Outlier Detection Method for Equipment Onboard Merchant Vessels
Iori Oki
, Seiji Yamada
2 b
and Takashi Onoda
1 c
Aoyama Gakuin University School of Science and Engineering, 5-10-1 Huchinobe, Chuo, Sagamihara, Kanagawa, Japan
National Institute of Informatics 2-1-2 Hitotsubashi, Chiyoda, Tokyo, Japan
Anomaly Detection, Outlier Detection, Explainable AI, Explainability, One-Class Support Vector Machine,
The equipment onboard merchant vessels are essential for safe navigation. If an equipment malfunction occurs
during a voyage, it is difficult to repair it with the same speed and accuracy as on land. Therefore, it is important
to It is required to be able to repair and replace the equipment with a margin of time by detecting the signs
of anomalies. In this paper, we present the results of detecting signs of anomalies from various sensor data
collected using One-Class SVM. It also show s the results of interpreting the signs of anomalies and detected
locations using SHAP. The results show that the proposed method can detect signs of anomalies at a point
about one month before the conventional method. Therefore, the proposed method is shown to be potentially
useful for the maintenance of equipment on merchant vessels.
In recent years, to maintain schedules and ensure safe
operations, efforts have been made not only to main-
tain and manage safe vessel operations, but also to
ensure safe navigation and marine envir onment con-
servation from various perspectives. To maintain safe
vessel operation, it is important for navigators to con-
duct proper monitoring and to select the best route in
consideration of weather and sea conditions. In the
engine room, the condition of the main engine, which
propels the ship, and auxiliary engines, such as mo-
tors, which are important for operation, are monitored
by the engineer, and preventive maintenance manage-
ment is conducted. To prevent severe damage, these
devices are repaired o r replace d when anomalies are
detected during daily patrol inspections of their op-
erating conditions. Traditionally, vessel monitoring
equipment has been minimal and inspections have re-
lied on the human senses. In recent years, with the im-
provement of technology such as temperature, pres-
sure, and vibra tion sensors, there have been efforts to
detect anomalies through automatic mo nitoring, but it
is still insufficient. Ship equipment is characterized
by the fact th at once it goes out to sea, it does not
return for a long period of time and that repair s that
can be done easily on land are difficult to do at sea.
Therefore, events tha t would be detected on land in
time after an a nomaly is detected must be detected
and responded to before that time for vessels.
In this paper, we describe related research in the
next section. In the section 3, w e explain the sub-
ject data. In the section 4, we briefly explain section
the proposed method of detecting signs of anoma lies
in equipment onboard merchant vessels. The exper-
imental results are shown in the section 5. Finally,
we conclude the concept of anomaly pre diction detec-
tion f or equipment onboard merchant vessels based
on outlier detection methods.
In the marine field, monitorin g the condition of equip-
ment and achieving condition-based maintenance is
still a new study. In the past few years, studies
have bee n conducted in supe rvised learning. (Porteiro
et al., 2011) presented a multi-net fault diagnosis sys-
tem to provide power estimation and fault identifica-
tion of a diesel engine. (Coraddu et al., 2016) pro-
posed an app lica tion of supervised machine learn-
ing approaches to estimate the decay status of a
naval propulsion plant for improving condition based
maintenan ce. (Cipollini et al., 2018b) and (Cipollini
et al., 2018a) proposed some supervised and unsuper-
Oki, I., Yamada, S. and Onoda, T.
Outlier Detection Method for Equipment Onboard Merchant Vessels.
DOI: 10.5220/0011665300003411
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods (ICPRAM 2023), pages 649-660
ISBN: 978-989-758-626-2; ISSN: 2184-4313
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
vised approaches for condition based maintenance of
a naval gas propulsion plant. (Lazakis et al., 2019) in-
vestigated a One-Class supp ort vector machine (One-
Class SVM) based approach to realize condition mon-
itoring of a marine diesel gener a tor with the noon-
report data. (Brandsæter et al., 2019) developed an
on-line anom aly detectio n approach based on mul-
tivariate signal reconstruction followed by residuals
analysis for anomaly detection of a marine diesel en-
gine in operation. Supervised learning algo rithms
have been proposed fo r condition monitorin g of ma-
rine equipmen t systems. However, (Tan et al., 2020)
said that supervised learning algorithms tend to be
unrealistic, because the fact that most of the sam-
ples mo nitored by the shipb oard monitoring system
are normal samples is ignored and the required la-
beled samples are not easy to o btain. They pro-
posed the use of a one-class classification technology.
Specifically, a comparative study of Condition moni-
toring of the marine equipment system was conducted
using six one-class classification algorithms: One-
Class SVM, Support vector data description (SVDD),
Global k-nearest neighbors (GKNN), Local outlier
factor (LOF), Isolation Forest (IForest), and Angle-
based outlier detec tion (ABOD). The results show
that the one-class classification algorithm is applica-
ble to marine equ ipment.
However, when it comes to actual use in the field,
a system that only detects signs of anomaly not be
adopted by companies. The reason is that it does not
explain what the cause of the problem is. In recent
years, the field of Explainable AI has flourished, as
can be seen from Figure 1. From figure 1, we can
see that companies ar e demanding evidence for the
results of machine learning. In other words, by pro-
viding clear evidence f or detection results, companies
are expected to be more proactive in detecting anoma-
lies usin g machine learning.
In this study, the one- class classification algorithm
was applied to merchant marine equipment to ver-
ify whether it is possible to de tect predictive signs
of anomalies. In addition, we use SHAP, one of the
interpretation methods o f the one-class classification
algorithm , to clarify the basis for the detection of pre-
dictive signs of anomaly.
In this study, under the collaboration with Furuno
Electric Co. we will detect predictive signs of anoma-
lies in equipment onboard merchant ships. Data from
equipment onboard merchant vessels is sent via satel-
lite to a data center on land. The n, the data center
Figure 1: Explainable AI Papers by Year (Adadi and
Berrada, 2018).
detects signs of anomalies, and if an anomaly is con-
firmed, instructions are given for repair or rep la c e-
ment. So, note that we do not perform predictive
anomaly detection within the merchant vessel. In the
3.1 section, describes the target equipment onboard
merchan t vessels, and describes the data of the target
equipment in the 3.2 section.
3.1 Equipment Onboard Merchant
There are several types of equipment onb oard mer-
chant vessels, each of which plays a key role in e n-
suring safe navigation. For example, acoustic depth
gauges measure the depth of the water, which is im-
portant to avoid running aground . Other devices in-
clude satellite spee d logs that provide information on
the speed of merchant vessels, which is indispens-
able when berthing. Among these various devices,
this study focuses on the common parts of the devices
called Radar and ECDIS (see Figur e 2). A ra dar is a
device that uses the bounce of radio waves to check
the movement of other vessels and to confirm the
safety of the surroundings. It is especially effective
when visibility is poor due to rain or snow and is an
especially important device that can hinder the safety
of navigation if it is broken. The other is ECDIS,
which digitizes and displays paper charts to create
ship routes. This is another important piece of equip-
ment that must be equipped. Although there are many
target devices, we selected one o f them for this exper-
iment. The selection criteria are individuals selected
by the experts of Furuno Electric Co. from among
equipment whose sensor values were measured to be
ICPRAM 2023 - 12th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
Figure 2: Equipment on board merchant vessels; left:
Radar, Right:ECD IS.
Figure 3: Data flow.
3.2 Used Data
The data of the target equipment described in sec-
tion 3.1 is acquired as shown in Figu re3. Sensor val-
ues recorded o n the merchant vessel are collected via
satellite to a data cen te r locate d on land. One case
of data is obtained every hour. Anomaly detection
is the n performed at the data center where the data
was collected, and if an anomaly is confirmed, the
merchan t vessel carrying the a nomalous individual is
contacted. The contacted merchan t vessel will take
action, suc h as repairing the anomaly or re placing it
with a spare piece of equipment on board, depend-
ing on the extent of the anomaly. However, some of
the data contain missing data or errors due to satellite
communication problems. Therefore, the acquired
data cannot be used fo r experiments as is. T herefor e,
to address this issue, two data use conditions were
established in this study based on expert advice and
1. If multiple data are acquired in one hour, the first
acquired data is used because the later data is error
data (Fig ure 4).
2. If the con ditions in 1. are met and the total number
of data acquired in a day is less th an 15, the data
for that day not be used (Figure 5).
The eleven sensors used are listed in the Table 1.
These are all senso rs that the subject equipment can
Figure 4: Data Use Condition(time).
Figure 5: Data Use Condition(day).
acquire. These 11 items are currently used by on-site
inspectors to conduct inspections, so we used these
same condition s. The subject individuals had a total
of 26,425 data that met the conditions of use, and the
acquisition period was from December 2015 to Febru-
ary 2019.
In this section, we describe a mod el for detecting pre-
dictive signs of anomalies in equipment o nboard mer-
chant vessel. This study uses One-Class SVM, an out-
lier detection model, and the Mahalanobis-Taguchi
Method (M T Method), a statistical method.
4.1 One-Class SVM
One-Class SVM is an extension of the classical SVM,
and it is a common semi-supervised learning tech-
Table 1: Data Summary
Order Sensor I te m Units
2 CPU FAN 1 RPM rpm
3 CPU FAN 2 RPM rpm
4 CPU board temperature degC
5 CPU Core Temperature degC
6 GPU Core Temperatu re degC
7 CPU core power supply voltage V
8 Battery sup ply voltage V
9 3.3V supply voltage V
10 5V sup ply voltage V
11 12V su pply voltage V
Outlier Detection Method for Equipment Onboard Merchant Vessels
Figure 6: One-class SVM.
nology used to solve one-class classification problem
(Khan and Madden, 2010). In the classical SVM,
it can determine an optimal hype rplane by maxi-
mizing the interval between the support vectors of
two classes. However, in One-Class SVM, there are
only one-class data points involved in model training,
which makes it impossible to find the optimal hyper-
plane like the classical SVM. In fact, it regards the
origin as the only negative data point and all train-
ing data as po sitive points. The g oal of model train-
ing is to make the classification hyper-plane as far
away from the origin as possible. After transform-
ing the feature via a kernel, they treat the origin as the
only member of the second class. The using relax-
ation parameters they separate the image of the one
class from the origin. The n the standard two class
SVM techniques are employed (Vapnik, 1999). One-
Class SVM (Sch¨olkopf et al., 2000) returns a fu nc-
tion of that takes the value +1 in a small region c ap-
turing most of the training data points, and -1 else-
where. The algorithm can be summarized as mapping
the data into a fe ature space using an appropriate ker-
nel function, and th e n trying to separa te the mappe d
vectors from the origin with maximum margin (see
Figure 6).
4.2 MT Method
The MT method, proposed by (Taguchi and Jugu-
lum, 2002), is a practica l method for anomaly de-
tection, developed from Hotelling’s T
control chart
(Hotelling, 1947) by adding ideas such as item selec-
tion and item diagnosis. The MT method assumes
that only nor mal data form a homogeneous popula-
tion. Then, if the new data does not deviate from the
formed population, it is judged as normal, and if it
does, it is judged as ano maly. This homogeneous pop-
ulation is called the unit space in the MT method. The
Figure 7: MT Method Sample.
measurement of deviate level from the unit space is
quantified based on the Mahalanobis distance. In ac-
tual use, a th reshold value is set in advance, and if the
value is exceeded, it is judged as anomaly (see Figure
Another feature of the MT method is called
Signal-to-Noise (S/N) ratios. This quantifies th e con-
tribution of individual variables and allows interpre-
tation of the results of the MT method as to what is
due to what. Taguchi empirically introduced an in-
dicator such as Equation 1, which is the S/N ratios
for the variable set q. Where M
in Equ a tion 1 rep-
resents the number of variables and a
represents the
anomaly when using a covariance matrix of M
× M
} (1)
Calculating the S/N ratios in this way yields the con-
tribution of each variable as shown in Figure 8. Figure
8 shows the results for the road data included in the
MASS package, and the cities shown are in Califor-
nia. The S/N ratios ind ic ates that a large value is in-
fluential. The results show that almost all of the large
anomalies in California are caused by fuel. Thus, the
MT method not only detects a nomalies, but also iden-
tifies their causes by a unique method called the S/N
The MT m ethod has its own interpretation method
as described in section 4.2. On the other hand,
ICPRAM 2023 - 12th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
Figure 8: SN ratio Sample.
Figure 9: Relationship between One-Class SVM and SHAP.
One-Class SVM can be interpreted by using coeffi-
cient in the case of linear kernels, but there is no
such method for RBF kernels. Therefore, a differ-
ent approach must b e used for interpretation. Cur-
rently, DARPA, which conducts defense research in
the United States, categorizes Explainable AI ap-
proach e s into three broad categories(Gunning et al.,
2019). These three approaches are: feature v isu aliza-
tion, generation of interpretable models, and approx-
imation by interpretable models. In this study, we
interpret One-Class SVM models based on Shapley
additive explanations (SHAP), a type of f eature visu-
alization. The relationship between One-Class SVM
and SHAP is shown in Figure 9 SHAP uses the ma-
chine le a rning model and the data used in the model
to measure the contribution of each feature and to add
interpretability to the results of the machine learn ing
model. This SHAP was originally based o n the con-
cept of the Shapley value in cooperative game theory.
Therefore, this chapter describes the Sh apley value
and SHAP.
Figure 10: Shapley.
5.1 Shapley Value
In cooperative game theory, the Shapley value is a
means used to fairly distribute the benefits in a game
in which multiple players cooperate, according to
each player’s contribution. As an example, suppose
we have a situation in which different people partici-
pating in a game receive different rewards. The list of
rewards is as follows.
If only Mr. A participates, the compensatio n is
If only Ms. B p articipates, the compensation is
If only Mr. C participates, the compensation is
If Mr. A and Ms. B participate, the reward will be
$3,000 for both of them.
If Ms. B and Mr. C participate , the reward will be
$1,600 for both of them.
If Mr. A and Mr. C participate, the reward will be
$2,200 for both of them.
If the rewa rd for p articipation by Mr. A, Ms. B, and
Mr. C is $6,000, consider the question of how fairly
to divide the reward among Mr. A, Ms. B, and Mr. C.
First, consider the situation where Mr. A participates
from a situation where no one else participates. Th is
raises the reward from $0 to $1,00 0. In other words,
we can say that Mr. A contributed to raising the re-
ward by $1,000 . Next, consider the situation where
Ms. B is participating and then Mr. A joins him.
In th is case, the compensation goes up from $600 to
$3,000, so Mr. A contributed to raising the reward
by $2, 400. This contribution is called the margina l
contribution, and the average of the marginal contri-
butions of all combinations is the Shapley value. In-
cidentally, in this example, it is fair to divide Mr. A,
Ms. B, and Mr. C into $2,500, $2,000, and $1,500, as
shown in Figu re 10.
Outlier Detection Method for Equipment Onboard Merchant Vessels
5.2 Shapley Additive
SHAP is a machine learning application of the Shap-
ley values de scribed in Section 5.1. In SHAP, the
Shapley value represents the performance of a featur e
in the machine lea rning mod el. In other words, Mr. A,
Mr. B, and Mr. C used in the Shapley value example
represent each feature value in SHAP.
SHAP uses an additive feature attribution method,
i.e., an ou tput model is defined as a linear addition of
input variables(Mangalathu et al., 2020). Assuming a
model with input variables x = (x
,... ,x
) where
p is the number of input variables, the explana tion
model g(x
) with simplified input x
for an original
model f (x ) is expressed as
f (x ) = g(x
) = φ
where M r e presents the number of inpu t features, and
represents the constant value when all inputs are
missing. Inputs x
and x are related through a map-
ping function, x = h
). Equation 2 is illustrated in
Figure 11, where φ
, φ
, φ
, and φ
increase the pre-
dicted value o f g(), while φ
decreases the value of
As noted by (Lundberg and Lee, 2017), a single
solution exists for Equation 2, which ha s three desir-
able properties: local accuracy, missingness, and con-
sistency. Local accuracy ensures that the outpu t of
the function is the sum of the fe ature attributions and
requires the model to match the output of f for the
simplified input x
. The loca l accuracy happens when
x = h
). M issingness ensures that no importance is
assigned to missing features. As φ
implies φ
= 0,
missingness is satisfied. Through the consistency,
changin g a larger impact fea ture will not decrease the
attribution assigned to that feature. For a setting z
when z
= 0, f
) f
\i) f
) f
\i) im-
plies φ
( f
,x) φ
( f ,x). The only possible model that
satisfies these properties is
( f ,x) =
|!(M |z
| 1)!
[ f
) f
where |z
| represents the number of non-zero entries in
, and z
, and φ
from Equation 3 is the Shapley
values. (Mangalathu et al., 2018) suggested a solution
to Equation 3 where f
= h
) = E[ f (z)|z
] and S
is the set of non-zero indices in z
, known as SHAP
In this study, we decided to use this SHAP to cal-
culate the contribution to the anomaly detection loca-
tions. The reason for using SHAP is that SHAP is lo-
cally interpr etable. In the field of anomaly detection,
we do not want to capture overall trends and evalu-
ate which sensors strongly influenced the model. It
is necessary to calculate the contribution of each and
every location that is determine d to be anomaly, and
to know and analyze under what kind of influence the
anomaly was determ ined in that location. We though t
SHAP desirable because it allowed us to calculate the
contribution one location at a time. When calculating
the contribution using SHAP, all that is needed is the
model and feature data from the prediction an d esti-
mation. In this study, the model to be passed to SHAP
is the One-Class SVM model, and the feature data is
the test data from the tests conduc ted on the model.
However, the te st data was limited to only those ar-
eas identified a s anomalies in the One-Class SVM
model. The specific contribution calculation method
is as shown in Figure 12. First, the One-Class SVM
model and the data of the location that was tested and
determined to be anomalies in the model are prepared.
Next, each contribution is c a lc ulated for each feature
of the data in the areas determined to be anomaly as
in Fig ure 13. The expression of not participating in
the Shapley value is replaced in SHAP with a value
of no impact using the predicted expected value. In
this way, the difference between when the feature is
affected and when it is unaffected can be calculated.
This is done in various combinations and averaged
to obtain the contribution. Since this stu dy targets
anomaly detection by the One-Class SVM model, the
contribution is based on the degree of anomaly, i.e.,
the distance from the o ptimal hyperplane.
In th is section, after describing the experimental con-
ditions, the results of the anomaly prediction de te c-
tion and contribution estimation experiments are pre-
6.1 Experimental Procedures
Section 6.1 describes the experimental conditions.
Please refer to Figure 14 as you read it. First, the
missing data are pr ocessed as describ e d in section 3.2.
Next, the 11 features for present use in the inspection
are selected. Next, extract the data periods to be used
in the model. In this case, as shown in Figure 15, one
month was used as test data and the last two years of
the test period as training data. The reason for this
setup is the re quest of the experts at Furuno Electric
Co. to update the model every month with respect to
the test data. A s for the training data, the experts and I
came to the conclusio n that using older data would be
ICPRAM 2023 - 12th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
Figure 11: Example of SHAP with 3 variables(Lundberg and Lee, 2017). E[ f (x)] is the predicted value assuming all three
features were not observed. The measured values are then entered into the features one by one, and the movement of the
predicted values is measured as a contribution. In this example, we can see that x
and x
have a positive contribution and x
has a negative contribution.
Figure 12: Flow to SHAP.
affected by age- related deterioration, so we decided
to use two years. This means that the model was built
15 times in this study. The number of training data at
one time is approximately 17,000 and the number of
test data is approximately 700. Then, normalization is
performed, and models are constructed using training
data in each of the MT and One-Class SVM methods.
The constructed model is then used to detect anoma-
lies in the test data. Here, th e MT method r e quires a
pre-determined threshold value, but in this case, we
used 4 as a general guideline. One-Class SVM re-
quire a preconfigured kernel. In this study, a Radial
Basis Function (RBF) kernel was used. Therefore, it
is necessary to set the parameters ν and γ. ν was set
to 0.02. On the other hand, f or γ, we tried 0. 01, 0.1,
1.0, 10 and verified which γ value is optimal. After
the anomaly prediction detection exp e riment, we es-
timated the cause of the anomaly by usin g the S/N
ratios for the areas identified as an omalous b y the MT
method and SHAP for the areas identified as anoma-
lous by the One-Class SVM metho d.
6.2 Results of the Experiment for
Detecting Signs of Anomaly
Before presenting results of anomaly prediction de-
tection experiment, we will discuss the areas diag-
nosed as anomalies in terms of the data me ntioned
in section 3.1. Figu re 16 shows the time series graph
of CPU FAN2 RPM for the experiment. This clearly
shows that we have recorded something of an out-
lier in the late August 2018 data. When this data
was shown to the experts, the data recorded at 4:00
AM Japan time on August 2 5, 2018, was fo und to
be anomalou s. The goal is to detect this area a s an
anomaly and how to detect signs of anomalies further
down the road. We shall also refer to this part as the
defective part. In determining the optimal parameters
for the One-Class SVM, this defective part is used as
the basis. Specifica lly, the following equation is used.
upper limit = anomaly degree o f the de f ective part
(distance f rom the optimum hyperplane)
lower limit = upper limit × 0.6 (5)
The best parameter is selected based on the tren d
of the data within this upper and lower limit range.
0.6 was chosen because the lower limit was set on the
anomaly side rather than the middle of the anomaly
range, which we thought would capture more dan-
gerous signs of danger. Figure 17, 18, 19, 20 and
21 shows the results of applying the MT method and
One-Class SVM, with the respective the degree of
anomaly represented as tim e series graphs. The hori-
zontal axis represents time, and the vertical axis rep-
resents the degree of ano maly. Anomaly is defined as
a value greater than 0 for One-Class SVM and normal
for values 0 or less. In the case of the MT method, the
anomaly is defined as a location where the anomaly
is greater than 4. The colors of the graphs are g reen
for normal, blue for anomaly, and red for results as of
4:00 a.m. on August 25, 2018, with the black line rep-
resenting the threshold value. The table 2 also shows
the number of data contained within the range set in
this study for each parameter. From Table 2, ν = 0.02
γ = 1.0, which records h igh anom a ly values only for
one month before and after the failure, is the optimal
parameter for the 1-Class SVM in this study. Fig-
ure 20 of the optimal parameters show that One-Class
Outlier Detection Method for Equipment Onboard Merchant Vessels
Figure 13: How to calculate contribution in O ne-Class SVM.
Figure 14: Experimental Procedures.
Figure 15: Verification Method.
SVM is capable of detecting an omalies at defective
part and detecting signs of anomalies before and after
the defective part. Next, we discuss the results of the
MT method. As shown in Figure a, the MT metho d
can detect anomalies in defective part, but it is n ot as
good as 1-Class SVM in detecting signs of anomalies.
Therefore, we c hecked to see if th e MT method could
predict anomalies by changing the threshold value of
the MT method. The Figure 22 shows time on the
horizontal axis, threshold 4 in red, threshold 3 in light
ICPRAM 2023 - 12th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
Figure 16: Time series graph of CPU FAN2 RPM. Red dot is 4:00 AM Japan time on August 25, 2018.
Figure 17: Anomaly Graph (MT method).
Figure 18: Anomaly Graph (OCSVM ν = 0.02,γ = 0.01).
Figure 19: Anomaly Graph (OCSVM ν = 0.02,γ = 0.1).
Figure 20: Anomaly Graph (OCSVM ν = 0.02,γ = 1.0).
Figure 21: Anomaly Graph (OCSVM ν = 0.02,γ = 10).
Outlier Detection Method for Equipment Onboard Merchant Vessels
Table 2: Number of anomalies within the set range.
Within one month Within one month Except for one month
Parameters before the defe ct after the defect before and afte r
ν = 0.02 , γ = 0.01 0 1 0
ν = 0.02 , γ = 0.1 0 2 0
ν = 0.02 , γ = 1.0 18 35 0
ν = 0.02 , γ = 10 75 61 177
Table 3: Results of interpretation.
Order Sensor I te m SHAP S/N ratio
1 CPU FAN RPM 0.0056 -5.2943
2 CPU FAN1 RPM 0.0022 -5.90 90
3 CPU FAN2 RPM 1.5895 24.8710
4 CPU board temperature 0.0130 -2.4760
5 CPU Core Tempe rature 0.0 073 -0.7549
6 GPU Core Temperatu re 0.0033 -3.8500
7 CPU core power supply voltage 0.0409 6.4065
8 Battery supply voltage 0.1265 -1.751 6
9 3.3V supply voltage 0.0195 -14.6852
10 5V supply voltage 0.0697 -3.303 1
11 12V su pply voltage 0.1258 -1.4185
Table 4: Results of interpretation
Number of
anomaly detection
Number of
S/N ra tios 23 16
One-Class SVM 204 198
Figure 22: Difference by Threshold.
blue, threshold 2 in purple, thresh old 1 in green, and
One-Class SVM in black. Plotted locations are those
where anomalies are detected . As a precondition, the
detection must be contin uous in order to be reco g-
nized as a pred ictive sign of anomaly. Considering
this, the threshold value m ust be set to 1 in order to
detect signs of anomaly using the MT method. How-
ever, if the threshold is set to 1, 30% of the total data
will be detected as anomaly. This is inappropria te
for an anomaly detection mod el. From the above, we
conclud e that it is difficult for the MT method to de-
tect signs of anomaly in th e present data. On the other
hand, the One- Class SVM was continuously detected
as an anomaly, indicating that it may be effective as
a model for detecting predictive signs of anomalies
approximately one month in advance.
6.3 Contribution Estimation
Experimental Results
Next, we applied the S/N ratios for the MT method
and the SHAP for the One-Class SVM to the defec-
tive part (Table 4). First of all, le t me explain how
to look at Table 4. As for the S/N ratios, a s men-
tioned ea rlier, larger values contribute to that result.
On the other h and, w ith respect to the SHAP values,
they are essentially both positive and negative. This
positive or negative value can measure whether the
data is influenced by a small or large value. However,
in the field of anoma ly detec tion, the most important
question is whether the anomaly is influenced by, or
could be the cause of, the anomaly. Therefor e, in this
study, SHAP values were converted to absolute values
to make it easier to understand which sensor is influ-
encing. The results of applying the S/N ratios and
SHAP both showed that CPU FAN2 RPM took the
highest value, consistent with the experts that CPU
FAN2 RPM was the cau se of the anomaly. This indi-
cates that both the MT method and One-Class SVM
are suitable for the defective part. Next, we check
the results of the application for data before 4:00 a.m.
on August 25, 2018: anomaly detections for the last
ICPRAM 2023 - 12th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
month as of 4:00 a.m . on A ugust 25, 2018 are shown
in Table 4. Number of anomaly detection in Table 4
indicates the number of times anomaly was detected
out of a total of 723 cases from July 25, 2018 to Au-
gust 25, 2018. The Number of CPU FAN2 RPM indi-
cates the number of times that CPU FAN2 RPM con-
tributed the most out of the Number of anomaly detec-
tions. From the above, it was fou nd that the cause of
the signs o f anomaly is almost the same as the cause
of the defective area in both the MT and One-Class
SVM methods. In particular, One-Class SVM is able
to detec t continuously, making it possible to take ac-
tion o ne month before the expert’s decision.
The equipment onboard merchant vessels are essen-
tial f or safe navigation. However, these devices can-
not be repaired or replaced with the same speed and
accuracy as wh en on land. Ther efore, it is necessary
to detect the signs of an omalies and act with a margin
of error. This paper examines the feasibility of using
the MT method and One-Class SVM to detect signs
of ano malies in equipment on board merchant vessels.
It was shown that both methods can detect the points
pointed out by the person in charge of the equipment.
In addition, One-Class SVM was able to continuously
detect anomalies before the point pointed out by the
person in ch a rge of the model, indicating the possi-
bility of detecting predictive signs of anomalies. In
addition, by ap plying SHAP to One-Class SVM, it be-
came possible to calculate the influence of each sen-
sor and to identify which senso r value was the cause
of the anomalies. In summary, the proposed method
has the potential to be useful in the maintenance of
equipment onboard merchant vessels.
There are two major issues to be addressed in the
future works. First, the results of this stud y are lim-
ited to a single individual. Th is is partly due to the
fact that, at this point in time, there is still a paucity
of data with records of defects. This is a future issue,
including data collection. The second is the applica-
tion of SHAP to other meth ods. In this study, SHAP
was applied only to th e RBF kernel of the One-Class
SVM. In the future, we will apply SHAP to other out-
lier detection methods to establish the usefulness of
this study.
This work was partially supported by JST, CREST
(JPMJCR21D4), Japan. We also thank Mr.Hash imoto
who works at Furuno Electric Co. for providing the
data and Mr. Moritoki who works at Lincrea Corpo-
ration for his cooperation in the data analysis.
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ICPRAM 2023 - 12th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods