
similarly to the Emotion Model. We note in all cases, the
mean velocities of the four targeted emotions frequently
show that the Avatar responded with less velocity than the
Emotion model. The concentration of low velocity
reactions to near zero is greater for the Avatar than the
Emotion Model. We notice that as the distribution of
velocity disperses away from zero and toward the extreme
limits of the range, we find the number of edge segments
with accelerating or decelerating velocity to be similar.
Outside of the main distribution curve that surrounds either
side of zero, the outlying velocity means in the range fall on
different values. But their count of edge segments differs
between the data sets by less than 5. The outliers outside the
normal curve around zero suggest the Avatar chooses a
different intensity of response to the Stimulus Source than
does the Emotion Model.
Since the objective of this research is to determine if
the NN design and the video corpus show sufficient
resemblance in emotion velocity behavior, we chose to see
if the mean of the Avatar emotion velocities falls within ±
1 Standard Deviation of the Emotion Model velocities.
Table 1 shows that for all four emotion labels, this
requirement is met. We notice that the Avatar mean always
falls on the negative side of the Emotion Model’s velocity
distribution. This suggests that the Avatar starts each
segment with a higher value than when it ends, and that
there is decline in intensity over time that the Emotion
Model does not exhibit.
Figure 4: Distribution of Anger Velocities.
Figure 5: Distribution of Fear Velocities.
Figure 6: Distribution of Sadness Velocities.
Figure 7: Distribution of Surprise Velocities.
ICAART 2023 - 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Table 1: Mean Velocities Over 81 Edge Segments.
Anger -.0003 -.0009 .0006 .0027 .0017
Fear -.0003 -.0008 .0005 .0027 .0017
Sadness .0014 -.0002 .0016 .0090 .0058
Surprise -.0003 -.0008 .0005 .0027 .0017
Locating the mean of the Avatar velocities for four
emotion labels within ± 1 Standard Deviation
suggests that the Avatar’s velocity behavior is within
at least 68% of the behavior of the Emotion Model’s
behavior in response to the same stimuli. This fact
alone must be bolstered by noting that the Variance
for each of the histograms is 1 to 2 magnitudes less
than the Standard Deviation. With such a narrow
variance, we conclude that the emotion velocities of
all four emotion labels are substantially resemblant.
The contribution or our proposed method is to
create a ground truth reference for one single subject.
The experiments of this research accept the
assumption that the corpora used to validate the NNs
embedded in the FER software are sufficient to build
a secondary corpus like the one we propose, designed
to simulate one actor’s character rather than to
recognize the facial emotion of a wide set of generic
human faces. The approach of this research intends to
streamline character animation in video game
production by leveraging the work of human
annotators used in the development of FERs. By
using programable statistical techniques as applied in
this research, a more automatic process of evaluating
facial emotion corpora could accelerate the use of
emotion AI in NPCs for future game production.
Bänziger, T.; Mortillaro, M.; and Scherer, K.R., (2011).
Introducing the Geneva Multimodal Expression Corpus
for Experimental Re-search on Emotion Perception. In
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ICAART 2023 - 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence