Real-World Case Study of a Deep Learning Enhanced Elderly Person
Fall Video-Detection System
Amal El Kaid
1,2, a
, Karim Ba
1 b
, Jamal Ba
3 c
and Vincent Barra
2 d
e Clermont-Auvergne,CNRS, Mines de Saint-
Etienne, Clermont-Auvergne-INP, LIMOS,
63000 Clermont-Ferrand, France
Alqualsadi Research Team, Rabat IT Center, ENSIAS, Mohammed V University in Rabat, 10112, Rabat, Morocco
Angel Assistance, 57070, Metz, France
Neural Networks, Fall Detection, Fall Classification, Real-World Fall Detection System, Reduce False
Recent large and rapid growth in the healthcare sector has contributed to an increase in the elderly population
and an increase in life expectancy. One of the important study topics in this field is the automatic fall detection
system. Camera-video has been extensively employed recently for applications in surveillance, the home,
and healthcare. Therefore a smart fall detection system is focusing on image and video analysis techniques.
For that, our scientific work studied an actual vision-based fall detection system. It produces satisfactory
outcomes, but there is still room for improvement. The system has a very high recall rate and can detect all
falls, but it lacks precision and frequently reports false positives (more than 99 per-cent). In fact, due to the
optimum camera quality, several ordinary activities with specific movements, such as wheelchair mobility, or
the light changing in an empty room, can be mistaken for falls. To address this problem and increase precision,
we propose a post-process approach, hybridizing a CNN model and a Haar Cascade Classifier to determine
whether to confirm or reject an alert that has been identified as a fall. The system’s effectiveness will increase
while the false positives are decreased.
The elderly population is growing more in the world
recently. The elderly are living longer and are getting
more numerous than ever, due to many reasons, in-
cluding the adoption of modern technologies to lessen
health issues. One common and major health prob-
lem that elderly people face is falling. Thousands of
them are victims of fall incidents. Chan et al. (Chan
et al., 2007) estimate that one-third of home-living
adults aged 75 or more experience a fall each year.
Falls cause variable physical consequences depend-
ing on the senior, but they frequently result in serious
injuries including hip fractures or even death. In fact,
falling is one of the five most common causes of death
among the elderly population (Vishwakarma et al.,
2007). World Health Organization (World Health Or-
ganization, ) estimated that 646 000 fatal falls occur
Corresponding author
each year, making it the second leading cause of unin-
tentional injury death, after road traffic injuries. Fur-
thermore, fall victims suffer from severe psychologi-
cal effects, such as the loss of self-confidence (Vignat,
2001), which is one of the most reasons that don’t en-
courage the aged population to live alone and main-
tain an independent lifestyle. As a result, it is highly
recommended to adopt technological innovations like
smart systems to help address these problems and pre-
vent any dangerous injuries by minimizing the time
spent lying down on the cold floor for several hours
or even days after a fall incidence has occurred. Be-
cause of this, the use of technological advancements,
such as smart systems, is strongly recommended to
help address these problems and to avoid any danger-
ous injuries by reducing the period of laying down
on the cold floor for several hours or even days af-
ter a fall incident has occurred. This makes devel-
oping an effective fall detection system a major chal-
lenge for the health care research community. That
is the primary focus of this paper. There are several
types of systems for automatic fall detection, as de-
scribed in Section 2. There are several types of sys-
El Kaid, A., Baïna, K., Baïna, J. and Barra, V.
Real-World Case Study of a Deep Learning Enhanced Elderly Person Fall Video-Detection System.
DOI: 10.5220/0011674800003417
In Proceedings of the 18th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2023) - Volume 5: VISAPP, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-634-7; ISSN: 2184-4321
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
tems for automatic fall detection, which we will de-
scribe in Section 2. Including wearable devices and
environmental sensors. However, they are unfavor-
able choices for the people, they consider them blind
solutions because they are unable to communicate the
severity level of a fall to provide the required assis-
tance. The camera-based system is the most reliable
and trustful method of detecting falls and delivering
timely aid. Despite the success and the trust of people
in this direction, it still faces many challenges. Over-
coming one of them is our objective in this study. We
based on a real case study in a French company of
fall detection camera-based system, to improve it. We
found out that because of the video’s optimal resolu-
tion and room’s light condition, there are some daily
activities with certain movements such as mobility on
a wheelchair or even the light changing in an empty
room that can be mistaken for falls, which decreases
the system’s precision. We focused on how always
returning positive falls to maximize the system preci-
sion. For this, we proposed to reduce generated false-
positive images. We presented an image processing
algorithm that hybridizes a Convolution Neural Net-
work model and a Haar cascade classifier, which will
be added to the fall detection algorithm to filter the
alert image before being sent. The organization of
this research paper is as follows. Section 2 will give
an overview of fall human detection systems. Section
3 will present a real-use study of a fall video detec-
tion system in a French company and discuss one of
its weakest points, then we will propose a solution to
overcoming this problem and improving this system.
Section 5 will cover the experimental results obtained.
A conclusion of the work is formulated in section 6.
Recently, a huge amount of research is proposed to
solve the problem of fall detection. This problem can
requires using one of different types of devices in or-
der to collect data when attempting to automatically
detect a fall (Guti
errez et al., 2021; Rastogi and Singh,
2021; Berlin and John, 2021). They can be catego-
rized into invasive devices that must be maintained
by the user and passive devices which continue to op-
erate with minimal maintenance.
In the state-of-the-art of fall detection, researchers
tend to base there approaches on structured predic-
tion, supervised learning, clustering, outlier detection,
dimensional reduction, and neural networks. Through
the last decades, many papers reviewed the evolution
of existing human fall detection systems. The first
survey was published in 2008 by Noury et al. (Noury
et al., 2007), they reviewed the sensor-based sys-
tems for automatic fall detection by citing all previous
works that deal with the accelerometer approach as
well as those done with image processing techniques.
Thousands of new techniques have appeared af-
ter the survey published by M.A.Habib et al. (Habib
et al., 2014) in 2014, and yet no survey paper has
been published to group these new approaches un-
til 2018 when T.XU et al. (Xu et al., 2018) updated
the survey of fall detection methods focusing on those
done from 2014. They have selected the twenty most
highly cited articles to discuss profoundly their ideas
and theories and analyse them from three aspects:
sensors, algorithms, and performance. In the same
year, Y. Birku et al. (Birku and Agrawal, 2018) pub-
lished a survey of various fall detection systems and
methods. They detailed the most used approaches in
the fall detection system, which include the wearable,
ambiance, and camera-based devices. Another survey
paper in the human fall detecting domain was written
by S.K. Jarraya et al. (Jarraya, 2018). They consid-
ered only camera-sensor based approaches because of
their performance versus other approaches, they gave
an overview of the related works on fall detection that
used Kinect camera and discussed their limitation and
advantages. Indeed, we will give, in short, a global vi-
sion of these different systems and their limits. First,
the traditional medical alert systems are manual alarm
systems that require the participation of the person.
The alarm buttons, existing in the form of a necklace
or a bracelet to carry on, allow the person to press
on to alert of a fall. The idea behind this type is to
avoid false alarms and to allow the person to feel re-
assured to have at all time a wearing device. But these
devices must be worn to function. This is the main
cause of their lack of effectiveness. In 1981, Wild et
al. (Wild et al., 1981) conducted a study on people
over 65 years old for one year. They found that of
the nine fallers with an alert system, only two man-
aged to use it to alert after falling. This inability to
press the button may be due to the person’s uncon-
sciousness or shock. So even though the senior used
this system, he remains unprotected and rescued in
the event of a sudden fall followed by a loss of con-
sciousness that he could not trigger an alert to the help
desk manually. That is what push the researchers to
develop an automatic alarm system which can be de-
fined as an assistive device whose main objective is to
alert when a fall event has occurred. The most known
commercial fall detection systems are mostly classi-
fied into three categories; those based on wearable
devices, those based on ambiance sensors, and those
based on video processing (Yu, 2008; Mubashir et al.,
VISAPP 2023 - 18th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Figure 1: Video fall detection system.
2013). The Wearable device based systems sensi-
tively provide automatic detection, thanks to embed-
ded sensors (accelerometer, triaxial accelerometer, bi-
ological signals) and new algorithms which recognize
the activities. They allow measuring changes in ori-
entation, motion, and location of the body of the sub-
ject to detect the physical activity so that can identify
the fall event. Once a fall is recorded and not inter-
rupted by the user, the system immediately contacts
the health services to allow early intervention. How-
ever, the main drawback of these systems is that they
fixed relative relations with the object, which could
be easily disconnected. In addition, carrying around
devices all the time and wearing them is not conve-
nient, and elderly individuals may simply forget to
put them on. The ambiance sensors came to over-
come this problem, they detect the plantar pressures
exerted by people to ensure that the person is not ly-
ing on the floor. They rely on proximity and floor sen-
sors to collect data on the daily living activities of the
senior. They use motion, light, and vibration sensors
and combine visual and sound information to detect
a fall. However, it has the significant disadvantage
of sensing the pressure of everything in and around
the object and generating false alarms in the case of
fall detection, which leads to poor detection accuracy.
Furthermore, nothing can guarantee if it is a real fall
or not and the degree of severity if so. The last cate-
gory and not the least is Vision-based systems, which
analyse algorithms for images, sounds, and videos.
Recently, camera-video has been increasingly pop-
ular for surveillance, home, and healthcare applica-
tions. Since they tend to deal with intrusion better
than other approaches. They can integrate many im-
plemented algorithms and open-source libraries that
detect the person’s falls. Only this type of system
raises the doubt whether it is a real fall or not, so
it allows for avoiding unnecessary interventions and
minimizes the overall cost of the service and provides
the exact cause of human falling. And unlike the oth-
ers, they make it possible to have an idea about the
severity level of a fall event, so that, a necessary res-
cue will have done. The Cameras must be installed
in several rooms to cover the whole area of actuation.
When a fall is detected, the system sends the images
of this event to the help desk.
3.1 Context and Objective of the Work
Angel Assistance is a French innovative company
launched in 2013 to develop a new technique and a
complete video fall detection system to help depen-
dent elderly in their home from a camera mounted
in a patient room. Once a fall is detected, the sys-
tem sends automatically and immediately an image
alert captured of the senior’s situation to the company
call center to be treated and verified by human agents,
whether is a true fall or a false one to perform the nec-
essary rescue. The false positives are events similar to
the characteristics that define the falls.
Real-World Case Study of a Deep Learning Enhanced Elderly Person Fall Video-Detection System
3.2 Data Acquisition
An RGB camera and an Edge computer are used for
data acquisition. In fact, the Hidden RGB camera
equipped with infrared LED for night vision used
as presence detector (Ismaili-Alaoui et al., 2022;
Ismaili-Alaoui et al., 2019). And Edge is a local
server that analyzes video feeds from all local cam-
eras. It detects any drop alerts in order to be sent to
the operations center. Indeed, the images captured by
the camera are analysed in the Edge computer to de-
termine whether or not a fall has occurred. The sys-
tem alerts the center of the detected fall, which is then
checked and stored, by a center agent, in one of four
classes: false alerts including empty room, false alerts
including active person, true alerts with average risk
level including seated person, and true alerts with a
high level of risk, which includes people lying down.
Figure 1 illustrates the process of video fall.
We studied data gathered by the system over seven
months, containing about 26 551 images. We have
observed that 99% of received alerts are false posi-
tives, and only seven are real alerts. Four falls with a
seated person, three falls with a lying person, 16972
images of empty rooms and 9572 images of active
3.3 Data Analysis
Various machine learning models were investigated
to increase the accuracy of automatic fall detection.
For example, (
Ozdemir and Barshan, 2014) used
K-Nearest Neighbor classifier or (Karantonis et al.,
2006) used Support Vector Machines (SVM) that ac-
curately detect falls based on wearable motion sen-
sors. However, as mentioned in the section 2, they
pose problems because the elderly must always wear
them, therefore they are insufficient to provide re-
liability in real-world circumstances (Galv
ao et al.,
2021). In the other hand, these machine learning clas-
sifiers have also been proposed for solutions based on
surveillance cameras and computer vision techniques.
For example, Feng et al. (Feng et al., 2014) clas-
sified human postures identified from extracted sil-
houettes using a multi-class support vector machine.
Also, Galv
ao et al. (Galv
ao et al., 2017) tested MLP,
KNN and SVM classifiers. All these techniques pro-
duced accurate results. However, the current issue is
all these studies results represent only reflect the ac-
curacy of sensitivity, which measured the system’s ca-
pacity to detect falls, and completely ignore the accu-
racy of specificity, which measures the system’s ca-
pacity to prevent false alerts (Aziz et al., 2017).
Indeed, sensitivity refers to the ratio of the true posi-
tives to the total number of falls as shown in equation
1. Conversely, specificity is determined by the ratio of
true negatives to the total number of discarded trials,
as shown in equation 2, c .
Sensitivity =
TruePositive + FalseNegative
Speci f icity =
TrueNegative + FalsePositive
The false positive rate, which corresponds to the
number of false alerts, could also be considered as a
significant evaluation metric 3.
Falsepositiver ate =
While Time is given in hours. Aziz O. et al. (Aziz
et al., 2017) is one of a few papers that measured
all these evaluation performance, like the angel sys-
tem, they detect falls in elderly datasets, their algo-
rithm based on SVM classifier showed 80% sensi-
tivity, 99.9% specificity and false positive rates from
0.05 to 0.15 false alarms per hour. Similarly, the
best performing algorithm reported by Bagal
a et al.
(Bagala et al., 2012) which showed 83% sensitivity,
97% specificity and 0.21 false alarms per hour. The
Angel system gives, for the real-world data set ob-
tained, as previously mentioned, from elderly people,
a sensitivity of 100%, a specificity of 95% and 0.02
false alarms per hour.
The primary metrics which determined the sys-
tem performance are precision and sensitivity/recall
(Grandini et al., 2020). The precision is computed as
the proportion of the total relevant results returned to
the total number of results returned. In other words,
the ratio of real falls to the total of falls returned by
the system 4. Such a system, with high recall and
low precision , is referred in a scientific literature as
a recall -oriented system in contrast to the precision
-oriented system with low recall but with high preci-
sion as they talk a lot but make a lot of mistakes. An
“ideal” system provides all the information required
and nothing more (high recall and high precision).
Precision =
TruePositives + FalsePositives
Therefore, the main goal of this work is to enhance
the system by increasing precision without reducing
sensitivity. Thus, we propose reducing the number of
false positives.
VISAPP 2023 - 18th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Figure 2: Diagram of error minimizing by alerts filtering using Haar cascade and CNN.
In the previous section 3, we noted that many fall de-
tection systems suffer from low performance (high
false positive rate 3). An example of these systems
is Angel Assistance which suffers from a very high
number of false positives (99% of detected images are
false). In this section, we propose to help improve this
system by reducing the number of these false alarms.
Our proposition is defined by a post-processing step
that is added after the alert is given by the fall detec-
tion system. This approach combines the Haar cas-
cade and a proposed CNN classifier to help determine
if the alert is false or not (see figure 2). The combi-
nation of the two approaches comes in two integrative
steps. First, the haar cascade is applied to determine if
the received image contains a person or not (the room
is empty). If it does, the image will be transferred
to the CNN classifier to determine finally if there is
a fall or not.Before we apply this combination of ap-
proaches, a data preparation, and processing step is
First, we annotated and visualized false positive data.
This phase helped us to more clearly identify the
kinds of circumstances that the system has not been
able to separate from fall-related ones. We manually
labeled roughly 2050 over 9572 images in the cate-
gory ”active person, sub-classing them into 4 sub-
categories: 10 images of people using walkers, 1080
images of people using wheelchairs, 210 images of
people using chairs, and the remaining 748 images.
In fact, a prior paper (El Kaid et al., 2019b) ex-
amined and offered the idea of reducing false pos-
itives by employing a convolutional neural network
to get rid of those of a person in a wheelchair. But
as indicated in its perspectives, there are still a lot of
false positives. For example, none of the CNN mod-
els evaluated could distinguish empty room images
because of the complexity of the images, variations
in the room’s lighting, and video resolution. We came
up with the notion to further increase the fall detection
algorithm’s accuracy at that point. Indeed, the idea
presented in the earlier paper to address this request
will be improved by the proposed method. Since we
don’t want to affect the main system of the fall de-
tection, we propose an algorithm that will be used as
post-processing on the system after the fall detection
This algorithm is applied to the outcomes of the
video-based fall detection algorithm or the warnings
that have been identified. Post-processing thus anal-
yses the static images, and it is divided into two
main components and produces results instantly. The
first part uses the Haar-like features method to detect
whether an image contains a human or not. If so, a
CNN model will process the image and assign it to
one of the following two classes: ”person sitting on
a wheelchair”, ”person not sitting on chair”, or ”oth-
ers”. Then, only images from the last class will be
assigned to provide desk assistance. They could be
true falls or false ones (some images of an active per-
son). But still, a large portion of these alerts (”empty
room”, ”a person sitting on a wheelchair”, and ”per-
son sitting on a chair”) are erased.
Human Detection Using Haar-Like Features. The
first part of the algorithm, which is based on the
human detection technique, aims to distinguish the
“Empty room” image from others (“False positive:
Active person”, “Real fall”). The goal is to keep
only the alerts that include a human and ignore any
alerts that do not. First, we tested the most pop-
ular algorithm for this task, extracting the features
by HOG (Histogram of Oriented Gradients) descrip-
tor and classifying them using SVM. But this ma-
chine learning algorithm was unable to detect peo-
ple in images well due to noise from the surveil-
lance cameras. Then, we attempted to use pre-trained
OpenCV classifiers saved in XML files to detect hu-
mans using Haar-like features. These files are haar-
cascade fullbody, haarcascade lowerbody and haar-
cascade upperbody.
Real-World Case Study of a Deep Learning Enhanced Elderly Person Fall Video-Detection System
Figure 3: The binary CNN classifier architecture.
Yet, none of these files are compatible with our
data. The use of these files necessitates a dis-
tinct persona, which does not satisfy our condi-
tions. In practice, after experimenting with numer-
ous OpenCV Haar Cascade Classifiers, we found
three XML files that we could use to identify the
presence of a person in our images, these files
are : haarcascade frontalcatface extended, haarcas-
cade frontalcatface and lbpcascade frontalcatface.
We employ the detectMultiScale technique from
CascadeClassi f ier approach to locate the subject in
the image. These three detectors are utilized to deter-
mine whether or not a person is present in the image.
If this classifier indicates that there is no one in the
new alert, it is assumed that this image represents an
empty room and the warning is canceled. By doing
this, we will greatly reduce the number of false posi-
tives and enhance the fall detection system.
Convolution Neural Network Model. To build a
convolution neural network, we follow the architec-
ture outlined in the graph of the figure 3.
First, we load the CNN model from our previous pa-
per (El Kaid et al., 2019b). It was a binary classifier
that was saved in an HDF5 (Hierarchical Data Format
version 5) file that was used to determine whether or
not an alert contained a person using a wheelchair,
which provides a good accuracy of 98%. Using this
approach, we can get rid of the images that show a
person in a wheelchair, which accounts for around
17% of false positives. Second, we considered cre-
ating a new multi-class CNN classifier to categorize
alerts into the four categories of ”person sitting on
a wheelchair”, ”person sitting on a chair”, ”empty
room”, and ”other”. Due to a lack of data, we cannot
incorporate the ”images with a walker” class. Several
models have been tested, although due to the similar-
ity of the images of the different classes, they gen-
erally produce less effective results, as shown in our
previous research (El Kaid et al., 2019a). The best
performance, in this case, was 89%, which is why we
considered including the previously described human
detection system. However, we build another multi-
class CNN classifier for the three categories above ex-
cept ”empty room”.
The algorithm 1 explains the proposed post-
processing approach to eliminate false positives.
Algorithm 1: Post-processing to filter alerts.
Begi n
FilterAlert ( Mat alert image)
f aceExtendedCas C a s c a d e Cl a s si f i e r
(" haarc a s c a d e_ fr o nt al ca tf a ce _e xt en d ed . xm l ")
f rontalcat f aceCas C a s ca d e C la s s if i e r
(" h aa rc a sc a de _ fr on t al c at fa c e . xm l ")
f rontalcat f aceLbp CascadeCla s s i f i e r
(" l bp c as ca d e_ f ro n ta l ca tf a ce . xml ")
detect d e t e c t M u lt i S c a le ()
/* detect contains location and size
of the bounding box (x,y,w,h)
if a person is detected
d 0
If detect is not None
Retu r n d d + 1
EndI f
If d > 3 //A person is detected
model = l oad ( f ilter model ) // Load CNN
img resized = pre - proces s alert image
// Resize the input image
result m odel . predict (img resized)
If result[0][0] = 1
i.e: the image contains
a person on a wheelchair
Exi t //Cancel alert sending
Els e
sen d (alert image) // Confirm
alert sending
EndI f
Els e
if no person is detected,
it is an Empty room.
Exi t // Cancel alert sending
EndI f
This article outlines how an alert is processed and fil-
tered before it is transmitted. This section contains
some of the outcomes of the proposed post-process.
When the algorithm is tested on 5254 images, the
Haar cascade classifier, which we use as the first step
of our approach to filter out alerts containing ”empty
room”, provided 76% accuracy.
As can be seen from the figure 5, the Haar cas-
cade classifier succeeds in identifying people in the
VISAPP 2023 - 18th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
(a) False alarm : A per-
son in a wheelchair
(b) False alarm: An
empty room
(c) False alarm : A per-
son in a chair
(d) False alarm : A per-
son in a wheelchair
Figure 4: detected Alerts by the fall video detection algo-
(a) Person detected (b) Person detected
(c) Person not detected (d) Person detected
Figure 5: The outcomes of a classifier using a Haar cascade
images and marks their presence with a green rect-
angle (bounding box) around them while eliminating
the image of an ”empty room”. The second filter, a bi-
nary classification model, uses the output of the first
step as input and removes the false-positive category
of ”person sitting in a wheelchair” with an accuracy
of 98%, which enhances the fall detection system.
The algorithm’s final findings are shown in the
figure 6. The categorical model, on the other hand,
allows us to do away with the categories of ”person
sitting in a wheelchair” and also ”person sitting in a
Even if its accuracy, 82%, is less than that of the
binary classifier, it is still respectable. AlexNet model
is the network that was trained for it. We could en-
hance the elderly person fall video-detection algo-
rithm by hybridizing one of the CNN classifiers with
a Haar cascade classifier, maximizing its precision
while minimizing the number of false positives sent
by eliminating three categories of false alarms: an
(a) Prediction: person is
on a wheelchair
(b) Prediction: person is
on a wheelchair
(c) Prediction: person is
not on a wheelchair
Figure 6: The final results of Algorithm.
empty room, a person in a wheelchair, and a person
in a chair.
To summarize, when it comes to fall detection de-
vices and methodologies, all sensors, whether worn
or embedded in people’s environments, are all blind
and send fall alerts just like any other detector. Only
image-based methods can verify the reality of the fall
and avoid unnecessary assistance. However, we rec-
ognize that there is room for improvement.
We could enhance the elderly person fall video-
detection algorithm by hybridizing a Haar cascade
classifier with a CNN classifiers. This improve-
ment could maximize the system’s precision by min-
imizing the number of false positives sent. Indeed,
we proposed an algorithm that eliminates three cate-
gories of false alarms: an empty room, a person in a
wheelchair, and a person in a chair.
In the upcoming work, due to the proximity between
images of different classes and to the lighting varia-
tion, we propose to develop a video-based fall detec-
tion system based on our previous 3D pose estimation
approach (El Kaid et al., 2022) to more accurately rec-
ognize the fall events .
The authors wish to thank Angel Assistance for pro-
viding us with the necessary data to accomplish our
work. This work is financed by CIFRE France-
Maroc, ANRT, France and CNRST, Morocco.
Real-World Case Study of a Deep Learning Enhanced Elderly Person Fall Video-Detection System
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