Usability Assessment in Scientific Data Analysis: A Literature Review
Fernando Pasquini
, Lucas Brito
and Adriana Sampaio
Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Federal University of Uberl
andia, Av. Jo
ao Naves de
Avila 2121, Uberl
andia, Brazil
Scientific Data, Data Analysis, Data Visualization, Usability, Literature Review.
Big Data has transformed current science and is bringing a great amount of scientific data analysis tools to
help research. In this paper, we conduct a literature search on the methods currently employed and the results
obtained to assess the usability of some of these tools, and highlight the experiments, best practices and pro-
posals presented in them. Among the 38 papers considered, we found challenges in usability assessment that
are related to the rapid change of software requirements, the need for expertise to specify and operate this soft-
ware, issues of engagement and reterntion, and design for usability that supports reusability, reproducibility,
policy, rights and privacy. Among the directions, we found proposals on new visualization strategies based
on cognitive ergonomics, on new forms of user support and documentation, and automation solutions for sup-
porting users in complex operations. Our summary thus can point to further studies that may be missing on
usability of scientific data analysis tools and then improve them on their efficiency, prevention of erros and
even their relationship to social and ethical values.
Big Data has transformed current science in its prac-
tices, roles and institutions (Hey et al., 2009). With
this, new tools and infrastructures are constantly be-
ing developed to deal with the increasing quantities
of data which are being employed to engender dis-
coveries in many domains of knowledge. With these
tools, however, comes the question of their effectivity
considering the human factor involved in their opera-
tion. The field of human-computer interaction (HCI)
has traditionally dealt with questions such as these,
however it is now presented with new challenges in-
volving the specificity of practices inside the scientific
domains, such as the use of machine learning and sci-
entific visualization techniques (Zhang and Chignell,
2021; Amer-Yahia, 2018). Many studies today in the
area of human-data interaction (HDI), for example,
are focused in final users and recipents of data ap-
plications, which is surely an important topic, how-
ever, the usability of data intensive tools in current
science remains not so much explored and conceptu-
alized (Xu, 2019; Macaulay et al., 2009). Also, of the
studies focusing on usability of scientific visualiza-
tions, fewer deal with usability in other phases of the
data analysis process, such as infrastructure and mod-
eling (Baca, 2009). Does it seem that scientists and
technicians do not need to worry so much with usabil-
ity since they are just dealing with the ”nuts and bolts”
of science and technology and do not have time for
having good and pleasurable means – in other words,
should we take the interfaces of scientific tools as
”forgivable”? (Machado Paix
ao-Cortes et al., 2018)
This is indeed an old discussion in human factors and
human-computer interaction research. And this work
has the purpose of showing that research on the us-
ability of current scientific tools can be important
not just at the purpose of increasing efficiency and
prevention of errors in scientific practice, but even as
a way to better understand these practices and orga-
nize them in relationship to social and ethical values.
Therefore, we aim to gather current research on
usability of scientific data analysis tools (Swaid et al.,
2017) and present them in an integrated way so as to
trace the current practices, challenges and prospects.
Our search, however, is restrained to only findings
that are directly related to the domain of scientific
practice and the specific issues that it engenders. We
chose not to discuss in detail findings that would
amount to usability in general, such as font size and
color in graphical interfaces, since these could be dis-
cussed on a more general level such as cognitive er-
gonomics, user experience (UX) or visual analytics.
And we also limited ourselves to usability assessment
methods that are generally associated with ”first-wave
HCI” (Bødker, 2015); i.e., classical methods such as
usability test and heuristic evaluation, and still not
Pasquini, F., Brito, L. and Sampaio, A.
Usability Assessment in Scientific Data Analysis: A Literature Review.
DOI: 10.5220/0011665400003417
In Proceedings of the 18th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2023) - Volume 2: HUCAPP, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-634-7; ISSN: 2184-4321
2023 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
engage with more recent and social-oriented meth-
ods such as activity theory (Clemmensen et al., 2016)
or even distributed cognition (Perry, 2003), although
recognize that this is an interesting further direection.
Our research questions (RQ) are three: RQ1)
Which methods are currently being employed to as-
sess the usability of scientific data analysis tools?
RQ2) What are the usability problems and the chal-
lenges encountered? and RQ3) What are common
solutions and practices that aim to increase usability
in these areas? We employ a literature search pro-
cedure and group our findings according to different
subjects. The procedure is described on section 2 and
the results obtained in section 3, where we also try to
answer the RQs according to our findings.
We conducted a literature search on titles, abstracts
and keywords through the databases Web of Science,
PubMed, ACM, IEEEXplore and The
search was conducted in september 2022. Two search
strings were used and are presented in Table 1: the
first one specifying some well-known methods in us-
ability and human factors, and the second specifying
common activities in scientific data analysis. Without
these specifications, our search would have returned
426 items and the initial analysis and sorting would
involve too much human labor for a little noticeable
Exclusion criteria were 1) papers on usability
and/or data science that were not on scientific applica-
tions, such as business or education, and 2) papers on
use of data science methods for increasing usability
(which is the opposite counterpart of our approach).
Inclusion criteria were papers experimenting and/or
discussing usability of scientific data analysis tools.
The three authors read the selected papers and
used the Obsidian knowledge base software to col-
lect their findings and organize them through linked
notes and tags. The tags were also classified into three
groups: methods, challenges and proposals, and were
also used to organize the discussion in the next sec-
3.1 Paper Selection and Classification
The literature search returned in total 167 papers. Af-
ter reading their abstracts, 69 papers were selected for
a thorough reading. Then, of these, 38 were finally
The 38 selected papers were then grouped in three
main categories: a) papers presenting experimental
results of usability methods, b) papers presenting best
practices on usability and c) papers that do not em-
ploy experimental methods, but propose features that
the authors claim that could increase usability. The
papers were also grouped according to scientific do-
main, and a summary of their count is presented in
Table 2.
It can be noticed that we only found papers on
best practices (11 in total) in general purpose scien-
tific software (7) and the bioinformatics domain (4).
Of these papers, 7 were based on literature reviews (6
on general purpose and 1 on bioinformatics) and 4 on
case studies (1 on general purpose and 3 on bioinfor-
matics). Furthermore, 1 of the articles on best prac-
tices (Queiroz et al., 2017) and 1 on proposals (Cid-
Fuentes et al., 2021) are arXiv preprints and thus are
not peer-reviewed.
Of the 10 papers presenting features and proposals
that the authors argue to increase usability, 5 were on
general purpose scientific software, 3 on bioinformat-
ics and 2 on environmental science. The proposals in-
cluded visualization strategies, automation of proce-
dures, standardization, documentation and user sup-
port, and will be discussed further.
Finally, the 16 articles specifically presenting us-
ability methods and experimentation presented three
main types of methods: usability tests, heuristic eval-
uations and user-centered design procedures. Table
3 presents how these were employed in each of the
papers. With this table, we have a clear view on our
The next two sections present the main themes
found in the papers after their reading and tagging.
These are grouped according to usability challenges
(answering, thus, RQ2) and directions for usability
(answering RQ3).
3.2 Usability Challenges
3.2.1 Specificity and Rapid Change of
Ahmed and Zeeshan (2014) comment on the difficul-
ties of developing scientific software in face of the
open ended questions and unexpected paths that sci-
entists sometimes have to take. As they notice, ”the
rapid changes in requirements destabilize the sys-
tems design engineering processes by causing prompt
changes in use cases with newly required modifica-
tions (or sometimes cancellations of previous designs
HUCAPP 2023 - 7th International Conference on Human Computer Interaction Theory and Applications
Table 1: Strings used in the literature search.
(”scientific data” OR ”scientific tool” OR ”scientific software” OR ”escience”) AND (”cognitive *load” OR
”mental *load” OR ”cognitive modeling” OR ”cognitive walkthrough” OR ”heuristic evaluation” OR ”task
analysis” OR ”cognitive ergonomics” OR ”situation awareness” OR ”human error”)
(”scientific data” OR ”scientific tool” OR ”scientific software” OR ”escience”) AND (”data sourcing” OR
”data acquisition” OR ”data cleaning” OR ”data wrangling” OR (”data” AND ”labeling”) OR ”data* cu-
rat*” OR ”data* management” OR ”data* maintenance”) OR ”parallel processing” OR ”cloud computing”
OR ”high-performance computing” OR ”infrastructure” OR ”system design” OR ”system specification”
OR ”requirement* engineering” OR ”modeling” OR ”scientific programming” OR ”scientific computing”
OR ”scientific visualization”) AND (”usability” OR ”human-computer interaction” OR ”human-data inter-
action” OR ”human factors” OR ”ergonomics” OR ”computer-supported cooperative work”)
Table 2: Summary of papers selected in the literature review process according to scientific domain and type of study. ”Ex-
periment” refers to papers presenting experimental results assessing usability; ”best practices” are papers that list guidelines
and recommendations for usability based on literature and case studies; finally, ”proposal” are papers that present solutions
for a better usability of scientific data analysis tools, (although not testing these experimentally).
domain experiment best practices proposal total
bioinformatics 3 4 3 10
citizen science 3 0 0 3
environmental science 3 0 2 5
public health 2 0 0 2
general 5 7 5 17
total 16 11 10 37
and implemented modules) in existing or recently de-
veloped activity, system, sequence, and data flows”.
This also means that, sometimes, the specificity and
even transitoriness of the features being sought does
not afford for a complete software engineering pro-
cess. After a comparative analysis, the authors thus
also conclude that no present software development
process is ”especially proposed towards the scientific
software solution development in academia”, and pro-
pose a new one specifically directed to that, called the
butterfly model.
In order to deal with this, the software has to
make available a whole lot of flexible and customiz-
able features, which generally increase its complex-
ity and need of training in order to use it (Queiroz
et al., 2017). A common solution is the use of
scientific scripting languages such as MATLAB or
R, command line interfaces and domain-specific lan-
guages (DSLs) (Ahmed and Zeeshan, 2014). Hossain
et al. (2020) notices that this amounts to a flexibility-
usability tradeoff, which can be approached by iden-
tifying and working with an adequate extensibility
model; i.e., offering extensible features for experi-
enced users but without sacrificing usability for be-
ginner users (Lacroix and Critchlow, 2003; Queiroz
et al., 2017).
In the specific case of data science, the uncer-
tainty regarding its uses and users may also contribute
to a challenge in developing machine learning mod-
els and visualization strategies (Hossain et al., 2020;
Wald et al., 2016). Efforts toward visualization of
data workflow models are thus constantly being in-
vestigated and tested (Liu et al., 2015).
3.2.2 Expertise-dependent Requirements
The previous challenge also leads to the question of
dealing with diverse developer and user backgrounds
and expertises in scientific data analysis tools. The
software requirements are very much dependent on
expert knowledge and judgement, which can be diffi-
cult to transfer to the developers in a satisfactory way.
Both work by Machado Paix
ao-Cortes et al. (2018)
and Ramakrishnan and Gunter (2017) remarked this
difficulty during a scientific process and pointed to
the crucial role of multidisciplinary work in the devel-
opment of a web server for bioinformatics research.
Similarly, Overmyer (2019) has worked with ”struc-
tured learning phases” in which users, developers and
experts come together to exchange expertise and per-
spectives on their data related tasks. Michener et al.
(2012) has employed a participatory approach capa-
ble of engaging all the key stakeholders in the pro-
cess of defining the tasks of collecting, managing,
preserving, analysing and sharing biological and en-
vironmental data and, in this case, has dealt not
only with the expertise of scientific practitioners, but
Usability Assessment in Scientific Data Analysis: A Literature Review
perspectives from many other communities such as
from government, industry, non-profit and commu-
nity. Douglas et al. (2011) also concluded that inte-
grating this diversity of viewpoints is crucial for the
development of bioinformatics databases.
With these examples, it can also be pointed that we
are in need of models and directives for development
involving diverse expertises and backgrounds. Harry
Collins and Robert Evans’ ”periodic table” of exper-
tises and his reflections on trading zones and interac-
tional expertise (Collins et al., 2007) can be an inter-
esting starting point for better organizing and under-
standing the multidisciplinary groups involved in the
development of data analysis tools. Data may have
multiple sources, meanings and are be collected for
multiple objectives, which have to be all recognized
(Kogan et al., 2020).
3.2.3 Expertise-dependent Operation
Another challenge related to expertise refers to devel-
opment of tools which respond and adapt to expert
users. This means that not always it will be possible
to have a general user to try to ”befriend” to. The
”friendly-user interface” will not necessarily the most
intuitive one, from the point of view of someone who
does not possess a basic expertise in the scientific do-
main. And this requires that usability studies go be-
yond analyses on perception and action of human be-
ings ”in general” and now turns itself to studying the
workings of skilled perceptions and actions (Ribeiro,
2014). For example, the study by Kalakoski et al.
(2019) has reflected on what should be the optimal po-
sition of presented information in a data-based judg-
ing task and concluded that this depends very much
on what we can identify as the ”disciplined gaze”
of the expert. Which leads to the question: how to
work out an interaction that does not go against or
disregarding this skilled perception, but rather works
with it? Swaid et al. (2017), for example, notices
that a common heuristic evaluation ”may not be com-
pletely representative of expert user interaction with
the tools”.
As indicated earlier, an extensibility model ca-
pable of switching between a beginner and an ex-
pert user can be an interesting direction (Lacroix and
Critchlow, 2003). Multi-layer interfaces are also pro-
posed as a way to tackle these problems (Hwang and
Yu, 2011). And even beyond that, Queiroz et al.
(2017) argues for the advantage of have multiple in-
put modes in the interface, which aim for different ob-
jectives (for example, one for accuracy, and other for
speed), and which can be used differently by different
However, when dealing specifically with data
analysis tools, the most pressing issue related to ex-
pertise refers to problems of misunderstanding and
ambiguity of the information presented. This may
happen either in the type of language used in the inter-
face (which is commonly tackled by the area known
as UX writing) for example, Baca (2009) has noted
issues on terminology regarding job status in a scien-
tific workflow software or also in the very task of
interpreting data: Michener et al. (2012), for example,
concluded that ”data heterogeneity and interoperabil-
ity issues are the single greatest obstacles to address-
ing many scientific grand challenges requiring gener-
alizable data synthesis solutions”. Another example
was given by Macaulay et al. (2009), noticing that
”ou users considered the use of the word scope’ in
the Omero search interface—that is, the extent of data
on which the search will be conducted—confusing,
as scope’ is the scientist’s abbreviation for the in-
strument they use to capture images”. N
eron et al.
(2009) also noticed difficulties for the users under-
standing some terms and ambiguities in data storage.
Thus, as Collins et al. (2007) put it, scientific domains
are formed by different language games in which it
may not be easy to construct bridges, and data anal-
ysis tasks are really prone to these kinds of problem
as put by Lin et al. (2016), we have ”challenges
of managing, standardising, and integrating different
epistemic cultures, especially when amateurs meet
experts”. Solutions such as constructing and rely-
ing on boundary objects are commonly employed to
tackle these problems, however, to date, there are few
known solutions being applied to scientific software
(Fremont et al., 2018).
3.2.4 Engagement and Retention
Many of the papers also investigated factors of en-
gagement and retention of users in the data analy-
sis tools. Most of theses covered studies on citi-
zen science, however were not limited to it. Hos-
sain et al. (2020) remarked the challenge to identify
the socio-cultural characteristics of user communities
in order to develop engaging interfaces, and Newman
(2010) employed a set of engagement metrics. Wald
et al. (2016) concluded that although the usual heuris-
tic evaluation procedure performed well in their soft-
ware, engagement and retention of users was less con-
sistent, pointing to the necessity of further studies on
motivation and attention of users. Lin et al. (2016)
has put five requirements to be considered in this
task: considering 1) local, personal and tacit knowl-
edge of users, 2) socialisation of users, 3) embodi-
ment of users (”physical, emotional and cognitive ac-
tivities involved in recording, observing, transcribing
and editing”), 4) attitudes towards professional stan-
HUCAPP 2023 - 7th International Conference on Human Computer Interaction Theory and Applications
Table 3: Description of the methodology used in the 16 papers selected. Three main types of methods were identified:
usability tests, heuristic evaluations and user-centered design procedures. These are then detailed according to their use in
each paper.
paper domain usability test heuristic evaluation user-centered design
(Scotch et al., 2007) public health think-aloud, task completion time, suc-
cess rates, problem spaces, cognitive
walkthrough, closed questionnaires
(Macaulay et al.,
bioinformatics user feeback, closed questionnaires Nielsen’s heuristics design ethnography
(Oliver et al., 2009) public health open and closed questionnaires user advisory panels, groups
and workshops
(Baca, 2009) general cognitive walkthrough, closed question-
user advisory panels, groups
and workshops
eron et al., 2009) bioinformatics think aloud, user advisory
panels, groups and workshops
(Newman, 2010) citizen sci-
task completion time, open question-
(Michener et al.,
task completion time, open question-
design ethnography, personas
and user scenarios
(Lin et al., 2016) citizen sci-
observation, interviews
(Wald et al., 2016) citizen sci-
Nielsen’s heuristics,
engagement and reten-
tion heuristics
(Volentine et al.,
think-aloud, task completion time, suc-
cess rates, closed questionnaires
(Swaid et al., 2017) general
Nielsen’s heuristics
+ 2 custom heuristics
(Machado Paix
Cortes et al., 2018)
bioinformatics closed questionnaires Nielsen’s heuristics, in-
spectors with different
(Iqbal Chunpir et al.,
interviews, action-research
(Zhang, 2018) general cognitive walkthough interviews
(Overmyer, 2019) general ethnography, interviews
(Hossain et al., 2020) general closed questionnaires (SUS), cognitive
load assessment
Usability Assessment in Scientific Data Analysis: A Literature Review
dards and data quality and 5) trust between the parties
involved. For this, a careful planning and better un-
derstanding of the scientific practices and communi-
ties is needed in order to achieve a successful recep-
tion of new solutions and avoid technological lock-
in (Douglas et al., 2011; Poole, 2015). Furthermore,
both Wald et al. (2016) and Lin et al. (2016) notice
that motivation also stems from the perception of the
value of time in performing the activities. Users may
implicitily ask, for example, if it’s really worthy to
spend time recording or preparing data. Depending
on the answer, the very overall task may be compro-
mised, not only in its success, but also ethical and so-
cial implications (Kogan et al., 2020).
3.2.5 Reusability and Reproducibility
Issues of reproducibility are constantly being dis-
cussed and tackled in science (Berg, 2018), and
specifically with data-intensive science also comes
the related issue of data reusability (Hardwicke et al.,
2018). Terms like open science abound in the litera-
ture (Levin and Leonelli, 2017), and it is expected to
find this also in discussions of usability of data analy-
sis tools, since an interface that is difficult to approach
also disencourages their availability of reproduction
(Sanchez Reyes and McTavish, 2022).
The FAIR principle findable, accessible, inter-
operable and reusable is constantly being sought
and respected in the design of scientific databases
(Vogt, 2021). Hossain et al. (2020), Douglas et al.
(2011) and Hunter-Zinck et al. (2021) present guide-
lines for portability of databases, which include needs
of curation (Poole, 2015) and data formats and stan-
dards (Parsons and Duerr, 2005). Work by Cisar et al.
(2016) has demonstrated an application of a strategy
of standardizing repositories and using back-tracking
in order to increase reproducibility, and Samourka-
sidis and Athanasiadis (2020) has employed ontolo-
gies and templates in order to speed and facilitate
curation of databases in the domain of environment
science. Other types of work also dedicate attention
to accessibility (and, thus, also usability) of scien-
tific computing services such as in the frameworks
of event-based computing and ”function as a service”
(Chard and Foster, 2019).
Furthermore, encouraging practices of logging
and user accounting are also mentioned, such as by
Queiroz et al. (2017) and N
eron et al. (2009), and this
can, in some cases, be obtained automatically by the
software — Chin Jr and Lansing (2004), for example,
has devised mechanisms of visualizing the software
execution history as a way to increase reproducibility.
Callahan et al. (2006), by their turn, proposed a way to
trace pipelines for generated scientific visualizations.
These kinds of strategy touch on one of the most com-
mon practices today in data science, the use of story-
like or literate programming (Sanchez Reyes and Mc-
Tavish, 2022), such as Jupyter notebooks (Perez and
Granger, 2015). Sanchez Reyes and McTavish (2022)
indicate that this not only helps reproducibility and
reusability, but also supports memory and understand-
ing of the practicioner. The experiment done by
Kalakoski et al. (2019) pointed out the need to artic-
ulate coherent sequences of presentation of informa-
tion in order to reduce the cognitive load of data anal-
ysis tasks, and this may be understood as a search for
a good usability of these interactive computing note-
books, which remain to be explored. The work by
Zhang (2018) is a good example of this, by doing an
usability evaluation of a visualization enhancement in
the Jupyter Lab interface.
3.2.6 Policy, Rights and Privacy
Finally, a much discussed issue around data science
revolves around policy, rights and privacy, and usabil-
ity studies can offer an important contribution to these
by designing interactions that make all the stakehold-
ers better aware of these questions (Mortier et al.,
2013). Such is what is sought in fields such as HDI,
however, as stated previously, most studies are fo-
cused in end-user applications and less on scientific
data practices. Poole (2015) makes an important dis-
cussion around policy procedures for data curation in
the sciences. The authors review an extensive litera-
ture to notice that current policies focus more on ac-
cess of data than preservation, and that researchers are
often ”suspicious of policies”, since the perception is
that they sometimes can hinder work.
In fact, security measures in software such access
control and privacy statements can be badly designed
so as to present an annoyance to users, as noticed in
the usability evaluation by Iqbal Chunpir et al. (2018),
which noticed difficulties related to user login, data
download, data search and user registration. How-
ever, on the other side, good usability design on these
issues can be crucial both as to increase trust among
the parties so as to raise awareness of ethical, social
and legal implications in the users (Lin et al., 2016).
Work by Machado Paix
ao-Cortes et al. (2018), for ex-
ample, has explicitly included in their usability evalu-
ation the need for users to have a clear view on copy-
righted materials and data. Good usability can and
should be directed to encourage a reflective practice,
such as argued by Aragon et al. (2022) in their pro-
posal of a human-centered data science.
HUCAPP 2023 - 7th International Conference on Human Computer Interaction Theory and Applications
3.3 Directions for Usability
3.3.1 Visualization Strategies
Many of the papers investigated propose and evalu-
ate new visualization strategies in order to increase
the usability of the data analysis tools. Overmyer
(2019), for example, proposes an adaptation of UX
methods for obtaining usable scientific visualizations.
Baca (2009), by means of user focus groups and us-
ability walkthroughs, obtained useful results for an in-
terface for job monitoring in high performance com-
puting. Hossain et al. (2020) devise a visual scripting
framework for scientific data analysis. And as already
cited, Callahan et al. (2006) propose visualizations
of the pipelines used to generate scientific visualiza-
tions. Zhang (2018) used personas and usability eval-
uations to propose an improvement on Jupyter Lab
that deals with the difficulties of users in understand-
ing new datasets, programming libraries and export-
ing data. Finally, Stepanyan (2021) make important
remarks on the cognitive ergonomics of visualizing
long nucleotide sequences, as the strategy the authors
proposed help observing geometrical patterns in data
and indeed, it has been long noticed that studies
on cognition and pattern recognition skills in humans
can greatly contribute to these efforts (Patterson et al.,
3.3.2 User Support and Documentation
The usability assessments considered in this review
many times conclude that investing more in user sup-
port and documentation can greatly reduce the us-
ability problems (Macaulay et al., 2009). Ahmed
and Zeeshan (2014), for example, noticed that ”de-
ployment and configuration procedures are very com-
plex and there is no proper documentation which
can help scientists in easily deploying the system”.
This touches, after all, in the problem of getting with
just ”forgivable” interfaces, without considerations
for their further use by other scientists and communi-
ties. As indicated by Levin and Leonelli (2017), how-
ever, it is important to foster a culture of incentives
and rewards for constructing solid and documentable
scientific tools and databases.
Relating to that, some solutions also rely on devel-
opment of better troubleshooting features, which are
able to show users’ actual and even potential errors
during their use of the software (Sanchez Reyes and
McTavish, 2022). The already common use of live
programming environments, such as iPython (P
and Granger, 2007), in scientific workflows, can be
an important point of entry to this, as shown by Ayres
et al. (2019).
3.3.3 Automation and Human-in-the-loop
Lastly, many of the studies develop ways to automate
part of the work of scientists dealing with data, and
propose that this can greatly increase the usability
and even motivation of users by removing the need
of dealing with tedious, tiresome or even too com-
plex tasks (Iqbal Chunpir et al., 2018; Cid-Fuentes
et al., 2021). Ayres et al. (2019), for example, de-
velops an automatic tool for resource selection in
high performance computing, and concludes that this
can greately increase usability. Serverless approaches
such as advocated by Chard and Foster (2019) also
promise to automate and outsource many common
tasks faced by data analysis and visualization today.
Kim et al. (2016) also proposes a framework for man-
aging computing resources in scientific domains in
automated ways. Finally, Cid-Fuentes et al. (2021)
propose even a data structure format to support reuse
and automation of scientific tasks (although it should
be noted that the article is an arXiv preprint).
In all of these efforts, studies can be greatly en-
riched with insights from human-in-the-loop usability
studies, which focus on ways to better integrate tasks
delegated to computers (Wu et al., 2022). Dragut et al.
(2021), for example, point to the need of studies and
solutions dealing with the cooperation between hu-
man and computers in preparing, analysis and repre-
senting data. One of the pressing questions in this re-
gard is how to make this cooperation in a way that
avoids biases or other maleficial effects that would
make hard an attribution of responsibility (Cornelis-
sen et al., 2022).
Our literature review has retrieved some common
themes, challenges and proposals in diverse studies
assessing and reflecting on usability of data analysis
tools in scientific research. By categorizing and ob-
serving them in tables such as Table 2, it can be possi-
ble to visualize domains of science which are still not
much covered by usability studies. As an example,
domains such as citizen science, environmental sci-
ence and public health science still lack discussions of
best practices for assuring usability of their data anal-
ysis tools. Table 3, by its turn, can highlight meth-
ods which are still not employed or discussed in some
domains for example, our literature review could
not find a heuristic evaluation of tools in the areas of
environmental and public health science. Also, even
when methodological contributions are made, these
Usability Assessment in Scientific Data Analysis: A Literature Review
are only applied to the paper that proposes them and
still are not reutilized in other studies (such as, for ex-
ample, the custom heuristics proposed in Swaid et al.
Among the challenges encountered in the liter-
ature, we have encountered the problem of design-
ing interaction in software that is constantly chang-
ing requisites and that are very specific to certain ar-
eas. We discussed the problem of designing a human-
data interaction for expert users, and in software with
requirements that depend of specific scientific exper-
tise. Issues of engagement and retention of users in
these tools were also a target of assessment and re-
flection in the literature, and is becoming more and
more important in tasks related to data. The issues
of reusability and reproducibility of the data analy-
sis and visualization tasks are also being constantly
discussed, such as under the FAIR principle, and by
improvements in practices of live and story-like pro-
gramming. Finally, we presented literature discussing
how usability studies can deal with issues pertaining
to policy, rights and privacy of databases and tools.
Next, we laid out some of directions of solutions be-
ing proposed to increase the overall usability of these
systems. We pointed to studies presenting new vi-
sualization strategies for dealing with scientific data
and the need to study them in relationship to cogni-
tive ergonomics. Then, we discussed the need to in-
clude better user support and documentation in scien-
tific tools, and finished with a discussion on the need
for human-in-the-loop usability studies in the cases of
automation and human-computer cooperation. In the
end, with this study, we hope to point directions for
research in usability of data analysis tools and show
their importance in face of the growing digitalization
of science.
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Federal Ministry of Education and Research
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