A Comparative Study of Deep Learning Methods for the Detection and
Classification of Natural Disasters from Social Media
Spyros Fontalis, Alexandros Zamichos, Maria Tsourma, Anastasis Drosou and Dimitrios Tzovaras
Information Technologies Institute, Centre for Research and Technology Hellas (CERTH),
Disaster Management, Twitter, Preprocessing, Bias Mitigation, Deep Learning.
Disaster Management, defined as a coordinated social effort to successfully prepare for and respond to dis-
asters, can benefit greatly as an industrial process from modern Deep Learning methods. Disaster prevention
organizations can benefit greatly from the processing of disaster response data. In an attempt to detect and
subsequently categorise disaster-related information from tweets via tweet text analysis, a Feedforward Neural
Network (FNN), a Convolutional Neural Network, a Bi-directional Long Short-Term Memory (BLSTM), as
well as several Transformer-based network architectures, namely BERT, DistilBERT, Albert, RoBERTa and
DeBERTa, are employed. The two defined main tasks of the work presented in this paper are: (1) distinguish-
ing tweets into disaster related and non relevant ones, and (2) categorising already labeled disaster tweets into
eight predefined natural disaster categories. These supported types of natural disasters are earthquakes, floods,
hurricanes, wildfires, tornadoes, explosions, volcano eruptions and general disasters. To achieve this goal,
several accessible related datasets are collected and combined to suit the two tasks. In addition, the combina-
tion of preprocessing tasks that is most beneficial for inference is investigated. Finally, experiments have been
conducted using bias mitigation techniques.
Over the last decade, social media networks have en-
tered in people’s everyday lives, allowing them to post
and share any information that one considers impor-
tant. Daily, the number of people using social media,
such as Twitter, is growing, leading to an increased
flow of information (Chaffey, 2016). The importance
of this information lies in the fact that users can post
it from anywhere and also that they can post any in-
formation instantly without any barrier. This allows
for third parties, bearing the property of developers
and research scientists, to collect and analyse this in-
formation aiming to extract general features such as
public opinion upon one topic (Neri et al., 2012), or
create an evacuation plan in case of an occurring nat-
ural disaster.
On this basis, two types of text classifiers based
on Deep Learning models have been developed. The
first classifier plays the role of a real natural disas-
ter detector, whose goal is the binary classification of
tweets into those that relate to a real natural disas-
ter, and those that are irrelevant. The second classi-
fier classifies tweets that are already known to refer to
natural disasters based on predefined natural disaster
Several previous attempts provide an evaluation
of methods for classifying tweet disaster, such as
this evaluation of machine learning techniques (Ku-
mar et al., 2019) and this BERT-like model evaluation
(Zhou et al., 2022) to this task. However, none of
the above approaches combine a clear evaluation of a
wide range of machine and deep learning models on
a large and diverse dataset.
Our contributions to this paper are:
Evaluating and comparing several Deep Learning
classifiers for two separate disaster tweet classifi-
cation tasks.
Experimenting with the combination of prepro-
cessing steps that (1) maximises the efficiency of
the two classifiers on the above downstream tasks
and (2) mitigates the pre-existing bias of our col-
lected training datasets.
There are a number of notable previous attempts to
classify disaster tweets, using a variety of methods.
Previous attempts include a number of deep learn-
ing techniques, such as convolutional neural networks
Fontalis, S., Zamichos, A., Tsourma, M., Drosou, A. and Tzovaras, D.
A Comparative Study of Deep Learning Methods for the Detection and Classification of Natural Disasters from Social Media.
DOI: 10.5220/0011666500003411
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods (ICPRAM 2023), pages 320-327
ISBN: 978-989-758-626-2; ISSN: 2184-4313
2023 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
(Nguyen et al., 2017) and recurrent neural networks
(Nikolov and Radivchev, 2019), as well as conven-
tional machine learning algorithms (Huang and Xiao,
2015). Of particular note is the introduction of a ro-
bust transformer for crisis classification and contex-
tual crisis embedding (Liu et al., 2021). An interest-
ing domain adaptation technique is also used by (Li
et al., 2018), which learns classifiers from unlabelled
target data, in addition to labelled source data.
Concerning the latest advances in the field of Nat-
ural Language Processing, the current state-of-the art
architecture is the Transformer architecture (Vaswani
et al., 2017). The first model to apply this archi-
tecture to language modelling in an encoder-decoder
context is BERT (Devlin et al., 2018). BERT has
achieved state-of-the-art results in a large number of
NLP benchmark downstream tasks. The effectiveness
of the architecture proposed by BERT has paved the
way for a lot of suchlike attempts, providing the in-
spiration for various kinds of modifications and im-
An important category of BERT variations is deal-
ing with size reduction. During pre-training, BERT
sets to adjust millions of parameters. This compels
the process to sometimes be exclusionary for many re-
searchers or small companies to implement (Schwartz
et al., 2020). An important aspect of this characteris-
tic is the consideration of the environmental impact
that the training process entails (Strubell et al., 2019).
In this context, DistilBERT (Sanh et al., 2019) is a
successful transfer-learning operation, which demon-
strates a reduction on the size of the original BERT
model by 40%, while retaining 97% of its language
understanding capabilities. Similarly, ALBERT (Lan
et al., 2019) is a smart approach to performing novel
distillation techniques on the base BERT model.
One of the most successful BERT variants is the
RoBERTa model (Liu et al., 2019), which has ex-
posed a lot of BERT’s main weaknesses (Cortiz,
2021) and proved that it is severely under trained from
reaching its full potential. XLM-RoBERTa (Conneau
et al., 2019) is trained on one hundred languages and
demonstrates that multilingual language modelling is
not necessarily associated with performance degrada-
tion. Finally, the DeBERTa (He et al., 2020) architec-
ture improves the BERT and RoBERTa models using
two novel techniques, that of disentangled attention
and the use of an enhanced mask decoder.
This section presents the datasets used for training,
along with their analytical synthesis composition.
In total, four final datasets are used for the exper-
iments in this paper. These are the Kaggle dataset
which is first analysed in Section 3.1, the Synthetic
binary dataset which is analyzed in Section 3.2,
the Multi-class binary classification dataset which is
analysed in Section 5.4 and finally the Synthetic multi-
class dataset which is analysed in Section 3.3. The
first three are part of the first text classification task
and the last one is part of the second text classifica-
tion task. All the above datasets are divided into 80%
train, 10% validation and 10% test sets.
3.1 Data Sources
Listed here are all the various independent sources we
have combined to create our datasets. These are the
1. CrisisLex: Crisis-Related Social Media Data and
Tools (Olteanu et al., 2014).
2. HumAID: Human-Annotated Disaster Incidents
Data from Twitter by CRISISNLP (Alam et al.,
3. Disaster Eyewitness Tweets (Zahra et al., 2020).
4. Kaggle
. This dataset is provided by the relevant
Kaggle competition “Natural Language Process-
ing with Disaster Tweets”.
5. Volcano Eruptions Tweets. This dataset contains
2516 tweets collected using the Twitter API and
are referring to two volcano eruptions (i.e. Honga
Tonga & La Palma volcanoes)
3.2 Binary Classification of Tweets into
“disaster” and “non relevant”
Three distinct datasets are used for this task:
1. For the binary classification task of decoupling
the disaster tweets from the non-disaster ones, the
Kaggle dataset is primarily used.
2. To achieve more diverse representation of the non-
relevant class, 5000 random disaster unrelated
tweets were extracted from the CrisisLex dataset
and combined with the Kaggle dataset. The final
result is a merged dataset with a total of 12373
tweets, with 4535 tweets referring to disasters and
7838 being non-relevant. This dataset henceforth
referred to as Synthetic binary dataset.
3. The Multi-class binary classification dataset is
comprised of 46672 tweets referring to disasters
or not. Its structure is analysed at Section 5.4.
A Comparative Study of Deep Learning Methods for the Detection and Classification of Natural Disasters from Social Media
Table 1: Detailed synthesis of the Synthetic multi-class dataset.
Disaster categories
Source datasets
Disaster eyewitness HumAID CrisisLex Volcano er. Kaggle Total
2015 - - - 5980
3980 1302
- - - 5282
1654 - - - 5594
wildfire 1964
- - - 5721
tornado - - 4172 - - 4172
explosion - - 4239 - - 4239
volcano eruption - - -
- 2516
general disasters - - - - 3271 3271
Total 13864 8728 8411 2516 3271 36775
3.3 Multi-label Classification of Tweets
into Predefined Disaster Categories
All the data sources that were combined to create the
new ensemble dataset for this task are listed in Section
3.1. The final dataset contains 36775 tweets and is
henceforth referred to as Synthetic multi-class dataset.
The full synthesis of this dataset can be explored in
Table 1 and observed visually in Figure 1:
Figure 1: Visual synthesis of the Synthetic multi-class
Some tweet categories refer to specific natural dis-
aster cases. An interesting class addition is the gen-
eral disaster class, which was filled with the tweets
from the Kaggle dataset that are labelled as disasters.
This choice was made because most of them do not
correspond to the other predefined categories. Those
that do refer to predefined disaster categories, or those
that refer to non-natural disasters, such as shootings,
are regarded as noise that can help with model gener-
3.4 Preprocessing
Most textual data extracted from social media is un-
structured, as it typically contains colloquialisms,
html tags, emojis, scripts, hashtags, links and ad-
vertisements, which makes it difficult to decontex-
tualize the main text from all this peripheral noise
(Baldwin et al., 2013). Generally, allowing the pres-
ence of these non-word entities in the text increases
the dimensionality of the unseen vocabulary. This
leads to an excessive complication in text classifica-
tion, as each non-word entity is considered an indi-
vidual dimension by the machine (Kumar and Dhi-
nesh Babu, 2019). Therefore, a typical list of prepro-
cessing tasks includes the following: link removal,
html tag removal, URL removal, emojis removal,
mention removal, named entities removal, removing
of stop words, lemmatization, stemming, lowercasing
and punctuation removal (Anandarajan et al., 2019).
Also, due to the idiosyncratic textual nature of tweets,
the pipeline also includes the removal of links, html
tags, URLs, emojis and hashtags.
However, it is advocated (Uysal and Gunal, 2014)
that carefully choosing appropriate combinations of
preprocessing tasks, rather than enabling or disabling
them all, can potentially provide a boost to the ef-
fectiveness of classification depending on the domain
and language. For this reason, some preliminary ex-
periments were conducted (see Section 5), so as to
capture the combination of preprocessing tasks that
improves the results of the classification tasks the
3.5 Bias Mitigation
Due to the nature of the information collected from
social media platforms and the scope of the task, the
collected data includes position biases as it contains
information on the location of the disastrous event.
With this in mind, and knowing that the models that
are trained on this dataset internalise biases with re-
spect to certain case specific words or expressions
noz et al., 2021), an additional experi-
ment was conducted, concerning the application of
bias mitigation methods on the synthetic dataset in or-
der to evaluate the outcomes of the multi-class classi-
fication task.
ICPRAM 2023 - 12th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
Positional bias concerns the inclusion of location’s
information within a text. For example, all the tweets
referring to the tornado predefined disaster category
correspond to a single tornado case, that of the 2013
Oklahoma tornado. To avoid the potential bias prob-
lem, there needs to be a disassociation of special case
specific terms with the target disaster classes. Inspired
by previous attempts at bias mitigation (Dixon et al.,
2018) (Murayama et al., 2021), a relevant technique
is applied to the input data before feeding it into the
The most important named entities are recognised
and replaced by special code tokens within the text
with the use of spaCy. The entity types that are re-
placed are the following: people, nationalities, build-
ings and facilities, companies, agencies, institutions
and locations.
This section presents the methodology behind all the
experiments performed in detail.
The method of Logistic Regression is used to es-
tablish a reasonable machine learning baseline for the
results of the rest of the deeper methods. The TF-IDF
method is employed for token vectorization.
Next, the three custom shallow networks evalu-
ated are presented. These are a feedforward neural
network, a convolutional neural network and a Bi-
directional Long Short-term Memory network. First,
as input to the networks, the tweet word sequences
get tokenized by a Keras text vectorization function
which creates a vocabulary of 12000 words from the
dataset For each network, a broad hyperparameter
grid search is performed by trying a variety of hyper-
parameter configurations and recording the best final
result. The shifting variables of the hyperparame-
ter search grid are the input embedding dimensions
(50-100-200), the total number of layers (2-3-4), the
layer dimensions (16-32-64 for LSTM, 10-50-100 for
dense) and the dropout rate (0-0.1-0.2). The invari-
ant hyper-parameters for all the training instances are:
100 maximum sequence length, Adam optimiser, cat-
egorical cross entropy / binary cross entropy as loss
First, for the Feedforward Neural Network, the
whole embedding input is passed through either a flat-
tening layer or a global Max Pooling operation, and
then to a series of one or two of standard dense lay-
ers with dropout rate. Following the same workflow
as before, a custom network whose structural core is
based on Convolutional layer(s) is tried. The struc-
ture of the network after the embedding input is com-
pleted with a sequence of one or two convolutional
and global max pooling layers of dimensions fol-
lowed by a dense layer between the output of the last
max pooling layer and the final output layer. The con-
volution dimensions are 128 5× 5 filters with stride 2
in width and height. Additionally, a custom network
whose structural core is based on a Recurrent Neu-
ral Network and more specifically, long short-term
memory layer, is tried. The structure of the network
after the embedding input is completed with one or
two iterations of BILSTM layers with a dropout, fol-
lowed by a dense layer between the output of the last
max pooling layer and the last output layer.
For the Transformer models, a variety of trans-
former models and variations are tried, all of which
are presented at 2. All the Transformer models were
trained for 5 epochs with a 1e-5 learning rate and
Adam as optimiser, with an early stopping strategy.
In this section, all our experimental results are dis-
played, along with some useful short comments and
5.1 Preprocessing
The aim of these experiments is to find out which pre-
processing tasks perform the best for each model cat-
egory. To this end, three models were trained on data
preprocessed in different ways and the average accu-
racy from 3 different experiments was measured. The
results can be seen on Table 2. The standard pipeline
refers to all the steps mentioned in Section 3.4.
It seems that the set of preprocessing tasks that
performs the best differs for each model. Therefore,
the following experiments all adhere to the appro-
priate preprocessing procedure for the trained model.
More specifically, the input data of the custom CNN
network is preprocessed by the same pipeline indi-
cated by the custom RNN. In similar manner, the in-
put data of all the Transformer models are prepro-
cessed by the pipeline indicated by BERT base.
5.2 Bias Mitigation
Some examples of the output of a reference Trans-
former model - in this case BERT base - with and
without the use of bias mitigation are shown in Table
3. The sentences include a specific case-specific bias
present, while semantically each sentence is referring
to a disaster type not corresponding to this bias. For
A Comparative Study of Deep Learning Methods for the Detection and Classification of Natural Disasters from Social Media
Table 2: Effect of applying different combination of preprocessing steps on the results (mean accuracy from 3 identical
experiments) of the binary classification task.
Preprocessing tasks
Log. Regression Custom RNN BERT base
standard pipeline 0.7946 0.7812 0.8293
no stemming 0.7855 0.7931 0.8328
no lemmatization/stemming 0.7839 0.8084 0.8263
no stopwords removal 0.7841 0.7788 0.8216
no lemmatization/stemming/stopwords removal 0.7783 0.7876 0.8208
Table 3: Effect of Bias Mitigation on disaster type classification prediction using BERT model.
Test sentences
predicted class (normalized logit)
Active bi-
No bias mitigation Bias mitiga-
Pity such beautiful nature was
destroyed by the fire #LaPalma
wildfire volcano eruption (0.379) wildfire
Oklahoma will stand strong af-
ter the explosion
tornado explosion tornado (0.648) explosion
Huge earthquake in Alberta!
our homes are destroyed
wildfire earthquake earthquake (0.268) earthquake
Greeces tourism at an all time
high despite tragic earthquake
wildfire earthquake earthquake (0.213) earthquake
example, the second sentence has an active bias to-
wards the tornado class, because in the input dataset,
the word “Oklahoma” is encountered only in tweets
referring to tornado cases. Also, this particular sen-
tence matches a different class, namely the tornado
class, and thus poses a challenge to the model.
The model trained without bias mitigation is heav-
ily affected by the biased words. Performing bias mit-
igation leads to correct predictions in the first two
cases, while it raises the probability of the correct
class in the last two. Performing this bias mitigation
technique seems to steer the model in the right direc-
tion by undermining the effect of problematic biases
in the dataset. For this reason, all the following ex-
periments are performed in datasets which have been
processed with this technique.
5.3 Classification Tasks
The classification results from all the methods tried
for the binary classification of Tweets into disaster
and non relevant can be seen in Table 4 for all related
datasets. The rows where the Multi-class binary clas-
sification dataset is inscribed, represents a series of
experiments that is explained in subsection 5.4 below.
The classification results from all the methods tried
on the classification of tweets into predefined disaster
categories can be seen at Table 5. In order to mitigate
statistical randomness, all the experiments were run 3
separate times, and their average results are shown.
5.4 Merging the Classification Tasks
Given the superior results of the transformers models
on the downstream task of classification into multiple
classes, it is interesting to find out whether these mod-
els can perform binary classification into disaster and
non relevant tweets accurately, even though they have
been trained for another task. This way, a conclusion
can be drawn about whether it is worth embedding the
two tasks together and solving both without having to
train the model for both tasks separately.
More specifically, a new class of 9897 tweets non
relevant to disasters is added to the synthetic multi-
class dataset under the newly found class non rele-
vant. The pre-existing eight disaster type classes are
going to correspond to the disaster class. Thus, along
with the disaster type classification results, we exam-
ine if this class correspondence can lead accurately to
simultaneous binary classification of tweets into the
disaster and non relevant classes. Their binary classi-
fication scores are in the last rows of Table 4.
In this section, observations and conclusions from the
two tables of results are commented on and analysed.
ICPRAM 2023 - 12th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
Table 4: Results from the binary classification of tweets into ’disaster’ and ’non relevant’.
Model/Method Data-set
Acc. Precision Recall F1 micro F1 macro F1
Log. regression Kaggle 0.7946 0.8220 0.6662 0.7946 0.7839 0.7909
Custom FFN Kaggle 0.7832 0.7734 0.7893 0.7832 0.7757 0.7793
Custom CNN Kaggle 0.7975 0.7785 0.7791 0.7975 0.7784 0.7841
Custom RNN Kaggle 0.8084 0.7955 0.7936 0.8084 0.7848 0.7953
BERT base Kaggle 0.8328 0.8036 0.8066 0.8328 0.8294 0.8329
Albert Kaggle 0.8334 0.8131 0.7931 0.8334 0.8293 0.8331
DistilBERT Kaggle 0.8143 0.8567 0.6822 0.8143 0.8042 0.8104
RoBERTa base Kaggle 0.8355 0.8711 0.7688 0.8355 0.8299 0.8351
RoBERTa large Kaggle 0.8374 0.8591 0.7764 0.8374 0.8283 0.8363
XLM-RoBERTa Kaggle 0.8292 0.8236 0.7647 0.8292 0.8238 0.8282
DeBERTa base Kaggle 0.8341 0.8156 0.7921 0.8341 0.8231 0.8277
BERT base Synthetic binary 0.8293 0.8099 0.8036 0.8293 0.8270 0.8272
Albert Synthetic binary 0.8353 0.8183 0.7977 0.8353 0.8250 0.8295
DistilBERT Synthetic binary 0.8341 0.9165 0.7133 0.8341 0.8256 0.8287
RoBERTa base Synthetic binary 0.8373 0.8731 0.7964 0.8373 0.8367 0.8397
RoBERTa large Synthetic binary 0.8399 0.8678 0.8049 0.8399 0.8359 0.8381
DeBERTa base Synthetic binary 0.8404 0.8532 0.8093 0.8404 0.8326 0.8308
XLM-RoBERTa Synthetic binary 0.8232 0.8256 0.7122 0.8232 0.8194 0.8235
BERT base Multi-class
0.7033 0.6999 0.7012 0.7033 0.7021 0.7029
Albert Multi-class
0.6911 0.6910 0.6921 0.6911 0.6896 0.6908
DistilBERT Multi-class
0.6989 0.6943 0.6948 0.6989 0.6965 0.6971
RoBERTa base Multi-class
0.7067 0.7048 0.7055 0.7067 0.7056 0.7060
RoBERTa large Multi-class
0.7061 0.7056 0.7051 0.7061 0.7046 0.7062
XLM-RoBERTa Multi-class
0.7053 0.7031 0.7022 0.7053 0.7038 0.7041
Table 5: Results from classification of tweets into predefined disaster categories on the Synthetic multi-class dataset.
Accuracy Precision Recall F1 micro F1 macro F1 weighted
Custom FFN 0.9061 0.8883 0.8912 0.9061 0.8903 0.8908
Custom CNN 0.9039 0.9045 0.9039 0.9039 0.9013 0.9033
Custom RNN 0.9074 0.9054 0.9088 0.9074 0.9066 0.9057
BERT base 0.9222 0.9234 0.9215 0.9222 0.9205 0.9210
Albert 0.9191 0.9195 0.9188 0.9191 0.9175 0.9178
DistilBERT 0.9176 0.9199 0.9167 0.9176 0.9184 0.9180
RoBERTa base 0.9271 0.9274 0.9267 0.9271 0.9273 0.9269
XLM-RoBERTa 0.9252 0.9237 0.9283 0.9252 0.9250 0.9251
DeBERTa base 0.9243 0.9174 0.9212 0.9243 0.9251 0.9254
A Comparative Study of Deep Learning Methods for the Detection and Classification of Natural Disasters from Social Media
6.1 Binary Classification of Tweets Into
’disaster’ and ’non relevant’
A lot of interesting observations can be made from
Table 4. For the machine learning method - Logis-
tic regression - the recall value of 0.66 is poor com-
pared to the others, meaning that this method often
classifies disaster tweets as non-relevant. The rest of
the scores are generally lower than the other methods,
although very comparable. The overall decent per-
formance of such a shallow method compared to the
others could mean that the semantic and grammati-
cal language features that distinguish disaster tweets
from non-relevant ones are apparent enough to be able
to be analyzed by simpler methods well enough. The
custom networks all perform slightly worse than the
Transformer models. As for the Transformer models,
the qualitative difference in their results compared to
the other methods is significant. The performance of
all the Transformer models is comparable. It seems
that the DeBERTa model generally performs better
than the rest.
Finally, the binary classification results when in-
cluding the non-disaster class in the multiclass set-
ting show a significant drop in performance in com-
parison with the previous methods. According to
post-experiment analysis, it seems that all the mod-
els generally have a problem distinguishing the non-
relevant and the general disaster tweets. For ref-
erence, from approximately 36% of the non-related
tweets that are misclassified by BERT base, 54% of
them are assigned as general disaster tweets. Follow-
ing the same principle, approximately 35% of general
disaster tweets that are misclassified by BERT base,
43% of them are classified as non-relevant.
6.2 Classification of Tweets Into
Predefined Disaster Categories
The results from the custom networks differ only
slightly from those of the deeper Transformer based
methods. The results of the Transformers outperform
the previously tested custom neural networks as ex-
pected. The best transformers model in terms of re-
sults is the Roberta base model.
In this paper we perform an evaluation of Deep Learn-
ing methods on two text classification tasks. The first
task classifies tweets into disaster related and non rel-
evant classes and the second classifies disaster tweets
into predefined disaster categories. The combina-
tion of preprocessing steps that enables each model to
learn better is identified, showing that sometimes the
omission of certain typical preprocessing steps can
lead to better downstream classification. Also, it is
shown that mitigating the bias through named entity
substitution in the input datasets is an effective strat-
egy when data sources are limited. The three shallow
custom neural networks - feedforward, convolutional
and recurrent - perform well on both tasks. As ex-
pected, the Transformer models outperform the pre-
vious methods by a considerable margin. The best
overall results are achieved by the DeBERTa model
for the first task and the RoBERTa base for the sec-
ond. Finally, embedding the two tasks together is not
a fruitful idea, as it gives very poor results.
The results obtained from the experiments have
the potential to be used in practice, showing capac-
ity to effectively perform automatic disaster detection
from social media in service of disaster relief organi-
zations. Future work could include the acquisition of
more diverse datasets through manual annotation, and
the application of more sophisticated bias mitigation
and bias measurement techniques, as demonstrated in
(Dixon et al., 2018).
This research was supported by grants from Horizon
2020, the European Union’s Programme for Research
and Innovation under grant agreement No. 870373 -
SnapEarth, grant agreement No. 101004594 - ETA-
PAS and grant agreement No. 101037648 - SOCIO-
BEE. This paper reflects only the authors’ view and
the Commission is not responsible for any use that
may be made of the information it contains.
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