Background Image Editing with HyperStyle and Semantic Segmentation
Syuusuke Ishihata, Ryohei Orihara
, Yuichi Sei
, Yasuyuki Tahara
and Akihiko Ohsuga
The University of Electro-Communications, Tokyo, Japan
StyleGAN,GAN Inversion, Image Editing.
Recently, research has been conducted on applying StyleGAN to image editing tasks. Although the technique
can be applied to editing background images, because they are more diverse than foreground images such as
face images, specifying an object in background images to be edited is difficult. For example, because natural
language instructions can be ambiguous, edited images become undesirable for the user. It is challenging to
resolve style and content dependencies in image editing. In our study, we propose an editing method that
adapts Style Transformer, the latest GAN inversion encoder approach, to HyperStyle by introducing semantic
segmentation to maintain the reconstruction quality and separate the style and the content of the background
image. The content is edited while keeping the original style by manipulating the coarse part of latent variables
and the residual parameters obtained by HyperStyle, and the style is edited without changing the content by
manipulating the medium and fine part of latent vectors as in the conventional StyleGAN. As a result, the
qualitative evaluation confirms that our model enabled the editing of image content and style separately, and
the quantitative evaluation validates that the reconstruction quality is comparable to the conventional method.
StyleGAN (Karras et al., 2019), one of the Generative
Adversarial Networks (GANs) models with unsuper-
vised learning, is capable of generating high quality
images and has excellent interpolation performance
between images. Several research projects use the
ability of StyleGAN for image editing tasks. For ex-
ample, StyleCLIP (Patashnik et al., 2021) edits the
input image to match the content of the text. La-
tent codes are edited to produce images that match
the content of the natural language using Contrastive
LanguageImage Pre-training (CLIP) (Radford et al.,
2021), a model used to classify natural language and
images, as the loss function. In addition, a task called
GAN Inversion estimates latent variables such that
the Generator reconstructs the input image from them,
and the estimated latent variables can be manipulated
to edit the target image.
For the background images, it is useful to edit
style and content separately, as shown in Figure 1.
For example, it can reduce the time required to create
a photo book or video work, from the point of view of
generating various images from a single photo. How-
ever, background images include outdoors, such as
mountains or forests, and indoors, such as rooms, or
stadiums. Since background images are more diverse
than foreground images such as face data, the qual-
ity of GANs’ generated images is compromised. Ed-
itability is reduced accordingly.
Figure 1: Overview of our research on image editing. We
aim to edit either the content, style or both in the image.
Another problem is the difficulty of editing con-
tent. Although it is possible to edit the style of an
image using StyleCLIP, it is difficult to edit the im-
age intuitively when the image content is specified
using text only. The results may differ from the ed-
itor’s intention, appeared in the images as disappoint-
ing effects such as a slight misalignment or a different
front-back relationship between objects. We checked
Ishihata, S., Orihara, R., Sei, Y., Tahara, Y. and Ohsuga, A.
Background Image Editing with HyperStyle and Semantic Segmentation.
DOI: 10.5220/0011661500003393
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2023) - Volume 3, pages 293-300
ISBN: 978-989-758-623-1; ISSN: 2184-433X
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
whether StyleCLIP could edit images in considera-
tion of the content. In Figure 2, although the input
image should be edited so that the tree is placed on
the left side, it has been edited into an image where
the whole image has been covered by a tree. The
‘left’ part of the text prompt was ignored. Editing
with consideration for the contents was insufficient.
On the other hand, a semantic segmentation mask
provides a visual representation of the editor’s in-
tended content. Therefore, a semantic segmentation
mask might be convenient for editing content. The
GAN Inversion task has an approach using Hyper-
Networks that modifies the parameters of the Gen-
erator to achieve both reconstruction quality and ed-
itability of the generated image. In the case of back-
ground images, an encoder-based approach such as
pixel2style2pixel (pSp) (Richardson et al., 2021) re-
sults in lower reconstruction quality. The quality of
the Generator’s performance is degraded due to the
diversity of background images. Because HyperNet-
works improves the performance of the Generator, it
can solve the problem. In the GAN Inversion task,
the performance is measured in a space defined by
two axes, namely, reconstruction quality and editabil-
ity. While both axes are important, our study focuses
particularly on editability.
Therefore, we propose a framework for manip-
ulating content with a semantic segmentation mask
while maintaining the style editability of StyleGAN.
The GAN Inversion approach called HyperStyle
(Alaluf et al., 2021) uses HyperNetworks’s outputs to
adjust the Generator weights to improve the recon-
struction quality. In the background image, the ef-
fect of the Generator adjustment causes a change in
overall shape. We hypothesize that using a semantic
segmentation mask as input to HyperNetworks could
control the content of the image. We introduce two
HyperStyle networks, one with the same inputs as the
conventional method and the other set up for seman-
tic segmentation mask and the input image, to achieve
better control of the content.
This paper is organized as follows. We describe
related work in Section 2, the proposed methodology
in Section 3, the experiments in Section 4, and a dis-
cussion of the results in Section 5. We summarize this
paper and discuss future works in Section 6.
Figure 2: Example of editing a background image in Style-
CLIP. The text prompt is ‘Tree on the left’.
2.1 Generative Adversarial Networks
Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) are gener-
ative models that use two neural networks, Genera-
tor and Discriminator. The Generator fools the Dis-
criminator to recognize the generated data as train-
ing data, and the Discriminator counters the Gen-
erator by correctly recognizing the generated data
as fake data. The alternate learning approach im-
proves the quality of the generated data. Based on
the approach, various image generation and trans-
formation approaches have been proposed, including
DCGAN, which uses a Convolutional Neural Net-
work (CNN) to improve GAN’s performance, Pix2pix
(Isola et al., 2017) and Pix2pixHD (Wang et al.,
2018) for image transformation, PGGAN (Karras
et al., 2018) for higher resolution, and AttnGAN (Xu
et al., 2018) for generating images from text. Ex-
amples of image transformations include converting
black-and-white images or line drawings to color im-
ages, however, there are also approaches to synthesiz-
ing from a semantic segmentation mask. Unlike U-
Net(Ronneberger et al., 2015)-based approaches such
as pix2pix and pix2pixHD, semantic segmentation
is incorporated into normalization approaches such
as SPatially-Adaptive (DE)normalization (SPADE)
(Park et al., 2019) and semantic region-adaptive nor-
malization (SEAN) (Zhu et al., 2020) to synthe-
size images according to their segmentation-labeled
shapes. While these image-to-image approaches al-
low rough editing of images, it is difficult to control
the style in such a way that StyleGAN does.
StyleGAN is the generative model that enables the
generation of higher-resolution images. Latent code
w which is transformed from stochastically generated
variable z in an MLP-based Mapping Network af-
fects image style. It is possible to control the rep-
resentation of the coarse to the fine style of an im-
age by w. For example, in the case of face images,
face orientation and age can be changed by adding
vectors in the latent variable. StyleGAN2 is an im-
proved version of StyleGAN, which eliminates Adap-
tive Instance Normalization (AdaIN) and uses weight
demodulation to normalize and convolve the weight
demodulation. Since GAN Inversion estimates latent
variables from images, it is easier to edit images for
it than StyleGAN, which transforms noise into latent
variables with a Mapping Network. We use GAN In-
version in our method, which employs the Generator
of StyleGAN2.
In the Generator of a GAN (e.g., StyleGAN), be-
cause the latent variable used in the input determines
ICAART 2023 - 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
the image to be generated, manipulation of latent vari-
ables can be used to edit the image in the desired way.
For example, StyleCLIP (Patashnik et al., 2021) is an
approach for editing images with text that takes ad-
vantage of the expressive ability of StyleGAN. In
addition to StyleGAN, it uses CLIP (Radford et al.,
2021), a multimodal image classification model that
learns the relationship between natural language text
and images, as a loss function. Using CLIP as the loss
function, image editing can be performed by the text
2.2 GAN Inversion
GAN Inversion is the estimation of latent variables
from a real image such that the GAN generator can re-
produce the image. Such methods include those that
(1) directly optimize latent variables, where recon-
struction quality is high, and optimization takes time
such as Pivotal Tuning Inversion (PTI) (Roich et al.,
2021), and (2) encoder-based approach, encoding
images into latent vectors such as pixel2style2pixel
(pSp) (Richardson et al., 2021) and Style Transformer
(Hu et al., 2022). The encoder estimates a latent vari-
able such that the Generator produces the same image
as the input, as shown in Figure 3. Although encoder-
based approaches have a faster estimation time, re-
construction quality tends to be lower. Since Genera-
tor is often a pre-trained model, an encoder is trained
only in many approaches.
Figure 3: Overview of General type encoder GAN Inver-
sion pipeline. First, the encoder estimates latent codes to
be input to the pre-trained Generator from images. Then,
Generator creates the same images as the encoder’s input.
For GAN Inversion, especially encoder-based ap-
proaches, there are also approaches to improve the
reconstruction quality of the generated images by
updating Generator parameters with HyperNetworks
(Ha et al., 2017) which is a model to learn Neural Net-
work (NN) parameters, such as HyperStyle (Alaluf
et al., 2021). In HyperStyle the parameter
θ is given
by modifying Generator’s parameter θ as the follow-
ing equation.
i, j
= θ
i, j
(1 +
i, j
) (1)
i, j
is the weights for the j-th channel of the i-th filter
in the convolution layer for the l-th Generator. An-
other approach similar to HyperStyle is HyperInverter
(Dinh et al., 2022). Our study used HyperStyle, one
of the HyperNetworks-based approaches.
The goal of our study is to enable flexible editing by
separating style and content without compromising
reconstruction quality. Therefore, we focused on the
GAN Inversion method. In GAN Inversion, it is said
that the relationship between reconstruction quality
and editability is a trade-off (Tov et al., 2021). Many
approaches have been devised to solve the problem.
One of the approaches is HyperStyle which aims to
eliminate the trade-off. First, we began by analyz-
ing HyperStyle, then the architectural details and loss
functions are described.
Figure 4: Example of reconstruction quality of GAN In-
version. W Encoder and Style Transformer are the encoder
network in GAN Inversion. In both cases, the output im-
age is blurred, but HyperStyle improves the reconstruction
quality and clarifies the shape of objects.
Figure 5: Confirmation of content information by residue
parameters obtained from HyperStyle. Input images are (a)
and (b). GAN Inversion (c) of (a) using StyleGAN2 Gen-
erator adjusted by the residual parameters according to (b).
GAN Inversion (d) of (b) in the Generator of StyleGAN2
adjusted by the residual parameters according to (a).
3.1 HyperStyle
The encoder-based approaches lose the information
of the input image when encoding it into latent vari-
ables. Since background images are a more diverse
Background Image Editing with HyperStyle and Semantic Segmentation
Figure 6: Our Network Architecture. Seg Encoder and GAN Inversion encoder, Style Transformer estimate latent variables.
Then, the semantic segmentation mask, initial reconstructed images, and real images are input to two HyperStyle networks.
The input to HyperStyleA is a pair of the initial reconstructed image and a real image, and the input to HyperStyleB is a pair
of semantic segmentation mask and a real image. The outputs of each HyperStyle, ∆θ
and ∆θ
, are added together and are
used to modify Generator’s weights.
data set than foreground images such as face images,
it is difficult to reconstruct an image with encoder-
only GAN Inversion like W Encoder and Style Trans-
former. W Encoder is a model for W space defined in
the ablation study in pSp, and HyperStyle also uses
the encoder to improve editability. Although Style
Transformer also originally gets latent codes in W +
space, HyperStyle uses W space. We adjust the out-
put of Style Transformer to be a point in W space.
As shown in columns 2 and 3 in Figure 4, the recon-
structed image results are quite different from the in-
put image, and the entire image is blurred. The style
of the whole image remains, however, the information
on the content in the image is lost. The content infor-
mation of the input image is lost when encoding it to
latent variables. HyperStyle has recovered it. When
the residual parameters taken from the HyperStyle’s
HyperNetworks were replaced with the residual pa-
rameters obtained from another image, the content of
the image becomes that of another image. For exam-
ple, (c) in Figure 5 shows the GAN Inversion in (a),
where the residual parameters for the Generator are
replaced with those obtained from (b). The content is
that of (b) and the style remains the same as in (a).
We wonder if the residual parameter might play an
important role in content editing.
3.2 Architecture
Figure 6 shows our architecture. Two HyperStyles
are prepared, and their outputs, the residual param-
eters, are added to the trained Generator parameters.
The input data to the two HyperStyle networks are
semantic segmentation masks, initially reconstructed
images, and real images.
The input to HyperStyleA is a pair of the initial
reconstructed image and a real image, and the in-
put to HyperStyleB is a pair of semantic segmenta-
tion mask and a real image. The Generator, modified
by the residual parameters, generates a reconstructed
image that reproduces the real image from the latent
variables. In latent variables, it would be possible
to control the shape of the image using information
related to the content of the image, such as the out-
put of the semantic segmentation mask encoder, Seg
Encoder, in the lower convolution layer of the Gen-
erator. Therefore, the low to medium resolution of
latent variables obtained from Style Transformer are
replaced with the outputs of Seg Encoder. The out-
put of the Style Transformer is essentially a point in
W + space with different latent variables input to each
layer. However, to achieve both editability and recon-
struction quality, HyperStyle assumes the latent vari-
ables are distributed in W space, which is considered
to have higher editability although its reconstruction
quality is lower than that of W+ space. In this paper,
we adjust the latent variable for the output of Style
Transformer to be w R
to avoid impairing ed-
Due to the nature of StyleGAN, the input latent
variables to the high-resolution layer can control the
representation of the fine parts of the image. There-
ICAART 2023 - 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Figure 7: Result of reconstructed images. The proposed method is visually equivalent to other HyperStyle methods, and the
reconstruction results are significantly better than the Style Transformer-only encoder method.
fore, when mixing the style without changing the
content, the medium to high resolution portion of
the latent variables are replaced. From Section 3.1,
the residual parameters by HyperNetworks contribute
significantly to recovering the missing content infor-
mation. In addition, the input latent variables to the
low-resolution layer can control the representation of
the rough part of the image. To mix the content while
preserving the style of the original image, the residual
parameters and the output of the Seg Encoder from
the original image are replaced with the residual pa-
rameters and the output of the Seg Encoder from an-
other image.
3.3 Loss Function
The model of Style Transformer has been trained in
advance, and the HyperStyle network is trained in the
model. The loss function of the model is the same as
that of HyperStyle (Alaluf et al., 2021), as shown in
the following formula.
(x, ˆy) + λ
(x, y, ˆy) + λ
(x, ˆy) (2)
x and y are identical in the task and both are im-
ages from the original data set. ˆy is the output of
StyleGAN with adjusted parameters. For similarity
loss, an identity-based face recognition model is of-
ten used for tasks that generate and edit face images
(Richardson et al., 2021). In our study, because the
focus is on editing background images, MoCo-based
(Tov et al., 2021) similarity loss is used.
4.1 Implementation Details
It is necessary to train the model on a dataset with
as many scenes as possible. We use the ADE20K
dataset (Zhou et al., 2017). The dataset has 20,210
training data and 2,000 validation data for background
scenes. With the dataset, we use the pre-trained Style-
GAN2 (Karras et al., 2020) Generator with 200,000
iterations and Style Transformer(Hu et al., 2022) with
100,000 iterations. Its output is an image whose reso-
lution of 256 × 256, and the same is true for both the
input and semantic segmentation images. Our method
is implemented in Pytorch. We train the models of the
method, namely HyperStyleA, B, and Seg Encoder,
for 200,000 iterations. We set λ
= 1.0, λ
= 0.8,
and λ
= 0.5 in the loss function. Ranger (Wright,
2019) is employed as the optimization approach with
a learning rate of lr = 0.0001.
4.2 Reconstruction Quality Evaluation
The reconstruction quality is evaluated using qualita-
tive and quantitative evaluation.
Background Image Editing with HyperStyle and Semantic Segmentation
Table 1: Quantitative results of background image reconstruction quality, FID, and KID scores on ADE20k (Zhou et al., 2017)
validation data.
Quality of Image Reconstruction Fidelity
method L2() LPIPS() PSNR() MS-SSIM() FID() KID(×10
Proposed method 0.06412 0.27514 18.25542 0.57358 44.97 18.370
Style Transformer+HyperStyle 0.05276 0.22515 19.11787 0.64569 47.50 19.990
pSp + HyperStyle 0.05982 0.28317 18.54680 0.59826 58.06 26.121
HyperStyle 0.05547 0.23650 18.88020 0.62725 48.10 19.907
Style Transformer 0.10120 0.45700 16.20895 0.36557 159.99 113.650
pSp 0.08000 0.36000 17.22778 0.47954 78.22 39.871
W Encoder 0.10000 0.44000 16.14369 0.36623 169.00 110.610
The evaluation of reconstruction quality shows
that the results of our method are visually compara-
ble to the approaches using HyperStyle in columns 3
to 5 in Figure 7. In particular, the proposed method
reproduces the shape of the image better than the ap-
proach using pSp as an encoder (column 5). In addi-
tion, the entire image is blurred for Style Transformer
(column 6), which is a simple encoder. The proposed
method produced the reconstruction image closer to
the original input image.
In the experiment, a quantitative evaluation is con-
ducted using the same indicators as for HyperInverter
(Dinh et al., 2022), a method similar to HyperStyle.
We evaluated the quality of image reconstruction us-
ing L2 distance, Learned Perceptual Image Patch
Similarity (LPIPS) (Zhang et al., 2018), Peak Signal
to Noise Ratio (PSNR) and multi-scale structural sim-
ilarity (MS-SSIM) (Wang et al., 2003), and the real-
ism of images using Frchet inception distance (FID)
(Heusel et al., 2017) and Kernel Inception Distance
(KID) (Bikowski et al., 2018) metrics, which are of-
ten used in GAN methods. The FID and KID metrics
measure the fidelity between real and generated im-
ages. The lower scores are for these, the closer the
generated and real images are. The results are shown
in Table 1. It compares (1) the three encoder meth-
ods, W Encoder, pSp, and Style Transformer used in
our method, and (2) the approaches that adapt Hyper-
Style to them. HyperStyle in row 6 of Table 1 is the
approach when the encoder is W Encoder. The results
show that our method is the best and more realistic
in terms of FID and KID metrics, although the recon-
struction quality is slightly inferior to other methods
using HyperStyle.
4.3 Editability Evaluation
The evaluation is based on two criteria: The result of
mixing the style only while preserving the content of
the original image (Figure 8), and the result of mixing
Figure 8: Result of style editing. It is a style-only mixing
and the content component is unchanged. The first row and
the first column are the input images. The style of the image
in each column are edited to the style of the image in the first
the content only while preserving the original image
style (Figure 9).
In Figure 8, the style is transferred from the im-
age in the first row onto the image in each column.
It can be seen that the global style of the image in
the first column has been changed and the content of
the original image has been retained. For example, as
shown in the second row, the sky has changed from
clear to cloudy. Similarly, in the third row, the sky
has changed, but the shape of the cloud remains the
same. On the other hand, Figure 9 shows that the im-
age content is that of the reference image while the
source image’s style is retained. It can be seen that
the shape of the buildings and the ground has changed
without any color change. Because these results show
that images can be edited separately for style and con-
tent, our method has high editability.
ICAART 2023 - 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Figure 9: Result of content editing. The first row and the
first column are the input images. It is a content-only mix-
ing and the image’s style is fixed. The content of the image
in each column is edited to the content of the image in the
first row.
In previous research, it was difficult to edit image
style and content separately for highly diverse do-
mains such as background images. The traditional
image editing approaches by latent variable manip-
ulation, as in pSp, also slightly change the style of the
image when trying to edit the content of the image.
Figures 8 and 9 show that our method can edit the im-
age style and content independently. The advantage
of our method is that either the style or the content
can be edited without style and content dependencies
in image editing.
Table 1 shows that other HyperStyle-based ap-
proaches without semantic segmentation tend to have
better metrics on reconstruction quality than the pro-
posed method. We assume that the reason is how
those two HyperStyles were trained. The amount
of parameter changes to modify the Generator has
increased and the number of HyperNetworks to be
trained has also increased, which may have prevented
fine-tuning of the parameters. However, the evalua-
tion by FID and KID scores shows better results than
the other methods, indicating its superiority in terms
of fidelity. These results suggest that improving the
quality of reconstructed images is an issue.
In the method, latent variables in W space were
employed for editability, however, W+ space such as
the one used by pSp is said to provide higher recon-
struction quality than it. Looking at the results in Ta-
ble 1, from W Encoder and pSp results, it certainly ap-
pears that W+ space has an advantage in reconstruc-
tion quality. However, when HyperStyle is applied,
the reconstruction quality is better with the encoder
in W space. We assume that the reason is that the
improvement in reconstruction quality in W space is
more dependent on the residual parameters related to
Generator performance than in W + space. Therefore,
W space is more appropriate for the method using Hy-
perStyle. It is assumed that the reconstruction quality
can be improved by devising factors other than latent
space, such as a GAN Inversion encoder that predicts
the correct latent variable in W space and a residual
parameter by HyperNetworks.
In this paper, the problem of poor reconstruction qual-
ity of GAN Inversion due to the diversity of back-
ground images is solved by HyperStyle, a method
to update the parameters of the Generator using Hy-
perNetworks. In addition, we can confirm that edit-
ing content, which was impossible with text, is feasi-
ble using HyperNetworks’ residual parameters. Our
method allows flexible editing of background images
with style and content separately while the quality of
reconstruction images is comparable to existing ap-
proaches, such as HyperStyle.
There are three future works.
The first is to improve content editability. Mixing
of image content could be achieved using the output
of Seg Encoder and HyperNetworks’ residual param-
eters. However, there is a limitation in editing because
an image other than the image to be edited is required.
In the future, we would like to explore methods like
SPADE (Park et al., 2019) and SEAN (Zhu et al.,
2020) that control content editing using semantic seg-
mentation masks only. We aim to realize an intuitive
method of editing background images that considers
The next step is to improve reconstruction qual-
ity. The residual parameters by HyperNetworks are
important for the purpose. We need to explore a GAN
Inversion encoder that can improve the quality of re-
construction while considering it.
Lastly, we will use text-based style control. In the
case of a text-based image editing approach such as
StyleCLIP, style control is achieved by manipulating
latent vectors. Our method would be able to do the
same by manipulating latent variables according to
the textual content. Initially, we will apply StyleCLIP
to our method.
Background Image Editing with HyperStyle and Semantic Segmentation
This work was supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant
Numbers JP21H03496, JP22K12157.
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