ALiSNet: Accurate and Lightweight Human Segmentation Network for
Fashion E-Commerce
Amrollah Seifoddini
1 a
, Koen Vernooij
, Timon K
, Alessandro Canopoli
, Malte Alf
Anna Volokitin
and Reza Shirvany
Zalando SE, Switzerland
Zalando SE, Germany
On-Device, Human-Segmentation, Privacy-Preserving, Fashion, e-Commerce.
Accurately estimating human body shape from photos can enable innovative applications in fashion, from
mass customization, to size and fit recommendations and virtual try-on. Body silhouettes calculated from
user pictures are effective representations of the body shape for downstream tasks. Smartphones provide a
convenient way for users to capture images of their body, and on-device image processing allows predicting
body segmentation while protecting users’ privacy. Existing off-the-shelf methods for human segmentation
are closed source and cannot be specialized for our application of body shape and measurement estimation.
Therefore, we create a new segmentation model by simplifying Semantic FPN with PointRend, an existing
accurate model. We finetune this model on a high-quality dataset of humans in a restricted set of poses
relevant for our application. We obtain our final model, ALiSNet, with a size of 4MB and 97.6 ± 1.0% mIoU,
compared to Apple Person Segmentation, which has an accuracy of 94.4 ± 5.7% mIoU on our dataset.
Human segmentation has emerged as foundational to
applications across a diverse range from autonomous
driving to social media, virtual and augmented real-
ity, and online fashion. In the case of online fash-
ion, giving users a way to easily capture their body
shape is valuable, since it can be used to recommend
appropriate clothing sizes or to enable virtual try-on.
However, to determine the right size and fit of cloth-
ing, the body shape needs to be determined with very
high accuracy in order to be of value. For example,
in an image of 2k resolution in height, a segmenta-
tion error of two pixels on the boundary can change a
measurement such as chest circumference by 10mm.
Users’ body shape can be more accurately determined
if they wear tight-fitting clothes, making it even more
important than in other applications to preserve pri-
vacy. Hence, mobile human segmentation is a good
fit for fashion applications, as images can be both cap-
tured and processed on-device.
In this paper we propose an approach to achieve an
accurate and lightweight human segmentation method
for these applications. Although off-the-shelf mo-
bile human segmentation methods are available, such
Figure 1: Ground truth body annotations. The boundary in
particular is critical for body shape prediction.
as Apple Person Segmentation (Apple, ) and Google
MLKit’s BlazePose (Bazarevsky et al., 2020), these
methods are closed-source and cannot be adapted to
our task to achieve the required accuracy. Instead,
we design a model based on Semantic FPN with
PointRend for our task.
Crucial to the success of our method is finetun-
ing on a task specific dataset of user-taken photos in
front and side views, as shown in Figure 1. Orthogo-
nal views such as this are commonly used in various
anthropometry setups, e.g. (Smith et al., 2019). Such
silhouettes can be used to model the 3D body shape of
users, as proposed in (Dibra et al., 2016; Dibra et al.,
2017; Smith et al., 2019) or to directly predict mea-
surements (Yan et al., 2021) for fashion applications.
While relying on the large body of publicly available
Seifoddini, A., Vernooij, K., Künzle, T., Canopoli, A., Alf, M., Volokitin, A. and Shirvany, R.
ALiSNet: Accurate and Lightweight Human Segmentation Network for Fashion E-Commerce.
DOI: 10.5220/0011670400003417
In Proceedings of the 18th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2023) - Volume 4: VISAPP, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-634-7; ISSN: 2184-4321
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
data for the segmentation task, we augment it by us-
ing a small yet specific dataset of 6147 high resolution
images with highly accurate annotations to overcome
the limitations of publicly available data.
Our main contributions are thus two-fold: First,
we demonstrate that a relatively small set of high-
quality annotations can boost segmentation accuracy.
Second, we simplify a large and high quality base-
line method, Semantic FPN (Kirillov et al., 2019)
with PointRend refinement (Kirillov et al., 2020)
with a few steps to achieve almost the same perfor-
mance with 100× model size. The main changes
to the original model are: exchanging the back-
bone with a modified version of the mobile-optimized
MnasNet (Tan et al., 2019), using quantization-aware
training, and removing network components that we
found not to be contributing to segmentation accu-
racy. Our final Accurate and Lightweight mobile
human Segmentation Network (ALiSNet), achieves
97.6% mIoU and is 4MB in size, where an off-
the-shelf method such as BlazePose-Segmentation
achieves 93.7% mIoU on our data, with a 6MB
model, and Apple Person Segmentation achieves
94.4% mIoU. It was not possible to fine-tune either of
these models to our data as they are closed-sourced.
Additionally, ALiSNet’s accuracy is only marginally
lower than the 97.8% mIoU achieved by the 350 MB
The categories of methods most relevant to our work
in the domain of on-device human segmentation are
portrait editing, video call background effects, and
general-purpose real time whole body segmentation
Many portrait editing predict alpha mattes, which
are masks that allow blending foreground and back-
ground regions. In this application, having accu-
rate segmentation of textures such as wisps of hair
is very important. Google Pixel’s alpha matting
method (Orts-Escolano and Ehman, 2022) relies on
data collected using a custom volumetric lighting
setup. Apple Person Segmentation (Apple, ) in accu-
rate mode also belongs to this category of methods.
However, such accuracy on the texture level is not
necessary for our application. Besides, most existing
alpha matting methods are trained only on faces.
Real-time portrait segmentation methods for
video calls focus on segmenting the human upper
body. ExtremeC3Net (Park et al., 2019) and SiNet (Li
et al., 2020) are examples of models that achieve very
good performance under a parameter count of 200K.
There are also several methods focused on real-
time segmentation of the whole body. One example is
Google MLKit BlazePose-Segmentation (Bazarevsky
et al., 2020) which relies on correct prediction of
body bounding box. (Strohmayer et al., 2021) fo-
cuses on reducing latency for general purpose human
segmentation. (Liang et al., 2022) introduces Multi-
domain TriSeNet Networks for the real-time single
person segmentation for photo-editing applications.
(Xi et al., 2019) uses saliency map derived from ac-
curate pose information to improve segmentation ac-
curacy especially in multi-person scenes.
(Han et al., 2020) categorizes the set of techniques
for reducing model size into model compression and
compact model design methods. Although we make
use of quantization-aware training (Wu et al., 2015)
in this paper, which is a compression technique, we
mostly take advantage of compact model compo-
nents. These include compact networks that can be
used as feature extractors, such as MnasNet (Tan
et al., 2019), FBNet (Wu et al., 2019a) and Mo-
bileNetv3 (Howard et al., 2019) which have been
found using Neural Architecture Search.
We recommend the related work section of
(Knapp, 2021) for a more extensive review of works
related to mobile person segmentation.
Finally, our work can be used in downstream ap-
plications for estimating body shape. This is an ac-
tive research area, with several approaches of estimat-
ing body shape from silhouette, such as (Song et al.,
2018; Song et al., 2016; Ji et al., 2019; Dibra et al.,
Datasets. We review several datasets with permis-
sive licenses that include person segmentation labels.
These include MS COCO (Lin et al., 2014), shown
in Figure 2, LVIS (Gupta et al., 2019) (contains higher
quality annotations for COCO images), Google Open
Images (Kuznetsova et al., 2018). There are limi-
tations with each of these datasets. COCO annota-
tions are based on polygons and therefore not accurate
around the object boundaries. LVIS annotations are
very accurate and dense in each image but they are not
Figure 2: An example image and annotation from the
COCO dataset. Note the low accuracy of the polygon anno-
ALiSNet: Accurate and Lightweight Human Segmentation Network for Fashion E-Commerce
Figure 3: ALiSNet Architecture. The first stage of our method is the feature extractor backbone which produces features at
5 resolution levels. These features are convolved and added together to form the coarse features. The coarse features are
projected to a coarse segmentation using a 1 × 1 convolution. Uncertain points on the coarse segmentation mask are selected
and refined using PointRend. During a PointRend refinement step, coarse predictions and finegrained features from these
locations are concatenated and fed to an MLP to obtain refined segmentation predictions. This refinement is repeated two
times. In the diagram, ConvBlock is a conv, batch-norm, ReLu sequence and 2up is a 2x bi-linear upsampling.
yet available for the entire COCO dataset, especially
in the human category where only around 1.8k im-
ages are annotated. Finally, the Google Open Images
dataset is sparse in segmentation coverage in each im-
age compared to COCO, as many object instances are
not segmented yet.
3.1 Model
Our model, ALiSNet, is a version of Semantic FPN
with PointRend (Kirillov et al., 2020), simplified
for on-device use. We chose Semantic FPN with
PointRend as a baseline because of its high accu-
racy in segmenting object boundaries. In theory, other
baseline methods could also be used to show the ef-
fectiveness of our approach.
Semantic FPN with PointRend. Semantic FPN
first extracts features using a backbone and fur-
ther process them with a Feature Pyramid Network
(FPN) (Lin et al., 2017a). Then, a coarse segmen-
tation map is computed from the aggregated coarse
features. PointRend then samples uncertain points
on the coarse segmentation and concatenates fine-
grained features from the FPN with the coarse pre-
dictions at each location and uses this as an input to a
classifier to refine the prediction at this location.
Changes to Baseline for On-Device Use. In this
work, we use three approaches to address the prob-
lem of reducing the model size while preserving seg-
mentation accuracy. First, we take advantage of a
mobile feature extraction backbone to replace the
ResNeXt101 (Xie et al., 2017) feature extractor in
our baseline. Second, we quantize our model using
quantization-aware training, allowing us to replace
32bit floating point parameters with equivalent int8
representations. We choose to use quantization aware
training as opposed to post-training quantization as it
is known to lead to more accurate results. Third, we
replace the feature pyramid network used in the orig-
inal model with a simpler aggregation step, skipping
the FPN top-down path. The final ALiSNet architec-
ture is shown in Figure 3.
Training Loss. Our training loss includes the seg-
mentation loss between the predicted and ground-
truth labels, and the PointRend loss. For the segmen-
tation loss, we experimented with cross-entropy and
focal loss (Lin et al., 2017b), and found cross-entropy
to be more stable during training. We therefore
used the latter for further trainings. The PointRend
loss is taken from the reference implementation of
PointRend in detectron2 and contains the sum of
cross-entropies between predicted and ground-truth
labels of all points refined during the refinement pro-
cess for each sample in the mini-batch.
3.2 Data
An important element in making our approach suc-
cessful is to pre-train on a large-scale coarsely anno-
tated dataset and fine-tune on a high-quality specific
Pretraining on COCO. Following other segmenta-
tion methods (Kirillov et al., 2020) we base our work
on MS COCO. Out of all images in COCO, we only
use those containing at least one person (around 60k
images). The COCO default annotation format is de-
signed for instance segmentation. Thus, we merge the
segmentation masks of human instances in each im-
age to create corresponding segmentation masks for
semantic segmentation.
VISAPP 2023 - 18th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Small Scale In-House Dataset. We observe that
even though object instance coverage in COCO is
very high, there are disadvantages when using only
that data for our task: Segmentation annotations are
not pixel accurate since the objects are annotated us-
ing polygons. The scale of objects can be extremely
diverse, ranging from objects of 10 pixels in height
to objects covering almost the entire image. The di-
versity of human poses and occlusions is extreme and
most images contain only a small body part or crowds
of people. This is helpful for general segmentation
tasks but our experiments show that it limits the ac-
curacy of on-device models in more controlled tasks
such as body shape estimation where pose, viewing
angle and scale of the body does not vary much.
To overcome these limitations of large-scale gen-
eral purpose datasets, we make use of a small high-
quality dataset focused on enabling accurate human
body segmentation for our task. To build this com-
plementary dataset, we use an in-house mobile app
with interactive video features to guide the users to
stand in the correct front and side view poses at the
right distance to be fully in the frame. The app was
made available for both iOS and Android, powered
by real-time pose estimation models native to the OS.
Images are taken with portrait (vertical) framing for-
mat. The calculated pose-keypoints are available for
the captured images and can be used in downstream
tasks too. To protect participants’ privacy, the im-
ages were cropped around the bounding box contain-
ing the person. The bounding boxes are calculated
from predicted pose-keypoints in the app and enlarg-
ing the box by 10% margin on each side. This dataset
includes 6147 images which are randomly distributed
in train/validation/test splits with 60/20/20% ratios re-
spectively. The number of front and side view im-
ages is almost balanced, and the ratio of male/female
participants is 45/55%. The annotation is performed
by an expert annotation team, and the quality of seg-
mentation masks was checked by two quality expert
groups. An example of this data is shown in Figure 4.
4.1 Implementation Details
For this paper, we used the detectron2 framework (Wu
et al., 2019b) built on top of PyTorch, which includes
the reference implementation of PointRend.
On the mobile side, the model is executed by the
PyTorch Mobile interpreter to facilitate the deploy-
ment of developed models. To that end, the model
is first converted by the TorchScript compiler and the
Figure 4: Left: Examples of front and side view images in
the target poses. Ground-truth annotation masks are over-
laid with green color onto the pictures.
resulting model graph is loaded by the mobile inter-
preter. Because the iterative PointRend head con-
tains control flows based on the input, we have to
use scripting instead of tracing for computation graph
generation. Scripted models are not fully optimized
for runtime, therefore the performance sometimes is
lower than traced models. For the quantization of the
model we use the QNNPACK (Dukhan et al., 2020)
backend which is optimized for ARM CPUs available
in mobile devices.
4.2 Model Training
As described in subsection 3.2, we augment train-
ing our models on COCO with fine-tuning on our in-
house dataset. We also experiment with CNN back-
bones that are pre-trained on ImageNet (Deng et al.,
2009) classification tasks. All experiments are done
in machines in Amazon AWS with 4 V100 GPUs
totalling 128 GB graphic memory. The mini-batch
size of training is set to 8 for large models (e.g.
ResNeXt101 backbone) and 16 for smaller backbones
(i.e. MnasNet, MobileNet, FBNet). The base learn-
ing rate is set to 0.01 for the case of batch-size = 8
and 0.02 for batch-size = 16 following the recom-
mendation of a linearly scaling learning rate (Goyal
et al., 2017). During training we augment the data
using default augmentation tools provided by detec-
tron2. This includes random resizing, horizontal flip,
color jitter and brightness and saturation change. The
range of sizes for the shorter side of image in resizing
is set randomly from a predefined list (between 120
and 800) while keeping the longer side under 1024
and the scale-factor between 0.5 and 4. This prevents
too much down-sampling of our high-resolution im-
ages during training.
For the fine-tuning step, as a standard practice
we experimented with freezing the first N (N 2)
stages of the backbone to improve generalization of
the model and avoid over-fitting but we have observed
ALiSNet: Accurate and Lightweight Human Segmentation Network for Fashion E-Commerce
Table 1: Effect of each model change step on the accuracy and size of model. mIoU values are reported as mean ± std in
Model configuration Size (MB) mIoU
ResNeXt101 + FPN-SemSeg + PointRend 351.7 97.8 ± 1.0
Replace ResNeXt101 with MnasNet-B1 52.0 97.7 ± 0.9
Quantization-Aware-Training 12.9 97.7 ± 0.9
Remove FPN-top-down path (ALiSNet) 4.0 97.6 ± 1.0
Google MLKit (BlazePose-Segmentation)-accurate 27.7 93.9 ± 5.3
Google MLKit (BlazePose-Segmentation)-balanced 6.4 93.7 ± 5.9
Apple Person Segmentation (accurate) - 94.3 ± 5.9
Apple Person Segmentation (balanced) - 94.4 ± 5.7
Table 2: Effect of fine-tuning on our dataset. First mIoU column: results after training on COCO only. second mIoU column:
result after fine-tuning on our dataset. (Q) indicates the model is quantized using quantization-aware-training.
Model Size mIoU mIoU
(MB) with COCO with fine-tuning
ResNeXt101 + FPN-SemSeg + PointRend 351.7 94.0 ± 3.8 97.8 ± 1.0
MobileNetV3 + FPN-SemSeg + PointRend 35.1 91.2 ± 6.2 97.7 ± 1.1
(Q) MnasNet-B1 + SemSeg + PointRend (ALiSNet) 4.0 90.0 ± 6.8 97.6 ± 0.9
that not freezing any layer can improve the general-
ization results in our case. We also experimented with
reducing the learning-rate by ×10 for the fine-tuning
step compared to the pre-training learning rate. How-
ever, we found that the model converged quicker and
to better results when we did not reduce the learning
4.3 Evaluation
We evaluate our models with mean Intersection Over
Union (mIoU) which is defined in Equation 1. This
metric is in the [0, 1] range and then reported as per-
mIoU =
× 100 (1)
where pred and GT are the prediction and ground-
truth segmentation masks of sample i respectively.
During evaluation, images are sized to 1024 on height
after cropping them to the person bounding box.
In this section, first we explore the effect of different
aspects of our model. Then we do a quantitative and
qualitative comparison of our method with two other
related person-segmentation methods.
5.1 Effect of Model Design Choices
Reduction of Size of Components: As shown
in Table 1, starting from the baseline model
(351.7MB), we first obtain a model size of 52.0MB
by replacing the ResNeXt101 feature backbone with
MnasNet, saving around 300 MB. Then we applied
Quantization Aware Training, which further shrinks
the model size by ×4, resulting in 12.9MB, as we re-
place 32 bit floating point with int8 representation.
We then show that the top-down branch of FPN
which combines high-level semantic features with
low-level features can be removed from the model
with only 0.1% reduction in accuracy. We argue that
in our model, PointRend carries the job of merg-
ing high-level and low-level features, thus making
the top-down path of FPN mostly redundant. Fur-
thermore, scale of persons in our data does not vary
enough to require FPN-top-down features.
Fine-Tuning. We first train all the models on the
COCO person class. In Table 2, we show the effect
of fine-tuning these models on our high-quality task-
specific dataset. It is clear that the fine-tuning signif-
icantly improves the mIoU, and the effect is greater
for smaller models.
PointRend. Although the PointRend module adds
to the 0.2MB size and 20% to the runtime of our
method, we use it, as Table 3 shows that it adds around
0.3% mIoU to the model accuracy.
VISAPP 2023 - 18th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Table 3: Effect of PointRend on accuracy of Semantic FPN
without and with PointRend. Both models are quantized.
Backbone FBNetV3 MnasNet-B1
no PR 97.4 ± 1.1 97.4 ± 1.0
With PR 97.7 ± 0.9 97.7 ± 0.9
CNN Backbones Choice. We compared the effect
using MobileNetV3 (Howard et al., 2019), Mnas-
Net (Tan et al., 2019), FBNetV3 (Dai et al., 2021)
as mobile-friendly backbone feature extractors. Ta-
ble 4 shows that all of the mobile feature extractors
have around the same performance in our task, which
is only 0.1% lower than the much larger ResNeXt101.
We chose to use MnasNet due to lower variance and
its availability in the the torchvision framework.
Table 4: Effect of different CNN backbones on accuracy of
the Semantic FPN segmentation model.
Model backbone mIoU
ResNeXt101 97.8 ± 1.0
MobileNetV3 97.7 ± 1.1
(Q) FBNetV3 97.7 ± 0.9
(Q) MnasNet-B1 97.7 ± 0.9
5.2 Runtime on Mobile Devices
We evaluated our model on a set of real mobile de-
vices provided by the AWS Device Farm
. The distri-
bution of runtime is shown in Figure 5. For this eval-
uation, 90 high-resolution images from the dataset
are processed using our in-house evaluation mobile
app. Images are resized to 2k resolution in height
while preserving the aspect ratio and then cropped to
the person bounding box. The cropped images are
passed to the model, where they are resized to 1024 in
height internally before segmentation. As the bound-
ing box of the person varies between images, a sig-
nificant variance of the runtime on a single device can
be noticed. On recent iPhones the model runs well be-
low 1s and for an older Android phone like the Moto
G4 the mean is around 8s. In iPhone SE and Galaxy
S21 there are some outliers in runtime, for reasons
we were not able to determine. The model is running
on CPU mode due to limited support of PyTorch for
mobile-GPU in quantized models.
5.3 Comparison to BlazePose and Apple
Person Segmentation
We compare with two on-device person segmentation
Figure 5: Runtime on mobile devices. Our method runs
in less than two seconds on most modern devices. As of
October 2022, iPhone 13 is the latest iPhone available on
the Amazon Device Farm.
ours BlazePose Apple
Figure 6: Comparison of segmentation methods. Red ar-
rows indicate mis-segmented regions. In these images, the
threshold for the Apple segmentation algorithm (balanced)
was set to 0.6 to obtain the best results. In the quantitative
evaluation, the value is 0.3.
BlazePose (Bazarevsky et al., 2020) is a on-device
real-time body pose tracking method, which provides
a segmentation prediction option. We compare two
settings of the BlazePose model, balanced and accu-
rate, which have model sizes of 6.4MB and 27.7MB
We also compare to Apple Person Segmentation
which was made available in iOS15. Information
about the details of this model is not available.
The output segmentation maps of these methods
are probabilistic, and need to be thresholded to com-
pute the final binary silhouette maps. Thresholds
ALiSNet: Accurate and Lightweight Human Segmentation Network for Fashion E-Commerce
ours BP Apple ours BP Apple ours BP Apple ours BP Apple
95.7 93.8 87.3 96.4 93.2 95.5 98.6 96.7 97.6 98.8 90.9 97.0
Figure 7: Overlays of predicted segmentations over the ground truth annotations, blue intersection, from our in-house dataset,
from our method, BlazePose (BP) and Apple, with the IoU. We ranked the images in the test set by their their mIoUs using
AlisNet, and displayed the 5th, 10th, 90th and 95th-% images in this ranking. As the photos are confidential, we show only the
silhouettes here. After data collection, all images were anonymized using face-blur, which is seen in the Apple Segmentation
in the first image. In one of the BP segmentations you can see the issue of bounding box prediction cutting out part of the feet.
were determined using a sweep of values and were
set to 0.5 for BlazePose and 0.3 for Apple.
It is not possible to fine-tune either of these meth-
ods on our data.
As seen in Table 1, both BlazePose and Apple
Segmentations have a much lower mIoU than AliSNet
on our dataset, while having a much higher standard
deviation. This indicates that fine-tuning on our data
allows our model to avoid certain mistakes in segmen-
tation. Neither of the compared methods are designed
for the use-case of segmentation for accurate human
body measurement. BlazePose is optimized for real-
time pose estimation, which means it lies on a differ-
ent point of the performance-accuracy trade-off. Ap-
ple Person Segmentation is designed to power Portrait
Mode. Segmentation examples from all three meth-
ods are shown in Figure 6. In the front view, both our
method and Apple produce more accurate segmenta-
tions than BlazePose. In the side view, we see that
all three methods have difficulty with background ob-
jects, and that the Apple method produces artifacts in
the lamp.
Figure 7 shows overlays from the test set of our
dataset. In this figure we show both “bad” and “good”
segmentations from our model, however, we see that
our segmentation has a higher IoU than the other
methods, as we have trained our model on this dataset.
We presented a method for accurate mobile human
segmentation along with a set of general steps that
can be used to simplify existing large-scale models
for on-device applications.
Although our model handles most images well,
there are cases with confusing background textures
where our method and other methods fail, as shown
in Figure 8. Other challenging conditions include
dim lighting, dark shadows or other image distor-
tions. Improving the performance under these con-
ours BlazePose Apple
Figure 8: Examples of failure cases for segmentation algo-
rithms. In our user collected dataset, people take pictures at
home, and sometimes have clothes (top) or mirrors (bottom)
in the background, which cause the segmentation method to
not work correctly. This is a shortcoming of all the methods
we evaluate here.
ditions would be an important future direction.
In the future we will be experimenting with on-
device segmentation models for accurate body shape
and measurement estimation.
We would like to thank Julia Friberg for her contri-
butions in evaluation of the models on real mobile
VISAPP 2023 - 18th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
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